Micro-scopes – How to Build a Modular Modern App in a Bundled World

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In this talk we will explore the great benefits of breaking a big modern app to meaningful, independent pieces – each can be built, deployed and loaded separately. We will discuss best practices and gotchas when trying to apply this microservice-like pattern to the chaotic world of the browser, and we'll see how building the right pieces guarantees a brighter future for your apps. Let's dive into Neverendering story of modern front-end architecture.

This talk has been presented at JSNation Live 2021, check out the latest edition of this JavaScript Conference.


Managing multiple entry points in Webpack can lead to complexity in orchestration and integration. Developers must ensure that the dependencies are managed properly, avoid code duplication, and maintain synchronization across different parts of the application.

Externalizing dependencies in Webpack allows developers to exclude specific libraries or modules from the output bundles. These excluded items can then be loaded separately, reducing the size of the initial bundle and improving load times by leveraging caching of shared libraries.

Bundling JavaScript code helps manage and maintain large codebases by combining multiple files into a single file. This simplifies the management of dependencies and improves load times by reducing the number of server requests needed for multiple files.

Webpack is a module bundler for JavaScript that allows developers to compile JavaScript modules. It works by entering an entry point file, parsing the dependencies, and recursively building a dependency tree. Webpack then bundles these into a single file or multiple chunks based on configuration.

Code splitting in Webpack involves defining split points in the application code, which allows Webpack to bundle the application into separate chunks rather than a single file. These chunks are then loaded dynamically as needed, improving performance by loading only the necessary code.

React's lazy loading feature, used with React.Suspense, allows components to be loaded dynamically as they are needed, rather than all at once. This can significantly improve performance by reducing the initial load time and decreasing the amount of code processed on startup.

Model federation is a feature in Webpack that allows multiple separate builds to share code dynamically. It enables applications to consume exposed modules from remote builds without duplicating code, thus allowing for more efficient code sharing across applications.

Orchestration in micro-frontends architecture is crucial for managing the integration and interaction of independently developed and deployed application parts. It ensures that each part can function cohesively as a whole, handling dependencies, versioning, and discovery smoothly.

Liad Yosef
Liad Yosef
21 min
11 Jun, 2021


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Video Summary and Transcription
This Talk discusses the importance of bundling code in the modern JavaScript world and introduces Webpack as the de facto standard for bundling modules. It explores techniques such as code splitting, multiple entry points, and controlling the build process to optimize code organization and improve performance. The Talk also delves into concepts like Universal Model Definition (UMD) and using externals in Webpack to avoid code duplication. It highlights the benefits of separating and maintaining code in an application, as well as the use of micro-frontends and monorepos for scalability and collaboration. Overall, the Talk emphasizes the significance of code separation, dependency management, and efficient bundling strategies for developing robust and modular applications.

1. Introduction to Bundling Code

Short description:

Welcome to my talk about bundling code in the modern JavaScript world. Let me start with a small story. The Hubble space telescope, launched in 1990, encountered a problem with its broken camera. Astronauts had to be trained for three years to fix it. Today, we have a much simpler solution with nano satellites that are small, cheap, and easy to replace. This illustrates the genuineness of a modular architecture.

Hi everyone, welcome to my talk, microscopes, about bundling code in the modern JavaScript world. But before we start the talk, a little bit, a small story. So this amazing image that you see right now, the Pillar of Creation, was being taken by a space telescope. And this space telescope is called Hubble. And Hubble was launched in 1990, costing 4.7 billion dollars to launch. And it was a huge project, maybe one of the biggest ones that humanity ever undertook. And it was launched, and it was amazing, and it didn't work, because something was broken. The camera was broken. So they couldn't fix it. They couldn't pull it back to Earth and fix it. So they had to train astronauts for three years to go up there and fix the camera. And today, we have a much simpler solution. So today, we're using nano satellites, nano satellites, hundreds of thousands of satellites that are going around the Earth. And they're really small. They're really cheap. It's really easy to launch each one of them. And if one of them gets broken, then we just replace it. We just decommission it, and we just replace it. And that's the genuineness of a modular architecture. Instead of sending one big thing, a monolith if you want, you send a lot of small things. And if something breaks down, you just fix them.

2. Managing Bundled JavaScript Code with Webpack

Short description:

Today, we'll talk about bundled JavaScript code and how to handle it. In the past, code bases were unmaintained and files were large and difficult to understand. We now want to write modular code, but the browser's module system is not fully ready. So we use Webpack, the de facto standard for bundling modules. Webpack creates a single bundle file that contains the entire code. It analyzes the dependencies and builds a dependency tree, bundling them into a nice package. However, Webpack bundles everything into one file by default, resulting in large bundles. To solve this, we can use code splits to bundle code only when needed.

I'm Riyad Youssef. I'm the client architect at Dooda. And today, we'll talk a little bit about bundled world above and beyond. So how do we manage, how do we handle bundled JavaScript code? The first question you probably ask yourself is why? Why do we need to bundle at all? I have my code, I have it in the files, why do I need to bundle? And for that, we have to go a little bit back in history, a little bit back to maybe the dinosaur's age, where our code bases were unmaintained. And our files looked like that. We had huge files, a lot of lines. And if we did want to break into small files, we had to put a lot of script tags inside a document, and it was really tough to maintain. It was really tough to understand what's happening there.

So today, we want to write some sort of modular code. We have modules in the browser, but it's not fully ready yet, so we just write modules in our source code, right? We have a code, a file, let's say app.jsx, and it has dependencies. So it has app-reference dependency, top, bottom, and button. Maybe they have interdependencies between themselves, and maybe those dependencies have their own dependencies, and they connect between themselves. So how do we handle that? How do we handle all of these dependency chain, all of this dependency tree? We have Webpack. Webpack is today the standard way, and with an asterisk, because there are a lot of similar tools that make it a little bit better, but Webpack is the de facto standard for bundling modules. So we're talking a little bit about Webpack today, and we're talking a bit about how to use it. So just a little bit, a primer on Webpack, Webpack creates a single file, a single bundle, containing the entire code, and it does it, if we don't tell it, we just tell it, okay, we point it to the main entry, to the index, to the main file, and we tell it where to output.

Webpack works in this way. It goes to the entry, it tries to understand from the entry what are the dependencies, and it parses them, and recursively it builds the entire dependency tree and maybe Lodash has its own dependency, and then it just collects all of the dependencies, understands the dependencies, and bundles them. Bundles them in a nice package Bundle.js. It basically serializes the dependency with a little bit of magic from the top, so it serializes them to a single file, Bundle.js, and we can then take this Bundle.js file and use it in our HTML. We can put it in a script tag, because that's something that browsers know how to handle. But we have a problem, because Webpack, unless called otherwise, it will bundle everything to one file. So you can see here a dependency graph. It's an actual dependency graph of a medium-size application, and if you bundle all of this together, you get 15 megabytes of Bundle. So that's enough to get everyone desperate. But in Webpack, we can do code splits. So we can define for Webpack. We have split points in the code, so we don't want to bundle everything into one file, but we want, from these points, to bundle to this file, and then have a dynamic chunk. So split my code and include it only when I need it. So this is the easiest way to do that.

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