Hello everyone. My name is Ranaan and I'll be presenting Babylon.js, the open source 3D rendering engine.
First, a bit about me. I am a software developer at Microsoft. I am Babylon.js' Web tech lead and a core contributor since roughly 2014. I am a director responsible for Babylon's infrastructure, its build system, the WebEx our abstraction, and a few other features along the way.
But let's talk Babylon. Our goal at Babylon.js is to create the most powerful, beautiful, simple and open web rendering engine. We want to provide any developer, designer, and hobbyist all of the tools needed to create GPU-accelerated 3D experiences and games on the web, without the need to deeply understand 3D rendering while allowing experienced developers the tools to get the most out of these APIs.
So Babylon is a fully featured web rendering engine. It is written in Typescript, transpiled to JavaScript, and it is built on top of open web standards. Standards like WebGL and WebGPU for rendering, Web Audio and Video for media consumptions, and other standards like WebXR, WebRTC, WebAssembly, in general, every API that starts with web, we want to support it. Babylon is always backward-compatible, which is a guiding principle for the team when developing new features or modifying older ones. Our code, written in Babylon 3, will still work in Babylon 6, 7, or 10. The framework is roughly 10 years old and is being used in production websites throughout the web.
Apart from our core package, we offer different packages like loaders, serializers, materials, UI, and others, including all of our editors and tools. Everything is open-source and we publish them on both NPM and on our CDN. Out of the box, we have full support for WebGL 1 and 2, WebGPU. We have canvas accelerated UI, advanced material system, physics integration, WebXR abstraction, device input system, and many, many other features. You can visit our website and doc page to see a full list of the features.
Babylon has a set of powerful, powerful tools to allow you to make the best out of the engine. The first tool is the Playground. The Playground is a side by side code editor and lets you see your scene you're working right in your browser. It's based on Monaco, which is the editor used in, among other, VS Code. You can write code in either JavaScript or TypeScript, and you have full access to all of Babylon's features and published packages. The Playground allows you to save your code, share it with others, and even download your scene and host it yourself. The Playground is available at playground.babylonjs.com and is a perfect place to get you started with the engine and understand its capabilities. It includes many, many different examples.
The second tool is the Inspector. The Inspector is a debugging tool for your scene.