Unit Testing Angular Applications

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Angular offers many things out of the box, including various testing-related functionalities. This presentation will demonstrate how we can build on Angular's solid unit testing fundamentals and apply certain patterns that make testing easier. Topics covered include: test doubles, testing module pattern, harnesses, "recipes" on how to test some common cases, and more!

This talk has been presented at TestJS Summit 2022, check out the latest edition of this JavaScript Conference.


Angular applications are commonly tested using Jasmine and Karma, which come bundled with Angular out-of-the-box. Jest is another popular choice and can be easily integrated with Angular for testing purposes.

The testing pyramid is a concept that describes the ideal ratio of different types of software tests. It suggests having a large number of unit tests at the base, a smaller number of integration tests in the middle, and even fewer end-to-end tests at the top.

Unit testing in Angular involves creating test suites using frameworks like Jasmine or Jest, setting up test environments with necessary modules and components, and writing tests that check the functionality of individual units like components, services, or functions.

In Angular testing, a fixture is a test environment that provides additional methods and helpers for interacting with and testing components. It allows for querying elements and managing component instances to ensure accurate test results.

Testing the rendered output is crucial because it verifies that the final HTML reflects the expected state changes. This helps catch errors like missing elements or incorrect visual representation, ensuring the UI behaves as intended.

Common mistakes in Angular unit testing include testing implementation details like private methods, over-testing trivial code, and confusing unit tests with integration tests. Focusing on the component's public behaviors and interactions is recommended.

Test doubles are used in Angular to mimic the functionality of real services or components without performing actual operations like API calls. This is useful for isolating tests to focus on the component under test, avoiding external dependencies.

Code coverage metrics help assess the extent of code tested by unit tests. However, it's important not to rely solely on coverage percentages as they might not include all aspects like HTML templates, and high coverage doesn't guarantee bug-free code.

In an Angular application, it's advisable to test business logic, core UI components, services, data handling, and any functionality involving complex interactions or critical operations. This helps ensure the application's reliability and performance.

Filip Voska
Filip Voska
24 min
03 Nov, 2022


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Video Summary and Transcription
This talk explores unit testing in Angular applications, covering topics such as testing front-end applications, specifics of testing Angular, best practices, and educational resources. It discusses the anatomy of a unit test in both Jasmine and Jest, the setup and initial tests in Angular, testing user interaction and event handlers, testing rendered output and change detection, and unit testing parent components with child components. It also highlights best practices like using test doubles, testing components with dependency injection, and considerations for unit testing. Code coverage is emphasized as a metric that doesn't guarantee bug-free code.

1. Introduction to Unit Testing Angular Applications

Short description:

Welcome to my talk about unit testing Angular applications. Writing tests for your code is crucial for ensuring it runs correctly and does what it's supposed to do. We'll explore ways to test front-end applications, specifics of testing Angular, best practices applicable to other frameworks, and what to test, what not to test, and educational resources. For front-end testing, Jasmine and Jest are popular frameworks, while Cypress, Selenium, and Playwright are used for end-to-end testing. I'll focus on Jasmine for unit testing in Angular. Integration tests blur the line between unit and end-to-end tests. Angular mainly involves testing classes and creating instances. Let's explore Angular's tooling for testing and creating instances.

Hi everyone, welcome to my talk about unit testing Angular applications. First, just a quick intro about me. My name is Filip Voska, I'm from Croatia and working at Infinium as JavaScript team lead. Throughout my years one thing that I've learned is that you really want to be writing tests for your code. Nobody writes perfect code and you want some confidence that it's running correctly, that it's doing what it's supposed to do, and that's what you use testing for.

So quickly to go over the topics, we'll take a look at what are some of the ways to test front-end applications, what are some specifics to testing Angular applications, then in third part we will take a look at some best practices which are not really necessarily related exactly to Angular but they're also concepts that you can apply in other frameworks and in the end, we will have an overview of some of the things which you should test, which you shouldn't test, and what's the next steps, what are some educational resources.

Okay, so let's first take a look at what to test. If you go online, you will probably, and you Google testing, will probably see something related to the testing pyramid and it's what describes the ratio between unit integration and end-to-end tests. So some, in, let's say, the most common version of it, people say that you should have the most amount of unit tests, then a bit less of integration tests and then even less end-to-end tests. Now, there are variations of this, where some say that you should have something like this, which is like a testing hourglass, where you should have, let's say, equal amounts of unit and end-to-end tests, but a little less integration tests. And then you will also find this sort of shape, which is some kind of vase where you can put flowers in. And yeah, those are all kind of different philosophies, and that's all a topic on its own. We won't go into details about that. We'll just take a look at what matters for Angular.

And for front-end applications, you have usually a choice between Jasmine and Jest. Those are two most popular testing frameworks. With Jasmine, you would also use Karma as a test runner. Jest is kind of all-in-one solution. And Angular ships with Jasmine and Karma out-of-the-box, but it's also quite easy to use Jest with it. Then for end-to-end, you have things like Cypress, Selenium, Playwright. And these are all ways to run an automated browser where it's an actual browser running your code and you're simulating user behavior. So, I will be focusing on Jasmine today for unit testing. I will not be covering end-to-end or integration tests.

Now, integration tests, you can really do them with any of these tools because the line between end-to-end and integration and unit tests, it's kind of blurry. It depends on what you define as a unit and how many units are involved in a test. So, what is a unit in context of Angular? Well, Angular is mostly composed of different classes and those classes can be like components, directive, pipes, modules, services, etc. And then you also have functions like regular helper functions that you might have. So, mostly we are talking about testing classes in Angular and creating instances of those classes. So, let's take a look at some of the tooling which Angular gives us that makes testing and creating those instances a bit easier. So, this is the component which we will be working on.

2. Understanding Angular Components and Unit Testing

Short description:

Angular consists of a class component with inputs and outputs for communication with parent components. We have a simple example with a button that increments a counter and emits an event to the parent. Let's explore the anatomy of a unit test in both Jasmine and Jest. It involves defining a test suite, setting up initial state, and writing individual unit tests.

It's quite simple. For those who are maybe not familiar with Angular, Angular consists of a class component that has inputs and outputs and these are the ways that the component can communicate with parent components. So, parent can pass something via input down to the child and the child can basically emit an event back to the parent using an output.

In our example we have a really simple component where you can see in the template on line 4 we rendered the amount of time that the button has been clicked and on line 6 we have a button with attached click handler that calls some method and that method is defined in the class and it just increments the counter and emits the event to the parent. So, this is one of the most basic components that you could have in Angular.

So, let's take a look at the anatomy of a unit test. And this is really the same in both Jasmine and Jest. There are some other differences between them but this is really the same and this is the same in many other languages I would say as well. So, first you would define a test suite. So, we are defining a test suite for counter component, we use describe function for that. Then we have some... We usually have before each. Before each is a piece of code which will run before each test, each individual test and here you would set up some state and some initial state. Then between lines four and six we finally have one individual unit test. It's using function it. It's a bit weird naming but it's called like that because the way you're supposed to read this is counter component, it should do something, so that's why the function is called it.

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