Supercharging Your Dev Experience With Turborepo

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Monorepos is a hot topic in the TypeScript/JavaScript community these days, but getting a high performing monorepo setup from the ground up can be challenging. In this talk, we will see how Turborepo can help you to move your monorepo tasks at light speed.

This talk has been presented at React Day Berlin 2022, check out the latest edition of this React Conference.


A monorepo is a code management strategy where all projects, such as apps or libraries, reside within a single repository, as opposed to a multirepo strategy where each project has its own repository. Monorepos facilitate code reuse, shared standards, and easier collaboration across teams.

Companies like Google and Facebook use monorepos because they allow for easier code reuse, shared standards across all projects, and streamlined collaboration. Additionally, monorepos support atomic changes across multiple projects in a single commit, ensuring consistency and synchronization.

Tuburepo ensures efficient task execution by never repeating the same work, caching results, and scheduling tasks based on CPU availability and task dependencies. It allows parallel processing of independent tasks and sequential processing of dependent tasks, enhancing performance and reducing build times.

In monorepos, workspaces are utilized to manage dependencies of various packages within the repository. Tools like npm, pnpm, and YARN support workspaces, which help in isolating code by ensuring packages are self-contained with their own sets of dependencies, thus maintaining clear boundaries within the monorepo.

Shared standards in a monorepo ensure that all projects within the repository follow the same coding and configuration guidelines, which simplifies management and enhances code quality. For instance, having a single ESLint or TypeScript configuration across multiple packages ensures consistency and eases maintenance.

Caching in Tuburepo significantly speeds up the development process by storing the results of previously executed tasks. When a task is re-run without changes, Tuburepo uses the cache to skip execution and provide the previous results, thus saving time and computational resources.

Tuburepo, specifically designed for JavaScript and TypeScript ecosystems, optimizes building and testing in monorepos by caching tasks, running tasks in parallel, and ensuring that tasks are executed efficiently according to their dependencies. It also enables shared caching across CI systems and development teams.

Bruno Paulino
Bruno Paulino
26 min
05 Dec, 2022


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Video Summary and Transcription
This Talk explores the benefits of using TuberApple, a tool for supercharging the development experience. It highlights the advantages of monorepos, such as code reuse, shared standards, improved team collaboration, and atomic changes. TuberApple, specifically Tuburepo, offers efficient task execution through caching and optimized scheduling. It simplifies monorepo development by allowing parallel execution of tasks and seamless coordination of changes. Tubo, another tool within TuberApple, enables smart task execution, declaring task dependencies, and efficient caching in monorepos.

1. Introduction to TuberApple

Short description:

Hello, everyone. Thanks for joining me today. We're going to talk about how to supercharge your dev experience with TuberApple. A little bit about me. My name is Bruno Paulino. I'm a tech lead at Any26, a company building a platform for engineers to build web applications and libraries. We'll discuss monorepo, multirepos, and how companies organize their code.

Hello, everyone. Thanks for joining me today. We're going to talk about how to supercharge your dev experience with TuberApple.

A little bit about me. My name is Bruno Paulino. I'm a tech lead at this cool company called Any26. We're building the bank that we love to use. And I'm a software engineer focused on the web. And there, at Any26, we're building the platform for all the engineers to build web applications on top of it. Not just web applications, but also web libraries. You could think of design system components, for example. And there, I don't like to call ourselves as DevOps. We actually like to call ourselves DevOps. So we actually help web engineers to ship these as fast as possible to the browser. I'm also bpaulino0 on Twitter. So if you use Twitter and you want to follow me, please do. I'm there.

So let's just jump right in. This presentation is actually divided in two parts. The first one, we are going to talk about monorepo, multirepos and how you can use them. And the second part, we're going to actually talk about tuberepo. And then to close it, we're going to see a nice live demo. But before we start, I want to talk about multirepos, monorepos and how companies actually organize their code.

The most common approach is actually to have multirepos, right? You go to a company and then they have several different projects and they organize projects in different repositories. That's the most sensible way of doing it. You have several different teams working in different projects. They have their own toolings, they have their own standards and so on, and that's pretty common and very reasonable, right? You want to give teams the independency of actually using their own tools, using their own ways of building software and shipping as fast as possible. But there is another way, right? There is a way of actually organizing your code in the same repository. There is monorepos. Don't confuse monorepos with monoliths.

2. Benefits of Monorepos

Short description:

So you can still have a monorepo and you can still have microservices, for example, inside of the monorepo. The first reason is code reuse, making it easier to share code with teammates. The second reason is shared standards, allowing for consistent configuration and adoption across projects. Team collaboration is also improved, as engineers can easily share pull requests and work together without additional setup. Finally, atomic changes can be made, ensuring that all apps and packages work together seamlessly.

So you can still have a monorepo and you can still have microservices, for example, inside of the monorepo. The only difference from a monorepo to a multirepo approach is actually that you have all your apps or packages, libraries inside of the same repository.

But then you might ask yourself, why do I need to have a monorepo? Why do I need to put all my code together in the same repository instead of having them separately in individual repositories? There must be a good reason for other companies doing that, right? Like why monorepos are so hot in those companies, for example, Google, Netflix, Facebook, and Twitter, they all use monorepos in some shape or form. And there must be very good reasons for them not to go with the multi-repo approach, right? And let's talk about them.

The first one is actually code reuse. If you have everything under the same repository, then it's much easier for you to share code with your teammates. Like think about it, you could have a modules package where you have all your database modules, and you can also have a package there with your UI components. And then everybody else in your team can just reuse them without having to reinvent anything or to re-import anything or to install any extra package.

The other reason you might want to consider a monorepo is to have shared standards. In a monorepo, you can actually have true shared standards across your code base. Because think about it, you could have a yeslin config where it's completely share across all the packages, and then you can update in one single place. And then every other package can benefit from it immediately. So if you're using TypeScript, for example, you can have one single TypeScript configuration shared across all of your projects. So it was also very easy to adopt and share stuff among the packages inside of the monorepo.

Another thing that works really well in the monorepo setup is team collaboration. So if you have everything under the same repository, you can easily share a pull request with other engineers and get feedback because they have already all the context around the code base. They don't have to set up anything. They don't have to install a different node version. They don't have to set up any SDK in the machine or anything like this because they have been working in the same code base. They have every tool installed already. So they don't have to figure out anything. If you need to do a pair programming session, for example, it's just much easier to do it. You can just share a screen, fire up the dev server, and then everything is in there. You don't need to clone anything. You don't need to do any setup. It's just much easier and much faster for a big team.

Another big selling point for monorepo is atomic changes. If you have a single repository, you can actually change several different apps and packages at the same time, in the same pull requests. This way, you can actually guarantee that everything is going to work together.

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