In case you didn't know, the Internet consumes a lot of electricity, and a lot of electricity comes with a lot of emissions. So who thinks that the Internet's emissions are 1.5% of the global CO2 emissions? Please raise your hands. Okay, no one. Who thinks it's 2.5%? And who thinks it's more than 3.5%? Yeah, most of you got it right. In fact, 3.7% of worldwide CO2 emissions come from the Internet, a number which is similar to the number we get from the entire aviation industry, and this number is expected to increase exponentially in the upcoming years due to the growing AI industry.
So the carbon footprint of the web is caused by the infrastructure, the transfer of data, and the usage of end-user devices. One of the most important factors is the page weight, which refers to the total size of a web page. And this is because bigger page weight means more resources, more requests, more infrastructure points being involved, more network usage, and eventually more power used on the end-user's devices. We can measure the page weight of a website in the network tab of our browser. Maybe I can briefly show you an example here. So if you have a website and we open our developer tools, we can switch to the network tab, clean everything first, and then right-click on the Refresh button and do an empty cast and hard reload, and hopefully after a couple of seconds, we will see down here an indication about the website resources that have just been downloaded. And yes, we can also see the page weight, which in this case is 913 kilobytes. So, the average page weight keeps increasing over time. When in 2011, we used to have an average page weight of 500 kilobytes on desktop and 200 kilobytes on mobile. Nowadays, the average page weight is 2.6 megabytes on desktop and 2.3 megabytes on mobile. And it will keep growing unless we start optimizing our websites. But how big of an impact a page weight can have on a cavern footprint? A developer called Danny Van Coten, he's the author of some famous WordPress plugins, such as MailSim for WordPress, so he estimated that reducing the size of one of his plugins by 1 kilobyte resulted in a carbon footprint reduction equivalent to cancelling five flights from Amsterdam to New York. And given this, reducing the page weight of a popular website or a popular plugin that is used across the internet seems to have some impact.
Now speaking of reducing the page weight, let us talk a bit about Core Web Vitals. In the domain of web development, delivering a good user experience is essential, yet for many years there were no clear standards of what constitutes a good user experience. This changed in 2020 when Google introduced the Core Web Vitals, a set of standardized metrics that help site owners and developers understand how visitors actually experience their websites. These metrics focus on loading performance, interactivity, and visual stability. And here it's worth mentioning that earlier this year, the metric that was used for interactivity, which used to be first-input delay, got replaced by interaction to next paint. So loading performance, the related Core Web Vital metric is called Largest Contentful Paint, or LCP. Essentially, it is a render time of the largest text block, image, or element in the user's viewport relative to when the user first navigated to our website. To provide a good user experience, our website should have an LCP render time of 2.5 seconds or less. When it comes to interactivity, the related Core Web Vital metric is currently Interaction to Next Paint, or INP, which basically observes all the interaction events throughout our page. So if, for example, you have a button that triggers a heavy task, which takes a few seconds to finish, and we give no immediate feedback to the user, besides using a lot of processing power on the end-user's device, we will also get a bad INP score. To provide a good user experience, our websites should not have any interaction that could cause the paint with a delay longer than 200 milliseconds. And when we refer to visual stability, the related Core Web Vital metric is Cumulative Layout Shift, or CLS.