December 5, 2024
Productivity Conference - AI in Marketing

Productivity Conf - Practical AI in Marketing


We gather industry brightest minds to discuss the best strategies and tools for building personal productivity and scaling your operations in a tech-forward era. Learn from practical workshops, early adopter case studies and network with like-minded professionals.

Esta edición del evento ha finalizado, las últimas actualizaciones de este Tech Conference están disponibles en el sitio web de la marca.
Utilizando las Capacidades de IA Integradas de Zapier y las Integraciones de Herramientas de IA
57 min
Utilizando las Capacidades de IA Integradas de Zapier y las Integraciones de Herramientas de IA
Kelly Goss
Kelly Goss
Cómo potenciar tu construcción de automatización sin código y reducir el tiempo de construcción con las últimas características y funcionalidades de IA de Zapier. También cubriré herramientas de IA que se integran nativamente con Zapier para llevar la productividad a un nivel completamente nuevo.
Horario y ubicación de la masterclass: por determinar, remoto vía Zoom
Cómo Prepararse Para Sus Negociaciones Con la Ayuda de ChatGPT
63 min
Cómo Prepararse Para Sus Negociaciones Con la Ayuda de ChatGPT
Alexandra Klimenko
Alexandra Klimenko
En Soft Skills Lab estamos utilizando prompts en nuestros casos de consultoría mucho. Esto podría ser una experiencia interesante para los usuarios ya que compartiremos nuestro marco propietario para la preparación de negociaciones, así como algunos trucos sobre cómo usar ChatGPT en este escenario. Las negociaciones para las que pueden prepararse pueden ser un caso muy familiar para ellos, como negociar su salario/bonificación o hacer cambios en su departamento y pedir financiamiento para eso; negociar con un cliente sobre el alcance de un proyecto (no necesariamente el precio) o persuadir a un miembro del equipo para asumir algunas nuevas responsabilidades.
En la masterclass, usted: 
- aprenderá un enfoque sistemático sobre cómo usar ChatGPT con diferentes tipos de marcos- probará una nueva forma de prepararse para la preparación de negociaciones con nuestro marco propietario
Más Allá del Ruido: Aprovechando la IA en la Comunicación y Colaboración Interfuncional
17 min
Más Allá del Ruido: Aprovechando la IA en la Comunicación y Colaboración Interfuncional
The Talk focuses on using AI tools for seamless collaboration across teams. AI serves as a translator between different teams, helping to overcome language barriers and jargon. Chat GPT prompts are used for effective communication and task tracking. Custom prompts are saved for mid-conversation use. Powerful tools like Chachi Petit and Arc Browser enhance quick communication and collaboration. Reflect generates AI-generated summaries and action items for messages, aiding in organization and prioritization.
Metodologías para Implementar el Stack Tecnológico No-Code Correcto
23 min
Metodologías para Implementar el Stack Tecnológico No-Code Correcto
Welcome to my talk on methodologies for implementing the write no code tech stack. Today, we'll discuss choosing the right tools for your tech stack, process improvement methodologies, and give examples of no code tools for marketing teams. Consider user experience, budget, timelines, integration possibilities, customer support, and external expertise when choosing tools. Process improvement methodologies include lean management, continuous improvement cycle, brainstorming, process mapping, 5W1H, Lean management, the Deming cycle, Jodoka, and Kaizen. Total quality management is user focused, process centered, promotes integrated systems, is strategic, and systematic. Solver has its own automation methodology with four steps: identifying, executing, and continuous improvement through quality control and assessment. Some adaptable no-code tools for marketing teams are SmartSuite, ClickUp, and Zapier. ClickUp is a project management tool with different entities and lists for organizing content. Zapier is a no-code automation workflow builder that connects to thousands of cloud-based tools. Attend the workshop on December 10th to learn about Zapier's AI capabilities and tool integrations.
10 Automatizaciones Personales Revolucionarias para Potenciar Tu Productividad
27 min
10 Automatizaciones Personales Revolucionarias para Potenciar Tu Productividad
Hey there! I'm Andy O'Neill from WebLitica LLC. Let me introduce you to game-changing personal automations that can supercharge your productivity using Make, an automation tool. Make, a direct competitor of Zapier, can automate your work, connect to over a thousand apps, and easily scale your automations. One example is a daily briefing bot that helps you stay updated without overwhelming your brain with information. I've created my own AI personal assistant, also known as Jarvis, which summarizes a LinkedIn RSS feed, provides weather updates, and delivers the information as an audio file via Slack. You can use an RSS feed to get updates while commuting. One of my automations is a LinkedIn connection accelerator that generates personalized connection requests. Automate meeting notes with AI. This automation grabs and formats meeting notes, determines meeting duration, and adds them to Evernote. Automate voice-to-Evernote with your phone. Use an audio recording app to capture brilliant ideas on the go. Sync the recording to Dropbox, use ChatGPT to write the information, and save it to Evernote. Automate the transformation of emails into tasks in Monday. Content Curation for LinkedIn: Automate the process of generating and scheduling LinkedIn posts by watching an RSS feed. Unsubby Digest: Receive a daily summary of newsletters and manage email subscriptions more effectively. Save time and stay organized with this automated email summary. Automate faceless video creation for YouTube Shorts using an RSS feed and the Placid AI platform. Automatically generate a ranked list of candidates tailored to your needs with TapFlow. Automate capturing software recommendations to your second brain with a dedicated Slack channel. Save time by automating SEO optimized blog post generation. Get a free account with Make using the QR code. Start with the core plan for a free month. Take the Make Academy training to learn the basics. Join the co-build collective for business automation coaching. Get one-on-one help with your make automations. Connect and book a call at Join the community and get started with Make.
De Scrapy a Escalado: Finalmente Conseguistes Recursos para Hacer Crecer tus Operaciones No-Code. ¿Y Ahora Qué?
24 min
De Scrapy a Escalado: Finalmente Conseguistes Recursos para Hacer Crecer tus Operaciones No-Code. ¿Y Ahora Qué?
Hi, my name is Phil Blayken. I am the head of Enterprise Innovation at Zapier, and I'm super excited today to talk to you about going from scrappy to scaled in no-code operations here at ProductivityConf. The rise of the ops hero starts with automating tasks using no-code tools like Zapier or Airtable, but it can lead to chaos if not managed properly. Proper documentation is crucial in no-code systems to avoid errors and ensure consistency. Effective management includes implementing monitoring tools and workflows, having clear accountability, and linking error resolutions to relevant documentation. Showcasing success stories and ROI helps to communicate the importance of your work and gain more resources. Selling pain instead of benefits can overcome resistance and help grow your career in ops using no code and automation.
Mejora Tu Contenido con AI: Un Curso Intensivo de 20 Minutos
23 min
Mejora Tu Contenido con AI: Un Curso Intensivo de 20 Minutos
Hi, and thank you for joining me today to learn about using AI to level up your marketing content. AI is important to marketers because it helps us do more. It benefits both low and high-performing marketers, leveling the playing field and boosting performance. Prompting effectively is crucial for creating quality content. Custom AI models can enhance content beyond commercial chat bots. To create good content with AI, follow the prompt framework and use specific prompts that follow best practices. Personalize content with GPTs by creating a marketing leader persona and training GPTs with specific instructions. AI can play a role in creating various types of content. These tools are changing our job and leaders prioritize hiring people with AI skills.
Navegando la Revolución de GenAI: 5 Estrategias para un Marketing Seguro y Efectivo
25 min
Navegando la Revolución de GenAI: 5 Estrategias para un Marketing Seguro y Efectivo
Today's Talk discusses the effective use of Gen AI in marketing while prioritizing safety, ethics, and compliance. Challenges of using generative AI include data breaches, intellectual property theft, compliance violations, and damage to brand reputation. Best practices for implementing generative AI include secure data retrieval, masking techniques for sensitive information, and toxicity checking. Strategies for safe and secure usage of Gen AI involve implementing a sensitivity layer for data protection and developing a secure user interface. Additionally, ethics training, continuous education, and prioritizing ethical AI use cases are crucial for successful implementation.
Dominando la Automatización de Contenidos con AI para SEO: De Ideas de Blog a Rankings Superiores
17 min
Dominando la Automatización de Contenidos con AI para SEO: De Ideas de Blog a Rankings Superiores
Hi all and welcome to my quick demonstration on how you can master AI content with automations for SEO. The wrong way to do AI-powered search engine optimization is by leaving everything to AI, which can lead to hallucination in content and regurgitation of existing information. Additionally, the lack of experience and expertise in AI can be a limitation. However, with the right approach and a little bit of research, automation can still be effective, as shown by the success of AI-generated content in ranking for certain queries like gaming laptop temperatures. And all this stuff is as a result from AI generated content. We can maximize it by following three steps: finding frequently asked questions, answering them with an AI writing tool, and checking and uploading the content. This approach can yield great results in the right niche. So, I've Googled gaming laptop temperatures and found the most frequently asked questions. One easy way is to scroll down to the people also asked section on Google. Another approach is to use the free tool called Also Asked. With machine AI, we can turn these questions into blog posts and generate traffic for our website that sells PC gear, gaming PCs, and cooling fans. We'll target gamers aged 25 to 40 looking for the best gaming gear. Instead of using a keyword, we'll paste the questions from the Also Asked section, making sure to vary them up a bit. Let's quickly write a cluster of interlinked blog posts using Configure the settings, select the cluster of articles, and write them. allows direct publishing to WordPress, but it's recommended to publish as a draft for editing. The generated articles are ready to go, answering user search intent. Ensure your niche does not fall under your money or your life. Use AI and automations as an extension of your writing. Capture your ideas using an automation with Slack and transcribe them with Whisper. Use Perplexity to search for blog topics and generate well-structured content with a pre-trained GPT. Organize everything in a Google Sheet and publish wherever you want. All ideas are fleshed out using AI. Customize the output in HTML, markdown, or email format. Test a quick HTML preview to see the written blog post with interlinked information. Easily generate images and learn to use Slack and Make for automation.
5 Maneras de Convertir Tu Cold Outreach de "Meh" a "Wow!" Con AI
40 min
5 Maneras de Convertir Tu Cold Outreach de "Meh" a "Wow!" Con AI
Hey, everybody. I'm Leo Goldfarb, a managing partner at We're a no code integration and automation platform with 800+ out of the box API integrations. Our flagship product, albato embedded, is geared towards SaaS companies. Instead of burdening your team with developing integrations, you can embed our white labeled integrations in your SaaS. Our outreach is targeted mainly at B2B SaaS companies. We explore leveraging AI to boost outreach performance. Cold outreach has become increasingly hard, and some techniques that used to work are no longer effective. Let's dive right in and see the positive outcomes of our efforts, thanks to AI in our outreach. Even a reply like this is always better than no reply. We believe in making our messages meaningful and valuable to grab people's attention. There's a never-ending dilemma in cold outreach: personalized outreach or outreach at scale. With the help of AI, we can personalize at scale. Every outreach relies on high-quality prospect lists, impactful data points, and killer messages. The first pillar of outreach is high quality prospect lists. Gathering impactful data points helps prequalify leads. The spearhead of outreach is a killer message. The reply rate for this campaign was around 20%. After implementing AI in outreach, we focused on personalized and on-point messaging. We addressed the problem with integrations via Zapier and emphasized the need for native integrations. We leverage chat GPT to generate personalized messages and specific use cases for sense park customers. The campaign involves extensive personalization, including basic, buyer persona, and dynamic value propositions. We used an outreach dataset filled with AI-generated data points, including company details and integration use cases. We pulled customer reviews from G2 and used AI to identify the most common and critical problems with integrations. Chat GPT is good at determining review sentiment and identifying reviews mentioning integrations. However, it struggles with aggregating data and identifying hidden patterns. Chat TPT is better without setting hard boundaries, allowing it to be creative and provide convincing results. AI is effective at identifying isolated ICP criteria but struggles with complex composite ICPs. We attempted to use LinkedIn social activity as a conversation starter for sales, but the generated messages were off and dubious. To incorporate AI into our cold messages, we feed our prospect list to open AI via API. We train and tweak the language model through iterations until we're satisfied with the outputs. The AI-generated data points are then uploaded to our outreach automation tool, enabling hyper-personalized AI messages. We also offer white label, embeddable integrations for SaaS companies to provide seamless experiences within their platforms.
Páginas Programáticas Sin Código para Propósitos de SEO y SEM
25 min
Páginas Programáticas Sin Código para Propósitos de SEO y SEM
Hello and welcome to the Productivity Conference! In this talk, Bożej Abel, CEO and founder of Lendingy, discusses the use of no-code programmatic pages for SEO and SEM. He presents two case studies, one about Lendingy and the other about the STS Gaming Group. The first case study focuses on generating leads by using programmatic pages to compare Lendingy with other solutions. The second case study explores how the STS Gaming Group leverages programmatic pages for real-time marketing of sports events. Both case studies highlight the benefits of using programmatic pages to automate and streamline marketing efforts.
De Insights a Innovación: Aprovechando la Retroalimentación de Usuarios y Estrategias Basadas en Datos para el Éxito del Producto
21 min
De Insights a Innovación: Aprovechando la Retroalimentación de Usuarios y Estrategias Basadas en Datos para el Éxito del Producto
Hello, everyone. I'm Sierra Coleman, and welcome to my talk. Today, we'll explore four key aspects of this approach: systematic gathering and analysis of user feedback, competitive analysis, using analytics tools like Looker, and the transformative role of AI in improving search match relevance. As a result, we saw dramatic improvements in the relevance ratings from our users, directly driven by user feedback. Competitive analysis helps us position ourselves uniquely and aligned to user demands. Looker and similar tools transform raw data into actionable insights, allowing us to make informed design decisions, segment users, identify bottlenecks, and have real-time visibility into product health. Integrating user feedback and data insights informs AI strategies to enhance search match relevance. AI techniques like embeddings, semantic search, and real-time scoring help improve search accuracy. Embrace these insights to enhance user experiences and drive success.