March 9 - 10, 2023

TechLead Conference 2023
Evento sobre liderazgo y senioridad
The conference is about leadership and seniority in teams. 20 engineers, managers and HR from leading companies will give talks on topics as careers and soft skills. We'll discuss how to become more senior and get more influence in the company, get a promotion and achieve what you want in your career.
Esta edición del evento ha finalizado, las últimas actualizaciones de este Tech Conference están disponibles en el sitio web de la marca.
Esta edición del evento ha finalizado, las últimas actualizaciones de este Tech Conference están disponibles en el sitio web de la marca.
Sobre convertirse en un Tech Lead
25 min
Sobre convertirse en un Tech Lead
Top Content
The role of a Tech Lead involves shaping the roadmap, helping the team be more effective, and working on important projects. Lessons learned include encouraging idea sharing, avoiding taking on all the work, and focusing on delegation. Tech Leads focus on the outcome, involve the team in decision-making, and make plans based on how different pieces will interact. The role of a Tech Lead is to focus on engineering and guide the team in figuring out how the whole system should fit together. Architecting can become problematic when it loses touch with the coding part, resulting in implementation issues.
Un Marco para Gestionar la Deuda Técnica
35 min
Un Marco para Gestionar la Deuda Técnica
Top Content
Today's Talk discusses the importance of managing technical debt through refactoring practices, prioritization, and planning. Successful refactoring requires establishing guidelines, maintaining an inventory, and implementing a process. Celebrating success and ensuring resilience are key to building a strong refactoring culture. Visibility, support, and transparent communication are crucial for addressing technical debt effectively. The team's responsibilities, operating style, and availability should be transparent to product managers.
Comunicación Efectiva para Ingenieros
36 min
Comunicación Efectiva para Ingenieros
Top Content
Today's Talk covers the four building blocks of communication: people, message, context, and effective listening. It emphasizes the importance of considering the perspective of others and tailoring messages to the recipient. The Talk discusses different types and channels of communication, and the need to align them with the intended message. It also highlights the significance of soft skills in communication and provides techniques for effective communication and assessing soft skills in tech interviews. Cross-cultural communication and the impact of bluntness are explored as well.
Desarrollo impulsado por el síndrome del impostor
31 min
Desarrollo impulsado por el síndrome del impostor

Imposter syndrome is a common experience that can lead to self-doubt and feeling like a fraud. The speaker shares their personal journey with imposter syndrome in school and throughout their career in software development. They discuss the challenges and doubts they faced, as well as the strategies they used to overcome imposter syndrome. The importance of support from managers, celebrating achievements, and sharing experiences to help others are highlighted. The talk emphasizes the need to embrace imposter syndrome and use it as a motivator for personal growth.
Por qué Leetcode está obsoleto y la programación en pareja para las entrevistas es el camino a seguir
32 min
Por qué Leetcode está obsoleto y la programación en pareja para las entrevistas es el camino a seguir

The Talk discusses the problems with online coding tests and the benefits of pair programming interviews. It emphasizes the importance of hiring and growth, including creating a positive interview experience and considering the cost of hiring. The job of a software developer extends beyond coding and requires multiple skill sets. Pair programming provides a more accurate assessment of skills required for software development. The Talk also covers implementing a tennis scoring system and customizing pair programming interviews for different roles and levels.
Una Guía Rápida y Completa para Medir tu Deuda Técnica y Utilizar los Resultados
27 min
Una Guía Rápida y Completa para Medir tu Deuda Técnica y Utilizar los Resultados

This Talk discusses the measurement and interpretation of tech lead, focusing on tech debt. Tech debt is a tool to temporarily speed up development but can have negative consequences if not managed properly. Various tech debt metrics, including heuristic metrics and second-tier metrics, can help identify and manage tech debt. Tech debt interest is crucial for measuring the impact of tech debt and allows for prioritization. It is important to collect and analyze tech debt metrics to ensure software and team health.
Propósito: Lo que aprendí al renunciar como líder de equipo dos veces
8 min
Propósito: Lo que aprendí al renunciar como líder de equipo dos veces

The Talk discusses the importance of finding purpose and learning from past experiences in software development. It emphasizes the need to test different areas and reflect on experiences to find direction. Understanding one's purpose and the value it brings is crucial. Mistakes are seen as valuable insights for improvement.
La Teoría del Juego en la Toma de Decisiones de Software
18 min
La Teoría del Juego en la Toma de Decisiones de Software

Today's talk is about the Game Theory of Software Decisions, exploring how game theory can be applied to software development. The speaker shares tips on creating a productive team environment and effective decision-making. They emphasize the importance of letting go of unimportant things and focusing on what's best for the project. The talk also discusses handling coding dilemmas and decision-making, suggesting strategies such as defining KPIs and consulting a neutral jury. The speaker concludes by emphasizing the importance of staying rational, bringing data, and maintaining professionalism in software development.
¿Realmente tienes que convertirte en un gerente para avanzar en tu carrera?
20 min
¿Realmente tienes que convertirte en un gerente para avanzar en tu carrera?

The Talk discusses the misconception that software career is a linear progression and shares a story of a software engineer turned engineering manager who wasn't happy. It explores the complexity of describing personality types in software engineering and the importance of considering talents, job meaning, and skill development when making career decisions. The Talk also emphasizes the significance of finding meaning in one's job, job crafting, and exploring different career paths. It concludes with the idea of challenging assumptions, assessing talents, and introspection for effective job crafting.
Negocia como si tu vida dependiera de ello
22 min
Negocia como si tu vida dependiera de ello

The Talk discusses the importance of negotiation, particularly in relation to the gender pay gap and gender parity. It emphasizes the need to address global reasons for negotiation and the impact of inflation and the cost of living. The Talk also highlights the values to consider when negotiating and provides tips on preparing for negotiation, making offers, and discussing perks. Recommended reading and references on negotiation are also provided.
La Trampa de la Reescritura
22 min
La Trampa de la Reescritura

The Talk discusses the 'rewrite trap' in software development, where the urge to start from scratch often leads to poor outcomes. It emphasizes the importance of understanding the existing project before making big technical decisions and the benefits of gradual improvement. The Talk also highlights the challenges and pitfalls of a complete rewrite, such as false sense of productivity, problems with edge cases, and the accumulation of tech debt. It stresses the need to understand the system and its influences, cater to the needs of stakeholders outside of engineering, and focus on creating value.
Cómo conseguir un mentor sin decírselo
21 min
Cómo conseguir un mentor sin decírselo

This Talk explores the topic of mentorship, focusing on how to get a mentor without explicitly asking. It discusses the qualities of a good mentor and the importance of being a good mentee. The benefits of mentorship include personal growth, career advancement, and fostering a collaborative work culture. Strategies for finding mentors and mentees are provided, along with tips for navigating mentorship conversations. Overall, mentorship is seen as a powerful tool for learning, growth, and mutual support in the field of software engineering.
Cómo superar el síndrome del impostor
17 min
Cómo superar el síndrome del impostor

If you're a human being, chances are you felt like an imposter at some point in your life. One of the biggest risks we have to deal with in our day-to-day life is failure. Acknowledge your feelings of self-doubt and be specific about why you're feeling this way. Embrace self-compassion and vulnerability to overcome imposter syndrome. Take action by reminding yourself of your qualifications, seeking help from colleagues, and setting realistic goals. Embrace vulnerability, build confidence, and create a safe environment for your team.
Lo que los líderes de ingeniería deben saber sobre DevRel (pero estaban demasiado ocupados para preguntar)
21 min
Lo que los líderes de ingeniería deben saber sobre DevRel (pero estaban demasiado ocupados para preguntar)

DevRel is about understanding the audience and collaborating with different departments. Dev Advocates bridge gaps between engineering and marketing, provide feedback, and stay updated on industry trends. DevRel helps raise team profiles, assists with editing and getting on podcasts, and aims to make engineers successful. Collaboration is key in DevRel.
El poder de los pares
21 min
El poder de los pares

Pair programming is a collaborative software development technique where two developers work together at one workstation. It offers benefits such as easier code maintenance, faster code reviews, and reduced likelihood of bugs. Implementing pair programming involves finding compatible partners, setting goals, and establishing clear communication protocols. To address challenges, provide training and support, involve team members in decision-making, and carefully select partners. Pair programming can help achieve goals like collaboration, knowledge growth, code stability, and maintenance.
Procesos para los que evitan los procesos
21 min
Procesos para los que evitan los procesos

This Talk discusses the foundation, formation, and iteration of process, emphasizing the benefits and building trust. It highlights the importance of optimizing processes, using life cycles and meetings to streamline workflow and avoid mistakes. Exposing work through demos and documentation fosters collaboration and provides more exposure opportunities. The Talk also emphasizes concise communication, tailoring processes to individual team members, and addressing challenges through effective communication. Automation is recommended to save time and streamline workflow, while maintaining a balance with personal interactions.
¿Por qué escalar de abajo hacia arriba? Cómo las interacciones de los equipos deben afectar la estructura organizativa
17 min
¿Por qué escalar de abajo hacia arriba? Cómo las interacciones de los equipos deben afectar la estructura organizativa

The Talk discusses the importance of organizational layout and Teams interactions in software development. It explores the challenges of organizational shards and the need for problem thinking to optimize team communication. The concepts of loose coupling, high cohesion, and clear domains of responsibility are explained. The Talk also emphasizes the three essential team interaction modes: working closely together, X as a service, and facilitation. Furthermore, it highlights the significance of understanding domains, boundaries, and domain-driven design for efficient work and fast delivery.