October 20 - 21, 2021
Vue.js Live Conference

Vue.js London Live 2021

Code / Create / Communicate

Following the expansion of the Vue ecosystem, Vue.js Live Conference has grown from a local Meetup to an international conf. The event will welcome more 5k Vue folks remotely from anywhere in the world. Every participant around the world can access online workshops, fun & networking with stellar Vue people.

Esta edición del evento ha finalizado, las últimas actualizaciones de este JavaScript Conference están disponibles en el sitio web de la marca.
Todo Más Allá de la Gestión de Estado en Tiendas con Pinia
34 min
Todo Más Allá de la Gestión de Estado en Tiendas con Pinia
Top Content
State management is not limited to complex applications and transitioning to a store offers significant benefits. Pinia is a centralized state management solution compatible with Vue 2 and Vue 3, providing advanced devtools support and extensibility with plugins. The core API of Pinia is similar to Vuex, but with a less verbose version of stores and powerful plugins. Pinia allows for easy state inspection, error handling, and testing. It is recommended to create one file per store for better organization and Pinia offers a more efficient performance compared to V-rex.
Bienvenido a Nuxt 3
29 min
Bienvenido a Nuxt 3
Top Content
Nux3 has made significant improvements in performance, output optimization, and serverless support. Nuxt Bridge brings the Nitro engine for enhanced performance and easier transition between Nuxt 2 and Nuxt Read. Nuxt 3 supports Webpack 5, Bytes, and Vue 3. NextLab has developed brand new websites using Docus technology. Nuxt.js is recommended for building apps faster and simpler, and Nuxt 2 should be used before migrating to Nuxt 3 for stability. DOCUS is a new project that combines Nuxt with additional features like content modules and an admin panel.
Un Año en Vue 3
20 min
Un Año en Vue 3
Top Content
Vue 3 has seen significant adoption and improvements in performance, bundle size, architecture, and TypeScript integration. The ecosystem around Vue 3 is catching up, with new tools and frameworks being developed. The Vue.js.org documentation is undergoing a complete overhaul. PNIA is emerging as the go-to state management solution for Vue 3. The options API and composition API are both viable options in Vue 3, with the choice depending on factors such as complexity and familiarity with TypeScript. Vue 3 continues to support CDN installation and is recommended for new projects.
Utilizando Rust desde Vue con WebAssembly
8 min
Utilizando Rust desde Vue con WebAssembly
Top Content
In this Talk, the speaker demonstrates how to use Rust with WebAssembly in a Vue.js project. They explain that WebAssembly is a binary format that allows for high-performance code and less memory usage in the browser. The speaker shows how to build a Rust example using the WasmPack tool and integrate it into a Vue template. They also demonstrate how to call Rust code from a Vue component and deploy the resulting package to npm for easy sharing and consumption.
Estado Local y Caché del Servidor: Encontrando un Equilibrio
24 min
Estado Local y Caché del Servidor: Encontrando un Equilibrio
Top Content
This Talk discusses handling local state in software development, particularly when dealing with asynchronous behavior and API requests. It explores the challenges of managing global state and the need for actions when handling server data. The Talk also highlights the issue of fetching data not in Vuex and the challenges of keeping data up-to-date in Vuex. It mentions alternative tools like Apollo Client and React Query for handling local state. The Talk concludes with a discussion on GitLab going public and the celebration that followed.
Options API vs Composition API: Elegir el enfoque correcto para tu equipo
23 min
Options API vs Composition API: Elegir el enfoque correcto para tu equipo
Top Content
Today's Talk discusses the Options API and Composition API in Vue 3, highlighting the differences and considerations when choosing an approach. The Composition API offers more flexibility and integrates well with TypeScript, but may require more familiarity with JavaScript. Combining both APIs allows for structure and flexibility, with the ability to progressively enhance code. Team preferences and the level of TypeScript usage should be considered when choosing the right approach for a project.
Vuetify 3: Titan
20 min
Vuetify 3: Titan
Top Content
Hi, I'm John Leader, the creator of Viewtify. Viewtify 3 is the upcoming version with new design concepts, improved usability, and compatibility with modern browsers. The framework has added new features like a validation system, style diversity, semantic customization options, and a density concept. Enhanced customization options, improved performance, and advanced browser support with CSS variables are also highlights of Viewtify 3.
Usando Nitro - Construyendo una Aplicación con el Último Motor de Renderizado de Nuxt
117 min
Usando Nitro - Construyendo una Aplicación con el Último Motor de Renderizado de Nuxt
Top Content
Daniel Roe
Daniel Roe
Construiremos un proyecto Nuxt juntos desde cero usando Nitro, el nuevo motor de renderizado de Nuxt, y Nuxt Bridge. Exploraremos algunas de las formas en que puedes usar y desplegar Nitro, mientras construimos una aplicación juntos con algunas de las restricciones del mundo real que enfrentarías al desplegar una aplicación para tu empresa. En el camino, dispara tus preguntas hacia mí y haré lo mejor para responderlas.
Gestión de Estado Moderna con Vue 3
22 min
Gestión de Estado Moderna con Vue 3
Top Content
Vanessa introduces Vue Free and discusses the benefits of using the Composition API. The order of execution and grouping logical units using the Composition API is explained. The Composition API is used for state management and refactoring components. The speaker shares their initial experience with state management using Vuex. Composables are explored as an alternative for state management in Vue 3.
Patrones para Aplicaciones Vue.js a Gran Escala
25 min
Patrones para Aplicaciones Vue.js a Gran Escala
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Standards are crucial for achieving predictability and maintainability in a code base. The Vue.js community provides several sources of standards, including the Vue.js Style Guide and official libraries. Personal and team-wide standards can complement community-wide ones. Alternative component structures, like an almost flat structure, can work well for large apps. Adopting a standardized route naming convention can make routes more predictable. Miscellaneous tips include wrapping third-party libraries, creating SDKs for APIs, and auto-registering components globally. Thorough testing is important, and Vue School offers various services and courses for becoming an expert in Vue.js.
Vue3: Desarrollo Moderno de Aplicaciones Frontend
169 min
Vue3: Desarrollo Moderno de Aplicaciones Frontend
Top Content
Mikhail Kuznetsov
Mikhail Kuznetsov
Vue3 fue lanzado a mediados de 2020. Además de muchas mejoras y optimizaciones, la principal característica que trae Vue3 es la API de Composición, una nueva forma de escribir y reutilizar código reactivo. Aprendamos más sobre cómo usar la API de Composición de manera eficiente.

Además de las características principales de Vue3, explicaremos ejemplos de cómo usar bibliotecas populares con Vue3.

Tabla de contenidos:
- Introducción a Vue3
- API de Composición
- Bibliotecas principales
- Ecosistema Vue3

Requisitos previos:
IDE de elección (Inellij o VSC) instalado
Nodejs + NPM
Validaciones de Formularios en Vue con Vest
21 min
Validaciones de Formularios en Vue con Vest
VEST is a form validation framework inspired by unit testing libraries. It provides a structured approach to form validation, making maintenance and reuse easier. VEST supports multiple validations per field, warning validations, interdependent field validation, async validations, and memoization. It is lightweight and can be integrated with various frameworks and libraries. The speaker is open to collaboration and contributions for adding a reactive interface using VUE's reactivity model.
Cómo migrar sin problemas una gran base de código a Vue 3
20 min
Cómo migrar sin problemas una gran base de código a Vue 3
Hello, I am Baptiste from CRISP, and in this conference I'm going to show you how to migrate a large project from View 2 to View 3. Vue 3 migration is a simple process with many improvements, such as better performance and modularity. The migration strategy involves maintaining the existing Vue 2 app while gradually moving to Vue 3. Updating core libraries and replacing Vue 2 APIs with Vue 3 APIs are necessary steps. The impact of Vue 3's new reactivity system has optimized the codebase at CRISP, and the company is hiring full-stack developers and supporting the Vue.js Foundation.
Construyendo formularios Vue con VeeValidate
176 min
Construyendo formularios Vue con VeeValidate
Abdelrahman Awad
Abdelrahman Awad
En este masterclass, aprenderás cómo usar vee-validate para manejar la validación de formularios, gestionar los valores de los formularios y manejar las presentaciones de manera efectiva. Comenzaremos desde lo básico con un formulario de inicio de sesión simple hasta el uso de la API de composición y la construcción de formularios repetibles y de múltiples pasos.

Tabla de contenidos:
- Introducción a vee-validate
- Construcción de un formulario básico con componentes vee-validate
- Manejo de validación y presentaciones de formularios
- Construcción de componentes de entrada validables con la API de composición
- Arrays de campos e inputs repetibles
- Construcción de un formulario de múltiples pasos
Configuración de VSCode y un proyecto Vite + Vue vacío.
Nuevas formas de Vue
16 min
Nuevas formas de Vue
The Talk discussed new ways of using Vue, including the introduction of the composition API and the script setup syntax. The Vite tooling was highlighted for its performance improvements and developer experience enhancements. Components auto-importing through Vite plugin components was introduced as a way to improve code splitting and eliminate manual registration. The use of Vite plugins, Unplugin, and Vue 2 support were also discussed. The Talk mentioned that Nuxt 3 will include many of these features.
Optimizando la experiencia del desarrollador con Nuxt 3
26 min
Optimizando la experiencia del desarrollador con Nuxt 3
This Talk discusses optimizing developer experience with Nuxt 3. It highlights improvements in documentation, auto importing libraries, server developer experience, and deployment. Nuxt 3 introduces a unified solution for schema, documentation, and defaults, as well as auto imports for easy component access. It also introduces a faster server framework called H3 and allows for efficient network requests with isomorphic fetch. Deployment is simplified with a single entry point and support for various platforms. The goal is to make Nuxt 3 amazing and backport features to Nuxt 2 apps.
Animación y Vue.js
32 min
Animación y Vue.js
Today's Talk covers animation in Vue JS apps, including CSS animations, JavaScript animations using the GSAP library, and handling multiple elements with transition groups. The Talk also discusses different kinds of movements, state transitions, and animating numbers and SVGs. Overall, it provides a comprehensive overview of animation techniques and tools for enhancing Vue JS apps.
Vuex? No, es X(state)Vue para UI
33 min
Vuex? No, es X(state)Vue para UI
This Talk introduces state management in Vue, focusing on the Xstate library for managing state machines in UI components. The bottom-up approach in component development can lead to complexity and challenges over time. Xstate is a JavaScript and TypeScript library designed specifically for managing state machines and state charts for UI components. The Talk provides examples of creating a toggle component using Xstate and emphasizes the advantages of using Xstate, such as code reuse, precise testing, and easy maintenance. The speaker encourages developers to plan ahead and consider state, component, and feature design to write better code.
Vue Storefront + Vendure = Comercio Electrónico de Código Abierto de Pila Completa
19 min
Vue Storefront + Vendure = Comercio Electrónico de Código Abierto de Pila Completa
This Talk discusses the full stack open-source e-commerce using ViewStorefront and Venge. ViewStorefront is a lightning-fast frontend platform for headless commerce, while Venge is a framework for the back-end. Both tools are highly customizable and built using modern frameworks. Creating an online store with Venge is quick and easy. Overall, this Talk presents a dream stack for open-source e-commerce and encourages contributions to the projects.
Estructurando una Tienda Masiva de Vuex
21 min
Estructurando una Tienda Masiva de Vuex
The Talk discusses the process of structuring a massive UX store using modules in Vue.js. It covers topics such as namespaces, triggering mutations, and improving store usage with map mutations. The importance of refactoring the folder structure and using separate files for actions, getters, and mutations is highlighted. The Talk concludes by mentioning the possibility of adding additional layers for splitting mutations and providing contact information for further inquiries.
Construyendo aplicaciones GraphQL de pila completa con Hasura y Vue 3
115 min
Construyendo aplicaciones GraphQL de pila completa con Hasura y Vue 3
Gavin Ray
Gavin Ray
El ecosistema frontend avanza a un ritmo frenético. Este masterclass tiene como objetivo equipar a los participantes con una comprensión del estado del ecosistema Vue 3 + GraphQL, explorando ese ecosistema - prácticamente y a través del desarrollo de aplicaciones de pila completa.

Tabla de contenidos
- Los participantes utilizarán Hasura para construir una API GraphQL en tiempo real respaldada por Postgres. Juntos recorreremos su consumo desde un frontend y haremos que el frontend sea reactivo, suscrito a los cambios de datos.
- Además, analizaremos las herramientas comúnmente utilizadas en el stack Vue GraphQL (como Apollo Client y Urql), discutiremos algunas alternativas menos conocidas y abordaremos los problemas frecuentemente encontrados al comenzar.
- Se describirán varios patrones para gestionar datos con estado y sus compensaciones durante el masterclass, y se mostrará una implementación básica para cada patrón discutido.
Nivel del masterclass

NOTA: No se requiere experiencia previa con GraphQL, pero puede ser útil para ayudar a la comprensión. Se cubrirán los fundamentos.
Cómo Vite cambia el juego para los desarrolladores de Vue y web
22 min
Cómo Vite cambia el juego para los desarrolladores de Vue y web
Vue School offers free training material, workshops, and consulting services. Vite is a game-changer for Vue and web development, significantly improving the development experience. It leverages the browser's native ES modules feature and uses ESBuild. Vite's dev server is much faster than other bundlers. Vite provides a blazing fast development environment for various frameworks and supports server-side rendering and static site generation. Vite is ready for production and likely to be used by Vue CLI in the future.
Validación Progresiva de Formularios en Vue.js
9 min
Validación Progresiva de Formularios en Vue.js
vValidate is a popular Vue.js form validation library that solves major pain points in form building. It offers a progressive API and follows a composition first design approach. vValidate allows you to validate inputs by declaring rules on each field and supports Laravel's validation rules, JavaScript functions, and third-party libraries. It also supports validation schemas for the entire form. The diff tools plugin in vValidate provides an inspector for form validity, current values, and errors.
Cómo Medir el Rendimiento de manera Efectiva?
28 min
Cómo Medir el Rendimiento de manera Efectiva?
This Talk discusses the evolution of performance measurement tooling and the importance of performance in web development. It introduces Google Lighthouse as a tool that provides detailed information on webpage performance. The Talk emphasizes the significance of Core Web Vitals, including Largest Contentful Paint, First Input Delay, and Cumulative Layout Shift. It suggests hosting the Lighthouse environment locally and using Lighthouse CI for continuous performance measurement. The Talk also highlights the impact of Core Web Vitals on SEO and the importance of prioritizing field data over lab data.
SEO Técnico y JavaScript
8 min
SEO Técnico y JavaScript
Technical SEO is important for making content visible to search engines. Developers have a significant impact on the crawling and indexing process. Hash-based routing can lead to duplicate content issues, and it is recommended to use the History API instead. In 2019, 12% of websites still used fragmented URLs.
Cómo los desarrolladores pueden utilizar pruebas automatizadas de seguridad de aplicaciones para proteger las aplicaciones Vue
7 min
Cómo los desarrolladores pueden utilizar pruebas automatizadas de seguridad de aplicaciones para proteger las aplicaciones Vue
Today, I'm going to tell you how developers can use automated application security testing to protect their Vue apps. I'll explain what it means to shift left, show an example of a cross-site scripting vulnerability, and provide the tools you need to find these vulnerabilities before production. Let's jump into an example of our Vue app with cross-site scripting. We have FontTalk, a message board where users can discuss fonts and style their posts. Bob logs in and sees a conversation about fonts. Unaware of cross-site scripting, his account is compromised. The malicious image tag sends his confidential information to the attacker. To prevent this, we need to make changes in the code.
Migrando a Vue 3
5 min
Migrando a Vue 3
This talk focuses on the migration process of upgrading Vue CLI-generated apps to Vue 3. It provides step-by-step instructions on removing Vue 2, fixing errors and warnings, and uninstalling the migration build. The talk also mentions a Vue 2 to Vue 3 cheat sheet available for a comprehensive guide. Additionally, the talk introduces a special view three migration build for running existing apps in view two mode, providing warnings and a safe environment for code updates.
Llevando Vue.js al Backend
23 min
Llevando Vue.js al Backend
This talk explores using Vue.js in the backend, specifically focusing on Vue 3 Reactivity. It discusses how Vue 3 Reactivity leverages ES6 proxies to update changes and intercept hooks. The talk also covers implementing Vue.js backend with live demos, showcasing the modification of proxies and the use of reactive functions. It demonstrates the creation of a reactive array and the implementation of join, leave, and message functionalities. The talk concludes by mentioning the possibility of using computed properties and inviting further questions.
Codifica a la velocidad del diseño en Chakra UI Vue
23 min
Codifica a la velocidad del diseño en Chakra UI Vue
Jonathan Bakebwa introduces Chakra UI View, a component library focused on accessibility, with features like extending themes and defining custom variants. The upcoming versions of Chakra UI V1 will introduce a zero-runtime build and a theming API with component overrides, custom variants, and custom sizes. The Talk demonstrates how to implement a button design using Chakra UI, customize button styles, create custom button sizes, and use icons from external libraries. Chakra UI allows for quick implementation of UI designs and is recommended for developers looking to enhance their designs.
Identificar Problemas y Prevenir Ralentizaciones en tus Aplicaciones Vue.JS
8 min
Identificar Problemas y Prevenir Ralentizaciones en tus Aplicaciones Vue.JS
Hi, I'm Simon, a solutions engineer at Sentry. We focus on code observability, supporting all major languages and frameworks. With the Sentry SDK, you can monitor errors and performance. Get started with an easy installation process. Sentry provides detailed error information, including the stack trace and contextual information. It also supports source control management systems and integrates with issue tracking tools. The distributed trace feature allows you to see relationships between errors on the front end and back end. We can optimize queries to improve user experience and reduce user misery.
Que el SEO esté contigo en tu aplicación Nuxt
27 min
Que el SEO esté contigo en tu aplicación Nuxt
This Talk provides an introduction to SEO and its importance, covering on-page and off-page SEO. It explains how to optimize a website for search engines by creating a sitemap, using meta tags, and implementing structured data. The Talk also discusses the benefits of using RSS feeds for automated newsletters and social media posts. Additionally, it emphasizes the importance of continuous optimization for SEO, including adding useful content, organizing headings, optimizing UX, and staying updated with Core Web Vitals.
Rápido y Furioso - ¡Volviéndose headless con Nuxt.js!
32 min
Rápido y Furioso - ¡Volviéndose headless con Nuxt.js!
This talk introduces using Next.js with a headless CMS called Storyblock. It covers setting up Storyblock with Next.js, understanding components and index pages, rendering components and requesting data, enhancing preview with the visual editor, creating article components and schemas, reusing components, and exploring the Storyblock and Next.js connection.
Éxito de CI/CD para Desarrolladores de Vue
23 min
Éxito de CI/CD para Desarrolladores de Vue
Today's Talk discusses CI and CD success with Vue.js, emphasizing the importance of automation in software delivery. The speaker shares tips applicable to all CI-CD systems and programming languages, explaining the concept of continuous integration (CI) and its role in automatically building and testing changes. Attention to speed, recovery time, and organizational considerations are crucial for CI-CD success. Techniques such as caching and job splitting can improve speed, while automation and security scanning help maintain a secure environment. Ultimately, CI-CD is a team responsibility that enables frequent releases and adaptability to change.
Comprender las partes difíciles de Nuxt
9 min
Comprender las partes difíciles de Nuxt
This lightning talk covers common Vue issues such as mutating Vuex Store state outside of mutation handlers and incorrect cloning of arrays and objects. Troubleshooting tips include checking code locally, fixing issues with undefined window or navigator, and checking for backend issues and proper data in the network tab. Additional tips include using the network tab and console log to spot bugs, checking state in real-time with Vue dev tools, and reaching out for support on Discord, GitHub, or Stack Overflow.
Un Nuevo Tipo de Abstracción
8 min
Un Nuevo Tipo de Abstracción
Abstractions simplify working with low-level concepts like APIs or languages, allowing developers to build on top of them and add helper functions. However, there are tradeoffs, such as increased code size. Abstractions operate on a spectrum, with different runtimes like Node, Dino, and the browser at opposite ends. Code that runs in Dino can likely run in the browser, and code that runs in Node can also run in the browser.
Una Mirada Diferente a la Performance Web
72 min
Una Mirada Diferente a la Performance Web
Abhijeet Prasad
Abhijeet Prasad
Resolver los problemas de rendimiento en el front-end puede ser difícil, pero identificar dónde tienes problemas de rendimiento en primer lugar puede ser aún más difícil. En este masterclass, Abhijeet Prasad, ingeniero de software en Sentry.io, profundiza en la investigación de UX, las APIs de rendimiento del navegador y las herramientas de desarrollo para ayudarte a comprender las razones por las que tus aplicaciones Vue pueden ser lentas. Te ayudará a responder preguntas como "¿Qué significa tener un sitio web rápido?" y "¿Cómo sé si mi problema de rendimiento es realmente un problema?". Al recorrer diferentes aplicaciones de ejemplo, podrás aprender cómo utilizar y aprovechar los vitales web principales, las APIs de tiempo de navegación y el seguimiento distribuido para comprender mejor tus problemas de rendimiento.
Patrones Avanzados de Renderizado de Sitios en Jamstack
23 min
Patrones Avanzados de Renderizado de Sitios en Jamstack
Today's Talk discusses advanced site rendering patterns in the JAMstack, including the benefits and challenges of using this approach. It explores solutions like incremental builds, microsites, and incremental static regeneration to improve build times and performance. The Talk also introduces distributed persistent rendering and Gatsby v4 as new solutions to enhance static site generation and server-side rendering.
Construyendo para Web y Nativo con Ionic & Vue
89 min
Construyendo para Web y Nativo con Ionic & Vue
Mike Hartington
Mike Hartington
Cuando se construye una aplicación, hay muchas opciones que los desarrolladores deben tomar. ¿Es una aplicación web? ¿Debe ser una aplicación nativa? ¿Qué debo usar para la interfaz de usuario? En este masterclass veremos cómo aprovechar Ionic para construir tu aplicación y cómo implementarla no solo en la web, sino también en nativo.