#best practices

Coding is like a piece of art — in its ideal state, it should be both functional and beautiful. But how to reach that point? Whether you’d like to make your JavaScript code cleaner or just discover how seasoned developers deal with debugging or building a product, the following tutorials will show you how to include best practices in your daily routine.
Elizabet Oliveira
Elizabet Oliveira
Talk: Designing with Code in Mind
Kent C. Dodds
Kent C. Dodds
Epic React
Talk: Don't Solve Problems, Eliminate Them, AHA Programming
Adam Bradley
Adam Bradley
Talk: Improve Your Website's Speed and Efficiency with Partytown
Siddharth Kshetrapal
Siddharth Kshetrapal
Talk: Design Systems: Walking the Line Between Flexibility and Consistency
David Khourshid
David Khourshid
Talk: Using useEffect Effectively
Eliran Natan
Eliran Natan
Mentorship available
Talk: Sharing is Caring: (How) Should Micro Frontends Share State?
Rita Castro
Rita Castro
Volkswagen Digital Solutions | SDC Lisbon
Mentorship available
Talk: To Mock or Not to Mock - That's the Question, Building the Right Product and Building It Right: Extreme Programming and Atomic Design
Maurice de Beijer
Maurice de Beijer
Independent Software Consultant and Trainer
Talk: React Hooks Tips Only the Pros Know, Best Practices and Advanced TypeScript Tips for React Developers, Advanced TypeScript types for fun and reliability
Isaac Mann
Isaac Mann
Narwhal Technologies
Talk: React at Scale with Nx
Zack DeRose
Zack DeRose
Narwhal Technologies
Talk: React at Scale with Nx
Jen Luker
Jen Luker
Talk: Button vs Div: What's the Big Deal Anyway?
Sophie Au
Sophie Au
Talk: Accessibility as a First Class Citizen
Ruth Mesfun
Ruth Mesfun
Teachers Pay Teachers
Talk: Improve Your SEO
Julie Ng
Julie Ng
Talk: Fine-tuning DevOps for People over Perfection
Uri Goldshtein
Uri Goldshtein
The Guild
Talk: Everything You Need to Get Your GQL Server Production Ready
Hamza Haoui
Hamza Haoui
Talk: React in the Autonomous Robotics Industry
Mike Hartington
Mike Hartington
Talk: A New Kind of Abstraction
Matt Pocock
Matt Pocock
Talk: TypeScript and React: Secrets of a Happy Marriage
Calin Bogdan
Calin Bogdan
Talk: How to Delegate your React Dialogs
Talk: The Legendary Fountain of Truth: Componentize Your Documentation!
Andy Richardson
Andy Richardson
Talk: Forms Don't Need to Suck
Cory House
Cory House
Talk: Managing React State: 10 Years of Lessons Learned
Michael Chan
Michael Chan
React Podcast
Talk: Tame the Component Multiverse, The Worlds Most Expensive React Component and How to Stop Writing It
Thomas Findlay
Thomas Findlay
Findlay Web Tech
Talk: Best Practices and Patterns for Managing API Requests and States
Paul Everitt
Paul Everitt
Talk: React, TypeScript, and TDD
Michele Riva
Michele Riva
OramaSearch Inc.
Talk: High-performance Next.js
Mark Erikson
Mark Erikson
Talk: Debugging JS
Sylvana Santos
Sylvana Santos
Talk: Onboarding React Developers to Typescript
Luca Del Puppo
Luca Del Puppo
Talk: Zod === Typescript, but at Runtime in Your React Applications
Carolina Pascale Campos
Carolina Pascale Campos
Talk: Building a Sustainable Codebase with FP
Jonathan Wagner
Jonathan Wagner
Theodo UK
Talk: Scale Your React App without Micro-frontends
Khrystyna Landvytovych
Khrystyna Landvytovych
Talk: Don't Forget React Memo
Harshil Agrawal
Harshil Agrawal
Talk: Content Modeling for React Developers, Content Modeling 101
Ibrahim Cesar Bevilacqua
Ibrahim Cesar Bevilacqua
Talk: Lifting Privacy and Accessibility Up
Raman Lally
Raman Lally
Talk: The Apollo Cache is Your Friend, if You Get To Know It
Krzysztof Cieślak
Krzysztof Cieślak
GitHub Next, Co-creator of Copilot
Talk: Bring the Power of AI to Your Application
Samuel Pinto
Samuel Pinto
Talk: Should we have business logic in the UI?
Anuradha Kumari
Anuradha Kumari
Talk: Making Interactions Accessible to All Users
Miguel Ángel Durán
Miguel Ángel Durán
Talk: Crafting Pristine React: Best Practices for Maintainable Code
Josh Justice
Josh Justice
Talk: Designing Effective Tests With React Testing Library
Alexandra Spalato
Alexandra Spalato
Talk: AI for React Developers: Opportunities, Learning, and Innovation
Brad Westfall
Brad Westfall
Talk: Modern Approaches for Creating Extremely Fast Websites
Alice De Mauro
Alice De Mauro
Talk: Next.js 13: Data Fetching Strategies
Fahad Heylaal
Fahad Heylaal
Talk: Feature Flagging With React
Seungho Park
Seungho Park
LG Electronics
Talk: React UI Accessibility on TV - Practical Case Study in Real Production
Elliott Johnson
Elliott Johnson
Vercel, SvelteKit Maintainer
Talk: Progressive Enhancement - What It Is and Isn’t, a Practical Introduction With Svelte
Ivan Akulov
Ivan Akulov
Talk: React Performance Debugging Masterclass, React Concurrency, Explained
Senna Parsa
Senna Parsa
Talk: Improving Developer Happiness with AI
Malte Ubl
Malte Ubl
Talk: Principles for Scaling Frontend Application Development
Jaxon Repp
Jaxon Repp
Talk: Scaling Distributed Machine Learning, to the Edge & Back
Nathan Marrs
Nathan Marrs
Grafana Labs
Talk: LLMs: What They Are and How to Leverage Them?
Carly Richmond
Carly Richmond
Talk: Synthetic Monitoring and e2e Testing: 2 Sides of the Same Coin
Aaron Mitchell
Aaron Mitchell
Talk: The Hidden Cost of Open Source
Alexandra Vargas
Alexandra Vargas
Talk: LLMs: What They Are and How to Leverage Them?
Giulio Zausa
Giulio Zausa
Talk: Scaling React-Three-Fiber Applications beyond the Hello World
Cat Johnson
Cat Johnson
Khan Academy
Talk: AI and Accessibility: We Got a Lot to Talk About
Nathalia Rus
Nathalia Rus
Talk: From Theory to Practice: harnessing Typescript for successful Atomic Design implementation
Jon Jensen
Jon Jensen
Talk: You's the Platform!
Adrian Hajdin
Adrian Hajdin
JS Mastery
Talk: Master JavaScript Patterns
Hila Fish
Hila Fish
Senior DevOps Engineer
Talk: Navigating the Chaos: A Holistic Approach to Incident Management
Christian Heilmann
Christian Heilmann
Talk: 35 Years of WWW: Working as a Content Creator, Designer and Developer With the Coolest Medium Ever
Otavio Santana
Otavio Santana
OS Expert
Talk: Tactics and Strategies on Software Development: How to Reach a Successful Software
Sergey Labuts
Sergey Labuts
Focus Reactive
Talk: Critical CSS
Goran Vuksic
Goran Vuksic
Talk: The Force of Engineering: Bringing Your Own Star Wars Sidekick to Life
Una Kravets
Una Kravets
Talk: Less Cruft, More Power: Leverage the Power of the Web Platform
John Romero
John Romero
Talk: What AI Can, Can’t, and Shouldn’t Do for Games
Saravanan K Nagarajan
Saravanan K Nagarajan
Talk: The ABCs of Green Software & Sustainable IT
Lirone Glikman
Lirone Glikman
The Human Factor by LG
Talk: The Art of Influence: Empowering Developers' Team Collaboration
Thorsten Hell
Thorsten Hell
cismet GmbH
Talk: Shining Offline: The Mobile BelIS-Online Wuppertal Experience
Julius Marminge
Julius Marminge
Open Source Enthusiast
Talk: A Better Starting Point
Solange Gueiros
Solange Gueiros
Chainlink Labs
Talk: Frontend Access Control Using Digital Assets
Miraan Tabrez
Miraan Tabrez
Talk: Type-Safe App Configuration: A Powerful, Emerging Way to Accelerate Product Development