Redux Toolkit 2.0 aims to address ES Module Common JS Compatibility, modernize JS build output, ship new features, remove outdated APIs, and provide better TypeScript types and packaging for Redux core and React Redux. However, achieving ES Module Common JS Compatibility has proven to be difficult, leading to a blog post and discussions on the topic. The plan to ship Redux Toolkit 2.0 expanded to include other packages like Redux Thunk, Reselect, and React Redux, resulting in major versions for all. The changes in RTK 2.0 include removing object syntax in Create Slice and Create Reducer, introducing a builder callback syntax for better type safety, improving options for ConfigureStore, and removing deprecated fields and the AnyAction type in favor of UnknownAction. UMD build artifacts are no longer shipped, but feedback on their necessity is welcome.
Okay, Redux Toolkit came out in October 2019. The original Redux came out in 2015, so RTK has been out half as long as Redux has existed, and yet a lot of people still don't know about it. So we shipped 1.9 a year ago, and at the start of this year, we began working on RTK 2.0, and we had a few different goals.
One is correct ES Module Common JS Compatibility, whatever that actually means. Another is to modernize the JS build output. We can stop caring about IE 11. We had some new features we wanted to ship, we wanted to remove some outdated APIs, and we wanted to ship updated versions of the Redux core and React Redux with better TypeScript types and packaging.
Unfortunately, it turns out that ES Module Common JS Compatibility is really hard. I've spent much of my year banging my head against the wall trying to get this stuff to work, sort of think I found some settings that are correct. It's been a real pain. I ended up writing a very long blog post about how hard this has been and a lot of other library maintainers have agreed and said, yeah, yeah, we're dealing with the same thing. So, I wrote a blog post about this. It's on my site, Also, I had a couple conversations and podcasts about dealing with this as well.
So, the original plan was just ship Redux Toolkit 2.0. Also, for that matter, we had converted the Redux core to TypeScript in 2019 and never shipped it because version 4's types were still good enough, and we were worried about breaking changes. So, we were gonna ship both these together, and then I realized that our other packages needed these same changes. Redux Thunk, Reselect, React Redux. They all needed the same packaging updates, as well, and that really means major versions for everything. So, what is actually changing? We do have some breaking changes in RTK 2.0. Hopefully they're relatively minor. We've removed an object syntax that was used in Create Slice and Create Reducer. There's a builder callback syntax that provides better type safety, and it's really the same number of lines of code. We've even got a code mod to convert that over for you. We've improved some of the options for ConfigureStore, again, for better type safety. There is a few deprecated fields that we finally removed. The Redux types had an AnyAction type that was very loose, and we've replaced that with an UnknownAction type. In terms of the build process, we've stopped shipping UMD build artifacts. I can't find any reason to keep those. If you think we still need them, and you have a use case for it, please let me know.