Vue is an open-source JavaScript framework for creating user interfaces and single-page applications. It was created by Evan You in 2014 and has quickly become one of the most popular frameworks for web development. Vue allows developers to create dynamic, reactive user interfaces using a component-based structure. It provides a number of features such as data binding, components, routing, state management, and server-side rendering. Vue can be used to develop both large and small applications, making it an ideal choice for any project.
Samuel Snopko
Samuel Snopko
Talk: Fast & Furious - Going headless with Nuxt.js!
Evan You
Evan You
Vue.js & Vite Creator
Talk: 10 Years of Independent OSS: A Retrospective, 10 Years of Vue: the Past and the Future, Vue: Feature Updates, One Year Into Vue 3
Natalia Tepluhina
Natalia Tepluhina
Talk: Local State and Server Cache: Finding a Balance, Composition API: a Quick overVue
Mikhail Kuznetsov
Mikhail Kuznetsov
BGB Group
Talk: Vue3: Modern Frontend App Development
Zan Markan
Zan Markan
Talk: CI/CD Success for Vue Developers
Mike Hartington
Mike Hartington
Talk: A New Kind of Abstraction, Building for Web and Native with Ionic & Vue
Nikola Begedin
Nikola Begedin
Talk: Migrating a 1000 Class Components App to Vue 3
Eduardo San Martin Morote
Eduardo San Martin Morote
Vue.js Core Team
Talk: Everything Beyond State Management in Stores with Pinia, Data Loaders - Elevating Data Fetching in Vue, Building Pinia From Scratch, Panel discussion: State Management
Ben Hong
Ben Hong
Talk: Options API vs Composition API: Choosing the Right Approach for Your Team
Anthony Fu
Anthony Fu
Talk: ESLint One for All Made Easy, New Ways to Vue
Maya Shavin
Maya Shavin
Talk: Vuex? No, it’s X(state)Vue for UI
Callum Macrae
Callum Macrae
Author of Vue.js: Up and Running
Talk: Animation and Vue.js
Alexandre Chopin
Alexandre Chopin
Talk: Welcome to Nuxt 3
John Leider
John Leider
Talk: Vuetify 3: Titan
Filip Rakowski
Filip Rakowski
Vue Storefront
Talk: How to Measure Performance Effectively?
Alex Kyriakidis
Alex Kyriakidis
Vue School
Talk: How Vite Changes the Game for Vue and Web Developers
Kia King Ishii
Kia King Ishii
Global Brain
Talk: Panel discussion: State Management
Daniel Kelly
Daniel Kelly
Vue School
Talk: Patterns for Large Scale Vue.js Applications
Vanessa Otto
Vanessa Otto
Zavvy GmbH
Talk: Panel discussion: State Management
Marc Backes
Marc Backes
Talk: Building the Vue 3 VDOM on Stage, Taking Vue.js to the Backend
Jonathan Bakebwa
Jonathan Bakebwa
Talk: Code at the Speed of Design in Chakra UI Vue
Konstantin BIFERT
Konstantin BIFERT
Talk: Understand the hard parts of Nuxt
Domagoj Vidovic
Domagoj Vidovic
Tech Wizzdom
Talk: Structuring A Massive Vuex Store
Abdelrahman Awad
Abdelrahman Awad
Talk: Building Vue forms with VeeValidate, Progressive Form Validation in Vue.js
Evyatar Alush
Evyatar Alush
Talk: Vue Form Validations with Vest
Alba Silvente Fuentes
Alba Silvente Fuentes
Talk: Let SEO be with You in Your Nuxt App
Daniel Roe
Daniel Roe
Talk: Building a Better Hammer - The Story of Nuxt 4, Making Magic: Building a TypeScript-First Framework, Building for the Edge - Crafting a Next-Gen Framework, Using Nitro – Building an App with the Latest Nuxt Rendering Engine
Nick Teets
Nick Teets
Talk: How Developers Can Use Automated App Security Testing To Protect Vue Apps
Adam Jahr
Adam Jahr
Vue Mastery
Talk: Migrating to Vue 3
Simon Zhong
Simon Zhong
Talk: Identify Issues and Prevent Slowdowns in your Vue.JS Apps
Joe Lenton
Joe Lenton
Talk: Utilising Rust from Vue with WebAssembly
Jakub Andrzejewski
Jakub Andrzejewski
Vue Storefront
Talk: Vue Storefront + Vendure = Fullstack Open Source Ecommerce
Michael Hoffmann
Michael Hoffmann
Talk: Ref() vs. Reactive(): What to Choose Using Vue 3 Composition API?
Gavin Ray
Gavin Ray
Talk: Building full-stack GraphQL applications with Hasura and Vue 3
Abhijeet Prasad
Abhijeet Prasad
Talk: A Different Vue into Web Performance
Ramona Schwering
Ramona Schwering
Auth0 by Okta
Talk: Who Are Vue? Authn In Vue, The Important Parts
Michael Thiessen
Michael Thiessen
Full-time Vue Educator
Talk: 6 Levels of Reusability, Component Design Patterns
Sebastien Chopin
Sebastien Chopin
Talk: Nuxt on the Edge
Justin Schroeder
Justin Schroeder
Talk: Scalable Forms in Vue
Jessica Sachs
Jessica Sachs
Talk: Building Backwards Compatible Vue Libraries
Tim Benniks
Tim Benniks
Talk: Alive and Kicking - A Vue Into Rock & Roll
Juan Andrés Núñez Charro
Juan Andrés Núñez Charro
Talk: Learn To Use Composables: The Swiss Army Knife Of Vue Developers, The Swiss Army Knife of Every Vue Developer
Alvaro Saburido
Alvaro Saburido
Talk: TresJS, a declarative way of creating 3D scenes from Vue components, Bring the Magic of 3D to Your Vue Applications With TresJS, What's Hot On Tresjs V4, Mastering 3D Web Development with TresJS ecosystem: A Vue.js Workshop, TresJS create 3D experiences declaratively with Vue Components
Simone Cuomo
Simone Cuomo
This Dot Labs
Mentorship available
Talk: Let’s Make Our Single Page Application Accessible
Aleksandar Gekov
Aleksandar Gekov
Axion BioSystems
Talk: Prefetch Strategies to Boost the Performance of Your Vue.JS App
Erik Hanchett
Erik Hanchett
Talk: Creating My First Open Source Vue 3 Library
Abdulrasaq Mustapha
Abdulrasaq Mustapha
Talk: Domain Driven Design with Vue Applications
Tyler Clark
Tyler Clark
Talk: Auth0 and Vue: A Match Made in Heaven for Secure App Development
Lazar Nikolov
Lazar Nikolov
Talk: Monitoring 101 for React Developers
Sarah Guthals
Sarah Guthals
Talk: Monitoring 101 for React Developers
Çağatay Çivici
Çağatay Çivici
Talk: PrimeVue | The Next-Gen UI Component Library
Ashwin Vinay Phadke
Ashwin Vinay Phadke
Servient Inc
Talk: Learning To Learn : How To Web Dev The Right Way With Vue If You Are A Beginner