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Oct 25 - 28, 2024
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Nov 18 - 21, 2024
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Nov 18 - 22, 2024
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Productivity Conference 2024
Nov 6 - 7, 2024
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React Day Berlin 2024
Dec 13 - 16, 2024
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Talks from our events
TechLead Conference 2024
TechLead Conference 2024
Jun 15 - 19, 2024
React Summit 2024
React Summit 2024
Jun 14 - 18, 2024
C3 Dev Festival 2024
C3 Dev Festival 2024
Jun 14 - 15, 2024
JSNation 2024
JSNation 2024
Jun 13 - 17, 2024
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Vue.js Live 2024
Apr 25 - 26, 2024
Node Congress 2024
Node Congress 2024
Apr 4 - 5, 2024
DevOps.js Conf 2024
DevOps.js Conf 2024
Feb 15 - 16, 2024
React Day Berlin 2023
React Day Berlin 2023
Dec 8 - 12, 2023
TestJS Summit 2023
TestJS Summit 2023
Dec 7 - 11, 2023
React Summit US 2023
React Summit US 2023
Nov 13 - 15, 2023
React Advanced Conference 2023
React Advanced Conference 2023
Oct 20 - 23, 2023
JS GameDev Summit 2023
JS GameDev Summit 2023
Sep 28 - 29, 2023
Trending today
Let's Build React Query in 150 Lines of Code!
React Summit Remote Edition 2021React Summit Remote Edition 2021
30 min
Let's Build React Query in 150 Lines of Code!
Top Content
React Query is a popular data synchronization library used by indie developers, startups, and Fortune 500s, with over 1,200 commits and 250 contributors. The Talk covers the creation of a simplified version of React Query called React Query Lite. It explores concepts like caching, background fetching, and garbage collection. The speaker also discusses the use of query observers and the integration of React Query with React. The Talk concludes with a discussion on React Native tools, testing, and the stability of React Query's API.
Deno 2.0
Node Congress 2023Node Congress 2023
36 min
Deno 2.0
Top Content
The Talk discusses forced optimization with Node and Deno, with Deno aiming to pursue the same goals in a more expansive and modern way. Deno has built-in support for NPM and enforces security constraints. It also has a key-value database called Deno KV, which will be a core part of the Deno 2 API. Deno Deploy is a serverless Edge Functions platform powered by FoundationDB, optimized for fast reading and ideal for building eCommerce sites or application servers at the edge. Deno 2.0 is coming soon with more features under development.
You Can’t Use Hooks Conditionally… or Can You?
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
28 min
You Can’t Use Hooks Conditionally… or Can You?
Top Content
Watch video: You Can’t Use Hooks Conditionally… or Can You?
The Talk discusses the use of the Use hook in React and its ability to be used conditionally. It explains the concept of the fiber tree and how hooks values are stored in memory. The Talk also delves into the conditional use of useContext and how it differs from useState. It explores the process of updating context values and optimizing context rendering. The role of the provider in managing context values and rendering is emphasized.
Simplifying Server Components
React Advanced Conference 2023React Advanced Conference 2023
27 min
Simplifying Server Components
Top Content
Watch video: Simplifying Server Components
React server components simplify server-side rendering and provide a mental model of components as pure functions. Using React as a library for server components allows for building a basic RSC server and connecting it to an SSR server. RSC responses are serialized virtual DOM that offload code from the client and handle interactivity. The client manifest maps serialized placeholders to real components on the client, enabling dynamic rendering. Server components combine the best of classic web development and progressive enhancement, offering the advantage of moving logic from the client to the server.
Levelling up Monorepos with npm Workspaces
DevOps.js Conf 2022DevOps.js Conf 2022
33 min
Levelling up Monorepos with npm Workspaces
Top Content
NPM workspaces help manage multiple nested packages within a single top-level package, improving since the release of NPM CLI 7.0. You can easily add dependencies to workspaces and handle duplications. Running scripts and orchestration in a monorepo is made easier with NPM workspaces. The npm pkg command is useful for setting and retrieving keys and values from package.json files. NPM workspaces offer benefits compared to Lerna and future plans include better workspace linking and adding missing features.
AI for React Developers: Opportunities, Learning, and Innovation
React Summit 2024React Summit 2024
9 min
AI for React Developers: Opportunities, Learning, and Innovation
AI offers opportunities for React developers to code faster and automate tasks. Generative AI is a crucial area for developers to focus on. Working with AI APIs and RAGS can open up new possibilities for projects. Orchestration frameworks and tools like Lanchain and relevance help chain tasks together and work with different AI models. AI is a supplement to human capabilities and learning to code with AI can help developers push boundaries and become better.
Using UDP in the Browser for faster Client/Server Connections
JS GameDev Summit 2023JS GameDev Summit 2023
21 min
Using UDP in the Browser for faster Client/Server Connections
Top Content
This talk introduces geckos.io, a real-time client-server communication library using UDP and WebRTC. The speaker discusses the benefits of UDP for real-time multiplayer games and explains how geckos.io enables UDP connections between browsers and Node.js servers. The deployment process for geckos.io involves opening UDP ports and handling signaling through an HTTP request. The speaker demonstrates how geckos.io works with Docker and showcases the ability to host multiple servers on the same machine. Overall, this talk provides an overview of geckos.io and its applications in real-time communication.
Why You Should Use Redux in 2024
React Summit 2024React Summit 2024
33 min
Why You Should Use Redux in 2024
Top Content
Mark Erickson explains the history, creation, evolution, and benefits of Redux. Redux was designed to make state updates and action history maintenance easy, incorporating functional programming principles. Redux Toolkit was created to simplify Redux usage. Redux is still a valid choice for its consistent pattern and separation of state from UI. The decision to use Redux depends on the specific use case and the need for centralized state management.
Speeding Up Your React App With Less JavaScript
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
32 min
Speeding Up Your React App With Less JavaScript
Top Content
Watch video: Speeding Up Your React App With Less JavaScript
Mishko, the creator of Angular and AngularJS, discusses the challenges of website performance and JavaScript hydration. He explains the differences between client-side and server-side rendering and introduces Quik as a solution for efficient component hydration. Mishko demonstrates examples of state management and intercommunication using Quik. He highlights the performance benefits of using Quik with React and emphasizes the importance of reducing JavaScript size for better performance. Finally, he mentions the use of QUIC in both MPA and SPA applications for improved startup performance.
Content Security Policy with Next.js: Leveling Up your Website's Security
React Summit US 2023React Summit US 2023
9 min
Content Security Policy with Next.js: Leveling Up your Website's Security
Watch video: Content Security Policy with Next.js: Leveling Up your Website's Security
Lucas Estevão, a Principal UI Engineer and Technical Manager at Avenue Code, discusses how to implement Content Security Policy (CSP) with Next.js to enhance website security. He explains that CSP is a security layer that protects against cross-site scripting and data injection attacks by restricting browser functionality. The talk covers adding CSP to an XJS application using meta tags or headers, and demonstrates the use of the 'nonce' attribute for allowing inline scripts securely. Estevão also highlights the importance of using content security reports to identify and improve application security.
Short takes
Content Security Policy with Next.js: Leveling Up your Website's Security
React Summit US 2023React Summit US 2023
9 min
Content Security Policy with Next.js: Leveling Up your Website's Security
Watch video: Content Security Policy with Next.js: Leveling Up your Website's Security
Lucas Estevão, a Principal UI Engineer and Technical Manager at Avenue Code, discusses how to implement Content Security Policy (CSP) with Next.js to enhance website security. He explains that CSP is a security layer that protects against cross-site scripting and data injection attacks by restricting browser functionality. The talk covers adding CSP to an XJS application using meta tags or headers, and demonstrates the use of the 'nonce' attribute for allowing inline scripts securely. Estevão also highlights the importance of using content security reports to identify and improve application security.
Flashlight, a Lighthouse for Mobile Apps
React Advanced Conference 2023React Advanced Conference 2023
7 min
Flashlight, a Lighthouse for Mobile Apps
Watch video: Flashlight, a Lighthouse for Mobile Apps
Today's Talk introduces Flashlight, a tool for measuring mobile app performance. Flashlight provides a performance report that highlights issues like high CPU usage on low-end devices. To fix these issues, the Shopify component Flashlist can be used. Flashlight can also be used locally to measure performance changes in React Native apps, with the ability to see the score rapidly changing and improved performance after implementing fixes. More information can be found in the documentation and an article comparing scrolling performance in React Native.
How to Automatically Consume APIs with React
React Day Berlin 2023React Day Berlin 2023
7 min
How to Automatically Consume APIs with React
Watch video: How to Automatically Consume APIs with React
Today's Talk covers the challenges of developing APIs and the available tools to simplify the process. It also demonstrates building a pizza menu application using React and Fastify, with documentation and SDK generation using Swagger and OpenAPI. Orval is introduced as a tool for generating mutations, testing with mock service worker-generated mocks, and using Zod for validation. It supports multiple languages and frameworks, and allows consuming APIs from various resources. The SDK can be tracked using version control, and Open API specifications can generate Swagger UI and Redux doc asserts.
Server-Driven Mobile Apps With React Native
React Summit 2024React Summit 2024
8 min
Server-Driven Mobile Apps With React Native
Today, we explore server-driven UI in React Native, which allows for scalable and complex UIs without incurring tech debt. Project Lightspeed simplifies UI definition and reduces code duplication. Server-driven UI, used by industry giants like Shopify and Airbnb, enables flexibility and platform consistency. Additionally, Evan Bacon's talk at ReactConf introduces the vision of universal React server components in server-driven UI.
AsyncLocalStorage vs. React Context
React Summit 2024React Summit 2024
8 min
AsyncLocalStorage vs. React Context
Today's Talk explores the concepts of async local storage and React context. Async local storage is a useful API for retrieving values from a parent component without passing them through multiple components. React context, on the other hand, allows for the creation of context instances in parent components and consumption in child components. The Talk also discusses server actions in React, their limitations, and the use of async local storage in server actions, with an example Cloudflare worker handling web requests and authentication.
Hacking an e-Reader to Show My Tea Menu With JSX
React Day Berlin 2023React Day Berlin 2023
7 min
Hacking an e-Reader to Show My Tea Menu With JSX
Watch video: Hacking an e-Reader to Show My Tea Menu With JSX
React can be used to create custom menus for e-readers, and the process involves creating an image and e-book with React and loading them onto the e-reader. Writing an EPUB e-book for e-readers involves converting an SVG file into a PNG image and writing the e-book in EPUB format using HTML, CSS, and images. EPUB generators like Pandoc and Dino simplify the process of generating EPUBs from markdown and running JavaScript on the desktop, respectively.
Automating React Native Deployments
React Summit US 2023React Summit US 2023
9 min
Automating React Native Deployments
Watch video: Automating React Native Deployments
This Talk discusses the benefits of automating React Native app deployments and explores tools like Trapeze for automating configuration updates and GitHub Actions for automating the build process. It also highlights the use of signing credentials tooling and cloud credentials management tools like Fastlane Match or AppFlow for more complex builds. The Talk emphasizes the automation of build upload and testing using tools like App Store Developer APIs, Fastlane, Bitrise, or AppFlow, with a specific focus on Fastlane's ability to increment build numbers, build the app, and upload it to TestFlight.
Creating Custom CAD Tools on the Web with ThreeJS
JS GameDev Summit 2023JS GameDev Summit 2023
8 min
Creating Custom CAD Tools on the Web with ThreeJS
Today we're going to be talking about creating custom CAD tools on the web with 3JS. We'll explore the reasons why you should make web-based tools, including their novice-friendly nature and their suitability for user-generated content. We'll learn how to create custom and parametric geometry using Three.js, set up geometry and material in Three.js, and improve visibility by adding normals to the geometry.
Hacking JSX: Building in Minecraft with React
React Day Berlin 2023React Day Berlin 2023
7 min
Hacking JSX: Building in Minecraft with React
Watch video: Hacking JSX: Building in Minecraft with React
JSX can be used to create builds in Minecraft by writing pseudo-HTML code within JavaScript. It can be transpiled into a format that the browser can understand and is not limited to React. JSX allows for the creation of an intermediary representation that can be converted into commands for Minecraft. Existing tooling can be used with JSX, eliminating the need for custom parsers and enabling linting and IDE support. The source code for the project is available on GitHub.
A Better Starting Point
React Summit 2024React Summit 2024
7 min
A Better Starting Point
In this talk, the speaker introduces CreateNextApp and CreateT3App as tools for quickly setting up Next.js projects. CreateT3App has a modular CLI that allows users to select specific technologies. The speaker also discusses E3env, which ensures control of environment variables, and T3 Turbo, a monorepo version of CreateT3App that offers flexibility for installation and deployment.
Integrating LangChain with JavaScript for Web Developers
React Summit 2024React Summit 2024
92 min
Integrating LangChain with JavaScript for Web Developers
Featured Workshop
Vivek Nayyar
Vivek Nayyar
Dive into the world of AI with our interactive workshop designed specifically for web developers. "Hands-On AI: Integrating LangChain with JavaScript for Web Developers" offers a unique opportunity to bridge the gap between AI and web development. Despite the prominence of Python in AI developmen...
"React Now Looks Like PHP" They Said
React Summit 2024React Summit 2024
21 min
"React Now Looks Like PHP" They Said
This Talk explores the similarities between React and PHP, particularly in building a guestbook. It showcases the shift towards back-end development and the use of modern PHP frameworks like Drupal. The integration of front-end code in the back-end is discussed, as well as the benefits of React server components. The comparison between PHP 99 and React 2024 highlights the advantages of using React in PHP development. The Talk concludes with excitement for the future of JavaScript, React, PHP, and Drupal.
Cognitive Load and Your Development Environment
TechLead Conference 2024TechLead Conference 2024
19 min
Cognitive Load and Your Development Environment
Cognitive load is the amount of available memory and cognitive resources a person has, and cognitive overload occurs when the load exceeds what can be sustained. Various factors, including disabilities and external factors like stress, can affect cognitive load. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) impact cognitive load differently, and instructional design can help reduce cognitive load for individuals with these conditions. Understanding cognitive complexity in code, optimizing the development environment, and minimizing distractions are important for managing cognitive load. Multitasking increases cognitive load, and using organizational systems, automation, and constant learning can help mitigate cognitive load and improve productivity.
Web Monetization: Your New Friendly JavaScript API
JSNation 2024JSNation 2024
23 min
Web Monetization: Your New Friendly JavaScript API
Today's Talk explores Web Monetization, a JavaScript API that simplifies payment for web content. The challenges of monetizing web content and possible solutions are discussed, along with the drawbacks of advertisements and subscriptions. Content creators face challenges with platform restrictions and delayed payments, but web monetization offers a solution. The advantages of web monetization include instant payments, privacy-conscious transactions, and lower entry barriers for creators. The Talk concludes by encouraging involvement in the web monetization community and the development of web monetization utilities and plugins.
Content Creation for Developers
TechLead Conference 2024TechLead Conference 2024
18 min
Content Creation for Developers
Today's Talk highlights the importance of technical content creation for developers and the benefits it brings. It emphasizes the value of becoming a thought leader and the opportunities it opens up in one's career. The Talk also provides practical tips for getting started with content creation, such as tailoring content to the audience, using storytelling techniques, and providing value to the readers. It further emphasizes the need for quality and consistency in content creation and the importance of sharing personal insights and experiences. Overall, the Talk encourages developers to step out of their comfort zone, share their knowledge, and grow both professionally and personally through content creation.
Refactoring Mindsets: Prioritizing Mental Health in Software Development
TechLead Conference 2024TechLead Conference 2024
20 min
Refactoring Mindsets: Prioritizing Mental Health in Software Development
Today's Talk focuses on the importance of mental health in software development and engineering. The pandemic has highlighted the need to raise awareness and address mental health issues in the tech industry, which has seen a significant impact on productivity and well-being. Common mental health issues in the industry include anxiety, depression, burnout, and imposter syndrome. Solutions include promoting work-life balance, empathy, upskilling, mindfulness, and regular breaks. Maintaining mental well-being involves being involved in tech communities, setting realistic goals, embracing criticism, finding support, and prioritizing sleep.
JS on the Big Screen: Making TV Apps
JSNation 2024JSNation 2024
22 min
JS on the Big Screen: Making TV Apps
JavaScript is widely used in web, mobile, and backend development, and now it is also being used to create TV apps. TVs with web-based operating systems can be targeted with JavaScript applications, and React is commonly used for TV app development. React Native allows for cross-platform TV app development, except for Roku. User interactions and focus management are important considerations in TV app development. Performance optimization is crucial for TV apps, as TVs have lower device scores and limited RAM. Spatial virtualization can significantly improve TV app performance.
htmx Is Pro-JavaScript
JSNation 2024JSNation 2024
22 min
htmx Is Pro-JavaScript
HTMX is a JavaScript library that extends HTML and works with a JSON API. It generalizes the functionality of links and forms, making any element a potential hypermedia control. HTMX simplifies the implementation of hypermedia functionality with a dozen core attributes. It can achieve powerful UI results without writing much JavaScript. HTMX complements JavaScript libraries and enhances user experience by providing functionality that the browser lacks.
WebXR? Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Natively on Browsers
C3 Dev Festival 2024C3 Dev Festival 2024
25 min
WebXR? Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Natively on Browsers
This Talk introduces WebXR and VR experiments, showcasing examples and encouraging audience engagement. It explores the possibilities of WebXR and AR games, emphasizing the versatility of A-frame for creating AR and VR projects. The Talk also covers asset customization, animations, and augmented reality using LiDAR scanners. It highlights different types of virtual reality experiences and the potential of Apple Vision with WebXR. The speaker emphasizes the importance of community, developer experience, and starting early in WebXR development.
Tactics and Strategies on Software Development: How to Reach a Successful Software
C3 Dev Festival 2024C3 Dev Festival 2024
31 min
Tactics and Strategies on Software Development: How to Reach a Successful Software
As a software engineer, achieving success in software development requires having a strategy and tactics. However, obstacles such as unnecessary meetings and miscommunication with clients can hinder progress. The methodology used in software development is more important than the programming language. Soft engineering is about understanding strategy and tactics and finding efficient solutions to problems. Software architecture should be aligned with business goals and objectives. Documentation is important for scalability and avoiding miscommunication, but finding the right balance is key. Task efficiency and simplicity in code design are crucial. Embracing simplicity and improving documentation can lead to better software architecture. Communication and collaboration between management and engineering teams is essential for making informed decisions.
Webdevelopment Tailored for 2024
React Summit 2024React Summit 2024
7 min
Webdevelopment Tailored for 2024
Today's Talk covers native features in browsers, including upcoming ones and the Interop Project. Native features offer speed, compatibility, and improved debugging. Notable examples include dynamic viewport units, flexbox/grid gap, container queries, and motion path. The Interop Project ensures consistent web platform features across different browsers. Upcoming features like native CSS nesting and entry/exit animations are on the horizon.
I Run Code From the Internet!
React Advanced Conference 2023React Advanced Conference 2023
20 min
I Run Code From the Internet!
Watch video: I Run Code From the Internet!
npm packages are unsanitized inputs from the internet that we run without much scrutiny, so we need to address the issue of malicious packages. Lavamote offers proactive runtime protections to automatically detect and mitigate threats. Lava Mode uses Hardened JavaScript to provide isolation and enforce a policy for your application's build process. The talk introduces a webpack plugin for those who don't want to use the browserify ecosystem. Lavamote's behavior is explored, showcasing how it restricts package access to certain properties. Beta testing is open to gather feedback and improve Lava Mode.
What is "TC39: Type Annotations" aka the Types as Comments proposal
TypeScript Congress 2023TypeScript Congress 2023
27 min
What is "TC39: Type Annotations" aka the Types as Comments proposal
The TC59 Type Annotations proposal, also known as Types with Comments, introduces the ability to run typed code in JavaScript. It aims to bring TypeScript back into JavaScript and create a separation between type system and runtime. TypeScript's popularity is on par with JavaScript, raising concerns about the influence of Microsoft. The proposal progresses by addressing runtime interaction and token soup in type specifications. Research, community involvement, and quantifying the effects of supporting this comment style are important goals.
Rise of the Robots
TestJS Summit 2023TestJS Summit 2023
27 min
Rise of the Robots
This Talk discusses the possibility of robots taking over based on Asimov's three laws of robotics. It explores the use of automation robots for testing, including building and controlling them. The Talk also covers implementing interfaces, conducting math game challenges, and the capabilities of automation testing. It addresses questions about responsive design, camera attachment, and the future roadmap. The affordability of the setup and the potential for future automation are also discussed, along with a rapid fire Q&A session.
Building a JS Engine -- For Fun!
JSNation 2024JSNation 2024
9 min
Building a JS Engine -- For Fun!
Top Content
The Talk discusses the basics of building a JS engine, highlighting the complexity and feature completeness of existing engines. It emphasizes the possibility of creating a simpler engine tailored to specific use cases and target audiences. The speaker suggests starting anywhere in the process and provides tips on using parser libraries, implementing runtime features, and ensuring correctness through testing. Additionally, the Talk encourages exploring JavaScript standards and engaging with the open-source community.
Generating types without climbing a tree
TypeScript Congress 2023TypeScript Congress 2023
30 min
Generating types without climbing a tree
This talk explores the challenges and benefits of generating types for APIs. The speaker discusses the need for a better client experience and the popularity of generating clients. They also explain the use of OpenAPI for generating REST API clients and the use of Cold Block Writer for code generation. The talk covers the process of defining types for parameters and responses, generating the client and request, and using the generated client. The speaker also touches on validation in production and the initial challenges with TypeScript.
Are the (module) types wrong?
TypeScript Congress 2023TypeScript Congress 2023
30 min
Are the (module) types wrong?
This Talk discusses module system complexities and terminology, TypeScript and Node disagreements, and fixing TypeScript errors with the Helmet package. It also explores module resolution and type disagreements, challenges with TypeScript and Node support, and the need for improvements in popular packages.
Peace, Love and JavaScript
Node Congress 2024Node Congress 2024
17 min
Peace, Love and JavaScript
The OpenJS Foundation supports the entire JavaScript ecosystem and thousands of open source projects. They follow a neutral nonprofit organization with separate business and technical governance to minimize drama. Rebooting governance and addressing intellectual property can also help reduce conflicts. OpenJS provides collaboration spaces and support in various areas for open source projects. They foster a collaborative environment and invite participation in their projects.
Leveraging the Event Loop for Blazing-Fast Applications!
React Advanced Conference 2023React Advanced Conference 2023
35 min
Leveraging the Event Loop for Blazing-Fast Applications!
Watch video: Leveraging the Event Loop for Blazing-Fast Applications!
This talk covers the event loop, microtask queue, and provides a live demo. JavaScript is single-threaded but can perform tasks that only a multithreaded environment can. The event loop consists of a call stack and microtask queue, which allow JavaScript to run non-blocking operations. Leveraging the microtask queue can lead to significant performance improvements in applications, such as React. However, it is important to use it correctly to avoid issues like infinite loops.
Generating Typed Code
TypeScript Congress 2023TypeScript Congress 2023
22 min
Generating Typed Code
Today, I'm going to be talking about how type generation helped reduce bugs and improve our developer experience at Rollbar. The Monolith tech stack is built primarily on Python Pyramid, a web framework that's similar to Django, Ruby on Rails, or Express. To address debugging, performance, and code navigation challenges, we migrated to a tech stack that includes TypeScript, Next.js, GraphQL, and React Query. Codegen is used to generate TypeScript code on both the server and client side, enhancing debugging, performance, and code navigation.
Hydration, Islands, Streaming, Resumability… Oh My!
React Advanced Conference 2023React Advanced Conference 2023
26 min
Hydration, Islands, Streaming, Resumability… Oh My!
Watch video: Hydration, Islands, Streaming, Resumability… Oh My!
Today's Talk introduces the concepts of hydration and off islands, explores the benefits of islands for enhancing server-side rendered HTML with client-side JavaScript, discusses the lazy approach of re-zoomability and its advantages over traditional hydration, highlights the use of resumability and concurrent React for improved rendering performance, examines the features and concerns of React server components, touches on the co-location of client and server code, and explores future trends in rendering and navigation. The Talk also reflects on past ideas and emphasizes the importance of identifying core metrics for performance optimization.
Virtual DOM: Back in Block
React Day Berlin 2023React Day Berlin 2023
9 min
Virtual DOM: Back in Block
Watch video: Virtual DOM: Back in Block
Hi, my name is Anand Bai. I'll be talking about virtual DOM and its performance. Rich Harris argued that the virtual DOM is not as efficient as many believe, leading to the emergence of the meme that it's pure overhead. Today, I'm going to introduce something new, a new approach to doing the virtual DOM. MillionJS, a drop-in replacement for React, is significantly faster than Preact and React on benchmarks. The block virtual DOM, introduced by Block DOM, is a potential solution to existing virtual DOM libraries like React.
Why Everybody Needs a Framework
React Advanced Conference 2023React Advanced Conference 2023
39 min
Why Everybody Needs a Framework
Watch video: Why Everybody Needs a Framework
Today's Talk explores the value of using frameworks in software development, specifically focusing on React and its impact on web development. The Talk delves into the benefits of frameworks, such as solving routing and data fetching challenges, handling edge cases, and providing server-side rendering. It also introduces the concept of server components and their role in server-side rendering. The Talk highlights the advantages of soft navigation and the seamless communication between client and server. Overall, frameworks offer valuable functionality that enhances productivity and addresses common development challenges.
From Todo App to B2B SaaS with Next.js and Clerk
React Summit US 2023React Summit US 2023
153 min
From Todo App to B2B SaaS with Next.js and Clerk
Dev Agrawal
Dev Agrawal
If you’re like me, you probably have a million side-project ideas, some that could even make you money as a micro SaaS, or could turn out to be the next billion dollar startup. But how do you know which ones? How do you go from an idea into a functioning product that can be put into the hands of...
The State of The State In The App Router
React Advanced Conference 2023React Advanced Conference 2023
32 min
The State of The State In The App Router
Watch video: The State of The State In The App Router
React has improved state management with built-in hooks like useState, useReducer, and useRef. Redux can still be used but it's recommended to avoid global state. Zustand is an alternative state manager that allows for easy creation of hooks. Proper architecture is important for accessing the global store. State managers can add extra bytes to the client's JavaScript bundle, so it's important to be selective in choosing libraries. Next.js and React routers are recommended for server-side rendering and personalized experiences can be achieved with spas.
A Practical Guide for Migrating to Server Components
React Advanced Conference 2023React Advanced Conference 2023
28 min
A Practical Guide for Migrating to Server Components
Top Content
Watch video: A Practical Guide for Migrating to Server Components
React query version five is live and we'll be discussing the migration process to server components using Next.js and React Query. The process involves planning, preparing, and setting up server components, migrating pages, adding layouts, and moving components to the server. We'll also explore the benefits of server components such as reducing JavaScript shipping, enabling powerful caching, and leveraging the features of the app router. Additionally, we'll cover topics like handling authentication, rendering in server components, and the impact on server load and costs.
Practice TypeScript Techniques Building React Server Components App
TypeScript Congress 2023TypeScript Congress 2023
131 min
Practice TypeScript Techniques Building React Server Components App
Maurice de Beijer
Maurice de Beijer
In this hands-on workshop, Maurice will personally guide you through a series of exercises designed to empower you with a deep understanding of React Server Components and the power of TypeScript. Discover how to optimize your applications, improve performance, and unlock new possibilities....
React State Management with Valtio
React Summit US 2023React Summit US 2023
10 min
React State Management with Valtio
Watch video: React State Management with Valtio
This is a short presentation on VALTEO, a proxy-based state management system that uses JavaScript's native idea of proxies to create observable and immutable state. The proxy tracks changes to the object and nested proxy objects, only re-rendering the component when a specific key changes. There is a gotcha with proxies in Valtio - avoid reassigning the proxy to a whole new object. Valtio integrates with Redux DevTools, making it even more powerful and convenient.
Building End-to-End Encrypted Apps (Web & React Native)
React Summit 2024React Summit 2024
32 min
Building End-to-End Encrypted Apps (Web & React Native)
This Talk explores the concept and advantages of end-to-end encryption in software development. It discusses the challenges of data encryption and conflict resolution in collaborative apps. The integration of end-to-end encryption with conflict-free replicated data types (CRDTs) is highlighted. The talk also covers simplified document sync, real-time sync and encryption, key management, and authentication. Additionally, it mentions the importance of local-first integration, CRDT frameworks, and data search indices.
Perfect Pitch: Unveiling the Mathematical Symphony Behind a Guitar Tuner
React Summit 2024React Summit 2024
22 min
Perfect Pitch: Unveiling the Mathematical Symphony Behind a Guitar Tuner
This Talk provides an overview of an open-source guitar tuner project, covering topics such as pitch detection, web APIs for microphone access, implementation with React and XGS, and data visualization. It explores various pitch detection algorithms, including zero crossing, fast Fourier transform, and autocorrelation. The project utilizes the MediaStream API and Audio API to access user media. The implementation is done with React and Next.js, and includes a utility library for performing pitch estimation and detection. The Talk also discusses future improvements for the project, such as noise cancellation and chord detection.
Free workshops
Can LLMs Learn? Let’s Customize an LLM to Chat With Your Own Data
C3 Dev Festival 2024C3 Dev Festival 2024
48 min
Can LLMs Learn? Let’s Customize an LLM to Chat With Your Own Data
Andreia Ocanoaia
Andreia Ocanoaia
Feeling the limitations of LLMs? They can be creative, but sometimes lack accuracy or rely on outdated information. In this workshop, we’ll break down the process of building and easily deploying a Retrieval-Augmented Generation system. This approach enables you to leverage the power of LLMs with...
How to Build Front-End Access Control with NFTs
React Summit 2024React Summit 2024
88 min
How to Build Front-End Access Control with NFTs
Solange Gueiros
Solange Gueiros
Understand the fundamentals of NFT technology and its application in bolstering web security. Through practical demonstrations and hands-on exercises, attendees will learn how to seamlessly integrate NFT-based access control mechanisms into their front-end development projects.
Building Your Generative AI Application
React Summit 2024React Summit 2024
82 min
Building Your Generative AI Application
Dieter Flick
Dieter Flick
Generative AI is exciting tech enthusiasts and businesses with its vast potential. In this session, we will introduce Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG), a framework that provides context to Large Language Models (LLMs) without retraining them. We will guide you step-by-step in building your ow...
Build Peer-to-Peer Applications with Pear Runtime
JSNation 2024JSNation 2024
152 min
Build Peer-to-Peer Applications with Pear Runtime
David Mark Clements
David Mark Clements
Learn how to rapidly build peer-to-peer applications with Pear Runtime. No servers required. Understand peer-to-peer paradigms and construct applications from well-defined building blocks. This workshop will cover how to create both Desktop and Terminal applications (with discussion for Mobile) t...
Build a Powerful Datagrid With AG Grid
React Summit 2024React Summit 2024
168 min
Build a Powerful Datagrid With AG Grid
Brian Love
Brian Love
Does your React app need to efficiently display lots (and lots) of data in a grid? Do your users want to be able to search, sort, filter, and edit data? AG Grid is the best JavaScript grid in the world and is packed with features, highly performant, and extensible. In this workshop, you’ll learn...
API Testing with Postman Workshop
TestJS Summit 2023TestJS Summit 2023
48 min
API Testing with Postman Workshop
Top Content
Pooja Mistry
Pooja Mistry
In the ever-evolving landscape of software development, ensuring the reliability and functionality of APIs has become paramount. "API Testing with Postman" is a comprehensive workshop designed to equip participants with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in API testing using Postman, a powe...
Authentication Beyond Passwords
React Day Berlin 2023React Day Berlin 2023
127 min
Authentication Beyond Passwords
Juan Cruz Martinez
Juan Cruz Martinez
Passwords have long been the keys to our kingdoms. However, they often become the weak points in our armor — forgotten, misused, or exploited. Our Next apps often make use of passwords to authenticate users, but what would a world with no passwords look like? And how we can start driving into tha...
Crash course into Astro and Storyblok
React Day Berlin 2023React Day Berlin 2023
119 min
Crash course into Astro and Storyblok
Arisa Fukuzaki
Arisa Fukuzaki
Headless architecture has gained immense popularity in recent years for its ability to decouple the frontend and backend, empowering developers to create engaging, interactive, and scalable web applications. 
In this workshop, we will quickly take a dive into the Headless World...
The Gateway to Backend: A Frontend Developer's Guide to Full-Stack Development
React Summit US 2023React Summit US 2023
160 min
The Gateway to Backend: A Frontend Developer's Guide to Full-Stack Development
Top Content
Amy Dutton
Amy Dutton
This workshop will guide you through the product development life cycle of creating a real-world web application. You will learn about React Server Components, building a design system within Storybook, and using frontend development to approach becoming a full-stack developer. The workshop will...
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