GraphQL Performance and Monitoring

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GraphQL abstracts the downstream API calls from the frontend and all that frontend has to do is request fields in a query that are required for the rendering of the component. The frontend is not aware that a corresponding field might result in an API call or heavy computations on the backend side. This abstraction hits the performance when the GraphQL schema is not structured properly. Let's take an example to understand more:

Here's the query to get available rooms for a hotel:

hotel (id: $hotelId) { id rooms { id type name } }

The frontend doesn't know that the rooms field inside the query hotel will fire another API call even type field would be fetched from another API endpoint. These nested API calls worsen the performance if there are more rooms. We can effectively solve this structuring the schema well and using data loaders.

This talk has been presented at GraphQL Galaxy 2021, check out the latest edition of this Tech Conference.


The main features of Hotel Superhero include creating and managing bookings, generating invoices, producing various reports, and configuring room prices.

Treebo decided to use GraphQL for Hotel Superhero because it allows for a single API call to fetch all necessary data, reduces response size, eliminates boilerplate code for different front-end applications, and has a strong type system.

Ankita Masand is an Associate Architect at Treebo, working on the SaaS product Hotel Superhero.

The benefits of using GraphQL over traditional REST APIs include fewer API calls, reduced response size, a strong type system, and the ability to declaratively specify the required data, which eliminates the need for multiple round trips to the server.

Data Loader is a tool that batches multiple API requests into a single call within a frame of execution, reducing the number of calls to downstream services. It also caches responses within the same request, significantly improving performance.

Treebo handles caching in GraphQL by using Data Loaders for request-level caching, Redis or Memcached for resolver-level caching, and automatic persisted queries to leverage cache control headers.

Deferred and stream directives in GraphQL are used to defer the execution of non-critical fields and stream responses in batches, respectively. This helps in improving the perceived performance by loading essential data first and additional data later.

Treebo monitors GraphQL performance using New Relic, which provides insights into the most time-consuming queries, average response times, and detailed traces of query execution.

Designing GraphQL schemas based on domain models rather than user interfaces ensures that the schema is robust and can be used by different front-end clients. It avoids coupling the schema to a specific use case, making it more versatile and maintainable.

Hotel Superhero is a cloud-based hotel property management system developed by Treebo. It is used by various hotel chains worldwide to manage bookings, generate invoices, create reports, and configure room prices.

Ankita Masand
Ankita Masand
32 min
09 Dec, 2021


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Video Summary and Transcription
This Talk explores the performance implications of using GraphQL in a hotel property management system. It discusses optimizing GraphQL API calls, schema design, and caching using Data Loader. The use of automatic persisted queries and caching can improve performance. The impact of response size and pagination in GraphQL queries is also addressed. Additionally, the Talk emphasizes the importance of monitoring and testing queries, as well as improving perceived performance through visual feedback.
Available in Español: Rendimiento y Monitoreo de GraphQL

1. Introduction to GraphQL Performance and Monitoring

Short description:

I'll talk about GraphQL performance and monitoring. We'll understand the implications of using GraphQL by using a simple use case of a hotel property management system. Let's look at the HTTP calls that you would have to make from the front end client to render this user interface and show the list of bookings in this hotel.

Hi, everyone. My name is Ankita Masand. I'm an Associate Architect at Treebo. I work on Treebo's SaaS product called Hotel Superhero. Hotel Superhero is a cloud-based hotel property management system used by various hotel chains across the world. It provides a pool of features for creating, managing bookings, generating invoices, various reports, configuring prices of rooms in a hotel. We have been extensively using GraphQL for this application.

Today, I'll talk about GraphQL performance and monitoring. As a list of topics that we look at in this talk, performance implications of using GraphQL in the stack, designing GraphQL schemas, batching and caching at a request level using data loaders, lazily loading some fields and streaming responses in a GraphQL query using the new differ and stream directives, caching in GraphQL, and finally, monitoring GraphQL queries using New Relic. Let's get going.

We'll understand the implications of using GraphQL by using a simple use case of a hotel property management system. What you see on the screen is a representation of the Big Bank Hotel. It has three room types, room type 1, 2 and 3. 1A, 1B, 1C are the rooms for room type 1 and booking like the blank boxes indicate bookings for particular rooms. Booking 1 and booking 2 are for room number 1A. The bigger box indicates that booking extends for more number of days.

What would it take to render this UI using a front end client? So this is a view that a hotelier sees on a screen to understand and manage bookings for his hotel. Let's look at the HTTP calls that you would have to make from the front end client to render this user interface and show the list of bookings in this hotel. We'll first make parallel calls to fetch hotel data like name, location. We'll then make a call for fetching room types, rooms, bookings. And once we get a list of bookings from the downstream services, we'll make calls to fetch bills. So every booking is associated with a bill and there are also some attachments in a booking that we have to show on that user interface. So for every booking we'll fetch is corresponding bill and attachments. Every booking is done for a particular user. We'll then call the user's API to fetch more details about that user and also his preferences. This looks okay. And there are not too many calls. So this is something that we are used to. These are the API calls only when there are three bookings in a hotel. If you have seen carefully, we were fetching bill API thrice, which means there are three bookings in a hotel.

2. Performance Implications of Using GraphQL

Short description:

A hotel cannot afford a property management system for managing three bookings. We were at the early stage of building this application and it looked okay to experiment with GraphQL and see how it turns out. The GraphQL would give the response in one API call, there are no multiple round trips to the server. It is declarative in nature and the client specifies the data that it needs and hence a considerable reduction in the response size. Let's look at the GraphQL query that we are using for collectively fetching the response of all the API calls. This looks cool because we don't have to write code on the frontend side to manage when to fire particular APIs. So what are the performance implications of using GraphQL? After all the hard work we felt that the performance of the application is not improved much for bigger bookings.

A hotel cannot afford a property management system for managing three bookings. What would happen if there are hundreds of bookings in a hotel? So we'll have to make 100 API calls to fetch bills, attachments. There would be too many round trips from front end client to server. How do we solve these issues?

We were at the early stage of building this application and it looked okay to experiment with GraphQL and see how it turns out. The GraphQL would give the response in one API call, there are no multiple round trips to the server. It is declarative in nature and the client specifies the data that it needs and hence a considerable reduction in the response size. There is no repeated boilerplate code for different front end applications. And the strongest of all, it has strong type system. The pitch went really well and the front end team got a chance to experiment with GraphQL and add it to the stack.

Let's look at the GraphQL query that we are using for collectively fetching the response of all the API calls. If you see, there's a query Hotel by ID. Inside HotelbyID, we are fetching room types. For every room type we are fetching rooms. We are also fetching bookings in the same query. And inside bookings, we are fetching bill. Bill for every booking, attachments, customers. And for every customer we are fetching his preferences. Let's see how each of these queries would be resolved on the GraphQL server. For resolving HotelbyID query, we are making a call to the downstream service to fetch details of a Hotel. For resolving room types, we are making a call to fetch room types from a downstream service. And for every room type, we are fetching rooms. This is the call that we make to fetch bookings. And for every booking, we'll make call to fetch its corresponding bill, attachments, customers, and for every customer we'll make a call to fetch his preferences.

This looks cool because we don't have to write code on the frontend side to manage when to fire particular APIs. Like Bill is dependent on booking. Once we get response of bookings, then only we can fire Bill APIs. We also don't have to run maps on the frontend to map room types to rooms, rooms to bookings, bookings to Bill. GraphQL does all of that. So what are the performance implications of using GraphQL? After all the hard work we felt that the performance of the application is not improved much for bigger bookings. Bookings that extend for more number of days that have more customers.


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