November 18 - 21, 2024
JSNation US
NY & Online

JSNation US 2024

Estrellas de JS en el planetario más grande de USA

¡Únete al programa espacial de la Nación! Ve a las estrellas de JS presentarse en la cúpula de planetario más grande de Occidente.

Esta edición del evento ha finalizado, las últimas actualizaciones de este JavaScript Conference están disponibles en el sitio web de la marca.
Estrella del Norte
29 min
Estrella del Norte
Top Content
As a child, the speaker was fascinated with space and finding direction. Svelte is an HTML-first approach to web development that simplifies tasks and offers efficient reactivity. The speaker reflects on Svelte's growth, goals, and design philosophy. Svelte aims to fix broken software and prioritize user focus. The future direction includes error boundaries, better debugging, and AI's role. Building open source software is challenging, and Rust's impact is discussed. The speaker values framework diversity and highlights the advancements and challenges faced by web development.
Una Mirada al Futuro del Desarrollo Web en 2025
32 min
Una Mirada al Futuro del Desarrollo Web en 2025
Top Content
Today, Wes Boss introduces the new features of the web, including customizable select and temporal, a standardized API for working with dates, time, and duration. The current date API in JavaScript has some problems related to time zones and date manipulation. With the temporal API, you can create dates without a time zone, specify dates without a year, and create durations without being attached to a specific date. The API also provides features for finding the difference between two dates. Invokers is a declarative click handlers API that eliminates the need for JavaScript. Speculation API enables pre-rendering and pre-loading of pages, improving performance. The CSS Anchor API allows positioning elements based on another element's location. Web components are encapsulated, framework-agnostic, and easy to use, offering a standardized approach for building reusable UI components. Building media UI components, like video players, is made easier with web components like Shoelace. Transformers JS allows running AI models in JavaScript for tasks like emotion detection and background removal. Python doesn't run in the browser, but JavaScript does. Small AI models can be loaded and executed faster in the browser using technologies like WebGPU. Animate height auto transition using calc size. Apply starting styles to elements for smooth animations. Use Vue transition for CSS and JavaScript animations. Syntax website with Vue transition for smooth page transitions. CSS relative colors allow for lighter or darker shades. Scope CSS ensures styles only apply to specified div containers. Web primitives facilitate modern JavaScript code. You can create web requests and receive web responses using the same primitives on both the client and server. There are many new web standards that work everywhere and frameworks like Hano and Nitro are built upon them. The select and Popover elements are accessible by default. Most of the discussed features will be available in all browsers by 2025. The future of web development with AI is uncertain, but web developers should embrace AI tools to improve efficiency. Implicit CSS lazy loading depends on whether it's prefetching or pre-rendering. Wes Boss discusses the specific features he is excited about in web development, including starting style, calc auto, and allowed discrete. He shares his preferred way of staying informed on new web development discoveries, emphasizing the importance of being part of the community and keeping up with industry discussions. Wes also mentions reading W3C meeting notes and recommends following the Twitter account Intent2Ship to stay updated on upcoming CSS features. Lastly, he discusses the potential impact of the new Scope CSS feature on developers' management of styles.
El Flujo de Trabajo del Desarrollador Asistido por IA: Construye Más Rápido e Inteligente Hoy
31 min
El Flujo de Trabajo del Desarrollador Asistido por IA: Construye Más Rápido e Inteligente Hoy
AI is transforming software engineering by using agents to help with coding. Agents can autonomously complete tasks and make decisions based on data. Collaborative AI and automation are opening new possibilities in code generation. Bolt is a powerful tool for troubleshooting, bug fixing, and authentication. Code generation tools like Copilot and Cursor provide support for selecting models and codebase awareness. Cline is a useful extension for website inspection and testing. Guidelines for coding with agents include defining requirements, choosing the right model, and frequent testing. Clear and concise instructions are crucial in AI-generated code. Experienced engineers are still necessary in understanding architecture and problem-solving. Energy consumption insights and sustainability are discussed in the Talk.
Masterclass Práctica: Introducción a Pentesting para Aplicaciones Web / APIs Web
148 min
Masterclass Práctica: Introducción a Pentesting para Aplicaciones Web / APIs Web
Gregor Biswanger
Gregor Biswanger
En esta masterclass práctica, estarás equipado con las herramientas para probar efectivamente la seguridad de las aplicaciones web. Este curso está diseñado tanto para principiantes como para aquellos que ya están familiarizados con las pruebas de seguridad de aplicaciones web y desean ampliar su conocimiento. En un mundo donde los sitios web juegan un papel cada vez más central, asegurar la seguridad de estas tecnologías es crucial. Comprender la perspectiva del atacante y conocer los mecanismos de defensa apropiados se han convertido en habilidades esenciales para los profesionales de TI.Esta masterclass, dirigida por el renombrado entrenador Gregor Biswanger, te guiará a través del uso de herramientas de pentesting estándar de la industria como Burp Suite, OWASP ZAP y el marco profesional de pentesting Metasploit. Aprenderás a identificar y explotar vulnerabilidades comunes en aplicaciones web. A través de ejercicios prácticos y desafíos, podrás poner en práctica tu conocimiento teórico y expandirlo. En este curso, adquirirás las habilidades fundamentales necesarias para proteger tus sitios web de ataques y mejorar la seguridad de tus sistemas.
Qué hay de nuevo en Vite 6
29 min
Qué hay de nuevo en Vite 6
Vite, a popular build tool for front-end development, has seen significant growth since its public release in 2021. It has been downloaded 12 million times and has over 1,000 contributors. Vite offers benefits such as a powerful dev server, hot module reloading, and a plugin API based on Rollup. However, there are limitations with server-side rendering that require extra code and handling of SSR flags. Vite's environment API allows for cleaner communication between the browser and server, and plugins can configure and customize specific environments. The future plans for Vite include stabilizing the environment API and integrating Rolldown Vite for faster builds. Vite is compatible with various front-end frameworks and is used by projects like Vaku and Vinci. The environment API has potential for per-local builds and building on older versions of Node, but may not be recommended for internationalization purposes.
Your App Crashes My Browser
29 min
Your App Crashes My Browser
We asked co-sponsors to present React, an essential framework for web and mobile developers. TypeScript improves the development experience. Let's talk about the neglected topic of JavaScript leaks and how Chrome handles them. Leaks are easy to create, even for good developers. We crashed browsers due to memory leaks. Solution: fully reload the page after soft navigations. Today we have tools to fix leaks. The first step is admitting you have a problem. Use the reporting API to collect data on memory leaks. If you have a problem, it's not just a single leak. Debug and take memory snapshots. Load the page, perform an action, go back. Compare snapshots to find leaks. Use Memlab by Facebook to identify leaked objects. Memlab tells us memory is used, leaks are everywhere. Chrome extension helps with exporting actions to scenario.js file. 50 users already. Fixing memory leaks involves finding and nullifying unused objects. Spot the leak in a simple React component that adds event listeners. Removing the component leaves the listeners behind. In session two, adding a set interval creates additional listeners. Debugging with Memlab and using non-minified code and named functions helps identify the leaks. Solution: add a component. In React, frameworks provide ways to clean up after components are removed. Spotting a leak in uppercase spelling of mount. Hooks offer use effect to handle cleanup. A use effect allows you to return a function for cleanup. Spot the weird memory leak caused by console logs. Try the reporting API, check your framework, use null, and find your first leak. Memory leaks may be more significant on a mobile browser due to limited available memory. Differentiating between leaked memory and growing global state can be determined by the app's architecture. Checking for memory leaks on mobile can be done using dev tools and manual inspection or by using Puppeteer and the developer tools protocol for emulation. The lack of naming and bindings for anonymous functions in a codemark plugin is a potential area for improvement. Neglect and the excessive amount of JavaScript are common culprits for poor web performance. Facebook's experience with redesigning their website highlighted the need for tools to address the performance bottleneck caused by JavaScript. Throttling the CPU can be effective. Developers should set objects to null when they are no longer needed, allowing the garbage collector to clean up. Chrome DevTools provides options for detecting console log memory objects. WeakRefs and WeakMaps can be useful for cleaning up memory leaks. Integration with tools like MemLab can help regression test releases for memory leaks. We are still early in memory leaks tooling. Raising awareness about the problem is important. Lighthouse scores are not the sole indicator of a fast website. Additional testing and familiarity with Core Web Vitals are recommended.
Veinte Años de Pruebas Web: Desde el Amanecer de Selenium hasta la Promesa de Vitest
22 min
Veinte Años de Pruebas Web: Desde el Amanecer de Selenium hasta la Promesa de Vitest
My goal with this talk was to answer the question of why we have another test runner. The talk breaks down the history of web testing into three chunks: the click-through era, browser war one, and browser war two. It discusses the motivations behind browser test runners and node test runners, highlighting Karma as the first node-based runner that gained popularity. The rise of node-based test runners like Ava, Tape, Mocha, and Jest is attributed to their stability and ease of use compared to Karma. Jest faced challenges with module loading and transpiling, but its non-opinionated abstraction made it a suitable choice. The shift towards environment-aware runners like VTest allows for safer testing and aligns with the need for transpilation across different environments. Lastly, the talk touches on the future of test tooling and the implications of AI on testing.
Estandarización de Señales en TC39
29 min
Estandarización de Señales en TC39
I'll be talking about standardizing signals in TC39. Immediate mode wipes out the whole screen and writes a new one, while retained mode changes only what is necessary. Signals represent a cell of data that can change over time. The correct solution is to topologically sort dependencies and evaluate them in a coherent order. Standard signals allow for code sharing across frameworks and the creation of reusable infrastructure. The signal API is designed to be wrapped by different frameworks. Standards can achieve more portability and reduce the need to lock into specific ecosystems. The API includes a watcher, a set of signals being observed, with a synchronous callback made when the first member becomes potentially dirty. The speaker discusses how signals relate to state management libraries in React and mentions the potential for signals to become a web standard in the future.
No Seriously: htmx es Pro-JavaScript!
29 min
No Seriously: htmx es Pro-JavaScript!
HTMX is a hypermedia-oriented front-end library that enhances HTML as a hypermedia. It generalizes the concept of hypermedia controls in HTML, allowing any element to become a hypermedia control. HTMX provides practical attributes like HX swap and HX indicator. The active search demo showcases the dynamic behavior achievable with HTMX. HTMX allows developers to build web applications without writing a ton of JavaScript. It works well for traditional web apps but may not be suitable for offline functionality or fast interactions. HTMX can be integrated with JSX and various backend stacks, and TypeScript can be used alongside HTMX.
Advanced TypeScript for Bun and Node.js
103 min
Advanced TypeScript for Bun and Node.js
Adrian Hajdin
Adrian Hajdin
Aprende el potencial completo de TypeScript utilizando características avanzadas como Type Inference, Type Guards, Generics, Transformers y Utility Types con programación asíncrona tanto en Node.js (usando Express.js) como en Bun.js (usando Hono.js), todo mientras entiendes las mejores prácticas para construir APIs fuertemente tipadas con diferentes bases de datos.Visión GeneralEn esta masterclass, comenzaremos con una discusión sobre las actualizaciones recientes en Node.js y Bun.js, centrándonos en su soporte incorporado para TypeScript. Aprenderás cómo configurar TypeScript en ambos entornos de ejecución y crear APIs estrictamente tipadas usando Express.js y Hono.js. A través de demostraciones prácticas, exploraremos la integración con varias bases de datos como MongoDB y Postgres, aprovechando las características avanzadas de TypeScript para construir aplicaciones robustas. Al final de la masterclass, estarás equipado con el conocimiento para optimizar el código TypeScript para el rendimiento y los patrones de diseño, asegurando que tus APIs sean tanto eficientes como mantenibles.Objetivos de Aprendizaje- Introducción al soporte de TypeScript en Node.js y Bun.js- Características Avanzadas de TypeScript: Generics, Type Guards, Mapped Types, etc.- Middleware e Inyección de Dependencias con Express.js y Hono.js- Mejora de Patrones de Diseño y Rendimiento en TypeScript- Pruebas Unitarias e Integración con TypeScript- Integración de Bases de Datos: MongoDB, Postgres, Prisma y otros- Mejores Prácticas para el Desarrollo de APIs Robustas tanto en Node.js como en Bun.js
Construyendo Aplicaciones Web Robusta con Desarrollo Dirigido por Pruebas y Playwright
145 min
Construyendo Aplicaciones Web Robusta con Desarrollo Dirigido por Pruebas y Playwright
Maurice de Beijer
Maurice de Beijer
Prepárate para llevar tus habilidades de desarrollo front-end al siguiente nivel con nuestra masterclass práctica. En esta sesión de cuatro horas, aprenderás los entresijos del desarrollo dirigido por pruebas utilizando Playwright, una herramienta poderosa que revolucionará tu flujo de trabajo de desarrollo web.¿Estás cansado de pasar horas interminables depurando problemas en tus aplicaciones web? Sumérgete en la escritura de pruebas antes de escribir código, asegurando una calidad y funcionalidad de primera clase en tus aplicaciones web. Di adiós a las pruebas manuales y hola a las pruebas automatizadas que detectan errores temprano en el proceso de desarrollo.Únete a nosotros para una masterclass interactiva y divertida donde ganarás la confianza para elevar tu juego de desarrollo front-end y construir aplicaciones web como un profesional. No dejes que puntos de dolor comunes como el comportamiento inconsistente de la interfaz de usuario o problemas de regresión te ralenticen: aprende a usar Playwright de manera efectiva para evitar estos escollos y agilizar tu proceso de desarrollo.¡No pierdas esta oportunidad de desbloquear todo el potencial del desarrollo dirigido por pruebas con Playwright – regístrate ahora y prepárate para mejorar tus habilidades!
Técnicas Avanzadas de Playwright para Pruebas Impecables
20 min
Técnicas Avanzadas de Playwright para Pruebas Impecables
Hi, everyone. My name is Debbie O'Brien, Principal Technical PM at Microsoft. I'm focusing on Playwright, a reliable end-to-end testing tool for modern web apps. It works on any browser and platform, has powerful tooling, and tests run fast. Advanced techniques include UI mode, HTML reports, and trace viewer. Use annotations in Playwright to enhance reporting and test organization. Mocking API responses and external links is possible with Playwright. You can also test date and time by setting a fixed fake time. Playwright offers CLI test options and has a vibrant community. Join the Playwright Discord server and follow the important docs and YouTube channel for more information.
Local-First: Una Nueva Forma Loca de Construir Apps
25 min
Local-First: Una Nueva Forma Loca de Construir Apps
Hi everyone, my name is Anselm and today I'd like to tell you about LocalThirst, a crazy new way to build apps. The traditional technologies are not made for the advanced features that users expect. Local first infrastructure simplifies the app development stack by allowing app-specific parts without a complex stack. Building apps with CRDTs enable real-time multiplayer, cross-device sync, offline support, and auto-merging of conflicts. Public key cryptography simplifies sharing, complex permissions, and enables end-to-end encryption. Local first frameworks like Jazz combine permissions, local first user identity, and cryptography. Managing schema changes in local first apps can be challenging but can be managed with patterns and caution. Backend workers in Local First work the same way as front-end workers, and Jazz allows precise access control for server workers. Jazz enables easy offline-first and local-first user experiences and is used for various apps like Invoice Rater, Learn Anything, and Succulent. Start building local-first apps with Jazz at
Modern JavaScript: Leveling Up Arrays and Intl
27 min
Modern JavaScript: Leveling Up Arrays and Intl
Hi, I'm Mariko from Chrome Developer Relations Team. Let's dive into the talk, leveling up JavaScript. I sat down and learned JavaScript. I sat down and learned ES6 again. TC39 has published a new version of JavaScript spec every year. I want to focus on the parts of JavaScript that got updates recently. So ArrayFlat creates a new flattened array. You can also pass a depth argument to flatten nested arrays. Another method, copyToReserve, creates a reversed copy of an array. There's also copy to sort, which creates a sorted copy of an array. Another useful method is array to spliced, which allows you to remove and add items to a copied array. Lastly, the array at method returns an item at a given index. Array at accepts negative numbers for reverse order lookup. Find last iterates in reverse order and returns the item or index. Copy to change the value at a given index with a function. Object group by allows grouping and creating a new object by type. JavaScript intl allows for word segmentation in different languages, improving readability. It also includes features like data type format, number format, and plural rules for locale-based results. Staying up to date on web features is challenging due to time-consuming research and potential errors in implementation. Baseline provides clear information on web platform features supported by major browsers, ensuring compatibility without issues. Baseline provides two levels of support: newly available and widely available. By aligning your project to Baseline, you can confidently avoid browser compatibility issues. You can use Baseline to keep up with what's new on the web by installing the Baseline widget. Websites and dashboards like feature explorer and web have been released. The project roadmap includes developer tooling and integrating Baseline into linters and actions. Check the RAM archive insights page for user data based on Baseline years. We are planning for more tools next year, including linting and AI integration.
Es hora de enamorarse de CSS (de nuevo)
11 min
Es hora de enamorarse de CSS (de nuevo)
Hi, I'm Tony Alisea, a developer with over 25 years of experience. CSS won in the 90s due to its separation of structure and presentation, cascade concept, and powerful selectors. JavaScript developers fell out of love with CSS when they started using frameworks to construct the DOM. Instead of looking at the DOM holistically, we began to think in terms of componentization. CSS has continued to grow and add extraordinary features, such as CSS nesting and cascade layers. CSS layers give more control over the layering of CSS styles. Container queries allow us to respond to the size of the container instead of the viewport. The has pseudo class enables selecting parent elements. CSS is now more component-friendly and improves the user experience.
Construir RAG desde Cero
20 min
Construir RAG desde Cero
Today's Talk explores the concept of Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) and its application in building chatbots. RAG involves giving language models more context by retrieving relevant data. This is achieved by creating vectors for each talk and using cosine similarity to compare them. The talk emphasizes the limitations of word-based vectors and the benefits of using embedding models and vector databases. By replacing word-based models with vector search, content can be sorted and retrieved more efficiently. RAG, along with large language models and AI, has the potential to enhance scalability and unleash new possibilities.
Matemáticas Avanzadas y Análisis de Datos Con JavaScript
11 min
Matemáticas Avanzadas y Análisis de Datos Con JavaScript
In this talk, we explore advanced mathematics and data analysis with JavaScript, comparing its speed with Python and R. We discuss the role of WebAssembly and cases where plain JavaScript falls short. We introduce Standard Lib, a fundamental library for numerical computation on the web, similar to NumPy or SciPy in Python. We delve into the speed and performance of JavaScript, highlighting its performance compared to Python and R for different array sizes. We also discuss the performance of WebAssembly and native add-ons. Finally, we discuss the features of Standard Lib, including fancy indexing, blast operations, and its integration with Google Sheets.
Temporal: Fechas y Tiempos Modernos en JavaScript
22 min
Temporal: Fechas y Tiempos Modernos en JavaScript
I'll speak today about the Temporal proposal, which adds modern date and time handling to JavaScript. Temporal is an API that'll be available in browsers soon and will add a built-in library for dates and times, avoiding the need for external libraries like Moment. It offers strong typing with different types for different data, such as calendar dates with or without time. Temporal objects are immutable and designed to work with JavaScript's internationalization facilities. It addresses deficiencies in the global Date object and introduces types like instant and plain types for accurate representation of time and dates across time zones. With the old Date, representing a date without a time can be problematic, especially in time zones where midnight is skipped due to daylight saving time. Temporal introduces types like PlainDate, PlainTime, PlainYearMonth, PlainMonthDay, and ZonedDateTime to accurately represent different scenarios. Additionally, there is a type called Duration for arithmetic operations and unit conversion. Now that I've introduced you to the cast of characters in Temporal, it's time to show how to accomplish a programming task. We'll start with an easy task: getting the current time as a timestamp in milliseconds using the instant type. To convert between Temporal types, you can either drop or add information. The toZonedDateTime method is used for conversion and requires adding a time zone and a time. Although Temporal objects are immutable, you can create new objects with replaced components using the with method. Migrating from the old Date object to Temporal offers a more reliable solution and avoids potential bugs. Check out the documentation for more details and enjoy using Temporal in your codebase!
Cinco maneras de hacer visible tu pensamiento en la colaboración de ingeniería
30 min
Cinco maneras de hacer visible tu pensamiento en la colaboración de ingeniería
Hi, everybody. I'm a software engineer sharing five ways to make your thinking visible in engineering collaboration. One of the most effective strategies is asking facilitative questions, which show interest not only in the answer but also in the thinking process behind it. The SAIL framework is effective for collaborating in groups, involving sharing the plan, asking questions, generating ideas, and learning. Knowing your audience and their background knowledge is crucial. The ladder of feedback is a five-step process to provide constructive feedback without making the receiver feel attacked. Making thinking visible in engineering collaboration leads to greater understanding, more collaboration, and growth for the team.
Aprovechando la Programación de Flujo de Datos para Sistemas de IA Escalables y Eficientes en Entornos Distribuidos
19 min
Aprovechando la Programación de Flujo de Datos para Sistemas de IA Escalables y Eficientes en Entornos Distribuidos
Today's Talk introduces Graphi, a declarative dataflow programming environment for AI. It emphasizes the importance of asynchronous APIs and deep programming environments in the era of AI. The JavaScript version of OpenAPI enables easier handling of multiple asynchronous calls. Declarative dataflow programming improves efficiency and async/await simplifies calling asynchronous API functions. To further optimize asynchronous programming, a dataflow approach is recommended. Graphi allows building conversational graphs and handling cyclic dataflow. It offers advantages like parallelism, resultability, and scalability. Graphi introduces new concepts like nested graphs and distributed computing. It is an open-source project actively being improved and welcomes contributions.
1000 Maneras de Autocompletar
29 min
1000 Maneras de Autocompletar
In this talk, the speaker explores how auto-complete can be implemented in different ways across various frameworks and libraries such as React, Vue, Angular, preact, Svelte, solid, and HTMX. The speaker discusses the different approaches to handling state and updating it in each framework. They also cover topics like debouncing user input, making API calls, and list rendering. The talk concludes with considerations for choosing a front-end framework and the speaker's personal preference for Svelte and Vue. They also mention the benefits of using web components to reduce boilerplate code. Overall, the talk aims to showcase alternative ways of developing applications beyond just React and encourage developers to explore and experiment with different frameworks.
Escalando a11y
20 min
Escalando a11y
Hello and welcome to this talk about scaling accessibility. The web was created with accessibility in mind, we just need to utilize it to create accessible web applications. Digital accessibility is about creating applications that are accessible for everyone, regardless of disability. WCAG stands for Web Content Accessibility Guidelines, which provide a baseline for web accessibility. To scale up accessibility, an organization-wide approach is crucial, including management support, a person with final responsibility for accessibility, and inclusion of accessibility in all processes. Collaboration and consistent design elements are key to preventing the release of inaccessible features. Internal researching, testing, and monitoring are essential to ensure accessibility. Challenges with WCAG requirements and audits exist, as not all issues are shown and sample sizes can lead to missed issues. Auditing and fixing in a cycle doesn't work for larger organizations, so accessibility should be checked in every step. An accessibility certificate and the feedback loop help build knowledge within teams and ensure ongoing accessibility. The talk concludes with a summary of previous topics and an invitation for further discussion.
Nue: El marco de UX para la web
21 min
Nue: El marco de UX para la web
Hello, everyone. My name is Tero Piirainen, a software engineer from Helsinki, Finland. I'm introducing a new UX framework for the web called Nue. It provides better tooling, code basis, and resulting websites compared to established frameworks like Next.js or Beat or Astro. Nue is incredibly fast, 100 times faster than Next.js, with improved hot reloading times. Simplicity is a key advantage of Nue, offering instant browser reactions to saved files and quick updates with hot reloading. Nue emphasizes timeless skills and focuses on design engineering, transitioning from JavaScript to modern CSS. Gnu, a component of Nue, focuses on CSS and offers small and fast websites with built-in turbo-linking and view transition motion effects. Overall, Nue and Gnu provide a simpler, faster, and more flexible development experience with a focus on user experience and design engineering.
Mírame Ejecutar Malware Desde NPM
21 min
Mírame Ejecutar Malware Desde NPM
I'm Zebe, a JavaScript developer with a focus on security. Let's talk about the risks of consuming NPM packages, particularly malicious ones. We explore how to obtain and run malware, as well as evaluate and analyze JavaScript malware in Node.js. Malware can be delivered as pre-compiled bytecode, and defenses involve tools like npm audit. Hardin JavaScript and Lafamote are security tools that protect JavaScript applications and dependencies. Lafamote puts each package in its own compartment and provides tooling to create access policies. It prevents stolen cookies and restricts access to sensitive globals. Limited time offer to help set up projects with Lafamote.
Rspack Recientemente Fue Premiado como Avance del Año en JSNation
31 min
Rspack Recientemente Fue Premiado como Avance del Año en JSNation
Today's Talk discussed RSPack, a Rust rewrite of Webpack that won Breakthrough of the Year at JS Nation. RSPack was developed at ByteDance to address the complexities of their WebInfra and provide a suitable bundler for native and exotic environments. The development of RSPack focused on improving on ES Build's capabilities, reducing CI wait times, and maximizing product velocity. ESBuild and Webpack had various weaknesses and limitations, leading to the decision to create a new bundler architecture. RSPack aimed to be language-agnostic and prioritize artifact integrity, performance, productivity, and business value. API design emphasized a balance between performance and versatility, tailored for larger businesses. RSPack achieved significant reductions in cloud costs and build times, and future ideas include TypeScript optimization and remote caching. For smaller companies, considerations when choosing a bundler include performance, chunking, reliability, and user experience.
Micro Frontends y Seguridad
23 min
Micro Frontends y Seguridad
Welcome to a session about micro-frontends and security. This Talk discusses the vulnerabilities in micro-frontend systems, including injections, insecure design, and security misconfiguration. It also explores identification and authentication flaws, and suggests mitigation strategies like using session cookies and secure HTTP channels. The Talk highlights the importance of implementing a gateway for enhanced security and addresses concerns about insecure design. It emphasizes integrity verification of JavaScript files and the prevention of code injection. The use of environment variables and configuration mismanagement is also discussed, along with the importance of vulnerability scanning and testing. The Talk concludes by emphasizing the need for authenticity and monitoring in micro-frontend development.
Animaciones Simplificadas en la Web
28 min
Animaciones Simplificadas en la Web
MacroMedia Flash revolutionized web development by allowing easy creation of animations. Web animations evolved from meta tags to keyframe animations and JavaScript animations. View transitions provide a better solution by creating animated transitions between DOM states. Advanced view transitions allow for tracking changes in the DOM and achieving powerful features like animating elements with display:none. The web animations approach uses the flip animation technique to reveal information. Astro is a project that embraces view transitions and offers built-in support. React has good support for view transitions. View transitions are currently supported in most major browsers. CSS animations and shape transitions can be easily integrated to customize animation behavior.
¿Qué pasa con Micro Frontends
7 min
¿Qué pasa con Micro Frontends
Micro-frontends break down a large frontend into smaller, independently deployable pieces. This approach improves scalability, team autonomy, and code maintenance. Two primary ways to implement micro-frontends are build time and run time. Module federation, introduced in Webpack 5, allows for dynamic real-time updates across teams. Challenges in implementing micro-frontends include getting type safety with TypeScript and testing at runtime. Module federation 2.0 introduced type extraction and manifest updates. Full site federation allows testing the whole app. Micro frontends involve trade-offs, so choose what benefits you the most.
Pruebas de UI E2E impulsadas por IA: Creación más rápida, Mantenimiento más fácil
10 min
Pruebas de UI E2E impulsadas por IA: Creación más rápida, Mantenimiento más fácil
Hello, everyone. Today we are going to explore AI-powered end-to-end testing. Unlike unit tests, UI testing has a huge layer of obstructions between the source code and the rendered UI. The source code includes HTML, CSS, and TypeScript, which are transpiled into JavaScript and bundled with tools like Webpack. AI can generate tests effectively for standard websites or blogs, but it may struggle with niche applications behind strict authorization or on-premise tools. AI-powered end-to-end testing for complex scenarios requires our guidance. We use meaningful data test IDs and follow the page objects model pattern. Additionally, we rely on useful tools like the end-to-end test helper in-browser extension and the continue IDE extension. Now, let's proceed to the demo, where we will create tests for the Pokemon application, including the ability to filter by name or type. We will navigate to the Pokemon details page and use our extension to manage settings and prompts. Additionally, we will create the details page object together and generate the test file. The Pokemon details page has 105 elements. We can view the elements for debugging purposes, including page object name, Pokemon details page, and system message. We will copy the page object and save it to a file. We need to make it exportable. Then, we will use the extension to create an end-to-end test and pass the context. I will use all the open files, including the page objects and the test case itself. I will send them to EI along with the predefined prompt. There is a system message and additional information we need to be aware of. The test runs successfully, and that concludes this part.
Desde la Cripta al Código: Seguridad Web Explorada a Través de Películas de Terror
28 min
Desde la Cripta al Código: Seguridad Web Explorada a Través de Películas de Terror
The Talk explores the parallels between web security and horror movies, highlighting the real-world impact of security issues. OWASP is introduced as a helpful team that ranks security risks. Broken access control is identified as a major risk, and best practices for access control are discussed. Cryptographic failures are compared to the movie Hellraiser, emphasizing the importance of encryption. Surviving security issues involves encrypting sensitive data, input validation, and using secure protocols. Injection attacks and defense strategies are illustrated through the movie Alien. The importance of monitoring and updating dependencies is emphasized. Code testing is crucial for security. Social engineering and favorite horror movies are briefly mentioned. Testing tools and the importance of taking action are highlighted. Overall, the Talk provides valuable insights into web security through the lens of horror movies.
Desplazamiento Virtual Rápido y Flexible con Programación Funcional
16 min
Desplazamiento Virtual Rápido y Flexible con Programación Funcional
Today's Talk focuses on implementing virtual scrolling to improve performance and flexibility of lists. The process involves computing the height of the viewport, scroll position, and individual list item height. By rendering only the elements within the viewport, the initial page load and scrolling performance are enhanced. Various optimization techniques are discussed, including memoization, binary search, and delayed rendering. These techniques significantly improve scrolling performance and provide a better user experience. Additional techniques such as using skeletons, element pooling, and functional purity can further optimize rendering. Advanced techniques, like moving elements within the pool and using content visibility, yield substantial performance improvements. However, content visibility is better suited for large pages with few large sections. Overall, the Talk offers valuable insights into virtual scrolling and its limitations.
Web Workers: Manejo de Procesamiento Pesado en el Lado del Cliente
18 min
Web Workers: Manejo de Procesamiento Pesado en el Lado del Cliente
In this talk, the speaker introduces web workers and discusses how they can handle large processing on the client side. Examples, benchmarks, and tradeoffs are provided. The benefits of using web workers are discussed, and a demo project using VanillaJS and the live server extension of VS Code is showcased. The speaker demonstrates how to use web workers to prevent the main thread from getting blocked during large operations. The process of creating a web worker file and moving functions to it is explained. The speaker also shows how to handle messages and perform operations with web workers. The final remarks include contact information and an invitation to check out the speaker's YouTube channel for React courses and articles.
Observability Matters: Esta Vez para Frontend
24 min
Observability Matters: Esta Vez para Frontend
Hi, everyone! My name is Yash Varma, and I'm a software engineer and computer researcher. I'm an open telemetry enthusiast, working on creating a vendor-neutral observability framework. Today's talk is titled as Observability Matters, this time for frontend. We'll cover the evolution of ZEP, the understanding of observability, current state of front-end monitoring tools, core essence of front-end observability, and front-end observability direction. Observability is about understanding what's happening inside the system based on its internal behavior or output. Front-end developers often lack observability compared to back end developers. Synthetic monitoring and real user monitoring are two common tools used by frontend developers. Front-end observability allows us to understand application performance for different users and situations, connecting the dots and gaining insight into core web vitals and user sessions. It's time to adopt observability as a culture and break down silos between front-end and back-end to better understand the entire user experience.
El Impacto en el Rendimiento del JavaScript Generado
17 min
El Impacto en el Rendimiento del JavaScript Generado
Today's Talk discussed the performance impact of generated JavaScript and the importance of bundle size in relation to page load speed and user experience. The use of a build process, minification, and avoiding unnecessary polyfills were highlighted as strategies to reduce bundle size. API design considerations, such as avoiding deeply nested object lookups and using functions and objects instead of classes, were discussed in relation to minification. The concepts of down-compilation and transpilation were explained, with a focus on the challenges and benefits they present. The Talk also emphasized the need to avoid using TypeScript enums and instead use string constants, as well as the importance of compressing code and tracking bundle size changes. Bundle analyzers were recommended for visualizing bundle contents and component connections.
Manual to Magical: AI in Developer Tooling
18 min
Manual to Magical: AI in Developer Tooling
RedwoodJS is a productive JavaScript TypeScript framework that uses code mods to help users upgrade and ensure they have the latest features and security updates. The speaker developed a CLI called Codemodder, using OpenAI's excellent documentation and SDK. They experimented with reinforcement techniques to improve AI understanding and generated test case descriptions. The AI's creativity control parameter didn't work well for programming, so the speaker asked the AI to generate other possible inputs and let the user verify them. Verifying the code mod is done through static code analysis tools like ESLint and TypeScript compiler. Iterating between generating and testing, the speaker often ends up with an error-free code mod. Automating the evaluation process and following standard research and experimentation rules is key to improving the output. Settling for 'good enough' and measuring the impact of changes through error count is important. Collaboration with the AI using available tools, iterating, and aiming for objective performance evaluation is recommended. Codebots are great for developer experience but time-consuming to write. The speaker encourages using an AI framework with good documentation, iterating quickly, and using clear prompts. The temperature setting is not necessary for code-related outputs. Connecting with the speaker and getting inspired to build AI-powered developer tools is also mentioned.
Deja de adivinar, comienza a medir: Cuantificación de la accesibilidad
15 min
Deja de adivinar, comienza a medir: Cuantificación de la accesibilidad
Hello everybody, I'm Giammi. Today, I would like to share with you a case study about how quantifying accessibility played a crucial role in improving the accessibility of our products at Stack Overflow. We started our journey by setting clear accessibility targets based on WCAG guidelines and adopted the Advanced Perceptual Contrast Algorithm to address color contrast. We established a way to measure accessibility progress using automated tools and manual scores. Our focus was on the design system and we rolled out improvements such as a new color palette. Key learnings include the importance of setting clear targets and measuring product accessibility for motivation and visibility. Accessibility work is ongoing and should be integrated early in the development process. Thank you for listening.
Las Dilemas que Enfrenté al Construir una Biblioteca de Componentes
27 min
Las Dilemas que Enfrenté al Construir una Biblioteca de Componentes
Building a component library involves making various decisions such as using a JavaScript framework, considering accessibility in testing, and using a monorepo. Building a component library allows for faster interface creation and consistent visual language. Making the wrong choice can lead to owning the complexity of interactions. Offloading the complexity to an open-source library can be beneficial. Exporting as a single package or scoped packages have their advantages and disadvantages. Setting up a specific workflow and repo structure is important for publishing components. It is recommended to publish as ESM and avoid bundling the library. Leveraging browser capabilities and using fundamental tools like CSS and TypeScript can be beneficial.
JavaScript Conquistó el Servidor, Es Hora de que Conquiste la Base de Datos También
13 min
JavaScript Conquistó el Servidor, Es Hora de que Conquiste la Base de Datos También
Hi, I'm Ben, the CEO of Freestyle. We're building Cloud State, a JavaScript runtime that allows you to write your entire application in TypeScript. We believe that bringing all the layers into TypeScript natively can greatly improve team efficiency. By marking a class as 'at cloud state', it becomes persistent and can be deployed without a SQL database. Connecting to the front end is as simple as accessing the functions directly. CloudState enables the sharing of back-end data infrastructure as packages, eliminating the need for web servers and endpoints. Freestyle chat is an open-source chat solution that can be easily integrated into applications. Cloud State has the potential to transform databases like Node.js did to servers, making development better for JavaScript users.
Asegurando la Calidad del Código TypeScript con expect-type
9 min
Asegurando la Calidad del Código TypeScript con expect-type
Expect Type is a library for type-level testing in TypeScript. It allows you to write tests for your types, ensuring that they stay what you want them to be as your code base evolves. The library supports a wide range of TypeScript features, including type guards, advanced features, and generic type testing. It also integrates with various test frameworks, including VTest. Best practices include testing only helpful things, making generics specific, and running tests as part of CI pipelines. Understanding error messages and fixing type errors are important aspects of using the library.
Desbloqueando el Potencial de Aplicaciones en Tiempo Real Basadas en Eventos con JavaScript
20 min
Desbloqueando el Potencial de Aplicaciones en Tiempo Real Basadas en Eventos con JavaScript
Hi, I'm Jerdot, a technical lead at AWS Safegate. Today, I'll discuss event-driven architecture and the potentials of real-time event-driven systems in JavaScript. We'll explore JavaScript runtimes, the event loop, and the queues involved. Event-driven architecture involves producing, detecting, consuming, and reacting to events. It is used in microservices, IoT systems, and real-time data processing. Tools like event emitters and WebSockets are used to simplify building event-driven applications. Connection management is crucial, and RabbitMQ and MQTT are popular message brokers. Performance optimization can be achieved by using high-performing message brokers, deploying producers and brokers close together, and considering fault tolerance. Message processing should include storing messages until successfully processed, handling events multiple times with unintended side effects, and using automatic retries and dead letter queues for transient failures.
Un Tipo Diferente de Serverless: Un Estudio de Caso para SQLite y Whisper.cpp
25 min
Un Tipo Diferente de Serverless: Un Estudio de Caso para SQLite y Whisper.cpp
Today's Talk introduces WebAssembly (Wasm) and its versatility in supporting any language on any operating system. Wasm's history dates back to 2011 with Emscripten and NACL, and it has gained importance with the introduction of Wasi, the WebAssembly system interface. Wasm is supported by modern browsers and can be used with languages like C, C++, Rust, and Go. Popular applications like Figma, CapCut, and 1Password utilize Wasm for improved performance. Web Workers and shared array buffers eliminate the need for object serialization. The Talk also discusses the use of Keasley and Drizzle for interacting with SQL. Building and optimizing the application involves considerations of migrations, app readiness, suspense, optimistic UI, and debouncing inputs. Whisper, an open-source AI project, offers models for audio-to-text conversion and is implemented using whisper.cpp. Deployment options include Render, Netlify, Vercel, and Cloudflare, but using a cheap VPS provider with a file server can be a cost-effective alternative.
Module Federation: Divide, Conquer, Share!
20 min
Module Federation: Divide, Conquer, Share!
Using front-end features can be challenging. Model federation is an approach to implement micro frontends. Micro frontends can be built-in or use runtimes. Two micro frontends need to update together to ensure consistency. Other techniques for micro frontends include web components, system.js, iframes, and monorepos. Model federation in Webpack 5 decouples runtime from build tools, allowing flexibility in model loading. High availability and error boundaries are important for Model Federation. Full-federated sites enable fast development cycles and easy testing. Importing components from a federated model requires dynamic imports, dependency sharing, and performance considerations. Debugging tools like Medusa and the Model Federation plugin for Chrome help identify and resolve issues. Consistent styling can be achieved by using the same UI kit. Routing can be handled by a shell application or frameworks like Single SPA. Decoupling components using specific federated models and considering tradeoffs when designing application growth strategies. Determine if Microfrontends are necessary based on the need for independent modular components in a growing product.
Porting Turborepo to Rust
25 min
Porting Turborepo to Rust
Today's Talk is about porting to Rust, specifically the experience of porting Turbo Repo, a build system for JavaScript, from Go to Rust. The speaker discusses the challenges faced during the porting process, such as file permission code discrepancies and issues with Alpine Linux. They explain the approach taken, including using a Rust shim and porting individual Go dependencies to Rust. The Talk also covers the limitations and challenges encountered during the porting process, as well as the benefits of leveraging the Rust ecosystem. The speaker discusses the considerations of rewriting versus porting and the importance of institutional knowledge. They also touch on the performance impact of the porting process and the improvements achieved by moving to a fully Rust implementation.
SolidStart: La Forma de los Frameworks del Futuro
21 min
SolidStart: La Forma de los Frameworks del Futuro
Hello, JS Nation. I'm here to tell you about some interesting stuff I've been working on using SolidJS. SolidJS introduced fine-grain reactivity and signals six years ago, while other frameworks are now recognizing the value and incorporating similar concepts. Recently, server-side rendering and meta frameworks have gained attention, and SolidJS also has its own meta framework called Solid Start. In this talk, I'll discuss Solid Start and its role in shaping future frameworks. A meta-framework is important because it enables faster time to production, improved code quality, and other benefits. Solid Start is a non-opinionated way to start applications, allowing developers to choose their own path. It took three years to develop, going through two beta phases and major API rewrites. Solid Start is powered by Solid Router, Seroval, Solid, and Vinci. The application allows users to catch Pokemons, and the code uses Solid Router and File Routing for lazy loading components. Preloading data for components helps optimize fetching by eliminating network waterfalls. SOLIDSTART gives you the freedom to choose your path and is the shape of frameworks to come.
Monorepos & Spaceships – Navegando Exitosamente a Través del Código y el Cosmos
28 min
Monorepos & Spaceships – Navegando Exitosamente a Través del Código y el Cosmos
Hello everyone. I'd like to start off by telling you a story about a guy named Dan. He's a mechanic and his job is fixing spaceships. Dan is a metaphor for all of us developers. Let's talk about monorepos as you've probably guessed from the title. I'll start off by talking about polyrepos, what they do well, but also where they fall short. Then I'll talk about monorepos and what issues they solve, as well as why you need good monorepo tooling, especially at scale. A Monorepo is a single repository containing multiple distinct projects with well-defined relationships. It allows teams to work together in a unified manner. Monorepos help with velocity, safety, and mobility. Monorepos can be adopted incrementally and good tooling can help with running tests. CI time is now coupled to the size of the change made, rather than the size of the monorepo. By generating a task graph from the project graph, we can optimize the build process by parallelizing and scheduling tasks. NX offers a solution by distributing tasks across multiple agents, allowing for time and cost optimization. Visit or to learn more and achieve focus and contentment like Dan.
inlang - Usando el Control de Versiones para Resolver i18n
14 min
inlang - Usando el Control de Versiones para Resolver i18n
In this talk, you'll learn about the problem with internationalizing software and how the Lake Exchange Control System solves it. Internationalizing software involves adapting it for different markets and demographics, which includes design, translations, and currencies. The goal is to enable any software company to go global in a day. The challenge lies in the coordination required among developers, designers, translators, and other stakeholders. The current process involves a complex pipeline and manual processes for translation hand-off. The key to solving this challenge is an interoperable file format and a change control system called Lix, which allows for collaboration and automation. Lix will have a public pre-release on December 16th, followed by the .inlang file specification in Q1 2025.
Modern & Secure Streaming on the Web
30 min
Modern & Secure Streaming on the Web
Today's Talk explores modern and secure streaming on the web, covering topics such as segmentation, media source extensions, dash protocol, and encryption/decryption with encrypted media extensions. The MP4 format is discussed, including atom structure and fragmentation. The use of the MPEG-DASH streaming protocol to fragment files and create a dash manifest is explained. Content protection and playback are handled through media source extensions, decryption components, and the creation of decryption keys. A demo is conducted to showcase the preparation, encryption, and playback of encrypted content. The importance of segmentation, media source extensions, encryption, and digital rights management in ensuring smooth and secure content distribution is emphasized.
Desbloqueando Experimentos Divertidos: Explorando el Web Speech API
21 min
Desbloqueando Experimentos Divertidos: Explorando el Web Speech API
Hello, JS Nation! Today, I'll show you how I created gamified karaoke using Web Speech API. The Web Speech API has two parts: speech recognition and speech to text. It was originally built for karaoke but can also be used for forms and dictation. There are some quirks with the speech recognition API, such as limited microphone input and variation in implementation and privacy concerns across browsers. The speaker demonstrates how to implement speech recognition in a karaoke application and tests its error matching capabilities. Other interesting points include voice interface design considerations and the value of engaging in fun and unproductive side projects.
Trae la Magia del 3D a Tus Aplicaciones Vue Con TresJS
9 min
Trae la Magia del 3D a Tus Aplicaciones Vue Con TresJS
What if I told you that this scene or game is entirely done with Vue components? I'm presenting Trace.js, a library to bring 3D to Vue applications. In the setup syntax of Vue, we import the TraceCampos component and add it with a prop called window size. By adding a light to the scene, we can create our first 3D renderer. The post processing library for TresCS was launched, allowing developers to easily add effects like glow to their 3D scenes. TresCS allows you to build impressive scenes with minimal code. Let's quickly demo some galaxies using view components.
Green Bytes: Cómo Mejorar Web Vitals Contribuye a la Sostenibilidad Ambiental
28 min
Green Bytes: Cómo Mejorar Web Vitals Contribuye a la Sostenibilidad Ambiental
Today's Talk focused on the importance of optimizing web vitals and performance for both user experience and the environment. The Internet's carbon footprint is significant, with page weight being a key factor. By reducing page weight and improving core web vital scores, developers can contribute to reducing CO2 emissions. The Talk highlighted how optimizing web vitals improved the loading performance, interactivity, and visual stability of a web application. It also discussed the importance of NextPaint interaction and profiling to enhance the NextPaint score. The Talk emphasized the connection between performance optimization and reducing the carbon footprint of web applications. Various tools and practices were recommended to measure and reduce the carbon footprint, including asset optimization, green hosting providers, and content delivery networks. The Talk also mentioned the need for AI regulations and the role of corporations in prioritizing sustainability. Overall, the Talk provided valuable insights into the intersection of performance and sustainability in software development.
Visión por Computadora en tu Navegador con Filtros SVG
22 min
Visión por Computadora en tu Navegador con Filtros SVG
I'm Adam Klein, the CTO and co-founder of Cover with Double V, a swag store platform. We use computer vision to create cool effects with SVG filters. In this talk, I'll share two magic tricks and teach you how to create a green screen filter using SVG markup. I can apply different filters on text, images, and videos using HTML or SVG. SVG filters allow easy debugging and parameter manipulation. The displacement map is a simple primitive that displaces pixels based on the red and green values. The frosted glass effect is achieved by using the displacement map filter. The green screen filter selectively reduces the opacity of green pixels while keeping other pixels opaque. After experimenting with different values, I discovered a formula that effectively applies the green screen filter using SVG filters. SVG filters are widely used in production and are supported in all major browsers. They are highly performant, running on the GPU. Working with SVG filters requires creativity and experimentation to achieve desired effects.
Rompiendo el Código Detrás de la Colaboración en Tiempo Real con Websockets
20 min
Rompiendo el Código Detrás de la Colaboración en Tiempo Real con Websockets
Hello, I'm Vitor Norton, a developer advocate at SuperViz. I'm passionate about connecting people, highly dependent on my productivity tools, and love the idea of working anywhere in the world. Working remotely is a top priority, but we also don't want to feel alone. Let's explore some examples of companies that have addressed this issue: Gather Town, Miro, and Microsoft Teams. Collaborative components enable real-time collaboration by synchronizing participants' actions. The mouse pointers component utilizes a room concept to synchronize mouse positions. Channels and WebSockets are used for real-time data synchronization. CR-DTS is a conflict-free data-related type used to handle counter conflicts in collaborative environments.
Desarrollo impulsado por la experimentación
10 min
Desarrollo impulsado por la experimentación
Hi, I'm Graham, co-founder of GrowthBook, and in this lightning talk, I'll cover experimentation-driven development. We'll explore how we build products today, the issue of knowing if our shipped products actually work, and the solution: experimentation-driven development. A-B testing is a controlled way of measuring the impact of changes on real users. It involves starting with a hypothesis, assigning users to different groups, exposing them to different variants, and tracking their behavior. Examples from Airbnb and Netflix show the varying success rates of A-B tests. On average, only one-third of tests are successful in moving the desired metrics. Without testing, you're just guessing. Common objections include relying on before and after data without controlled experiments. A-B testing helps control for variants and noise in data, allowing you to determine causation. User testing with small sample sizes may not provide accurate insights. Integrating A-B testing into the development process helps define hypotheses, track metrics, and iterate quickly. Use feature flags to easily test and roll out changes. Feature flags add safety by separating code deployment from feature release. A-B testing allows conditional feature release and provides statistical results. A-B testing replaces differences of opinion and celebrates learning from failures. Hypothesis testing is crucial for determining the success of a project. Experimentation driven development is easy and should be done on every project.
¿El Techo Está en Llamas?
18 min
¿El Techo Está en Llamas?
Hi there. I'm Teodor, a web developer building Proxima, an open source analytics platform. In June 2021, a wildfire burned down a huge area near my house in Athens. I had an idea to build a low-cost, open, and accessible device to monitor and alert authorities of fire outbreaks. JavaScript is event-driven and perfect for IoT applications. DeviceScript is a versatile framework for writing code targeting IoT development boards. We can expand device functionality by adding sensors for temperature, humidity, gas, and flames. We can establish a mesh network using Painless Mess for wider coverage. LoRa can be used for off-grid emergency setups. AI and ML techniques can be applied for failure forecasting and running inference on the device. The VALS BME 688 gas sensor can improve detection accuracy. USC team is working on a model to predict high wildfire danger areas. Innovation thrives at the intersection of ideas and technology.
Benchmark Rusty Parsers in JS
22 min
Benchmark Rusty Parsers in JS
Today's talk focused on the use of REST in JavaScript and the challenges and benefits it presents. The presenter discussed benchmarking the performance of different parsers, with TypeScript consistently outperforming others. Understanding the benchmark results involved analyzing parse time, serialization, and deserialization time. JavaScript parsers had slower performance with concurrent parsing due to JavaScript's single-thread nature. The talk also touched on performance optimization techniques, such as avoiding serialization and utilizing multiple CPU cores. The event-based model with a tree sync was suggested as a way to optimize FFI. Overall, the talk provided valuable insights into the use and optimization of REST in JavaScript.
Construyendo Puentes: Cómo las Contribuciones de Open Source Mejoran Tu Carrera en el Desarrollo Web
17 min
Construyendo Puentes: Cómo las Contribuciones de Open Source Mejoran Tu Carrera en el Desarrollo Web
Hello, everyone. My name is Pachi, and I'm a frontend developer passionate about open source and how it can enhance careers. Contributing to open source not only improves coding skills but also enhances soft skills. Open source provides opportunities to learn, improve coding skills, and gain visibility through networking. To be successful in open source, create a GitHub page with your picture and contact information. Build connections and advance your career through open source. Choose projects you like and that match your career goals. Contribute consistently over time and document your contributions. Utilize LinkedIn for sharing contributions and learning. Open source is a bridge of opportunities for career growth.
En Memoria de las Dificultades
28 min
En Memoria de las Dificultades
Hello, my name is Gabriel. I work at and I'm going to be talking about how we improved the performance of GraphQL resolvers for our GraphQL service. We had a problem with our subscription deployment, where we were experiencing a high number of restarts due to memory allocation failures. This prompted us to investigate and optimize the memory consumption of our resolvers. To assess the performance, we set up a local environment with Kafka, Graph, and a client that connected 4000 WebSockets to Graph. After running the test, we found that we were only able to process and distribute 16 messages to our clients. Yay. The memory consumption graph showed peaks and valleys as messages were delivered. Three distinct phases were observed: idle, Sockets connected with no messages, and messages being processed. We decided to optimize the context, which contains request-specific information and backend details. Since subscriptions primarily involve sending Kafka messages, we realized that the message itself often has all the necessary information. Therefore, we only create backends when a call is made to them. We optimized our backend creation process using the proxy object, which allows us to create backends lazily only when they are accessed. This resulted in less memory consumption without changing the code or the schema. The less memory consumption is evident in the second phase of the recording, where the plateau formed from having multiple contexts is significantly lower. Most of the savings were achieved by reducing temporary objects and using native iterators instead of Lodash calls for converting key names to Snakecase. All of a sudden, the performance increased by 18%, resulting in increased memory consumption. Upgrading to newer versions of GraphQL Redis subscriptions did not have a significant impact on memory usage. However, optimizing the conversion of key names to snake case by using memoization improved computational efficiency. Our performance significantly improved after implementing snake case. However, memory consumption remained high. To address the memory leak, we introduced auto-scaling and restarted the service every night. Additionally, we optimized the code generation process to improve memory consumption. We explored using heap snapshots in Google Dev tools to analyze and reduce memory consumption. By identifying unnecessary objects and removing them, we were able to free up memory and improve performance. We patched the location object to improve performance and reduce memory consumption. We also optimized data loaders to avoid N+1 queries and improve efficiency.