June 13 - 17, 2024
JS Nation
Amsterdam & Online

JSNation 2024

La conferencia principal de JavaScript del año

Descubre el futuro del ecosistema de desarrollo JavaScript y conéctate con su increíble comunidad. JSNation es el mejor lugar para aprender sobre JavaScript: además de las principales charlas y paneles con especialistas de alto nivel, prepárate para increíbles presentadores, talleres profundos, numerosas salas de discusión y networking, entretenimiento interactivo, y desafíos emocionantes para todos los participantes.

Esta edición del evento ha finalizado, las últimas actualizaciones de este JavaScript Conference están disponibles en el sitio web de la marca.
Domina los Patrones de JavaScript
145 min
Domina los Patrones de JavaScript
Top Content
Adrian Hajdin
Adrian Hajdin
Durante esta masterclass, los participantes revisarán los patrones esenciales de JavaScript que todo desarrollador debería conocer. A través de ejercicios prácticos, ejemplos del mundo real y discusiones interactivas, los asistentes profundizarán su comprensión de las mejores prácticas para organizar el código, resolver desafíos comunes y diseñar arquitecturas escalables. Al final de la masterclass, los participantes ganarán una nueva confianza en su capacidad para escribir código JavaScript de alta calidad que resista el paso del tiempo.
Puntos Cubiertos:
1. Introducción a los Patrones de JavaScript2. Patrones Fundamentales3. Patrones de Creación de Objetos4. Patrones de Comportamiento5. Patrones Arquitectónicos6. Ejercicios Prácticos y Estudios de Caso
Cómo Ayudará a los Desarrolladores:
- Obtener una comprensión profunda de los patrones de JavaScript y sus aplicaciones en escenarios del mundo real- Aprender las mejores prácticas para organizar el código, resolver desafíos comunes y diseñar arquitecturas escalables- Mejorar las habilidades de resolución de problemas y la legibilidad del código- Mejorar la colaboración y la comunicación dentro de los equipos de desarrollo- Acelerar el crecimiento de la carrera y las oportunidades de avance en la industria del software
Embracing WebGPU and WebXR With Three.js
27 min
Embracing WebGPU and WebXR With Three.js
Top Content
The 3JS project has evolved into a community-driven effort with numerous contributors over the past 14 years. It started with 3D engine work in Flash and transitioned to using SVGs for rendering in HTML5 before adopting WebGL. The project showcases various projects and frameworks, including a no-code tool powered by 3.js. The team is working on a new render using WebGPU and developing a new shader language called TSL. The hope is that WebGPU will eventually replace WebGL, offering better control and performance.
htmx es Pro-JavaScript
22 min
htmx es Pro-JavaScript
HTMX is a JavaScript library that extends HTML and works with a JSON API. It generalizes the functionality of links and forms, making any element a potential hypermedia control. HTMX simplifies the implementation of hypermedia functionality with a dozen core attributes. It can achieve powerful UI results without writing much JavaScript. HTMX complements JavaScript libraries and enhances user experience by providing functionality that the browser lacks.
Instalar Nada: Interfaces de Aplicación con APIs Nativas del Navegador
31 min
Instalar Nada: Interfaces de Aplicación con APIs Nativas del Navegador
This Talk introduces real demos using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to showcase new or underutilized browser APIs, with ship scores provided for each API. The dialogue element allows for the creation of modals with minimal JavaScript and is supported by 96% of browsers. The web animations API is a simple and well-supported solution for creating animations, while the view transitions API offers easy animation workarounds without CSS. The scroll snap API allows for swipers without JavaScript, providing a smooth scrolling experience.
10 Años de OSS Independiente: Una Retrospectiva
33 min
10 Años de OSS Independiente: Una Retrospectiva
This talk is a ten-year retrospective into the growth of the Vue.js framework as an open-source project. It highlights the challenges faced by open-source developers, the importance of finding balance and managing scope, and the collaborative nature of the Vue community. The talk also discusses the development of Vite as a build tool and the vision for a unified JavaScript toolchain. It emphasizes the need for community alignment, contributions, and testing, while acknowledging the challenges of bad actors in the open-source community.
De la Fricción al Flujo: Depuración con Chrome DevTools
32 min
De la Fricción al Flujo: Depuración con Chrome DevTools
The Talk discusses the importance of removing frictions in the debugging process and being aware of the tools available in Chrome DevTools. It highlights the use of the 'Emulate a Focus Page' feature for debugging disappearing elements and the improvement of debugging tools and workflow. The Talk also mentions enhancing error understanding, improving debugging efficiency and performance, and the continuous improvement of DevTools. It emphasizes the importance of staying updated with new features and providing feedback to request new features.
Aplicaciones Web del Futuro con Web AI
32 min
Aplicaciones Web del Futuro con Web AI
Web AI in JavaScript allows for running machine learning models client-side in a web browser, offering advantages such as privacy, offline capabilities, low latency, and cost savings. Various AI models can be used for tasks like background blur, text toxicity detection, 3D data extraction, face mesh recognition, hand tracking, pose detection, and body segmentation. JavaScript libraries like MediaPipe LLM inference API and Visual Blocks facilitate the use of AI models. Web AI is in its early stages but has the potential to revolutionize web experiences and improve accessibility.
Construyendo un motor JS -- ¡Por diversión!
9 min
Construyendo un motor JS -- ¡Por diversión!
Top Content
The Talk discusses the basics of building a JS engine, highlighting the complexity and feature completeness of existing engines. It emphasizes the possibility of creating a simpler engine tailored to specific use cases and target audiences. The speaker suggests starting anywhere in the process and provides tips on using parser libraries, implementing runtime features, and ensuring correctness through testing. Additionally, the Talk encourages exploring JavaScript standards and engaging with the open-source community.
IA en el Desarrollo Front-End: ¿Tu Compañero Creativo o Ladrón de Empleo?
8 min
IA en el Desarrollo Front-End: ¿Tu Compañero Creativo o Ladrón de Empleo?
Top Content
AI in front-end development empowers developers to take on more ambitious projects and innovate at a faster pace. Natural language is a new programming language that can be used for coding, learning, and automating complex tasks. However, it is important to remember that AI is a supplement to human capabilities, not a replacement. Developers need to evolve their skills and stay ahead of emerging technologies to work effectively with AI. The demand for AI engineers is high.
AI Primero: Aplicaciones del Futuro
26 min
AI Primero: Aplicaciones del Futuro
Top Content
This talk explores the ways AI is being used to shape the future of applications. It emphasizes the importance of an AI-first approach and the potential for AI to enhance various industries, such as aviation. The talk also contrasts the limitations of the AI-on-top approach with the continuous learning and user-centric focus of the AI-first approach. It discusses the importance of building trust through safety, transparency, and browser-based processing, and highlights the potential of AI to address user experience issues and improve accessibility.
Conquistando la Complejidad: Refactorizando Proyectos JavaScript
21 min
Conquistando la Complejidad: Refactorizando Proyectos JavaScript
Today's Talk explores the complexity in code and its impact. It discusses different methods of measuring complexity, such as cyclomatic complexity and cognitive complexity. The importance of understanding and conquering complexity is emphasized, with a demo showcasing complexity in a codebase. The Talk also delves into the need for change and the role of refactoring in dealing with complexity. Tips and techniques for refactoring are shared, including the use of language features and tools to simplify code. Overall, the Talk provides insights into managing and reducing complexity in software development.
Construye aplicaciones peer-to-peer con Pear Runtime
152 min
Construye aplicaciones peer-to-peer con Pear Runtime
David Mark Clements
David Mark Clements
Aprende cómo construir rápidamente aplicaciones peer-to-peer con Pear Runtime. No se requieren servidores. Comprende los paradigmas peer-to-peer y construye aplicaciones a partir de bloques de construcción bien definidos. En este masterclass se cubrirá cómo crear aplicaciones de escritorio y terminales (con discusión para móviles) que funcionan completamente peer-to-peer desde cualquier lugar del mundo. Al final de este masterclass, deberías saber cómo construir un nuevo tipo de aplicación altamente escalable con costos infraestructurales reducidos (~0) junto con arquitecturas adecuadas y mejores prácticas para aplicaciones peer-to-peer. Del creador de Pear Runtime y la compañía que nos trae keet.io. Tabla de contenido:- Introducción a Pear- Preguntas y respuestas iniciales- Configuración- Creación de una aplicación de escritorio Pear- Compartir una aplicación Pear- Ejecutar una aplicación Pear- Creación de una aplicación terminal Pear- Lanzamiento de una aplicación Pear- Discusiones arquitecturales- Preguntas y respuestas finales
ESLint Uno para Todos Hecho Fácil
27 min
ESLint Uno para Todos Hecho Fácil
ESLint is a popular and constantly improving tool that offers full control and simplicity in JavaScript with native imports. The new Flat Config simplifies the complex tree structure of shared configs and has been in the works for five years. It allows for customization and type generation, maximizing flexibility. ESLint can be used as a formatter and a tool for code mode, providing more control and customization options. It also supports other languages and can be integrated with prettier. Migrating to the Flat Config may be challenging, but compatible packages and tools are available to assist with the transition.
Arquitectura de Privacidad en Primer Lugar
29 min
Arquitectura de Privacidad en Primer Lugar
Building JavaScript Apps and Privacy: Understanding the importance of privacy in software development and the impact it can have on the world. Privacy concerns extend beyond targeted advertising and include data leaks and breaches. The connection of multiple pieces of data by data brokers poses a threat to privacy. The local first approach allows for data storage on local devices while still using a server for synchronization. Implementing local first requires a good database and APIs for data storage. Principles like end-to-end encryption and password protection bring benefits but also present challenges. Moving to privacy-focused analytics, using passkeys for encryption, and secure data sharing are ways to protect user privacy.
Automatiza el Navegador con la API de Renderizado del Navegador de Workers
20 min
Automatiza el Navegador con la API de Renderizado del Navegador de Workers
The Talk discusses browser automation using the Worker's Browser Rendering API, which allows tasks like navigating websites, taking screenshots, and creating PDFs. Cloudflare integrated Puppeteer with their workers to automate browser tasks, and their browser rendering API combines remote browser isolation with Puppeteer. Use cases for the API include taking screenshots, generating PDFs, automating web applications, and gathering performance metrics. The Talk also covers extending sessions and performance metrics using Durable Objects. Thank you for attending!
Aprovechando LLMs para Construir Experiencias de IA Intuitivas con JavaScript
108 min
Aprovechando LLMs para Construir Experiencias de IA Intuitivas con JavaScript
Roy Derks
Shivay Lamba
2 authors
Hoy en día, todos los desarrolladores están utilizando LLMs en diferentes formas y variantes, desde ChatGPT hasta asistentes de código como GitHub CoPilot. Siguiendo esto, muchos productos han introducido capacidades de IA integradas, y en este masterclass haremos que los LLMs sean comprensibles para los desarrolladores web. Y nos adentraremos en la codificación de tu propia aplicación impulsada por IA. No se necesita experiencia previa en trabajar con LLMs o aprendizaje automático. En su lugar, utilizaremos tecnologías web como JavaScript, React que ya conoces y amas, al mismo tiempo que aprendemos sobre algunas nuevas bibliotecas como OpenAI, Transformers.js
Sumérgete en TypeScript Avanzado
30 min
Sumérgete en TypeScript Avanzado
Today's Talk discusses TypeScript and its relationship with JavaScript, emphasizing the importance of studying JavaScript first. The Talk explores type guards, runtime type checking, and the use of the 'never' type to handle errors and ensure type safety. It also delves into alternative solutions for type handling, branded types, and schema-based validation using Zod. The Talk concludes with advice on migrating to TypeScript and the need for beginner-friendly documentation and strictness in code.
Principales Diez Vulnerabilidades de Seguridad OWASP en Node.js
97 min
Principales Diez Vulnerabilidades de Seguridad OWASP en Node.js
Marco Ippolito
Marco Ippolito
En este masterclass, cubriremos las diez vulnerabilidades más comunes y riesgos de seguridad críticos identificados por OWASP, que es una autoridad confiable en Seguridad de Aplicaciones Web.Durante el masterclass, aprenderás cómo prevenir estas vulnerabilidades y desarrollar la capacidad de reconocerlas en aplicaciones web.El masterclass incluye 10 desafíos de código que representan cada una de las vulnerabilidades más comunes de OWASP. Se proporcionarán pistas para ayudar a resolver las vulnerabilidades y pasar las pruebas.El instructor también proporcionará explicaciones detalladas, diapositivas y ejemplos de la vida real en Node.js para ayudar a comprender mejor los problemas. Además, obtendrás información de un Mantenedor de Node.js que compartirá cómo gestionan la seguridad en un proyecto grande.Es adecuado para desarrolladores de Node.js de todos los niveles de habilidad, desde principiantes hasta expertos, se requiere un conocimiento general de aplicaciones web y JavaScript.
Tabla de contenidos:- Control de Acceso Roto- Fallas Criptográficas- Inyección- Diseño Inseguro- Configuración de Seguridad Incorrecta- Componentes Vulnerables y Obsoletos- Fallas de Identificación y Autenticación- Fallas de Integridad de Software y Datos- Fallas de Registro y Monitoreo de Seguridad- Falsificación de Solicitudes del Lado del Servidor
Pruebas: Haz más con menos
27 min
Pruebas: Haz más con menos
This talk focuses on practical approaches for testing Node.js applications, including the use of Dora metrics and the testing trophy strategy. It emphasizes the importance of covering critical flows with integration and end-to-end tests, while also considering the cost and speed of different test types. The speaker recommends mocking third-party services and using snapshot testing, but warns about the potential for false positives. Playwright is suggested as a preferred tool, and the importance of automated test execution is emphasized.
Deja que la IA sea tu Documentación
69 min
Deja que la IA sea tu Documentación
Jesse Hall
Jesse Hall
Únete a nuestro masterclass dinámico para crear un portal de documentación impulsado por IA. Aprende a integrar ChatGPT de OpenAI con Next.js 14, Tailwind CSS y tecnología de vanguardia para ofrecer soluciones de código e resúmenes instantáneos. Esta sesión práctica te equipará con el conocimiento para revolucionar la forma en que los usuarios interactúan con la documentación, convirtiendo las búsquedas tediosas en descubrimientos eficientes e inteligentes.
Aspectos destacados:
- Experiencia práctica en la creación de un sitio de documentación impulsado por IA.- Comprensión de la integración de la IA en las experiencias de usuario.- Habilidades prácticas con las últimas tecnologías de desarrollo web.- Estrategias para implementar y mantener recursos de documentación inteligente.
Tabla de contenidos:- Introducción a la IA en la documentación- Configuración del entorno- Construcción de la estructura de documentación- Integración de ChatGPT para documentación interactiva
Cómo Construir Control de Acceso Front-End con NFTs
88 min
Cómo Construir Control de Acceso Front-End con NFTs
Solange Gueiros
Solange Gueiros
Comprende los fundamentos de la tecnología NFT y su aplicación en el fortalecimiento de la seguridad web. A través de demostraciones prácticas y ejercicios prácticos, los asistentes aprenderán cómo integrar sin problemas mecanismos de control de acceso basados en NFT en sus proyectos de desarrollo front-end.
Desafíos para las Optimizaciones de Producción Incrementales
32 min
Desafíos para las Optimizaciones de Producción Incrementales
TurboPack is a new bundle similar to Webpack, focusing on incremental builds to make them as fast as possible. Challenges in production builds include persistent caching, incremental algorithms, and optimizing export usage. The compilation process can be split into parsing and transforming modules, and chunking the module graph. TurboPack aims to achieve faster production builds through incremental optimization and efficiency. Collaboration and compatibility with other ecosystems are being considered, along with the design of a plugin interface and tree-shaking optimization.
Lecciones para Construir Bases de Código Resilientes
29 min
Lecciones para Construir Bases de Código Resilientes
Code bases degrade over time, so it's important to build a protective layer and accept imperfections. Collocation and leaving traces in the code are key for better understanding. TypeScript's strict null checks and explicit typing can improve code reliability. Guidelines and naming conventions are crucial for maintaining a consistent and scalable architecture. Version control complexity is not significantly affected by having multiple components in one file.
Desarrollo sin fricciones con un sistema de tipos unificado
113 min
Desarrollo sin fricciones con un sistema de tipos unificado
Ejiro Asiuwhu
Ejiro Asiuwhu
Imagina desarrollar donde el frontend y el backend cantan en armonía, los tipos bailan en perfecta sincronía y los errores se convierten en un recuerdo lejano. ¡Eso es la magia de TypeScript Nirvana!
Únete a mí en un viaje para descubrir los secretos de las definiciones de tipos unificadas, la clave para desbloquear un desarrollo sin fricciones. Nos sumergiremos en:
- Lenguaje compartido, amor compartido: Define los tipos una vez y compártelos en todas partes. La consistencia se convierte en tu mejor amiga, los errores en tu peor pesadilla (uno que rara vez verás).- Codificación sin esfuerzo: Olvídate de la tediosa tarea de comprobar tipos manualmente. TypeScript te respalda, liberándote para centrarte en construir cosas increíbles.- Magia de mantenibilidad: Con tipos claros que guían tu código, mantenerlo se convierte en un paseo por el parque. Más tiempo para innovar, menos tiempo para depurar.- Fortaleza de seguridad: El sistema de tipos de TypeScript protege tu aplicación de vulnerabilidades comunes, convirtiéndola en una fortaleza contra amenazas de seguridad.
Construyendo una Web Descentralizada con Web5
13 min
Construyendo una Web Descentralizada con Web5
Today's Talk introduces Web5, which combines the best of Web 2 and Web 3 to build a decentralized web. Web5 consists of three pillars: decentralized identifiers, verifiable credentials, and decentralized applications. Verifiable credentials are used on platforms like LinkedIn, while decentralized web nodes act as data stores for web apps. Web5 allows users to own their data, reduces friction in onboarding, and enables example applications like Universal Music Playlist and Connected Travel. Building for Web5 presents challenges such as key management and data usage, but there are resources available to learn more about the technologies.
Por qué tu trabajo de rendimiento no es visible
25 min
Por qué tu trabajo de rendimiento no es visible
This Talk discusses the importance of performance work and how to drive performance governance. It emphasizes the need to frame data, set meaningful budgets, and understand both engineering and product perspectives. The Talk also highlights the significance of delivering value, establishing solid performance governance, and gaining buy-in from management. Additionally, it emphasizes the importance of measuring performance, optimizing through data, and collecting performance data using tools like Speedcurve and Bugbear Sentry. The speaker also mentions their training program and expresses gratitude towards the audience.
JavaScript en la Gran Pantalla: Creando Apps de TV
22 min
JavaScript en la Gran Pantalla: Creando Apps de TV
JavaScript is widely used in web, mobile, and backend development, and now it is also being used to create TV apps. TVs with web-based operating systems can be targeted with JavaScript applications, and React is commonly used for TV app development. React Native allows for cross-platform TV app development, except for Roku. User interactions and focus management are important considerations in TV app development. Performance optimization is crucial for TV apps, as TVs have lower device scores and limited RAM. Spatial virtualization can significantly improve TV app performance.
¿Qué hay con Drizzle ORM?
8 min
¿Qué hay con Drizzle ORM?
Drizzle is a TypeScript ORM that leverages SQL knowledge, is fast and has its own ecosystem. It manages database schema and supports prepared statements for peak performance. Drizzle provides a complete set of tools, including Drizzle Studio and query runners. The ecosystem includes GraphQL integration and community-built tools.
Renacimiento de Angular
29 min
Renacimiento de Angular
Angular and React have similar models of reactivity, with the framework optimizing change detection. Angular introduced signals for optimizing change detection in real-world applications, resulting in improved performance. Deferrable views in Angular allow for lazy loading and significant speed improvements. The island architecture in Angular enables independent component islands without needing hydration. Angular is working on features like partial iteration and zoneless, and aims to support developers in delivering web apps with confidence.
¿Qué es el Árbol de Accesibilidad, en realidad?
19 min
¿Qué es el Árbol de Accesibilidad, en realidad?
This is a presentation on accessibility and screen readers. The speaker discusses the evolution of screen readers and how they adapted to graphical user interfaces. Accessibility APIs and the accessibility tree are introduced, allowing programs to construct a text database used by assistive technologies. The accessibility tree may vary across browsers and platforms, excluding elements that are not relevant to assistive technologies. The ARIA hidden state and element properties play a role in determining the accessibility of elements, and the accessible name can be derived from text content or specified using ARIA attributes.
¿Puede la IA convertirnos en desarrolladores 10 veces más eficientes?
7 min
¿Puede la IA convertirnos en desarrolladores 10 veces más eficientes?
AI can help developers become 10x more efficient by leveraging powerful GPUs. Codium is an AI developer tool that can accelerate learning, analyze dependencies, and provide personalized coding experiences. It abstracts away complexity and allows developers to focus on building user experiences. Codium aims to transform the software industry and empower developers to become 10x engineers.
Dominando los Fundamentos de la Criptografía con el Módulo Crypto de Node
25 min
Dominando los Fundamentos de la Criptografía con el Módulo Crypto de Node
This Talk provides an introduction to cryptography with Node.js, covering encryption concepts, AES-256-CBC algorithm, initialization vector for encryption, key derivation function and salt, randomness and key agreement, key distribution and RSA, signing and verification, public key certificates, and trust in certificate hierarchy.
El Proyecto OXC y el Efecto de la Ingeniería de Rendimiento
18 min
El Proyecto OXC y el Efecto de la Ingeniería de Rendimiento
The Talk discusses the JavaScript oxidation compiler (OXC) project and the impact of performance engineering. The OXC project consists of JavaScript tools written in Rust, including a parser, linter, and resolver, that are significantly faster than existing alternatives. Testimonials highlight the progress of the OXC project and the speed and effectiveness of the OXLint tool. The emphasis on performance in OXLint is demonstrated through cross-file linting and parallel processing. Performance improvements in the OXC project are achieved through benchmarking and can drive innovation in JavaScript infrastructure. The talk also discusses the need for faster website loading and the goal of creating a new minifier for better compression and performance in OXC.
Internacionalización (i18n) con Modelo de Lenguaje Potenciado por IA
14 min
Internacionalización (i18n) con Modelo de Lenguaje Potenciado por IA
Today's Talk covers internationalization with the Powered Language Bundle and leveraging AI capabilities. It emphasizes the importance of planning AI roles and workflows, customizing content locally, and understanding different content types. The translation process involves linguistic analysis, accurate system instructions, and experimentation with different communication methods. The workflow includes using Express Server and Storybook for translations, connecting metadata with the user interface, and integrating AI technology responsibly for efficient and effective results.
Más allá de la Consola: Navegando JavaScript con Observabilidad
7 min
Más allá de la Consola: Navegando JavaScript con Observabilidad
Nathan Mars, tech lead at Grafana Labs, introduces observability for JavaScript applications, highlighting the effectiveness of debugging and troubleshooting with observability. Open Telemetry is presented as a standardized way to obtain system data and Grafana as a platform for monitoring metrics, logs, traces, and profiles. The talk also emphasizes the applicability of observability to the front end using GrafanaFerro to collect metrics like page load, errors, and user sessions.
Novedades en Astro
29 min
Novedades en Astro
Astro is a web framework that aims to optimize site performance without sacrificing functionality. It introduces features such as content collections and view transitions to enhance the user experience. Astro focuses on pushing the web forward by providing browser compatibility and app-like experiences. It also explores a powerful content layer and island architecture for personalized content. Astro is recommended for content-driven websites and offers a polyfill for Safari and integration with Storyblok CMS.
Utilizando WebAssembly para dar vida a tutoriales de línea de comandos
23 min
Utilizando WebAssembly para dar vida a tutoriales de línea de comandos
WebAssembly is a cost-effective way to distribute computation and allows for code reuse and performance optimization. It can be used for running bioinformatics tools in the browser without setup, but running it on the server or smaller devices may have limitations. WebAssembly is best suited for playgrounds, small-scale simulations, audio and video processing, and upload pre-processing. It offers few benefits outside the browser for server-side applications, but can be useful for running user-provided code and serverless functions.
Web Fortificado: Mejores Prácticas para la Seguridad de Aplicaciones Web
22 min
Web Fortificado: Mejores Prácticas para la Seguridad de Aplicaciones Web
This Talk, titled 'Fortify or App Fortified', discusses the concept of treating your application as a fortress to protect it from outside threats. It highlights the importance of web application security and the risks associated with broken access control, injection, and cryptographic values. The Talk also emphasizes the need to apply best practices and use frameworks' security features. Additionally, it addresses the security concerns related to user-provided URLs, style injection, and JavaScript injections. The summary concludes by emphasizing the importance of keeping dependencies updated and following best practices to ensure project security.
WebXR? Realidad Virtual y Realidad Aumentada de forma nativa en navegadores
28 min
WebXR? Realidad Virtual y Realidad Aumentada de forma nativa en navegadores
JS Nation explores the power of the web, including virtual and augmented reality experiences. WebXR and A-Frame enable creating native-like experiences using web technologies. Tooling and resources are available to develop and experiment with WebXR. The possibilities for web development and creative projects are endless. Improving AR devices, enhancing PDF viewers, and utilizing AI assistants are areas of interest. JavaScript abstraction and positive audience feedback were highlighted.
Simplificar las Publicaciones de Paquetes - Desde la Versionado hasta la Publicación
7 min
Simplificar las Publicaciones de Paquetes - Desde la Versionado hasta la Publicación
The Talk focuses on the Nx release command for publishing npm packages in a monorepo setup. It ensures correct package publishing order, handles versioning and change logs, and allows for simulating changes before publishing. Advanced features include configurable versioning, group releases, and support for different languages. Documentation, videos, and recipes are available for customizing and automating releases on your CI system.
Web Monetization: Tu nueva API amigable de JavaScript
23 min
Web Monetization: Tu nueva API amigable de JavaScript
Today's Talk explores Web Monetization, a JavaScript API that simplifies payment for web content. The challenges of monetizing web content and possible solutions are discussed, along with the drawbacks of advertisements and subscriptions. Content creators face challenges with platform restrictions and delayed payments, but web monetization offers a solution. The advantages of web monetization include instant payments, privacy-conscious transactions, and lower entry barriers for creators. The Talk concludes by encouraging involvement in the web monetization community and the development of web monetization utilities and plugins.
Microfrontends en Sistemas Críticos de Aviación
9 min
Microfrontends en Sistemas Críticos de Aviación
AWS SafeKit is a market leader in airport control software, managing the entire operation of an airport. Microfrontends extend microservice architecture to the frontend, allowing components to be combined at runtime. Module federation from Webpack is a popular approach for loading remote modules. Microfrontends offer benefits such as incremental upgrades and deployment independence, but also come with downsides like poor performance and complexity. Microfrontends are recommended for large-scale enterprise applications with distinct requirements and the need for experimentation.
Olvida los Polígonos: Gaussian Splats, el Nuevo Enfoque para Gráficos 3D Fotorealistas
5 min
Olvida los Polígonos: Gaussian Splats, el Nuevo Enfoque para Gráficos 3D Fotorealistas
Today, I'll be talking about GspotJS and Gaussian Splatting, a revolutionary graphics pipeline that can render high-fidelity scenes at 144 FPS. Gaussian Splatting is a technique that converts data directly into an image using Gaussians. GspotJS is a lightweight JavaScript library for Gaussian Splat rendering, with features like 4D rendering. The library aims to provide a simple and speedy way to view Splats on the web, while more advanced applications can use Mackellog Gaussian Splats 3D. Both Gaussian Splatting and gSplotJS are open-source.
Explicar como si fuera tu gerente: Accesibilidad digital
20 min
Explicar como si fuera tu gerente: Accesibilidad digital
Experience the challenges faced by visually impaired people and optimize user experiences for different viewports. Understand the importance of digital accessibility and its benefits for businesses. Learn about the obligations for businesses to deliver accessible features and the correlation between accessibility and organic reach in search engines. Discover the three fundamental steps to work on accessibility and the concept of continuous accessibility. Find out how to test, fix, and mentor accessibility issues and how to get people on board by gathering champions and incorporating accessibility into workflows.
Reverse-Engineering Todo para Deshacerte de los Problemas de Confianza
20 min
Reverse-Engineering Todo para Deshacerte de los Problemas de Confianza
JavaScript's power and versatility make it the programming language of choice for consumer applications worldwide. A JavaScript engineer should understand how things work, even if they don't know everything. The Talk discusses modifying websites, uncovering game rigging through developer tools, analyzing fetch requests and overrides, refactoring and state management, and website modification. The speaker shares personal experiences and highlights the importance of understanding and being able to modify code in real-time.
Pear Runtime: Aplicaciones de alta escala sin infraestructura
8 min
Pear Runtime: Aplicaciones de alta escala sin infraestructura
Pair Runtime is a fully peer-to-peer runtime that operates on user devices, with no data stored in the cloud. Pair is a development and deployment tool that enables creating and running Pair applications on user devices. Pair is a platform for building terminal, desktop, and mobile applications, providing all the necessary tools and resources. It offers inherent data security and uses a hole-punching algorithm to connect peers. Pair is designed for simplicity and true security.
¡Vamos Barbie, Vamos a la Fiesta: Usando IA para la Mezcla de Música
27 min
¡Vamos Barbie, Vamos a la Fiesta: Usando IA para la Mezcla de Música
Today, we explore DJ mixing and how deep learning revolutionizes the art by discussing sound processing, extracting features, and using machine learning. Deep learning allows for efficient extraction of audio features and high-resolution track separation. Neural networks can achieve source separation by converting audio to spectrograms and applying convolutional and recurrent neural networks. This has immediate impact on industries such as karaoke and music transcription.
Navegando una Modernización a Gran Escala con DDD
11 min
Navegando una Modernización a Gran Escala con DDD
Approximately one year ago, we started a modernization effort, but faced challenges with company politics and the reality of our tech stack. Lesson one is the importance of aligning goals and understanding current problems. Lesson two is the importance of getting everyone on board and committed to the project's success. Lesson three is repeatedly telling stakeholders why big technological changes are worth the investment.
Charla sobre café con documentación, ¿Estás listo?
34 min
Charla sobre café con documentación, ¿Estás listo?
Maya Chavin, a senior software engineer at Microsoft, discusses generative AI and the core model for LM. The flow of a document Q&A service and the importance of prompts in enhancing it are explored. The injection and querying phases of document Q&A are explained, emphasizing the need for efficient storage, indexing, and computing relevant prompts. The talk also covers the use of embedding models, optimization strategies, and the challenges of testing and validating AI results. Creative uses of LLMs and the impact of AI on job security are mentioned.
Velocidad de búsqueda: Haciendo más rápido los vuelos de Expedia
10 min
Velocidad de búsqueda: Haciendo más rápido los vuelos de Expedia
The Talk discusses how the engineering team at Expedia improved the performance of customer flight search by using various metrics and techniques. These include prefetching resources during browser idle time, preemptive search to predict responses, and optimizing performance through micro queries and a micro front-end architecture. The team also focused on improving build and package size limits for better code analysis. Performance monitoring and automation were implemented for ongoing performance improvements.
LLRT JavaScript Runtime: Redefiniendo la Latencia Serverless
20 min
LLRT JavaScript Runtime: Redefiniendo la Latencia Serverless
Swift responsiveness is essential, and LLRT is a new JavaScript runtime optimized for serverless environments that offers improved performance and cost savings compared to other runtimes. LLRT achieves fast performance by removing complexities, leveraging Rust, and optimizing the AWS SDK for Lambda. It starts almost six times faster than Node.js and provides a cost saving of 2.9 times and a time saving of 3.7 times compared to Node.js.
JSR: Registro JavaScript de próxima generación
6 min
JSR: Registro JavaScript de próxima generación
JSR is a new JavaScript registry that supports TypeScript and offers additional features like GitHub Action integration, provenance attestations, and documentation generation. It provides a simple website with package search, documentation, and a gamified score. The process of publishing a new package in JSR involves creating a JSR.json file with package details and exports, using MPX JSR publish to publish the package, and approving authorization in the browser. However, documentation for the package is not automatically generated and needs to be manually added.
¿Qué hay dentro del Linter de Biome?
10 min
¿Qué hay dentro del Linter de Biome?
Today, we're going to talk about the Biome Analyzer, which is not just a linter or a CLI tool. It takes advantage of multi-threading, channels for communication, and caching to achieve high performance. The analyzer complements the parser and provides features like import sorting and emitting new diagnostics. It is LSP ready, can automatically sort JSON keys, and can be used as a CLI tool for enforcing refactors. The Biome Analyzer showcases its impressive performance in handling large codebases in a video demonstration.
Rendimiento web: El caso africano
22 min
Rendimiento web: El caso africano
Today's Talk discussed web performance and internet penetration in Africa, highlighting the challenges of limited data plans and less powerful devices. The importance of considering internet accessibility when developing websites was emphasized, as slow-loading websites can result in negative reviews and lost customers. The concept of resumability, which delivers only necessary JavaScript for improved performance, was explored, along with the implementation of the QUIC framework to achieve this. QUIC framework was also discussed in terms of lazy execution and its ability to improve website performance and resource consumption.
Patrones Infinitos en el Lienzo Digital: Desatando la Creatividad con JavaScript en el Arte Algorítmico
24 min
Patrones Infinitos en el Lienzo Digital: Desatando la Creatividad con JavaScript en el Arte Algorítmico
Algorithmic art is a unique form of artistic expression where programming plays a fundamental role in creating unpredictable and complex works. P5.js is a JavaScript library that enables artists, designers, educators, and beginners to create graphic and interactive web experiences. P5.js offers various features and possibilities, such as fractals, iterate systems, and creating art with randomness. It also allows for user interactivity and provides a resource called Open Processing for inspiration and examples. The library offers a wide range of examples for exploration and learning, providing endless possibilities for creating complex and unique pieces of art.
Desbloqueando la propiedad digital: Cómo almacenar cuentas utilizando la tecnología blockchain
30 min
Desbloqueando la propiedad digital: Cómo almacenar cuentas utilizando la tecnología blockchain
Welcome to the talk about digital ownership using blockchain and NFTs. Explore NFTs and their integration with blockchain. Learn how to create NFTs using Remix on the Sepoia test network. Deploy and access the smart contract on the blockchain. Connect your wallet and grant access to NFTs. Understand the blockchain structure and its authentication capabilities. Connect your wallet with the frontend and interact with it. Explore blockchain connections with Chainlink. Understand gas fees and account abstraction in blockchain transactions. Learn about ownership, account recovery, and data storage on the blockchain. Discover how blockchain can be used for public information, databases, and its energy costs. Gain insights into blockchain functionality and data storage.
¡Di WAT Ahora!? JavaScript Turboalimentado con WASM Hecho a Mano
11 min
¡Di WAT Ahora!? JavaScript Turboalimentado con WASM Hecho a Mano
JavaScript became successful due to its association with the browser as the only runtime. WebAssembly (WASM) is a virtual machine that can run anywhere and has a different computation model. WebAssembly code can be analyzed and converted into a more readable format. It can be used to accelerate code and enhance performance. Check out Austin Theroux's repository for examples.
Éticamente conectado: Ética informática para tecnólogos
9 min
Éticamente conectado: Ética informática para tecnólogos
Computer ethics is the set of agreed upon principles that govern the use of technology, and integrating ethical frameworks into the decision-making process reflects a commitment to fostering a compassionate technological landscape. Incorporating ethics early in the product development cycle can avoid exclusions and financial losses, and can be done through premortems and check-ins. Promoting proactive inclusivity involves validating and prioritizing goals, conducting user testing, and following the Association for Computing Machinery's Code of Ethics. Additional resources include books on computer ethics and the Design Justice Network.