Service Workers: How to Run a Man-in-the-middle Attack on Your Own Site for Fun and Profit

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Service workers can enhance web performance and resilience by caching assets for offline access and intercepting network requests. They enable fast page loads, reduced API calls, and improved user experience. By using service workers, developers can cache JSON responses and serve them instantly, providing a more resilient experience. Service workers can also modify API requests, acting like a man-in-the-middle attack on your own site. For example, they can intercept GET requests and change search parameters. Offline-first and network-first strategies are used to manage caching and network requests. Service workers require SSL certificates to function correctly and can be integrated gradually into existing code bases. Static site generators and CDNs can be paired with service workers for faster performance. Service workers are valuable for caching assets, providing offline access, and improving overall web performance.

From Author:

Service workers bring amazing new capabilities to the web. They make fully offline web apps possible, improve performance, and bring more resilience and stability to any site. In this talk, you'll learn how these man-in-the-middle attacks on your own site work, different approaches you can use, and how they might replace many of our current best practices.

This talk has been presented at JSNation Live 2021, check out the latest edition of this JavaScript Conference.


A service worker is a JavaScript file that your website installs into the browser, acting as an intermediary between the browser and the network. It intercepts requests and responses, allowing operations like caching assets for offline use, enhancing performance and reliability.

To install a service worker, you first check if the navigator object supports service workers. If supported, use the register method to register the service worker JavaScript file. This file is then downloaded asynchronously, and on subsequent visits, it intercepts network requests and responses.

The two basic strategies for implementing service workers are 'network first' and 'offline first'. Network first checks the network for data before using cache, while offline first checks the cache before reaching out to the network. Each strategy suits different types of assets and user experience needs.

Caching in service workers allows web applications to store assets like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and images locally in the browser. This enables faster load times and offline functionality, as assets can be retrieved from the cache instead of the network, reducing dependency on internet connectivity.

Service workers require an SSL certificate to operate, ensuring secure data transmission. However, for locally hosted sites used for testing purposes on your own machine, an SSL certificate is not necessary.

Service workers are used for caching assets for performance improvement, providing offline access to cached content, preloading critical assets, and enhancing web applications' resilience by serving fallback content when online resources are unavailable.

Unlike traditional caching, which often only caches static resources, service workers allow dynamic control over the caching process, including the ability to intercept and manage requests and responses in real-time, cache more types of content, and provide sophisticated offline functionalities.

Service workers enhance performance by intercepting network requests and serving cached assets instead of fetching them from the server. This reduces load times, saves bandwidth, and provides a smoother user experience, especially in conditions of poor connectivity.

Yes, service workers primarily handle 'GET' requests and cannot intercept 'POST', 'PUT', or 'DELETE' requests. They also require careful management of cache to avoid serving outdated content and must be updated and managed to ensure they function as intended.

Chris Ferdinandi
Chris Ferdinandi
34 min
09 Jun, 2021


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Video Transcription

1. Introduction to Service Workers

Short description:

Welcome to Service Workers. JavaScript is unreliable and easily broken. Bandwidth has increased, but the web is not faster due to larger websites. Service workers provide resilience and make sites faster.

Welcome to Service Workers, or How to Run a Man-In-the-Middle Attack on Your Own Site for Fun and Profit. We, and by we I mean web developers, have broken the web. We've built the front end around JavaScript, which is a fragile house of cards. It's unreliable and easily broken, as anyone who's ever run into a blank web page or a button that does nothing when clicked can easily attest to.

All of this JavaScript has big performance implications as well. Bandwidth has gone way up in the last five years. It's actually about three times faster on average on both mobile and desktop than it was in 2017. But because websites have gotten bigger as well and because so much of the front end is rendered in the browser with JavaScript now, the web isn't actually meaningfully faster than it was five years ago. And the problem with averages is that some countries have internet that's actually up to six times faster than five years ago, but many countries continue to struggle with desktop speeds that are slower than the average mobile speed was five years ago. Bandwidth is not evenly distributed and as is often the case, people who live in poverty tend to suffer the most.

So what I wanna talk to you about today are service workers. A newer-ish tool in our toolkit that we can use to provide more resilience in the things that we build. Service workers can make our sites faster and allow us to build websites and apps that continue to function even when things go wrong.

2. Service Workers: Strategies and Examples

Short description:

Hi, I'm Chris Ferdinandi, the Vanilla JS guy. Service workers are JavaScript files that sit between the browser and the network. They intercept requests and responses, providing a storage mechanism with a cache. They can save copies of responses and load assets from the cache if the network fails. Service workers require encryption and SSL certificates.

Hi, I'm Chris Ferdinandi, that's my face. You can find me online at I'm known on the internet as the Vanilla JS guy. I teach people JavaScript and ironically, spend a lot of my time telling people how to use less of it in the things that we build. I write a free daily newsletter and create courses and run workshops and you can find more info about all that at

Here's the agenda for today's talk. We're gonna spend a bunch of time talking about what service workers are and how they work and then we're gonna dig into some specific strategies you can use when implementing them. Finally, we'll take a look at some cool things that you can do with them. I always find that looking at specific tangible examples helps make this stick. We are going to look at code, but we only have about 18 minutes left and you can easily fill an hour-long talk with just code examples, so we're gonna stick to some pretty high-level surface examples.

So, what is a service worker? Whenever a browser accesses a website or web app that you've built, it reaches out to the network and it gets a bunch of assets back. HTML, CSS, JavaScript, images, fonts. A service worker is a JavaScript file that your website installs into the browser that sits between the browser and the network. And to do that, wherever you would normally load the rest of your JavaScript, you write a little bit of JS. You check to see that the navigator object exists and that it has the service worker property, because older browsers don't support this. And if it does, you can use the register method to register a service worker, which is just a JavaScript file. And then in the background, the browser will download that file asynchronously. And the next time a user visits your website, it will install it and activate it. And once it does, your service worker intercepts all requests that go out to the network and all responses that come back from it. And because a service worker is a JavaScript file, we can do that with a fetch event listener, just using the add event listener method. And we can do things with those requests and responses.

What makes service workers really powerful is that they have a built-in storage mechanism. They have a cache and it can hold a lot of stuff, way more than local storage or cookies can. And you can actually take those responses that come back, save copies of them in your cache. And if something goes wrong with the network, you can load assets from your locally saved cache instead of the network, or cut it out altogether if you want. A service worker is a man-in-the-middle attack on your own website, but like a good one. Now obviously there's a lot of potential for abuse with something like this. So service workers require browser encryption and SSL certificate to work. There's an exception to this made for locally hosted sites. So if you're just running it on your laptop to test it, you don't need a certificate for that.


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