December 7 - 11, 2023
TestJS Summit
Berlin, Germany & Online

TestJS Summit 2023

Test JavaScript. Test with JavaScript.

TestJS Summit is getting back in 2023 in hybrid format with the first in-person day streamed from the Berlin venue including hybrid networking features and interactive entertainment; and second day, as well as the numerous free workshops, streamed to the global audience online. TestJS Summit is event for QAs and software developers to get up to date with JS testing best practices, sharpen skills and get latest updates from top products core teams. Get a full ticket to participate in workshops, and network with others JS testing folks on December 7-11, 2023.

Esta edición del evento ha finalizado, las últimas actualizaciones de este JavaScript Conference están disponibles en el sitio web de la marca.
Todos pueden escribir pruebas fácilmente
21 min
Todos pueden escribir pruebas fácilmente
Playwright is a reliable end-to-end testing tool for modern web apps that provides one API, full isolation, fast execution, and supports multiple languages. It offers features like auto-weighting, retrying assertions, seamless testing of iframes and shadow DOM, test isolation, parallelism, and scalability. Playwright provides tools like VS Code extension, UiMode, and Trace Viewer for writing, debugging, and running tests. Effective tests prioritize user-facing attributes, use playwright locators and assertions, and avoid testing third-party dependencies. Playwright simplifies testing by generating tests, providing code generation and UI mode, and allows for easy running and debugging of tests. It helps in fixing failed tests and analyzing DOM changes, fixing locator mismatches, and scaling tests. Playwright is open source, free, and continuously growing.
Cobertura de código con IA
8 min
Cobertura de código con IA
Codium is a generative AI assistant for software development that offers code explanation, test generation, and collaboration features. It can generate tests for a GraphQL API in VS Code, improve code coverage, and even document tests. Codium allows analyzing specific code lines, generating tests based on existing ones, and answering code-related questions. It can also provide suggestions for code improvement, help with code refactoring, and assist with writing commit messages.
El Arte de las 'Vistas Humildes': Probando Aplicaciones React Native de Manera Inteligente
32 min
El Arte de las 'Vistas Humildes': Probando Aplicaciones React Native de Manera Inteligente
This Talk discusses the challenges of testing in React and React Native applications, particularly with regards to barcode scanning. It explores the violation of separation of concerns in React and proposes the use of the HumbleObject model to simplify testing and improve code cleanliness. The MVP model is also introduced as a way to separate UI state and logic from the component. The importance of following patterns, standardization, and teaching principles is emphasized, along with the benefits of using custom hooks to share business logic. The potential of AI tools in code refactoring is mentioned as well.
Luchando contra la inestabilidad de las pruebas con máquinas del tiempo
29 min
Luchando contra la inestabilidad de las pruebas con máquinas del tiempo
The Talk discusses the importance of learning from the past in software testing and troubleshooting test flakiness. It highlights the challenges of using memory and communication to gather information. The introduction of, a time-traveling debugger, is proposed as a solution. The benefits of using Replay Chromium for recording and debugging, as well as the features of the Replay debugger, are emphasized. The Talk also addresses the relationship between test flakiness and app flakiness, and the significance of simulating real-world scenarios in testing.
Masterclass de Pruebas de API con Postman
48 min
Masterclass de Pruebas de API con Postman
Top Content
Pooja Mistry
Pooja Mistry
En el panorama siempre en evolución del desarrollo de software, garantizar la fiabilidad y funcionalidad de las API se ha vuelto primordial. "Pruebas de API con Postman" es una masterclass completa diseñada para equipar a los participantes con los conocimientos y habilidades necesarios para sobresalir en las pruebas de API utilizando Postman, una herramienta poderosa ampliamente adoptada por profesionales en el campo. Esta masterclass profundiza en los fundamentos de las pruebas de API, avanza a técnicas de prueba avanzadas y explora la automatización, las pruebas de rendimiento y el soporte multiprotocolo, proporcionando a los asistentes una comprensión holística de las pruebas de API con Postman.
Únete a nosotros para esta masterclass para desbloquear todo el potencial de Postman para las pruebas de API, agilizar tus procesos de prueba y mejorar la calidad y fiabilidad de tu software. Ya seas un principiante o un probador experimentado, esta masterclass te equipará con las habilidades necesarias para sobresalir en las pruebas de API con Postman.
Mejores Prácticas para Escribir y Depurar Pruebas de Cypress
148 min
Mejores Prácticas para Escribir y Depurar Pruebas de Cypress
Filip Hric
Filip Hric
Probablemente conozcas la historia. Has creado un par de pruebas y, como estás utilizando Cypress, lo has hecho bastante rápido. Parece que nada te detiene, pero luego - prueba fallida. No fue la aplicación, no fue un error, la prueba fue... ¿inestable? Bueno sí. El diseño de la prueba es importante sin importar la herramienta que utilices, incluyendo Cypress. La buena noticia es que Cypress tiene un par de herramientas bajo su cinturón que pueden ayudarte. Únete a mí en mi masterclass, donde te guiaré lejos del valle de los anti-patrones hacia los campos de pruebas estables y siempre verdes. Hablaremos sobre los errores comunes al escribir tu prueba, así como depurar y revelar problemas subyacentes. Todo con el objetivo de evitar la inestabilidad y diseñar pruebas estables.
Pruebas de Componentes con Vitest
29 min
Pruebas de Componentes con Vitest
This Talk explores the challenges of choosing and learning testing frameworks, emphasizing the importance of planning, automation, and prioritizing unit testing. The VTEST framework is introduced as a fast and stable option for unit testing JavaScript and TypeScript code, with a focus on logic and mocking external dependencies. The Talk also covers testing React hooks, integration testing with TestingLibraryReact, component testing, and achieving code coverage. Best practices include performing accessibility tests, planning tests before coding, and using data test IDs for stability.
Construyendo una suite de pruebas significativa que no sea todo E2E
89 min
Construyendo una suite de pruebas significativa que no sea todo E2E
David Burns
David Burns
Todos somos enseñados a seguir la Pirámide de Pruebas pero la realidad es que construimos el Árbol de Pruebas de Navidad. En esta masterclass, David te explicará cómo desglosar proyectos y poner las pruebas donde necesitan estar. Al final de la masterclass, podrás actualizar tus proyectos para que cualquiera y todos puedan empezar a contribuir y realmente vivir según "La calidad es el trabajo de todos".
Te guiará a través de:- Pruebas de Componentes- Pruebas de API- Pruebas de Regresión Visual- Pruebas A11Y
También te explicará cómo configurar todo esto en tu pipeline de CI/CD para que puedas obtener ciclos de feedback más cortos y rápidos.
IA en Pruebas de API: Cómo Probar Más Rápido Con ChatGPT
26 min
IA en Pruebas de API: Cómo Probar Más Rápido Con ChatGPT
This Talk discusses the use of AI in API testing and provides a step-by-step strategy for incorporating artificial intelligence with chat.dpt. It emphasizes the importance of analyzing documentation and creating test cases using tools like Swagger and Cypress. The Talk also addresses the role of human involvement in testing, the balance between manual work and AI assistance, and the need for validation of AI-generated tests. Overall, AI can significantly speed up the testing process, but human analysis and vigilance are still necessary for accurate results.
Dominando Node.js Test Runner
78 min
Dominando Node.js Test Runner
Marco Ippolito
Marco Ippolito
Node.js test runner es moderno, rápido y no requiere bibliotecas adicionales, pero entenderlo y usarlo bien puede ser complicado. Aprenderás a utilizar Node.js test runner a su máximo potencial. Te mostraremos cómo se compara con otras herramientas, cómo configurarlo y cómo ejecutar tus pruebas de manera efectiva. Durante la masterclass, haremos ejercicios para ayudarte a sentirte cómodo con el filtrado, el uso de afirmaciones nativas, la ejecución de pruebas en paralelo, el uso de CLI y más. También hablaremos sobre trabajar con TypeScript, hacer informes personalizados y la cobertura de código.
Fixtures en Playwright - Pequeña Guía
6 min
Fixtures en Playwright - Pequeña Guía
Fixtures in Playwright are like small environments where you define methods and control the testing process. By creating reusable fixtures, you can make tests more readable and reusable. The fixture structure consists of a before block, the test, and an after block. Using fixtures allows you to access methods created in a page object, improving code readability and reusability.
Pruebas de Componentes con Cypress vs Biblioteca de Pruebas de React
25 min
Pruebas de Componentes con Cypress vs Biblioteca de Pruebas de React
The Talk discusses the differences between Cypress component testing and React Testing Library (RTL). It highlights the benefits of using Cypress Component Testing, such as easier handling of complex components and a more stable testing experience in CI. The comparison between SignOn and Jest focuses on low-level spying and mocking capabilities. The comparison between Cypress Intercept and Mock Service Worker (MSW) examines their network spy and mocking capabilities. The Talk also emphasizes the superior developer experience and observability provided by Cypress component testing compared to RTL.
Enfoque Integral de Rendimiento Web con Grafana y K6
21 min
Enfoque Integral de Rendimiento Web con Grafana y K6
Today's Talk focused on achieving a holistic web performance approach using Grafana and K6. The importance of complementing lab data with field data for realistic user experience testing was highlighted. The use of GrafanaFaro for collecting performance metrics and integrating with other Grafana OSS products was discussed. Detailed instructions on setting up GrafanaFaro with the QuickPizza sample application were provided. The benefits of using K6 for reproducing errors, improving testing, and demonstrating browser testing capabilities were explained.
Medir y Mejorar el Rendimiento del Frontend Utilizando la Automatización de Pruebas
22 min
Medir y Mejorar el Rendimiento del Frontend Utilizando la Automatización de Pruebas
The Talk focuses on the importance of testing and gathering information for building good applications. It highlights the use of test automation for performance monitoring and logging for performance measurement. The Talk also discusses the impact of performance on user engagement and search engine rankings. It emphasizes the use of Cypress plugins for monitoring performance metrics and setting thresholds for tests. Overall, the Talk emphasizes the value of test automation tools in providing valuable information at a low cost.
Frameworks de Pruebas, Frameworks Móviles y los Navegadores Aman a los Desarrolladores y Testers
27 min
Frameworks de Pruebas, Frameworks Móviles y los Navegadores Aman a los Desarrolladores y Testers
Today's Talk covered various topics including testing frameworks, browsers, and the challenges faced in testing complex systems. The importance of improving testing setup and productivity was highlighted, along with the principle of least surprise and the need for framework upgrades. The Talk also discussed the different browser engines and their unique features, as well as the benefits of sharing ideas and approaches within the software development community. The session concluded with insights on browser testing and the use of tools like Playwright and WebKit.
Lo que aprendí sobre la calidad del software de los 10 proyectos de Javascript más populares en Github
27 min
Lo que aprendí sobre la calidad del software de los 10 proyectos de Javascript más populares en Github
The Talk discusses the code review process and the importance of software quality. It emphasizes the need for maintainability in code and the use of guidelines tailored to the team. The Talk also highlights the significance of functional suitability and the challenges of code review. Automation and documentation are recommended to improve code reviews and ensure software quality.
Mock Service Worker 2.0
27 min
Mock Service Worker 2.0
MSW is an API mocking library that simplifies the process of intercepting requests and mocking responses. It leverages standard JavaScript APIs like the ServiceWorker API and the Fetch API. MSW has seen significant adoption, with over 90,000 projects on GitHub and 2.5 million weekly downloads on npm. The recent release of Node.js 18 has allowed for refactoring and simplification in MSW. MSW supports TypeScript and can be used for contract testing with tools like PACT I-O.
De Bueno a Excelente: Mejora las Pruebas con Cypress Contract Tests
19 min
De Bueno a Excelente: Mejora las Pruebas con Cypress Contract Tests
This Talk discusses the challenges of testing multiple services in a microservices architecture and introduces the use of Cypress and Pact to address these challenges. It explains how to use Cypress to write a contract and generate and share it with the provider. The verification process and CI workflow for the consumer and provider are also discussed. The Talk emphasizes the importance of contract testing to ensure seamless communication between microservices.
Testing Library: Todo el mundo lo usa, pero nadie lo entiende
22 min
Testing Library: Todo el mundo lo usa, pero nadie lo entiende
This Talk is about a developer's first open source contribution to the Testing Library, exploring how it works and its importance in testing. It discusses the challenges of testing in a Node environment and the use of getByRole query to find elements. The Talk also highlights the complexities of implicit roles and the need for specific attributes to filter elements. It emphasizes the importance of verifying visibility and accessibility when querying elements and the process of test clean up.
Explorando Node.js Test Runner
28 min
Explorando Node.js Test Runner
Today's Talk introduces the new Node.js test runner and its features, including filtering, sub-testing, and reporting. It also discusses executing and writing tests in Node.js, as well as the features of the Node.js testing library. The advantages of the Node.js test runner include the ability to create custom test reporters and use TypeScript. However, there are limitations such as a small ecosystem and limited libraries. Upcoming features include test planning, faster test running, and continuous evolution. The Q&A session covers topics like test runner speed, reporters, sharding, and parallelization.
Revolucionando las pruebas de JS con IA: Desenmascarando el futuro de la garantía de calidad
20 min
Revolucionando las pruebas de JS con IA: Desenmascarando el futuro de la garantía de calidad
AI testing with generative AI is revolutionizing JS testing by automating test creation and improving software test processes. Key technologies like natural language processing and neural networks, as well as quality data, play a crucial role in AI testing. The benefits of AI testing include speed, efficiency, adaptability, bug detection, and limitless potential. Generating JavaScript tests can be tailored to different tools like Selenium, and there are popular tools available for automating test automation. AI tools like Datadog, RecheckWeb, and Applitools Eyes offer powerful capabilities for anomaly detection, visual regression testing, and code list testing. The horizon for AI in testing continues to expand with evolving capabilities, and understanding AI's role in testing revolution and machine learning is crucial for practical application and continuous learning.
Zen y el Arte de Pruebas de Componentes de UI
21 min
Zen y el Arte de Pruebas de Componentes de UI
The Talk discusses the evolution of test automation from the original test automation pyramid to the testing pyramid. It explores modern approaches to UI component testing, including isolations and testing with a fake DOM. The importance of testing in a real browser and the emergence of tools like Selenium,, Puppeteer, Cypress, and PlayWrite for browser automation are highlighted. The advantages of out-of-process browser automation are explained, along with the use of Storybook and Playwright for testing components. The distinction between end-to-end testing and component testing is also mentioned.
¡No Más Pruebas Inestables!
29 min
¡No Más Pruebas Inestables!
The Talk discusses the harmful effects of flaky tests and the importance of writing deterministic tests. It provides strategies for identifying and addressing flaky tests, including using test retries and burning tasks on CI. The Talk also emphasizes the need to avoid arbitrary wait times and handle dependencies when writing end-to-end tests. It highlights the importance of running tests in CI and leveraging tools like Cypress Cloud for test replay and debugging. Additionally, it suggests mocking externals to improve determinism and prioritizing the work to address flaky tests promptly.
Pruebas Visuales: Optimiza Storybook y Gana
9 min
Pruebas Visuales: Optimiza Storybook y Gana
UI testing is hard, but Storybook and Chromatic simplify the process by allowing you to build and test your UI in isolation. Chromatic compares UI changes, detects even minor visual differences, and eliminates the need for manual testing. Loading images and simulating user workflows in Storybook ensure consistent testing. Interaction tests cover user workflows and can be used for complex components, resolving issues and creating test cases.
El Futuro es Hoy: Aprovechando la IA en las Pruebas de Software
25 min
El Futuro es Hoy: Aprovechando la IA en las Pruebas de Software
This Talk discusses integrating machine learning into software testing, exploring its use in different stages of the testing lifecycle. It highlights the importance of training data and hidden patterns in machine learning. The Talk also covers generating relevant code for test automation using machine learning, as well as the observation and outlier detection capabilities of machine learning algorithms. It emphasizes the use of machine learning in maintenance, bug management, and classifying bugs based on severity levels. The Talk concludes with the results of classification and bug management, including the use of clustering.
Monitoreo Sintético y Pruebas e2e: Dos Caras de la Misma Moneda
19 min
Monitoreo Sintético y Pruebas e2e: Dos Caras de la Misma Moneda
Carly Richmond discusses the importance of shifting left in testing and monitoring. She emphasizes the need for empathy and a common toolset in the software development process. The talk explores the use of end-to-end testing and synthetic monitoring, showcasing an example with Playwrights, GitHub Actions, and Elastic Synthetics. It also covers the configuration, setup, and integration of tests in the CI workflow. The talk concludes with the benefits of monitoring application and test state, and the importance of collaboration in issue recreation.
El Ascenso de los Robots
27 min
El Ascenso de los Robots
This Talk discusses the possibility of robots taking over based on Asimov's three laws of robotics. It explores the use of automation robots for testing, including building and controlling them. The Talk also covers implementing interfaces, conducting math game challenges, and the capabilities of automation testing. It addresses questions about responsive design, camera attachment, and the future roadmap. The affordability of the setup and the potential for future automation are also discussed, along with a rapid fire Q&A session.
Cómo probamos Storybook en sí
30 min
Cómo probamos Storybook en sí
This Talk discusses the use of TypeScript and Storybook in software development. It covers the premise of components and the complexity of testing Storybook. The setup process for Next.js and Storybook is explained, along with the testing workflow and CI integration. The Talk also touches on caching, bug reports, and the release process. Documentation management and improving test run time are discussed, as well as testing feature flags and mobile usage.
Explorando Módulos Node para Automatización de Pruebas
19 min
Explorando Módulos Node para Automatización de Pruebas
This Talk explores the process of building a test automation library using node modules, with a focus on creating the project structure, building and testing the library, and publishing and versioning the package. It discusses the inclusion of helpful features like WAIT helpers and the use of libraries like Playwright and Cypress. The importance of clear documentation, pre-release versions, and version control is emphasized, along with the need for installation instructions and contribution guidelines.
Deja de Clasificar Tu Suite de Pruebas
29 min
Deja de Clasificar Tu Suite de Pruebas
This Talk introduces Replay, a time travel enabled browser dev tool for debugging test suites. It emphasizes the importance of collaboration between product and QA teams to maintain and improve test suites. The Talk demonstrates how Replay's DevTools can be used to debug test failures and analyze test suite health. It also highlights the benefits of using Replay for reproducibility and collaborative debugging. Additionally, it discusses integrating Replay into CI and the cost considerations associated with using the tool.
Desbloqueando la Entrega Rápida - perspectiva de un cambio de DevOps a QAOps
27 min
Desbloqueando la Entrega Rápida - perspectiva de un cambio de DevOps a QAOps
QAOPS refers to maintaining software quality with a DevOps mindset, emphasizing collaboration and continuous integration and delivery. QAOps principles include shift left testing, continuous testing, and shared responsibility for software quality. Implementing QAOps involves automating tasks, promoting collaboration, and selecting the right tools. Challenges in adopting QAOps include cultural shift and skill gaps, but the benefits include higher software quality and cost savings. Establishing a quality mindset requires education and leadership support. QA Ops is a framework that requires a combination of DevOps skills, soft skills, and technical expertise.
Pruebas en Dispositivos Móviles para Aplicaciones Multiplataforma
28 min
Pruebas en Dispositivos Móviles para Aplicaciones Multiplataforma
This Talk discusses cross-platform mobile testing, including the challenges it presents and the types of devices and builds that can be used for testing. It explores manual testing, automated testing, and the use of tools like Appium and SOS Labs for running tests on real devices. The Talk also touches on PWA automation, the choice between mobile apps and PWAs, and different testing approaches and performance considerations.
¿IA generativa en tu aplicación? ¿Qué podría salir mal?
29 min
¿IA generativa en tu aplicación? ¿Qué podría salir mal?
Today's Talk discusses the application of GenreBI in apps, using Docker to make ChatGPT work on any machine, challenges with JSON responses, testing AI models, handling AI API and response issues, counting tokens and rate limits, discovering limitations and taking a reactive approach, reliability and challenges of AI APIs, and the use of GPT and AI Copilot in software development.
Hemos descansado lo suficiente, ¿qué sigue?
17 min
Hemos descansado lo suficiente, ¿qué sigue?
This Talk compares RESTful APIs, event-driven architectures, and low latency performance APIs. It discusses the limitations of RESTful APIs and the need for newer technologies like GraphQL. The Talk explores event-driven architecture using webhooks and web sockets, as well as the benefits of gRPC as a performant alternative. It also highlights the integration of gRPC with front-end development and the use of protocol buffers for improved performance. Lastly, it emphasizes the importance of considering team familiarity and infrastructure when choosing an API architecture.