For example, we can take Burkina Faso. The price for 15 gigabyte per month, it's nearly the price of the minimum wage there. So, he should pay all his salary to consume only 15 gigabyte per month. You can see with me, for example, the Cap Verde. The minimum wage is three times the price of 15 gigabyte of internet. Togo, it's the same thing. And we can go further. For example, if we see countries like Zimbabwe or Malawi, we can see that the price, for example, in Equatorial Guinea, the price for 15 gigabyte of internet per month is three times the minimum wage. So, to pay 15 gigabyte per month, he should pay three month of salary. That's not good.
So, why I'm talking about that? I'm talking about that because in web performance, sometimes we in Europe or in the United States, we don't care about the internet that we use because it's unlimited. Okay. So, we don't care when we are doing our sites about the JavaScript that we should deliver to the client side about optimization because we don't need that. We have 5G or we have fiber optics. So, we don't need to do that. But in other parts of the world, there is some people that care about every megabyte of internet because they are paying their money for that. And when we are saying paying their money, it's not a small thing, but it's their salary. So, for example, here, someone in Zimbabwe will not consume 15 gigabyte per month. They will only consume maybe 500 megabyte or nothing. So, the way I'm talking about that is that when we are trying to work on our websites, we should think about other people, not only Europe or United States, but there is some other parts in the world that we should care about them when we are working on our websites.
Here, for example, we can see statistics about the phones used in Africa. So, you can see that Apple, for example, is not that used there. So, for example, in Zimbabwe, Nigeria, it's not even 5% or 3%. Okay. And the more usable phones are the affordable phones like Tecno, E-Tel, Xiaomi, Huawei, and affordable Samsungs. That's the majority that people are using there. So, why I'm saying that is because when you're using an iPhone or a Samsung Ultra or something like that, you don't care about the resources because these phones have a good hardware configuration. Okay. So, when you're using Google Chrome, you're using some applications. You don't care about the performance of the phone because you have good hardware.