April 14 - 17, 2023
Node Congress
Berlin & Online

Node Congress 2023

Master Fullstack: JS Backends, DevOps, Architecture

A two-day conference on all things Node.js, DevOps, Edge-native workers (Cloudflare & others), Serverless, Deno & other JavaScript backend runtimes, gathering Back-end and Full-stack engineers across the globe in-person in Berlin and in the cloud.

This edition of the event has finished, the latest updates of this JavaScript Conference are available on the Brand Website.
Node Monorepos with Nx
160 min
Node Monorepos with Nx
Top Content
Isaac Mann
Isaac Mann
Multiple apis and multiple teams all in the same repository can cause a lot of headaches, but Nx has you covered. Learn to share code, maintain configuration files and coordinate changes in a monorepo that can scale as large as your organisation does. Nx allows you to bring structure to a repository with hundreds of contributors and eliminates the CI slowdowns that typically occur as the codebase grows.
Table of contents:- Lab 1 - Generate an empty workspace- Lab 2 - Generate a node api- Lab 3 - Executors- Lab 4 - Migrations- Lab 5 - Generate an auth library- Lab 6 - Generate a database library- Lab 7 - Add a node cli- Lab 8 - Module boundaries- Lab 9 - Plugins and Generators - Intro- Lab 10 - Plugins and Generators - Modifying files- Lab 11 - Setting up CI- Lab 12 - Distributed caching
Node.js Masterclass
109 min
Node.js Masterclass
Top Content
Matteo Collina
Matteo Collina
Have you ever struggled with designing and structuring your Node.js applications? Building applications that are well organised, testable and extendable is not always easy. It can often turn out to be a lot more complicated than you expect it to be. In this live event Matteo will show you how he builds Node.js applications from scratch. You’ll learn how he approaches application design, and the philosophies that he applies to create modular, maintainable and effective applications.

Level: intermediate
Decomposing Monolith NestJS API into GRPC Microservices
119 min
Decomposing Monolith NestJS API into GRPC Microservices
Alex Korzhikov
Alex Korzhikov
The workshop focuses on concepts, algorithms, and practices to decompose a monolithic application into GRPC microservices. It overviews architecture principles, design patterns, and technologies used to build microservices. It covers the theory of the GRPC framework and protocol buffers mechanism, as well as techniques and specifics of building isolated TypeScript services in the Node.js stack. The workshop includes a live use case demo of decomposing an API application into a set of microservices. It fits the best architects, tech leads, and developers who want to learn microservices patterns.
Level: AdvancedPatterns: DDD, MicroservicesTechnologies: GRPC, Protocol Buffers, Node.js, TypeScript, NestJS, Express.js, PostgreSQL, TurborepoExample structure: monorepo configuration, packages configuration, common utilities, demo servicePractical exercise: refactor monolith app
0 to Auth in an Hour Using NodeJS SDK
63 min
0 to Auth in an Hour Using NodeJS SDK
Asaf Shen
Asaf Shen
Passwordless authentication may seem complex, but it is simple to add it to any app using the right tool.
We will enhance a full-stack JS application (Node.JS backend + React frontend) to authenticate users with OAuth (social login) and One Time Passwords (email), including:- User authentication - Managing user interactions, returning session / refresh JWTs- Session management and validation - Storing the session for subsequent client requests, validating / refreshing sessions
At the end of the workshop, we will also touch on another approach to code authentication using frontend Descope Flows (drag-and-drop workflows), while keeping only session validation in the backend. With this, we will also show how easy it is to enable biometrics and other passwordless authentication methods.
Table of contents- A quick intro to core authentication concepts- Coding- Why passwordless matters
Prerequisites- IDE for your choice- Node 18 or higher
JavaScript-based full-text search with Orama everywhere
49 min
JavaScript-based full-text search with Orama everywhere
Michele Riva
Michele Riva
In this workshop, we will see how to adopt Orama, a powerful full-text search engine written entirely in JavaScript, to make search available wherever JavaScript runs. We will learn when, how, and why deploying it on a serverless function could be a great idea, and when it would be better to keep it directly on the browser. Forget APIs, complex configurations, etc: Orama will make it easy to integrate search on projects of any scale.
Decoupling in Practice
102 min
Decoupling in Practice
Chad Carlson
Chad Carlson
Deploying decoupled and microservice applications isn't just a problem to be solved on migration day. Moving forward with these architectures depends completely on what your team's workflow experience will look like day-to-day post-migration.
The hardest part of this can often be the number of vendors involved. Some targets are best suited for specific frontend frameworks, while others are more so for CMSs and custom APIs. Unfortunately their assumptions, workflows, APIs, and notions of security can be quite different. While there are certain advantages to relying on a strict contract between apps – where backend and frontend teams work is limited to a single vendor – this isn't always realistic. This could be because you're still experimenting, or simply the size of your organization doesn't allow for this kind of specialization just yet.
In this workshop, you'll have a chance to explore a different, single vendor approach to microservices using Strapi and Next.js as an example. You'll deploy each app individually, establishing a workflow from the start that simplifies customization, introducing new features, investigating performance issues, and even framework interchangeability from the start.
Structure:- Getting started- Overview of Strapi- Overview of Platform.sh workflow- Deploying the project- Switching services- Adding the frontend
Prerequisites:- A Platform.sh trial account created- The Platform.sh CLI installed
Scaling up Your Database With ReadySet
33 min
Scaling up Your Database With ReadySet
Aspen Smith
Nick Marino
2 authors
The database can be one of the hardest parts of a web app to scale. Many projects end up using ad-hoc caching systems that are complex, error-prone, and expensive to build. What if you could drop in a ready-built caching system to enable better throughput and latency with no code changes to your application?
Join developers Aspen Smith and Nick Marino to see how you can change one line of config in your app and use ReadySet to scale up your query performance by orders of magnitude today.
Node.js: Landing your first Open Source contribution & how the Node.js project works
85 min
Node.js: Landing your first Open Source contribution & how the Node.js project works
 Claudio Wunder
Claudio Wunder
This workshop aims to give you an introductory module on the general aspects of Open Source. Follow Claudio Wunder from the OpenJS Foundation to guide you on how the governance model of Node.js work, how high-level decisions are made, and how to land your very first contribution. At the end of the workshop, you'll have a general understanding of all the kinds of work that the Node.js project does (From Bug triage to deciding the Next-10 years of Node.js) and how you can be part of the bigger picture of the JavaScript ecosystem.

The following technologies and soft skills might be needed):
  - Basic understanding of Git & GitHub interface
  - Professional/Intermediate English knowledge for communication and for allowing you to contribute to the Node.js org (As all contributions require communication within GitHub Issues/PRs)
  - The workshop requires you to have a computer (Otherwise, it becomes difficult to collaborate, but tablets are also OK) with an IDE setup, and we recommend VS Code and we recommend the GitHub Pull Requests & Issues Extension for collaborating with Issues and Pull Requests straight from the IDE.

The following themes will be covered during the workshop:
- A recap of some of GitHub UI features, such as GitHub projects and GitHub Issues
- We will cover the basics of Open Source and go through Open Source Guide
- We will recap Markdown
- We will cover Open Source governance and how the Node.js project works and talk about the OpenJS Foundation
  - Including all the ways one might contribute to the Node.js project and how their contributions can be valued
- During this Workshop, we will cover Issues from the nodejs/nodejs.dev as most of them are entry-level and do not require C++ or deep technical knowledge of Node.js.
  - Having that said, we still recommend enthusiast attendees that want to challenge themselves to "Good First Issues" from the nodejs/node (core repository) if they wish.
  - We're going to allow each attendee to choose an issue or to sit together with other attendees and tackle issues together with Pair Programming through VS Code Live Share feature
    - We can also do Zoom breakrooms for people that want to collaborate together
  - Claudio will be there to give support to all attendees and, of course, answer any questions regarding Issues and technical challenges they might face
  - The technologies used within nodejs/nodejs.dev are React/JSX, Markdown, MDX and Gatsby. (No need any knowledge of Gatsby, as most of the issues are platform agnostic)
- By the end of the Workshop, we'll collect all (make a list) the contributors who successfully opened a Pull Request (even if it's a draft) and recognise their participation on Social media.
Couchbase Capella Workshop
Recording pending
Couchbase Capella Workshop
Michael Hirschberg
Michael Hirschberg
Are you looking for a DBaaS you don’t have to battle with? If so, join us at our Couchbase Capella™ workshop. Capella is our fully managed DBaaS – combining the best of relational and noSQL databases. Designed to reduce costs and admin overhead. The workshop is giving you the full rundown of the kinds of things you can accomplish with Capella.
Workshop table of content:- Couchbase overview and architecture- Couchbase Capella overview- Data access: SQL for JSON, full text search- Lab 1: SQL query, FTS query- Break- Lab 2: SDKs, API, Couchbase live playground- Advanced topics, Q&A
Pre-req: laptop with internet connectivity.