But, as an extension of this, at a bigger company, familiarity means you spend less time hiring and onboarding. So if you have engineers on your team that are already familiar with React, it makes it an easy choice to pick. And so, personally, also as a React developer, when I join new companies that have used React, it makes it a much easier, the onboarding process is a lot easier. And so at Discord, this was the case for me.
Yeah, and at Mystin, we've been building out our front-end teams, and we've indexed pretty heavily into React. We have an entirely React product suite, and our onboarding times when we hire only, or people who are familiar with React, we don't only hire React developers, but when we hire people who are familiar with React, we've found that their onboarding is dramatically reduced, in a matter of a couple of days, they're able to be making impactful contributions to our codebase, just because we have pretty vanilla React apps and they're very familiar with that.
Also, because of the massive React community, most problems in React have already been solved, and there's probably some medium tutorial on the internet explaining it. React also has very good documentation. The new docs that were recently launched, they're very good, such a good resource, and they're regularly updated. Alongside the docs, there's also so much educational content on the internet in the form of YouTube videos, blog posts, courses, etc. There's also scaffolds, free and paid, and even meta frameworks like Next.js and Remix that greatly enhance the dev experience of React. These all come with sensible defaults and pre-configured settings, so this speeds up your dev process and the setup. They also provide extended functionality beyond what React comes with out of the box. For example, Next has server-side rendering, static site generation, API routes, automatic code splitting, and there's a lot of resources around building websites with those frameworks like Next and Remix. Yeah, and the documentation in Next is also fantastic. I mean, they have very thorough examples, so long as you make sure you're on the pages and not the app side of the fence. But if you stay there, everything's good. Yeah, and so along with that huge amount of resources, there's also an insane amount of open-source tooling and libraries. You could literally name anything, and there's probably an npm package that helps you build it in React. You could also probably throw out a noun and an npm package exists, too. Yeah, almost certainly. So some very well-known examples of good resources with React are Storybook, MUI, which apparently is not MUI. I know, I learned that yesterday. I've Been saying MUI my whole life. We've been saying MUI a lot. Chakra, Radix, Headless UI, TanStack. Yeah, which is its own sub-ecosystem. They've got TanStack router, TanStack table, TanStack this, TanStack that. Everything. Apollo Client, Jotai, Zestand, FrameRemotion, etc., etc.