The Full-stack Framework of the Future is a DSL

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With all the web framework options available in popular programming languages today, why would anyone want to create a new Domain-Specific Language (DSL) for building full-stack web apps? In this talk, we will cover our rationale for deciding to do so, why DSLs are a compelling option, their pros and cons, and what it has enabled us to build for full-stack JavaScript devs so far. Additionally, we will cover some of the ups and downs of open source devtool development from our nearly three-year journey since Y Combinator (YC)

This talk has been presented at Node Congress 2024, check out the latest edition of this JavaScript Conference.


Wasp is a relatively new full stack web app framework for React, Node.js, and Prisma. It uses a domain-specific language (DSL) to simplify web development by allowing developers to define high-level descriptions of their apps.

Vince is part of the founding team at Wasp and is responsible for developer relations.

A DSL, or domain-specific language, is a specialized programming language designed to be used in a specific domain. It allows developers to specify what they want without needing to describe how it should be done. Examples of DSLs include SQL, regex, and JSX.

Wasp leverages existing web development technologies such as React, Node.js, and Prisma. Its DSL acts as the glue that brings these technologies together in a more efficient way, allowing developers to focus on defining high-level descriptions of their apps.

Wasp offers a variety of features including full stack authentication, client routing, a standalone Express.js server, a Postgres database, cron jobs, and more. It allows for high-level definitions in its DSL, which simplifies the development process.

A DSL is beneficial for web development because it allows developers to specify what they want rather than how to implement it. This can save time and reduce complexity. DSLs are also specialized, making them more efficient for their specific domains and easier to maintain over time.

Wasp allows for high-level definitions of authentication methods in its DSL. For example, developers can specify GitHub social authentication or simple username and password login, and Wasp will handle the implementation details.

Yes, Wasp provides an experimental feature that allows you to visualize your entire app. This feature showcases the power of using a DSL by displaying the entire app structure from backend to routes and pages.

OpenSaaS is a free, open-source SaaS template that comes with features like Stripe subscriptions and AWS S3 file uploading. Mage is an AI agent that generates a full stack app prototype based on a simple prompt, leveraging the power of Wasp's DSL.

The web framework of the future might be a DSL because DSLs allow developers to specify what they want without needing to describe how it should be done. This can save time, reduce complexity, and make code easier to understand and maintain. DSLs also age well and can integrate easily with AI coding assistants.

Vince Canger
Vince Canger
21 min
04 Apr, 2024


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Video Summary and Transcription
The future of web frameworks will be a DSL, simplifying development and allowing for clear instructions for AI collaboration. DSLs like SQL and JSX have value in building better web apps. Wasp is a powerful full-stack web app framework that eliminates the need for writing backend code. It offers features like cron jobs, type safety, and email sending. Wasp also has projects like OpenSaaS and Mage that provide production-ready templates and AI-generated prototypes.

1. The Future of Web Frameworks

Short description:

Hey, everyone, my name is Vince. Today, I'm here to claim that the web framework of the future will be a DSL. Let's enlist the help of Keanu Reeves and Miki Roark to understand the difference between SQL and jQuery. SQL is a DSL, and jQuery isn't. Now, let's start with a short exercise to put things into perspective. We'll imagine building a full-stack web app and plan a to-do list app in pseudocode.

Hey, everyone, my name is Vince. I'm part of the founding team at Wasp. I'm responsible for developer relations there, and I'm here today to make the claim that the web framework of the future will be a DSL. But before we begin talking about DSLs or why you should even care about them, I'd like to enlist the help of two of my good pals here, Keanu Reeves and Miki Roark.

Now, they're going to help us figure out an important difference between SQL and jQuery. You're probably thinking, okay, that's easy. The obvious answer is that SQL is a database language, while jQuery is a front-end library. But I'm talking about something a little more specific than that. Let's look, for example, at the difference between 2006 and 2023. Keanu Reeves there, he's still looking humble, adaptable, moisturized. He's ready to take on any new role. And he's probably just about as popular as he was when he started his career. And in that sense, he's got a lot in common with SQL. On the other hand, Miki has more in common with jQuery. And that's unfortunate because it seems like both of them have their best years behind them.

You might be thinking, what the hell does this actually have to do with a presentation about DSLs and web frameworks? Well, the simple point is, is that SQL is a DSL, and jQuery isn't. We'll go deeper into this point later, but until then, just keep this comparison in the back of your mind. Because first, we're going to start with a short exercise to put some things into perspective. And it's a pretty simple exercise. We're just going to imagine we're in the planning phase of building a full-stack web app. We could use literally any app as an example, but this is basically my brain whenever I have to think about a demo app to build. So we're going to switch to a code editor and start planning out our to-do list app in some pseudocode.

2. Planning the To-Do List App

Short description:

Here's a plan. Let's define a class called to-do list. We need a title and a model called task with an ID and a description. We'll relate tasks to the user and define a user model with an ID and tasks property. We'll also define task endpoints for essential CRUD operations. For the client, we need a root component, import a React page, and name it main page.tsx.

All right, so here's a plan. And we could choose any kind of syntax we want. And I'm going to just make up some pseudocode that's similar to JavaScript or JSON or something.

So let's define a class, and we'll call it to-do list. And then let's think about what kind of things. I mean, we're planning an app here. So what kind of things do we need to take note of?

And I guess the first obvious thing is a title. We can call it to-do list app. Very imaginative. And the next thing might be, since it's a to-do list app, we need to define some database models, right? Let's define a model called task. And models usually have an ID, and we'll just make that an integer. And a to-do list task will have some kind of description, right? Like mow the lawn, do the laundry. So that'll be a string. And we want to relate these tasks to the user. So we'll put a user ID property here and relate it to a user model and their ID.

Okay. Now that we have that out of the way, let's do the user model as well. And of course, we'll also give an ID, integer, and let's just keep it simple. We'll do a property called tasks, which is an array of related tasks that they've defined. Okay. And since this is for a full stack app, we need to define some endpoints for our task, right? So we'll call that task endpoints. And yeah, this is a simple app. And so we basically need our essential CRUD endpoints. So we've got, you know, get all or fetch all. We want to create a task, and maybe we want to update a task, right? Cool. We also want to consider the client.

So we need a root component, maybe. So let's say client root. And yeah, this is a simple app. So we'll just import a React page there, and we'll just call it main page.tsx.

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