SubscribeVue is an open-source JavaScript framework for creating user interfaces and single-page applications. It was created by Evan You in 2014 and has quickly become one of the most popular frameworks for web development. Vue allows developers to create dynamic, reactive user interfaces using a component-based structure. It provides a number of features such as data binding, components, routing, state management, and server-side rendering. Vue can be used to develop both large and small applications, making it an ideal choice for any project.
Alvaro Saburido
Talk: TresJS, a declarative way of creating 3D scenes from Vue components, Bring the Magic of 3D to Your Vue Applications With TresJS, What's Hot On Tresjs V4, Mastering 3D Web Development with TresJS ecosystem: A Vue.js Workshop, TresJS create 3D experiences declaratively with Vue Components