Ref() vs. Reactive(): What to Choose Using Vue 3 Composition API?

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There are two approaches to add a reactive state to Vue components using the Composition API. As a result, you must choose whether to utilize reactive(), ref(), or both. I'll guide you in making the best decision.

This talk has been presented at Vue.js London 2023, check out the latest edition of this Tech Conference.


In Vue 3's composition API, you can add reactive state using either 'Ref' or 'Reactive'.

Ref can hold any type of value and requires accessing values with '.value', suitable for both primitives and objects. Reactive is used primarily for objects and does not use '.value' to access properties but can lose reactivity when destructuring or reassigning objects.

The Reactive function in Vue 3 only works on object types (like objects, arrays, or collections such as Map or Set) and the returned proxy object from Reactive does not have the same identity as the original object, which can lead to issues when destructuring or reassigning.

Vue 3 handles reactivity for primitive values through the Ref function, which wraps the primitive in an object with getters and setters to facilitate reactivity.

A recommended pattern is to group Refs inside a Reactive object, which allows for easier management of related reactive properties and ensures that updates to individual Refs trigger reactivity as expected.

Ref is generally preferred because it explicitly shows reactivity with the '.value' syntax, works with any type of value, and maintains reactivity across reassignments and function passes. It's also easier to see at a glance that a value is reactive.

While Ref and Reactive can both be used to create reactive variables, they are not completely interchangeable due to their different handling of reactivity and types of values they support. Ref is versatile with all value types, but Reactive is specifically efficient for reactive object properties.

Michael Hoffmann
Michael Hoffmann
22 min
15 May, 2023


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Video Summary and Transcription

This talk compares Rev and Reactive in Vue 3, exploring reactivity and their limitations. It discusses the use of watchers, identity issues, and migration strategies. The talk also highlights the benefits of using the Ref function for better reactivity and the recommended pattern of grouping Refs. Opinions from the Vue community are shared, with a majority preferring Ref over Reactive.

1. Introduction to Rev vs. Reactive in Vue 3

Short description:

Welcome to my talk, Rev vs. Reactive. I will explain how you can choose whether to use Rev, Reactive, or both. We will explore the basics of reactivity in Vue 3 and compare Reactive and Rev. Finally, I will discuss the opinions from the Vue community and share a recommended pattern for grouping Rev and Reactive.

Hi Vue lovers around the world. Welcome to my talk, Rev vs. Reactive. What to choose using Vue 3's composition API. My name is Michael Hoffman. I'm a senior front-end developer and freelancer from Munich, Germany. I'm focused on Vue.js and I run a weekly Vue newsletter and I'm very active on Twitter. So make sure to say hi there. Let's get started.

I love Vue 3's composition API, but it provides two approaches to adding reactive state to Vue components. You can either choose Rev or Reactive. It can be cumbersome to use .value everywhere when using Revs. On the other hand, you can easily lose reactivity when de-structuring reactive objects. So in this talk, I will explain to you how you can choose whether to use Rev, Reactive, or both of them. First, I need to explain some basics of reactivity in Vue 3. Then we take a detailed look at Reactive and Rev. We do a comparison between both of them. And in the end, there's a conclusion where I will talk about my opinion and the opinions from the Vue community. And I will show you a recommended pattern how you can group Rev and Reactive.

2. Reactivity in Vue 3

Short description:

Reactivity in Vue 3 is crucial for keeping the model and Vue in sync. JavaScript is not reactive by default, so Vue uses proxies and getter-setters to implement reactivity. The reactive function returns a reactive proxy object based on the provided object. It's similar to vue.observable in Vue 2 and creates deeply reactive state.

Let's get started with reactivity in Vue 3. What is reactivity and why does Vue need it? A reactivity system is a mechanism that automatically keeps in sync a data source, our model, with a data representation, our Vue. If the model changes, the Vue is re-rendered to reflect the changes. And this is a crucial mechanism for any web framework.

But JavaScript is not reactive per default. Let's take a look at a code example. Here we have a variable price with the value 10 and a variable quantity with the value 2. We calculate total by multiplying price and quantity. If we log total, we get 20 as expected. But what happens if we now assign a new value to price, in this example, 20? And if we now log the result, total is still 20. In a reactivity system, we would expect the total is updated each time price or quantity is changed. But JavaScript usually doesn't work like this. That's the reason why the Vue framework had to implement another mechanism to track the reading and writing of local variables.

How Vue implements reactivity? It works by intercepting the reading and writing of object properties. Vue 3 therefore uses proxies for reactive objects and getter-setters for refs. Let's take a look at the simplified code examples, which ignores a lot of edge cases and details. We have a reactive function that receives an object. Inside the function, we return a new proxy object based on the given object passed into the function as argument. The getter of the proxy object receives a target map, which stores effects, a short form for side effects, and these are functions that modify the application state. The track function is used to check whether there is a currently running effect, and then the getter returns the effect in the target map for the given key. The setter also receives the target map, the key, and the value of our effect. The trigger function looks up the subscriber effects for the property and invokes them. You don't have to understand all the details that are going on in this code example, but what you should remember is that Vue 3 uses objects to implement the reactivity. Just for your information, Vue 2 used object getter setters exclusively due to browser limitations. Let's now take a look at the reactive function. It returns a reactive proxy of the provided object. We can import reactive from the Vue package and then call the function and pass in any object like in our example, count zero. This is the equivalent of vue.observable, which was available in Vue version 2. The state created with the reactive function is deeply reactive by default. So in this example, we define a new state calling the reactive function.

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