And then you have to put your game elements. Since you don't use React and don't use state management, you just put elements, you just put objects in your code, and for example, you have the first player, and you have its coordinates, and is it running or not, is it healthy or not, and then you have the enemy, for some reason it's John McLean, but Fry fighting John McLean, and you have its coordinates and the velocity, and these are the things that represent your elements, and then the Canvas, you will use the Canvas to draw from these objects.
You have to listen for controls, right, so you have the keys, and then you listen to event listeners on the window key down or key up, and once you listen to those events, you register the key. You say, okay, if the key was pressed, then I put it as true, then I put it as false, and this is the code that does that, right? You say the key code is left, then you put keys.left is pressed, and then you have in the keys object, you have the list of all the keys that are pressed.
Then you have to implement the game logic. So, the game logic is actually where the game takes place. So, for example, you say, okay, if the keys.left was pressed, then I will increase the Batman velocity X. If it's down, I'll increase the Batman velocity Y, and then you have to say, okay, to detect for edges, if the Batman.y is bigger than the screen height, then I have to put it in the screen height, and then you say, okay, if Batman and Superman are the same X, then you'll reduce Batman's lives. Otherwise, if he takes the heart, you increase his lives, and if it's smarter, you break. And this, all this is to you have to make sure that the code follows the logic of the game that you want to do.
Now, bear in mind, all of those things are happening in one frame of the game. So that brings us to the game loop. You have to run a loop using request animation frame, and you have to do with all the magic of the game inside the loop. And every animation frame, you run all the logic of the game. So, you basically update everything according to the keys that were pressed, like we saw. And then you run the actual game logic. You detect collisions, you detect edges, everything. And then in the end, when you have the updated objects, you draw them on Canvas, and then you run the next frame, and the next frame, and the next frame.
Now, we talked about drawing on Canvas, but it's not that easy. You can see here, for example, how to draw this pixel art character on the canvas. And you see that it's very, very, very, very, long to do it in code. We usually will use sprites. Sprites are, as you can see here, you have all the modes of the character in one image, compressed into one image, so you can just use the part of the image that you want according to the position and the velocity of the character.
And when you see all that, do you still want to build a game? Do you still think it's easy? Probably not so much. Luckily, we have game engines, and game engines are frameworks that encapsulate most of the things that we don't need to worry about, and they just let us focus on the graphics and the logic. That brings us to chapter 3, or the middle of efficiency. So there are a lot of JavaScript game engines. Phaser is one of the best ones, and you have Pixy.js, which is also very good. You have GDevelop, and most of them require some sort of learning or previous knowledge in order to use them. I chose to show here a framework that's called