June 15 - 19, 2024
TechLead Conference

TechLead Conference 2024

Event about leadership and seniority

The conference is about leadership and seniority in teams. 20 engineers, managers and HR from leading companies will give talks on topics as careers and soft skills. We'll discuss how to become more senior and get more influence in the company, get a promotion and achieve what you want in your career.

Esta edición del evento ha finalizado, las últimas actualizaciones de este Tech Conference están disponibles en el sitio web de la marca. Sigue para más Tech Conferences.
Shawn Swyx Wang's career tips: Knowing how to market yourself is not scammy
0 min
Shawn Swyx Wang's career tips: Knowing how to market yourself is not scammy
Shawn Swyx Wang
Jan Tomes
2 authors
As it is with many developers, his path to coding was not straightforward. And looking at Shawn's bio, it's apparent he applied that experience to his whole career: he's the head of developer experience at Temporal.io, author of a bestselling book on progressing career in IT, and a sought-after mentor and speaker. His number one advice? “Marketing is not beneath you.”

What led you to software engineering?My first career was in finance, and I did a lot of trading of currency derivatives and stock portfolios. We had to do a lot of number crunching in Excel, Python, and then Haskell. I was the guy putting together all that data. I didn't call myself an engineer, but I was writing software. I saw that there are many good ideas in software engineering that I should learn and that once I do that, my life will be significantly better. So I left finance and went through a boot camp to learn all the software engineering practices. My first job was at two Sigma as a front-end engineer. Then I joined Netlify as a developer engineer and then AWS. What is the most impactful thing you ever did to boost your career?This will sound very similar to Ken's thing, and it's called learning in public. I did it when I was at Sigma because I wasn't learning much at work. I was in New York City, there were many meetups, and I decided to give myself my own mentors speaking there, writing blog posts, sharing them, and just finding more ways to grow apart from inside of my company. And I realized that it was way more effective than just waiting for the right boss or co-worker to teach me.Also, the dev community has been so welcoming and supportive. You learn, share what you've learned, and people will correct you if you're wrong. And once you're wrong, you will never forget what you have been learning. So if you have a pretty thick skin and a low ego, you can learn a lot. In fact, with my most recent job, I wrote a blog post about what I thought was missing in the serverless ecosystem based on what I had seen at AWS and Netlify. Someone commented on my blog, a VC read the comments and hired that guy to head the products at Temporal. And then that guy turned around and hired me based on that blog post. For me, learning in public has opened up jobs and speaking opportunities on multiple continents. And I've made a lot of friends who are genuinely interested in technology.What would be your three tips for engineers to level up their career? Understand that some marketing is unavoidable and that knowing how to market yourself authentically is not scammy. It's not beneath you. It's what you need to do to get people to know you, your skills, and the quality of your work. A lot of developers have a build-it-and-they-will-come mentality, and it does not serve them very well. Invest some time into developing your marketing and understanding how to market yourself. I have a blog called How to market yourself without being a celebrity. When people look at marketing, they see the celebrity path, the influencer path. But many people don't want to be an influencer, so they'll say: "No marketing for me!" Let's disconnect those two things. Also, there's a difference between marketing yourself internally within your company — which you should always do — and marketing yourself externally with other developers.My second tip is to clone open-source apps. Clone something that already exists so that you stop making all these little product decisions. Maybe your implementation will be better, which is great; that's how the industry improves. And if it's worse, you start to understand the underlying trade-offs of your project. And a third one?Many people have the cold start problem when it comes to networking and content creation. Yes, you will not get much response when you start. So the way to guarantee response is what I call a "pick up what they put down" approach. If you want feedback, start giving feedback, mainly whenever people put out something new.When somebody you respect publishes a new demo, a new library, a new blog post, or a new workshop, summarize it, respond to it, react to it. Not with a YouTube reaction video, but actually respond to the meat of the content. Ask questions: Do you agree? Do you disagree? What else can you do with this implementation? Pick up on the things. Find bugs in the demos and the libraries, and you're guaranteed to get a response from that.I think that's an excellent starting point because these people are already influential. Almost definition, they have more ideas, and they know what they do. You work with them, become a collaborator. Eventually, you start to disagree with them, and you feel forced off into your own path. That's, I think, a great way to get started.

You are now working on developer experience at Temporal.io. What does it entail?Temporal is an open-source microservices orchestration system, which you could compare to Apache Airflow or AWS Step Functions. But we're better. There's a core server that is open source, and then there's all this stuff around it that needs to reach developers: documentation, developer relations, web UI, and SDKs. And I'm the head of developer experience helping each team in those areas. They are not essential to the server itself but important to how developers experience the product. I have overarching excitement in my career about helping technologies cross the chasm. I'm not sure who came up with the term, but the idea is that when you switch over from early adopters to a broad audience, there is a big gap in the middle where you have to fill in a lot of gaps with developer experience. That's what I focus on. Do you have some rituals or tools that keep you focused and goal-oriented?I try to do time blocking. For example, interview calls are on Fridays, which gives me focus on work from Mondays to Thursdays. Within the day, you have different time blocks as well. And if you can block off time for yourself too, I think you can get a lot more done.Apart from your daily job, you are a writer and speaker, and you recently published The Coding Career Handbook. What inspired you to write it?Mostly the feedback from my essay on learning in public. It was the most impactful piece of writing I've ever done; it reached over a million people. I can write about technical stuff, and I think it would be easier to sell, but React will be over someday. The thing that will not be over is career stuff, the evergreen things. When I decided to write the book, I had some time between my Netlify job and my Amazon job. So I wrote a poll, and the one with the more enthusiastic response was the career stuff. For whatever reason, this is the most valuable topic to my readers. Also, I think there's a gap in the market for leveling juniors and seniors. You can find many materials on how to learn to code and crack the coding interview. And then there's a big gap. But many people are coming into tech as juniors, and there's a lot of companies wanting to hire seniors — and nobody focuses on developing juniors into seniors.So I'm trying to contribute my thoughts as well as the thoughts of others. I collected 1,500 references to other people's ideas on becoming a senior engineer in the book. And I think if I keep at this — this is version one — I will build it up into the ultimate resource on how to become a senior engineer.

And if you were to highlight one idea from your book, which one would it be?I'd say the most underappreciated part of my book is the strategy section — the importance of picking the right thing to work on rather than just being a clean coder or choosing the right tech stack. Understanding how money is made from your software is key to selecting the right company and positioning yourself correctly within the company. You are also very active in the community: you've contributed to several other books, have a 34k+ following on Twitter, helped to run the React subreddit... How has it impacted your career?It helps you to know everybody. It allows you to understand what's going on. I'm typically the source of news to my team, and they appreciate that. Also, if you're friends with everybody, you don't have to know everything — it's all coming from that community. What open-source projects would you recommend keeping an eye on or contributing to?I left the React community because I was getting more and more interested in Svelte. I do think it is an underrated framework for front-end developers. It's not for everybody, but I think it solves a good set of problems, including state management, styling, and animation. At React, we still don't have good answers for these things after all these years.What pieces of your work are you most proud of?Mostly the community behind the coding career handbook. I set up a semi-private Discord channel for people who opt into the community, and seeing people get jobs, double their pay when they go from junior to senior — that's really exciting. It's a great place for discussion where you can be totally honest. Realizing that that's something that I can do for ten years and not get bored of it, that's something I'm proud of.
Career tips by Tomasz Łakomy: I strive to challenge myself as often as I can
0 min
Career tips by Tomasz Łakomy: I strive to challenge myself as often as I can
Tomasz Łakomy
Jan Tomes
2 authors
Speakers are not made — they are born out of circumstances. And Tomasz is a perfect example of a self-starter who rose to the occasion. “I started at local meetups and climbed my way up to bigger and bigger events,” he says, nodding at the fact that he's now also a seasoned instructor revolutionizing modern commerce. How did he get there?
What led you to software engineering?It's been quite a journey. Ever since I was a kid, I was interested in technology, but I was definitely not one of those five-year-old prodigies that installed Arch Linux on their fridge. I wrote my first program on a Commodore 64 copying an entire page of arcane characters from a book to a computer and hitting Enter. And then I watched the screen flash in different colors.I built — okay, copied and pasted random code till it worked, which I kind of do till this day — my first website when I was around 12, but I never thought that web development would turn out to be my career. In fact, I explicitly did not decide to pursue a Computer Science degree for various reasons. I felt I wasn't good enough and thought that programming was not for me.Instead, I decided to pursue a master's degree in Electronics and Telecommunications, which, to my surprise, was most likely harder than the CS curriculum. Along the way, I got an opportunity to learn C++, which wasn't exactly a cakewalk, but it led me to my first internship, which led to another one where I was a part of an eight-week-long paid bootcamp. There I learned web development from scratch, an opportunity I'm forever grateful for. And I've been programming for a living ever since.What is the most impactful thing you ever did to boost your career? It was back in 2017 when I decided to give public speaking a shot. Like all tech speakers, I started at local meetups and slowly but surely climbed my way up to bigger and bigger events.Contrary to a popular notion, speaking at tech conferences is not exactly something you do for money. The connections, networking, and genuine friendships that happened because of all those events are priceless, though. The doors you get to open, the places you get to see, the people you get to meet — if you're able to, I cannot recommend speaking at tech events enough.
What would be your three tips for engineers to level up their career? I wrote everything I wished I knew earlier in this blog post. In short: talk to humans rather than machines, have a deep understanding of what you are building and why, and don't be afraid to say, "I don't know." Also, learn in public, as some of my colleagues mentioned in their interviews.What are you working on right now? I'm currently a front-end engineer at Stedi, where we're building a fully serverless platform for companies to integrate and exchange business transactions with each other. Stedi is a fully remote startup with employees from all around the globe, and I'm a part of a ridiculously talented team of engineers who happen to be from the same city I'm from!The business domain we're in hasn't seen much innovation in decades, and it's such an exciting space to contribute to. We're working on challenging and complex problems. After all, revolutionizing modern commerce can't be easy. Do you have some rituals that keep you focused and goal-oriented? I'm not sure if this is a ritual, but I strive to challenge myself as often as I can and pursue new personal and professional growth areas. My favorite answer to the famous "Where do you see yourself in five years?" question is, "I don't know." I feel like if you do know where you'll end up in five years, you may not be thinking broadly enough about your potential and possibilities. In this line of work, it's crucial to be focused on growth and becoming a lifelong learner.You're an egghead.io instructor, where you've contributed with two courses and more than 170 lessons. What do you find rewarding about the experience?Joining egghead was life-changing for me. Apart from the financial incentive, having the ability to record a lesson or a course in my bedroom and teach something useful to hundreds, if not thousands of developers, is remarkable. I'm forever grateful to Joel and the entire egghead crew for having me. If you're interested, you can read a bit more about my journey with them in the post.What would you say are essential qualities and skills for teaching — and learning?Keep your eyes open as there's always more to learn. Try to learn something new every week, if not every day. When teaching, optimize for boredom. It's better to explain something again to an expert rather than to a beginner who may feel excluded.Also, when one teaches, two learn, so use teaching as a tool of solidifying your own knowledge.And don't forget to be kind. Whenever you teach someone a concept that may seem totally obvious to you because you mastered it years ago, make sure to remember that you were a beginner not so long ago too.What open-source projects would you recommend keeping an eye on or contributing to?I'm a huge fan of everything Tanner Linsley is working on, especially React Query. In my humble opinion, it's the best library since jQuery, so make sure to check it out. It's just excellent.What pieces of your work are you most proud of? Whenever someone reaches out to me saying that a video, article, podcast, or talk I created helped them, it always means the world to me. It's an incredible feeling to have something you wrote a couple of months ago reach out to someone else from across the globe and help them grow as a developer.
Cómo Convertir el Trabajo de Ingeniería en una Promoción
29 min
Cómo Convertir el Trabajo de Ingeniería en una Promoción
The Talk discusses the challenges of work recognition in the software development field and provides practical tools to get your work noticed. It emphasizes the importance of setting specific goals and communicating them with your manager. The concept of a 'brag bank' is introduced as a way to store positive feedback and achievements. The Talk also explores the idea of job hopping and when it may be beneficial or detrimental to your career. It concludes by encouraging positive thinking, creating a career plan, and being kind to oneself.
El liderazgo tecnológico es más sobre las personas que sobre la tecnología
27 min
El liderazgo tecnológico es más sobre las personas que sobre la tecnología
Tech leadership is more about people than tech, with a focus on understanding and working with people. Developing soft skills is essential for tech leaders, as most tech problems are people problems. Continuous growth requires celebration, reflection, and learning from mistakes. Listening is a key soft skill that impacts other skills, and resolving conflicts requires reflection and open communication. Building trust and openness in offshore teams involves creating a feedback culture and understanding the remote environment. Taking initiative, understanding strengths, and finding support are important for career growth. Overcoming challenges, sustaining momentum, and taking time off for improvement are crucial. Books and resources on leadership are available on LinkedIn.
Escalando Rápido: Lecciones de Ingeniería de ~15 Años de Startups Tecnológicas
27 min
Escalando Rápido: Lecciones de Ingeniería de ~15 Años de Startups Tecnológicas
Tech growth is a Red Queen's race. Scale the business, team, and tech. Beware of the S-curve. Business growth fuels promotions and engineering challenges. Engineering teams get involved early in the process to develop the best solution.
Mentalidad: Tú vs. Tu IA
26 min
Mentalidad: Tú vs. Tu IA
The Talk discusses the mindset and operation of AI assistants, the influence of thoughts on our experience, the impact of subconscious thoughts on well-being, and strategies for improving mental health both individually and in a team setting. It emphasizes the importance of mindful consumption, self-care, and fitness for maintaining good mental health.
Realización de entrevistas e entrevistarse en la era de las herramientas de IA
29 min
Realización de entrevistas e entrevistarse en la era de las herramientas de IA
This talk explores interviewing in the age of AI, discussing the history of interviewing for software engineering and the skills needed for future interviews. It examines the challenges and frustrations of the current interview process, the role of AI in interviews, and the integration of AI in the development process. The shift in interview focus towards collaboration skills and intuition is highlighted, as well as the importance of adapting to the changing landscape and navigating junior interviews with AI. Effective interview strategies with AI are also discussed.
El Poder de un Segundo Cerebro en el Flujo de Trabajo de un Desarrollador
8 min
El Poder de un Segundo Cerebro en el Flujo de Trabajo de un Desarrollador
The concept of a second brain, a curated list of digital notes, helps enhance memory retention. Building and maintaining a second brain as a developer is beneficial for contextual discovery and quick information recall. Any tool can be used to create a second brain, starting with self-contained information and gradually forming a web of related content. Active learning through a second brain is enduring and helps retain information that cannot be physically recalled.
Adaptándose al Futuro del Trabajo en Tecnología
28 min
Adaptándose al Futuro del Trabajo en Tecnología
The Talk explores the history and evolution of software engineering, highlighting key figures and concepts that have shaped the field. It emphasizes the importance of understanding AI-assisted programming and how it can be used effectively. The future of programming is envisioned as models writing code based on defined behaviors, with a gradual shift towards solving human problems. The impact of AI on coding raises concerns about dependence and the need for responsible consumption. Guardrails, awareness, and customization are crucial in technology consumption.
La Entrelazamiento de Preocupaciones entre las Personas y el Desarrollo de Software
8 min
La Entrelazamiento de Preocupaciones entre las Personas y el Desarrollo de Software
The Talk explores the entanglement of concerns between people and the software they develop, emphasizing the importance of considering people and teams instead of just coding. It highlights the time constraints faced by developers and the potential for code optimization to improve understandability and usefulness. The Talk also discusses the significance of revamping outdated software and embracing continuous improvement in software development. It concludes by emphasizing the interconnectedness of software builders, thinkers, users, maintainers, and payers, and encourages the development of user-friendly software systems that adapt to change and consider the needs of all stakeholders.
Gestionándonos, Gestionando a los Demás
26 min
Gestionándonos, Gestionando a los Demás
The Talk discusses the challenges of dealing with people in software development and engineering. It offers debugging tools for human interactions, emphasizes taking ownership of one's actions and reactions, and recognizing power dynamics. The importance of setting boundaries for work-life balance and privacy at work is highlighted. Strategies for managing emotions and dysregulation are provided, along with techniques for repairing relationship ruptures. The Talk concludes by emphasizing the importance of relationship debugging tools and continuous personal growth.
No es un Tech Lead común: ¿Qué significa ser TL en una empresa de software Lean?
20 min
No es un Tech Lead común: ¿Qué significa ser TL en una empresa de software Lean?
The Talk discusses the role of a tech lead in a lean software company. It highlights the importance of understanding the distinction between a senior developer and a tech lead. The speaker shares their experience of focusing on immediate issues rather than addressing root causes, leading to burnout. The Talk emphasizes the mentor model of management and the shift in perspective it brings. It also explores the principles of lean and problem-solving techniques in a lean company. The role of a tech lead is to implement solutions, standardize processes, and create optimal conditions for developers.
Pequeñas cosas que te lanzan al caos: La forma en que los líderes de ingeniería salen del caos diario
25 min
Pequeñas cosas que te lanzan al caos: La forma en que los líderes de ingeniería salen del caos diario
This Talk discusses the challenges faced by engineering leaders and provides strategies to overcome them. It emphasizes the importance of organizing, prioritizing, delegating, and maintaining focus. Techniques such as email organization, task prioritization using the Eisenhower matrix, and delegation to scale work are highlighted. The Talk also emphasizes the need to protect and schedule focus time to avoid overload and fragmentation. Overall, the Talk provides practical advice for engineering leaders to navigate the chaos and enhance productivity.
Refactorizando Mentalidades: Priorizando la Salud Mental en el Desarrollo de Software
20 min
Refactorizando Mentalidades: Priorizando la Salud Mental en el Desarrollo de Software
Today's Talk focuses on the importance of mental health in software development and engineering. The pandemic has highlighted the need to raise awareness and address mental health issues in the tech industry, which has seen a significant impact on productivity and well-being. Common mental health issues in the industry include anxiety, depression, burnout, and imposter syndrome. Solutions include promoting work-life balance, empathy, upskilling, mindfulness, and regular breaks. Maintaining mental well-being involves being involved in tech communities, setting realistic goals, embracing criticism, finding support, and prioritizing sleep.
El Arte de Entrevistar Personas o Cómo Identificar Talento Senior
22 min
El Arte de Entrevistar Personas o Cómo Identificar Talento Senior
The Talk discusses the process of interviewing and identifying senior talent. It emphasizes the importance of assessing soft skills and qualities like communication, leadership, mentoring, and teaching abilities. Evaluating problem-solving skills involves observing the candidate's reaction and their focus on the actual problem, rather than the specific answer. The Talk also highlights the significance of ownership, autonomy, emotional intelligence, and the ability to handle failure. Finally, it mentions the importance of concluding the interview by asking questions to assess the candidate's fit and career stage.
Maximizando tu Potencial en Entrevistas de Tecnología: Las Tres C para el Éxito
21 min
Maximizando tu Potencial en Entrevistas de Tecnología: Las Tres C para el Éxito
To maximize your potential for success in tech interviews, it is crucial to have a well-planned approach. The three C's to interview success are connections, confidence, and communication. Connections play a significant role in job search and personal branding is important. Building a personal brand and making connections can have a significant impact on your career. Content creation, confidence building, effective communication, and preparation are key for success in technical interviews.
De Palabras de Moda en los Negocios a un Cambio Significativo: Medir y Mejorar la Productividad en Ingeniería
26 min
De Palabras de Moda en los Negocios a un Cambio Significativo: Medir y Mejorar la Productividad en Ingeniería
Efficiency and productivity are buzzwords in the tech industry, but they have been misused and misunderstood. Leadership roles in tech are evolving, and understanding engineering productivity is crucial. Effectiveness is about achieving goals and customer adoption, while efficiency is about doing things right with fewer resources. Prioritizing effectiveness, productivity, and efficiency can help businesses achieve their goals. Understanding company goals, aligning strategies, and involving the team in defining success metrics are key to driving productivity and improving team performance.
De Desarrollador Senior a Gerente y Viceversa: El Viaje de Regresar a la Codificación
19 min
De Desarrollador Senior a Gerente y Viceversa: El Viaje de Regresar a la Codificación
The Talk explores the transition from software developer to team leader, highlighting the different responsibilities and challenges involved. It discusses the role of an engineering manager in organizing team work, making top-level technical decisions, and representing the team externally. The challenges and satisfaction of being a manager are also explored, with an emphasis on the importance of the team's success and growth. The Talk concludes with tips for new managers and the possibility of returning to an engineering role.
Ama a tus Mantenedores
19 min
Ama a tus Mantenedores
Open source is a decentralized software development model driven by passion. Maintainers give their time for free, out of passion. Even a small act of rudeness can burn people out. Start with a detailed search when asking for help in open source projects. Providing detailed information in issue reports is crucial. Creating reproducible repositories with minimum details is the best way to get a fix. Follow up on filed issues and show kindness and gratitude towards maintainers.
De la Confusión a la Claridad: Aprovechando las RFC en Entornos de Alto Rendimiento
10 min
De la Confusión a la Claridad: Aprovechando las RFC en Entornos de Alto Rendimiento
Mateus Palino from Quintana Roo presents From Chaos to Clarity, Leveraging RFCs in High-Performance Environments. Quintana Roo aims to improve delivery quality and reduce design time through RFCs. They have created a group called RFCs Advisors and focused on empowering focal points, training managers, and creating tools, guides, and processes. By implementing tailored training initiatives and optimizing design review meetings, they have increased the number and quality of RFCs, resulting in better solutions deployed.
Escucha Mejor, Lidera Mejor
7 min
Escucha Mejor, Lidera Mejor
Active listening is a powerful tool that can improve relationships and foster growth. The BREW framework provides guidance for effective communication, emphasizing the importance of being present, reflecting, encouraging, and withholding judgment. Active listening involves understanding what is not being said and creates trust and empathy. By practicing active listening and using the BREW framework, leaders can become more effective in their roles.
Reiniciando la alegría: aprovechando la diversión y los hobbies para redefinir el trabajo en el mundo tecnológico
6 min
Reiniciando la alegría: aprovechando la diversión y los hobbies para redefinir el trabajo en el mundo tecnológico
Reignite your passion for tech by incorporating playfulness and hobbies into your daily grind. Organize mini hackathons, engage in pair programming, and dedicate time for curiosity hours. Helping others and participating in hack-a-thons are great ways to stay excited. What's one hobby or playful activity that could reignite your passion?
Carga Cognitiva y tu Entorno de Desarrollo
19 min
Carga Cognitiva y tu Entorno de Desarrollo
Cognitive load is the amount of available memory and cognitive resources a person has, and cognitive overload occurs when the load exceeds what can be sustained. Various factors, including disabilities and external factors like stress, can affect cognitive load. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) impact cognitive load differently, and instructional design can help reduce cognitive load for individuals with these conditions. Understanding cognitive complexity in code, optimizing the development environment, and minimizing distractions are important for managing cognitive load. Multitasking increases cognitive load, and using organizational systems, automation, and constant learning can help mitigate cognitive load and improve productivity.
Creación de Contenido para Desarrolladores
18 min
Creación de Contenido para Desarrolladores
Today's Talk highlights the importance of technical content creation for developers and the benefits it brings. It emphasizes the value of becoming a thought leader and the opportunities it opens up in one's career. The Talk also provides practical tips for getting started with content creation, such as tailoring content to the audience, using storytelling techniques, and providing value to the readers. It further emphasizes the need for quality and consistency in content creation and the importance of sharing personal insights and experiences. Overall, the Talk encourages developers to step out of their comfort zone, share their knowledge, and grow both professionally and personally through content creation.
Liderando con Pasión y Equilibrio
21 min
Liderando con Pasión y Equilibrio
In this Talk, the speaker discusses the importance of effective leadership and maintaining well-being. They present a prioritization framework for task management, using the analogy of three types of threads: glass, bead, and rubber. Glass threads represent critical tasks that require personal attention, while bead threads can be managed collaboratively. The speaker emphasizes the need for delegation and empowering team members to take on leadership roles. They also highlight the importance of self-care and mental health in avoiding burnout.
De Ingeniero a Líder: Un Masterclass para Líderes Tecnológicos Primerizos
144 min
De Ingeniero a Líder: Un Masterclass para Líderes Tecnológicos Primerizos
Andrew Murphy
Andrew Murphy
Transicionar de un rol de contribuidor individual a una posición de liderazgo, especialmente en la industria tecnológica de ritmo acelerado, es enormemente desafiante. La mayoría de los nuevos líderes no reciben ningún tipo de capacitación en los primeros 10 años de sus nuevas responsabilidades.Nuestro completo masterclass está diseñado para ayudar a los nuevos y emergentes líderes tecnológicos a comprender sus nuevos roles y adquirir las habilidades para convertirse en líderes seguros, felices y efectivos.
Managers Are From Mars, Devs Are From Venus
111 min
Managers Are From Mars, Devs Are From Venus
Mo Khazali
Mo Khazali
Una Guía para Desarrolladores sobre Cómo Comunicar, Convencer y Colaborar Efectivamente con los Stakeholders
Es una historia tan antigua como el tiempo: la colaboración entre desarrolladores y stakeholders de negocios ha sido durante mucho tiempo un desafío, con una falta de comunicación clara que a menudo deja a ambas partes frustradas. Los mejores desarrolladores pueden comprender profundamente las necesidades de sus contrapartes de negocios, comunicar efectivamente la estrategia técnica sin perder a la audiencia no técnica y convencer al negocio de tomar las decisiones correctas. Trabajando en una consultoría, he fallado y tenido éxito en arquitectar y “vender” visiones técnicas, aprendiendo muchas lecciones en el camino.Ya sea que trabajes en una empresa de productos, seas consultor/freelancer, o quieras aventurarte más allá de ser solo un desarrollador, la capacidad de convencer y comunicar claramente con los stakeholders puede diferenciarte en la industria tecnológica. Esto se vuelve aún más importante con el auge de GenAI y el mercado de desarrolladores cada vez más competitivo, ya que la resolución de problemas y la comunicación efectiva son clave para posicionarte.En esta masterclass, compartiré ejemplos del mundo real, tanto buenos como malos, y te guiaré a través de poner la teoría en práctica mediante dojos.
Fuera de la sartén, al fuego: Guía para gerentes sobre cómo ayudar a los nuevos desarrolladores a prosperar
35 min
Fuera de la sartén, al fuego: Guía para gerentes sobre cómo ayudar a los nuevos desarrolladores a prosperar
Andrew Coleburn
Andrew Coleburn
Integrarse a un nuevo proyecto puede ser difícil, sin importar tu experiencia y antecedentes. Pero puede ser especialmente desafiante para los nuevos desarrolladores recién salidos de la escuela o de un bootcamp de programación. Basándose en su experiencia personal como graduado de un bootcamp y consultor de JavaScript, esta charla discutirá consejos y estrategias para que los gerentes ayuden a los nuevos desarrolladores de sus equipos a familiarizarse con un código desconocido, para que puedan tener un impacto más rápido y efectivo.
El Arte de la Influencia: Potenciando la Colaboración en los Equipos de Desarrolladores
10 min
El Arte de la Influencia: Potenciando la Colaboración en los Equipos de Desarrolladores
You are all influencers already in your teams and in your companies. If we learn how to master this skill, you can really achieve what you want. Collaboration is key to successful software development. Shift your thinking from old thinking to growth thinking. Effective collaboration requires more than just technical skills.
Observability Is Due for a Version Change; Are You Ready for It?
Recording pending
Observability Is Due for a Version Change; Are You Ready for It?
The time has come: the DevOps revolution is winding down, and we’re entering the post-DevOps era. We’re at the precipice of a massive generational shift in how we build and understand our software, and CTOs need to prepare.In the past, we were only interested in basic metrics on how we operated our software: reliability, uptime, MTTR, MTTD. Observability 1.0. Companies that settle for these basic data points will not survive in this new era.As engineering best practices around separating deploys from releases, testing in production, observability-driven development have become standardized, the approach to telemetry has stalled, and it’s time for a new version: Observability 2.0.Learn what this new version means for your engineers, and how to embrace this breaking change to:- Save them from drowning in symptom-based alerting- Help fewer people work together to build better software- Create fast feedback loops throughout the entire organization through highly granular visibility into all their systems