Hi, now we are going to talk about modern state management with Vue Free.
Hi, I'm Vanessa. You can find me online as Vanze. I'm responsible for the front end at Cevy. I'm co-host of two different podcasts, Expect Exception, where we talk about front-end testing and Working Draft, a German podcast about web development. And roughly a year ago, in September, 2020, I can remember as I sat there watching Avenu on the Vue JS conference, finally saying, hey, Vue Free is out there, and now I want you to go with me on the journey, how I installed Vue Free and used alternative concepts to use Vue Free completely without Options API and also without VueX. I do not suggest that you should use Vue Free without Options API or replace VueX. I want to tell you that the Composition API is so powerful that we actually can use Vue without both of those tools, and it made sense for me in a state where I had a really small application which I started with Vue Free from scratch and did not have to migrate from my Vue2 application.
In the code examples I will show in the next couple of minutes, I will use the set up function and I prefer to use ref over reactive. But everything I will show now you of course can use the script setup syntactic sugar instead and you can choose to use reactive instead of ref if you prefer to.
As my components of my very small Vue Free application roughly a year ago started to grow because I had some more complex problems which needed some more complex solutions, I and therefore also this talk were mainly inspired by those three articles. Group, extract share pattern, state management with composition API, and should you use composition API as a replacement for Vuex.
Let's focus on three of the Vue's APIs for now, the options API, reactivity API, and composition API. The options API, we can think of this object structure that we know from your two single file applications, single file components, where we have our data computed, methods, watch mounted, and many more. And the reactivity API is not that different of that. We have refReactive for reactive data computed, watch, watch effect, unmounted, and many more. But the clue is that I can now import those functions directly from Vue. I don't have to use a Vue single file component or a Mixon to use those tools. I can import them in any JavaScript or TypeScript file. And then the composition API is providing us with a setup function where I can bring all the magic together and use all of those powerful tools of the Reactivity API in my Vue component.
So let's have a recap of how to write a component in Vue 2 or in Vue 3 using the options. Here I have a template with a paragraph with greeting and full name. If I scroll down to my script block, I can see here that I have a data function, which is a turning an object with greeting and hello. I have properties for first name and last name. And I have a computed property for the full name, which is returning me a first name with a spice and the last name. So this is one component with just one purpose, which is doing its job quite well. Kind of a funny side note is that I initialized this greeting here as a reactive data attribute, although I actually don't ever change it and won't need this observers on it anyway. But I was never sure where to put this constants using the options API. The problem I now want to focus on is that logical units, if the component is growing and growing, are spread over the whole script block. So what do I mean with this? I've prepared this code sandbox here, and here we can see as well we have our greeting and full name to say hello to the user.