February 15 - 16, 2024

DevOps.js Conf 2024

The JavaScript DevOps Conference

DevOps.js is an event for all the developers and architects involved in building infrastructure and setting up pipelines and deployments for JavaScript applications.

Esta edición del evento ha finalizado, las últimas actualizaciones de este JavaScript Conference están disponibles en el sitio web de la marca.
IA a demanda: IA sin servidor
163 min
IA a demanda: IA sin servidor
Top Content
Nathan Disidore
Nathan Disidore
En esta masterclass, discutimos los méritos de la arquitectura sin servidor y cómo se puede aplicar al espacio de la IA. Exploraremos opciones para construir aplicaciones RAG sin servidor para un enfoque más lambda-esque a la IA. A continuación, nos pondremos manos a la obra y construiremos una aplicación CRUD de muestra que te permite almacenar información y consultarla utilizando un LLM con Workers AI, Vectorize, D1 y Cloudflare Workers.
No sabes cómo hacer SSR
23 min
No sabes cómo hacer SSR
The Talk covers the speaker's personal journey into server-side rendering (SSR) and the evolution of web development frameworks. It explores the use of jQuery for animations in SSR, the challenges faced in integrating React with Umbraco, and the creation of a custom SSR framework. The Talk also discusses the benefits of Next.js and the use of serverless artifacts for deployment. Finally, it highlights the features of Astro, including its function per route capability.
Poner fin al dolor: Repensando CI para Monorepos Grandes
25 min
Poner fin al dolor: Repensando CI para Monorepos Grandes
Today's Talk discusses rethinking CI in monorepos, with a focus on leveraging the implicit graph of project dependencies to optimize build times and manage complexity. The use of NX Replay and NX Agents is highlighted as a way to enhance CI efficiency by caching previous computations and distributing tasks across multiple machines. Fine-grained distribution and flakiness detection are discussed as methods to improve distribution efficiency and ensure a clean setup. Enabling distribution with NX Agents simplifies the setup process, and NX Cloud offers dynamic scaling and cost reduction. Overall, the Talk explores strategies to improve the scalability and efficiency of CI pipelines in monorepos.
Despliegue Atómico para Hipsters de JavaScript
25 min
Despliegue Atómico para Hipsters de JavaScript
This Talk discusses atomic deployment for JavaScript and TypeScript, focusing on automated deployment processes, Git hooks, and using hard links to copy changes. The speaker demonstrates setting up a bare repository, configuring deployment variables, and using the post-receive hook to push changes to production. They also cover environment setup, branch configuration, and the build process. The Talk concludes with tips on real use cases, webhooks, and wrapping the deployment process.
Desmitificar la DX para funciones Lambda
30 min
Desmitificar la DX para funciones Lambda
Welcome to this session on Lambda Developer Experience. Learn about using AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) to write code in your favorite language and automatically generate CloudFormation templates. Test locally with the SAM CLI and deploy with CDK. Accelerate testing and updates with CDK flags. Use the AWS Toolkit to invoke Lambda functions, analyze logs, and generate code with Application Composer.
Versionado y Publicación de Paquetes con Nx Release
10 min
Versionado y Publicación de Paquetes con Nx Release
In this Talk, Austin Faisal introduces Nx Release and demonstrates how to improve versioning and publishing processes with it. The tool allows for a dry run to preview changes, keeps packages in sync, and generates changelogs. It also automates staging, committing, tagging, and publishing changes to the registry. Nx Release offers additional features such as independent versioning, automatic versioning with conventional commits, creating GitHub releases, customizable changelog rendering, and a programmable API.
Construyendo un sofisticado CodePipeline con CDK en una configuración de Monorepo
8 min
Construyendo un sofisticado CodePipeline con CDK en una configuración de Monorepo
Imagine starting as an AWS DevOps engineer in a small company. Your boss wants an all-in AWS approach, with CICD entirely on AWS for automated deployments. Use AWS CDK for creating a pipeline, stages, and actions. Learn how to handle multiple pipelines for different accounts and handle manual approval for staging and production environments. Discover how to trigger pipelines with EventBridge and Lambda, and create sophisticated pipelines for different scenarios.
CI/CD accesible
24 min
CI/CD accesible
Maya Min, a senior software engineer at Microsoft Industry AI, discusses the importance of accessibility testing and its relation to CIDI. WCAG provides guidelines for accessibility compliance, covering various aspects such as color contrast, navigation, and content layout. Maya explores automating accessibility testing through UI components and different testing levels. They recommend xCore and Playwright for end-to-end browser testing and integrating accessibility testing into CI/CD workflows using tools like GitLab and Azure Pipeline.
Infraestructura Declarativa: Repensando Cloud Native para JS
29 min
Infraestructura Declarativa: Repensando Cloud Native para JS
André Eriksson
André Eriksson
En esta masterclass descubriremos qué significa Infraestructura Declarativa y cómo puede funcionar en TypeScript para expresar de manera natural conceptos de sistemas distribuidos de alto nivel (como servicios backend, llamadas a API, consultas a bases de datos, mensajería Pub/Sub, almacenamiento en caché y más), a través del poder del análisis estático y la generación de código.El resultado es un proceso de DevOps completamente reinventado, con aprovisionamiento automático de infraestructura y observabilidad integrada, que se implementa directamente en tu propia nube.
Tabla de contenidos:- Introducción- Evolución del desarrollo backend, desde servidores hasta el mundo nativo de la nube actual impulsado por DevOps y GitOps- ¿Qué es Cloud Native y cómo construimos aplicaciones backend modernas? (Mostrando una arquitectura de microservicios impulsada por Express.js y Terraform)- ¿Qué es Infraestructura Declarativa? ¿Cómo se ve el espacio?- ¿Qué problemas resuelve en comparación con las prácticas tradicionales de DevOps?- ¿Cómo se relaciona con Terraform/AWS CDK para el aprovisionamiento de infraestructura?- ¿Cuáles son las desventajas?- Construyendo un backend Cloud Native con Infraestructura Declarativa
Masterclass de Frontend en la Nube Hecho Fácil - Un Taller de ReactJS + AWS
59 min
Masterclass de Frontend en la Nube Hecho Fácil - Un Taller de ReactJS + AWS
Eyal Keren
Eyal Keren
Este taller te permite aprender cómo desarrollar aplicaciones React y luego desplegarlas en la nube (o construirlas en la consola) junto con un backend completamente abstracto, sin una configuración de backend compleja, simplificando la construcción y el despliegue de aplicaciones frontend y web en la nube.
Gestión de paquetes en Monorepos
19 min
Gestión de paquetes en Monorepos
This Talk discusses pain points and effective package management in monorepos, including the use of hoisted or isolated layouts and the challenges of working with peer dependencies. It introduces the tool Bit, which addresses these issues and handles dependency management and version control. Bit enables automatic installation and management of dependencies, supports multiple versions of a peer dependency, and seamlessly updates components across different environments.
Qwik: El Enfoque Sin Hidratación para Sitios de Alto Rendimiento
20 min
Qwik: El Enfoque Sin Hidratación para Sitios de Alto Rendimiento
Builder.io is a headless visual CMS that allows drag and drop of UI components. Core Web Vitals are important for improving website performance. Hydration in frameworks affects performance and interaction with the app. Qwik offers a different approach to hydration, eliminating the need for downloading unnecessary code. Qwik's resumability feature improves performance by starting with HTML and avoiding the re-execution of code.
Envía tu interfaz de usuario más rápido con Turborepo
21 min
Envía tu interfaz de usuario más rápido con Turborepo
The Turboverse focuses on making the development process faster and more efficient. TurboPak is an incremental bundler with function-level caching, and TurboRepo is a high-performance build system with features like incremental building, remote caching, and parallel execution. TurboRepo can optimize task runners, set up monorepos, and speed up development time. vclink-repo enables seamless integration with the Vercel remote cache, and Conformance and Codoners provide static analysis and automated code reviews. TurboPak and TurboRepo offer faster CI processes and exciting advancements in web bundling.
JavaScript a Wasi Habilitado Wasm: Composición Portátil de JavaScript
21 min
JavaScript a Wasi Habilitado Wasm: Composición Portátil de JavaScript
JavaScript code is converted to low-level binaries by JavaScript engines like MV8, Chakra, and SpiderMonkey. WebAssembly allows writing code in other languages and compiling it to run on a JavaScript engine. External functions can be imported in WebAssembly using the import statement. WebAssembly can run in non-browser scenarios with additional interfaces like WASI and provides memory isolation. The Jco toolchain is an experimental tool for componentizing JavaScript code into WASM modules.
Generando TypeScript con TypeScript
8 min
Generando TypeScript con TypeScript
This talk discusses how TypeScript definitions are automatically generated for CloudFlare workers using runtime type information. The encoding and transformation of type information is explained, with runtime API types being encoded in C++ and further processed in TypeScript. The process of improving type definitions and achieving compatibility is also covered, including fixing problems with iterators and using human input to improve developer ergonomics. The talk concludes with a plan to build Types as a Service, a Cloudflare worker that dynamically generates NPM packages containing TypeScript definition files.
Construyendo y Operando un Monolito Componible Moderno
19 min
Construyendo y Operando un Monolito Componible Moderno
In this talk, Luca introduces the concept of the modern composable monolith and discusses the challenges of microservices. He emphasizes the importance of developing modular monoliths and introduces Fastify and the Platformatic Runtime as tools for this approach. The Platformatic Runtime simplifies running modular, monolithic applications, and standardizing interfaces and communication is crucial in this context. Lastly, Luca introduces Meraki as a UI-driven tool for building composable monoliths and invites developers to join their marketplace for revolutionizing the operational experience of microservices.
Seguimiento de errores de JavaScript de próximo nivel con Sentry
23 min
Seguimiento de errores de JavaScript de próximo nivel con Sentry
We're going to be talking about next level JavaScript error tracking with Sentry. Error tracking is the process of identifying, recording, and managing errors in a web application. Traditional JavaScript error tracking methods have disadvantages and lack context about the device and user. You can automate error tracking with Sentry, an open source error tracking tool that helps developers monitor and fix crashes in real time. Setting up Sentry is simple using the Sentry SDK and configuring with the DSN.
Estado de DevOps: Una historia de mejora continua
12 min
Estado de DevOps: Una historia de mejora continua
Amanda Lewis
Nathen Harvey
2 authors
This Talk discusses the story of continuous improvement in software development. It emphasizes the importance of measuring software delivery performance using metrics such as lead time, deployment frequency, change fail rate, and time to restore. Code reviews play a significant role in improving software delivery, and exploring the potential impact of AI on code reviews is recommended. Focusing on documentation and proper utilization of the cloud can improve organizational performance. Finally, a good culture, user focus, and collaborative platform team are crucial for success in software development.
Monitorización Sintética y Pruebas de Extremo a Extremo: Dos Caras de la Misma Moneda
21 min
Monitorización Sintética y Pruebas de Extremo a Extremo: Dos Caras de la Misma Moneda
The Talk discusses the relationship between synthetic monitoring and end-to-end testing, emphasizing the importance of using a common tool set and shifting monitors left as code. Challenges of collaboration and shifting left are addressed, including existing silos, cultural barriers, and different priorities. The process of converting a Playwright test into a monitor is explained, along with wrapping the test as a monitor using the Synthetics project. Running and deploying the monitor are covered, emphasizing the importance of setting parameters and environment variables correctly. The Talk concludes with the importance of monitoring, issue resolution, and collaboration across roles.
Yarn: De Diseño a Implementación
28 min
Yarn: De Diseño a Implementación
Today we'll discuss the evolution and implementation of YARN, which focuses on determinism and stability. YARN Modern was re-architected to support projects with multiple packages and embraced Monorepos. YARN 2 improved workspace implementation, codebase partitioning, and stability. Dependency resolution and linking in YARN are handled by different resolvers and fetchers. YARN has a plugin system, a constraint engine, and a redesigned website. It prioritizes compatibility, performance, testing, and contributions to other projects.
Espec-tacular - SemVer y Más Allá
22 min
Espec-tacular - SemVer y Más Allá
Welcome to DevOpsJS 2024! We'll be discussing semantics and versioning schemas, particularly semantic versioning (SEMVR). There are concerns about the flaws in SEMVR and the need to embrace change in software development. Dependency hell in the JavaScript ecosystem has been addressed through semantic versioning and new capabilities. However, there are still issues with the SEMBR spec, including absent definitions and problems with build metadata. To improve versioning, we need to address missing definitions and consider a new spec for the future.
Navegando el Caos: Un Enfoque Holístico para la Gestión de Incidentes
26 min
Navegando el Caos: Un Enfoque Holístico para la Gestión de Incidentes
This talk covers the importance of a structured process for incident management and the need for a business mindset. It outlines a five-pillar structured process and emphasizes the importance of staying calm and asking the right questions during incidents. The talk also highlights the importance of effectively identifying, categorizing, and investigating incidents, as well as prioritizing root causes and communicating incident resolutions. Additionally, it discusses the role of incident managers, proactive measures for continuous improvement, and the importance of preparation and a proactive mindset.
Guardianes de las Aplicaciones: Conquistando la Monitorización de Aplicaciones Node.JS
21 min
Guardianes de las Aplicaciones: Conquistando la Monitorización de Aplicaciones Node.JS
Monitoring and observability are important for catching bugs before they become noticeable. Examples of monitoring issues include confusion and frustration when monitoring leads to misunderstandings. Teamwork is essential for effective monitoring, automation can streamline processes and improve efficiency. Custom monitoring is necessary to prevent hazards and unnecessary alerts can hurt productivity. Challenges include relying too much on monitoring without addressing root issues and struggling with manual configuration.
Observabilidad sin servidor: Donde se encuentran los SLOs y las transformaciones
8 min
Observabilidad sin servidor: Donde se encuentran los SLOs y las transformaciones
This Talk provides an introduction to Serverless Observability and SLOs, explaining the concept of SLOs and their dependency on transforms. It highlights the codependency between SLOs, SLAs, and SLIs and discusses the importance of well-defined SLOs. The Talk also demonstrates how to create and monitor SLOs and alert rules, emphasizing the benefits of burn rate alerting in reducing alert fatigue and improving user experience.
Spinnaker como una Solución de Entrega Continua para Aplicaciones JavaScript
10 min
Spinnaker como una Solución de Entrega Continua para Aplicaciones JavaScript
Jamal Sinclair-O'Garro introduces himself as a senior software engineer at Netflix with experience in algorithmic and electronic trading. Spinnaker is a multi-platform continuous delivery platform used by companies like Grubhub, Airbnb, Google, Netflix, Chime, Box, and Target. It provides infrastructure management and deployment through pipelines, allowing gradual rollouts and canary analysis to ensure safe changes. Spinnaker improves velocity and is recommended for streamlining JavaScript applications across different providers.