Explore upcoming talks from events
JS GameDev Summit 2023
JS GameDev Summit 2023
Sep 28 - 29, 2023
Node Congress 2024
Node Congress 2024
Apr 4 - 5, 2024
C3 Dev Festival 2024
C3 Dev Festival 2024
Jun 14 - 15, 2024
TechLead Conference 2024
TechLead Conference 2024
Jun 15 - 19, 2024
React Advanced Conference 2024
React Advanced Conference 2024
Oct 25 - 28, 2024
Productivity Conference 2024
Productivity Conference 2024
Nov 6 - 7, 2024
JSNation US 2024
JSNation US 2024
Nov 18 - 21, 2024
React Summit US 2024
React Summit US 2024
Nov 18 - 22, 2024
React Day Berlin 2024
React Day Berlin 2024
Dec 13 - 16, 2024
Panel Discussion: What's the big next step for Vue/Nuxt?
Vue.js Live 2024Vue.js Live 2024
43 min
Panel Discussion: What's the big next step for Vue/Nuxt?
Eduardo San Martin Morote
Maya Shavin
Konstantin BIFERT
Daniel Roe
Alexander Lichter
5 authors
Creating Videos... With React!
React Summit 2024React Summit 2024
20 min
Creating Videos... With React!
Today's Talk covers creating videos with React, including using Puppeteer and FFmpeg to build videos frame by frame. The ReMotion library offers advantages such as declarative and reusable components, versioning, and automation. The Talk also demonstrates building a video with ReMotion, embedding previews in React, and customization options. It explores rendering at scale with ReMotion's Lambda or Docker options and the rendering process using Lambdas.
Animating React With Finesse!
React Summit 2024React Summit 2024
22 min
Animating React With Finesse!
In this Talk, the speaker discusses how to enhance animation in React apps and optimize animation in browsers. They explain the browser's animation pipeline and the importance of avoiding frame drops. The speaker compares CSS and JavaScript animations, highlighting the benefits of using the requestAnimationFrame API. They also discuss combining CSS and JavaScript animations using the Web Animation API. The Talk concludes with tips on avoiding redundant calculations and provides additional resources for further learning.
React Jam and Why React Is Awesome for Making Games
React Summit 2024React Summit 2024
7 min
React Jam and Why React Is Awesome for Making Games
React Jam is an event that showcases the awesomeness of using React for game development, with options for DOM-based, 2D, and 3D games. React offers development tools and optimizations for game development, along with a supportive open-source community. Participating in React Jam and creating games with React can improve skills and provide opportunities to showcase programming abilities.
The ABCs of Green Software & Sustainable IT
React Summit 2024React Summit 2024
16 min
The ABCs of Green Software & Sustainable IT
Machines have a significant carbon footprint, and sustainable IT and green software are important for reducing the environmental impact of technology. The tech sector contributes to greenhouse gas emissions, but moving to the cloud and optimizing resource utilization can help. There are organizations, like the FinOps Foundation and the Green Software Foundation, that provide training and standards for improving sustainability. Individuals can take action by taking free courses, promoting best practices within organizations, and participating in communities and hackathons to make a positive impact.
One Code to Rule Them All
React Summit 2024React Summit 2024
20 min
One Code to Rule Them All
In this talk, the speaker introduces using React Native with Expo to build mobile applications as well as web output. They explore the features of Expo Router, including file-based routing and CSS support. Expo Router also allows for universal links and web layouts, making it possible to build for different platforms from a single code base. The talk covers SEO, meta information, and API routes with Expo Router, and mentions the use of monorepositories with Next and Expo or React Native. The speaker discusses the future of Expo Router, including the upcoming Version 4 and the potential use of ReactStrictDOM and React Server Components. They also highlight the benefits of bringing Tailwind-CSS to React Native.
Accessibility in 2024
React Summit 2024React Summit 2024
23 min
Accessibility in 2024
Chandra Carney discusses accessibility in 2024, highlighting the importance of equal access for disabled people and the evolving view of disabilities as civil rights. The talk covers the global accessibility standard WCAG, with versions 2.0, 2.1, and 2.2, and the European standard EN 301549. Updates to laws such as the ADA in the US and the Web Accessibility Directive and European Accessibility Act in the EU are also discussed. The EU reinforces the importance of inclusion and holds businesses accountable for accessibility. Proactive accessibility is emphasized as a requirement and everyone's responsibility.
Server-Driven Mobile Apps With React Native
React Summit 2024React Summit 2024
8 min
Server-Driven Mobile Apps With React Native
Today, we explore server-driven UI in React Native, which allows for scalable and complex UIs without incurring tech debt. Project Lightspeed simplifies UI definition and reduces code duplication. Server-driven UI, used by industry giants like Shopify and Airbnb, enables flexibility and platform consistency. Additionally, Evan Bacon's talk at ReactConf introduces the vision of universal React server components in server-driven UI.
Nested Interactive Elements: A Nightmare in Accessibility
React Summit 2024React Summit 2024
9 min
Nested Interactive Elements: A Nightmare in Accessibility
Nested Interactive Elements in Nightmare Accessibility can cause issues with screen readers and other assistive tools, making it difficult for users to interact with websites. Mitigation strategies include unnesting elements, using CSS overlay, and being cautious when modifying roles. It is recommended to involve users of assistive tools in focus groups and share solutions online.
Art & Entropy: Introducing Chaos to Your Frontend
React Summit 2024React Summit 2024
16 min
Art & Entropy: Introducing Chaos to Your Frontend
Welcome to the talk, Art & Entropy, Introducing Chaos in Your Front-End. Chaos engineering is a practice invented by Netflix in 2011 to observe how a system reacts to intentional disturbance. Applying chaos engineering to the frontend is experimental but necessary, as a broken frontend can negatively impact the user experience. Intentional perturbations in the frontend can be induced through various areas such as HTTP requests with slow 3G network or unstable Wi-Fi. Tools like chaos frontend toolkits can be used to experiment with chaos engineering in the frontend and embrace breakage as part of the application's story.
Full Stack Development Using Oracle 23ai
React Summit 2024React Summit 2024
23 min
Full Stack Development Using Oracle 23ai
Today's presentation is about full stack development using the new Oracle 23 AI database and Parse Platform. Parse Server simplifies mobile development by providing a flexible backend solution. The new Oracle 23 AI database container offers benefits like JSON support and pluggable database administration. The Parse Server storage adapter allows for easier management and testing of APIs. The stack also includes features like GraphQL, custom Oracle code execution, message queues, and Oracle Spatial for geofencing and trucking applications.
Behind the Scenes of a Visual Regression Test
React Summit 2024React Summit 2024
19 min
Behind the Scenes of a Visual Regression Test
Visual Regression Tests are like unit or integration tests but focus on the visual part, allowing developers and QA personnel to identify and address any changes. Challenges in detecting UI changes include elements that are not visible to the human eye and misalignment of elements. Use cases for Visual Regression Tests include testing design system components, responsive designs, and browser renderings. Building a Visual Regression Test Tool involves handling animations, network requests, and flakiness. Docker is the best solution for resolving visual regression issues, and finding the baseline for comparison can be challenging but is handled by the testing tool.
Navigating Modern Frontend Innovations
React Summit 2024React Summit 2024
16 min
Navigating Modern Frontend Innovations
Today's Talk explores modern front-end frameworks React, SolidJS, and Quick. React's popularity is attributed to its component-based architecture and extensive ecosystem. SolidJS distinguishes itself with fine-grained reactivity, efficient memory usage, and developer-friendly API. Quick (QUIC) stands out for its fast load times, resumability, server-side rendering, and prioritization of developer experience. QUIC's on-demand loading feature improves initial page load time by deferring non-critical code execution.
Enhancing React Ecosystems with Observability: A Deep Dive into React with OpenTelemetry
React Summit 2024React Summit 2024
22 min
Enhancing React Ecosystems with Observability: A Deep Dive into React with OpenTelemetry
The Talk discusses the difference between monitoring and observability, highlighting the focus of OpenTelemetry on generating and processing data. It explores the concept of traces and span IDs in distributed tracing and the experimental nature of OpenTelemetry in the browser. The Talk also touches on the complexities of React with server components and demonstrates how distributed tracing can connect traces for different services. The process of adding OpenTelemetry to Next.js and analyzing application and browser traces is explained, along with the importance of context propagation. The Talk concludes with insights on analyzing fetch calls, errors, and the storage limitations of traces.
The Art of Ignoring Best Practices for React Performance
React Summit 2024React Summit 2024
19 min
The Art of Ignoring Best Practices for React Performance
This Talk introduces the concept of being a 'React bad boy' by ignoring best practices and optimizing React rendering. It explains how to avoid unnecessary rerenders using React.memo and React DevTools. It also covers advanced techniques like isolating state changes and lazy loading hooks. The Talk explores reducing component rerenders using Svelte stores and optimizing with swap stores in Redux. These techniques improve React performance without the need for major refactors or rewrites.
Ethical AI for the Rest of Us
React Summit 2024React Summit 2024
21 min
Ethical AI for the Rest of Us
AI implementation without considering user benefits can lead to harm and bias. Legal cases highlight the need for AI accountability and addressing biases. Trust, transparency, and efficiency are crucial for building AI systems. Consider the impact of AI on user experience and engage with users. Human oversight is necessary to ensure safety and respect.
Why the Full-stack Framework of the Future is a DSL
React Summit 2024React Summit 2024
21 min
Why the Full-stack Framework of the Future is a DSL
The Talk discusses the future of web frameworks, suggesting that DSLs will be the way forward. Wasp is introduced as a tool for generating code for client components, server functions, and database models. The benefits of DSLs in web development are highlighted, including simplifying complex tasks and enabling collaboration with AI. Wasp is praised for its ability to capture full-stack engineering tasks and has gained popularity in the web development community.
Empowering Nx with AI
React Summit 2024React Summit 2024
8 min
Empowering Nx with AI
Today's Talk discusses empowering NX with AI and building an AI-powered documentation system. NX is a powerful build system with smart features like project graph analysis and dependency management. The AI features include an assistant for streamlined navigation of documentation, AI error explainer, and resource allocation optimization on NX Cloud. The AI-powered documentation system uses embeddings and vector matching to find relevant Docs, utilizing tools like OpenAI, GPT, Superbase, and Vercel's AI SDK.
A Better Starting Point
React Summit 2024React Summit 2024
7 min
A Better Starting Point
In this talk, the speaker introduces CreateNextApp and CreateT3App as tools for quickly setting up Next.js projects. CreateT3App has a modular CLI that allows users to select specific technologies. The speaker also discusses E3env, which ensures control of environment variables, and T3 Turbo, a monorepo version of CreateT3App that offers flexibility for installation and deployment.
React in the Autonomous Robotics Industry
React Summit 2024React Summit 2024
11 min
React in the Autonomous Robotics Industry
Hamza Hawi, a software engineer at the Autonomous Robotics Research Center, discusses the use of React and Leaflet in robotics. The research center utilizes a mixed fleet of robots and relies on React for mission planning software, while Leaflet is used for mapping and custom layers. Leaflet offers flexibility for different types of vehicles and supports the creation of custom layers like image and video overlays. Additionally, the talk mentions the use of video overlays for weather forecasts and optimizing joystick usage with a strategy design pattern.
Next.js: Reshaping Web App Architecture for Performance Excellence
React Summit 2024React Summit 2024
9 min
Next.js: Reshaping Web App Architecture for Performance Excellence
This Talk discusses how Next.js was used to reshape web app architecture for performance excellence. Next.js allows for server-side rendering (SSR) and client-side rendering (CSR), improving performance and user experience. The implementation of Next.js on the application resulted in faster initial page loads, reduced white screen time, and improved loading states. It is important to use the different rendering options correctly to maximize performance.
Perfect Pitch: Unveiling the Mathematical Symphony Behind a Guitar Tuner
React Summit 2024React Summit 2024
22 min
Perfect Pitch: Unveiling the Mathematical Symphony Behind a Guitar Tuner
This Talk provides an overview of an open-source guitar tuner project, covering topics such as pitch detection, web APIs for microphone access, implementation with React and XGS, and data visualization. It explores various pitch detection algorithms, including zero crossing, fast Fourier transform, and autocorrelation. The project utilizes the MediaStream API and Audio API to access user media. The implementation is done with React and Next.js, and includes a utility library for performing pitch estimation and detection. The Talk also discusses future improvements for the project, such as noise cancellation and chord detection.
Introducing Waku: The Minimal React Framework
React Summit 2024React Summit 2024
19 min
Introducing Waku: The Minimal React Framework
I will talk about my recent project, Waku, and my React libraries - Rustand, Jotai, and Valisio. Waku is a React framework that depends heavily on React Server Components (RSC) and aims to make capabilities like code splitting, routing, data fetching, and SSR available to developers. It uses React components based on RSC for reusability and provides a fast experience with VIT, hot reload, and hot module replacement. Waku is under active development, aiming for V1 alpha and exploring Waku-specific features. Deploying Waku apps on Vercel is supported, and a plugin system is in consideration for extended support.
AI for React Developers: Opportunities, Learning, and Innovation
React Summit 2024React Summit 2024
9 min
AI for React Developers: Opportunities, Learning, and Innovation
AI offers opportunities for React developers to code faster and automate tasks. Generative AI is a crucial area for developers to focus on. Working with AI APIs and RAGS can open up new possibilities for projects. Orchestration frameworks and tools like Lanchain and relevance help chain tasks together and work with different AI models. AI is a supplement to human capabilities and learning to code with AI can help developers push boundaries and become better.
How Data Privacy Literacy Is Shaping Infrastructure
React Summit 2024React Summit 2024
19 min
How Data Privacy Literacy Is Shaping Infrastructure
Today's Talk explores the blurring boundaries of infrastructure design, driven by user involvement and evolving technology. User technical literacy and changing technology are reshaping the design landscape, blurring the lines between interface and infrastructure design. Privacy and user needs now play a crucial role in infrastructure design decisions. React's experimental APIs and common UX tools aid in designing infrastructure with user needs in mind. Identifying concerns and security vulnerabilities and collaborating with cross-functional partners are essential for robust infrastructure design.
Superwebapps: Rethinking Desktop Applications With Progressive Web Apps
React Summit 2024React Summit 2024
22 min
Superwebapps: Rethinking Desktop Applications With Progressive Web Apps
MDEdit is a tool that converts Markdown into HTML and provides a what-you-get editor. Progressive web apps offer a comparable user experience on both desktop and mobile devices. The Service Worker allows web apps to remain functional even without an internet connection. The Persistent Storage and File Handling APIs enable web apps to store data and access files on the client's device. Project Fugu provides new APIs, including the Font Access API, to bridge the gap between native apps and web applications.
AsyncLocalStorage vs. React Context
React Summit 2024React Summit 2024
8 min
AsyncLocalStorage vs. React Context
Today's Talk explores the concepts of async local storage and React context. Async local storage is a useful API for retrieving values from a parent component without passing them through multiple components. React context, on the other hand, allows for the creation of context instances in parent components and consumption in child components. The Talk also discusses server actions in React, their limitations, and the use of async local storage in server actions, with an example Cloudflare worker handling web requests and authentication.
"React Now Looks Like PHP" They Said
React Summit 2024React Summit 2024
21 min
"React Now Looks Like PHP" They Said
This Talk explores the similarities between React and PHP, particularly in building a guestbook. It showcases the shift towards back-end development and the use of modern PHP frameworks like Drupal. The integration of front-end code in the back-end is discussed, as well as the benefits of React server components. The comparison between PHP 99 and React 2024 highlights the advantages of using React in PHP development. The Talk concludes with excitement for the future of JavaScript, React, PHP, and Drupal.
Solving i18n for React Server Components
React Summit 2024React Summit 2024
7 min
Solving i18n for React Server Components
The Talk discusses internationalization for server components and the challenge of loading translations efficiently. It suggests using import statements in JavaScript to optimize message loading and eliminate the need for namespaces. Tree shaking and tools like Paraglide.js can help minimize message delivery and simplify the process. Overall, the Talk emphasizes the importance of efficient internationalization practices in building multilingual apps.
RSCs In Production: 1 Year Later
React Summit 2024React Summit 2024
24 min
RSCs In Production: 1 Year Later
This Talk explores the experience of shipping server components in production and highlights the benefits and challenges of using Server Components in Next.js apps. The Talk discusses the deployment of UploadThing and the use of AppRouter for safe production usage. It delves into the implementation of different layouts, data fetching, and code centralization for improved performance. The Talk also covers the use of server components for performance optimization and latency handling. Additionally, it explores the use of Edge and Lambda for partial pre-rendering and the challenges faced with webpack performance and hydration. Overall, the Talk emphasizes the benefits and challenges of working with Server Components in Next.js applications.
Webdevelopment Tailored for 2024
React Summit 2024React Summit 2024
7 min
Webdevelopment Tailored for 2024
Today's Talk covers native features in browsers, including upcoming ones and the Interop Project. Native features offer speed, compatibility, and improved debugging. Notable examples include dynamic viewport units, flexbox/grid gap, container queries, and motion path. The Interop Project ensures consistent web platform features across different browsers. Upcoming features like native CSS nesting and entry/exit animations are on the horizon.
First Comes Conflict, Then Comes Growth
React Summit 2024React Summit 2024
6 min
First Comes Conflict, Then Comes Growth
Conflicts in software development often arise from the roles of victim, persecutor, and rescuer in the drama triangle. Shifting to a creator role helps navigate conflicts by focusing on learning and improving. Navigating conflict involves preventing rescue, providing feedback, and challenging others. Managers can play a crucial role as coaches instead of rescuers. By encouraging a shift to the empowerment dynamic, unnecessary drama and conflict can be avoided.
And Now You Understand React Server Components
React Summit 2024React Summit 2024
27 min
And Now You Understand React Server Components
Top Content
In this Talk, Kent C. Dodds introduces React Server Components (RSCs) and demonstrates how to build them from scratch. He explains the process of integrating RSCs with the UI, switching to RSC and streaming for improved performance, and the benefits of using RSCs with async components. Dodds also discusses enhancements with streaming and server context, client support and loaders, server component rendering and module resolution, handling UI updates and rendering, handling back buttons and caching, and concludes with further resources for diving deeper into the topic.
Managing Ourselves Managing Each Other
React Summit 2024React Summit 2024
26 min
Managing Ourselves Managing Each Other
The Talk provides a personal human toolkit for debugging human interactions by focusing on depersonalization, understanding power dynamics, setting boundaries, managing emotions, repairing ruptures, and embracing repair. It emphasizes the importance of owning mistakes, recognizing power differentials, and speaking truth to those in positions of power. It also highlights the significance of setting boundaries, both emotional and temporal, and managing dysregulation. The Talk encourages investing in human debugging tools and learning to be better humans together.
SolidStart 1.0: Peeking Under the Hood
React Summit 2024React Summit 2024
30 min
SolidStart 1.0: Peeking Under the Hood
SolidStart is an efficient, unopinionated, and ergonomic full-stack framework that provides great defaults and flexibility. It includes features such as a bundler, a serializer, a server, and a router. The serializer, Seroval, enables streaming and real-time state synchronization between server and client. SolidStart offers powerful file routes, RPCs, and single-flight mutations. It is recommended for building UIs in full applications, Spark, single-page apps, and native apps.
Infinite Patterns in the Digital Canvas: Unleashing Creativity With JavaScript in Algorithmic Art
JSNation 2024JSNation 2024
24 min
Infinite Patterns in the Digital Canvas: Unleashing Creativity With JavaScript in Algorithmic Art
Algorithmic art is a unique form of artistic expression where programming plays a fundamental role in creating unpredictable and complex works. P5.js is a JavaScript library that enables artists, designers, educators, and beginners to create graphic and interactive web experiences. P5.js offers various features and possibilities, such as fractals, iterate systems, and creating art with randomness. It also allows for user interactivity and provides a resource called Open Processing for inspiration and examples. The library offers a wide range of examples for exploration and learning, providing endless possibilities for creating complex and unique pieces of art.
From Websites to Games: The Future of React Three Fiber
React Summit 2024React Summit 2024
25 min
From Websites to Games: The Future of React Three Fiber
This Talk explores the future of React 3 Fiber and its potential for building immersive 3D worlds and video games on the web. The challenges of building immersive 3D apps and the solutions provided by React 3 Fiber are discussed, including decoupling simulation state updates and enhancing scheduling with stable references. The concept of data-oriented programming and the use of ECS (Entity-Component-System) design pattern for composable data in React 3 Fiber are explored. The Talk concludes by emphasizing the future focus on enabling data-oriented workflows and the integration of a built-in scheduler in future versions of React 3 Fiber.
Ethically Wired: Computer Ethics for Technologists
JSNation 2024JSNation 2024
9 min
Ethically Wired: Computer Ethics for Technologists
Computer ethics is the set of agreed upon principles that govern the use of technology, and integrating ethical frameworks into the decision-making process reflects a commitment to fostering a compassionate technological landscape. Incorporating ethics early in the product development cycle can avoid exclusions and financial losses, and can be done through premortems and check-ins. Promoting proactive inclusivity involves validating and prioritizing goals, conducting user testing, and following the Association for Computing Machinery's Code of Ethics. Additional resources include books on computer ethics and the Design Justice Network.
Navigating a Large Scale Modernization With DDD
JSNation 2024JSNation 2024
11 min
Navigating a Large Scale Modernization With DDD
Approximately one year ago, we started a modernization effort, but faced challenges with company politics and the reality of our tech stack. Lesson one is the importance of aligning goals and understanding current problems. Lesson two is the importance of getting everyone on board and committed to the project's success. Lesson three is repeatedly telling stakeholders why big technological changes are worth the investment.
Beyond the Console: Navigating JavaScript With Observability
JSNation 2024JSNation 2024
7 min
Beyond the Console: Navigating JavaScript With Observability
Nathan Mars, tech lead at Grafana Labs, introduces observability for JavaScript applications, highlighting the effectiveness of debugging and troubleshooting with observability. Open Telemetry is presented as a standardized way to obtain system data and Grafana as a platform for monitoring metrics, logs, traces, and profiles. The talk also emphasizes the applicability of observability to the front end using GrafanaFerro to collect metrics like page load, errors, and user sessions.
Web Performance: The African Case
JSNation 2024JSNation 2024
22 min
Web Performance: The African Case
Today's Talk discussed web performance and internet penetration in Africa, highlighting the challenges of limited data plans and less powerful devices. The importance of considering internet accessibility when developing websites was emphasized, as slow-loading websites can result in negative reviews and lost customers. The concept of resumability, which delivers only necessary JavaScript for improved performance, was explored, along with the implementation of the QUIC framework to achieve this. QUIC framework was also discussed in terms of lazy execution and its ability to improve website performance and resource consumption.
Web Monetization: Your New Friendly JavaScript API
JSNation 2024JSNation 2024
23 min
Web Monetization: Your New Friendly JavaScript API
Today's Talk explores Web Monetization, a JavaScript API that simplifies payment for web content. The challenges of monetizing web content and possible solutions are discussed, along with the drawbacks of advertisements and subscriptions. Content creators face challenges with platform restrictions and delayed payments, but web monetization offers a solution. The advantages of web monetization include instant payments, privacy-conscious transactions, and lower entry barriers for creators. The Talk concludes by encouraging involvement in the web monetization community and the development of web monetization utilities and plugins.
LLRT JavaScript Runtime: Redefining Serverless Latency
JSNation 2024JSNation 2024
20 min
LLRT JavaScript Runtime: Redefining Serverless Latency
Swift responsiveness is essential, and LLRT is a new JavaScript runtime optimized for serverless environments that offers improved performance and cost savings compared to other runtimes. LLRT achieves fast performance by removing complexities, leveraging Rust, and optimizing the AWS SDK for Lambda. It starts almost six times faster than Node.js and provides a cost saving of 2.9 times and a time saving of 3.7 times compared to Node.js.
Search Speed: Making Expedia Flights Faster
JSNation 2024JSNation 2024
10 min
Search Speed: Making Expedia Flights Faster
The Talk discusses how the engineering team at Expedia improved the performance of customer flight search by using various metrics and techniques. These include prefetching resources during browser idle time, preemptive search to predict responses, and optimizing performance through micro queries and a micro front-end architecture. The team also focused on improving build and package size limits for better code analysis. Performance monitoring and automation were implemented for ongoing performance improvements.
Building a Decentralized Web With Web5
JSNation 2024JSNation 2024
13 min
Building a Decentralized Web With Web5
Today's Talk introduces Web5, which combines the best of Web 2 and Web 3 to build a decentralized web. Web5 consists of three pillars: decentralized identifiers, verifiable credentials, and decentralized applications. Verifiable credentials are used on platforms like LinkedIn, while decentralized web nodes act as data stores for web apps. Web5 allows users to own their data, reduces friction in onboarding, and enables example applications like Universal Music Playlist and Connected Travel. Building for Web5 presents challenges such as key management and data usage, but there are resources available to learn more about the technologies.
Internationalization (i18n) With AI-Powered Language Model
JSNation 2024JSNation 2024
14 min
Internationalization (i18n) With AI-Powered Language Model
Today's Talk covers internationalization with the Powered Language Bundle and leveraging AI capabilities. It emphasizes the importance of planning AI roles and workflows, customizing content locally, and understanding different content types. The translation process involves linguistic analysis, accurate system instructions, and experimentation with different communication methods. The workflow includes using Express Server and Storybook for translations, connecting metadata with the user interface, and integrating AI technology responsibly for efficient and effective results.
Microfrontends in Safety Critical Aviation Systems
JSNation 2024JSNation 2024
9 min
Microfrontends in Safety Critical Aviation Systems
AWS SafeKit is a market leader in airport control software, managing the entire operation of an airport. Microfrontends extend microservice architecture to the frontend, allowing components to be combined at runtime. Module federation from Webpack is a popular approach for loading remote modules. Microfrontends offer benefits such as incremental upgrades and deployment independence, but also come with downsides like poor performance and complexity. Microfrontends are recommended for large-scale enterprise applications with distinct requirements and the need for experimentation.
AI in Front-End Dev: Your Creative Partner or Job Snatcher?
JSNation 2024JSNation 2024
8 min
AI in Front-End Dev: Your Creative Partner or Job Snatcher?
AI in front-end development empowers developers to take on more ambitious projects and innovate at a faster pace. Natural language is a new programming language that can be used for coding, learning, and automating complex tasks. However, it is important to remember that AI is a supplement to human capabilities, not a replacement. Developers need to evolve their skills and stay ahead of emerging technologies to work effectively with AI. The demand for AI engineers is high.
Web Fortified: Best Practices for Web App Security
JSNation 2024JSNation 2024
22 min
Web Fortified: Best Practices for Web App Security
This Talk, titled 'Fortify or App Fortified', discusses the concept of treating your application as a fortress to protect it from outside threats. It highlights the importance of web application security and the risks associated with broken access control, injection, and cryptographic values. The Talk also emphasizes the need to apply best practices and use frameworks' security features. Additionally, it addresses the security concerns related to user-provided URLs, style injection, and JavaScript injections. The summary concludes by emphasizing the importance of keeping dependencies updated and following best practices to ensure project security.
JS on the Big Screen: Making TV Apps
JSNation 2024JSNation 2024
22 min
JS on the Big Screen: Making TV Apps
JavaScript is widely used in web, mobile, and backend development, and now it is also being used to create TV apps. TVs with web-based operating systems can be targeted with JavaScript applications, and React is commonly used for TV app development. React Native allows for cross-platform TV app development, except for Roku. User interactions and focus management are important considerations in TV app development. Performance optimization is crucial for TV apps, as TVs have lower device scores and limited RAM. Spatial virtualization can significantly improve TV app performance.
Say WAT Now!? Turbocharged JavaScript With Hand Crafted WASM
JSNation 2024JSNation 2024
11 min
Say WAT Now!? Turbocharged JavaScript With Hand Crafted WASM
JavaScript became successful due to its association with the browser as the only runtime. WebAssembly (WASM) is a virtual machine that can run anywhere and has a different computation model. WebAssembly code can be analyzed and converted into a more readable format. It can be used to accelerate code and enhance performance. Check out Austin Theroux's repository for examples.
What’s the Deal With Drizzle ORM?
JSNation 2024JSNation 2024
8 min
What’s the Deal With Drizzle ORM?
Drizzle is a TypeScript ORM that leverages SQL knowledge, is fast and has its own ecosystem. It manages database schema and supports prepared statements for peak performance. Drizzle provides a complete set of tools, including Drizzle Studio and query runners. The ecosystem includes GraphQL integration and community-built tools.
What's Inside Biome's Linter?
JSNation 2024JSNation 2024
10 min
What's Inside Biome's Linter?
Today, we're going to talk about the Biome Analyzer, which is not just a linter or a CLI tool. It takes advantage of multi-threading, channels for communication, and caching to achieve high performance. The analyzer complements the parser and provides features like import sorting and emitting new diagnostics. It is LSP ready, can automatically sort JSON keys, and can be used as a CLI tool for enforcing refactors. The Biome Analyzer showcases its impressive performance in handling large codebases in a video demonstration.
Forget Polygons – Gaussian Splats, the New Approach to Photorealistic 3D Graphics
JSNation 2024JSNation 2024
5 min
Forget Polygons – Gaussian Splats, the New Approach to Photorealistic 3D Graphics
Today, I'll be talking about GspotJS and Gaussian Splatting, a revolutionary graphics pipeline that can render high-fidelity scenes at 144 FPS. Gaussian Splatting is a technique that converts data directly into an image using Gaussians. GspotJS is a lightweight JavaScript library for Gaussian Splat rendering, with features like 4D rendering. The library aims to provide a simple and speedy way to view Splats on the web, while more advanced applications can use Mackellog Gaussian Splats 3D. Both Gaussian Splatting and gSplotJS are open-source.
The Oxc Project, and the Effect of Performance Engineering
JSNation 2024JSNation 2024
18 min
The Oxc Project, and the Effect of Performance Engineering
The Talk discusses the JavaScript oxidation compiler (OXC) project and the impact of performance engineering. The OXC project consists of JavaScript tools written in Rust, including a parser, linter, and resolver, that are significantly faster than existing alternatives. Testimonials highlight the progress of the OXC project and the speed and effectiveness of the OXLint tool. The emphasis on performance in OXLint is demonstrated through cross-file linting and parallel processing. Performance improvements in the OXC project are achieved through benchmarking and can drive innovation in JavaScript infrastructure. The talk also discusses the need for faster website loading and the goal of creating a new minifier for better compression and performance in OXC.
Conquering Complexity: Refactoring JavaScript Projects
JSNation 2024JSNation 2024
21 min
Conquering Complexity: Refactoring JavaScript Projects
Today's Talk explores the complexity in code and its impact. It discusses different methods of measuring complexity, such as cyclomatic complexity and cognitive complexity. The importance of understanding and conquering complexity is emphasized, with a demo showcasing complexity in a codebase. The Talk also delves into the need for change and the role of refactoring in dealing with complexity. Tips and techniques for refactoring are shared, including the use of language features and tools to simplify code. Overall, the Talk provides insights into managing and reducing complexity in software development.
Using WebAssembly to Bring Command-Line Tutorials to Life
JSNation 2024JSNation 2024
23 min
Using WebAssembly to Bring Command-Line Tutorials to Life
WebAssembly is a cost-effective way to distribute computation and allows for code reuse and performance optimization. It can be used for running bioinformatics tools in the browser without setup, but running it on the server or smaller devices may have limitations. WebAssembly is best suited for playgrounds, small-scale simulations, audio and video processing, and upload pre-processing. It offers few benefits outside the browser for server-side applications, but can be useful for running user-provided code and serverless functions.
Mastering Cryptography Fundamentals With Node’s Crypto Module
JSNation 2024JSNation 2024
25 min
Mastering Cryptography Fundamentals With Node’s Crypto Module
This Talk provides an introduction to cryptography with Node.js, covering encryption concepts, AES-256-CBC algorithm, initialization vector for encryption, key derivation function and salt, randomness and key agreement, key distribution and RSA, signing and verification, public key certificates, and trust in certificate hierarchy.
Explain Like I’m Your Manager: Digital Accessibility
JSNation 2024JSNation 2024
20 min
Explain Like I’m Your Manager: Digital Accessibility
Experience the challenges faced by visually impaired people and optimize user experiences for different viewports. Understand the importance of digital accessibility and its benefits for businesses. Learn about the obligations for businesses to deliver accessible features and the correlation between accessibility and organic reach in search engines. Discover the three fundamental steps to work on accessibility and the concept of continuous accessibility. Find out how to test, fix, and mentor accessibility issues and how to get people on board by gathering champions and incorporating accessibility into workflows.
Reverse-Engineering Everything to Get Rid of Trust Issues
JSNation 2024JSNation 2024
20 min
Reverse-Engineering Everything to Get Rid of Trust Issues
JavaScript's power and versatility make it the programming language of choice for consumer applications worldwide. A JavaScript engineer should understand how things work, even if they don't know everything. The Talk discusses modifying websites, uncovering game rigging through developer tools, analyzing fetch requests and overrides, refactoring and state management, and website modification. The speaker shares personal experiences and highlights the importance of understanding and being able to modify code in real-time.
htmx Is Pro-JavaScript
JSNation 2024JSNation 2024
22 min
htmx Is Pro-JavaScript
HTMX is a JavaScript library that extends HTML and works with a JSON API. It generalizes the functionality of links and forms, making any element a potential hypermedia control. HTMX simplifies the implementation of hypermedia functionality with a dozen core attributes. It can achieve powerful UI results without writing much JavaScript. HTMX complements JavaScript libraries and enhances user experience by providing functionality that the browser lacks.
Automate the Browser With Workers Browser Rendering API
JSNation 2024JSNation 2024
20 min
Automate the Browser With Workers Browser Rendering API
The Talk discusses browser automation using the Worker's Browser Rendering API, which allows tasks like navigating websites, taking screenshots, and creating PDFs. Cloudflare integrated Puppeteer with their workers to automate browser tasks, and their browser rendering API combines remote browser isolation with Puppeteer. Use cases for the API include taking screenshots, generating PDFs, automating web applications, and gathering performance metrics. The Talk also covers extending sessions and performance metrics using Durable Objects. Thank you for attending!
Leading With Passion & Balance
C3 Dev Festival 2024C3 Dev Festival 2024
21 min
Leading With Passion & Balance
In this Talk about finding balance in leadership, the speaker discusses the importance of prioritizing self-care and delegating tasks. They introduce the concept of glass threads as high priority tasks that require close attention and provide examples of how to manage them effectively. The speaker also emphasizes the value of collaborative task management and execution, as well as the benefits of delegating tasks to empower team members and promote their growth. Overall, the Talk highlights the need for leaders to find a balance between their own well-being and the success of their team.
Content Creation for Developers
TechLead Conference 2024TechLead Conference 2024
18 min
Content Creation for Developers
Today's Talk highlights the importance of technical content creation for developers and the benefits it brings. It emphasizes the value of becoming a thought leader and the opportunities it opens up in one's career. The Talk also provides practical tips for getting started with content creation, such as tailoring content to the audience, using storytelling techniques, and providing value to the readers. It further emphasizes the need for quality and consistency in content creation and the importance of sharing personal insights and experiences. Overall, the Talk encourages developers to step out of their comfort zone, share their knowledge, and grow both professionally and personally through content creation.
Cognitive Load and Your Development Environment
C3 Dev Festival 2024C3 Dev Festival 2024
19 min
Cognitive Load and Your Development Environment
Cognitive load is the thinking load that can lead to cognitive overload. Disabilities can increase cognitive load, and reframing tasks can reduce it. Information presentation affects cognitive load, with intrinsic, extraneous, and germane cognitive load. Focus and context switching should be managed to optimize workflow and reduce cognitive load. Opening a PR can be simplified with task automation, and optimizing workflow involves reducing distractions and utilizing tools. Prioritizing personal coding skills and reducing cognitive load are key to success.
Rebooting Joy: Harnessing Playfulness and Hobbies to Redefine Work in the Tech World
C3 Dev Festival 2024C3 Dev Festival 2024
6 min
Rebooting Joy: Harnessing Playfulness and Hobbies to Redefine Work in the Tech World
In this presentation, we explore the role of playfulness and hobbies in preventing burnout in the tech industry. Discover how integrating joy and creativity into our work routines can enhance innovation and well-being. Join us for insights and strategies to embrace a more balanced and fulfilling approach to technology work.
Listen Better, Lead Better
C3 Dev Festival 2024C3 Dev Festival 2024
7 min
Listen Better, Lead Better
Active listening is crucial for effective leadership, as it fosters trust, empathy, and meaningful relationships. The BREW framework, which emphasizes being present, reflecting, encouraging, and withholding judgment, can help develop active listening skills. By actively listening, we can understand unspoken words, create a safe environment for expression, and improve relationships. Practicing active listening leads to more fulfilling relationships and effective leadership.
From Chaos to Clarity: Leveraging RFCs in High-Performance Environments
C3 Dev Festival 2024C3 Dev Festival 2024
10 min
From Chaos to Clarity: Leveraging RFCs in High-Performance Environments
The AmazingRFCs initiative was created to improve deliveries and collaboration at Quintana Roo. Two key actions were forming the RFCs Advisors group and optimizing the design and review process. By including interested and key people in discussions and implementing daily training initiatives, the density of capable decision makers increased, resulting in more high-quality RFCs and improved solutions in production.
Love Your Maintainers
TechLead Conference 2024TechLead Conference 2024
19 min
Love Your Maintainers
Open source is a decentralized software development model driven by passion. Maintainers give their time for free, out of passion. Even a small act of rudeness can burn people out. Start with a detailed search when asking for help in open source projects. Providing detailed information in issue reports is crucial. Creating reproducible repositories with minimum details is the best way to get a fix. Follow up on filed issues and show kindness and gratitude towards maintainers.
From Senior Developer to Manager and Back: The Journey of Returning to Coding
C3 Dev Festival 2024C3 Dev Festival 2024
19 min
From Senior Developer to Manager and Back: The Journey of Returning to Coding
Transitioning from being a software developer to a manager can be challenging, but offers the opportunity to have a greater impact on the organization. However, some people may miss the hands-on aspect of coding and choose to return to development. The transition may involve changes in company size, hierarchy, and product focus. Soft starts and gaining new skills and perspectives are helpful in navigating the challenges of being a manager. Feedback and further discussions are encouraged, along with sharing presentation materials.
Scaling Fast – Engineering Lessons From ~15 Years of Tech Startups
C3 Dev Festival 2024C3 Dev Festival 2024
27 min
Scaling Fast – Engineering Lessons From ~15 Years of Tech Startups
Tech startups require scaling the business, the team, and the tech. The goal of an engineering team at a startup is to not be the reason for the business to slow down. Engineers prioritize business outcomes over code debates. Simplify your code and prioritize solving the specific problem. Organize your code vertically to limit complexity and improve clarity. To avoid code problems in the future, focus on getting the data and architecture right rather than striving for perfection today. Balancing dry and duplicating code can be achieved by allowing patterns to develop and observing for common solutions.
From Business Buzzwords to Meaningful Change: Measuring and Improving Engineering Productivity
TechLead Conference 2024TechLead Conference 2024
26 min
From Business Buzzwords to Meaningful Change: Measuring and Improving Engineering Productivity
Efficiency and productivity are buzzwords in the tech industry, but they have been misused and misunderstood. Leadership roles in tech are evolving, and understanding engineering productivity is crucial. Effectiveness is about achieving goals and customer adoption, while efficiency is about doing things right with fewer resources. Prioritizing effectiveness, productivity, and efficiency can help businesses achieve their goals. Understanding company goals, aligning strategies, and involving the team in defining success metrics are key to driving productivity and improving team performance.
Pixels, Promises, and Panic: Horror Stories of Production Nightmares
C3 Dev Festival 2024C3 Dev Festival 2024
28 min
Pixels, Promises, and Panic: Horror Stories of Production Nightmares
The Talk covers the importance of preventing and dealing with bugs in software development, with the speaker sharing their experiences and solutions. They discuss the impact of bugs on user experience and revenue, the importance of stress testing and implementing alerts, and the surprising impact of CSS. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of simplicity, monitoring, and refactoring, as well as the need to address security threats and learn from failure. They provide tips for writing postmortems and highlight common mistakes to avoid, especially for junior developers.
Maximizing Your Potential in Tech Interviews: The Three Cs to Success
TechLead Conference 2024TechLead Conference 2024
21 min
Maximizing Your Potential in Tech Interviews: The Three Cs to Success
To maximize your potential for success in tech interviews, it is crucial to have a well-planned approach. The three C's to interview success are connections, confidence, and communication. Connections play a significant role in job search and personal branding is important. Building a personal brand and making connections can have a significant impact on your career. Content creation, confidence building, effective communication, and preparation are key for success in technical interviews.
Mindset: You vs Your AI
C3 Dev Festival 2024C3 Dev Festival 2024
26 min
Mindset: You vs Your AI
This Talk explores the role of mindset in software development and the use of AI assistants. It emphasizes the importance of training the AI assistant and the potential impact of outdated beliefs. The conscious mind is discussed as the gatekeeper to thoughts and feelings, influencing our actions and results. Mindful media consumption and prioritizing mental health are also highlighted, along with the need to support team well-being. The Talk concludes with the significance of fitness in supporting mental health.
Powering Cody Coding Assistant Using LLMs
C3 Dev Festival 2024C3 Dev Festival 2024
29 min
Powering Cody Coding Assistant Using LLMs
This Talk explores the world of coding assistants powered by language models (LLMs) and their use cases in software development. It delves into challenges such as understanding big code and developing models for context in LLMs. The importance of ranking and code context is discussed, along with the use of weak supervision signals and fine-tuning models for code completion. The Talk also touches on the evaluation of models and the future trends in code AI, including automation and the role of tasks, programming languages, and code context.
The Art of Interviewing People or How to Identify Senior Talent
TechLead Conference 2024TechLead Conference 2024
22 min
The Art of Interviewing People or How to Identify Senior Talent
The Talk discusses the process of interviewing and identifying senior talent. It emphasizes the importance of assessing soft skills and qualities like communication, leadership, mentoring, and teaching abilities. Evaluating problem-solving skills involves observing the candidate's reaction and their focus on the actual problem, rather than the specific answer. The Talk also highlights the significance of ownership, autonomy, emotional intelligence, and the ability to handle failure. Finally, it mentions the importance of concluding the interview by asking questions to assess the candidate's fit and career stage.
Tech Leadership Is More About People Than Tech
C3 Dev Festival 2024C3 Dev Festival 2024
27 min
Tech Leadership Is More About People Than Tech
Tech leadership is more about people than tech, as tech problems are usually people problems. Developing soft skills, such as active listening and giving feedback, is crucial for tech leaders to build high-performing teams. To solve people problems, step away from the issue, reflect, and communicate with others. Transitioning to a tech leadership role requires specific education and resources, while choosing between management and specializing involves understanding personal strengths and goals. Maintaining momentum and support requires tracking progress, building a CV, and seeking assistance when needed.
Refactoring Mindsets: Prioritizing Mental Health in Software Development
TechLead Conference 2024TechLead Conference 2024
20 min
Refactoring Mindsets: Prioritizing Mental Health in Software Development
Today's Talk focuses on the importance of mental health in software development and engineering. The pandemic has highlighted the need to raise awareness and address mental health issues in the tech industry, which has seen a significant impact on productivity and well-being. Common mental health issues in the industry include anxiety, depression, burnout, and imposter syndrome. Solutions include promoting work-life balance, empathy, upskilling, mindfulness, and regular breaks. Maintaining mental well-being involves being involved in tech communities, setting realistic goals, embracing criticism, finding support, and prioritizing sleep.
Tiny Things That Throw You Into Chaos: Engineering Leader’s Way Out of Daily Havoc
C3 Dev Festival 2024C3 Dev Festival 2024
25 min
Tiny Things That Throw You Into Chaos: Engineering Leader’s Way Out of Daily Havoc
The Talk discusses the challenges faced by engineering leaders in their daily work and offers strategies to manage chaos and improve productivity. It emphasizes the importance of organizing, prioritizing, and delegating tasks, as well as maintaining focus and managing overload. Delegation is presented as a way to scale as a leader and promote growth within the team. The Talk also suggests using techniques like the Eisenhower matrix and protecting focus time to enhance productivity.
From Nebula to Supernova: Design System Maturity Models
C3 Dev Festival 2024C3 Dev Festival 2024
29 min
From Nebula to Supernova: Design System Maturity Models
Design systems are accelerators for development and every web or app developer will come in close contact with them. The design system maturity model simplifies the stages of maturity from Nebula to Supernova. Building a full-fledged design system requires close collaboration between designers and developers, a clear vision and strategy, and strong governance. Continuous improvement and evolution are essential for a mature design system, as well as aligning the design system with business goals and accommodating changes in organizational structure. Documentation and culture compatibility play a crucial role in the success of a design system.
Not Your Everyday Tech Lead: What Does It Mean To Be TL in a Lean Software Company?
C3 Dev Festival 2024C3 Dev Festival 2024
20 min
Not Your Everyday Tech Lead: What Does It Mean To Be TL in a Lean Software Company?
The Talk discusses the role of a tech lead in a lean software company and the challenges they face. It emphasizes the importance of problem-solving and continuous improvement in software development. The speaker shares their personal struggles as a tech lead and the need to prioritize between being a maker and a manager. The Talk also highlights the significance of identifying root causes and solving problems to prevent future issues. Overall, it provides insights into the role of a tech lead and the role problem solving plays in creating optimal conditions for developers.
Adapting to the Future of Work in Tech
C3 Dev Festival 2024C3 Dev Festival 2024
28 min
Adapting to the Future of Work in Tech
The Talk explores the AI-assisted programming paradigm shift and the evolution of software engineering. It discusses the limitations of large language models (LLMs) and highlights the importance of balancing forces in software engineering. The future of programming is seen as models solving problems based on datasets. The Talk emphasizes the responsibility of creating a better future and the need to strike a balance between utilizing tools and building problem-solving skills. It also touches on the human dependence on AI and recommends resources for further learning.
WebXR? Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Natively on Browsers
C3 Dev Festival 2024C3 Dev Festival 2024
25 min
WebXR? Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Natively on Browsers
This Talk introduces WebXR and VR experiments, showcasing examples and encouraging audience engagement. It explores the possibilities of WebXR and AR games, emphasizing the versatility of A-frame for creating AR and VR projects. The Talk also covers asset customization, animations, and augmented reality using LiDAR scanners. It highlights different types of virtual reality experiences and the potential of Apple Vision with WebXR. The speaker emphasizes the importance of community, developer experience, and starting early in WebXR development.
The Power of a Second Brain in a Developer's Workflow
C3 Dev Festival 2024C3 Dev Festival 2024
8 min
The Power of a Second Brain in a Developer's Workflow
The Talk emphasizes the importance of maintaining a second brain, a curated collection of digital notes, to enhance memory retention in software engineering. Building a second brain helps in recalling information, problem-solving, and retention. It is easy to create your own second brain using various tool options like Notion, Obsidian, Reflect, Rome Research, and Tana. Starting with small, self-contained notes and gradually expanding to form a mesh of related information is recommended for effective learning and retention.
Tactics and Strategies on Software Development: How to Reach a Successful Software
C3 Dev Festival 2024C3 Dev Festival 2024
31 min
Tactics and Strategies on Software Development: How to Reach a Successful Software
As a software engineer, achieving success in software development requires having a strategy and tactics. However, obstacles such as unnecessary meetings and miscommunication with clients can hinder progress. The methodology used in software development is more important than the programming language. Soft engineering is about understanding strategy and tactics and finding efficient solutions to problems. Software architecture should be aligned with business goals and objectives. Documentation is important for scalability and avoiding miscommunication, but finding the right balance is key. Task efficiency and simplicity in code design are crucial. Embracing simplicity and improving documentation can lead to better software architecture. Communication and collaboration between management and engineering teams is essential for making informed decisions.
The Entanglement of Concerns between People and Software Development
C3 Dev Festival 2024C3 Dev Festival 2024
8 min
The Entanglement of Concerns between People and Software Development
As a software developer, the entanglement between people and the software they develop is important. Legacy software poses challenges due to lack of time, understandability, and optimization. Legacy systems in health care face similar challenges. Microsoft's evolution and innovation highlight the value of change. Developing adaptable and user-friendly software requires considering the interconnectedness of all actors.
The Art of Influence: Empowering Developers' Team Collaboration
C3 Dev Festival 2024C3 Dev Festival 2024
10 min
The Art of Influence: Empowering Developers' Team Collaboration
The Talk explores the art of influence and collaboration in software development. It emphasizes the importance of effective communication, building relationships, and using social proof to increase influence. The speaker highlights the challenges that arise in cross-functional teams and the need for better collaboration skills. Building connections, fostering trust, and addressing team issues openly are crucial for successful collaboration.
AI + UX: Product Design for Intelligent Experiences
C3 Dev Festival 2024C3 Dev Festival 2024
28 min
AI + UX: Product Design for Intelligent Experiences
AI design challenges include bias, safety, and security. Trust and transparency are important in AI. Design principles for AI include user control, fighting bias, and promoting good decision-making. AI can enable the design process and investors expect to see it included in products. AI empowers individuals to create and share ideas, but managing expectations is crucial.
35 Years of WWW: Working as a Content Creator, Designer and Developer With the Coolest Medium Ever
C3 Dev Festival 2024C3 Dev Festival 2024
30 min
35 Years of WWW: Working as a Content Creator, Designer and Developer With the Coolest Medium Ever
The speaker, Christian Heilmann, is a VP of DevRel and has worked at Yahoo, Mozilla, and Microsoft. He emphasizes the importance of exploring and modifying games as a way to learn new skills and innovate. He also highlights the value of working in a limited environment and the opportunities it presents for creativity. He encourages developers to contribute to the web and be in control of their own creations. Lastly, he discusses the challenges of navigating the job market and the state of the web in relation to frameworks and npm packages.
Bring the Power of AI to Your Application
C3 Dev Festival 2024C3 Dev Festival 2024
28 min
Bring the Power of AI to Your Application
This Talk covers various aspects of artificial intelligence and user experience in software development. It explores the evolution and capabilities of large language models, the importance of prompt engineering, and the need to design AI applications with human users in mind. The Talk also emphasizes the need to defensively design for AI failure, consider user happiness, and address the responsibility and risks of AI implementation. It concludes with recommendations for further reading and highlights the importance of trustworthiness in AI code tools.
Less Cruft, More Power: Leverage the Power of the Web Platform
C3 Dev Festival 2024C3 Dev Festival 2024
30 min
Less Cruft, More Power: Leverage the Power of the Web Platform
This talk focuses on the powerful features of CSS and HTML that can level up developer skills and enhance web UI. Scroll-driven animations, popover API, and anchor positioning are explored as ways to create dynamic effects, improve performance, and increase accessibility. The talk also emphasizes the benefits of building presentations with CSS and HTML, separating logic from styling, and leveraging core platform features. Wishlist features for the web platform and the challenges of pushing updates across browsers are discussed.
Who’s Faster at Building an Energy Generation Data Visualisation Platform: ChatGPT or a Developer?
C3 Dev Festival 2024C3 Dev Festival 2024
28 min
Who’s Faster at Building an Energy Generation Data Visualisation Platform: ChatGPT or a Developer?
Today's Talk discusses the competition between a developer and ChatGPT in building a data visualization platform. Generative AI is widely used, but ChatGPT is not a direct replacement for developers. Prompt engineering enhances ChatGPT's performance. The future of AI is promising, with open source models and proactive AI agents on the rise. Leveraging prompt engineering and dedicated LLM tools can improve code generation and automation.
How to Turn Engineering Work into a Promotion
TechLead Conference 2024TechLead Conference 2024
29 min
How to Turn Engineering Work into a Promotion
The Talk discusses the challenges of work recognition in the software development field and provides practical tools to get your work noticed. It emphasizes the importance of setting specific goals and communicating them with your manager. The concept of a 'brag bank' is introduced as a way to store positive feedback and achievements. The Talk also explores the idea of job hopping and when it may be beneficial or detrimental to your career. It concludes by encouraging positive thinking, creating a career plan, and being kind to oneself.
Conducting Interviews and Interviewing in the Age of AI Tools
C3 Dev Festival 2024C3 Dev Festival 2024
29 min
Conducting Interviews and Interviewing in the Age of AI Tools
This talk explores the use of AI in the interviewing process for software engineering. It discusses the history of interviewing and the skills needed for future interviews. The speaker questions the relevance of traditional coding challenges and highlights the shift towards evaluating specific programming languages and debugging skills. The talk also emphasizes the importance of understanding the uses and limitations of AI and the value of communication skills in technical interviews.
Future of Frontend Frameworks Fireside Chat
React Summit 2024React Summit 2024
28 min
Future of Frontend Frameworks Fireside Chat
Fred K. Schott
Minko Gechev
Ryan Carniato
Daniel Afonso
Aakansha Doshi
Tim Neutkens
6 authors
Signals are being adopted by popular frameworks, enabling code reuse and improved tooling. While merging between frameworks is unlikely, they are learning from each other and adopting shared practices. It is important to embrace the diversity of frameworks and libraries. Instead of merging, focus on standardizing the principles behind frameworks. Consider tradeoffs and benefits when choosing a framework, and explore different technologies to learn new ideas.
Fetch Once, Render Everywhere: React Server Components in Expo Router
React Summit 2024React Summit 2024
28 min
Fetch Once, Render Everywhere: React Server Components in Expo Router
React Native and ExpoRouter provide a powerful way to build client-side applications that run on both web and native platforms. Server-driven UI and React Server Components offer dynamic rendering and A-B testing opportunities. Server rendering in native apps allows for the integration of movies and enhances the user and developer experience. The Talk includes live demos showcasing interactions with Spotify and native contacts, as well as currency conversion. Server rendering and React Server Components enable the generation of interactive components and bring modern state and AI to every platform.
Remix — The New Create React App
React Summit 2024React Summit 2024
30 min
Remix — The New Create React App
The Talk discusses the transition from Create React App to Vite as a more sustainable and popular alternative. Vite is praised for its simplicity, minimal dependencies, and exit strategy. The speaker emphasizes the importance of frameworks like Remix and React Router in providing solutions for common development challenges. The focus is on merging Remix into React Router to create a unified framework, with an emphasis on code splitting, routing, data fetching, and generating HTML. The future direction includes completing React Router 7 and reserving Remix for a different framework build.
Technically Included (The Best Kind of Included)
React Summit 2024React Summit 2024
30 min
Technically Included (The Best Kind of Included)
Being technically included leads to better results and UIs. Incorporating multiple team members comes with challenges and compromises. The evolution of tools and technologies has standardized industry practices. Closing the gap between developers and designers requires collaboration and a common source of truth. Embracing change and building trust can improve collaboration between developers and designers.
Applying React Principles to a Cloud Database
React Summit 2024React Summit 2024
7 min
Applying React Principles to a Cloud Database
React principles can break down for full-stack apps, but Convex has built a backend and database to address this. The five React principles discussed include reactivity, consistency, overlapping writes, and caching. Convex's database ensures consistency, handles overlapping writes with transactions, and automatically invalidates caches based on relevant writes. Convex combines the best of SQL and NoSQL databases and applies React principles to simplify app development and improve the user experience.
Cross-Framework Libraries with Native Experiences Using React
React Summit 2024React Summit 2024
7 min
Cross-Framework Libraries with Native Experiences Using React
The Talk discusses building cross-framework libraries using React to provide a superior experience for developers across different frameworks. The speaker explains the strategy of rendering React components internally and bridging them to different frameworks. They emphasize the importance of simplicity, understandability, and adherence to best practices in third-party libraries. The speaker also highlights the significance of creating a bridge layer and implementing a complete abstraction to ensure the library's reusability and maintenance.
The Path to High-Performance Canvas Rendering in React
React Summit 2024React Summit 2024
10 min
The Path to High-Performance Canvas Rendering in React
An overview of the top 3 approaches you can apply to boost the rendering performance of HTML Canvas in your React application, based on the lessons we learned during the development of AG Charts.
OpenAI in React: Integrating GPT with Your React Application
React Summit 2024React Summit 2024
10 min
OpenAI in React: Integrating GPT with Your React Application
In this Talk, the speaker demonstrates how to create an AI chat bot that can answer questions based on information it was never trained on. They build a basic RAG pipeline in just five minutes using live coding. The speaker also shows how to create embeddings and a vector database, set up a vector search index and endpoint, and modify the chat route to enhance the chat bot's capabilities. The program is run and tested, and the Talk concludes with an invitation to join a workshop for more information.
Types Beyond TypeScript
React Summit 2024React Summit 2024
31 min
Types Beyond TypeScript
This Talk explores the concept of types and their significance in software development, particularly in relation to TypeScript. It discusses the limitations and advantages of TypeScript compared to other tools like Flow and Ezno. The Talk emphasizes the role of types in bridging system boundaries and improving code quality. It also highlights the importance of type-checked linting and the future of ESLint. Additionally, the Talk mentions the benefits of faster and easier linting with projects like Biome and OXC, and recommends books for further learning.
Anthony's Roads to Open Source - The Set Theory
React Summit 2024React Summit 2024
37 min
Anthony's Roads to Open Source - The Set Theory
Open source projects can be successful by finding a large intersection of target users. Making extensions universal can lead to increased popularity and collaboration. Collaboration across ecosystems is encouraged to create more maintainable and extendable architectures. Financial support is necessary for open source projects to be sustainable. Contributing to open source can be done by identifying areas for improvement and actively participating in GitHub workflows.
Making State Management Intelligent
React Summit 2024React Summit 2024
31 min
Making State Management Intelligent
Today's Talk explores intelligent state management in React, highlighting the limitations of traditional state management and the need for innovation. Xdate's store simplifies state management by providing an easy way to update and retrieve data. The integration of AI and state machines enables the creation of intelligent apps that enhance user experience. The combination of state management and AI is achieved through packages like StatelyAI-Agent and the Vercel AI SDK. State machines, reinforcement learning, and large language models play a key role in creating intelligent agents. Graph algorithms can be used to traverse state machines and improve user experience. State agents store knowledge in short-term and long-term memory, while state machines provide guardrails and automation in multi-step processes. The impact of Language Models (LLMs) on UI performance and the future experimentation of building AI models to identify state machines are also discussed.
Frontend Access Control Using Digital Assets
React Summit 2024React Summit 2024
27 min
Frontend Access Control Using Digital Assets
Blockchain technology and NFTs provide a decentralized alternative to centralized systems for identity and access control. Smart contracts are immutable programs executed on the blockchain, while NFTs offer unique identifiers and ownership through wallets. Developing the user interface involves using React, Veeam, and Solidity. Deploying smart content requires Remix and a web wallet like Metamask. Integrating smart contracts with React can be done using the Vim library and creating a wallet client. Blockchain technology ensures transparency, trust, and tamper-proof transactions.
Case Study: Building Accessible Reusable React Components at GitHub
React Summit 2024React Summit 2024
29 min
Case Study: Building Accessible Reusable React Components at GitHub
The talk discusses building accessible React components and emphasizes the importance of using the correct HTML elements and ARIA roles for accessibility. It explains how to navigate and select options within a form and how to add supplementary text using Aria described by. The speaker also discusses the benefits of using conditional checkboxes and ARIA disabled to improve the UI. Additionally, the talk explores the role of JavaScript in web accessibility and provides recommendations for testing website accessibility.
Building End-to-End Encrypted Apps (Web & React Native)
React Summit 2024React Summit 2024
32 min
Building End-to-End Encrypted Apps (Web & React Native)
This Talk explores the concept and advantages of end-to-end encryption in software development. It discusses the challenges of data encryption and conflict resolution in collaborative apps. The integration of end-to-end encryption with conflict-free replicated data types (CRDTs) is highlighted. The talk also covers simplified document sync, real-time sync and encryption, key management, and authentication. Additionally, it mentions the importance of local-first integration, CRDT frameworks, and data search indices.
Invisible Hand of React Performance
React Summit 2024React Summit 2024
31 min
Invisible Hand of React Performance
React's improvements in performance, such as the introduction of useEffect, have gone unnoticed. useEffect simplifies synchronizing logic and improves performance by eliminating forced layout calculations. Update batching optimizes rendering by combining multiple set-state calls into a single render. React 18 introduces batched set-state calls for faster performance. React Suspense and selective hydration improve user experience and debugging performance issues is best done practically. Server components, recommended debugging tools, and framework choices are also discussed.
Hacking into Labeled Arrows
React Summit 2024React Summit 2024
32 min
Hacking into Labeled Arrows
Labeled Arrows are widely used in conversations, communication, diagrams, and more. The Talk discusses constructing Labeled Arrows, rendering arrows in Canvas, optimizing stroke API calls, using RoughJS for drawing and rendering text, rendering multiline text on Canvas, clearing overlapping area and clipping, comparing clipping and clear rect performance, handling clipping and linking labels to arrows, linking labeled arrows to texts, rotated text and exporting as SVG, masking in SVG and labeling arrows, SVG masking and performance improvements, and optimizing rendering and drawing in Canvas.
What’s New in Astro
React Summit 2024React Summit 2024
30 min
What’s New in Astro
The Talk revolves around the future of JavaScript, React, and Astro. Astro focuses on performance and delivering a better developer and user experience, particularly for content sites. It introduces view transitions, islands, and content as primitives for the next decade of web development. Astro also emphasizes zero JavaScript transitions, native transitions, and a unified content layer. It aims to optimize performance, offer personalized experiences, and ensure compatibility with any tech stack.
Improve Your App Performance With Background Jobs
React Summit 2024React Summit 2024
29 min
Improve Your App Performance With Background Jobs
This is a background jobs one-on-one talk focusing on the challenges and benefits of using background jobs in software development. It explores the complexity of software development and the impact of distributed applications. The talk highlights the use of Ingest as a reliable solution for executing functions in the background and building drip campaigns. It emphasizes the importance of reliability and architectural choices in software development and discusses the features and capabilities of Ingest, including local development, handling failures, and data retrieval.
The Suspense Quest - Inside React's Magic
React Summit 2024React Summit 2024
30 min
The Suspense Quest - Inside React's Magic
This Talk explores the suspense component in React and its benefits in handling fetched data. It delves into the rendering process of React components and how suspense anticipates requests. The offscreen fiber is introduced as a hidden component that ensures state continuity. The Talk also discusses the usage of suspense for handling concurrent queries and throwing promises, as well as the integration of Redux and the upcoming changes in React 19. Overall, the Talk provides insights into the workings of suspense and its potential applications in software development.
What AI Can, Can’t, and Shouldn’t Do for Games
C3 Dev Festival 2024C3 Dev Festival 2024
26 min
What AI Can, Can’t, and Shouldn’t Do for Games
AI in game development has evolved rapidly, with generative AI being a focus. However, game developers like Romero Games have concerns about ethics and prefer using AI to automate processes and make creative work easier. AI has been used in games for decades, from path-finding AI to decision trees. Procedural world building and advanced AI technology are pushing the boundaries of FPS games. Different teams within a company have different approaches to the use of AI, depending on their specific needs and requirements.
React 19 Panel Discussion
React Summit 2024React Summit 2024
27 min
React 19 Panel Discussion
Ryan Carniato
Evan Bacon
Sathya Gunasekaran
Tim Neutkens
Brooks Lybrand
5 authors
The Talk revolves around React 19 and the React compiler, highlighting its new APIs, optimizations, and impact on frameworks like Next.js. The React compiler has undergone multiple iterations, resulting in improved performance and alignment with developers' expectations. The integration of React with Next.js simplifies rendering and offers free optimizations. There is excitement about the opt-in approach of React Server Components and the potential of underrated features like suspense and transitions. Overall, React's influence on the JavaScript ecosystem and UI libraries is acknowledged and appreciated.
Why You Should Use Redux in 2024
React Summit 2024React Summit 2024
33 min
Why You Should Use Redux in 2024
Top Content
Mark Erickson explains the history, creation, evolution, and benefits of Redux. Redux was designed to make state updates and action history maintenance easy, incorporating functional programming principles. Redux Toolkit was created to simplify Redux usage. Redux is still a valid choice for its consistent pattern and separation of state from UI. The decision to use Redux depends on the specific use case and the need for centralized state management.
Facing Frontend's Existential Crisis
React Summit 2024React Summit 2024
37 min
Facing Frontend's Existential Crisis
The state of frontend development last couple years is in an odd place for the uninitiated web developer and expert alike. Server Components? Resumability? Hydration? Waterfalls? Islands? Why so much focus on water? And why are we even talking about this? In this talk, SolidJS creator Ryan Carniato explores the landscape of modern web development to understand how we got here and what these solutions really solve.
Web Apps of the Future With Web AI
JSNation 2024JSNation 2024
32 min
Web Apps of the Future With Web AI
Web AI in JavaScript allows for running machine learning models client-side in a web browser, offering advantages such as privacy, offline capabilities, low latency, and cost savings. Various AI models can be used for tasks like background blur, text toxicity detection, 3D data extraction, face mesh recognition, hand tracking, pose detection, and body segmentation. JavaScript libraries like MediaPipe LLM inference API and Visual Blocks facilitate the use of AI models. Web AI is in its early stages but has the potential to revolutionize web experiences and improve accessibility.
JSR – Next Generation JavaScript Registry
JSNation 2024JSNation 2024
6 min
JSR – Next Generation JavaScript Registry
JSR is a new JavaScript registry that supports TypeScript and offers additional features like GitHub Action integration, provenance attestations, and documentation generation. It provides a simple website with package search, documentation, and a gamified score. The process of publishing a new package in JSR involves creating a JSR.json file with package details and exports, using MPX JSR publish to publish the package, and approving authorization in the browser. However, documentation for the package is not automatically generated and needs to be manually added.
What Is the Accessibility Tree, Really?
JSNation 2024JSNation 2024
19 min
What Is the Accessibility Tree, Really?
This is a presentation on accessibility and screen readers. The speaker discusses the evolution of screen readers and how they adapted to graphical user interfaces. Accessibility APIs and the accessibility tree are introduced, allowing programs to construct a text database used by assistive technologies. The accessibility tree may vary across browsers and platforms, excluding elements that are not relevant to assistive technologies. The ARIA hidden state and element properties play a role in determining the accessibility of elements, and the accessible name can be derived from text content or specified using ARIA attributes.
Pear Runtime: Zero-Infrastructure, P2P High-Scale Applications
JSNation 2024JSNation 2024
8 min
Pear Runtime: Zero-Infrastructure, P2P High-Scale Applications
Pair Runtime is a fully peer-to-peer runtime that operates on user devices, with no data stored in the cloud. Pair is a development and deployment tool that enables creating and running Pair applications on user devices. Pair is a platform for building terminal, desktop, and mobile applications, providing all the necessary tools and resources. It offers inherent data security and uses a hole-punching algorithm to connect peers. Pair is designed for simplicity and true security.
Building a JS Engine -- For Fun!
JSNation 2024JSNation 2024
9 min
Building a JS Engine -- For Fun!
Top Content
The Talk discusses the basics of building a JS engine, highlighting the complexity and feature completeness of existing engines. It emphasizes the possibility of creating a simpler engine tailored to specific use cases and target audiences. The speaker suggests starting anywhere in the process and provides tips on using parser libraries, implementing runtime features, and ensuring correctness through testing. Additionally, the Talk encourages exploring JavaScript standards and engaging with the open-source community.
Simplify Package Releases – From Versioning to Publishing
JSNation 2024JSNation 2024
7 min
Simplify Package Releases – From Versioning to Publishing
The Talk focuses on the Nx release command for publishing npm packages in a monorepo setup. It ensures correct package publishing order, handles versioning and change logs, and allows for simulating changes before publishing. Advanced features include configurable versioning, group releases, and support for different languages. Documentation, videos, and recipes are available for customizing and automating releases on your CI system.
Can AI Turn Us Into 10x Developers?
JSNation 2024JSNation 2024
7 min
Can AI Turn Us Into 10x Developers?
AI can help developers become 10x more efficient by leveraging powerful GPUs. Codium is an AI developer tool that can accelerate learning, analyze dependencies, and provide personalized coding experiences. It abstracts away complexity and allows developers to focus on building user experiences. Codium aims to transform the software industry and empower developers to become 10x engineers.
Come On Barbie, Let’s Go Party: Using AI for Music Mixing
JSNation 2024JSNation 2024
27 min
Come On Barbie, Let’s Go Party: Using AI for Music Mixing
Today, we explore DJ mixing and how deep learning revolutionizes the art by discussing sound processing, extracting features, and using machine learning. Deep learning allows for efficient extraction of audio features and high-resolution track separation. Neural networks can achieve source separation by converting audio to spectrograms and applying convolutional and recurrent neural networks. This has immediate impact on industries such as karaoke and music transcription.
Unlocking Digital Ownership: How to Store Accounts Using Blockchain Technology
JSNation 2024JSNation 2024
30 min
Unlocking Digital Ownership: How to Store Accounts Using Blockchain Technology
Welcome to the talk about digital ownership using blockchain and NFTs. Explore NFTs and their integration with blockchain. Learn how to create NFTs using Remix on the Sepoia test network. Deploy and access the smart contract on the blockchain. Connect your wallet and grant access to NFTs. Understand the blockchain structure and its authentication capabilities. Connect your wallet with the frontend and interact with it. Explore blockchain connections with Chainlink. Understand gas fees and account abstraction in blockchain transactions. Learn about ownership, account recovery, and data storage on the blockchain. Discover how blockchain can be used for public information, databases, and its energy costs. Gain insights into blockchain functionality and data storage.
Testing: Do More With Less
JSNation 2024JSNation 2024
27 min
Testing: Do More With Less
This talk focuses on practical approaches for testing Node.js applications, including the use of Dora metrics and the testing trophy strategy. It emphasizes the importance of covering critical flows with integration and end-to-end tests, while also considering the cost and speed of different test types. The speaker recommends mocking third-party services and using snapshot testing, but warns about the potential for false positives. Playwright is suggested as a preferred tool, and the importance of automated test execution is emphasized.
AI First: Applications of the Future
JSNation 2024JSNation 2024
26 min
AI First: Applications of the Future
This talk explores the ways AI is being used to shape the future of applications. It emphasizes the importance of an AI-first approach and the potential for AI to enhance various industries, such as aviation. The talk also contrasts the limitations of the AI-on-top approach with the continuous learning and user-centric focus of the AI-first approach. It discusses the importance of building trust through safety, transparency, and browser-based processing, and highlights the potential of AI to address user experience issues and improve accessibility.
Coffee Chat With Documentation, Are You Ready?
JSNation 2024JSNation 2024
34 min
Coffee Chat With Documentation, Are You Ready?
Maya Chavin, a senior software engineer at Microsoft, discusses generative AI and the core model for LM. The flow of a document Q&A service and the importance of prompts in enhancing it are explored. The injection and querying phases of document Q&A are explained, emphasizing the need for efficient storage, indexing, and computing relevant prompts. The talk also covers the use of embedding models, optimization strategies, and the challenges of testing and validating AI results. Creative uses of LLMs and the impact of AI on job security are mentioned.
Install Nothing: App UIs With Native Browser APIs
JSNation 2024JSNation 2024
31 min
Install Nothing: App UIs With Native Browser APIs
This Talk introduces real demos using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to showcase new or underutilized browser APIs, with ship scores provided for each API. The dialogue element allows for the creation of modals with minimal JavaScript and is supported by 96% of browsers. The web animations API is a simple and well-supported solution for creating animations, while the view transitions API offers easy animation workarounds without CSS. The scroll snap API allows for swipers without JavaScript, providing a smooth scrolling experience.
Dive Into Advanced TypeScript
JSNation 2024JSNation 2024
30 min
Dive Into Advanced TypeScript
Today's Talk discusses TypeScript and its relationship with JavaScript, emphasizing the importance of studying JavaScript first. The Talk explores type guards, runtime type checking, and the use of the 'never' type to handle errors and ensure type safety. It also delves into alternative solutions for type handling, branded types, and schema-based validation using Zod. The Talk concludes with advice on migrating to TypeScript and the need for beginner-friendly documentation and strictness in code.
Embracing WebGPU and WebXR With Three.js
JSNation 2024JSNation 2024
27 min
Embracing WebGPU and WebXR With Three.js
The 3JS project has evolved into a community-driven effort with numerous contributors over the past 14 years. It started with 3D engine work in Flash and transitioned to using SVGs for rendering in HTML5 before adopting WebGL. The project showcases various projects and frameworks, including a no-code tool powered by 3.js. The team is working on a new render using WebGPU and developing a new shader language called TSL. The hope is that WebGPU will eventually replace WebGL, offering better control and performance.
Challenges for Incremental Production Optimizations
JSNation 2024JSNation 2024
32 min
Challenges for Incremental Production Optimizations
TurboPack is a new bundle similar to Webpack, focusing on incremental builds to make them as fast as possible. Challenges in production builds include persistent caching, incremental algorithms, and optimizing export usage. The compilation process can be split into parsing and transforming modules, and chunking the module graph. TurboPack aims to achieve faster production builds through incremental optimization and efficiency. Collaboration and compatibility with other ecosystems are being considered, along with the design of a plugin interface and tree-shaking optimization.
Why Your Performance Work Is Not Seen
JSNation 2024JSNation 2024
25 min
Why Your Performance Work Is Not Seen
This Talk discusses the importance of performance work and how to drive performance governance. It emphasizes the need to frame data, set meaningful budgets, and understand both engineering and product perspectives. The Talk also highlights the significance of delivering value, establishing solid performance governance, and gaining buy-in from management. Additionally, it emphasizes the importance of measuring performance, optimizing through data, and collecting performance data using tools like Speedcurve and Bugbear Sentry. The speaker also mentions their training program and expresses gratitude towards the audience.
Angular Renaissance
JSNation 2024JSNation 2024
29 min
Angular Renaissance
Angular and React have similar models of reactivity, with the framework optimizing change detection. Angular introduced signals for optimizing change detection in real-world applications, resulting in improved performance. Deferrable views in Angular allow for lazy loading and significant speed improvements. The island architecture in Angular enables independent component islands without needing hydration. Angular is working on features like partial iteration and zoneless, and aims to support developers in delivering web apps with confidence.
Lessons for Building Resilient Codebases
JSNation 2024JSNation 2024
29 min
Lessons for Building Resilient Codebases
Code bases degrade over time, so it's important to build a protective layer and accept imperfections. Collocation and leaving traces in the code are key for better understanding. TypeScript's strict null checks and explicit typing can improve code reliability. Guidelines and naming conventions are crucial for maintaining a consistent and scalable architecture. Version control complexity is not significantly affected by having multiple components in one file.
From Friction to Flow: Debugging With Chrome DevTools
JSNation 2024JSNation 2024
32 min
From Friction to Flow: Debugging With Chrome DevTools
The Talk discusses the importance of removing frictions in the debugging process and being aware of the tools available in Chrome DevTools. It highlights the use of the 'Emulate a Focus Page' feature for debugging disappearing elements and the improvement of debugging tools and workflow. The Talk also mentions enhancing error understanding, improving debugging efficiency and performance, and the continuous improvement of DevTools. It emphasizes the importance of staying updated with new features and providing feedback to request new features.
Privacy-First Architecture
JSNation 2024JSNation 2024
29 min
Privacy-First Architecture
Building JavaScript Apps and Privacy: Understanding the importance of privacy in software development and the impact it can have on the world. Privacy concerns extend beyond targeted advertising and include data leaks and breaches. The connection of multiple pieces of data by data brokers poses a threat to privacy. The local first approach allows for data storage on local devices while still using a server for synchronization. Implementing local first requires a good database and APIs for data storage. Principles like end-to-end encryption and password protection bring benefits but also present challenges. Moving to privacy-focused analytics, using passkeys for encryption, and secure data sharing are ways to protect user privacy.
What's New in Astro
JSNation 2024JSNation 2024
29 min
What's New in Astro
Astro is a web framework that aims to optimize site performance without sacrificing functionality. It introduces features such as content collections and view transitions to enhance the user experience. Astro focuses on pushing the web forward by providing browser compatibility and app-like experiences. It also explores a powerful content layer and island architecture for personalized content. Astro is recommended for content-driven websites and offers a polyfill for Safari and integration with Storyblok CMS.
ESLint One for All Made Easy
JSNation 2024JSNation 2024
27 min
ESLint One for All Made Easy
ESLint is a popular and constantly improving tool that offers full control and simplicity in JavaScript with native imports. The new Flat Config simplifies the complex tree structure of shared configs and has been in the works for five years. It allows for customization and type generation, maximizing flexibility. ESLint can be used as a formatter and a tool for code mode, providing more control and customization options. It also supports other languages and can be integrated with prettier. Migrating to the Flat Config may be challenging, but compatible packages and tools are available to assist with the transition.
10 Years of Independent OSS: A Retrospective
JSNation 2024JSNation 2024
33 min
10 Years of Independent OSS: A Retrospective
This talk is a ten-year retrospective into the growth of the Vue.js framework as an open-source project. It highlights the challenges faced by open-source developers, the importance of finding balance and managing scope, and the collaborative nature of the Vue community. The talk also discusses the development of Vite as a build tool and the vision for a unified JavaScript toolchain. It emphasizes the need for community alignment, contributions, and testing, while acknowledging the challenges of bad actors in the open-source community.
6 Levels of Reusability
Vue.js Live 2024Vue.js Live 2024
23 min
6 Levels of Reusability
Today's Talk explores the concept of reusable components, focusing on levels of reusability such as inversion, extension, and nesting. Props are discussed as a means of achieving flexibility and configuration in components. Inversion of control and scoped slots are introduced to give components adaptability. Extension points provide the ability to override specific parts of an application within a single component. The Talk also covers the use of slots and nesting for component flexibility and reusability.
Scalable Forms in Vue
Vue.js Live 2024Vue.js Live 2024
23 min
Scalable Forms in Vue
Scalable forms in Vue, approachable for all skill levels, with code reusability and best practices. Front-ends divided into websites and applications, with forms being highly interactive and logic-heavy. Form Components in Vue provide accessible markup, delightful validation, and customizable props. Using vModeling encourages code reuse and collaboration. FormKit offers a comprehensive solution to form problems, including structured data, unique form keys, and robust validation UX. It simplifies form creation, supports CMS-like experiences, and provides advanced features and TypeScript support.
PrimeVue | The Next-Gen UI Component Library
Vue.js Live 2024Vue.js Live 2024
24 min
PrimeVue | The Next-Gen UI Component Library
Prime Vue is a comprehensive UI component suite with over 90 components, including date pickers, buttons, tables, and grids. It offers flexibility through styled and unstyled modes, allowing for customization using design tokens or Tailwind. Prime Vue is WCAG compliant and supports Material design. The upcoming version 4 introduces a new theming API using CSS variables, and it includes features like dark mode switching and integration with Figma. The team has plans to release a UI Designer, advanced components, and a drag-and-drop UI Builder in the future.
What's Hot On Tresjs V4
Vue.js Live 2024Vue.js Live 2024
20 min
What's Hot On Tresjs V4
Threads.js, a Vue custom renderer for creating declarative 3D scenes, has gained popularity with over 1,700 GitHub stars, 9K monthly NPM downloads, and a strong developer community. Version 4 introduces performance improvements, on-demand rendering, typing support, and memory management. Event bubbling and primitive creation are key features, along with enhanced memory management and scene inspection capabilities. The roadmap includes translated documentation, a new cookbook, and the launch of post-processing and XR VR packages. Performance enhancements, a new 3D course, and updates to Tres Leches UI library are also in the works.
Who Are Vue? Authn In Vue, The Important Parts
Vue.js Live 2024Vue.js Live 2024
23 min
Who Are Vue? Authn In Vue, The Important Parts
This Talk introduces authentication in Vue.js and emphasizes that it is not as difficult as it may seem. The speaker explains the concept of authentication and its importance. A code example is used to demonstrate how to implement authentication in Vue.js, including separate UI parts for login, home, and dashboard views. The Talk also covers handling authentication in the Vue.js router, including defining routes, accessing user credentials, and making requests to the backend.
We May Not Need Component Testing
Vue.js Live 2024Vue.js Live 2024
26 min
We May Not Need Component Testing
Component testing is a gray area between integration and unit testing. The demo app focuses on the cart component and writing test cases for Playwright component test and VTest. The first cart test encounters a bug with the invisible method in View Test.
The Swiss Army Knife of Every Vue Developer
Vue.js Live 2024Vue.js Live 2024
9 min
The Swiss Army Knife of Every Vue Developer
Composables are the Swiss Army knife of every Vue.js developer, helping build more extensible, adaptable, controllable, and trustful applications. They replace mixins and can be used everywhere, connecting different parts of the system and sharing common state. Composables are versatile, allowing for local or global use, and can be applied in both the domain layer and UI. They provide adaptability, controllability, easy testing, and eliminate the need to test the environment. Consider using Vue use for a library of composables and start building your own collection.
Learning To Learn : How To Web Dev The Right Way With Vue If You Are A Beginner
Vue.js Live 2024Vue.js Live 2024
8 min
Learning To Learn : How To Web Dev The Right Way With Vue If You Are A Beginner
Knowing JavaScript is essential for getting started with Vue. Understanding the fundamentals of Vue and building on individual concepts will help you develop more complex applications. Don't fall into the trap of building something too big as a starter project. Focus on the fundamentals and don't be swayed by industry standards or tricks posted online. Find a mentor to guide your Vue journey.
Build Your Own Component Library, With `Shadcn-vue`
Vue.js Live 2024Vue.js Live 2024
7 min
Build Your Own Component Library, With `Shadcn-vue`
Shed CN Vue is a component library that allows for easy customization of components and styling. It is built on top of RedixView, which enables the use of primitives and element customization. Tailwind CSS is used for easy customization of layout, styling, animations, classes, and icons. The documentation provides more details on how to leverage these features.
Data Loaders - Elevating Data Fetching in Vue
Vue.js Live 2024Vue.js Live 2024
30 min
Data Loaders - Elevating Data Fetching in Vue
Data loaders provide a solution for complex and repetitive data fetching in Vue.js applications. Using data loaders allows for more independent data fetching and integrates with the navigation cycle. The data loader plug-in adds a navigation guard for data fetching and loading. Lazy loading and caching can be implemented using Pina Colada and Glada loaders. These loaders can improve the performance and speed of data fetching in applications.
No More Mocking! Write Better Tests For Your Nuxt Application With Contract Tests
Vue.js Live 2024Vue.js Live 2024
21 min
No More Mocking! Write Better Tests For Your Nuxt Application With Contract Tests
A single-page application utilized a server-side BFF layer to simplify authentication and data customization. Testing a BFF-based architecture involves contract testing and tool usage. Challenges arise when mocking server-to-server requests in a client-side and server-side architecture. Separate tests should be written for client-side and server-side components, with contract testing to ensure compatibility. Integration testing for the front-end and server-side can be done by replacing microservices with a sub-server.
More Secure Vue & Nuxt Apps - By Default
Vue.js Live 2024Vue.js Live 2024
21 min
More Secure Vue & Nuxt Apps - By Default
Handling security in front-end development is crucial, and the OWASP Top 10 is a valuable resource for secure coding. The list of security risks is constantly evolving, and the Nuxt security module provides features like security headers, rate limiting, and cross-site request forgery protection. Frontend developers should prioritize security to avoid information leaks and mitigate risks. Understanding the difference between public and private tokens is important for secure token handling.
Building a Better Hammer - The Story of Nuxt 4
Vue.js Live 2024Vue.js Live 2024
28 min
Building a Better Hammer - The Story of Nuxt 4
Nuxt is a framework for building web apps using Vue and Nitro, driven by a vibrant open source community. Nuxt 4 aims to make the framework more usable and extensible, while focusing on collaboration rather than competition. The modules ecosystem and pluggable architecture enhance Nuxt's functionality and customization options. Nuxt prioritizes user choice and aims for stability and reliability. Nuxt 4 introduces thoughtful breaking changes and is eagerly anticipated by the community.
10 Years of Vue: the Past and the Future
Vue.js Live 2024Vue.js Live 2024
29 min
10 Years of Vue: the Past and the Future
Hello everyone and welcome to Vue.js Live 2024. In this Talk, Evan Yew, the creator of Vue and Vite, shares a 10-year retrospective on Vue.js, discussing its history, technical impact, and how it is being kept alive. Vue has made significant contributions to the JavaScript ecosystem and is the only mainstream framework that remains independent. The latest release, Vue 3.4, introduced performance improvements and a more efficient reactivity system. Future plans include reactivity efficiency improvements, stabilizing reactive props, and exploring vapor mode. Vue is here to stay and will continue to support the community.
Deep Dive into Undici
Node Congress 2024Node Congress 2024
24 min
Deep Dive into Undici
Undici is a modern HTTP client for Node.js that offers improved performance and advanced features. It supports HTTP 1.1 and recently added HTTP 2.0 support. Undici provides impressive performance, especially with Undici.Stream. It also supports HTTP 1.1 pipelining, which can significantly cut response time. Undici offers flexible connection management and dispatchers, as well as interceptors for customization. Undici v7 is coming with improved APIs and platformatic runtime for running multiple microservices in the same process.
The Dark Side of Open Source
Node Congress 2024Node Congress 2024
37 min
The Dark Side of Open Source
The talk explores the dark side of open source, focusing on supply chain attacks and the need for improved security measures. It highlights the dangers of loading external code and the importance of mitigating supply chain risks. The talk also discusses the use of AI and LLMs in code analysis to enhance security. It emphasizes the challenges of sustaining IC maintained open source projects and the future of supply chain security. Lastly, it touches on the variations in open source definitions and the empowerment of the open source community.
Building a Network Stack for our Browser Extension
Node Congress 2024Node Congress 2024
19 min
Building a Network Stack for our Browser Extension
The Talk discusses the development of the Jam browser extension, which is a bug reporting tool. It explores the challenges of messaging between different execution environments within a browser and the need for message chunking to overcome size constraints. The Talk also explains how the development team rebuilt the system using a TCP/IP network stack approach, which allowed them to solve messaging difficulties similar to networking problems. The benefits of this approach include a smoother rollout, simpler debugging, and a focus on feature development without worrying about messaging constraints.
Peace, Love and JavaScript
Node Congress 2024Node Congress 2024
17 min
Peace, Love and JavaScript
The OpenJS Foundation supports the entire JavaScript ecosystem and thousands of open source projects. They follow a neutral nonprofit organization with separate business and technical governance to minimize drama. Rebooting governance and addressing intellectual property can also help reduce conflicts. OpenJS provides collaboration spaces and support in various areas for open source projects. They foster a collaborative environment and invite participation in their projects.
Understanding Async Context
Node Congress 2024Node Congress 2024
29 min
Understanding Async Context
Async local storage is an API that has been around in Node for quite some time and is gaining popularity in other frameworks and runtimes. It allows for easier logging by eliminating the need to pass values through multiple functions. The storage frame in async local storage acts as a map, storing key-value pairs. Tasks and promise continuations are used to perform the next steps in a promise chain. Async Context is a TC39 proposal that adds async local storage to the JavaScript language.
The State of Node Compatibility in Deno
Node Congress 2024Node Congress 2024
23 min
The State of Node Compatibility in Deno
David Sherret
Kevin Whinnery
2 authors
Today's Talk introduces Deno, a next-generation JavaScript runtime with native TypeScript support and improved server-side development features. Deno offers granular permissions for sensitive APIs and includes built-in tools like a test framework and linter. The Talk demonstrates how to use Deno with an existing Node.js project, showcasing compatibility and import features. It also discusses upcoming features like bringing Node modules to Deno and handling file extensions. Overall, Deno provides a seamless transition for Node developers and offers a range of powerful tools and features.
How not(!) to Build Real-time Apps
Node Congress 2024Node Congress 2024
10 min
How not(!) to Build Real-time Apps
Today's Talk discusses different approaches for implementing real-time updates in server-side applications, including application-level updates and polling. The drawbacks of polling include inefficiency and complexity at scale. Adding extra infrastructure, like messaging systems, can ensure scalability but introduces operational overhead. Prisma Pulse is a system that simplifies change data capture, providing an easy setup for subscribing to database changes and solving scalability issues.
Understanding Package Resolution in Node.js
Node Congress 2024Node Congress 2024
11 min
Understanding Package Resolution in Node.js
In this Talk, the speaker discusses package resolution in Node.js, covering topics such as CommonJS, ES modules, package.json structure, and package.json loader. The Talk also touches on conditional loading and file extension resolution, module import and export, module type determination based on file extensions and package.json, module resolution strategies in Node.js, and tips for improving loading time in ESM applications.
Managing Large-Scale Node.js Projects with Monorepos
Node Congress 2024Node Congress 2024
19 min
Managing Large-Scale Node.js Projects with Monorepos
Monorepos are a development strategy that allows you to store multiple projects in one repository, facilitating code sharing and simplifying dependency management. They provide simplified dependency management, improve code reusability, and enable a consistent build, test, and deployment process across projects. Tooling support like Nix, Yarn Workspaces, and NPM Workspaces streamline monorepo development. Code organization and scalability strategies involve fine-grained models, consistent directory structure, and selective dependency installation. Streamlining build processes can reduce build time, and optimizing performance and collaboration involves profiling tools and effective code review processes.
Observability Matters: Enhancing Performance of our Node Application with OpenTelemetry
Node Congress 2024Node Congress 2024
7 min
Observability Matters: Enhancing Performance of our Node Application with OpenTelemetry
Yash Rajavarma introduces observability and explains its importance for developers. He discusses how OpenTelemetry can empower Node.js applications by providing easy instrumentation and management of telemetry data. OpenTelemetry simplifies the implementation of observability and is designed to benefit developers.
Mastering Web Scraping with Scrapoxy: Unleash Your Data Extraction Wizardry!
Node Congress 2024Node Congress 2024
21 min
Mastering Web Scraping with Scrapoxy: Unleash Your Data Extraction Wizardry!
Fabien Vauchel is a software developer passionate about web scraping and the creator of Scrapoxy, a proxy aggregator. Isabella, a student, used web scraping to gather data for her trip tool. The talk discusses various techniques for web scraping, including using language models and proxies to bypass website protections. The speaker also introduces ScrapOxy, a super proxy aggregator, and explains how to integrate it into web scraping projects. The use of Playwright, a headless browser, is highlighted for handling fingerprint errors. Ultimately, the talk emphasizes the importance of adjusting time zones to successfully complete web scraping requests.
What's New on Node.js Test Runner and Why it's Game-changing
Node Congress 2024Node Congress 2024
17 min
What's New on Node.js Test Runner and Why it's Game-changing
The Node.js Test Runner is presented as a better alternative to Jest, offering more flexibility and improved performance. It supports TypeScript out of the box and provides comprehensive test suite visualization. The test runner has native support for code coverage and upcoming features include module mocking and improved filtering. Shifting to the test runner is simple and helps the community grow.
Optimizing Microservice Architecture for High Performance and Resilience
Node Congress 2024Node Congress 2024
24 min
Optimizing Microservice Architecture for High Performance and Resilience
Today's Talk discusses microservices optimization strategies for distributed systems, specifically focusing on implementing casual consistency to ensure data synchronization. Vector clocks are commonly used to track the casual relationship between write events in distributed systems. Casual consistency allows for concurrent and independent operations without synchronization, maximizing parallelism and system resource utilization. It enables effective scalability, better latency, and fault tolerance in distributed systems through coordination, resilience, reconfiguration, recovery, and data replication.
Testing Alternative Runtimes with Node and Vitest
Node Congress 2024Node Congress 2024
25 min
Testing Alternative Runtimes with Node and Vitest
Welcome to my talk on testing alternative runtimes with Node and VTest. VTest is a popular testing framework that allows dynamic code evaluation and runs inside Cloudflare workers. Durable objects provide distributed JavaScript class instances with unique IDs and persistent storage for improved developer experience. The testing framework in Cloudflare workers automatically undoes writes to storage and supports seeding data. Mocking outbound fetch requests is also possible in Cloudflare workers.
Milo, a New HTTP Parser for Node.js
Node Congress 2024Node Congress 2024
23 min
Milo, a New HTTP Parser for Node.js
Hello and welcome to Node Congress 2024. NearForm focuses on delivering modern and elegant solutions. Milo is a new HTTP parser written in Rust, designed to address the complexity and vulnerabilities of the current Node HTTP parser. Milo allows developers to opt-in for copying data being parsed for improved developer experience. It follows the latest RFCs for HTTP strictly and provides a common interface across different languages. Milo is being explored for C++ and WebAssembly integration, and future steps include performance improvements and regression testing.
Making My Node.js API Super Fast
Node Congress 2024Node Congress 2024
34 min
Making My Node.js API Super Fast
This talk focuses on improving performance in Node.js API development. It covers various areas such as optimizing database work, connection pool, JSON parsing, logging, and web framework selection. Key highlights include the use of Native Mongo Driver for better database performance, optimizing connection pool for improved throughput, replacing Express serializer for faster serialization and deserialization, and choosing Festify as an efficient web framework. Caching and authentication's impact on performance is discussed, along with recommendations for caching types. The talk also emphasizes considering environmental factors and human impact on performance. Fastify is highlighted as a recommended tool for Node.js performance optimization.
Creating an HTTP Server from Scratch with Node-addon-api, Libuv, and Milo
Node Congress 2024Node Congress 2024
18 min
Creating an HTTP Server from Scratch with Node-addon-api, Libuv, and Milo
Today's Talk focuses on creating an HTTP server from scratch using Node.js and native add-ons. The process involves implementing a TCP socket using LibuV for data exchange between the server and client. The Talk also covers invoking callbacks, creating a high-level abstraction for the HTTP server, and parsing HTTP data using an experimental HTTP parser called Milo. The project serves as a proof of concept, showcasing the ease of creating add-ons and interacting with low-level APIs in Node.js.
AWS Lambda Performance Tuning
Node Congress 2024Node Congress 2024
25 min
AWS Lambda Performance Tuning
This Talk covers various optimization techniques for Lambda functions, including parameter fetching, code minification and bundling, observability with Power Tools and X-Ray, baseline testing with load testing tools, caching with Elastic Cache and Redis, and optimizing code size and memory usage. The importance of library choices, power tuning for cost and performance, leveraging subprocesses and sandboxes, and adjusting concurrency limits are also discussed. Overall, these techniques can significantly improve Lambda function performance.
Biome, Toolchain of the Web
Node Congress 2024Node Congress 2024
19 min
Biome, Toolchain of the Web
Biome is a toolchain for web projects that provides formatting and analysis. It offers high-quality diagnostics and is compatible with Prettier. Biome's analyzer includes over 200 unique lint roles and provides informative error messages. Pion, a part of Biome, aims to be fast and efficient, outperforming other tools. Biome is exploring type inference and plug-in support, and has plans to revamp its configuration in version two.
The Full-stack Framework of the Future is a DSL
Node Congress 2024Node Congress 2024
21 min
The Full-stack Framework of the Future is a DSL
The future of web frameworks will be a DSL, simplifying development and allowing for clear instructions for AI collaboration. DSLs like SQL and JSX have value in building better web apps. Wasp is a powerful full-stack web app framework that eliminates the need for writing backend code. It offers features like cron jobs, type safety, and email sending. Wasp also has projects like OpenSaaS and Mage that provide production-ready templates and AI-generated prototypes.
Building Reliable Backends with Durable Execution
Node Congress 2024Node Congress 2024
21 min
Building Reliable Backends with Durable Execution
This Talk explores the paradigm of message queues for reliable backend execution. It highlights the benefits of message queues, such as guaranteed delivery and offloading of long-running processes. The drawbacks of using queues are discussed, including the complexity of managing infrastructure and applications. The solution of using a reliability layer called Ingest is presented, which allows for non-blocking background tasks and provides a dashboard for monitoring and managing jobs. The Talk also emphasizes the importance of reliability in building software systems and introduces the expanding scope and functionality of Ingest.
Breaking REST Chains: A Fastify & Mercurius Pathway to GraphQL Glory
Node Congress 2024Node Congress 2024
23 min
Breaking REST Chains: A Fastify & Mercurius Pathway to GraphQL Glory
GraphQL is a versatile query language that allows for the creation of a single server and API that can serve different types of devices. Mercurius is a high-performance GraphQL adapter built on Fastify, offering features such as caching, just-in-time compilation, and support for subscriptions and federation. The Talk demonstrates how to build a GraphQL server using Mercurius Fastify and TypeScript, including the setup of the server, schema, resolvers, and loaders. It highlights the benefits of using GraphQL with TypeScript and how loaders can optimize queries by reducing the number of database calls. The conclusion emphasizes the benefits of building a GraphQL server with Mercurius and provides additional resources for further exploration.
The Need for Speed: How AWS New JS Runtime is Redefining Serverless Latency
Node Congress 2024Node Congress 2024
25 min
The Need for Speed: How AWS New JS Runtime is Redefining Serverless Latency
Serverless services like AWS Lambda allow developers to build modern applications without provisioning servers or additional infrastructure. LLRT is a low latency runtime designed specifically for serverless environments and JavaScript applications. LLRT uses a lightweight JavaScript engine called Quick.js, achieving fast execution and performance with minimal memory consumption. LLRT is ideal for latency-critical applications, high-volume functions, and integration with AWS services. It significantly improves performance, reducing cold starts and providing consistent warm start times. Users are encouraged to test LLRT and contribute to its development.
Parsing Millions of URLs per Second
Node Congress 2024Node Congress 2024
14 min
Parsing Millions of URLs per Second
Today's talk explores the performance of URL parsing in Node.js and introduces the ADA URL parser, which can parse 6 million URLs per second. The ADA URL parser includes optimizations such as perfect hashing, memoization tables, and vectorization. It is available in multiple languages and has bindings for popular programming languages. Reach out to Ada URL and Daniel Lemire's blog for more information.
Building a sophisticated CodePipeline with CDK in a Monorepo Setup
DevOps.js Conf 2024DevOps.js Conf 2024
8 min
Building a sophisticated CodePipeline with CDK in a Monorepo Setup
Imagine starting as an AWS DevOps engineer in a small company. Your boss wants an all-in AWS approach, with CICD entirely on AWS for automated deployments. Use AWS CDK for creating a pipeline, stages, and actions. Learn how to handle multiple pipelines for different accounts and handle manual approval for staging and production environments. Discover how to trigger pipelines with EventBridge and Lambda, and create sophisticated pipelines for different scenarios.
Navigating the Chaos: A Holistic Approach to Incident Management
DevOps.js Conf 2024DevOps.js Conf 2024
26 min
Navigating the Chaos: A Holistic Approach to Incident Management
This talk covers the importance of a structured process for incident management and the need for a business mindset. It outlines a five-pillar structured process and emphasizes the importance of staying calm and asking the right questions during incidents. The talk also highlights the importance of effectively identifying, categorizing, and investigating incidents, as well as prioritizing root causes and communicating incident resolutions. Additionally, it discusses the role of incident managers, proactive measures for continuous improvement, and the importance of preparation and a proactive mindset.
Demystify the DX for Lambda functions
DevOps.js Conf 2024DevOps.js Conf 2024
30 min
Demystify the DX for Lambda functions
Welcome to this session on Lambda Developer Experience. Learn about using AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) to write code in your favorite language and automatically generate CloudFormation templates. Test locally with the SAM CLI and deploy with CDK. Accelerate testing and updates with CDK flags. Use the AWS Toolkit to invoke Lambda functions, analyze logs, and generate code with Application Composer.
State of DevOps - A Continuous Improvement Story
DevOps.js Conf 2024DevOps.js Conf 2024
12 min
State of DevOps - A Continuous Improvement Story
Amanda Lewis
Nathen Harvey
2 authors
This Talk discusses the story of continuous improvement in software development. It emphasizes the importance of measuring software delivery performance using metrics such as lead time, deployment frequency, change fail rate, and time to restore. Code reviews play a significant role in improving software delivery, and exploring the potential impact of AI on code reviews is recommended. Focusing on documentation and proper utilization of the cloud can improve organizational performance. Finally, a good culture, user focus, and collaborative platform team are crucial for success in software development.
Versioning and Publishing Packages with Nx Release
DevOps.js Conf 2024DevOps.js Conf 2024
10 min
Versioning and Publishing Packages with Nx Release
In this Talk, Austin Faisal introduces Nx Release and demonstrates how to improve versioning and publishing processes with it. The tool allows for a dry run to preview changes, keeps packages in sync, and generates changelogs. It also automates staging, committing, tagging, and publishing changes to the registry. Nx Release offers additional features such as independent versioning, automatic versioning with conventional commits, creating GitHub releases, customizable changelog rendering, and a programmable API.
Spinnaker as a Continuous Delivery Solution for JavaScript Apps
DevOps.js Conf 2024DevOps.js Conf 2024
10 min
Spinnaker as a Continuous Delivery Solution for JavaScript Apps
Jamal Sinclair-O'Garro introduces himself as a senior software engineer at Netflix with experience in algorithmic and electronic trading. Spinnaker is a multi-platform continuous delivery platform used by companies like Grubhub, Airbnb, Google, Netflix, Chime, Box, and Target. It provides infrastructure management and deployment through pipelines, allowing gradual rollouts and canary analysis to ensure safe changes. Spinnaker improves velocity and is recommended for streamlining JavaScript applications across different providers.
Serverless Observability: Where SLOs Meet Transforms
DevOps.js Conf 2024DevOps.js Conf 2024
8 min
Serverless Observability: Where SLOs Meet Transforms
This Talk provides an introduction to Serverless Observability and SLOs, explaining the concept of SLOs and their dependency on transforms. It highlights the codependency between SLOs, SLAs, and SLIs and discusses the importance of well-defined SLOs. The Talk also demonstrates how to create and monitor SLOs and alert rules, emphasizing the benefits of burn rate alerting in reducing alert fatigue and improving user experience.
Generating TypeScript with TypeScript
DevOps.js Conf 2024DevOps.js Conf 2024
8 min
Generating TypeScript with TypeScript
This talk discusses how TypeScript definitions are automatically generated for CloudFlare workers using runtime type information. The encoding and transformation of type information is explained, with runtime API types being encoded in C++ and further processed in TypeScript. The process of improving type definitions and achieving compatibility is also covered, including fixing problems with iterators and using human input to improve developer ergonomics. The talk concludes with a plan to build Types as a Service, a Cloudflare worker that dynamically generates NPM packages containing TypeScript definition files.
Spec-tacular - SemVer & Beyond
DevOps.js Conf 2024DevOps.js Conf 2024
22 min
Spec-tacular - SemVer & Beyond
Welcome to DevOpsJS 2024! We'll be discussing semantics and versioning schemas, particularly semantic versioning (SEMVR). There are concerns about the flaws in SEMVR and the need to embrace change in software development. Dependency hell in the JavaScript ecosystem has been addressed through semantic versioning and new capabilities. However, there are still issues with the SEMBR spec, including absent definitions and problems with build metadata. To improve versioning, we need to address missing definitions and consider a new spec for the future.
Atomic Deployment for JS Hipsters
DevOps.js Conf 2024DevOps.js Conf 2024
25 min
Atomic Deployment for JS Hipsters
This Talk discusses atomic deployment for JavaScript and TypeScript, focusing on automated deployment processes, Git hooks, and using hard links to copy changes. The speaker demonstrates setting up a bare repository, configuring deployment variables, and using the post-receive hook to push changes to production. They also cover environment setup, branch configuration, and the build process. The Talk concludes with tips on real use cases, webhooks, and wrapping the deployment process.
Guardians of the Applications: Conquering Node.JS App Monitoring
DevOps.js Conf 2024DevOps.js Conf 2024
21 min
Guardians of the Applications: Conquering Node.JS App Monitoring
Monitoring and observability are important for catching bugs before they become noticeable. Examples of monitoring issues include confusion and frustration when monitoring leads to misunderstandings. Teamwork is essential for effective monitoring, automation can streamline processes and improve efficiency. Custom monitoring is necessary to prevent hazards and unnecessary alerts can hurt productivity. Challenges include relying too much on monitoring without addressing root issues and struggling with manual configuration.
Next-Level JavaScript Error Tracking with Sentry
DevOps.js Conf 2024DevOps.js Conf 2024
23 min
Next-Level JavaScript Error Tracking with Sentry
We're going to be talking about next level JavaScript error tracking with Sentry. Error tracking is the process of identifying, recording, and managing errors in a web application. Traditional JavaScript error tracking methods have disadvantages and lack context about the device and user. You can automate error tracking with Sentry, an open source error tracking tool that helps developers monitor and fix crashes in real time. Setting up Sentry is simple using the Sentry SDK and configuring with the DSN.
Qwik - The No Hydration Approach to Performant Sites
DevOps.js Conf 2024DevOps.js Conf 2024
20 min
Qwik - The No Hydration Approach to Performant Sites
Builder.io is a headless visual CMS that allows drag and drop of UI components. Core Web Vitals are important for improving website performance. Hydration in frameworks affects performance and interaction with the app. Qwik offers a different approach to hydration, eliminating the need for downloading unnecessary code. Qwik's resumability feature improves performance by starting with HTML and avoiding the re-execution of code.
Building and Operating a Modern Composable Monolith
DevOps.js Conf 2024DevOps.js Conf 2024
19 min
Building and Operating a Modern Composable Monolith
In this talk, Luca introduces the concept of the modern composable monolith and discusses the challenges of microservices. He emphasizes the importance of developing modular monoliths and introduces Fastify and the Platformatic Runtime as tools for this approach. The Platformatic Runtime simplifies running modular, monolithic applications, and standardizing interfaces and communication is crucial in this context. Lastly, Luca introduces Meraki as a UI-driven tool for building composable monoliths and invites developers to join their marketplace for revolutionizing the operational experience of microservices.
You Don’t Know How to SSR
DevOps.js Conf 2024DevOps.js Conf 2024
23 min
You Don’t Know How to SSR
The Talk covers the speaker's personal journey into server-side rendering (SSR) and the evolution of web development frameworks. It explores the use of jQuery for animations in SSR, the challenges faced in integrating React with Umbraco, and the creation of a custom SSR framework. The Talk also discusses the benefits of Next.js and the use of serverless artifacts for deployment. Finally, it highlights the features of Astro, including its function per route capability.
Yarn: From Design to Implementation
DevOps.js Conf 2024DevOps.js Conf 2024
28 min
Yarn: From Design to Implementation
Today we'll discuss the evolution and implementation of YARN, which focuses on determinism and stability. YARN Modern was re-architected to support projects with multiple packages and embraced Monorepos. YARN 2 improved workspace implementation, codebase partitioning, and stability. Dependency resolution and linking in YARN are handled by different resolvers and fetchers. YARN has a plugin system, a constraint engine, and a redesigned website. It prioritizes compatibility, performance, testing, and contributions to other projects.
JavaScript to Wasi Enabled Wasm: Portable JavaScript Composition
DevOps.js Conf 2024DevOps.js Conf 2024
21 min
JavaScript to Wasi Enabled Wasm: Portable JavaScript Composition
JavaScript code is converted to low-level binaries by JavaScript engines like MV8, Chakra, and SpiderMonkey. WebAssembly allows writing code in other languages and compiling it to run on a JavaScript engine. External functions can be imported in WebAssembly using the import statement. WebAssembly can run in non-browser scenarios with additional interfaces like WASI and provides memory isolation. The Jco toolchain is an experimental tool for componentizing JavaScript code into WASM modules.
Package Management in Monorepos
DevOps.js Conf 2024DevOps.js Conf 2024
19 min
Package Management in Monorepos
This Talk discusses pain points and effective package management in monorepos, including the use of hoisted or isolated layouts and the challenges of working with peer dependencies. It introduces the tool Bit, which addresses these issues and handles dependency management and version control. Bit enables automatic installation and management of dependencies, supports multiple versions of a peer dependency, and seamlessly updates components across different environments.
Accessible CI/CD
DevOps.js Conf 2024DevOps.js Conf 2024
24 min
Accessible CI/CD
Maya Min, a senior software engineer at Microsoft Industry AI, discusses the importance of accessibility testing and its relation to CIDI. WCAG provides guidelines for accessibility compliance, covering various aspects such as color contrast, navigation, and content layout. Maya explores automating accessibility testing through UI components and different testing levels. They recommend xCore and Playwright for end-to-end browser testing and integrating accessibility testing into CI/CD workflows using tools like GitLab and Azure Pipeline.
Managing React State: 10 Years of Lessons Learned
React Day Berlin 2023React Day Berlin 2023
16 min
Managing React State: 10 Years of Lessons Learned
Top Content
Watch video: Managing React State: 10 Years of Lessons Learned
This Talk focuses on effective React state management and lessons learned over the past 10 years. Key points include separating related state, utilizing UseReducer for protecting state and updating multiple pieces of state simultaneously, avoiding unnecessary state syncing with useEffect, using abstractions like React Query or SWR for fetching data, simplifying state management with custom hooks, and leveraging refs and third-party libraries for managing state. Additional resources and services are also provided for further learning and support.
Type System React
React Day Berlin 2023React Day Berlin 2023
21 min
Type System React
Watch video: Type System React
This Talk is about implementing a limited subset of the type equivalent of React, specifically its JSX engine, in the TypeScript type system with no runtime code. The speaker demonstrates how to use TypeScript features like constrained types and template literal strings to infer and render JSX elements in the type system. They also show how to render headings and children using a utility called 'render component'. The Talk concludes with additional resources for learning TypeScript and related topics.
WebAssembly and React: A New Era of High-Performance Web Applications
React Day Berlin 2023React Day Berlin 2023
14 min
WebAssembly and React: A New Era of High-Performance Web Applications
Watch video: WebAssembly and React: A New Era of High-Performance Web Applications
WebAssembly is a binary instruction format for a stack-based virtual machine, enabling deployment of code in languages like Go, Rust, or C++ to run in the browser. It allows for efficient image compression algorithms and whole runtimes like Node.js in the browser. WebAssembly provides a capability-based security layer and eliminates the need to worry about server setup. It is already being used by well-known organizations and platforms, and continues to evolve with upcoming features such as a component model, neural network capabilities, garbage collection, and multithreading. WebAssembly modules can be used in React and as a server tool.
How Do We Use React Native at Mattermost. Architecture and Design
React Day Berlin 2023React Day Berlin 2023
18 min
How Do We Use React Native at Mattermost. Architecture and Design
Watch video: How Do We Use React Native at Mattermost. Architecture and Design
Today's talk is about how Mattermost uses React Native to develop their chat app. They faced challenges with multi-server support and offline support, but React Native's popularity and active community made it a good fit for their stack. They made decisions to improve reliability, such as using TypeScript and following coding rules. WatermelonDB brought scalability to their system, but also had challenges with a steep learning curve and database migrations. They use hooks for state management and native integration when necessary. They also implemented shared extensions and a portable device state feature.
CSS Only* Search: Improve React Filtering Performance with CSS!
React Day Berlin 2023React Day Berlin 2023
11 min
CSS Only* Search: Improve React Filtering Performance with CSS!
Watch video: CSS Only* Search: Improve React Filtering Performance with CSS!
Evitar Alus, a frontend engineer, shares a trick to improve search performance in React applications by optimizing the search algorithm and reducing DOM updates. CSS attribute selectors can be used for filtering and applying styles based on emoji values. A component called CSS Search can be created to improve search performance by hiding emojis that do not match the search query. Despite some performance drawbacks, this solution works significantly faster. Visit Evitar Alus' website or Twitter account for more of their work.
Daily Brush for Website Speed: Embrace the Performance Budget Ritual
React Day Berlin 2023React Day Berlin 2023
13 min
Daily Brush for Website Speed: Embrace the Performance Budget Ritual
Watch video: Daily Brush for Website Speed: Embrace the Performance Budget Ritual
This Talk provides an introduction to web performance and emphasizes the importance of setting performance goals and budgets. It explains the steps for creating and applying a performance budget and suggests various tools for performance budgeting. The Talk also highlights the need to make the performance budget concrete and meaningful, connect it to business goals, and integrate it into the development pipeline. It concludes by emphasizing the importance of maintaining performance and connecting with the speaker for more information.
Building a Better Micro-Frontend Framework That Enables Platform Freedom
React Day Berlin 2023React Day Berlin 2023
28 min
Building a Better Micro-Frontend Framework That Enables Platform Freedom
Watch video: Building a Better Micro-Frontend Framework That Enables Platform Freedom
This talk discusses the challenges of scaling and maintaining applications and how architecture decisions can impact them. It introduces the concept of Microfrontend and its advantages of easier scaling, issue identification, and diversification of technology stacks. The implementation of Microfrontend at Red Hat is explained, including the use of a new framework, communication strategies, and the need for scalability and maintenance in large applications. The talk also covers the multiplying architecture framework of micro frontend and its core components. The implementation of Microfrontend in VS Code and examples of combining different frameworks into a single application are showcased. The issue of duplication of library loading is addressed using federated modules in webpack.
Hacking JSX: Building in Minecraft with React
React Day Berlin 2023React Day Berlin 2023
7 min
Hacking JSX: Building in Minecraft with React
Watch video: Hacking JSX: Building in Minecraft with React
JSX can be used to create builds in Minecraft by writing pseudo-HTML code within JavaScript. It can be transpiled into a format that the browser can understand and is not limited to React. JSX allows for the creation of an intermediary representation that can be converted into commands for Minecraft. Existing tooling can be used with JSX, eliminating the need for custom parsers and enabling linting and IDE support. The source code for the project is available on GitHub.
SOLIDify Your React Code
React Day Berlin 2023React Day Berlin 2023
11 min
SOLIDify Your React Code
Watch video: SOLIDify Your React Code
Clean code is easily understood, readable, changeable, extensible, and maintainable. SOLID principles enforce good practices for scalable and maintainable software. The Single Responsibility Principle (SRP) ensures that components have a single reason to change. The Open-Close Principle (OCP) allows components to be easily extended without modifying the underlying source code. The Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP) enables swapping child elements within a subtype component. The Interface Segregation Principle (ISP) states that components should only depend on the props they actually use.
The Future of Web Storage: Exploring Advanced Storage APIs
React Day Berlin 2023React Day Berlin 2023
9 min
The Future of Web Storage: Exploring Advanced Storage APIs
Watch video: The Future of Web Storage: Exploring Advanced Storage APIs
Today's Talk explores three powerful web APIs: indexedDB, cache storage, and the filesystem API. IndexedDB enables offline functionality and provides advanced features like coding & indexing, transactions, versioning, and security. Cache storage supports various caching strategies and namespaces, while the File System API allows fine-grained control over files, facilitating file uploads and downloads. A code example of interacting with the File System API is also provided.
To App or Not: When to Choose Native or Web
React Day Berlin 2023React Day Berlin 2023
23 min
To App or Not: When to Choose Native or Web
Watch video: To App or Not: When to Choose Native or Web
The Talk discusses the choice between building native or web apps for software development. It explores the benefits of building web apps, such as fast development, easy debugging, and universal rendering. It also highlights the power of native apps, with their advanced features, better offline experience, and monetization opportunities. The Talk suggests using libraries like Capacitor or React Native to combine the benefits of both web and native apps.
Understanding Rendering Patterns
React Day Berlin 2023React Day Berlin 2023
9 min
Understanding Rendering Patterns
Watch video: Understanding Rendering Patterns
This Talk discusses rendering patterns on the web, including the use of React and the concept of memoization. It explores the idea of using signals to change data without a full re-render and how frameworks like SolidJS, Vue, Svelte, and Angular are adopting signals. The React team is developing React for Get, a compiler that provides auto-memoization to reduce unnecessary re-renders. Different frameworks have their own ways of using signals, such as shallow ref or ref in Vue, use signal in Quick, and defining and accessing signals in Angular and Svelte.
Build Intelligence at the Edge - Machine Learning with React Native
React Day Berlin 2023React Day Berlin 2023
13 min
Build Intelligence at the Edge - Machine Learning with React Native
Watch video: Build Intelligence at the Edge - Machine Learning with React Native
The Talk is about building intelligence at the edge with machine learning and React Native. It covers machine learning concepts, building ML models with React, challenges, best practices, and resources.
How Much RAM Is Your UseMemo Using? Let’s Profile It!
React Day Berlin 2023React Day Berlin 2023
20 min
How Much RAM Is Your UseMemo Using? Let’s Profile It!
Watch video: How Much RAM Is Your UseMemo Using? Let’s Profile It!
Memory usage is often overlooked in web applications, but excessive memory usage impacts performance and user experience. It's important to analyze memory usage and optimize it, considering concepts like count versus size and shallow versus retain memory. The Chrome Memory Profiler and Memlab are useful tools for analyzing memory usage. By optimizing React components and using tools like Memlab, memory usage can be reduced significantly. React hooks can be expensive for large-scale projects, and memory analysis is a challenging task.
Mastering Mobile DevOps: Leveraging React Native for High Performance
React Day Berlin 2023React Day Berlin 2023
8 min
Mastering Mobile DevOps: Leveraging React Native for High Performance
Watch video: Mastering Mobile DevOps: Leveraging React Native for High Performance
Today's Talk explores mobile DevOps and how React Native simplifies mobile releases. Key metrics for DevOps performance include deployment frequency, lead time for changes, time to restore service, and change failure rate. React Native allows over-the-air updates, eliminating the need for resubmission. Overdue updates offer advantages like bypassing app store validations and quick updates, but have limitations. Other options to consider are in-app models for forced upgrades, EAS Build and Submit, Repack for micro-frontends, and upcoming server components in React Native.
Let's build a TV Spatial Navigation
React Day Berlin 2023React Day Berlin 2023
34 min
Let's build a TV Spatial Navigation
Watch video: Let's build a TV Spatial Navigation
Today's Talk is about building a spatial navigation library for Smart TVs. The speaker shares their experience and challenges in building applications for Smart TVs. They demonstrate the functionality of spatial navigation using React and React Router. The navigation engine class is developed to handle TV control events and navigate through elements. Circular navigation is implemented to make navigation easier for users in TV applications.
How to Improve Your Web Application's Security Using Mozilla Observatory
React Day Berlin 2023React Day Berlin 2023
9 min
How to Improve Your Web Application's Security Using Mozilla Observatory
Watch video: How to Improve Your Web Application's Security Using Mozilla Observatory
The Talk discusses how to improve web application security using Mozilla Observatory. It covers topics such as evaluating security headers, maintaining grade history, and implementing content security policies. The importance of securing cookies and enabling HTTP to HTTPS redirection is emphasized. The use of referrer headers to control browser behavior and sub-resource integrity to prevent compromising files are also highlighted.
Applying Product Thinking Principles to your Design System
React Day Berlin 2023React Day Berlin 2023
6 min
Applying Product Thinking Principles to your Design System
Watch video: Applying Product Thinking Principles to your Design System
Today's Talk focuses on applying product-making principles to design systems, emphasizing prioritization, MVPs, and metrics. It highlights the importance of understanding user needs and business goals through research and data collection. The Talk also emphasizes the iterative process of building components, gathering feedback, and iterating based on user validation. Lastly, it stresses the significance of measuring progress with metrics to track usage and adoption, and to demonstrate the impact of design system efforts.
How the Shadow DOM has Got You Covered?
React Day Berlin 2023React Day Berlin 2023
18 min
How the Shadow DOM has Got You Covered?
Watch video: How the Shadow DOM has Got You Covered?
The Shadow DOM allows for encapsulation and composability, enabling elements to have their own features without affecting the rest of the webpage. Custom elements in the Shadow DOM have their own behavior through encapsulation and scoped styles. Composability is key in software development, allowing for dynamic data passing. The Shadow DOM provides a way to modify the appearance of elements within it, but some properties are marked as important and cannot be changed. Building a Chrome extension using the Shadow DOM allows for composable and encapsulated experiences.
Accelerating Design & Development Innovation with AI-driven Tools
React Day Berlin 2023React Day Berlin 2023
21 min
Accelerating Design & Development Innovation with AI-driven Tools
Watch video: Accelerating Design & Development Innovation with AI-driven Tools
The Talk discusses the importance of innovation and quick iterations in solving problems. It emphasizes the benefits of blending designers and developers from the beginning and using React for component reusability. Figma's dev mode capabilities are mentioned as a tool for faster development, although it is still a work in progress.
Config Driven UI using ReactJS
React Day Berlin 2023React Day Berlin 2023
7 min
Config Driven UI using ReactJS
Watch video: Config Driven UI using ReactJS
This lightning talk introduces the concept of config-driven UI using ReactJS, which allows for dynamic and customizable UIs without hard-coding. The technique involves using a JSON file to specify the type, size, position, and data source for each component. The talk also explains the structure of config-driven UI components, including elements, vertical and horizontal containers, and nested layouts.
React(ing) to WebRTC: Build Better Audio and Video Experiences with Daily React
React Day Berlin 2023React Day Berlin 2023
10 min
React(ing) to WebRTC: Build Better Audio and Video Experiences with Daily React
Watch video: React(ing) to WebRTC: Build Better Audio and Video Experiences with Daily React
Imagine building your own video conferencing app in React using Daily React, a React library built on Daily's client SDK. Rendering components and user controls in the app is crucial, including joining the call, displaying participants, toggling camera and microphone, and leaving the call. Optimize hooks and add features like device pickers, screen sharing, and text chat. Find the code on daily's GitHub and documentation at docs.daily.co.
OpenAI in React: Integrating GPT-4 with Your React Application
React Day Berlin 2023React Day Berlin 2023
11 min
OpenAI in React: Integrating GPT-4 with Your React Application
Watch video: OpenAI in React: Integrating GPT-4 with Your React Application
AI is a revolutionary change that helps businesses solve real problems and make applications smarter. Vectors enable semantic search, allowing us to find contextually relevant information. We'll build an AI-powered documentation site that answers questions, provides contextually relevant information, and offers links for further exploration. To enable vector search with MongoDB, we use the LingChain method to connect to MongoDB, create vector embeddings for user queries, and find related documents using maximal marginal reference. Join the workshop for a complete start-to-finish guide and integrate MongoDB Vector Search into your next React-based AI application.
Virtual DOM: Back in Block
React Day Berlin 2023React Day Berlin 2023
9 min
Virtual DOM: Back in Block
Watch video: Virtual DOM: Back in Block
Hi, my name is Anand Bai. I'll be talking about virtual DOM and its performance. Rich Harris argued that the virtual DOM is not as efficient as many believe, leading to the emergence of the meme that it's pure overhead. Today, I'm going to introduce something new, a new approach to doing the virtual DOM. MillionJS, a drop-in replacement for React, is significantly faster than Preact and React on benchmarks. The block virtual DOM, introduced by Block DOM, is a potential solution to existing virtual DOM libraries like React.
React's Most Useful Types
React Day Berlin 2023React Day Berlin 2023
21 min
React's Most Useful Types
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Today's Talk focuses on React's best types and JSX. It covers the types of JSX and React components, including React.fc and React.reactnode. The discussion also explores JSX intrinsic elements and react.component props, highlighting their differences and use cases. The Talk concludes with insights on using React.componentType and passing components, as well as utilizing the react.element ref type for external libraries like React-Select.
Local-first Apps with ElectricSQL and React
React Day Berlin 2023React Day Berlin 2023
12 min
Local-first Apps with ElectricSQL and React
Watch video: Local-first Apps with ElectricSQL and React
Electric SQL is a local-first sync layer that allows you to build applications directly on top of Postgres using React. It provides instant results, offline functionality, and built-in multi-user collaboration. The system ensures transactional causal plus consistency and supports real-time multi-user sync and cross-platform usage. Electric SQL eliminates boilerplate code, provides a high-quality user experience, and allows for cost savings and operational simplicity.
Deconstructing Distributed Tracing
React Day Berlin 2023React Day Berlin 2023
8 min
Deconstructing Distributed Tracing
Watch video: Deconstructing Distributed Tracing
Distributed tracing is a powerful technique for tracking requests and operations in a system, especially in full stack and microservice applications. The reinvention of distributed tracing introduces the concept of a trace and spans to capture debugging data. Enhancements include tags and a status field for better analysis, and the distribution of traces using a trace context for continued tracing.
Pushing Boundaries to the Edge
React Day Berlin 2023React Day Berlin 2023
11 min
Pushing Boundaries to the Edge
Watch video: Pushing Boundaries to the Edge
Today's Talk introduces the concept of the Edge and Content Delivery Networks (CDNs), which bring content closer to users, improving performance and security. The Talk also discusses Edge Computing and Distributed Hosting (DH), which processes client data closer to the source for faster delivery of dynamic content. The use of DH offers benefits such as better performance, security, real-time insights, and scalability. The Talk concludes with an overview of Edge concepts, including server-side rendering logic and custom middleware for each request.
Building Enterprise-grade GraphQL APIs with Domain-Driven Design and Clean Architecture
React Day Berlin 2023React Day Berlin 2023
22 min
Building Enterprise-grade GraphQL APIs with Domain-Driven Design and Clean Architecture
Watch video: Building Enterprise-grade GraphQL APIs with Domain-Driven Design and Clean Architecture
Today's Talk focuses on building enterprise-grade GraphQL APIs with domain-driven design and clean architecture. The speaker shares their experience and emphasizes the importance of understanding the business domain and aligning software with business requirements. They discuss the layered approach of clean architecture and the benefits it provides for separation of concerns and testing. The Talk also covers the use of GraphQL schema merging and mappers to create a unified schema. The speaker concludes by highlighting the importance of constant observation, evaluation, and improvement in software development.
The Anatomy of Webpack: A Deep Dive Into Its Architecture
React Day Berlin 2023React Day Berlin 2023
15 min
The Anatomy of Webpack: A Deep Dive Into Its Architecture
Watch video: The Anatomy of Webpack: A Deep Dive Into Its Architecture
Webpack is a module bundler that converts code into a format browsers can read. It has a plugin architecture built with Tappable that allows users to tap into hooks for important events. Tappable instances like compiler and compilation can be used to tap into hooks. The resolver in Webpack is used to check if required paths exist and can modify non-JavaScript files using loaders.
Exploring React Server Component Fundamentals
React Day Berlin 2023React Day Berlin 2023
21 min
Exploring React Server Component Fundamentals
Top Content
Watch video: Exploring React Server Component Fundamentals
This Talk introduces React Server Components (RSC) and explores their serialization process. It compares RSC to traditional server-side rendering (SSR) and explains how RSC handles promises and integrates client components. The Talk also discusses the RSC manifest and deserialization process. The speaker then introduces the Waku framework, which supports bundling, server, routing, and SSR. The future plans for Waku include integration with client state management libraries.
A Tale of the Flip Floppers. From Engineer to Manager and Back Again
React Day Berlin 2023React Day Berlin 2023
7 min
A Tale of the Flip Floppers. From Engineer to Manager and Back Again
Watch video: A Tale of the Flip Floppers. From Engineer to Manager and Back Again
This talk explores the experience of flip-flopping between being an engineer and a manager in the software development field. It emphasizes the importance of maintaining hands-on technical skills for effective engineering management. The talk also highlights the value of managers having recent technical experience and the importance of leadership from both managers and senior engineers. Overall, the talk encourages those considering a transition to management to go for it and emphasizes the unique role of an engineering manager.
Hacking an e-Reader to Show My Tea Menu With JSX
React Day Berlin 2023React Day Berlin 2023
7 min
Hacking an e-Reader to Show My Tea Menu With JSX
Watch video: Hacking an e-Reader to Show My Tea Menu With JSX
React can be used to create custom menus for e-readers, and the process involves creating an image and e-book with React and loading them onto the e-reader. Writing an EPUB e-book for e-readers involves converting an SVG file into a PNG image and writing the e-book in EPUB format using HTML, CSS, and images. EPUB generators like Pandoc and Dino simplify the process of generating EPUBs from markdown and running JavaScript on the desktop, respectively.
Revolutionizing JS Testing with AI: Unmasking the Future of Quality Assurance
TestJS Summit 2023TestJS Summit 2023
20 min
Revolutionizing JS Testing with AI: Unmasking the Future of Quality Assurance
AI testing with generative AI is revolutionizing JS testing by automating test creation and improving software test processes. Key technologies like natural language processing and neural networks, as well as quality data, play a crucial role in AI testing. The benefits of AI testing include speed, efficiency, adaptability, bug detection, and limitless potential. Generating JavaScript tests can be tailored to different tools like Selenium, and there are popular tools available for automating test automation. AI tools like Datadog, RecheckWeb, and Applitools Eyes offer powerful capabilities for anomaly detection, visual regression testing, and code list testing. The horizon for AI in testing continues to expand with evolving capabilities, and understanding AI's role in testing revolution and machine learning is crucial for practical application and continuous learning.
Zen and the Art of UI Components Testing
TestJS Summit 2023TestJS Summit 2023
21 min
Zen and the Art of UI Components Testing
The Talk discusses the evolution of test automation from the original test automation pyramid to the testing pyramid. It explores modern approaches to UI component testing, including isolations and testing with a fake DOM. The importance of testing in a real browser and the emergence of tools like Selenium, WebDriver.io, Puppeteer, Cypress, and PlayWrite for browser automation are highlighted. The advantages of out-of-process browser automation are explained, along with the use of Storybook and Playwright for testing components. The distinction between end-to-end testing and component testing is also mentioned.
Testing Library: Everybody Uses It, But Nobody Understands It
TestJS Summit 2023TestJS Summit 2023
22 min
Testing Library: Everybody Uses It, But Nobody Understands It
This Talk is about a developer's first open source contribution to the Testing Library, exploring how it works and its importance in testing. It discusses the challenges of testing in a Node environment and the use of getByRole query to find elements. The Talk also highlights the complexities of implicit roles and the need for specific attributes to filter elements. It emphasizes the importance of verifying visibility and accessibility when querying elements and the process of test clean up.
The Future is Today: Leveraging AI in Software Testing
TestJS Summit 2023TestJS Summit 2023
25 min
The Future is Today: Leveraging AI in Software Testing
This Talk discusses integrating machine learning into software testing, exploring its use in different stages of the testing lifecycle. It highlights the importance of training data and hidden patterns in machine learning. The Talk also covers generating relevant code for test automation using machine learning, as well as the observation and outlier detection capabilities of machine learning algorithms. It emphasizes the use of machine learning in maintenance, bug management, and classifying bugs based on severity levels. The Talk concludes with the results of classification and bug management, including the use of clustering.
Exploring Node Modules for Test Automation
TestJS Summit 2023TestJS Summit 2023
19 min
Exploring Node Modules for Test Automation
This Talk explores the process of building a test automation library using node modules, with a focus on creating the project structure, building and testing the library, and publishing and versioning the package. It discusses the inclusion of helpful features like WAIT helpers and the use of libraries like Playwright and Cypress. The importance of clear documentation, pre-release versions, and version control is emphasized, along with the need for installation instructions and contribution guidelines.
Synthetic Monitoring and e2e Testing: 2 Sides of the Same Coin
TestJS Summit 2023TestJS Summit 2023
19 min
Synthetic Monitoring and e2e Testing: 2 Sides of the Same Coin
Carly Richmond discusses the importance of shifting left in testing and monitoring. She emphasizes the need for empathy and a common toolset in the software development process. The talk explores the use of end-to-end testing and synthetic monitoring, showcasing an example with Playwrights, GitHub Actions, and Elastic Synthetics. It also covers the configuration, setup, and integration of tests in the CI workflow. The talk concludes with the benefits of monitoring application and test state, and the importance of collaboration in issue recreation.
From Good to Great: Elevate Testing with Cypress Contract Tests
TestJS Summit 2023TestJS Summit 2023
19 min
From Good to Great: Elevate Testing with Cypress Contract Tests
This Talk discusses the challenges of testing multiple services in a microservices architecture and introduces the use of Cypress and Pact to address these challenges. It explains how to use Cypress to write a contract and generate and share it with the provider. The verification process and CI workflow for the consumer and provider are also discussed. The Talk emphasizes the importance of contract testing to ensure seamless communication between microservices.
Cypress Component Testing vs React Testing Library
TestJS Summit 2023TestJS Summit 2023
25 min
Cypress Component Testing vs React Testing Library
The Talk discusses the differences between Cypress component testing and React Testing Library (RTL). It highlights the benefits of using Cypress Component Testing, such as easier handling of complex components and a more stable testing experience in CI. The comparison between SignOn and Jest focuses on low-level spying and mocking capabilities. The comparison between Cypress Intercept and Mock Service Worker (MSW) examines their network spy and mocking capabilities. The Talk also emphasizes the superior developer experience and observability provided by Cypress component testing compared to RTL.
We've Rested Long Enough, What's Next?
TestJS Summit 2023TestJS Summit 2023
17 min
We've Rested Long Enough, What's Next?
This Talk compares RESTful APIs, event-driven architectures, and low latency performance APIs. It discusses the limitations of RESTful APIs and the need for newer technologies like GraphQL. The Talk explores event-driven architecture using webhooks and web sockets, as well as the benefits of gRPC as a performant alternative. It also highlights the integration of gRPC with front-end development and the use of protocol buffers for improved performance. Lastly, it emphasizes the importance of considering team familiarity and infrastructure when choosing an API architecture.
Measure and Improve Frontend Performance by Using Test Automation
TestJS Summit 2023TestJS Summit 2023
22 min
Measure and Improve Frontend Performance by Using Test Automation
The Talk focuses on the importance of testing and gathering information for building good applications. It highlights the use of test automation for performance monitoring and logging for performance measurement. The Talk also discusses the impact of performance on user engagement and search engine rankings. It emphasizes the use of Cypress plugins for monitoring performance metrics and setting thresholds for tests. Overall, the Talk emphasizes the value of test automation tools in providing valuable information at a low cost.
Everyone Can Easily Write Tests
TestJS Summit 2023TestJS Summit 2023
21 min
Everyone Can Easily Write Tests
Playwright is a reliable end-to-end testing tool for modern web apps that provides one API, full isolation, fast execution, and supports multiple languages. It offers features like auto-weighting, retrying assertions, seamless testing of iframes and shadow DOM, test isolation, parallelism, and scalability. Playwright provides tools like VS Code extension, UiMode, and Trace Viewer for writing, debugging, and running tests. Effective tests prioritize user-facing attributes, use playwright locators and assertions, and avoid testing third-party dependencies. Playwright simplifies testing by generating tests, providing code generation and UI mode, and allows for easy running and debugging of tests. It helps in fixing failed tests and analyzing DOM changes, fixing locator mismatches, and scaling tests. Playwright is open source, free, and continuously growing.
Panel discussion "Innovation in React"
React Day Berlin 2023React Day Berlin 2023
32 min
Panel discussion "Innovation in React"
Watch video: Panel discussion "Innovation in React"
Tejas Kumar
Sara Vieira
Mark Erikson
Miguel Ángel Durán
Sylwia Vargas
Elian Van Cutsem
6 authors
The Talk discussed various topics related to React, including the wishlist for future versions, the importance of accessibility, reducing bundle size, and improving deployment. It also explored React's innovation, stability, and the role of meta-frameworks. The challenges of contributing to React's open source project were highlighted, along with the need for a more community-driven approach. The Talk concluded with a lunch break announcement.
The day I broke React Native
React Day Berlin 2023React Day Berlin 2023
30 min
The day I broke React Native
Watch video: The day I broke React Native
The Talk discusses an incident where a React Native release caused broken builds and how it was fixed. The incident occurred due to the NPM package becoming too big, leading to the move of Android artifacts to Maven central. The use of dynamic versions and the plus dependency in React Native were identified as contributing factors to the problem. Lessons learned include the importance of removing plus dependencies and the need for better recommendations for creating resilient libraries.
How MDX is a game changer for your React Project's Documentation
React Day Berlin 2023React Day Berlin 2023
28 min
How MDX is a game changer for your React Project's Documentation
Watch video: How MDX is a game changer for your React Project's Documentation
Good documentation is crucial and can make or break a project. Word of mouth is important in the industry, and great documentation can attract users. MDX is a powerful tool for writing documentation, allowing for customization and reuse of components. Documentation should be treated like code, with testing and continuous improvement. Responsible AI usage is important, and a balanced approach to documentation, including inline comments and different formats, should be used.
Empathy Driven Development
React Day Berlin 2023React Day Berlin 2023
29 min
Empathy Driven Development
Watch video: Empathy Driven Development
This Talk explores empathy-driven development in software engineering, emphasizing the importance of understanding and applying empathy in code reviews, communication, and team collaboration. It highlights the benefits of empathy, such as personal growth, effective communication, and high code quality, while cautioning against excessive empathy. The Talk also discusses building empathetic teams, conducting empathy workshops, and practicing empathy in interviews. It addresses language barriers, handling engineers, and the role of AI in fostering empathy.
Crafting Pristine React: Best Practices for Maintainable Code
React Day Berlin 2023React Day Berlin 2023
29 min
Crafting Pristine React: Best Practices for Maintainable Code
Watch video: Crafting Pristine React: Best Practices for Maintainable Code
React best practices, including state management, component performance, testing, accessibility, and clean architecture, are discussed. The use of useMemo and useCallback should be limited to when necessary, and tools like React's new compiler and Million.js can aid in performance optimization. End-to-end testing and React Testing Library are important for critical functionalities. Accessibility is emphasized, and the use of the xCore/React package is recommended. Logic business can be extracted from components, and file naming and folder structure should be carefully considered. Import aliases and different folder structures can enhance code maintainability. The talk also touches on managing hooks and testing, and ends with a discussion on favorite pizza and online presence.
Preparing for Success: A Frontend Engineer's Guide to Tech Due Diligence
React Day Berlin 2023React Day Berlin 2023
32 min
Preparing for Success: A Frontend Engineer's Guide to Tech Due Diligence
Watch video: Preparing for Success: A Frontend Engineer's Guide to Tech Due Diligence
Tech due diligence is a thorough examination that can influence a product or company's future, involving analyzing technical architecture, code base, team culture, and more. Front-end engineers play a crucial role in bridging design and functionality. Automation, infrastructure, and documentation are key areas in tech due diligence. Best practices, clean code, and market connections are important for selling. Tech due diligence requires data access and security measures, and companies may be hesitant to fully cooperate.
React Server Components
React Day Berlin 2023React Day Berlin 2023
27 min
React Server Components
Watch video: React Server Components
React server components solve the problem of interrupting user interfaces caused by CPU-bound or network-bound web applications. They allow for read-only content to be rendered on the server and interactive elements to be shipped to the client, reducing code shipped and improving performance. Server-side rendering and server-side fetching improve the user experience by reducing delays and flash of unstyled content. Soft navigation with server components enables re-rendering without hard navigation, and using frameworks like Next.js helps with debugging and deployment challenges.
Brace Your React, New Core Web Vitals are Coming
React Day Berlin 2023React Day Berlin 2023
30 min
Brace Your React, New Core Web Vitals are Coming
Watch video: Brace Your React, New Core Web Vitals are Coming
The Talk discusses the NextPaint metric, a new performance metric introduced by Google that measures the speed of clicks or keyboard input on a page. It explores how React rendering can impact the NextPaint metric and offers optimization techniques such as using the useTransition hook in React 18. The Talk also covers the changes introduced in React 18's rendering process, the impact of wrapping with suspense, and the replacement of the First Input Delay metric with the interaction to the next page. The limitations of useTransition and general React performance optimization strategies are also discussed.
Superpowers of Browser's Web API
React Day Berlin 2023React Day Berlin 2023
30 min
Superpowers of Browser's Web API
Watch video: Superpowers of Browser's Web API
Today's Talk covers various web APIs and their functionalities, including the intersection observer API, screen wake lock API, background sync API, and broadcast channel API. The speaker emphasizes the importance of optimizing performance and using standardized code to reduce application bundle size. They also highlight the need for environmental responsibility in JavaScript development. The Talk addresses handling API support and modifying code to suit different browser implementations.
Javascript Should Come With Batteries
React Day Berlin 2023React Day Berlin 2023
30 min
Javascript Should Come With Batteries
Watch video: Javascript Should Come With Batteries
JavaScript Should Come With Batteries: Deno is a next-generation JavaScript runtime that addresses the lack of built-in tooling in JavaScript. It provides a secure and simple way to develop applications with built-in testing, linting, formatting, and a language server for VS Code. Deno is compatible with Node.js and NPM, supports web standard APIs, and allows code portability between frontend and server. It also offers features like a built-in database, a key-value store, and transparent monetization with Deno Deploy.
Multiplayer Games with React Three Fiber and WebSockets
React Day Berlin 2023React Day Berlin 2023
28 min
Multiplayer Games with React Three Fiber and WebSockets
Watch video: Multiplayer Games with React Three Fiber and WebSockets
We're discussing making multiplayer games in React, focusing on accessibility and development phases. The game architecture involves a monorepo with a single server and WebSocket connections. React context is used for server communication and updating the React state. The game introduces 3D using React 3 Fiber and implements game mechanics like timers. The talk also mentions using generative AI tools for game design and testing with tools like Cypress. Different rendering techniques and the use of Socket.io's rooms feature in the WebSocket server are also discussed.
Bringing React Server Components to React Native
React Day Berlin 2023React Day Berlin 2023
29 min
Bringing React Server Components to React Native
Top Content
Watch video: Bringing React Server Components to React Native
React Server Components (RSC) offer a more accessible approach within the React model, addressing challenges like big initial bundle size and unnecessary data over the network. RSC can benefit React Native development by adding a new server layer and enabling faster requests. They also allow for faster publishing of changes in mobile apps and can be integrated into federated super apps. However, implementing RSC in mobile apps requires careful consideration of offline-first apps, caching, and Apple's review process.
A Nerdy Guide to the Web Trending Concepts
React Day Berlin 2023React Day Berlin 2023
10 min
A Nerdy Guide to the Web Trending Concepts
Watch video: A Nerdy Guide to the Web Trending Concepts
Going to conferences can be overwhelming, so the speaker created a guide to trending web concepts using comic book characters. The chosen topic is resumability, and the story of Tony Stark is used to explain it. Resumability allows for immediate interactivity on a web page and is achieved through serialization and execution of code. The speaker challenges the audience to propose topics for future guides.
Escape Security Flaws
React Day Berlin 2023React Day Berlin 2023
7 min
Escape Security Flaws
Watch video: Escape Security Flaws
The Talk discusses web security and the importance of strong code protection. It highlights a vulnerability where a weak five-digit numeric code was used, allowing easy access to sensitive content. The speaker emphasizes the need for throttling as a mechanism to prevent attacks. The company implemented throttling and blocked access to photos to improve security. However, stronger code and additional measures, such as limiting access to specific IP addresses and timeframes, are still needed.
How to Automatically Consume APIs with React
React Day Berlin 2023React Day Berlin 2023
7 min
How to Automatically Consume APIs with React
Watch video: How to Automatically Consume APIs with React
Today's Talk covers the challenges of developing APIs and the available tools to simplify the process. It also demonstrates building a pizza menu application using React and Fastify, with documentation and SDK generation using Swagger and OpenAPI. Orval is introduced as a tool for generating mutations, testing with mock service worker-generated mocks, and using Zod for validation. It supports multiple languages and frameworks, and allows consuming APIs from various resources. The SDK can be tracked using version control, and Open API specifications can generate Swagger UI and Redux doc asserts.
What's New in Redux Toolkit 2.0
React Day Berlin 2023React Day Berlin 2023
8 min
What's New in Redux Toolkit 2.0
Watch video: What's New in Redux Toolkit 2.0
Mark Erickson discusses the new features in Redux Toolkit 2.0, including the simplification of Redux logic and the addition of RTK query for data fetching. He mentions the challenges of achieving ESM common JS compatibility and refers to a blog post he wrote about it. The plan to ship major versions of RTK, Redux core, Reselect, and React Redux together is discussed, with a focus on the conversion of Redux core to TypeScript and the need for packaging updates and TypeScript type upgrades.
Durable Objects - Everything Everywhere All At Once For Not Very Much Money
React Day Berlin 2023React Day Berlin 2023
31 min
Durable Objects - Everything Everywhere All At Once For Not Very Much Money
Watch video: Durable Objects - Everything Everywhere All At Once For Not Very Much Money
Durable Objects is a versatile programming paradigm by Cloudflare that allows for stateful and uniquely addressable server environments. It simplifies feature development, enables real-time updates through WebSocket connections, and provides a built-in key-value store for long-term storage. It can be used to create collaborative applications, manage data storage efficiently, and explore co-located compute and data at the edge. Other companies like Azure also offer similar technologies. Deno's KV and fly.io's Flame are innovative products that eliminate the need for provisioning databases and Kubernetes clusters.
Challenges of Decomposing a Massive Front-End Using Micro-Frontends
React Day Berlin 2023React Day Berlin 2023
28 min
Challenges of Decomposing a Massive Front-End Using Micro-Frontends
Watch video: Challenges of Decomposing a Massive Front-End Using Micro-Frontends
Microfrontends offer a potential solution to frontend engineering problems, improving testing efficiency and allowing for faster development. There are misconceptions about microfrontends, with different approaches such as horizontal and vertical splits. Monorepos are recommended for managing microfrontends. Data management and side effects can be handled through various approaches. Building microfrontends without a monorepo can be challenging, but it depends on the scale of the application. Trust in people and implementing a registry of components help avoid duplication. Tools like Module Federation and NX are useful for managing microfrontends.
All Things Astro
React Day Berlin 2023React Day Berlin 2023
28 min
All Things Astro
Watch video: All Things Astro
Astro is a powerful framework for content-driven websites, with its own syntax and the ability to use favorite front-end libraries. It has seen significant improvements in Astro 2 and Astro 3, including view transitions and improved performance. Astro 4 introduces features like a powerful dev toolbar, content caching, and internationalization support. The Astro community is highly regarded, and Astro is being used for production websites. Astro also supports migrating legacy websites and integrating with headless CMSs.
Rethinking Bundling Strategies
React Day Berlin 2023React Day Berlin 2023
32 min
Rethinking Bundling Strategies
Watch video: Rethinking Bundling Strategies
The talk discusses rethinking bundling strategies, focusing on challenges such as long-term caching and improving the state of Next.js and Webpack. It explores handling immutable caching and content hashes, optimizing asset references and page manifests, and addressing issues with client-side navigation and long-term caching. The talk also covers tree shaking and optimization, optimizing module fragments and code placement, and the usage and relationship of TurboPack with Webpack. Additionally, it touches on customizing configuration and hash risks, barrel imports and code splitting, and entry points and chunking heuristics.
Break the Race: Easy Race Condition Detection for React
React Day Berlin 2023React Day Berlin 2023
31 min
Break the Race: Easy Race Condition Detection for React
Watch video: Break the Race: Easy Race Condition Detection for React
Race conditions can be complex to debug and reproduce, causing frustration for users. The speaker discusses examples of race conditions and ways to fix and avoid them. They demonstrate an example of an auto-completion field in React and how to handle race conditions in API calls. The speaker introduces the FastCheck framework for property-based testing to address race conditions and improve tests. Randomizing inputs and outputs can help uncover bugs specific to certain scenarios. The speaker also discusses mitigating race conditions in React and handling test overhead and reproducibility.
Building a Digital Sommelier on Top of ChatGPT and the OpenAI API
React Day Berlin 2023React Day Berlin 2023
8 min
Building a Digital Sommelier on Top of ChatGPT and the OpenAI API
Watch video: Building a Digital Sommelier on Top of ChatGPT and the OpenAI API
Today's Talk introduces the concept of building a digital AI-powered sommelier using the Bracel.ai SDK. The speaker emphasizes the role of developers in shaping the impact of AI, particularly generative AI, on our work. The Talk showcases a simple digital sommelier built using the Resell AI SDK and OpenAI API, highlighting the ease of implementation and the potential of open source tools. The speaker encourages users to explore the possibilities of generative AI responsibly and recommends checking out And Why, a design and technology studio from Munich.
Rise of the Robots
TestJS Summit 2023TestJS Summit 2023
27 min
Rise of the Robots
This Talk discusses the possibility of robots taking over based on Asimov's three laws of robotics. It explores the use of automation robots for testing, including building and controlling them. The Talk also covers implementing interfaces, conducting math game challenges, and the capabilities of automation testing. It addresses questions about responsive design, camera attachment, and the future roadmap. The affordability of the setup and the potential for future automation are also discussed, along with a rapid fire Q&A session.
Fighting Test Flakiness with Time Machines
TestJS Summit 2023TestJS Summit 2023
29 min
Fighting Test Flakiness with Time Machines
The Talk discusses the importance of learning from the past in software testing and troubleshooting test flakiness. It highlights the challenges of using memory and communication to gather information. The introduction of Replay.io, a time-traveling debugger, is proposed as a solution. The benefits of using Replay Chromium for recording and debugging, as well as the features of the Replay debugger, are emphasized. The Talk also addresses the relationship between test flakiness and app flakiness, and the significance of simulating real-world scenarios in testing.
Visual Testing: Optimize Storybook and Win
TestJS Summit 2023TestJS Summit 2023
9 min
Visual Testing: Optimize Storybook and Win
UI testing is hard, but Storybook and Chromatic simplify the process by allowing you to build and test your UI in isolation. Chromatic compares UI changes, detects even minor visual differences, and eliminates the need for manual testing. Loading images and simulating user workflows in Storybook ensure consistent testing. Interaction tests cover user workflows and can be used for complex components, resolving issues and creating test cases.
Playwright Fixtures - Little Walkthrough
TestJS Summit 2023TestJS Summit 2023
6 min
Playwright Fixtures - Little Walkthrough
Fixtures in Playwright are like small environments where you define methods and control the testing process. By creating reusable fixtures, you can make tests more readable and reusable. The fixture structure consists of a before block, the test, and an after block. Using fixtures allows you to access methods created in a page object, improving code readability and reusability.
Code coverage with AI
TestJS Summit 2023TestJS Summit 2023
8 min
Code coverage with AI
Codium is a generative AI assistant for software development that offers code explanation, test generation, and collaboration features. It can generate tests for a GraphQL API in VS Code, improve code coverage, and even document tests. Codium allows analyzing specific code lines, generating tests based on existing ones, and answering code-related questions. It can also provide suggestions for code improvement, help with code refactoring, and assist with writing commit messages.
Stop Triaging Your Test Suite
TestJS Summit 2023TestJS Summit 2023
29 min
Stop Triaging Your Test Suite
This Talk introduces Replay, a time travel enabled browser dev tool for debugging test suites. It emphasizes the importance of collaboration between product and QA teams to maintain and improve test suites. The Talk demonstrates how Replay's DevTools can be used to debug test failures and analyze test suite health. It also highlights the benefits of using Replay for reproducibility and collaborative debugging. Additionally, it discusses integrating Replay into CI and the cost considerations associated with using the tool.
Mobile Device Testing for Cross-Platform Apps
TestJS Summit 2023TestJS Summit 2023
28 min
Mobile Device Testing for Cross-Platform Apps
This Talk discusses cross-platform mobile testing, including the challenges it presents and the types of devices and builds that can be used for testing. It explores manual testing, automated testing, and the use of tools like Appium and SOS Labs for running tests on real devices. The Talk also touches on PWA automation, the choice between mobile apps and PWAs, and different testing approaches and performance considerations.
Unlocking Rapid Delivery - perspective of a shift from DevOps to QAOps
TestJS Summit 2023TestJS Summit 2023
27 min
Unlocking Rapid Delivery - perspective of a shift from DevOps to QAOps
QAOPS refers to maintaining software quality with a DevOps mindset, emphasizing collaboration and continuous integration and delivery. QAOps principles include shift left testing, continuous testing, and shared responsibility for software quality. Implementing QAOps involves automating tasks, promoting collaboration, and selecting the right tools. Challenges in adopting QAOps include cultural shift and skill gaps, but the benefits include higher software quality and cost savings. Establishing a quality mindset requires education and leadership support. QA Ops is a framework that requires a combination of DevOps skills, soft skills, and technical expertise.
The Art of ‘Humble Views’: Testing React Native Apps the Smart Way
TestJS Summit 2023TestJS Summit 2023
32 min
The Art of ‘Humble Views’: Testing React Native Apps the Smart Way
This Talk discusses the challenges of testing in React and React Native applications, particularly with regards to barcode scanning. It explores the violation of separation of concerns in React and proposes the use of the HumbleObject model to simplify testing and improve code cleanliness. The MVP model is also introduced as a way to separate UI state and logic from the component. The importance of following patterns, standardization, and teaching principles is emphasized, along with the benefits of using custom hooks to share business logic. The potential of AI tools in code refactoring is mentioned as well.
Generative Ai In Your App? What Can Possibly Go Wrong?
TestJS Summit 2023TestJS Summit 2023
29 min
Generative Ai In Your App? What Can Possibly Go Wrong?
Today's Talk discusses the application of GenreBI in apps, using Docker to make ChatGPT work on any machine, challenges with JSON responses, testing AI models, handling AI API and response issues, counting tokens and rate limits, discovering limitations and taking a reactive approach, reliability and challenges of AI APIs, and the use of GPT and AI Copilot in software development.
Mock Service Worker 2.0
TestJS Summit 2023TestJS Summit 2023
27 min
Mock Service Worker 2.0
MSW is an API mocking library that simplifies the process of intercepting requests and mocking responses. It leverages standard JavaScript APIs like the ServiceWorker API and the Fetch API. MSW has seen significant adoption, with over 90,000 projects on GitHub and 2.5 million weekly downloads on npm. The recent release of Node.js 18 has allowed for refactoring and simplification in MSW. MSW supports TypeScript and can be used for contract testing with tools like PACT I-O.
AI in API Testing: How to Test Faster With ChatGPT
TestJS Summit 2023TestJS Summit 2023
26 min
AI in API Testing: How to Test Faster With ChatGPT
This Talk discusses the use of AI in API testing and provides a step-by-step strategy for incorporating artificial intelligence with chat.dpt. It emphasizes the importance of analyzing documentation and creating test cases using tools like Swagger and Cypress. The Talk also addresses the role of human involvement in testing, the balance between manual work and AI assistance, and the need for validation of AI-generated tests. Overall, AI can significantly speed up the testing process, but human analysis and vigilance are still necessary for accurate results.
No More Flaky Tests!
TestJS Summit 2023TestJS Summit 2023
29 min
No More Flaky Tests!
The Talk discusses the harmful effects of flaky tests and the importance of writing deterministic tests. It provides strategies for identifying and addressing flaky tests, including using test retries and burning tasks on CI. The Talk also emphasizes the need to avoid arbitrary wait times and handle dependencies when writing end-to-end tests. It highlights the importance of running tests in CI and leveraging tools like Cypress Cloud for test replay and debugging. Additionally, it suggests mocking externals to improve determinism and prioritizing the work to address flaky tests promptly.
Holistic Web Performance With Grafana and K6
TestJS Summit 2023TestJS Summit 2023
21 min
Holistic Web Performance With Grafana and K6
Today's Talk focused on achieving a holistic web performance approach using Grafana and K6. The importance of complementing lab data with field data for realistic user experience testing was highlighted. The use of GrafanaFaro for collecting performance metrics and integrating with other Grafana OSS products was discussed. Detailed instructions on setting up GrafanaFaro with the QuickPizza sample application were provided. The benefits of using K6 for reproducing errors, improving testing, and demonstrating browser testing capabilities were explained.
What I Learned About Software Quality From The 10 Most Popular Javascript Projects On Github
TestJS Summit 2023TestJS Summit 2023
27 min
What I Learned About Software Quality From The 10 Most Popular Javascript Projects On Github
The Talk discusses the code review process and the importance of software quality. It emphasizes the need for maintainability in code and the use of guidelines tailored to the team. The Talk also highlights the significance of functional suitability and the challenges of code review. Automation and documentation are recommended to improve code reviews and ensure software quality.
How We Test Storybook Itself
TestJS Summit 2023TestJS Summit 2023
30 min
How We Test Storybook Itself
This Talk discusses the use of TypeScript and Storybook in software development. It covers the premise of components and the complexity of testing Storybook. The setup process for Next.js and Storybook is explained, along with the testing workflow and CI integration. The Talk also touches on caching, bug reports, and the release process. Documentation management and improving test run time are discussed, as well as testing feature flags and mobile usage.
Component Testing With Vitest
TestJS Summit 2023TestJS Summit 2023
29 min
Component Testing With Vitest
This Talk explores the challenges of choosing and learning testing frameworks, emphasizing the importance of planning, automation, and prioritizing unit testing. The VTEST framework is introduced as a fast and stable option for unit testing JavaScript and TypeScript code, with a focus on logic and mocking external dependencies. The Talk also covers testing React hooks, integration testing with TestingLibraryReact, component testing, and achieving code coverage. Best practices include performing accessibility tests, planning tests before coding, and using data test IDs for stability.
Exploring Node.js Test Runner
TestJS Summit 2023TestJS Summit 2023
28 min
Exploring Node.js Test Runner
Today's Talk introduces the new Node.js test runner and its features, including filtering, sub-testing, and reporting. It also discusses executing and writing tests in Node.js, as well as the features of the Node.js testing library. The advantages of the Node.js test runner include the ability to create custom test reporters and use TypeScript. However, there are limitations such as a small ecosystem and limited libraries. Upcoming features include test planning, faster test running, and continuous evolution. The Q&A session covers topics like test runner speed, reporters, sharding, and parallelization.
Testing Frameworks, Mobile Frameworks, and Browsers Love Developers and Testers
TestJS Summit 2023TestJS Summit 2023
27 min
Testing Frameworks, Mobile Frameworks, and Browsers Love Developers and Testers
Today's Talk covered various topics including testing frameworks, browsers, and the challenges faced in testing complex systems. The importance of improving testing setup and productivity was highlighted, along with the principle of least surprise and the need for framework upgrades. The Talk also discussed the different browser engines and their unique features, as well as the benefits of sharing ideas and approaches within the software development community. The session concluded with insights on browser testing and the use of tools like Playwright and WebKit.
Wait, You're Shipping React Native to the Web?!
React Summit US 2023React Summit US 2023
32 min
Wait, You're Shipping React Native to the Web?!
Watch video: Wait, You're Shipping React Native to the Web?!
Guild is a platform that needs to exist on all platforms, using React Native to orchestrate them. React Native and Expo provide components that work across platforms. Building applications with React Native involves composing components and using a design system. Choosing the right server-side rendering solution is important for unifying mobile and web codebases. Embedding React Native allows for optimization and embedding in any application. Bridging the gap between UI and API with embeddable experiences is key to supporting communities on every platform.
How to Use Suspense and GraphQL with Apollo to Build Great User Experiences
React Summit US 2023React Summit US 2023
27 min
How to Use Suspense and GraphQL with Apollo to Build Great User Experiences
Watch video: How to Use Suspense and GraphQL with Apollo to Build Great User Experiences
Jerel Miller
Alessia Bellisario
2 authors
Today's Talk is about using suspense and GraphQL with Apollo Client to create smooth user experiences. The Talk covers the introduction and power of suspense, the new Used Suspense Query hook in Apollo Client, updating components with suspense, using suspense boundaries and tradeoffs, optimizing playlist fetching with GraphQL, loading more tracks and using transitions, and concluding remarks and future developments.
You's the Platform!
React Summit US 2023React Summit US 2023
18 min
You's the Platform!
Watch video: You's the Platform!
The Talk discusses the web platform and the speaker's experience with Remix. It covers issues with mutations and form data submission, fixing bugs, and discovering missing features. The speaker also talks about working on JS DOM and web standards, opening a pull request and making progress, and working on Chromium, Gecko, and Firefox. The Talk concludes with discussions on time to GA and documentation, as well as the speaker's contributions and takeaways.
Authoring HTML in a JavaScript World
React Summit US 2023React Summit US 2023
21 min
Authoring HTML in a JavaScript World
Watch video: Authoring HTML in a JavaScript World
This Talk by Tony Alicia focuses on authoring HTML in a JavaScript world. The speaker challenges developers to change their approach to building React components by starting with HTML first. By authoring HTML in a semantic way, readability and maintainability can be improved. Well-authored HTML provides better understanding of content and improves accessibility. It also has performance benefits by reducing DOM size. Investing time in HTML can save time and make applications more future-proof.
Taming the State Management Dragon
React Summit US 2023React Summit US 2023
23 min
Taming the State Management Dragon
Watch video: Taming the State Management Dragon
This Talk discusses various aspects of state management in software development. It covers different types of state, such as bootstrap data, lazily loaded data, and reactive data. The Talk also explores the concept of locality in state management, including local, global, and regional state. It introduces libraries like Recoil and Jotai that challenge the single global store concept and provide better locality. The Talk emphasizes the importance of setting up state management systems for success and creating reliable systems to focus on user satisfaction.
End the Pain: Rethinking CI for Large Monorepos
DevOps.js Conf 2024DevOps.js Conf 2024
25 min
End the Pain: Rethinking CI for Large Monorepos
Today's Talk discusses rethinking CI in monorepos, with a focus on leveraging the implicit graph of project dependencies to optimize build times and manage complexity. The use of NX Replay and NX Agents is highlighted as a way to enhance CI efficiency by caching previous computations and distributing tasks across multiple machines. Fine-grained distribution and flakiness detection are discussed as methods to improve distribution efficiency and ensure a clean setup. Enabling distribution with NX Agents simplifies the setup process, and NX Cloud offers dynamic scaling and cost reduction. Overall, the Talk explores strategies to improve the scalability and efficiency of CI pipelines in monorepos.
Measuring Coverage of React Design System
React Summit US 2023React Summit US 2023
19 min
Measuring Coverage of React Design System
Watch video: Measuring Coverage of React Design System
The Talk discusses the majoring coverage of the Reduzon system and the journey of migrating from design-system-3.0 to design-system-4.0. It introduces React scanner, a tool that statically analyzes code and extracts React component and prop usage. The Talk explores the options and custom functions in React scanner, as well as the processors and AST used by the tool. It also discusses exploring AST using astexplorer.net and showcases the usage of react-scanner. Finally, it mentions the importance of component restructure and introduces Omelet, a tool for component analytics.
A11y Beyond the Theory: Integrating Accessibility Testing Into Your Workflow
React Summit US 2023React Summit US 2023
24 min
A11y Beyond the Theory: Integrating Accessibility Testing Into Your Workflow
Watch video: A11y Beyond the Theory: Integrating Accessibility Testing Into Your Workflow
Ntandala Kengose, a software developer, emphasizes the importance of accessibility in software development and the responsibility it carries. The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) provide technical guidelines for making web content more accessible. Ntandala shares various accessibility testing tools and highlights the need for automation in testing. Tools like Pelly CI and GitHub Actions can be used for automated accessibility testing and CI integration. The X-Accessibility Ginter and Husky are tools that provide insights and ensure accessibility in development.
Three Factors That are Blocking Contributions to Your Open Source Project
React Summit US 2023React Summit US 2023
14 min
Three Factors That are Blocking Contributions to Your Open Source Project
Watch video: Three Factors That are Blocking Contributions to Your Open Source Project
Welcome to the best talk of React Summit USA. This talk is about three factors that block contributions to open source projects. Application is an open source dev tool platform that eliminates repetitive tasks in creating NodeJS backends, increasing developer productivity. I will discuss the challenges faced by first-time contributors and how to overcome them. If you want to contribute for the first time, we welcome you. Being proactive and engaging with the community can attract long-term contributors.
Automating React Native Deployments
React Summit US 2023React Summit US 2023
9 min
Automating React Native Deployments
Watch video: Automating React Native Deployments
This Talk discusses the benefits of automating React Native app deployments and explores tools like Trapeze for automating configuration updates and GitHub Actions for automating the build process. It also highlights the use of signing credentials tooling and cloud credentials management tools like Fastlane Match or AppFlow for more complex builds. The Talk emphasizes the automation of build upload and testing using tools like App Store Developer APIs, Fastlane, Bitrise, or AppFlow, with a specific focus on Fastlane's ability to increment build numbers, build the app, and upload it to TestFlight.
How Realm by MongoDB is Testing Native Modules “on device”
React Summit US 2023React Summit US 2023
11 min
How Realm by MongoDB is Testing Native Modules “on device”
Watch video: How Realm by MongoDB is Testing Native Modules “on device”
The speaker works on the Atlas Device SDKs, which allows testing code across multiple platforms and has support for multiple programming languages. They also built Mocha Remote CLI, a tool for running tests on Node.js and in a browser. The speaker mentions the popularity of Jest and the alternative Vitest for running tests on platforms like Android and iOS.
Using the React Ecosystem With the World's First O(1) Javascript Framework?
React Summit US 2023React Summit US 2023
18 min
Using the React Ecosystem With the World's First O(1) Javascript Framework?
Watch video: Using the React Ecosystem With the World's First O(1) Javascript Framework?
Reshapability in the next generation of front-end frameworks with OOV one loading time. Quick is a web framework that loads instantly and does not require hydration. QUIC allows lazy loading of specific code components, minimizing initial JavaScript downloads. QUIC CD is a metaframework built around QUIC, offering directory-based routing, nested layouts, file-based menus, and data endpoints. This represents a significant shift in front-end frameworks.
Trees aren't just Foliage: ASTs and Practical Usage
React Summit US 2023React Summit US 2023
9 min
Trees aren't just Foliage: ASTs and Practical Usage
Watch video: Trees aren't just Foliage: ASTs and Practical Usage
ASTs, or abstract syntax trees, are used by popular tools like Babel, TypeScript, ESlint, and Prettier to improve the developer experience. They have various use cases including compiling and code analysis. Editor tooling and writing tools can be enhanced using ASTs, with examples including formatting with Prettier, type annotations in JetBrains editors, and code mods for framework upgrades. Ts-morph is a useful tool for code transformations, while Tree Sitter is a portable tool that supports many languages and can be used to build IDEs or text editors in the browser.
Building a Node.js Runtime for the Browser
React Summit US 2023React Summit US 2023
13 min
Building a Node.js Runtime for the Browser
Watch video: Building a Node.js Runtime for the Browser
This Talk discusses the challenges and collaboration involved in building Nodebox, a Node.js compatible runtime for the browser. It provides an overview of how Nodebooks works, including the main manager, previews, and web workers. The Talk also covers the simplicity and speed of reading from the filesystem in Nodebooks. It highlights the complexity of implementing HTTP support and WebSocket mocking in Nodebox. Lastly, it mentions the ability to build a web server using Nodebox and provides information on available templates.
The Unexpected Key Value Pair in Mentoring
React Summit US 2023React Summit US 2023
9 min
The Unexpected Key Value Pair in Mentoring
Watch video: The Unexpected Key Value Pair in Mentoring
Heather May
Sidney Buckner
2 authors
This Talk discusses the unique mentorship journey of the speakers, who found each other through Coding Dojo and LinkedIn. They highlight the power of mentorship, emphasizing the value of having another woman in tech for support and guidance. The impact of mentorship is also emphasized, with the speakers encouraging others to be mentors and share their knowledge. They describe the mentor-mentee relationship as wonderful, inclusive, and supportive.
Breaking the 'useEffect' Habit
React Summit US 2023React Summit US 2023
22 min
Breaking the 'useEffect' Habit
Watch video: Breaking the 'useEffect' Habit
Mike North discusses breaking the use-effect habit in React and explores alternative approaches to improve maintainability, flexibility, and code simplicity.
Type-Safe Style Systems: The Future of CSS
React Summit US 2023React Summit US 2023
22 min
Type-Safe Style Systems: The Future of CSS
Watch video: Type-Safe Style Systems: The Future of CSS
This Talk explores the evolution of CSS and the development of style systems in software engineering. It discusses the limitations of CSS and the need for frameworks, pre-processors, and JavaScript to enhance styling capabilities. The Talk highlights different approaches to CSS styling, including libraries like Tailwind and Chakra UI. It also introduces innovative style systems like Vanilla Extract and Rainbow Sprinkles, which offer optimized CSS classes and type safety. The speaker emphasizes the importance of design systems and encourages developers to explore and consider the strengths and weaknesses of different style systems.
Anyone Can Be an Open Source Maintainer
React Summit US 2023React Summit US 2023
7 min
Anyone Can Be an Open Source Maintainer
Watch video: Anyone Can Be an Open Source Maintainer
Hey, everyone. Today, I want to talk about how anyone, even junior developers, can be an open-source maintainer. Let me share my journey of learning to code and becoming a maintainer. I made a website for an internal conference straight from code and made it open source. Participating in Hacktoberfest helped me connect with other developers and learn from them. Becoming an open-source maintainer increases your confidence, helps you make connections, and enables you to share cool tools with the world.
Lightning Fast E-Commerce: Remix your Shop with Shopify Hydrogen
React Summit US 2023React Summit US 2023
27 min
Lightning Fast E-Commerce: Remix your Shop with Shopify Hydrogen
Watch video: Lightning Fast E-Commerce: Remix your Shop with Shopify Hydrogen
Today's Talk is about Shopify Hydrogen and how it simplifies the development of headless Shopify stores. The Talk covers topics such as mixing Storyblok and CMS data, code and data manipulation in Hydrogen, creating products and collections, handling SEO, building a performance server-side cart, setting up and managing the cart, and displaying cart and raffle information.
Content Security Policy with Next.js: Leveling Up your Website's Security
React Summit US 2023React Summit US 2023
9 min
Content Security Policy with Next.js: Leveling Up your Website's Security
Watch video: Content Security Policy with Next.js: Leveling Up your Website's Security
Lucas Estevão, a Principal UI Engineer and Technical Manager at Avenue Code, discusses how to implement Content Security Policy (CSP) with Next.js to enhance website security. He explains that CSP is a security layer that protects against cross-site scripting and data injection attacks by restricting browser functionality. The talk covers adding CSP to an XJS application using meta tags or headers, and demonstrates the use of the 'nonce' attribute for allowing inline scripts securely. Estevão also highlights the importance of using content security reports to identify and improve application security.
Defeat Decision Paralysis: Building a Killer Design System in Isolation
React Summit US 2023React Summit US 2023
12 min
Defeat Decision Paralysis: Building a Killer Design System in Isolation
Watch video: Defeat Decision Paralysis: Building a Killer Design System in Isolation
Defeating decision paralysis when building design systems by letting tools make some decisions. Using design tokens to express design decisions as data, including colors and typography. Alias colors to give them more specific names and define typography with a type scale. Use existing spacing scales and build components in isolation to test different states. Start with the basics, use existing tools, and have fun with it.
The Messy Middle — Navigating Complexity in Large React Applications
React Summit US 2023React Summit US 2023
10 min
The Messy Middle — Navigating Complexity in Large React Applications
Watch video: The Messy Middle — Navigating Complexity in Large React Applications
Managing complexity in large React applications is a challenge, as it tends to grow exponentially over time. Component composition is a key technique that allows for flexibility in React applications, but too much composition can make components harder to use. Managing complexity and reducing cognitive load is crucial, and strategies such as controlling abstraction evolution and minimizing information needed for simple changes can help. Simplicity is difficult, but important in slowing down the growth of complexity.
Server Components to the Rescue: Turbocharging and Empowering Your React Apps with Style
React Summit US 2023React Summit US 2023
16 min
Server Components to the Rescue: Turbocharging and Empowering Your React Apps with Style
Watch video: Server Components to the Rescue: Turbocharging and Empowering Your React Apps with Style
Welcome to the server components to the rescue, turbo charging and empowering your React application with style. React server components were introduced three years ago, providing an easy-to-maintain and quick-to-build solution with improved metrics and user experience. By using server-side rendering, there is no need to download code to the client at startup. Server components reduce the cost of attractions and provide a unified solution. The future of React server components includes improving state synchronization, allowing server components to re-render in response to state changes, and enabling fluid UI updates without page refresh.
React State Management with Valtio
React Summit US 2023React Summit US 2023
10 min
React State Management with Valtio
Watch video: React State Management with Valtio
This is a short presentation on VALTEO, a proxy-based state management system that uses JavaScript's native idea of proxies to create observable and immutable state. The proxy tracks changes to the object and nested proxy objects, only re-rendering the component when a specific key changes. There is a gotcha with proxies in Valtio - avoid reassigning the proxy to a whole new object. Valtio integrates with Redux DevTools, making it even more powerful and convenient.
Suspense for Data Fetching: How to Fetch During Render
React Summit US 2023React Summit US 2023
5 min
Suspense for Data Fetching: How to Fetch During Render
Watch video: Suspense for Data Fetching: How to Fetch During Render
This talk discusses the best practices for fetching data during the initial render of a component in React. It emphasizes the importance of fetching in advance and avoiding fetching twice. The talk also highlights the need for an external cache to store information about API calls and the use of a cleanup function to avoid memory leaks. Additionally, the speaker mentions their library, react-disposable-state, which can be used for making side effects during render.
Road to Zero Lint Failures: Tackling Code Quality Challenges at Scale
React Summit US 2023React Summit US 2023
11 min
Road to Zero Lint Failures: Tackling Code Quality Challenges at Scale
Watch video: Road to Zero Lint Failures: Tackling Code Quality Challenges at Scale
This Talk discusses the journey from thousands of Lint failures to zero in a codebase at Linton that is over 80 years old. The approach involved implementing rules, incentives, and tooling to address the issue. The tool called Checkup was used to visualize ESLint failures by team and lint rule, providing accountability and responsibility. The efforts resulted in cleaning up over 6,000 lint failures, with 55 contributors, and a 30% increase in perceived code quality.
Beyond First Load Speed with INP
React Summit US 2023React Summit US 2023
8 min
Beyond First Load Speed with INP
Watch video: Beyond First Load Speed with INP
The Talk discusses the Core of Vitals and IMP, which are metrics used to measure user experience in browsers. IMP measures multiple actions such as tab, click, and key press until the next screen updates. It also addresses the issue of rage clicks and their impact on user experience. The Talk emphasizes the importance of optimizing for IMB by avoiding blocking the main thread and suggests using multiple tasks and yield to main thread for optimization. Additionally, it mentions the use of navigatorScheduling.isInputPending to handle user input, with a caveat that support may vary across browsers.
The Epic Stack
React Summit US 2023React Summit US 2023
21 min
The Epic Stack
Top Content
Watch video: The Epic Stack
This Talk introduces the Epic Stack, a project starter and reference for modern web development. It emphasizes that the choice of tools is not as important as we think and that any tool can be fine. The Epic Stack aims to provide a limited set of services and common use cases, with a focus on adaptability and ease of swapping out tools. It incorporates technologies like Remix, React, Fly to I.O, Grafana, and Sentry. The Epic Web Dev offers free materials and workshops to gain a solid understanding of the Epic Stack.
Want to Build an Enterprise-Grade App? Tear One Down!
React Summit US 2023React Summit US 2023
13 min
Want to Build an Enterprise-Grade App? Tear One Down!
Watch video: Want to Build an Enterprise-Grade App? Tear One Down!
Nithya Narasimhan discusses how to build an enterprise-grade application by deconstructing a reference implementation. The development environment includes GitHub Codespaces, devcontainer, and GitHub Copilot Chat. The Contoso Real Estate app provides a fully functioning experience in the browser. The Composable Enterprise pattern and API-first design are key components. Deployment is facilitated through infrastructure as code and an azure.yml file.
Ship Your UI Faster With Turborepo
DevOps.js Conf 2024DevOps.js Conf 2024
21 min
Ship Your UI Faster With Turborepo
The Turboverse focuses on making the development process faster and more efficient. TurboPak is an incremental bundler with function-level caching, and TurboRepo is a high-performance build system with features like incremental building, remote caching, and parallel execution. TurboRepo can optimize task runners, set up monorepos, and speed up development time. vclink-repo enables seamless integration with the Vercel remote cache, and Conformance and Codoners provide static analysis and automated code reviews. TurboPak and TurboRepo offer faster CI processes and exciting advancements in web bundling.
Forget Bad Code, Focus on the System
React Summit US 2023React Summit US 2023
27 min
Forget Bad Code, Focus on the System
Top Content
Watch video: Forget Bad Code, Focus on the System
Setting up the system and separating concerns are important in software development. Modular construction and prefab units are a new trend that makes construction quicker and easier. Architectural complexity can lead to a drop in productivity and an increase in defects. Measuring architectural complexity can help identify natural modules in the code. Best practices for avoiding architectural complexity include organizing code by business domain and using prop drilling. Atomic design and organizing a monorepo are recommended approaches for managing architectural complexity.
Design Systems Carnival! One Accessible Component, Many Pretty Masks
React Summit US 2023React Summit US 2023
27 min
Design Systems Carnival! One Accessible Component, Many Pretty Masks
Watch video: Design Systems Carnival! One Accessible Component, Many Pretty Masks
The Talk discusses the concept of design system Carnival and its relation to masks. It emphasizes the importance of accessibility in design systems and provides guidelines for implementing the Disclosure So Hide pattern. The Talk also covers topics like focus management, mouse interactions, and extending the disclosure widget. It warns against mixing different roles and complexity in design systems, using the example of a carousel. Overall, the Talk highlights the challenges and considerations in creating effective design systems.
If You Aren’t First You’re Last
React Summit US 2023React Summit US 2023
27 min
If You Aren’t First You’re Last
Watch video: If You Aren’t First You’re Last
Performance is a puzzle that requires different approaches for different problems and sites. User feedback is crucial in evaluating performance, rather than relying solely on metrics like Lighthouse scores. Measuring performance and identifying issues can be done through tools like the performance tab and user timings. Understanding the main thread and using tools like React Profiler and Chrome Tracing can provide insights into performance problems. Optimizing performance involves doing less work, avoiding main thread blocking, and considering options like virtualization and Canvas. Communicating the impact of optimization to leadership and exploring different uses of Canvas are also important topics discussed in the Talk.
Beyond JavaScript: Maximizing React With Web APIs
React Summit US 2023React Summit US 2023
10 min
Beyond JavaScript: Maximizing React With Web APIs
Watch video: Beyond JavaScript: Maximizing React With Web APIs
This Talk explores how to use browser and web APIs to enhance React applications, covering categories such as Fetch API, Device APIs, Storage APIs, Audio and Video APIs, and Shape API. It explains how web APIs are implemented in React applications and suggests using native JavaScript functions or NPM modules like React Speech Recognition. The Talk demonstrates the use of Battery and Face Detection APIs in a React application, including features like getting battery percentage, live coordinates, and speech-to-text functionality. It also mentions the possibility of creating augmented reality face filters with the face detection API. The conclusion highlights the availability of resources on Mozilla docs and a GitHub repository for further learning and code samples.
Canva’s App UI Kit: Empowering Developers With Modern Web Technologies
React Summit US 2023React Summit US 2023
8 min
Canva’s App UI Kit: Empowering Developers With Modern Web Technologies
Watch video: Canva’s App UI Kit: Empowering Developers With Modern Web Technologies
Welcome to the Canva Tech talk where the Canva tech stack, React component structure, and UI kit for developers are discussed. Canva uses Java, Go, Bash, TypeScript, and React for development. TypeScript, MobX, and React were chosen to enable hundreds of developers to work on the code base productively. Canva's internal component library was explored and released under a semi-open source license, allowing for quick delivery and sharing of improvements with the community. The developer community has added numerous app integrations accessible to Canva's 150 million monthly active users.
Modern Redux With Redux Toolkit
React Summit US 2023React Summit US 2023
7 min
Modern Redux With Redux Toolkit
Watch video: Modern Redux With Redux Toolkit
Mark Erickson discusses the changes and challenges in Redux Toolkit 2.0, including addressing ES Module Common JS Compatibility and shipping new features. The release includes modernized build output, smaller bundle sizes, and new features like combined Slices API and dev mode checks in Reselect. The current test version is beta4, with plans to ship by the first week of December. RTK 3.0, focusing on RTK query updates, is expected to be released next year.
Building Friendly User Experiences in Web3
React Summit US 2023React Summit US 2023
32 min
Building Friendly User Experiences in Web3
Watch video: Building Friendly User Experiences in Web3
Web 3 is about decentralization, using blockchain, cryptography, and consensus algorithms. It allows users to have more control over their data and assets. The current state of Web 3 is complex and frustrating, but efforts are being made to improve usability. Layer 2 chains and account abstraction are improving scalability and user experience. Web 3 provides financial solutions for all and enables transactions in restrictive environments.
Transforming Images Using AI Without Leaving Your React App
React Summit US 2023React Summit US 2023
5 min
Transforming Images Using AI Without Leaving Your React App
Watch video: Transforming Images Using AI Without Leaving Your React App
Today's Talk discusses the importance of transforming images with AI in React apps and the benefits of using image CDNs. The speaker emphasizes the significance of images as a crucial component of websites and the time-consuming nature of adopting image best practices. They propose image transformation on the edge as a faster and easier alternative. The Talk also highlights the use of AI in image transformation, including removing backgrounds, cropping images, and upscaling pixelated images in a Contentful Next JS app. The combination of image CDNs and AI parameters ensures that images always look their best without leaving the React app.
Why Redwood Adopted React Server Components
React Summit US 2023React Summit US 2023
33 min
Why Redwood Adopted React Server Components
Watch video: Why Redwood Adopted React Server Components
Redwood is a full stack web app framework built with React, GraphQL, and Prisma. It prioritizes conventions and maintainability, and collaborates closely with the React team. Redwood offers full-stack features, including real-time functionality without WebSockets. The Bighorn Epoch is a new phase in Redwood's roadmap. Redwood is excited about the possibilities of React Server Components and wants to collaborate with the community.
React Concurrency × Core Web Vitals
React Summit US 2023React Summit US 2023
26 min
React Concurrency × Core Web Vitals
Watch video: React Concurrency × Core Web Vitals
The Talk discusses the InteractionToNextPaint metric, which measures the speed of clicks or keyboard inputs on a page. It explores the impact of slow interactions and slow React renders on user experience. The Talk also covers optimization techniques for React rendering, including the use of concurrent features and the StartTransition function. React 18 introduces changes to the rendering process that improve interaction speed. Concurrent rendering and suspense boundaries are highlighted as features that can enhance the performance of React apps.
Javascript Optional: Modern React Applications That Work Without JS
React Summit US 2023React Summit US 2023
28 min
Javascript Optional: Modern React Applications That Work Without JS
Watch video: Javascript Optional: Modern React Applications That Work Without JS
In this Talk, the speaker discusses the concept of building JavaScript optional applications, focusing on the use of tools like React server components, Next.js, remix, React Router, Astro, SolidStarts, and Weld. They explore various aspects such as building eCommerce apps, pagination, adding items to cart without JavaScript, and implementing features like card previews using HTML and CSS. The speaker also highlights the trade-offs and considerations when disabling JavaScript, maintaining cart items, and combining old and new ways of building applications.
Rendering: To Sync or Not to Sync?
React Summit US 2023React Summit US 2023
28 min
Rendering: To Sync or Not to Sync?
Watch video: Rendering: To Sync or Not to Sync?
This Talk discusses rendering and synchronization in React 18. It addresses issues such as flashing rows and wiping out when scrolling. The use of usync-externalstore for concurrent reads and the potential misuse of APIs are explored. Debugging techniques using React Profiler and flush-sync are discussed. The talk also covers performance considerations for different machines and the importance of testing and considering alternative solutions.
React Server Components from Scratch
React Summit US 2023React Summit US 2023
29 min
React Server Components from Scratch
Watch video: React Server Components from Scratch
This Talk introduces React Server Components and provides a step-by-step guide on building and rendering them. It explores the capabilities of server components, including interactivity and streaming. The Talk also covers the process of incorporating client-side rendering and the challenges of bundling and mapping client components. Additionally, it discusses the importance of supporting React Server Components and the ongoing efforts to integrate them with different bundlers.
The Whimsical Potential of JavaScript Frameworks
React Summit US 2023React Summit US 2023
28 min
The Whimsical Potential of JavaScript Frameworks
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Watch video: The Whimsical Potential of JavaScript Frameworks
The speaker discusses the whimsical and detailed work of Stripe, particularly their interactive and dynamic pages. They explain the use of React for building whimsical details and tracking mouse position. The speaker introduces React Spring for smooth animation and React3 Fiber for creating a 3D egg model. They also mention the use of Framer Motion and React server components for animating CSS properties.
Journey Into the Unknown: My Adventure Unravelling the Mysteries of the Netflix TVUI Universe
React Summit US 2023React Summit US 2023
30 min
Journey Into the Unknown: My Adventure Unravelling the Mysteries of the Netflix TVUI Universe
Watch video: Journey Into the Unknown: My Adventure Unravelling the Mysteries of the Netflix TVUI Universe
This Talk explores the journey of a software developer in unraveling the mysteries of Netflix TV UI. It emphasizes the importance of continuous learning in TV UI development and discusses the use of React and the TV signup process. The Talk also highlights the significance of widgets, navigation, and the TVUI Explorer app in building TV UI. It delves into the TVUI dev process, testing layers, and the value of continuous learning and fresh perspectives in the tech industry. The Talk concludes with insights on job opportunities, resources for TV development, and the Netflix hiring process.
R3ACT: A Frightening Look At Performance Figures
React Summit US 2023React Summit US 2023
27 min
R3ACT: A Frightening Look At Performance Figures
Watch video: R3ACT: A Frightening Look At Performance Figures
This Talk on web performance and React explores various metrics such as time to first bite, largest contentful paint, cumulative layout shift, and first input delay. It highlights the challenges of JavaScript in impacting total blocking time and user experience. Mobile usage and device performance are discussed, along with the importance of measuring and improving page performance. The speaker also mentions the abundance of technologies in today's web and emphasizes the need to prioritize user experience over sending excessive JavaScript.
The Rise of the AI Engineer
React Summit US 2023React Summit US 2023
30 min
The Rise of the AI Engineer
Watch video: The Rise of the AI Engineer
The rise of AI engineers is driven by the demand for AI and the emergence of ML research and engineering organizations. Start-ups are leveraging AI through APIs, resulting in a time-to-market advantage. The future of AI engineering holds promising results, with a focus on AI UX and the role of AI agents. Equity in AI and the central problems of AI engineering require collective efforts to address. The day-to-day life of an AI engineer involves working on products or infrastructure and dealing with specialties and tools specific to the field.
Gateway to React: The React.dev Story
React Summit US 2023React Summit US 2023
32 min
Gateway to React: The React.dev Story
Watch video: Gateway to React: The React.dev Story
The Talk discusses the journey of improving React and React Native documentation, including the addition of interactive code sandboxes and visual content. The focus was on creating a more accessible and engaging learning experience for developers. The Talk also emphasizes the importance of building a human API through well-designed documentation. It provides tips for building effective documentation sites and highlights the benefits of contributing to open source projects. The potential impact of AI on React development is mentioned, with the recognition that human engineers are still essential.
Remix: Embracing Web Standards to Redefine Modern Web Development
React Advanced Conference 2023React Advanced Conference 2023
26 min
Remix: Embracing Web Standards to Redefine Modern Web Development
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Watch video: Remix: Embracing Web Standards to Redefine Modern Web Development
Remix is a web development framework that combines the scalability of server-rendered frameworks with the flexibility of React. It prioritizes web standards and best practices for security. Remix streamlines development with web standards like URLs, fetch API, HTML, and HTTP caching. It simplifies data handling through HTML forms and HTTP, improving user experience. Httpication in Remix reduces server load and speeds up response time, while global search and Storyblock make building complex websites easier.
Let’s Build a TV Spatial Navigation
React Advanced Conference 2023React Advanced Conference 2023
18 min
Let’s Build a TV Spatial Navigation
Watch video: Let’s Build a TV Spatial Navigation
This talk discusses the challenges of implementing spatial navigation for TV controls and the need for a library. The approach to spatial navigation can be improved by developing extra logic to connect TV control with the application. The demo application showcases the use of a NavigationEngine class and the useFocusRef hook function. The integration logic involves selecting the next node based on key presses and node coordinates. The talk also highlights the challenges of complex arrangements and circular navigations in smart TV application development.
Type-safe Styling for React Component Packages: Vanilla Extract CSS
React Advanced Conference 2023React Advanced Conference 2023
19 min
Type-safe Styling for React Component Packages: Vanilla Extract CSS
Watch video: Type-safe Styling for React Component Packages: Vanilla Extract CSS
Today's Talk introduces Vanilla Extract CSS, a type-safe styling method for React applications. It combines the benefits of scoped styling, zero runtime overhead, and a great developer experience. Vanilla Extract generates a static CSS file at build time, resulting in better performance. It is framework agnostic and offers a powerful toolkit, including Sprinkles for utility classes and CSS utils for calculations. With type safety and the ability to define themes and variants, Vanilla Extract makes it easy to create efficient, scalable, and maintainable design system component packages.
Winning the Performance Race
React Advanced Conference 2023React Advanced Conference 2023
21 min
Winning the Performance Race
Watch video: Winning the Performance Race
Today's Talk focuses on improving the performance of Wix websites through an architecture change that reduced JavaScript size and improved Core Web Vitals metrics. The implementation of a feature with saved data required rewriting components and calculating view data on a separate frontend server. This approach led to a smaller and faster client application and allowed for caching in the CDN. The key takeaways include reducing JavaScript download, using feature-specific components, and caching server responses.
Shield Your Next.js App With a Content Security Policy
React Advanced Conference 2023React Advanced Conference 2023
6 min
Shield Your Next.js App With a Content Security Policy
Watch video: Shield Your Next.js App With a Content Security Policy
Lucas Esteveau discusses the importance of Content Security Policy (CSP) as an additional layer of security for browsers. He explains how to validate and implement CSP using tools like csp-evaluator.withgoogle.com and observatory.mozilla.org. He also highlights the use of server components and middleware in the Hudafor project to set and enforce CSP directives. Lucas advises starting with a report-only CSP, reviewing the results, and gradually enforcing the policy. He emphasizes the importance of reviewing policy violation reports and iterating the process when making changes.
Flashlight, a Lighthouse for Mobile Apps
React Advanced Conference 2023React Advanced Conference 2023
7 min
Flashlight, a Lighthouse for Mobile Apps
Watch video: Flashlight, a Lighthouse for Mobile Apps
Today's Talk introduces Flashlight, a tool for measuring mobile app performance. Flashlight provides a performance report that highlights issues like high CPU usage on low-end devices. To fix these issues, the Shopify component Flashlist can be used. Flashlight can also be used locally to measure performance changes in React Native apps, with the ability to see the score rapidly changing and improved performance after implementing fixes. More information can be found in the documentation and an article comparing scrolling performance in React Native.
Local-First Software With ElectricSQL
React Advanced Conference 2023React Advanced Conference 2023
29 min
Local-First Software With ElectricSQL
Watch video: Local-First Software With ElectricSQL
Local-first software allows for instant display of data to the user, offering zero latency and offline functionality. It simplifies data synchronization and enables real-time multi-user sync. Popular tools like Facebook Messenger and Google Workspace apps have adopted this pattern. Electric SQL provides a drop-in sync layer for existing applications, combining real-time functionality with conflict-free offline capabilities. Local-first software replaces APIs and microservices with a standardized replication protocol, simplifying state management and reducing server load.
React Code Reviews in Open Source: Ensuring Quality and Collaboration
React Advanced Conference 2023React Advanced Conference 2023
6 min
React Code Reviews in Open Source: Ensuring Quality and Collaboration
Watch video: React Code Reviews in Open Source: Ensuring Quality and Collaboration
Open Source promotes accessibility, inclusivity, collaboration, innovation, transparency, and trust. Code reviews are a collaborative process in software development, with challenges including language barriers, documentation changes, and review backlog. Best practices for effective code reviews include clear objectives, focusing on the code, and using code review tools. Linters are important for scanning code issues, and measuring success in code reviews can be done using key metrics. React Code Reviews are crucial for the success of open-source projects.
Real-Time Collaborative State on the Edge
React Advanced Conference 2023React Advanced Conference 2023
26 min
Real-Time Collaborative State on the Edge
Watch video: Real-Time Collaborative State on the Edge
Steven, a design tool nerd, worked on InVision Studio and now focuses on LiveBlocks, providing APIs and tools for multiplayer collaboration. Collaborative design tools like Figma, Canva, Mural, Notion, Mirror, Linear, and Pitch use conflict resolution algorithms such as OTs and CRDTs. Data migration and collaboration patterns are important considerations for building production applications. Figma stands out for its seamless assembly of collaboration features. LiveBlocks enables front-end developers to build collaborative experiences without complex backend infrastructure, using fractional indexing for consistent ordering.
Is It the One? (How to Select an Open-Source Library?)
React Advanced Conference 2023React Advanced Conference 2023
10 min
Is It the One? (How to Select an Open-Source Library?)
Watch video: Is It the One? (How to Select an Open-Source Library?)
This talk provides tips for selecting the right open-source library, such as using NPM trends to compare libraries and considering bundle size, dependencies, and licenses. It also emphasizes the importance of choosing libraries maintained by multiple maintainers and being cautious when trusting engineers. The talk highlights a cautionary tale about relying on a single maintainer and suggests paying attention to changes in major versions and specifying exact versions in dependencies to mitigate security vulnerabilities.
Technical Documentation - How Can I Write Them Better and Why Should I Care?
React Advanced Conference 2023React Advanced Conference 2023
27 min
Technical Documentation - How Can I Write Them Better and Why Should I Care?
Watch video: Technical Documentation - How Can I Write Them Better and Why Should I Care?
This talk emphasizes the importance of writing technical documentation and provides tips for improving it. Technical documents help explain intentions, reasoning, and choices, reducing work volume and aiding troubleshooting. Writing technical documents is important for visibility, career progression, and communication with managers. Integrating documentation into the development tool chain and treating it like tests ensures its quality and keeps it up to date. Structuring technical documentation effectively and providing concise and clear information are key for boosting its usefulness.
Implementation of Schedules and Timelines
React Advanced Conference 2023React Advanced Conference 2023
6 min
Implementation of Schedules and Timelines
Watch video: Implementation of Schedules and Timelines
Today's Talk focuses on implementing schedules and timelines using the PlanBy component. PlanBy is a React-based tool that offers a simple interface and features like sidebar, timeline, layout, and live program refreshing. It uses a custom virtualized view to handle large amounts of data efficiently. The component allows for easy customization and can be used to build schedulers, conference agendas, TV guides, and more. Installation is straightforward, requiring only a few components, one hook, and two wrappers.
Hacking an e-Reader with React
React Advanced Conference 2023React Advanced Conference 2023
7 min
Hacking an e-Reader with React
Watch video: Hacking an e-Reader with React
React for eBooks? Learn how to hack an eReader to display a tea menu. Create images and write e-books using React. Use EPUB format to create chapters and include CSS. Use Pandoc and Dino to simplify the process and make quick updates.
Harnessing the Power of Messagechannel and Broadcastchannel
React Advanced Conference 2023React Advanced Conference 2023
11 min
Harnessing the Power of Messagechannel and Broadcastchannel
Watch video: Harnessing the Power of Messagechannel and Broadcastchannel
This talk explores hidden web APIs for communicating between iframes and web workers. It discusses the disadvantages of a naive messaging approach and introduces the message channel API as a solution. The speaker also presents a library called message-channel-shake that simplifies message channel implementation. The talk covers various technologies like React, broadcast channel, and transferable objects.
Figma to React With AI, Are We There Yet?
React Advanced Conference 2023React Advanced Conference 2023
21 min
Figma to React With AI, Are We There Yet?
Watch video: Figma to React With AI, Are We There Yet?
Today's Talk explores how AI can empower developers to write better React code and automate the process of converting Figma designs into code. It discusses the use of heuristics to convert Figma designs into working HTML code and the potential of AI in generating better CSS class names. The Talk also highlights the importance of generating code that follows team conventions and automating design and code updates. Finally, it emphasizes the benefits of using large language models to automate tasks and improve developer productivity.
Micro-Frontends With React & Vite Module Federation
React Advanced Conference 2023React Advanced Conference 2023
20 min
Micro-Frontends With React & Vite Module Federation
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Watch video: Micro-Frontends With React & Vite Module Federation
Microfrontends is an architecture used by big companies to split monolithic frontend applications into manageable parts. Maintaining a consistent look and feel across different microfrontends is a challenge. Sharing styles can be done through Vanilla CSS, CSS modules, or CSS in JS. JavaScript variables can be used in styles, but readability and runtime overhead are considerations. Sharing state in microfrontends can be achieved through custom events, broadcast channels, shared state managers, or custom PubSub implementations. Module federation with Vite allows for client composition and sharing dependencies. Configuration is similar to Webpack, and future work includes working on the QUIC framework.
“Microfrontends” for Mobile in React Native
React Advanced Conference 2023React Advanced Conference 2023
24 min
“Microfrontends” for Mobile in React Native
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Micro frontends are an architectural style where independent deliverable frontend applications compose a greater application. They allow for independent development and deployment, breaking down teams into feature verticals. React Native's architecture enables updating the JavaScript layer without going through the app store. Code Push can be used to deploy separate JavaScript bundles for each micro frontend. However, there are challenges with managing native code and dependencies in a micro frontend ecosystem for mobile apps.
I Run Code From the Internet!
React Advanced Conference 2023React Advanced Conference 2023
20 min
I Run Code From the Internet!
Watch video: I Run Code From the Internet!
npm packages are unsanitized inputs from the internet that we run without much scrutiny, so we need to address the issue of malicious packages. Lavamote offers proactive runtime protections to automatically detect and mitigate threats. Lava Mode uses Hardened JavaScript to provide isolation and enforce a policy for your application's build process. The talk introduces a webpack plugin for those who don't want to use the browserify ecosystem. Lavamote's behavior is explored, showcasing how it restricts package access to certain properties. Beta testing is open to gather feedback and improve Lava Mode.
Automating Accessibility Testing for Your Component Library
React Advanced Conference 2023React Advanced Conference 2023
41 min
Automating Accessibility Testing for Your Component Library
Watch video: Automating Accessibility Testing for Your Component Library
Today's Talk focused on automating accessibility testing for component libraries using Storybook. The importance of web accessibility was emphasized, along with the benefits of incorporating accessibility from the start. Storybook was highlighted as a valuable tool for component-driven development, testing, and identifying accessibility issues. The integration of the accessibility add-on in Storybook allows for component-level insights, efficient feedback loops, and automated accessibility testing. Manual testing and addressing complex issues with screen readers were also discussed.
Simplifying Data Management in React With React Query
React Advanced Conference 2023React Advanced Conference 2023
16 min
Simplifying Data Management in React With React Query
Watch video: Simplifying Data Management in React With React Query
Today's talk introduces React Query, a library that simplifies data management in React applications. It covers the core concepts and features of React Query, including data fetching, caching, and mutation. The talk also discusses query invalidation and cache time, highlighting how React Query optimizes performance and reduces code complexity.
Nested Interactive Elements: An Nightmare in Accessibility
React Advanced Conference 2023React Advanced Conference 2023
23 min
Nested Interactive Elements: An Nightmare in Accessibility
Watch video: Nested Interactive Elements: An Nightmare in Accessibility
Nested interactive elements can cause accessibility issues on websites, and the speaker shares a personal experience with an accessibility bug involving a list component. Mitigating nested interactive structures involves limiting these patterns during development and restructuring existing elements. The speaker provides recommendations for improving accessibility, such as adjusting role properties and gathering user feedback. The conclusion emphasizes the importance of accessible solutions and encourages sharing resources to build more inclusive experiences.
How to NOT use useEffect?
React Advanced Conference 2023React Advanced Conference 2023
24 min
How to NOT use useEffect?
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Watch video: How to NOT use useEffect?
Welcome to how not to use UseEffect. UseEffect is a hook introduced in React 16.8 as a replacement for component dismount and update in class components. It runs your callback once when the component mounts and when there are changes in dependencies. UseEffect allows performing side effects such as fetching data. UseEffect executes its callback asynchronously to allow the browser to render and show something to the user without blocking the main thread. Setting a state in a useEffect without a dependency array can cause nasty loops. Sometimes you are using use effects to take care of calling parent events. Nasty Fetch. Sometimes, when fetching articles, loading and race conditions need to be considered.
Concurrent React Made Easy
React Advanced Conference 2023React Advanced Conference 2023
23 min
Concurrent React Made Easy
Watch video: Concurrent React Made Easy
Today's Talk introduces concurrent React and highlights the importance of fast and slow updates in user interfaces. It explains how concurrent rendering improves UI performance by allowing fast updates to proceed without being blocked by slow updates. The concept of assigning priorities to renders is discussed, with high priority renders being synchronous and low priority renders being interruptible. The Talk also mentions the benefits of using concurrent features in navigation and list filtering. Overall, concurrent React enhances rendering with interruptibility and prioritization, making the application feel faster and more responsive.
Usability Testing Without a UX Specialist
React Advanced Conference 2023React Advanced Conference 2023
28 min
Usability Testing Without a UX Specialist
Watch video: Usability Testing Without a UX Specialist
Usability testing is effective for uncovering user pain points and desire paths, as well as revealing loopholes, shortcuts, and hacks. Finding diverse users for testing can be challenging, but reaching out to sales and support teams and offering incentives can help. The logistics of usability testing include having multiple people to run tests, disclosing recording methods, and considering in-person or remote testing. During the tests, it's important to encourage participants to think out loud, ask open-ended questions, and gather feedback for improvement. Collecting and summarizing usability test results involves analyzing raw data, gathering hard data, and avoiding biases.
Power Fixing React Performance Woes
React Advanced Conference 2023React Advanced Conference 2023
22 min
Power Fixing React Performance Woes
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This Talk discusses various strategies to improve React performance, including lazy loading iframes, analyzing and optimizing bundles, fixing barrel exports and tree shaking, removing dead code, and caching expensive computations. The speaker shares their experience in identifying and addressing performance issues in a real-world application. They also highlight the importance of regularly auditing webpack and bundle analyzers, using tools like Knip to find unused code, and contributing improvements to open source libraries.
Feature Flagging With React
React Advanced Conference 2023React Advanced Conference 2023
27 min
Feature Flagging With React
Watch video: Feature Flagging With React
Feature management in React.js applications involves techniques like feature flags and toggles, allowing for decoupling of application deployment from feature releases. Gradual rollouts, remote configuration, and audience targeting are key techniques. Increased control and flexibility in feature management provide targeted launches and quick rollbacks, but there are pain points like lack of reviews and approval workflow. Infrastructure as code (IAC) and GitOps are practices that can be combined with feature management. Feature Advisor is a tool that helps with feature management in React applications, focusing on principles rather than the tool itself.
Zod === TypeScript, but at Runtime in Your React Applications
React Advanced Conference 2023React Advanced Conference 2023
20 min
Zod === TypeScript, but at Runtime in Your React Applications
Watch video: Zod === TypeScript, but at Runtime in Your React Applications
Zotter is a powerful tool for working with TypeScript in React applications, providing a simple schema concept for validation. It allows you to convert Zod schemas into TypeScript types and check if objects match the schema. Zod can be used for validation and contract enforcement, ensuring data consistency and preventing issues. It can also be used in React applications to create a validation layer and prevent code from running with incorrect data. The speaker encourages questions and provides contact information for further discussion.
Superpowers of Browser’s Web API
React Advanced Conference 2023React Advanced Conference 2023
23 min
Superpowers of Browser’s Web API
Watch video: Superpowers of Browser’s Web API
Today's Talk explores various Web APIs and their functionalities, including the Intersection Observer API for element visibility, the Network API for connection detection, and the Background Sync API for offline capabilities. The Broadcast Channel API enables communication between components and the Beacon, Web Speech, Web Share, Screen Awake Lock, Page Visibility, Background Fetch, and Web Authentication APIs offer additional functionalities. These standardized APIs work across browsers and can improve performance while reducing electricity consumption.
Code on Demand: The Future of Code Collaboration
React Advanced Conference 2023React Advanced Conference 2023
27 min
Code on Demand: The Future of Code Collaboration
Watch video: Code on Demand: The Future of Code Collaboration
During the Talk, the speaker discusses the power of streaming and its impact on music consumption and production. They also explore the challenges and benefits of incorporating streaming into software development, using examples from Spotify. The future of code development is envisioned as a streaming world, where code is always live and changes are instantly available to everyone. The speaker emphasizes the importance of treating components as complete products, prioritizing component reviews, and enhancing the workflow for forking and contributing to components.
Opt in Design – The New Era of React Frameworks
React Advanced Conference 2023React Advanced Conference 2023
23 min
Opt in Design – The New Era of React Frameworks
Watch video: Opt in Design – The New Era of React Frameworks
This Talk discusses opt-in design in web development, focusing on API design and understanding good defaults. Opt-in design allows developers to start with minimal tools and gradually add complexity as needed. The principles of opt-in design include finding the lowest common denominator, making complexity easy to add, and prioritizing the user experience. The Talk also explores the concept of opt-in design in React and Astro, as well as the comparison between React and Solid frameworks. Server rendering and streaming in React are highlighted, along with the importance of suspense boundaries for a better user experience.
Speeding Up Your React App With Less Javascript
React Advanced Conference 2023React Advanced Conference 2023
15 min
Speeding Up Your React App With Less Javascript
Watch video: Speeding Up Your React App With Less Javascript
Quick React is a tool that speeds up React applications with less JavaScript, and Builder.io is a visual CMS that empowers marketing teams. Web performance is a challenge, with most websites scoring poorly. Island architecture and reasonability are alternative approaches to hydration that improve performance. QUIC allows for resumable applications and Quick React enables island architecture for faster startup times. Hydration and inter-island communication are crucial for interactivity in React applications.
Why Everybody Needs a Framework
React Advanced Conference 2023React Advanced Conference 2023
39 min
Why Everybody Needs a Framework
Watch video: Why Everybody Needs a Framework
Today's Talk explores the value of using frameworks in software development, specifically focusing on React and its impact on web development. The Talk delves into the benefits of frameworks, such as solving routing and data fetching challenges, handling edge cases, and providing server-side rendering. It also introduces the concept of server components and their role in server-side rendering. The Talk highlights the advantages of soft navigation and the seamless communication between client and server. Overall, frameworks offer valuable functionality that enhances productivity and addresses common development challenges.
Thinking Differently About a11y – Accessible Website Design for the Neurospicy
React Advanced Conference 2023React Advanced Conference 2023
30 min
Thinking Differently About a11y – Accessible Website Design for the Neurospicy
Watch video: Thinking Differently About a11y – Accessible Website Design for the Neurospicy
Accessibility goes beyond screen readers and semantic HTML, and it's important to consider the needs of neurodivergent individuals. Cognitive impairments pose unique challenges, and COGA provides valuable guidelines for designing for cognitive accessibility. Customization, error tolerance, and compatibility with browser extensions are crucial in improving user experience. The NHS design system prioritizes functionality and has proven effective in handling emergencies. Understanding user needs and advocating for change within the tech industry are essential for creating a more accessible web.
Hydration, Islands, Streaming, Resumability… Oh My!
React Advanced Conference 2023React Advanced Conference 2023
26 min
Hydration, Islands, Streaming, Resumability… Oh My!
Watch video: Hydration, Islands, Streaming, Resumability… Oh My!
Today's Talk introduces the concepts of hydration and off islands, explores the benefits of islands for enhancing server-side rendered HTML with client-side JavaScript, discusses the lazy approach of re-zoomability and its advantages over traditional hydration, highlights the use of resumability and concurrent React for improved rendering performance, examines the features and concerns of React server components, touches on the co-location of client and server code, and explores future trends in rendering and navigation. The Talk also reflects on past ideas and emphasizes the importance of identifying core metrics for performance optimization.
React Compiler - Understanding Idiomatic React (React Forget)
React Advanced Conference 2023React Advanced Conference 2023
33 min
React Compiler - Understanding Idiomatic React (React Forget)
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Joe Savona
Mofei Zhang
2 authors
The Talk discusses React Forget, a compiler built at Meta that aims to optimize client-side React development. It explores the use of memoization to improve performance and the vision of Forget to automatically determine dependencies at build time. Forget is named with an F-word pun and has the potential to optimize server builds and enable dead code elimination. The team plans to make Forget open-source and is focused on ensuring its quality before release.
Jazz: Build Real-Time, Local-First React Apps With Sync & Secure Collaborative Data
React Advanced Conference 2023React Advanced Conference 2023
29 min
Jazz: Build Real-Time, Local-First React Apps With Sync & Secure Collaborative Data
Watch video: Jazz: Build Real-Time, Local-First React Apps With Sync & Secure Collaborative Data
JAS is a new framework for building apps around sync and secure collaborative data, promising to simplify app development by eliminating unnecessary complexity. CoJson is an abstraction that simplifies app development by implementing multi-device co-editing, user identities, permissions, sync, caching, and persistence. Jazz is an open source framework that provides idiomatic bindings for CoJSON, specifically in the browser. JAS provides powerful sync and storage capabilities, eliminating the need for external blob storage. Jazz React allows developers to use React and provides automatic subscriptions for reactive updates to core values. JAS offers instant interaction, offline sync, and the ability to rebuild Twitter with Jazz.
How Popovers Are About to Become a Whole Lot Easier to Build
React Advanced Conference 2023React Advanced Conference 2023
28 min
How Popovers Are About to Become a Whole Lot Easier to Build
Watch video: How Popovers Are About to Become a Whole Lot Easier to Build
This talk explores the challenges and guidance for building well-designed popovers and dialogues in HTML. It discusses the differences between dialogues and popovers, their use cases, and the importance of semantics in differentiating them. The talk also covers UI considerations, implementation, and positioning of popovers. Additionally, it highlights the use of modals for blocking access to the rest of the page and the role of semantics in making accessible dialogues and popovers.
Building Better React Debugging with Replay Analysis
React Advanced Conference 2023React Advanced Conference 2023
31 min
Building Better React Debugging with Replay Analysis
Watch video: Building Better React Debugging with Replay Analysis
Today's Talk focused on building better React dev tools with replay time travel analysis. The React DevTools provide valuable insights into React apps, using a fiber data structure to represent component instances. Replay is a time-traveling debugger for React, with plans to make Chrome their primary recording browser. They extract React information from recordings using their time travel API and have built a UI for debugging and inspecting the content. The long-term goal is to have Replay work offline and in permanent record mode.
The State of The State In The App Router
React Advanced Conference 2023React Advanced Conference 2023
32 min
The State of The State In The App Router
Watch video: The State of The State In The App Router
React has improved state management with built-in hooks like useState, useReducer, and useRef. Redux can still be used but it's recommended to avoid global state. Zustand is an alternative state manager that allows for easy creation of hooks. Proper architecture is important for accessing the global store. State managers can add extra bytes to the client's JavaScript bundle, so it's important to be selective in choosing libraries. Next.js and React routers are recommended for server-side rendering and personalized experiences can be achieved with spas.
Patterns for Performance
React Advanced Conference 2023React Advanced Conference 2023
28 min
Patterns for Performance
Watch video: Patterns for Performance
This Talk discusses patterns for performance in React development, including addressing slow resizing in custom cell renderers. It explores optimizing React render performance by reducing excessive re-rendering and using direct style updates. The use of layout effect and callback refs is also highlighted as techniques to improve performance. Additionally, the Talk mentions the AG Grid and TanStack Table libraries, as well as upcoming features like grid state restoration.
All You Need Is a Contract…
React Advanced Conference 2023React Advanced Conference 2023
29 min
All You Need Is a Contract…
Watch video: All You Need Is a Contract…
The speaker discusses the challenges of server state and test maintenance, and how they found solutions using React Query and Mock Service Worker. They emphasize the benefits of defining contracts for faster development and stress reduction. The speaker also highlights the advantages of using Mock Service Worker over mock servers and explains how it allows for easy customization and test overrides. They mention the upcoming release of V2 of MS-Double and encourage the audience to stay updated.
The Rocky Journey of Data Fetching Libraries in React’s New Streaming SSR
React Advanced Conference 2023React Advanced Conference 2023
28 min
The Rocky Journey of Data Fetching Libraries in React’s New Streaming SSR
Watch video: The Rocky Journey of Data Fetching Libraries in React’s New Streaming SSR
This Talk discusses the journey of data fetching libraries in React's new streaming SSL, focusing on the use of suspense for data fetching. It covers the backstory of suspense and data fetching, the plan and green light for its implementation, challenges with Next.js app router and SSR, data transport and flushing timing, the importance of timing and data transport, delayed rehydration and stream closure, the need for remaining data and required functionalities, challenges faced by vanilla React users, and audience questions about React server components.
The Unlikely Friendship Between React and Rust
React Advanced Conference 2023React Advanced Conference 2023
26 min
The Unlikely Friendship Between React and Rust
Watch video: The Unlikely Friendship Between React and Rust
This Talk explores the unlikely friendship between React and Rust, showcasing how they can be used together. The speaker demonstrates live coding and explains the process of calling Rust functions from JavaScript using the Tauri framework. The Talk also covers retrieving system information and disk details using Rust's sysinfo library. The speaker emphasizes the importance of serializability and showcases a button and SD card reader as examples of practical applications.
Leveraging the Event Loop for Blazing-Fast Applications!
React Advanced Conference 2023React Advanced Conference 2023
35 min
Leveraging the Event Loop for Blazing-Fast Applications!
Watch video: Leveraging the Event Loop for Blazing-Fast Applications!
This talk covers the event loop, microtask queue, and provides a live demo. JavaScript is single-threaded but can perform tasks that only a multithreaded environment can. The event loop consists of a call stack and microtask queue, which allow JavaScript to run non-blocking operations. Leveraging the microtask queue can lead to significant performance improvements in applications, such as React. However, it is important to use it correctly to avoid issues like infinite loops.
Raising the Bar: Our Journey Making React Native a Preferred Choice
React Advanced Conference 2023React Advanced Conference 2023
29 min
Raising the Bar: Our Journey Making React Native a Preferred Choice
Watch video: Raising the Bar: Our Journey Making React Native a Preferred Choice
This Talk discusses Rack Native at Microsoft and the efforts to improve code integration, developer experience, and leadership goals. The goal is to extend Rack Native to any app, utilize web code, and increase developer velocity. Implementing web APIs for React Native is being explored, as well as collaboration with Meta. The ultimate aim is to make web code into universal code and enable developers to write code once and have it work on all platforms.
A Practical Guide for Migrating to Server Components
React Advanced Conference 2023React Advanced Conference 2023
28 min
A Practical Guide for Migrating to Server Components
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Watch video: A Practical Guide for Migrating to Server Components
React query version five is live and we'll be discussing the migration process to server components using Next.js and React Query. The process involves planning, preparing, and setting up server components, migrating pages, adding layouts, and moving components to the server. We'll also explore the benefits of server components such as reducing JavaScript shipping, enabling powerful caching, and leveraging the features of the app router. Additionally, we'll cover topics like handling authentication, rendering in server components, and the impact on server load and costs.
Simplifying Server Components
React Advanced Conference 2023React Advanced Conference 2023
27 min
Simplifying Server Components
Top Content
Watch video: Simplifying Server Components
React server components simplify server-side rendering and provide a mental model of components as pure functions. Using React as a library for server components allows for building a basic RSC server and connecting it to an SSR server. RSC responses are serialized virtual DOM that offload code from the client and handle interactivity. The client manifest maps serialized placeholders to real components on the client, enabling dynamic rendering. Server components combine the best of classic web development and progressive enhancement, offering the advantage of moving logic from the client to the server.
Game Development with Threejs
JS GameDev Summit 2023JS GameDev Summit 2023
22 min
Game Development with Threejs
Hi there! I'm Anderson Mancini, a creative developer from Brazil. Let's dive into 3JS game development and how you can start your journey. React ThreeFiber offers a more organized and compact approach to building scenes using components. Explore exciting examples of what you can build with React ThreeFiber and 3JS. Learn the creative process of building a game using 3JS and recommended courses and learning resources. Performance tips for creating games with 3JS will be discussed in tomorrow's session.
How to Make a Web Game All by Yourself
JS GameDev Summit 2023JS GameDev Summit 2023
27 min
How to Make a Web Game All by Yourself
This talk guides you on how to make a web game by yourself, emphasizing the importance of focusing on tasks that interest you and outsourcing the rest. It suggests choosing a game engine that allows distribution on the web and aligns with your understanding and enjoyment. The talk also highlights the significance of finding fun in the creative process, managing scope, cutting features that don't align with the game's direction, and iterating to the finish line. It concludes by discussing the options for publishing the game on the web and leveraging unique web features.
Rogule: Tales From the Dungeon of a Web Based Rogulelike
JS GameDev Summit 2023JS GameDev Summit 2023
19 min
Rogule: Tales From the Dungeon of a Web Based Rogulelike
Chris McCormick, an independent software developer, discusses his latest game Rogl, a minimalist online roguelike game. He shares the story of how Rogl gained popularity and emphasizes the importance of marketing and giving your creations a chance. McCormick highlights the value of frugality and underengineering, as well as the power of finding the best tech for efficiency. He explains why ClojureScript is the best tech for him and discusses deployment strategies using Piku. Overall, the talk emphasizes the importance of informing people about your project, prioritizing fast development, and user feedback.
Raygui: An Immediate-Mode C UI for Wasm Tools Development
JS GameDev Summit 2023JS GameDev Summit 2023
19 min
Raygui: An Immediate-Mode C UI for Wasm Tools Development
Welcome to the presentation of RightGui, an immediate mode CUI library for tools development. RightGui is a high-performance library that is stateless and uses small self-contained functions to process inputs and draw controls. It provides a variety of controls, customizable styles, and support tools for live style configuration. Additionally, there are tools like the icons editor and layout creator that allow for customizations and code generation. Reiki offers a variety of tools, including a sound editor, image manipulation canvas, and resource packer.
Building Team Thinking Games At Synthesis
JS GameDev Summit 2023JS GameDev Summit 2023
16 min
Building Team Thinking Games At Synthesis
Today's Talk is about building team thinking games at Synthesis, an enrichment program aiming to build a generation of super collaborators. The key insight is that design is the main constraint, not graphics or AI. Synthesis uses open-source software and develops its own tools for game design and networking. The architecture of Synthesis games involves a server-native approach and a client-authoritative model for movement. The modular approach allows for quick iteration and flexibility in game development, and investing in content pipeline tools enables the creation of fresh content every week.
JavaScript Haikus: My Adventures in Tiny Coding
JS GameDev Summit 2023JS GameDev Summit 2023
27 min
JavaScript Haikus: My Adventures in Tiny Coding
This Talk is about writing super tiny JavaScript programs, known as tiny code. It explores the concept of code golf and the use of a live editor for instant feedback. The Talk discusses various ways to share tiny code, including Twitter.net. It also covers creating graphics, games, and sound in a small space. The speaker highlights inspiring tweets and showcases examples of tiny code, including asemic writing. The future of tiny code includes new techniques, better browser support, and AI-assisted programming.
Using UDP in the Browser for faster Client/Server Connections
JS GameDev Summit 2023JS GameDev Summit 2023
21 min
Using UDP in the Browser for faster Client/Server Connections
Top Content
This talk introduces geckos.io, a real-time client-server communication library using UDP and WebRTC. The speaker discusses the benefits of UDP for real-time multiplayer games and explains how geckos.io enables UDP connections between browsers and Node.js servers. The deployment process for geckos.io involves opening UDP ports and handling signaling through an HTTP request. The speaker demonstrates how geckos.io works with Docker and showcases the ability to host multiple servers on the same machine. Overall, this talk provides an overview of geckos.io and its applications in real-time communication.
Creating Custom CAD Tools on the Web with ThreeJS
JS GameDev Summit 2023JS GameDev Summit 2023
8 min
Creating Custom CAD Tools on the Web with ThreeJS
Today we're going to be talking about creating custom CAD tools on the web with 3JS. We'll explore the reasons why you should make web-based tools, including their novice-friendly nature and their suitability for user-generated content. We'll learn how to create custom and parametric geometry using Three.js, set up geometry and material in Three.js, and improve visibility by adding normals to the geometry.
Why Is Building a Multiplayer Game So Hard and What Can We Do to Fix It for Everyone
JS GameDev Summit 2023JS GameDev Summit 2023
18 min
Why Is Building a Multiplayer Game So Hard and What Can We Do to Fix It for Everyone
Asad Nehman discusses the challenges of making multiplayer games and suggests ways to simplify the process. He highlights the need for a backend, such as a Node.js server with Socket.io, to handle player connections. Rooms are introduced to connect players and their friends, allowing communication within each room. Hosting options like AWS EC2, Vercel, and Netlify can help scale the game globally. Playroom framework eliminates the need for server code, lobby systems, and managing player profiles.
Increase the Performance of Your Games using Canvas
JS GameDev Summit 2023JS GameDev Summit 2023
8 min
Increase the Performance of Your Games using Canvas
The Talk discusses the use of the canvas element in games and web applications to improve performance. It compares the Canvas API and WebGL API, highlighting the advantages and disadvantages of each. The Canvas API allows for both CPU and GPU rendering, while WebGL API only uses GPU and hardware acceleration. Using the canvas element can significantly enhance performance, but it comes with increased complexity and development costs.
Boost the Performance of Your WebGL Unity Games!
JS GameDev Summit 2023JS GameDev Summit 2023
7 min
Boost the Performance of Your WebGL Unity Games!
The Talk discusses ways to boost the performance of WebGL Unity games, including issues with bundle size, memory usage, and runtime performance. It suggests using Brotli for compression and non-exception support for better performance. Choosing the appropriate texture compression format and experimenting with separate builds can also help. The Talk also covers optimizing textures, models, audio, and assets by reducing build size, using compression, disabling unnecessary models, and optimizing audio quality. Unity's optimization tools and profilers are recommended for analyzing performance and memory issues.
Machine Learning in Game Development
JS GameDev Summit 2023JS GameDev Summit 2023
18 min
Machine Learning in Game Development
Today's Talk explores cheating in video games and the role of machine learning in detecting and preventing it. Trust and fairness are crucial in gaming, as players invest time and emotion into virtual worlds. Traditional rule-based models assess player actions, while machine learning can detect complex and evolving cheating methods. Training models and organizing data are key challenges in utilizing machine learning for cheating detection. The future lies in collaborative security systems that combine rule-based models with machine learning to protect against cheating.
Unleashing Next-Gen 3D Web Experiences with Babylon.js 6.0
JS GameDev Summit 2023JS GameDev Summit 2023
20 min
Unleashing Next-Gen 3D Web Experiences with Babylon.js 6.0
Babylon.js is an open-source 3D rendering engine that aims to be powerful, beautiful, simple, and open. It supports WebGL, WebGPU, and canvas accelerated UI, and offers features like physics integration and WebXR abstraction. The engine provides tools like the Playground and Inspector for debugging and editing scenes. Babylon Native brings the power of Babylon Engine to Native platforms, and the latest release integrates the Havok physics engine for improved performance. Version 7.0 will introduce new features like the Node Geometry Editor and Flow Graph, and will revamp the API and audio engine.
The Secret to Good Game Iteration
JS GameDev Summit 2023JS GameDev Summit 2023
21 min
The Secret to Good Game Iteration
This talk explores game design, iteration, and prototyping, emphasizing the importance of playtesting with non-developers and smooth prototype testing. Observing playtesters carefully and gathering their feedback is crucial for understanding their thoughts and feelings. Playtesters are essential during the design process to ensure a cohesive and enjoyable game. The speaker shares a personal example of solving multiple problems with a single solution in the game Beast of Colchis. The talk concludes with a reminder to prototype, be nice to playtesters, and focus on making gameplay fun.
Game Development Patterns and Architectures in JavaScript
JS GameDev Summit 2023JS GameDev Summit 2023
28 min
Game Development Patterns and Architectures in JavaScript
Today's Talk covers game design and architecture, including entity component systems, game loops, and decoupling game logic from rendering. Entity component systems are popular in JavaScript game development for representing games as entities and their components as behavior on data. Game loops control the flow of the game and updating its state, with different architectures like fixed time step and variable time step. Decoupling game logic from rendering improves performance and flexibility, allowing for independent updates and easy addition of new features. Having a clear separation of concerns in game development improves performance, increases flexibility, and makes debugging easier.
Migration from WebGL to WebGPU
JS GameDev Summit 2023JS GameDev Summit 2023
21 min
Migration from WebGL to WebGPU
This talk explores the differences between WebGL and WebGPU, with a focus on transitioning from WebGL to WebGPU. It discusses the initialization process and shader programs in both APIs, as well as the creation of pipelines in WebGPU. The comparison of uniforms highlights the use of uniform buffers for improved performance. The talk also covers the differences in conventions between WebGL and WebGPU, including textures, viewport and clip spaces. Lastly, it mentions the differences in depth range and projection matrix between the two APIs.
Using the Gamepad API for a Better Gaming Experience on the Web
JS GameDev Summit 2023JS GameDev Summit 2023
21 min
Using the Gamepad API for a Better Gaming Experience on the Web
The Talk discusses the web gamepad API and its use in game development on the web platform. It explores the GamePad API, which allows developers to connect gaming devices to the browser and use them in gaming applications. The implementation of the GamePad API involves tracking button presses and joystick movements using request animation frame. The Talk also introduces the JoypadJS library, which extends the GamePad API to track button presses, axis movements, and provides haptic feedback. JoypadJS works on modern browsers with GamePad API support and is used in games, interactive applications, and IoT projects.
Supercharge Your Game’s Social Features with Nakama
JS GameDev Summit 2023JS GameDev Summit 2023
17 min
Supercharge Your Game’s Social Features with Nakama
Social features in games increase player engagement, drive in-app purchases, and allow for community building. Nakama is a tool that enables the addition of multiple social features to games, such as authentication, friend management, and leaderboards. The implementation process involves installing the nakama.js package, creating a client object, and using custom authentication. Users can log out, manage friends, view user information, and interact with leaderboards. Additionally, Nakama allows for the implementation of player participation rewards through custom code.
Lessons From 7 Years of .IO Games: What Works, What Doesn’t Work, Where to Go From Here
JS GameDev Summit 2023JS GameDev Summit 2023
14 min
Lessons From 7 Years of .IO Games: What Works, What Doesn’t Work, Where to Go From Here
I-O games are multiplayer web games that are easy to pick up but can be played for hours. Developers have added deeper game mechanics and adapted I-O games for mobile, generating high revenue. Acquiring users for I-O games is done by sharing the games to play together at school. Monetization of I-O games is primarily through ads, as it is difficult to generate in-app purchases from the web. Web standards and user-generated content are opening up new possibilities for better web games.
Building the AI for Athena Crisis
JS GameDev Summit 2023JS GameDev Summit 2023
37 min
Building the AI for Athena Crisis
Join Christoph from Nakazawa Tech in building the AI for Athena Crisis, a game where the AI performs actions just like a player. Learn about the importance of abstractions, primitives, and search algorithms in building an AI for a video game. Explore the architecture of Athena Crisis, which uses immutable persistent data structures and optimistic updates. Discover how to implement AI behaviors and create a class for the AI. Find out how to analyze units, assign weights, and prioritize actions based on the game state. Consider the next steps in building the AI and explore the possibility of building an AI for a real-time strategy game.
Game Development with ReactJS, CSS, and React Three Fiber
JS GameDev Summit 2023JS GameDev Summit 2023
22 min
Game Development with ReactJS, CSS, and React Three Fiber
Jorge Rubiano, a Software Engineer from Colombia, shares puzzle, isometric, and board games developed using React.js and CSS. He demonstrates the use of WebGL and 3.js for creating 3D games on the web. ReactiveFiber, a renderer that combines React and 3.js, is showcased in movement-based and color-changing games. The Talk concludes with the development of a bowling game using ReactiveFiber and complex components.
Unleashing Object Proxies: Building Type-Safe Wrappers for Anything
TypeScript Congress 2023TypeScript Congress 2023
16 min
Unleashing Object Proxies: Building Type-Safe Wrappers for Anything
Object proxies are middleware for objects that allow control over input and output. They have various use cases such as controlling data access, adding logging, and handling responses. Implementing object proxies involves transpiling calls into network requests and handling property access and method calls. Handling object proxy traps and errors involves faking object structure, logging target objects and properties, and resolving errors. Making API calls with object proxies involves defining the correct type, making backend calls, and wrapping methods to return promises. Object proxies are widely used in ORMs and RPC libraries and should be explored and experimented with.
TypeScript Survival Guide: Life-Saving Tips and Techniques
TypeScript Congress 2023TypeScript Congress 2023
7 min
TypeScript Survival Guide: Life-Saving Tips and Techniques
Hello, I'm Lucas, a software engineer at Klarna in Sweden. I will be sharing my best tips and tricks with TypeScript. One useful tool is tsconfig-basis, which eliminates the need for copying and pasting the same tsconfig file. Rendered types in TypeScript are powerful for handling different types of strings, and type guards and assertion functions make them even more useful. Enums in TypeScript can be number, string, or const, each with its own advantages and limitations. Lastly, there are new features in PS 5.2 like 'using' for resource disposal and 'unknown' for data protection, as well as a case conversion utility type for interfaces.
Are the (module) types wrong?
TypeScript Congress 2023TypeScript Congress 2023
30 min
Are the (module) types wrong?
This Talk discusses module system complexities and terminology, TypeScript and Node disagreements, and fixing TypeScript errors with the Helmet package. It also explores module resolution and type disagreements, challenges with TypeScript and Node support, and the need for improvements in popular packages.
The Potential of Higher-Kinded Types for Library Semantics
TypeScript Congress 2023TypeScript Congress 2023
8 min
The Potential of Higher-Kinded Types for Library Semantics
The Talk discusses the potential of higher kind of types (HKTs) for library semantics, enabling better inference and type-level operations. It explains how HKTs can be created in TypeScript by exploiting function types as a function of object attributes. This allows for the creation of composable functional utilities with intelligent type inference and a chaining interface that computes type-level results. Overall, the Talk highlights the benefits and possibilities of using HKTs in software development.
Advanced linting rules with ESLint
TypeScript Congress 2023TypeScript Congress 2023
10 min
Advanced linting rules with ESLint
Tibor Blanesy from Sonar presents advanced techniques for linting with ESLint, including the use of ControlFlowGraph to detect errors in code. The algorithm is based on liveness analysis, which identifies live variables at any point in the program. Additionally, the talk covers the computation of block sets using the difference between outset and kill set unionized with genset.
Publishing TS Libraries for Fun and Profit
TypeScript Congress 2023TypeScript Congress 2023
31 min
Publishing TS Libraries for Fun and Profit
Mark Erickson discusses the complexities of publishing TypeScript libraries, including considerations like build artifact file formats, package exports, and different user environments. He shares his experiences with ESM support and interop with other module formats, and the challenges faced in migrating Redux to TypeScript. Erickson highlights the importance of understanding file formats and module types, and the insights gained from discussions with the TypeScript team. He also emphasizes the need for better tools and documentation in the ecosystem for publishing and maintaining TypeScript libraries.
Replacing Shell Scripts with Cross-Platform TypeScript
TypeScript Congress 2023TypeScript Congress 2023
8 min
Replacing Shell Scripts with Cross-Platform TypeScript
The speaker discusses the benefits of replacing shell scripts with TypeScript, highlighting the limitations of shell scripts and the advantages of TypeScript such as cross-platform compatibility and better tooling. Deno is presented as the ideal platform for single file scripting, with its built-in support for TypeScript, automatic dependency installation, and sandboxing. The dax library is mentioned as a useful tool for scripting, providing a cross-platform shell and other APIs. Overall, the Talk emphasizes the power and flexibility of using TypeScript and Deno for scripting purposes.
Unlocking TypeScript's Potential: Exploring the Power of Ecosystem Tooling
TypeScript Congress 2023TypeScript Congress 2023
12 min
Unlocking TypeScript's Potential: Exploring the Power of Ecosystem Tooling
Today's Talk explores the world of TypeScript ecosystem tooling, discussing essential tools for project setup, including package managers and project scaffolding. It also covers code analysis, testing, and deployment in TypeScript, as well as best practices for maintaining high-quality code. The Talk emphasizes the importance of intelligent code editors, code formatters, and linters in ensuring code quality. It also highlights the significance of codebase maintainability and following TypeScript best practices for efficient and scalable code.
Migrating TypeScript to Modules: The Fine Details
TypeScript Congress 2023TypeScript Congress 2023
26 min
Migrating TypeScript to Modules: The Fine Details
This Talk discusses TypeScript's migration to modules, the challenges faced, and the automation used for the migration. The TS Morph library and git are used for code transformation and managing changes. The final step involves converting TS dotted names to named imports. The migration to ESBuild brings benefits like faster development loop and improved import organization in TypeScript.
Enhanced AST Static Analysis with Typescript Language Server
TypeScript Congress 2023TypeScript Congress 2023
12 min
Enhanced AST Static Analysis with Typescript Language Server
Today's Talk discusses enhancing static code analysis using TypeScript language server and abstract syntax tree (AST). TypeScript can help with static analysis by providing types based on function signatures. By integrating TSMorph into a Babel plugin, we can check types for specific nodes in the abstract syntax tree. Enhancements to static analysis include checking console.log arguments and removing unnecessary expressions. TypeScript's type information can be used to compile CSS and extract it into a separate stylesheet, enabling better compilation and build time performance.
Running TypeScript in WebAssembly on the Cloud
TypeScript Congress 2023TypeScript Congress 2023
10 min
Running TypeScript in WebAssembly on the Cloud
Today's Talk discusses running TypeScript in WebAssembly on the cloud using Fermion's WebAssembly runtime. Fermion provides a serverless environment called Spin that allows for easy serverless application development in multiple languages. The process of creating a TypeScript serverless app with Spin involves installing Spin, creating a new app using the HTTP TS template, and testing it on localhost. To deploy the app, the 'spin deploy' command is used, and Fermi on cloud handles routing and makes the app accessible through a public URL.
TypeScript Performance: Going Beyond the Surface
TypeScript Congress 2023TypeScript Congress 2023
34 min
TypeScript Performance: Going Beyond the Surface
Top Content
Today's Talk provides an overview of TypeScript performance and tools to address performance issues. It covers the compiler process, including the parser, binder, checker, and transformers steps. The Talk emphasizes the importance of keeping TypeScript up to date for better performance. It also discusses strategies for optimizing TypeScript compilation and debugging, analyzing build performance using trace files, and improving performance by simplifying types and avoiding overloading union types.
Unify Data Sources with GraphQL at the edge
TypeScript Congress 2023TypeScript Congress 2023
17 min
Unify Data Sources with GraphQL at the edge
This Talk discusses the benefits of using GraphQL to unify data sources, the flexibility of deploying APIs with GraphBase, and the ability to customize the GraphQL API using TypeScript. The GraphBase SDK allows developers to import auth, config, connector, and schema, providing full type safety and configuration options. TypeScript provides a helpful coding experience with hover-over hints and descriptions. The Talk also highlights the ability to extend the Stripe API using custom code and the ease of configuration with GraphBase and TypeScript.
Generating types without climbing a tree
TypeScript Congress 2023TypeScript Congress 2023
30 min
Generating types without climbing a tree
This talk explores the challenges and benefits of generating types for APIs. The speaker discusses the need for a better client experience and the popularity of generating clients. They also explain the use of OpenAPI for generating REST API clients and the use of Cold Block Writer for code generation. The talk covers the process of defining types for parameters and responses, generating the client and request, and using the generated client. The speaker also touches on validation in production and the initial challenges with TypeScript.
Let's Make a Generic Inference Algorithm
TypeScript Congress 2023TypeScript Congress 2023
25 min
Let's Make a Generic Inference Algorithm
Top Content
Hello, welcome to Let's Make an Inference Algorithm. Today, I'll give you a high-level overview of how TypeScript's generic inference process works. We'll explore different possibilities like 'any,' 'unknown,' or 'number.' The algorithm for inferring type arguments collects candidates and picks the first one, ensuring the best correct answer. The concept of the best common supertype is used to determine the best candidate. Context sensitivity is addressed in the algorithm, allowing for optimal behavior.
Generating Typed Code
TypeScript Congress 2023TypeScript Congress 2023
22 min
Generating Typed Code
Today, I'm going to be talking about how type generation helped reduce bugs and improve our developer experience at Rollbar. The Monolith tech stack is built primarily on Python Pyramid, a web framework that's similar to Django, Ruby on Rails, or Express. To address debugging, performance, and code navigation challenges, we migrated to a tech stack that includes TypeScript, Next.js, GraphQL, and React Query. Codegen is used to generate TypeScript code on both the server and client side, enhancing debugging, performance, and code navigation.
The Lies We Tell Ourselves Using TypeScript
TypeScript Congress 2023TypeScript Congress 2023
28 min
The Lies We Tell Ourselves Using TypeScript
The Talk discusses the limitations of TypeScript and the lies we tell ourselves about its type safety. It explores examples of unsafe operations and bending the type system using keywords like type assertion and function is dice. The Talk also covers catching syntax errors, type mismatches, and the complexity of conditional types and generics. It emphasizes the importance of understanding TypeScript's limitations and making well-informed decisions as software engineers.
From Theory to Practice: harnessing Typescript for successful Atomic Design implementation
TypeScript Congress 2023TypeScript Congress 2023
27 min
From Theory to Practice: harnessing Typescript for successful Atomic Design implementation
Leveraging TypeScript and Atomic Design can solve code structure conundrums and achieve readability, efficiency, and flexibility. TypeScript offers benefits like intelligent refactoring, improved on-boarding, and fewer bugs. Typescript makes you think differently and opens doors for what you can do. Real-world challenges and considerations can be exacerbated when using TypeScript with atomic design. Avoid over-engineering and code depth, and stay close to the product to maintain codebase alignment.
How TypeScript is integrated in your editor
TypeScript Congress 2023TypeScript Congress 2023
18 min
How TypeScript is integrated in your editor
Today's Talk explores TypeScript integration and refactoring, code action handling, the TypeScript server and refactoring process, bug reporting, and the TypeScript protocol and LSP. The Talk discusses how TypeScript is integrated into editors, the role of code action providers, and the communication between the client and server. It also highlights the two-stage process of code actions and the importance of bug reporting. Additionally, it mentions the TypeScript protocol and how it allows for language-specific extensions. LSP is mentioned as a powerful extensibility solution used by various languages.
How to make our CLIs safer with types?
TypeScript Congress 2023TypeScript Congress 2023
29 min
How to make our CLIs safer with types?
This talk explores the challenges of building CLIs and introduces a fully typed CLI framework built with TypeScript. It discusses the complexities and pitfalls of CLI implementation and the benefits of using decorators for metadata and logic. The talk also covers type inference challenges and presents a third way of assigning annotations as decorators. It highlights the integration of Tpanion, Zod, and ClipAnion for type checking and format validation. Finally, it mentions other CLI frameworks like ClipAllian, Common.js, and Oclif that offer similar functionality.
Faster TypeScript builds with --isolatedDeclarations
TypeScript Congress 2023TypeScript Congress 2023
24 min
Faster TypeScript builds with --isolatedDeclarations
Top Content
This talk discusses the performance issues in TypeScript builds and introduces a new feature called isolated declarations. By running the compiler in parallel and using isolated modules, significant performance gains can be achieved. Isolated declarations improve build speed, compatibility with other tools, and require developers to write types in code. This feature has the potential to further increase performance and may be available in TypeScript soon.
Using TypeScript with Key/Value Databases
TypeScript Congress 2023TypeScript Congress 2023
31 min
Using TypeScript with Key/Value Databases
Key-value databases are optimized for high availability and partition tolerance, making them ideal for storing non-relational data structures. They prioritize speed and high availability over consistency, making them suitable for simple data models or one-to-one mappings. However, they have limited query capabilities compared to relational databases. Some available options for key-value databases include DynamoDB, CloudFlare Worker KV, Redis, and FoundationDB. Using key-value databases in TypeScript requires addressing challenges such as serialization, deserialization, secondary indexes, relationships, and validation. The Talk includes a demonstration of an application that showcases the use of secondary indexes and the implementation of a key-value database in Deno or Redis.
ArkType: Bringing TypeScript to Runtime
TypeScript Congress 2023TypeScript Congress 2023
21 min
ArkType: Bringing TypeScript to Runtime
This Talk discusses the concept of runtime validation in TypeScript and how it bridges the gap between TypeScript's expressiveness and runtime capabilities. The speaker explains the evolution of top-down parsing and the shift-reduced parser that made runtime validation possible. The benefits of runtime validation in terms of flexibility, scalability, and efficiency are highlighted. The integration of validation and the type system is emphasized, along with the enhanced validation capabilities and new features offered by the Archetype framework.
Infer multiple things at once with reverse mapped types
TypeScript Congress 2023TypeScript Congress 2023
26 min
Infer multiple things at once with reverse mapped types
Top Content
Mateusz Kruzynski introduces reverse map types and demonstrates their use in transforming object types. He discusses how reverse map types can be used for inference and to provide contextual types for parameter types. He also shows how reverse map types can be used to extend an entity and bind event listeners. In the context of state machines, he explains how reverse map types can be utilized to strongly type the initial property and create hierarchical state machines. However, there are limitations to be aware of, such as inferring a single thing per object property or tuple element.
Exploring the TypeScript-first architecture of modern frameworks
TypeScript Congress 2023TypeScript Congress 2023
25 min
Exploring the TypeScript-first architecture of modern frameworks
Hi, everyone. Today, I'll be showing you some of the features that modern frameworks implement or frameworks that leverage Typescript implement to improve the developer and user experience. I'll cover some of the features that Expo with Expo Router and Next.js with the AppRouter implements. Let's talk about setting up TypeScript in both Expo and Next.js. Both frameworks provide a TypeScript-first development experience. The most important feature is type safe routing, which enhances developer productivity and app stability. Frameworks provide a built-in link component for link generation. It reduces the risk of typos and throws type errors when linking to non-existent routes. In Expo, enable the .typed experiment and import the link component from the exporouter package. Expo supports static and dynamic routes, and throws errors for incorrect parameters. ExpoRouter provides hooks like UseSegments and UseRouter for more control. In Next.js, enable typedRoutes in the next config file. We can import the link component from the next link package and restart the dev server after updating the next config file. Next.js automatically generates route definitions and includes the type file in the TS config. Autocompletion is available for the href attribute, which can be a string or dynamic value. Next.js provides hooks like use router for static navigation and router.push to prevent redirection to broken routes. Catch all routes in type safe routing pose a challenge for enforcing type safety on the href attribute. TypeScript may not throw an error for routes that may be broken or lead to unwanted pages. Keep this in mind when working with catch all routes. Before a production build, route types should be in place to ensure accurate type definitions. Generating routes is an ongoing task that needs to happen at the right moment to avoid build-time errors. When implemented correctly, type-safe routes can elevate the developer experience by preventing broken links or dysfunctional routes. In Next.js, server components and client components have different limitations. Next.js provides automatic error checking for importing useState in server components and enforces the useClientDirective to prevent using client-related code in the wrong places. Next.js also ensures type safety by throwing errors for invalid segment config options and requiring the alt attribute for image components to improve accessibility. Config files in Expo and Next.js have different approaches to incorporating TypeScript, with Expo using the TS node require hook and Next.js supporting type checking through jsdoc in the config JS file. By enabling type-safe routing, we catch potential issues at compile time, ensuring robust routes and unbroken links. Many other frameworks and tools leverage TypeScript to empower developers and deliver error-free experiences to users.
Taming Language Models through TypeScript
TypeScript Congress 2023TypeScript Congress 2023
26 min
Taming Language Models through TypeScript
TypeChat is an open-source library that uses TypeScript types to guide and validate responses from language models. It allows for the creation of complex responses and provides a way to repair errors in the model. TypeChat programs enable better flow of data and the ability to refer to individual steps. The math example demonstrates the use of a program translator and metaprogramming techniques for type safety. Language models trained on both code and prose perform well in this context.
Making Magic: Building a TypeScript-First Framework
TypeScript Congress 2023TypeScript Congress 2023
31 min
Making Magic: Building a TypeScript-First Framework
Top Content
Daniel Rowe discusses building a TypeScript-first framework at TypeScript Congress and shares his involvement in various projects. Nuxt is a progressive framework built on Vue.js, aiming to reduce friction and distraction for developers. It leverages TypeScript for inference and aims to be the source of truth for projects. Nuxt provides type safety and extensibility through integration with TypeScript. Migrating to TypeScript offers long-term maintenance benefits and can uncover hidden bugs. Nuxt focuses on improving existing tools and finds inspiration in frameworks like TRPC.
Lessons Learned While Learning Live
TypeScript Congress 2023TypeScript Congress 2023
25 min
Lessons Learned While Learning Live
Learning something new is scary, but overcoming the fear of judgment and embracing patience and practice are key. Understanding learning techniques and the importance of continuous learning are essential in overcoming the fear of public speaking. Learning from podcasts and sharing clips can help in overcoming the paralysis of learning. Making mistakes is inevitable, but it is a part of the learning process. Discovering passion and finding the dream job can be a challenging journey. Learning styles, studying techniques, and embracing frustration are crucial in the learning journey. Typescript provides structure and tools for easier learning. Continuous growth and embracing uncertainty are important for personal development. Starting live streaming requires attention to gear and audio quality.
What is "TC39: Type Annotations" aka the Types as Comments proposal
TypeScript Congress 2023TypeScript Congress 2023
27 min
What is "TC39: Type Annotations" aka the Types as Comments proposal
The TC59 Type Annotations proposal, also known as Types with Comments, introduces the ability to run typed code in JavaScript. It aims to bring TypeScript back into JavaScript and create a separation between type system and runtime. TypeScript's popularity is on par with JavaScript, raising concerns about the influence of Microsoft. The proposal progresses by addressing runtime interaction and token soup in type specifications. Research, community involvement, and quantifying the effects of supporting this comment style are important goals.
React Myths And Legends
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
22 min
React Myths And Legends
Watch video: React Myths And Legends
This talk discusses myths and misconceptions in React that can impact re-renders. It covers unnecessary re-renders and the misconception that props trigger re-renders. The talk also explores the role of memoization and context in reducing re-renders. Additionally, it highlights the importance of using the key attribute correctly to optimize rendering. The talk concludes by discussing the separation of state and API in context and the use of state management tools like Redux.
7 TypeScript Patterns You Should Be Using
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
19 min
7 TypeScript Patterns You Should Be Using
Top Content
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This Talk introduces 7 essential TypeScript patterns for React development, including children, spreading props, either-or, generic components, and context. The speaker demonstrates various implementations and provides examples using a fictional dog grooming salon application. Other interesting ideas include using omit and make required types, creating components with either-or interfaces, and using generics, memorization, and context in React. The speaker also introduces the Recontextual library for context management.
How To Build a Chrome Extension Using React
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
18 min
How To Build a Chrome Extension Using React
Watch video: How To Build a Chrome Extension Using React
This Talk is about building a Chrome extension using React. It covers the setup, permissions, and behaviors of the extension, as well as calling external services and running the extension locally. The Talk also discusses the process of publishing the extension and includes a demo of an email management system. Overall, it provides a comprehensive overview of building and deploying a Chrome extension using React.
Secrets in Source Code - How Your JS Code is Exposing Your Credentials
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
11 min
Secrets in Source Code - How Your JS Code is Exposing Your Credentials
Watch video: Secrets in Source Code - How Your JS Code is Exposing Your Credentials
This lightning presentation discusses the issue of secrets leaking in code and how it can expose digital authentication credentials. GitGuardian scanned over 10 million secrets in public repositories on GitHub, with Python being the top language for leaked secrets. The exposure of secrets can occur in both public and private repositories, and it is important to avoid hardcoding secrets and store keys securely. Best practices for handling keys and secrets include using a centralized place for storing keys, using tools like .env for loading secrets, and implementing vaults and secrets managers.
Development History of Zustand
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
19 min
Development History of Zustand
Watch video: Development History of Zustand
This talk provides an overview of the development history of Zestand, a state management library for React, and the speaker's involvement in it. It also introduces Jotai, another state management library developed by the speaker, and compares it with Zestand. The talk highlights the unique features and goals of both libraries, as well as the challenges of monetizing open-source software.
Get Rid of Your API Schemas with tRPC
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
11 min
Get Rid of Your API Schemas with tRPC
Watch video: Get Rid of Your API Schemas with tRPC
This talk introduces TRPC, a tool that eliminates the need for API schemas and simplifies communication between server and client. It explores the use of TRPC in a Next.js application, showcasing how TypeScript and Prisma are utilized. The immediate feedback and backend debugging capabilities of TRPC are demonstrated, highlighting its advantages and drawbacks. Resources for further exploration are also provided.
Tuning Retro Video Archives for Display on the Modern Web using WebGL in React
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
31 min
Tuning Retro Video Archives for Display on the Modern Web using WebGL in React
Watch video: Tuning Retro Video Archives for Display on the Modern Web using WebGL in React
Travis Tykemany3 McGeehan, a full-stack developer at Gordon Food Services and an administrator for the TaskBot team and ambassador from Task Videos, discusses preserving retro game footage from the TAS scene for modern viewers with WebGL. He explains the role of TaskBot, a player piano for retro game consoles, and how the TaskBot team translates tool assisted speedruns to create the fastest possible sequence of inputs. He also highlights the core problems in video game footage archival, including chroma subsampling and stretched aspect ratios in small resolutions. Challenges in retro game footage preservation include storing records at the original, unstretched resolutions and avoiding bilinear interpolation. Different algorithms, such as point and Area, produce distinct effects when scaling up images. Techniques used on rgbscaler.com to preserve crisp footage of low-resolution GameBoy games include the use of the area algorithm, AV1 and H265 encoded videos, and the ability to play videos with CRT effects. The AV1 and H.265 video codecs are used to support lossless footage and proper upscaling of pixel art footage. A custom canvas with custom controls is created using React to blow up the video in WebGL, and the area scaling algorithm is used instead of bilinear. The WebGL texture updates using a render loop, and the shader logic recreates the mask and scan lines based on pixel position. The React RGB Scaler library enables syntax highlighting for the vertex shader and the fragment shader, making development easier. The RGB scaler site demonstrates the value of improving video quality while using significantly less bandwidth than YouTube.
The Future is Composable: Where to Start in Building for It
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
9 min
The Future is Composable: Where to Start in Building for It
Watch video: The Future is Composable: Where to Start in Building for It
The Talk discusses the future of the web and composability, emphasizing the benefits of using a composable architecture. It provides tips for building composable experiences, such as federating the content layer and starting with small projects. It also suggests using front-end orchestration and edge functions for personalization, localization, and authentication.
The Path Through Legacy: Delicate Balance Between Tolerance and Phobia
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
8 min
The Path Through Legacy: Delicate Balance Between Tolerance and Phobia
Watch video: The Path Through Legacy: Delicate Balance Between Tolerance and Phobia
Legacy can refer to ancient architecture or old code, and it is important to acknowledge and address legacy issues. Legacy code can be disorganized and outdated, making it difficult to update and extend. The goal is to leave the code base in a better condition than before, prioritizing code that is easily modifiable by others.
Meet Your New BFF: Backend to Frontend without the Duct Tape
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
7 min
Meet Your New BFF: Backend to Frontend without the Duct Tape
Watch video: Meet Your New BFF: Backend to Frontend without the Duct Tape
Noam, the creator of Remalt, explains how this Open Source remote framework can simplify the process of writing a Node.js backend for a React app. He demonstrates using Remalt for full-stack development by adding card capabilities to a front-end to-do app. He shows how Remalt can handle server-side sorting, filtering, and real-time updates. Noam also discusses the importance of data validation and access control, and how Remalt can provide a unified approach to these concerns. He invites viewers to visit the Grimmult website for tutorials and examples.
Making Impossible States with fp-ts and TypeScript in a React Application
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
8 min
Making Impossible States with fp-ts and TypeScript in a React Application
Watch video: Making Impossible States with fp-ts and TypeScript in a React Application
The Talk introduces TypeScript and FPTS in a React application, highlighting the benefits of static typing and functional programming. It discusses the concept of impossible states and how to prevent them using type checking. The importance of defining smart constructors and functions around data types is emphasized. Overall, the Talk explores the combination of JavaScript, TypeScript, and FPTS to create robust and error-free applications.
Extending React Using Astro
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
24 min
Extending React Using Astro
Watch video: Extending React Using Astro
Astro is an all-in-one framework built for speed that allows for flexibility and customization. It supports file-based routing, dynamic pages, and easy integration with popular frameworks like React. Astro's client directives enable selective hydration and optimization of websites. It also supports fetching data from APIs and using Markdown. With features like style preprocessors, CSS support, and deployment adapters, Astro stands out as a framework for SEO, developer experience, and performance.
Is My React Web App Ready for Launch?
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
11 min
Is My React Web App Ready for Launch?
Watch video: Is My React Web App Ready for Launch?
Today's Talk discusses the production readiness of React web applications, emphasizing the importance of user experience, reputation, security, and cost. The checklist for production readiness includes testing key journeys, optimizing performance, ensuring security through code review and penetration testing, and ensuring scalability. Non-functional requirements, performance testing, and monitoring are also crucial for application launch. The iterative process of launching an application involves trade-offs and the consideration of an MVP or phased rollout.
The Rise of Modern Transactional Stack
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
7 min
The Rise of Modern Transactional Stack
Watch video: The Rise of Modern Transactional Stack
Today's Talk explores architectural shifts in transactions, highlighting the dominance of JavaScript in the modern transactional stack and the elimination of the frontend-backend divide. The use of serverless and component-driven toolings allows for scalable infrastructure provisioning and removes the need for DevOps teams. Additionally, workflow engines play a crucial role in orchestrating async functions in the serverless native world.
It's 2023 and I Can Finally Talk About Atomic CSS
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
30 min
It's 2023 and I Can Finally Talk About Atomic CSS
Watch video: It's 2023 and I Can Finally Talk About Atomic CSS
Today's Talk discusses the traditional problems of scaling CSS and the advantages of Atomic CSS, including better performance and handling media queries. Concerns about HTML bloat and the breaking of separation of concerns can be addressed. Tailwind CSS has limitations in class detection and can lead to excess markup. Challenges include component exploration and querying, as well as tweaking CSS. Type safety is now addressed with tools like Tailwind CSS ClassNames and TypeWind. Style sheet composition and Atomic CSS and JS are important for building UI kits. Considerations for Tailwind CSS include its suitability for component-driven development and potential limitations with Web Components.
Introduction to Library Marketplace
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
12 min
Introduction to Library Marketplace
Watch video: Introduction to Library Marketplace
The Talk discusses selling NPM packages and React libraries in a marketplace, including earning money, building UI libraries, and using the marketplace dashboard. It explains how to publish packages on Pref.js and verify them. The Talk also mentions the ability to sell packages individually or offer subscriptions, sell to organizations, and offer volume packages on the Pref.js marketplace.
10x Your Teamwork Through Pair Programming
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
7 min
10x Your Teamwork Through Pair Programming
Watch video: 10x Your Teamwork Through Pair Programming
Selena Small
Michael Milewski
2 authors
In this Talk, Selina discusses the implementation of a delete functionality in a software project. She explains how the app component is responsible for triggering the delete action and passing it down to the list component. Selina also emphasizes the importance of writing tests to ensure the proper functioning of the delete feature. Additionally, she highlights the benefits of effective pairing sessions, such as using ping pong pairing and taking breaks to improve collaboration and productivity. Overall, this Talk provides valuable insights into software development practices and teamwork strategies.
Bringing Controversial Ideas to React
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
8 min
Bringing Controversial Ideas to React
Watch video: Bringing Controversial Ideas to React
This Talk discusses bringing controversial ideas to React, building a plugin architecture, and using Redux without the Connect method. It explores the implementation of plugins that inject functionality into the UI and the use of MobxStateTree. The Talk also highlights the challenges of connecting everything to Redux and the benefits of implementing custom re-renders for better performance. It emphasizes the importance of exploring new territories and embracing controversial ideas for new perspectives.
GraphQL in 2023 - Still Relevant?
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
24 min
GraphQL in 2023 - Still Relevant?
Watch video: GraphQL in 2023 - Still Relevant?
Lenz Weber-Tronic
Jerel Miller
2 authors
Today we'll discuss whether GraphQL is still relevant in 2023, exploring its benefits and unique features. We'll cover caching data on the client, data normalization, and reducing redundancy. We'll also look at updating data with mutations and upcoming features like the defer directive. Additionally, we'll explore the power of GraphQL Federation and how it allows for observing changes and making informed decisions.
useMachineLearning… and Have Fun with It!
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
9 min
useMachineLearning… and Have Fun with It!
Watch video: useMachineLearning… and Have Fun with It!
Nico, a freelance frontend developer and part of the Google Developer Experts program, provides an introduction to machine learning in the browser. He explains how machine learning differs from traditional algorithms and highlights the use of TensorFlow.js for implementing machine learning in the browser. The talk also covers the use of different backends, such as WebGL, and the conversion of audio into spectrograms for model comparison. Nico mentions the use of overlay for improved detection accuracy and the availability of speech command detection and custom model training with TensorFlow. Overall, the talk emphasizes the benefits of using and training machine learning models directly on the device.
How (The Heck) Did We End Up Here?!
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
6 min
How (The Heck) Did We End Up Here?!
Watch video: How (The Heck) Did We End Up Here?!
Web development has evolved significantly over the past 25 years, with the introduction of JavaScript and PHP. The choices for IDEs were limited, but local development was made easy with XAMP and deployment was as simple as FTP. Modern web development involves selecting a UI library or framework, deploying the front-end to platforms like Vercel or CloudFlare, and using serverless providers for persistent data. ORMs and query builders like Prisma and Drizzle facilitate communication with the database. Companies should prioritize delivering products over custom solutions to avoid unnecessary devops issues.
Our Journey Into μFrontends
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
11 min
Our Journey Into μFrontends
Watch video: Our Journey Into μFrontends
Welcome to our journey into micro-frontends. We integrated products using a dependency called the card tracker. The manual process between teams raised questions about version control. Microfrontends provided a seamless developer experience and allowed for the cleanup of technical debt. The approach also paved the way for a microservices approach in the backend.
Synthetic Monitoring and E2E Testing - 2 Sides of the Same Coin
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
9 min
Synthetic Monitoring and E2E Testing - 2 Sides of the Same Coin
Watch video: Synthetic Monitoring and E2E Testing - 2 Sides of the Same Coin
Carly Richards discusses the challenges of using different tools for synthetic monitoring and end-to-end testing, emphasizing the need for a unified approach with playwright and Elastic Synthetics. The Playwright API and Elastic Synthetics can be used together to create tests and monitoring tools, ensuring consistent user experience and documenting application features. By bringing development and SRE teams together and using a common tool, collaboration and defect identification can be improved.
Scaling React-Three-Fiber Applications beyond the Hello World
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
20 min
Scaling React-Three-Fiber Applications beyond the Hello World
Watch video: Scaling React-Three-Fiber Applications beyond the Hello World
WebGL has evolved from showcasing technology to being used in everyday applications like Google Maps and Figma. React and 3.js can be used together to build WebGL applications, allowing for reusable components and declarative development. Building complex 3D graphics applications requires efficient data structures, algorithms, and rendering techniques. The Flux CAD editor uses React, 3.js, and React ReFiber to handle complex engineering documents and optimize GPU utilization. Optimizing the render loop and GPU performance is crucial for improving WebGL application performance. Instance rendering can be used to optimize text rendering in WebGL applications, achieving efficient rendering of thousands of 3D characters.
Tired of Tech? Hit Reset with a Sabbatical or LOA
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
8 min
Tired of Tech? Hit Reset with a Sabbatical or LOA
Watch video: Tired of Tech? Hit Reset with a Sabbatical or LOA
Between burnout, toxic workplaces, the pandemic, the economic downturn, hustle culture, and constant upskilling, let's enjoy the journey instead of slogging through it. Introducing the idea of taking a mini-retirement while working, starting with a sabbatical. Companies offer sabbaticals as a perk, allowing personal development and a chance to return to work. Many companies have publicly stated sabbatical programs, like Adobe. Requirements are guidelines, not set in stone. And they offered it to me anyway by way of apology. Everything worked out, our mini-retirement lasted six months. In fact, the benefits of extended time off are something the rest of the world seems to understand, but the US hasn't gotten the memo. What about those of you who don't have access to a sabbatical? Is there another kind of mini-retirement you could pull off? Absolutely. You can check if you have the ability to request an unpaid personal leave of absence. Unlike a sabbatical, there's no guarantee you'll have a job waiting for you when you get back, but you can request it for any reason at any time. Great, but how can you do this? So let's talk logistics. A mini retirement is within reach for a lot of people. Here's a worksheet to help you plan your mini retirement. Determine your cash in and cash out to calculate your savings rate. You can choose how many months you want to take off and calculate the amount of money you need to save. Your savings rate reveals important information about your finances. Saving 10% to 20% can cut the time needed in half, and saving 30% per month allows you to work from September to May and save for your summer off. There are some considerations, such as paying for benefits out-of-pocket and pausing contributions to retirement accounts. Now, go take a mini retirement and explore more resources on personal finance and lifestyle design.
Thinking in React Query
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
22 min
Thinking in React Query
Top Content
Watch video: Thinking in React Query
React Query is not a data fetching library, but an Asian state manager. It helps keep data up to date and manage agent life cycles efficiently. React Query provides fine-grained subscriptions and allows for adjusting stale time to control data fetching behavior. Defining stale time and managing dependencies are important aspects of working with React Query. Using the URL as a state manager and Zustand for managing filters in React Query can be powerful.
Zod === Typescript, but at Runtime in Your React Applications
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
8 min
Zod === Typescript, but at Runtime in Your React Applications
Watch video: Zod === Typescript, but at Runtime in Your React Applications
Today's Talk discusses how Zod, an NPM library, can guarantee the TypeSystem at runtime, providing all the benefits of TypeScript. Zod's parse method allows for checking if objects match the schema, creating a validation layer between applications and APIs. By combining TypeScript with Zod, developers can ensure type safety at both runtime and build time, preventing code execution with incorrect data and improving the user experience.
Canaries in the CloudFront
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
12 min
Canaries in the CloudFront
Watch video: Canaries in the CloudFront
Today's Talk covers designing frontend CI/CD systems, integrating CDNs, and the impact of business type on frontend teams. The speaker shares their experience with CDN integration and its impact on their CI/CD strategy. They discuss canary releases and the challenges of pushing canary deploys to production. Additionally, they highlight the importance of integration testing for shift left and detecting issues before merging to the develop branch.
How Grafana Uses React to Power the World of Observability
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
7 min
How Grafana Uses React to Power the World of Observability
Watch video: How Grafana Uses React to Power the World of Observability
Grafana uses React to power its open source platform, leveraging its vast ecosystem, improved performance, and community contributions. The choice of state management tool depends on the team's problem space. React Hooks have posed challenges but have also been a powerful tool for developers. The new Scenes library simplifies development and reduces the learning curve. Despite challenges, React remains a powerful tool for complex frontends, and Grafana will continue to use it.
Server Components: The Epic Tale of Rendering UX
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
26 min
Server Components: The Epic Tale of Rendering UX
Top Content
Watch video: Server Components: The Epic Tale of Rendering UX
This Talk introduces server components in React, which provide an intermediate format for rendering and offer advantages for both client-side and server-side rendering. Server components reduce bundle size on the client and improve search engine optimization. They abstract the rendering process, allowing for faster rendering and flexibility in choosing where to render components. While server components are still in the experimental stage, Next.js is a good starting point to try them out.
Visual CMS… cool for React devs? Now’s the time!
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
8 min
Visual CMS… cool for React devs? Now’s the time!
Watch video: Visual CMS… cool for React devs? Now’s the time!
The Talk discusses the need for a revolutionary product that will change the way people edit websites. It highlights the challenges faced in visual editing and the limitations of existing CMSs. The Talk also emphasizes the benefits of headless CMSes for developers but acknowledges the sacrifice of visual editing. Ultimately, a solution is sought that caters to both content editors and developers.
Giving Superpowers to Your React Apps with Machine Learning
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
11 min
Giving Superpowers to Your React Apps with Machine Learning
Watch video: Giving Superpowers to Your React Apps with Machine Learning
Welcome to my lightning talk at React Summit 2023 where I discuss integrating machine learning capabilities in React apps using JavaScript libraries like TensorFlow.js and ONNX.js. These libraries allow for better privacy, lower cost, and lower latency by leveraging system hardware. Examples include using TensorFlow.js and CocoaSSIST to classify images and Ermine.ai for live audio transcription. React developers can now integrate machine learning without needing extensive knowledge of Python or other frameworks.
Improve Your Website's Speed and Efficiency with Partytown
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
20 min
Improve Your Website's Speed and Efficiency with Partytown
Watch video: Improve Your Website's Speed and Efficiency with Partytown
Today's Talk discusses improving site speed and efficiency using PartyTown, a tool that runs third-party scripts from a web worker, minimizing their impact on the main UI thread. The inclusion of third-party scripts in webpages should be carefully considered due to their potential impact on performance. Real-world testing is crucial to identify performance issues that may not surface during development. PartyTown offers features like white-listing script capabilities and supports various frameworks for easy integration. It was built by the team at builder.io to ensure websites can scale without sacrificing performance.
Go From Zero To Hero: Be Cross-Platform Devs With React Native
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
10 min
Go From Zero To Hero: Be Cross-Platform Devs With React Native
Watch video: Go From Zero To Hero: Be Cross-Platform Devs With React Native
Cross-platform development allows you to build apps compatible with multiple devices or operating systems, reusing 50 to 80 percent of your code. React Native has a wide range of third-party libraries for using APIs. Code examples cover React Native standalone case and with content management system, exploring built-in core components and third-party library APIs. Content management systems simplify content editing and asset swapping, allowing real-time editing and easy asset uploads. The importance of knowing built-in APIs for mastering cross-platform technologies and building scalable, easy-to-maintain applications is highlighted.
Code Signing React Native Apps
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
7 min
Code Signing React Native Apps
Watch video: Code Signing React Native Apps
Code signing is a critical step in preparing React Native apps for mobile devices. Generating a signed bundle requires different credentials for Android and iOS. Automating signed builds using a cloud CI-CD provider like AppFlow simplifies the process. AppFlow handles native iOS and Android builds in the cloud, including managing signing credentials. It allows for on-demand builds, automated workflows, and deployment to app stores.
Pushing Boundaries To The Edge
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
9 min
Pushing Boundaries To The Edge
Watch video: Pushing Boundaries To The Edge
The Talk discusses the concept of the Edge and its role in content delivery networks (CDNs). CDNs are designed to improve the delivery of static content but cannot distribute dynamically generated content. Edge computing is a distributed network architecture that processes data close to the source or users, enabling personalization, geolocation-based dynamic content, AV testing, and content authentication. Frameworks like NexGIS, Bercel, Netlify, AWS, and Remix offer edge computing capabilities through edge functions or middleware, allowing execution of server-side logic closer to end users.
Video Editing in the Browser
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
23 min
Video Editing in the Browser
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This Talk discusses the challenges of video editing in the browser and the limitations of existing tools. It explores image compression techniques, including Fourier transform and Huffman encoding, to reduce file sizes. The video codec and frame decoding process are explained, highlighting the importance of keyframes and delta frames. The performance bottleneck is identified as the codec, and the need for specialized hardware for efficient video editing is emphasized. The Talk concludes with a call to create a simplified API for video editing in the browser and the potential for AI-powered video editing.
Overcoming Performance Limitations in React Components for Low-end Devices
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
9 min
Overcoming Performance Limitations in React Components for Low-end Devices
Watch video: Overcoming Performance Limitations in React Components for Low-end Devices
This Talk discusses overcoming performance limitations in React components for low-end devices, focusing on app launch time and scrolling performance. The speaker shares techniques for improving app launch and scrolling performance, such as pre-rendering, generating HTML at build time, and using the Virtual List component. The Virtual List component recycles dominoes and uses Translate3D function for improved performance. Delegating scrolling to the browser in NativeMode and supporting scrolling via remote control keys are also mentioned. Overall, the Talk highlights the importance of optimizing performance for low-end devices and provides practical solutions for achieving better performance in React components.
WHOA, I Wrote This React App With My Voice!
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
9 min
WHOA, I Wrote This React App With My Voice!
Watch video: WHOA, I Wrote This React App With My Voice!
Today we're going to build a React application with just our voice using GitHub Copilot, an AI peer programmer powered by OpenAI Codecs. It's important to be specific in your comments to get accurate suggestions from Copilot. Prompt engineering tips can be used to create different applications, such as a basic markdown editor and a simple to-do app. The application was tested successfully by adding and deleting to-do items using voice commands.
Building a Voice-Enabled AI Assistant With Javascript
JSNation 2023JSNation 2023
21 min
Building a Voice-Enabled AI Assistant With Javascript
Top Content
This Talk discusses building a voice-activated AI assistant using web APIs and JavaScript. It covers using the Web Speech API for speech recognition and the speech synthesis API for text to speech. The speaker demonstrates how to communicate with the Open AI API and handle the response. The Talk also explores enabling speech recognition and addressing the user. The speaker concludes by mentioning the possibility of creating a product out of the project and using Tauri for native desktop-like experiences.
JavaScript Source Maps, Can We Do Better?
JSNation 2023JSNation 2023
27 min
JavaScript Source Maps, Can We Do Better?
Source maps allow understanding of transpiled, bundled, or minified code. Debugging with post hoc and debug identifiers helps identify files. Issues with source maps include hash collisions and missing function names. Various techniques can be used to determine the function that caused an error. Source maps can store additional information and improvements can be made to path resolution and column positions. Code points and token positions can differ across browsers. Detecting source maps can be challenging without a standardized JSON schema.
DEADScript: The Role Of JavaScript In Web Sustainability
JSNation 2023JSNation 2023
21 min
DEADScript: The Role Of JavaScript In Web Sustainability
This Talk discusses digital sustainability and the role of JavaScript in web sustainability. It highlights the impact of electricity carbon intensity and page weight on carbon footprints. The Talk also examines JavaScript's contribution to the carbon footprint on mobile devices and emphasizes the importance of reducing unnecessary requests. The introduction of the carbon control tool, which provides performance data and estimates carbon footprints, is also mentioned.
What We Owe to Each Other
JSNation 2023JSNation 2023
24 min
What We Owe to Each Other
The Talk discusses building and supporting the JavaScript community, the role of companies in open source, the importance of time and collaboration, reporting bugs with kindness, the challenges of developer relations, the role of maintainers and documentation, the importance of inclusivity, embracing change in project development, supporting ourselves and the community, and finding hope for a better community.
Scaling Distributed Machine Learning, to the Edge & Back
JSNation 2023JSNation 2023
21 min
Scaling Distributed Machine Learning, to the Edge & Back
This talk explores JavaScript's role in distributed machine learning at scale, discussing the lack of tooling and the accessibility of machine learning deployments. It also covers cloud-based machine learning architecture, machine learning at the edge, and the use of HarperDB for simplified machine learning deployment. The concept of iterative AI and model training is also discussed.
The Future Stack of Code Review
JSNation 2023JSNation 2023
22 min
The Future Stack of Code Review
The Talk discusses the challenges of code reviews and the need to redefine the code review process in light of changes in software development. It emphasizes the importance of collaboration, security, performance, and clean code in the new stack of code review. The Talk also highlights the benefits of automating code review comments and optimizing the code review process. Overall, the Talk aims to build a better code review process that promotes collaboration and improves the quality of software development.
Start Building Your Own JavaScript Tools
JSNation 2023JSNation 2023
22 min
Start Building Your Own JavaScript Tools
[♪ music ♪ by The Illuminati plays)] I see a common thread across any project I work on. Different developers are making the same mistake and we have preferred ways of doing things. Preventing mistakes and sharing best practices are great reasons to look at tools like linters and in particular ESLint. Let's write our first rule together. We're just scratching the surface of building our own tools, which can have a massive impact on improving the developer experience.
Static Analysis in JavaScript: What’s Easy and What’s Hard
JSNation 2023JSNation 2023
23 min
Static Analysis in JavaScript: What’s Easy and What’s Hard
Static analysis in JavaScript involves analyzing source code without executing it, producing metrics, problems, or warnings. Data flow analysis aims to determine the values of data in a program. Rule implementation in JavaScript can be straightforward or require extensive consideration of various cases and parameters. JavaScript's dynamic nature and uncertainty make static analysis challenging, but it can greatly improve code quality.
Building an IoT App With InfluxDB, JavaScript, and Plotly.js
JSNation 2023JSNation 2023
20 min
Building an IoT App With InfluxDB, JavaScript, and Plotly.js
This Talk introduces building an IoT app with InfluxDB, JavaScript, and PlotlyJS, highlighting the benefits of time series databases for handling high ingestion rates and data manipulation. It provides instructions for setting up IoT devices and connecting sensors, along with data cleaning and transformation techniques. The Talk covers creating a bucket in InfluxDB, using JavaScript client libraries for data read and write, querying and graphing data with InfluxDB and Plotly.js, creating dashboards, and available learning resources. Overall, it offers a comprehensive overview of building IoT applications with InfluxDB.
Pushing the Limits of Video Encoding in Browsers With WebCodecs
JSNation 2023JSNation 2023
25 min
Pushing the Limits of Video Encoding in Browsers With WebCodecs
Top Content
This Talk explores the challenges and solutions in video encoding with web codecs. It discusses drawing and recording video on the web, capturing and encoding video frames, and introduces the WebCodecs API. The Talk also covers configuring the video encoder, understanding codecs and containers, and the video encoding process with muxing using ffmpeg. The speaker shares their experience in building a video editing tool on the browser and showcases Slantit, a tool for making product videos.
Responsive Images for Your Website
JSNation 2023JSNation 2023
7 min
Responsive Images for Your Website
The Talk discusses various aspects of serving images on websites, including where to store images, image transformation options, and image formats. It also explores different approaches for handling image versions and sizes, such as preparing them in advance or using a proxy server. The speaker highlights the importance of optimizing images for performance and mentions the progress made in adopting new image formats. Overall, the Talk provides insights into best practices for managing and serving responsive dynamic images.
i18n Was the Missing Piece: Let 70%+ of the Users in the World to Access Your Apps
JSNation 2023JSNation 2023
13 min
i18n Was the Missing Piece: Let 70%+ of the Users in the World to Access Your Apps
Today's Talk explores the impact of I18n and DEX for developers, the challenges of I18n, and the importance of understanding different approaches. It discusses determining languages and regions using IP address, browser settings, and URL patterns. The Talk also covers translation loading, using the i18xProvider, and addressing issues such as URL parameters and maintaining translation files. Additionally, it explores connecting with a Content Management System, implementing folder level translation, and utilizing code splats for dynamic routes.
ESM Loaders: Enhancing Module Loading in Node.js
JSNation 2023JSNation 2023
22 min
ESM Loaders: Enhancing Module Loading in Node.js
ESM Loaders enhance module loading in Node.js by resolving URLs and reading files from the disk. Module loaders can override modules and change how they are found. Enhancing the loading phase involves loading directly from HTTP and loading TypeScript code without building it. The loader in the module URL handles URL resolution and uses fetch to fetch the source code. Loaders can be chained together to load from different sources, transform source code, and resolve URLs differently. The future of module loading enhancements is promising and simple to use.
Web Push Notifications Done Right
JSNation 2023JSNation 2023
11 min
Web Push Notifications Done Right
Let's talk about web push notifications and their benefits. Web push notifications have higher opt-in and click rates compared to traditional methods. The web push API should be used responsibly, with subscription requests initiated only after explicit user action. Improve engagement by using emojis in notifications. Connect with the speaker on LinkedIn for more information about the web push API.
Maximum Efficiency: A Primer on Capacitor
JSNation 2023JSNation 2023
12 min
Maximum Efficiency: A Primer on Capacitor
Building an app can be challenging, but Capacitor allows code sharing across web, iOS, and Android. Packaging an app involves configuring plugins and modifying the project in Xcode. The app can be deployed to an iPhone and access typical dev servers.
5 Ways You Could Have Hacked Node.js
JSNation 2023JSNation 2023
22 min
5 Ways You Could Have Hacked Node.js
Top Content
The Node.js security team is responsible for addressing vulnerabilities and receives reports through HackerOne. The Talk discusses various hacking techniques, including DLL injections and DNS rebinding attacks. It also highlights Node.js security vulnerabilities such as HTTP request smuggling and certification validation. The importance of using HTTP proxy tunneling and the experimental permission model in Node.js 20 is emphasized. NearForm, a company specializing in Node.js, offers services for scaling and improving security.
Woah! Can TypeScript Do That?
JSNation 2023JSNation 2023
41 min
Woah! Can TypeScript Do That?
Today's talk covers advanced concepts of TypeScript including type guards, generics, utility types, and conditional types. These concepts enhance the developer experience and improve code quality by ensuring type safety and reducing errors. The talk also explores the use of generics to make components more generic and reusable. Additionally, it discusses the power of custom utility types and the infer keyword in creating flexible and precise type definitions. TypeScript's string templates are highlighted as a tool for enforcing restrictions on values like margins in CSS. Overall, the talk provides valuable insights into leveraging TypeScript's advanced features for more robust and maintainable software development.
What’s New in Node?
JSNation 2023JSNation 2023
35 min
What’s New in Node?
Node version 20 introduces experimental permission features and single executables. The experimental loader flag and import.meta.resolve give developers control over module loading and resolution. Node 20 includes stabilized features like the test suite, array manipulation methods, resizable array buffers, and shared array buffers. Notable updates in Node 20 include the Regex vFlag, top-level await, and strategic initiatives. Promisified APIs, Web Crypto API, abort control, and streams are highlighted. Other features mentioned are the File API, Intl object, and Shadow Realm.
Mobile Deployments for Web Developers
JSNation 2023JSNation 2023
23 min
Mobile Deployments for Web Developers
Mobile deployments are crucial for web developers due to the increasing number of users on mobile devices. Cross-platform development and web to mobile migrations are on the rise with tools like React Native, Ionic, Capacitor, and Native Script. Mobile testing requires native binary compilation and testing on real devices. Google Play and iOS have specific methods for releasing apps to testers, while web development allows for dynamic updates and quick deployment. Mobile app building and deployment require specific infrastructure and code signing processes. App store approval guidelines and versioning updates pose challenges in mobile app deployment.
The State of Passwordless Auth on the Web
JSNation 2023JSNation 2023
30 min
The State of Passwordless Auth on the Web
Passwords are terrible and easily hacked, with most people not using password managers. The credential management API and autocomplete attribute can improve user experience and security. Two-factor authentication enhances security but regresses user experience. Passkeys offer a seamless and secure login experience, but browser support may be limited. Recommendations include detecting Passkey support and offering fallbacks to passwords and two-factor authentication.
HTTP/3 Performance for JS Developers
JSNation 2023JSNation 2023
21 min
HTTP/3 Performance for JS Developers
Top Content
HTTP 3, also known as H3, is the latest version of the HTTP protocol with new performance-related features. Enabling HTTP 3 requires minimal effort and provides significant benefits, but limits fine-grained control over performance features. Zero RTT has limitations due to security reasons and restrictions on allowed requests. Resource loading and prioritization in HTTP 3 have some problems, as browsers may not agree on resource importance. Fetch priority allows fine-grained control over resource loading order, and resource discovery can be improved with 103 Early Hints. Web transport provides low-level access to QUIC and HTTP3 features for real-time use cases.
Progressive Enhancement - What It Is and Isn’t, a Practical Introduction With Svelte
JSNation 2023JSNation 2023
20 min
Progressive Enhancement - What It Is and Isn’t, a Practical Introduction With Svelte
Progressive enhancement is a strategy that provides a baseline experience for all users while enhancing it for those with modern browsers. Feature detection and graceful degradation are complementary approaches to achieve this. Polyfills can emulate new browser functionality in old browsers. Progressive enhancement is about meeting user needs while considering performance. Building apps in SvelteKit allows for easy development of progressively enhanced apps. Svelte components and DOM content provide a convenient way to structure and update the UI. Form submission and progressive enhancement can be achieved by enabling file upload and processing when JavaScript is disabled.
Comparing JavaScript Frameworks Performance Using Real-World Data
JSNation 2023JSNation 2023
28 min
Comparing JavaScript Frameworks Performance Using Real-World Data
Top Content
The choice of framework impacts website performance. Lab tests and field data are used to measure performance. Core Web Vitals are important metrics for performance evaluation. New frameworks that prioritize speed are emerging. MetaFrameworks like QUIC, SolidStart, Astro, and Nuxt show promise in improving performance. React frameworks like Gatsby and Remix perform well. Wix has a significant impact on React's performance. Framework choice significantly impacts the probability of building a fast website. Improvement is needed in framework performance.
Three Ways to Automate Your Browser, and Why We Are Adding a Fourth: WebDriver BiDi
JSNation 2023JSNation 2023
19 min
Three Ways to Automate Your Browser, and Why We Are Adding a Fourth: WebDriver BiDi
This Talk discusses browser automation techniques, including the introduction of a new web driver. It covers the history of browser automation, different techniques for automating browsers, and the use of web APIs and browser extensions. The Talk also explains how automation tools communicate with browser drivers and the challenges of waiting for elements to appear on the screen. It highlights the differences between the WebDriver protocol and the Chrome DevTools protocol, and introduces the WebDriver Bidirection project that aims to combine the best parts of both protocols. Lastly, it mentions the WebDriver Bidi support for console monitoring and introduces WebDriver ByteEye as a stable automation choice.
How I Like to Write JavaScript
JSNation 2023JSNation 2023
26 min
How I Like to Write JavaScript
Caleb Porzio introduces Alpine JS, a JavaScript framework, and demonstrates the process of creating a scrappy version of AlpineJS and refactoring it. The Talk covers topics such as creating a Dom Walker, evaluating expressions, using mutation observers, and refactoring the code. It also discusses techniques like inverting conditionals, using callbacks, and parameter currying. The Talk emphasizes the importance of abstraction, handler extraction, and a declarative approach in software development.
How Not to Build a Video Game
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
32 min
How Not to Build a Video Game
Watch video: How Not to Build a Video Game
The Talk showcases the development of a video game called Athena Crisis using web technologies like JavaScript, React, and CSS. The game is built from scratch and includes features like multiple game states, AI opponents, and map editing. It demonstrates the benefits of using CSS for game development, such as instant load times and smooth transitions. The Talk also discusses optimizing performance, supporting dark mode, and publishing the game to other platforms.
Advanced GraphQL Architectures: Serverless Event Sourcing and CQRS
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
28 min
Advanced GraphQL Architectures: Serverless Event Sourcing and CQRS
Watch video: Advanced GraphQL Architectures: Serverless Event Sourcing and CQRS
GraphQL is a strongly typed, version-free query language that allows you to ask for specific data and get it in JSON format. It simplifies data retrieval and modification by allowing the server to handle all necessary operations. Serverless architectures, such as AWS Lambda, are scalable, cost-effective, and good for event-driven applications. Event sourcing and CQRS are techniques that ensure consistency and separate reading and writing parts of an application. Building a GraphQL API with commands and queries can be achieved using AWS AppSync and DynamoDB. This approach offers low latency, scalability, and supports multiple languages. Challenges include application complexity, data modeling, and tracing, but starting with simplicity and making something work first can lead to success.
Off with Their Heads: Rise of the Headless Components
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
25 min
Off with Their Heads: Rise of the Headless Components
Watch video: Off with Their Heads: Rise of the Headless Components
Headless Components are efficient for app development, but there's a lot of work involved, especially for menus. The customizability wall is a problem with component libraries, but it can be solved through reverse engineering and design. Headless Components offer no markup or basic markup to be overwritten, providing flexibility in code and design quality. Radix and React ARIA are recommended stylus component libraries with different APIs. Kodaks' experience with headless components highlights the ability to mix and match easily and the potential for market gaps in the headless space. Radix is a popular choice for headless components due to its well-documented and user-friendly API. Headless components aid in testing, distribution of design systems, and accessibility. MUI is a self-consistent and rich library, while Radix focuses on accessibility and default accessibility. Kodaks integrates well with headless libraries and welcomes feedback through Discord.
Building Pixel-Perfect UI Components Using CSS Variables
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
9 min
Building Pixel-Perfect UI Components Using CSS Variables
Watch video: Building Pixel-Perfect UI Components Using CSS Variables
CSS variables and their possibilities for UI developers, MUI's history and understanding of developer needs, Joy UI's focus on developer experience and use of CSS variables for consistency and future-proofing, the elimination of manual calculations and JavaScript with CSS variables in JoyUI, and the availability of playgrounds and a stable release for exploration.
Using PKCE to Communicate Between React and Native Mobile SDKs
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
8 min
Using PKCE to Communicate Between React and Native Mobile SDKs
Watch video: Using PKCE to Communicate Between React and Native Mobile SDKs
The Talk discusses communication between React apps/web apps and native applications/SDKs. It explores the challenges of embedding web code in a WebView and proposes running the browser in an embedded mode. The use of deep links and the Pixie protocol is highlighted as a solution for securely exchanging data between the web code and native applications. The Pixie protocol involves generating an authorization code and comparing it with the original key for secure data exchange.
No CRA? What now?
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
7 min
No CRA? What now?
Watch video: No CRA? What now?
React docs suggest using production-grade frameworks like Remix, Next.js, or Gatsby. But if you want to start with a simple pure React app, you can use Vite or Parcel as generic bundlers. Nx provides facilities to set up a workspace similar to Create React app with modern features. You can modularize and scale your project using Nx libraries. Consider upgrading to a Monorepo structure and adding Next.js or Remix applications. Migration strategies are available for existing React apps.
Supercharging React Apps with WASM
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
25 min
Supercharging React Apps with WASM
Watch video: Supercharging React Apps with WASM
WebAssembly is a fast, secure, and portable technology that challenges JavaScript's dominance on the web. It allows for the use of legacy code and expands the scope of functions that can be performed on various devices. WebAssembly can be used for image processing and machine learning, and it has potential applications in UI component libraries. Startups are already incorporating WebAssembly into their web applications, and optimization and performance are key advantages of this technology.
How to Become a Fintech Developer in Seven Minutes
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
7 min
How to Become a Fintech Developer in Seven Minutes
Watch video: How to Become a Fintech Developer in Seven Minutes
RAPID is a globally integrated FinTech system that abstracts all the integrations into a single platform, eliminating the need for merchants to manage multiple integrations for payments, payouts, fraud detection, and compliance policies in different jurisdictions. RAPID offers various use cases, including e-commerce, online gaming, and marketplaces. With RAPID, merchants can easily handle payments, payouts, and fund transfers. Let's create a hosted checkout page through RAPID by signing up to the client portal, copying authentication keys, and following simple steps. After making a payment on the hosted checkout page, you can view payment details and transferred funds in the client portal. Congratulations, you're now a fintech developer!
Modern Approaches for Creating Extremely Fast Websites
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
24 min
Modern Approaches for Creating Extremely Fast Websites
Watch video: Modern Approaches for Creating Extremely Fast Websites
The Talk discusses performance optimization in software development and engineering. It covers topics such as optimizing requests, anticipating future needs, and comparing single-page apps to multiple-page apps. It also explores the advantages of single-page apps and the use of Remix for building pages. The Talk emphasizes code splitting, optimizing data fetching, and solving client-side state. It concludes with a discussion on pre-rendering, Remix adoption, and prerendering with React.
Supercharged Code Refactoring via Abstract Syntax Trees
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
29 min
Supercharged Code Refactoring via Abstract Syntax Trees
Watch video: Supercharged Code Refactoring via Abstract Syntax Trees
This Talk explores the power of Abstract Syntax Trees (ASTs) in software development. It covers the use of ASTs in maintaining React examples, automating dependency identification, and introducing generic typing. The Talk also discusses using ASTs to reason about and generate code, as well as their application in building ESLint plugins and code mods. Additionally, it highlights resources for exploring ASTs, testing AST scripts, and building Babel plugins.
The New Next.js App Router
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
27 min
The New Next.js App Router
Watch video: The New Next.js App Router
Today's Talk is about the Next.js App Router, which has evolved over the years and is now a core feature of Next.js. The Talk covers topics such as adding components, fetching remote data, and exploring layouts. It also discusses submitting form data, simplifying code, and reusing components. The App Router allows for coexistence with the existing pages router and enables data fetching at the layout level using React Server Components.
Should You Use React in 2023?
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
31 min
Should You Use React in 2023?
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Watch video: Should You Use React in 2023?
Tru Narla
Jordan Gensler
2 authors
React is a popular choice, but there are claims that it's dead and should be replaced. React has good out-of-the-box performance and is suitable for most applications. React Native allows code sharing between React and React Native. When considering a migration from React to Svelte, there are trade-offs to consider. React offers a standardized way of working and easy onboarding.
Making Interactions Accessible to All Users
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
30 min
Making Interactions Accessible to All Users
Watch video: Making Interactions Accessible to All Users
Today's Talk explores making web interactions accessible to all users. It emphasizes the importance of accessibility and the various ways users interact with the web. The Talk covers common accessibility issues with buttons, links, forms, and dynamic information. It also discusses the use of ARIA labels, error handling, and models. The importance of convincing upper management for accessibility and the limitations of automated testing are highlighted. The Talk concludes with recommendations for screen readers and considerations for icon buttons.
Optimising Images in Web and Native
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
21 min
Optimising Images in Web and Native
Watch video: Optimising Images in Web and Native
This Talk focuses on optimizing images for mobile and web. It emphasizes the importance of image dimensions in optimizing images and shares a story about crashes encountered in a mobile app due to heavy image content. The Talk discusses image rendering and sizing, using dimensions and pixel density, optimizing images for different devices and screen sizes, and the importance of image size and format optimization. It recommends tools like Cloudinary for image optimization.
You Can’t Use Hooks Conditionally… or Can You?
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
28 min
You Can’t Use Hooks Conditionally… or Can You?
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Watch video: You Can’t Use Hooks Conditionally… or Can You?
The Talk discusses the use of the Use hook in React and its ability to be used conditionally. It explains the concept of the fiber tree and how hooks values are stored in memory. The Talk also delves into the conditional use of useContext and how it differs from useState. It explores the process of updating context values and optimizing context rendering. The role of the provider in managing context values and rendering is emphasized.
Moving on From Runtime Css-In-Js at Scale
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
29 min
Moving on From Runtime Css-In-Js at Scale
Watch video: Moving on From Runtime Css-In-Js at Scale
This Talk explores the evolution of styling architecture, dynamic theming with style components, and optimizing style updates. It discusses the challenges of CSS migration and the choice between JavaScript and CSS native tooling. The Talk also touches on CSS tools and libraries, including Tailwind CSS and CSS in JS major libraries like MUI. The importance of picking a stack based on team members' strengths and the use of namespacing CSS for conflict-free dependency trees are highlighted.
React Concurrency, Explained
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
23 min
React Concurrency, Explained
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Watch video: React Concurrency, Explained
React 18's concurrent rendering, specifically the useTransition hook, optimizes app performance by allowing non-urgent updates to be processed without freezing the UI. However, there are drawbacks such as longer processing time for non-urgent updates and increased CPU usage. The useTransition hook works similarly to throttling or bouncing, making it useful for addressing performance issues caused by multiple small components. Libraries like React Query may require the use of alternative APIs to handle urgent and non-urgent updates effectively.
Federated Microfrontends at Scale
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
31 min
Federated Microfrontends at Scale
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Watch video: Federated Microfrontends at Scale
This Talk discusses the transition from a PHP monolith to a federated micro-frontend setup at Personio. They implemented orchestration and federation using Next.js as a module host and router. The use of federated modules and the integration library allowed for a single runtime while building and deploying independently. The Talk also highlights the importance of early adopters and the challenges of building an internal open source system.
Principles for Scaling Frontend Application Development
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
26 min
Principles for Scaling Frontend Application Development
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Watch video: Principles for Scaling Frontend Application Development
This Talk discusses scaling front-end applications through principles such as tearing down barriers, sharing code in a monorepo, and making it easy to delete code. It also emphasizes incremental migration, embracing lack of knowledge, and eliminating systematic complexity. The Talk highlights the use of automation in code migration and the importance of removing barriers to enable smoother code migration.
Debugging JS
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
24 min
Debugging JS
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Watch video: Debugging JS
Debugging JavaScript is a crucial skill that is often overlooked in the industry. It is important to understand the problem, reproduce the issue, and identify the root cause. Having a variety of debugging tools and techniques, such as console methods and graphical debuggers, is beneficial. Replay is a time-traveling debugger for JavaScript that allows users to record and inspect bugs. It works with Redux, plain React, and even minified code with the help of source maps.
Speeding Up Your React App With Less JavaScript
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
32 min
Speeding Up Your React App With Less JavaScript
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Watch video: Speeding Up Your React App With Less JavaScript
Mishko, the creator of Angular and AngularJS, discusses the challenges of website performance and JavaScript hydration. He explains the differences between client-side and server-side rendering and introduces Quik as a solution for efficient component hydration. Mishko demonstrates examples of state management and intercommunication using Quik. He highlights the performance benefits of using Quik with React and emphasizes the importance of reducing JavaScript size for better performance. Finally, he mentions the use of QUIC in both MPA and SPA applications for improved startup performance.
Improving Developer Happiness with AI
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
29 min
Improving Developer Happiness with AI
Watch video: Improving Developer Happiness with AI
GitHub Copilot is an auto-completion tool that provides suggestions based on context. Research has shown that developers using Copilot feel less frustrated, spend less time searching externally, and experience less mental effort on repetitive tasks. Copilot can generate code for various tasks, including adding modals, testing, and refactoring. It is a useful tool for improving productivity and saving time, especially for junior developers and those working in unfamiliar domains. Security concerns have been addressed with optional data sharing and different versions for individuals and businesses.
Reactivity: There and Back Again
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
12 min
Reactivity: There and Back Again
Watch video: Reactivity: There and Back Again
The Talk discusses the cyclical nature of technology evolution, with examples from civil engineering and software development. It explores the shift from serverless to client-side frameworks and the recent move back towards server-side processing. The evolution of technologies and states is examined, highlighting the progression from mutability to immutability and the introduction of observable immutability. The future and next generation of reactivity are also explored, with a focus on the blurring boundary between server and client and the importance of embracing uncertainty and avoiding dogma.
AI and Web Development: Hype or Reality
JSNation 2023JSNation 2023
24 min
AI and Web Development: Hype or Reality
Top Content
This talk explores the use of AI in web development, including tools like GitHub Copilot and Fig for CLI commands. AI can generate boilerplate code, provide context-aware solutions, and generate dummy data. It can also assist with CSS selectors and regexes, and be integrated into applications. AI is used to enhance the podcast experience by transcribing episodes and providing JSON data. The talk also discusses formatting AI output, crafting requests, and analyzing embeddings for similarity.
Accessible Component System Through Customization
JSNation 2023JSNation 2023
30 min
Accessible Component System Through Customization
The Talk discusses the importance of building an accessible UI component library, focusing on reusability, customizability, and responsiveness. It emphasizes the need for visual and functional consistency when developing components and highlights the key aspects of accessibility, including keyboard navigation, contrast, and content structure. The Talk also covers the building of accessible dialogues and provides tips for enhancing user experience. It emphasizes the significance of documentation, scalability, and customization in component planning. The Talk concludes by discussing the use of ARIA, accessibility testing, and strategies for persuading organizations to prioritize accessibility.
Create AR Face Filters With the Chrome Face Detection API
JSNation 2023JSNation 2023
30 min
Create AR Face Filters With the Chrome Face Detection API
The Chrome Face Detection API is part of the bigger shape detection API and includes text detection and barcode detection. Enabling the API is as simple as opening a specific URL and enabling the experimental feature. The API provides features like detecting faces and processing landmarks, rendering glasses on faces, and applying face filters. It can handle multiple faces and images in videos, but performance depends on hardware and device processing speed. The API is currently in progress and feedback is being requested for potential production capabilities.
Package-based Monorepos - Speed Up in Under 7 Minutes
JSNation 2023JSNation 2023
9 min
Package-based Monorepos - Speed Up in Under 7 Minutes
The Talk discusses speeding up MonrayBus in a pmpm workspace by organizing packages and considering dependencies. It covers installing and configuring the nx package, including choosing cacheable scripts. The nx-graph command is introduced for analyzing dependencies and optimizing the build process.
Maintaining a Component Library at Scale
JSNation 2023JSNation 2023
9 min
Maintaining a Component Library at Scale
Jumbo, a grocery chain in the Netherlands, has a tech campus with over 400 developers working on digital solutions. They built a distributed component library called Kompas, allowing everyone to contribute and ensuring knowledge is not lost. They adopted a hybrid solution, combining centralized and decentralized approaches, for fast development while maintaining a clear vision and high-quality standards. The key takeaway is to be willing to change processes and find what works best for your organization or team.
Dialog Dilemmas and Modal Mischief: A Deep Dive Into Pop-Ups
JSNation 2023JSNation 2023
10 min
Dialog Dilemmas and Modal Mischief: A Deep Dive Into Pop-Ups
The Talk discusses the use of dialogues and popovers in web development. Dialogues can be modal or non-modal and are now accessibility-supported. Popovers are versatile and can be added to any element without JavaScript. They provide suggestions, pickers, teaching UI, list boxes, and action menus. Modal and non-modal dialogues and popovers have different behaviors and dismissal methods. Browser support for these features is expanding, but there are still open questions about positioning, semantics, and other use cases.
Bring AI-Based Search to Your Web App
JSNation 2023JSNation 2023
31 min
Bring AI-Based Search to Your Web App
The Talk discusses the use of machine learning in search engines, specifically focusing on semantic search and vector embeddings. It explores the integration of JavaScript and machine learning models, using Weaviate as an open-source vector database. The Talk demonstrates how to connect to Weaviate, query data, and perform machine learning queries. It also highlights the benefits of Weaviate, such as its superior developer experience and performance. Additionally, the Talk addresses customization options, data privacy concerns, and the varying effectiveness of different machine learning models.
JavaScript Iteration Protocols
JSNation 2023JSNation 2023
27 min
JavaScript Iteration Protocols
We are working on troubleshooting a production issue in a startup. The CTO identified a problem with loading large files into memory and suggested reading the file line by line. We learn about iterators and generators in JavaScript, which allow us to process data one item at a time. Generators can be used to combine async and generator functions for file processing. The speaker also discusses using a for loop instead of map, filter, and reduce. The Talk concludes with the speaker mentioning poly-filling the implementation using core.js and offering free workshops on iteration protocols and Node.js streams.
Rome, a Modern Toolchain!
JSNation 2023JSNation 2023
31 min
Rome, a Modern Toolchain!
Top Content
Rome is a toolchain built in Rust that aims to replace multiple tools and provide high-quality diagnostics for code maintenance. It simplifies tool interactions by performing all operations once, generating a shared structure for all tools. Rome offers a customizable format experience with a stable formatter and a linter with over 150 rules. It integrates with VCS and VLSP, supports error-resilient parsing, and has exciting plans for the future, including the ability to create JavaScript plugins. Rome aims to be a top-notch toolchain and welcomes community input to improve its work.
Building a Web-App: The Easy Path and the Performant Path. Why Are They Not the Same?
JSNation 2023JSNation 2023
31 min
Building a Web-App: The Easy Path and the Performant Path. Why Are They Not the Same?
Misko Havry introduces himself and discusses the impact of JavaScript on performance. The concepts of reconciliation, hydration, and resumability are explored, along with the importance of clean code and compiler optimization. The Talk includes demos of application components and showcases the power of code extraction. The QUIC framework is highlighted for its ability to optimize code loading and prioritize interactions. The service worker is used to selectively download components for improved performance. SEO and debugging in QUIC are also discussed, along with comparisons to other frameworks.
I Would Never Use an ORM
JSNation 2023JSNation 2023
29 min
I Would Never Use an ORM
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Welcome to a talk on Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) and its potential pitfalls. The speaker discusses issues with modals and the MVC pattern, as well as the benefits of structuring code around system features instead. They introduce PlatformaticDB as a solution for easy backend development, showcasing its deployment and testing capabilities. The talk also covers integrating with Next.js, writing custom SQL queries, and the speaker's plans for future support and database compatibility.
Angular Momentum
JSNation 2023JSNation 2023
22 min
Angular Momentum
Angular has experienced significant growth and is the second most popular framework after React. The latest release of Angular, called Angular Ivy, went through a major refactoring in 2021. Angular's reactivity model has been improved with the introduction of signals, which enable better integration with RxJS and support advanced reactivity patterns. Angular has made optimizations for performance, including improvements in load speed and lazy loading. The Angular team acknowledges the innovations in other frameworks and highlights the impact of introducing TypeScript in enabling the project's success.
When Optimizations Backfire
JSNation 2023JSNation 2023
26 min
When Optimizations Backfire
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The Talk discusses cases where common optimizations can make the app slower instead of faster, highlighting the impact of a CDN implementation on performance. The delay in the CDN connection process caused the first contentful paint to be delayed. Code splitting, while reducing bundle size, resulted in delayed rendering and worsened performance. Lazy loading images can cause performance issues, and image optimization needs to be carefully managed. Link, pre-connect, and pre-load headers can help with connection and loading cascades, but only if files are loaded later.
Apache Kafka Simply Explained With TypeScript Examples
JSNation 2023JSNation 2023
27 min
Apache Kafka Simply Explained With TypeScript Examples
Top Content
Apache Kafka is a distributed, scalable, and high-throughput event streaming platform that plays a key role in event-driven architecture. It allows for the division of monolithic applications into independent microservices for scalability and maintainability. Producers and consumers are the key components in Kafka, allowing for a decoupled system. Kafka's replication and persistent storage capabilities set it apart from alternatives like Redis and RabbitMQ. Kafka provides easy access to real-time data and simplifies real-time data handling.
The Core of Turbopack Explained (Live Coding)
JSNation 2023JSNation 2023
29 min
The Core of Turbopack Explained (Live Coding)
Tobias Koppers introduces TurboPack and TurboEngine, addressing the limitations of Webpack. He demonstrates live coding to showcase the optimization of cache validation and build efficiency. The talk covers adding logging and memorization, optimizing execution and tracking dependencies, implementing invalidation and watcher, and storing and deleting invalidators. It also discusses incremental compilation, integration with other monorepo tools, error display, and the possibility of a plugin system for Toolpag. Lastly, the comparison with Bunn's Builder is mentioned.
The Good, The Bad, and The Web Components
JSNation 2023JSNation 2023
29 min
The Good, The Bad, and The Web Components
Top Content
Web Components are a piece of reusable UI enabled by web standards and built into the web platform. They offer the potential for faster component initialization and less library overhead. Web Components can be created from scratch and utilized with existing component libraries. Shadow DOM and Declarative Shadow DOM provide benefits such as scoped CSS and server-rendered components. The tradeoff between not repeating oneself and achieving full server-side rendering support is discussed. User experience is deemed more important than developer experience.
Modern Web Debugging
JSNation 2023JSNation 2023
29 min
Modern Web Debugging
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This Talk discusses modern web debugging and the latest updates in Chrome DevTools. It highlights new features that help pinpoint issues quicker, improved file visibility and source mapping, and ignoring and configuring files. The Breakpoints panel in DevTools has been redesigned for easier access and management. The Talk also covers the challenges of debugging with source maps and the efforts to standardize the source map format. Lastly, it provides tips for improving productivity with DevTools and emphasizes the importance of reporting bugs and using source maps for debugging production code.
Top Core Web Vitals Recommendations for 2023
JSNation 2023JSNation 2023
29 min
Top Core Web Vitals Recommendations for 2023
Google has introduced Core Web Vitals, three new metrics for measuring user experience on websites. They have also provided recommended limits for each metric and announced a new metric called IMP. The talk focuses on web performance recommendations, including optimizing HTML parsing, using the fetch priority API, and optimizing CLS. It also covers optimizing JavaScript performance, avoiding unnecessary third-party content, and optimizing rendering and DOM. These recommendations aim to improve web performance and user experience.
React + WebGPU + AI – What Could Go Wrong? 😳
JSNation 2023JSNation 2023
31 min
React + WebGPU + AI – What Could Go Wrong? 😳
With AI and web GPU, it's an exciting time to be a developer. The speaker's journey involves combining programming and design, leading to the creation of Pure Blue, a powerful programming environment. Adding AI to the mix, the speaker discusses the potential of AI in the creative process and its impact on app development. The talk explores the role of React components and WebGPU in enabling fine-grained editing and running AI models locally. The future of app development is discussed, emphasizing the need to stay ahead of the curve and leverage the power of JavaScript.
Bun, Deno, Node.js? Recreating a JavaScript Runtime From Scratch
JSNation 2023JSNation 2023
28 min
Bun, Deno, Node.js? Recreating a JavaScript Runtime From Scratch
This Talk explores the journey of learning and recreating Node.js from scratch, highlighting the main components and experimentation involved. It delves into implementing functions in V8 and setTimeout in Node.js, as well as the execution pipeline and the event loop. The collaboration between different JavaScript runtimes and the continuing evolution of Node.js are also discussed. The speaker shares their experience of exploring Node.js and writing a book, and hints at future projects involving React Native.
SolidJS: Why All the Suspense?
JSNation 2023JSNation 2023
28 min
SolidJS: Why All the Suspense?
Top Content
Suspense is a mechanism for orchestrating asynchronous state changes in JavaScript frameworks. It ensures async consistency in UIs and helps avoid trust erosion and inconsistencies. Suspense boundaries are used to hoist data fetching and create consistency zones based on the user interface. They can handle loading states of multiple resources and control state loading in applications. Suspense can be used for transitions, providing a smoother user experience and allowing prioritization of important content.
APIs are Evolving. Again.
JSNation 2023JSNation 2023
28 min
APIs are Evolving. Again.
Matteo Collina
Luca Maraschi
2 authors
Technology is a spiral, with foundational ideas resurfacing. Java revolutionized enterprise applications. REST and JSON simplified building APIs and websites. Node.js enabled fast and custom development, leading to the microservices revolution. Platformatic aims to fill the gap in building, managing, and scaling microservices painlessly.
Domain Driven Design with Vue Applications
Vue.js London 2023Vue.js London 2023
14 min
Domain Driven Design with Vue Applications
Top Content
Welcome to this talk on domain-driven design in Vue.js application. Today we are going to look into domain-driven design, its benefits and how it works with Vue.js domain-driven design versus the MVVM model. Vue.js thrives in domain-driven design, a design approach that models software to match a domain. DDD emphasizes understanding business logic and creating a domain that reflects the language and concepts. Integrating DDD in Vue.js offers benefits such as effective modeling of complex business domains, structured code reflecting domain logic, and easier onboarding and ownership.
Conquering Forms in Vue
Vue.js London 2023Vue.js London 2023
24 min
Conquering Forms in Vue
Today's Talk focused on building forms in Vue using FormKit. The speaker highlighted the simplicity of forms in Vue and the importance of adding buttons, labels, and help text for a better user experience. They also discussed handling form data and errors, refactoring form components, and implementing inline validation. The introduction to FormKit showcased its features such as a single component approach, automatic data collection, and simplified form building. The talk also covered applying validation and form generation using the FormKit schema, which allows for easy form representation and rendering.
Proven Pinia Patterns
Vue.js London 2023Vue.js London 2023
20 min
Proven Pinia Patterns
Top Content
Pinnia is a lighter, more modular state management solution for Vue apps, offering consistent patterns, TypeScript support, and an intuitive developer experience. PINIA encourages splitting state into manageable domains, improving code splitting, type inferences, team collaboration, and debugging clarity. Pinia provides flexibility in accessing and mutating state, with different approaches for option and setup stores. It also offers features like patch, reset, and onAction methods. Vue Mastery offers comprehensive Pinnia courses and resources for fast learning.
Vuex to Pinia. How to Migrate an Existing App
Vue.js London 2023Vue.js London 2023
24 min
Vuex to Pinia. How to Migrate an Existing App
Top Content
Pinia is the officially recognized state management library for Vue.js, with a simpler API than VueX and TypeScript support. Migrating to Pinia involves creating a root store, defining stores, and using store2refs or the exported use store in components. Testing real store behavior requires creating a Pinia instance, while component testing involves importing useStore and using mapState and mapAction from vigname. Migrating tests involves creating a local view and using the Pinia plugin, and Vuex and Pinia can coexist but should be migrated module by module. Store persistence can be achieved through subscribing to store changes or using a watcher.
Creating My First Open Source Vue 3 Library
Vue.js London 2023Vue.js London 2023
27 min
Creating My First Open Source Vue 3 Library
Let's talk about Vue 3 and creating your first open source library. We'll discuss design choices, a personal example of creating a Vue 3 open source library, community and open source, lessons learned, and key takeaways for creating an open source project. We'll also cover building a Vue 3 library, the Authenticator project and its requirements, code sharing and best practices, using Xstate for state management, Vue 3 best practices, testing strategies, open sourcing and community feedback, documentation driven development, challenges and improvements, and the roadmap for the future.
Auth0 and Vue: A Match Made in Heaven for Secure App Development
Vue.js London 2023Vue.js London 2023
9 min
Auth0 and Vue: A Match Made in Heaven for Secure App Development
Hello Vue.js live. My name is Tyler Clark and today I'm giving a talk titled, Vue.js – Building secure applications. I'll be discussing the biggest app threats today, including brute force attacks, credential stuffing, and phishing. I'll also present solutions like WebAuthn for passwordless authentication using biometrics. As you can see here, use the credentials.create function to get a challenge from a server request. Then, pass the necessary information about the user and the acceptable public key types to the server. WebAuthn eliminates password-based flows, creating a secure private and public key pair.
Ref() vs. Reactive(): What to Choose Using Vue 3 Composition API?
Vue.js London 2023Vue.js London 2023
22 min
Ref() vs. Reactive(): What to Choose Using Vue 3 Composition API?
This talk compares Rev and Reactive in Vue 3, exploring reactivity and their limitations. It discusses the use of watchers, identity issues, and migration strategies. The talk also highlights the benefits of using the Ref function for better reactivity and the recommended pattern of grouping Refs. Opinions from the Vue community are shared, with a majority preferring Ref over Reactive.
Prefetch Strategies to Boost the Performance of Your Vue.JS App
Vue.js London 2023Vue.js London 2023
21 min
Prefetch Strategies to Boost the Performance of Your Vue.JS App
Welcome to my Vue.js talk on prefetching strategies and boosting app performance. A crucial part of web performance is optimizing for the network. Caching and resource hints, such as DNS prefetch, preconnect, preload, and module preload, can improve website performance. Prefetching non-critical sources and using different strategies can enhance user experience. Libraries like unhead and get.js offer customization and predictive prefetching based on Google Analytics data.
Migrating a 1000 Class Components App to Vue 3
Vue.js London 2023Vue.js London 2023
28 min
Migrating a 1000 Class Components App to Vue 3
The Talk discusses the migration of a large frontend view application from Vue 2 to Vue 3. The strategy involves converting components to the Composition API, switching from Vuex to Pinea, and overcoming challenges with Vite configuration. The migration process includes selecting components based on the product roadmap, improving type safety, and reducing boilerplate. The results of the migration include improved type checking, faster tests, and a safer codebase.
Great Migrations: Upgrading a Component Library at Scale
Vue.js London 2023Vue.js London 2023
22 min
Great Migrations: Upgrading a Component Library at Scale
This talk explores the migration and upgrading of a Component Library in Vue and Nuxt. It draws inspiration from nature's great migrations and emphasizes the need for collaboration and compatibility. The talk discusses the team setup, including microservices and standardized modules. It highlights the migration from Vuex to Pina or Apollo Clients in micro frontends. The distributed approach to maintaining the component library is emphasized, as well as the use of Vue Demi for upgrading to Vue 3. The talk emphasizes the importance of delivering value and supporting both Vue 2 and Vue 3 in the migration process.
Patterns for Large Scale Vue.js Applications
Vue.js London 2023Vue.js London 2023
24 min
Patterns for Large Scale Vue.js Applications
In this Talk, Daniel Kelly discusses patterns for large-scale Vue.js app development, emphasizing the importance of following standards and using officially recommended tooling. He highlights the Vue.js style guide as a valuable resource for styling standards and suggests using TypeScript and Nuxt 3 to enhance development capabilities. He also mentions the benefits of having a naming convention for routes and the concept of wrapping third-party dependencies for flexibility. Additionally, he mentions the app-icon component for a generic icon solution and the advantages of interacting with backends via an SDK.
Let’s Make Our Single Page Application Accessible
Vue.js London 2023Vue.js London 2023
25 min
Let’s Make Our Single Page Application Accessible
Today's Talk focused on making single-page applications more accessible. It highlighted the importance of web accessibility for all users, including those with disabilities and different circumstances. The Talk discussed common accessibility issues in single-page applications, such as dynamic content loading and page refreshing, and provided solutions to address them. It also demonstrated the implementation of LiveRegion and user answer composable in Vue.js to improve accessibility. Additionally, the Talk emphasized the need to enhance routing, navigation, and component selection for better accessibility. Lastly, it mentioned the use of the View App Setting plugin to check for accessibility issues in development.
Let’s Get Visual - Visual Testing in Your Vue.JS Project
Vue.js London 2023Vue.js London 2023
22 min
Let’s Get Visual - Visual Testing in Your Vue.JS Project
This Talk discusses the importance of fixing small UI errors and typos, as they can leave a negative impression and raise questions about trust in applications. Traditional testing methods may not catch all UI errors, so visual testing is introduced as a solution. The Visual Regression Tracker is recommended as a tool for managing visual test results. Best practices for visual testing include ensuring the application is fully loaded, addressing flakiness, and handling false negatives. The key lessons include giving tests eyes, looking beyond the given path, using visual testing, and covering the original with suitable tests if consistent results can't be obtained.
Building the Vue 3 VDOM on Stage
Vue.js London 2023Vue.js London 2023
31 min
Building the Vue 3 VDOM on Stage
Today we will build a virtual DOM, which is a programming interface for HTML and XML documents. The virtual DOM decouples rendering logic from the actual DOM, making it easier to manipulate and inspect. We will create our own virtual DOM by implementing functions to create, mount, unmount, and patch virtual nodes. We will also explore event handling, rendering lists of objects, and unmounting nodes. The virtual DOM in Vue 3 has a flatter hierarchy and may be replaced by direct DOM manipulation for better performance.
Testing Vue 3 Applications with Mock Service Worker
Vue.js London 2023Vue.js London 2023
24 min
Testing Vue 3 Applications with Mock Service Worker
This Talk discusses testing V3 applications with Mock Service Worker, which is a library that allows simulating server responses in tests. It covers setting up Mock Service Worker by creating mock API responses and connecting it with the application. The Talk also explains how to write unit tests for asynchronous components using Vue's suspense component. It demonstrates how to test components that interact with APIs and handle error responses. Additionally, it mentions the testing library for components without API calls and emphasizes the importance of testing component interactions and API integration.
Alive and Kicking - A Vue Into Rock & Roll
Vue.js London 2023Vue.js London 2023
27 min
Alive and Kicking - A Vue Into Rock & Roll
The Talk introduces FutS guitar karaoke, a virtual experience in the browser using Vue, Nuxt, Supa Bass, Pignan, Cloudinary, and WebMedia. The virtual experience visualizes audio and allows users to vote and share their votes on Twitter. The browser interacts with the amplifier to change sounds on the guitar, and the browser updates in real-time with vote data. The guitar signal resembles the playing song, and users can choose between Chuck Berry's 'Johnny B. Goode' and AC-DC for the song performance.
Building Backwards Compatible Vue Libraries
Vue.js London 2023Vue.js London 2023
31 min
Building Backwards Compatible Vue Libraries
This Talk discusses the challenges of upgrading to Vue 3 and maintaining Vue 2 and Vue 3 branches in a component library. It explores strategies for shipping libraries and using monorepos, as well as developing backwards compatible code. The speaker emphasizes the importance of testing and deploying components, and highlights the challenges of supporting multiple Vue versions. The Talk concludes with a demonstration of juggling and a discussion on the end-of-life status of Vue 3.
The Art of Rendering Modes: Go Beyond a Blank Page
Vue.js London 2023Vue.js London 2023
32 min
The Art of Rendering Modes: Go Beyond a Blank Page
Google processes billions of searches per day, but less than 10% of websites get visitors from Google. SEO is user-focused and requires continuous improvement. JavaScript used to be a challenge for search engines, but now they can handle it. Server-side rendering is a solution for the challenges of single-page applications. Good SEO includes HTTPS, mobile friendliness, core web vitals, and handling URL changes. Meta tags and accessibility are important for SEO. Google Search Console provides valuable insights for tracking keyword performance.
You’re Probably Using Lighthouse Wrong: How We Got Tricked by a Single Magic Number
Vue.js London 2023Vue.js London 2023
29 min
You’re Probably Using Lighthouse Wrong: How We Got Tricked by a Single Magic Number
The Talk discusses the importance of performance and mobile consumption in e-commerce, as well as the use and limitations of Google Lighthouse for measuring page quality. It highlights the challenges and considerations in using Lighthouse, including the difference between lab data and real-world data, and the need to understand user experience beyond a single score. The Talk also touches on the potential use of AI in evaluating website performance, optimizing third-party libraries, and setting a JavaScript budget for better performance.
The Hidden Cost of Open Source
Vue.js London 2023Vue.js London 2023
11 min
The Hidden Cost of Open Source
Today's Talk discusses the hidden costs of open source software and the importance of estate planning for open source stacks. It highlights the challenges faced by product managers in terms of library upgrades and conflicting priorities. The Talk also emphasizes the steps to establish an end-of-life policy for open source stacks, including monitoring, inventorying, ranking, and outlining upgrade plans. It further emphasizes the need to consider risk, dependencies, and business impact when identifying support dates and upgrade options. The Talk concludes by stressing the importance of being proactive in formalizing an end-of-life policy to avoid costly migration projects.
Image Optimization - Quick Win for Improving Performance in Vue & Nuxt Apps
Vue.js London 2023Vue.js London 2023
31 min
Image Optimization - Quick Win for Improving Performance in Vue & Nuxt Apps
Top Content
Image optimization is crucial for website performance and user experience. Services like IPX and Cloudinary can help optimize images on the fly. Cloudinary offers additional functionalities and transformations for image management. Lazy loading and the lazy pattern can improve website performance by deferring image loading. Optimized images deliver a better user experience. Fallbacks can mitigate the impact of service failures.
Nuxt on the Edge
Vue.js London 2023Vue.js London 2023
30 min
Nuxt on the Edge
Nuxt is a web framework with many features including server-side rendering, client-side rendering, static site generation, edge site rendering, and more. The Edge is a limited environment running on CDN nodes, such as Cloudflare network. Database options on the Edge include Postgre with Neon, Versel on Neon, Superbase, MySQL with plan scale, HyperDB, and KV with redis and Cloudflare storage. The speaker demonstrates creating a demo with a votes table, handling API requests, adding authentication, saving votes, and displaying results. The roadmap to a full stack Nuxt 3 with an edge-first experience is in progress. Copilot is a helpful tool for developers. Integrating SSO with GitHub and improving the developer experience are important considerations for Nuxt 3.
Building for the Edge - Crafting a Next-Gen Framework
Vue.js London 2023Vue.js London 2023
32 min
Building for the Edge - Crafting a Next-Gen Framework
NUXT is a framework for building web apps that has undergone significant changes with the introduction of Nitro, a new server. The Talk covers topics such as building a framework with Nitro, rendering a view app, configuring Nitro and Vite, and integrating Nuxt with an existing Vue 2 project. The collaboration between Nuxt and Chrome has resulted in performance improvements, and the future of Nuxt and Nitro looks promising with new ideas and extensions being developed.
Nuxt 3 Modules and Open-Source
Vue.js London 2023Vue.js London 2023
31 min
Nuxt 3 Modules and Open-Source
Nuxt.js modules are a central part of Nuxt and have had 14 million downloads. Creating Nuxt modules is easy with Nuxt 3. Modules can provide assets, CSS injection, plugins, and auto imports. Learning Nuxt modules gives a deeper understanding of Nuxt and extends its functionalities. The Nuxt community is friendly to newcomers and encourages module creation.
TresJS, a declarative way of creating 3D scenes from Vue components
Vue.js London 2023Vue.js London 2023
27 min
TresJS, a declarative way of creating 3D scenes from Vue components
The speaker discovered 3D with 3GS and was inspired to create a 3D ecosystem for the Vue community using Troy.js. The process of setting up a 3D scene and objects in Tress was explained, along with creating and configuring 3D objects. The talk also covered animating objects with Tress and the 'Cientos' package, as well as the future of Tress.js and its compatibility with older versions of Three. The speaker expressed gratitude to sponsors and contributors and highlighted the potential for product customization with Tress.js.
A Saga of Web Rendering Woes
Vue.js London 2023Vue.js London 2023
28 min
A Saga of Web Rendering Woes
This Talk discusses the problems faced in building and rendering web applications, different rendering methods and strategies, and the benefits of the Yamstack architecture. It covers server-side rendering, static site generation, incremental static regeneration, and edge rendering. The speaker demonstrates how to build a static site using a Hello CMS and the JAMstack architecture. Other topics include connecting Storyboard with a Nuxt application, mock data, hybrid rendering, and handling I18N with a static site generator.
Writing Good Tests for Vue Applications (e2e vs. Component Tests, Features of a *Good* Test)
Vue.js London 2023Vue.js London 2023
33 min
Writing Good Tests for Vue Applications (e2e vs. Component Tests, Features of a *Good* Test)
This Talk discusses the importance of testing and the need to decouple tests from test frameworks, CSS selectors, and user interfaces. It emphasizes the benefits of writing tests first and provides examples of simulating shopping lists and working in a test-driven way. The Q&A section covers topics such as changing testing frameworks, bug coverage, and using data attributes for decoupling.
Component Design Patterns
Vue.js London 2023Vue.js London 2023
18 min
Component Design Patterns
The Talk covers clean components and when to create new components, as well as patterns for writing cleaner components and the benefits of VIP patterns. Refactoring and separating code into separate components can make it shorter and easier to read, reducing complexity. The importance of not repeating oneself and the benefits of using smaller components for performance and developer experience are discussed. Composables can help extract logic in large and complex components, and patterns can be incorporated into component libraries and design systems.
Vue: Feature Updates
Vue.js London 2023Vue.js London 2023
44 min
Vue: Feature Updates
Top Content
The Talk discusses the recent feature updates in Vue 3.3, focusing on script setup and TypeScript support. It covers improvements in defining props using imported types and complex types support. The introduction of generic components and reworked signatures for defined components provides more flexibility and better type support. Other features include automatic inference of runtime props, improved define emits and defined slots, and experimental features like reactive props destructure and define model. The Talk also mentions future plans for Vue, including stabilizing suspense and enhancing computer invalidations.
Stop Writing Your Routes
Vue.js London 2023Vue.js London 2023
30 min
Stop Writing Your Routes
Designing APIs is a challenge, and it's important to consider the language used and different versions of the API. API ergonomics focus on ease of use and trade-offs. Routing is a misunderstood aspect of API design, and file-based routing can simplify it. Unplugging View Router provides typed routes and eliminates the need to pass routes when creating the router. Data loading and handling can be improved with data loaders and predictable routes. Handling protected routes and index and ID files are also discussed.
Observability with diagnostics_channel and AsyncLocalStorage
Node Congress 2023Node Congress 2023
21 min
Observability with diagnostics_channel and AsyncLocalStorage
Observability with Diagnostics Channel and async local storage allows for high-performance event tracking and propagation of values through calls, callbacks, and promise continuations. Tracing involves five events and separate channels for each event, capturing errors and return values. The span object in async local storage stores data about the current execution and is reported to the tracer when the end is triggered.
Type-safe bindings for Node.js with Rust and WebAssembly
Node Congress 2023Node Congress 2023
22 min
Type-safe bindings for Node.js with Rust and WebAssembly
This Talk explores TypeScript bindings for NodeJS with Rust and WebAssembly, providing an alternative approach for creating native NodeJS modules and automatically generating types. It delves into the use of WebAssembly and Rust for TypeScript modules, showcasing how Rust functions can be defined and imported using the wasm.bindgen library. The Talk also highlights the challenges of string conversion between Rust and JavaScript, the limitations of supporting Rust data types in JavaScript, and the seamless integration of Rust functions into TypeScript apps using tspy. It concludes with the recommendation of TSFI for type-safe bindings and showcases its usage in a TypeScript-based full-text search engine with WebAssembly support.
Securing Your Software Supply Chain
Node Congress 2023Node Congress 2023
21 min
Securing Your Software Supply Chain
Today's Talk focuses on securing the software supply chain, particularly in the JavaScript ecosystem. The number of transitive dependencies in JavaScript projects can contribute to vulnerabilities. Attacks on the open-source supply chain have increased significantly, leading to initiatives to improve supply chain security. Accuracy in package manager dependencies is crucial, and caching and bundling dependencies can help achieve reproducible installations. Mitigating threats involves active scanning, creating profiles, and sharing information. Tools like NPM Audit Signatures can verify package integrity. Future developments include reproducible installations and powerful dependency queries.
Parse, Don’t Validate
Node Congress 2023Node Congress 2023
26 min
Parse, Don’t Validate
Evgeny Poberezkin
Jason Green
2 authors
Hello. We're going to talk today about JavaScript and how to ensure data correctness. JSON can be wasteful and has security issues, but Fastify tackles these challenges. JTD is better than JSON Schema for most API use cases, as it has a more strict structure and avoids debugging issues. Jason demonstrates how to validate data with JTD and TypeScript, ensuring data validity and improving performance. The approach of parsing JSON directly to the application type and serializing a specific type improves security and reliability.
Supply Chain Security Experience
Node Congress 2023Node Congress 2023
8 min
Supply Chain Security Experience
Supply chain security is important in software development, and it's crucial to assess the actual impact of threats. When dealing with security vendors, ask practical questions about vulnerabilities and impacts. Focus on quality signal and noise ratios when considering the number of dependencies. Ongoing conversations with vendors are important to address concerns. Stay informed and make informed decisions.
Using Machine Learning to Supercharge Your Node.js App
Node Congress 2023Node Congress 2023
9 min
Using Machine Learning to Supercharge Your Node.js App
Welcome to our talk on incorporating machine learning to your Node.js applications. Learn how to take your Node.js application to the next level with machine learning. Implementing machine learning in Node.js can be daunting, but with the right framework and approach, it can be simplified. Start with a simple model, gradually add complexity, and ensure high-quality data. Monitor and evaluate your models using metrics and consider scalability and reusing pre-trained models.
Measuring the Cost of a GraphQL Query with mercurius-explain
Node Congress 2023Node Congress 2023
7 min
Measuring the Cost of a GraphQL Query with mercurius-explain
Today we're going to talk about measuring the cost of a GraphQL query with Mercury's Explain. GraphQL allows us to create a list of items we want without needing to know their locations. NearForm created Mercurius Explain, a plugin that adds a Profiler to your GraphQL instance. This plugin provides detailed information about the resolution time and number of resolver calls for each field, making it easier to optimize and debug queries. Mercurius Explain is a valuable tool for understanding the cost of your GraphQL queries.
Roll you own JavaScript runtime
Node Congress 2023Node Congress 2023
21 min
Roll you own JavaScript runtime
This Talk introduces Deno, a custom JavaScript runtime similar to Node.js, and discusses the benefits of using a custom runtime. It explores the process of building a custom runtime with Deno in Rust, including the integration with Cargo and the ability to mix and match crates and APIs. The Talk also covers the implementation of the setTimeout function in both Run.js and Runtime.js, and provides examples of how to fix errors and implement additional functions. Overall, the Talk highlights the flexibility and possibilities of creating custom runtimes with Deno.
The State of Node.js Core
Node Congress 2023Node Congress 2023
24 min
The State of Node.js Core
Today's Talk discussed the state of Node.js core, with increasing downloads and over 2 million packages on npm. Node.js has a LTS schedule, with Node 14 currently in maintenance mode. It was recommended to aim for Node 18, as Node 16 and its version of OpenSSL will soon be end of life. Node 18, known as Hydrogen, is stable and has new features. The Talk also covered CLI testing, core modules, new features, and upcoming enhancements.
Tale of Two Repos
Node Congress 2023Node Congress 2023
24 min
Tale of Two Repos
JavaScript became popular in the mid-2010s with the introduction of Node and advanced frameworks like Angular and React. Monorepos, which are single repositories containing multiple artifacts, are a popular approach for managing JavaScript projects. Linking packages internally in a monorepo can be done through local or global installation, or by publishing them to an artifact registry. Managing monorepos has become more complex with the introduction of tools like TypeScript and Babel. The development process for web applications involves a build process, testing, and linting, which can be facilitated by tools like Yarn Workspace and NPM Workspace. The release strategy for monorepos can be either unified or distributed, and it is important to select tools that align with the chosen strategy.
Fresh: a new full stack web framework for Deno
Node Congress 2023Node Congress 2023
24 min
Fresh: a new full stack web framework for Deno
Today's Talk introduces Fresh, a full-stack web framework for Deno, and covers its features, such as static files, routes, and data-fetching. It also discusses middleware, error pages, and styling options. The Talk explains the Islands architecture used by Fresh to enable client interactivity. The demo showcases the use of hybrid routes and islands components, and resources for Fresh, Deno, Preact, TypeScript, and web standards are provided.
Bring Node.js into your browser with WebContainers
Node Congress 2023Node Congress 2023
21 min
Bring Node.js into your browser with WebContainers
This Talk discusses bringing Node.js into the browser using web containers. It covers the history of Node.js and the internet in the early 2000s, the possibilities of Node.js in the browser, and approaches to achieving this. It also explores Stackbits' journey and growth, innovation in web container design, and the functionality of web containers. The Talk emphasizes the importance of open source and collaboration in improving the web ecosystem.
Server Components with Bun
Node Congress 2023Node Congress 2023
7 min
Server Components with Bun
Top Content
Bun is a modern JavaScript runtime environment that combines a bundler, transpiler, package manager, and runtime. It offers faster installation of NPM packages and execution of package.json scripts. Bun introduces a new JavaScript and TypeScript bundler with built-in support for server components, enabling easy RPC with the client. This allows for code splitting and running code that streamingly renders React or any other library from the server and mixes it with client code, resulting in less JavaScript sent to the client.
AWS Lambda under the hood
Node Congress 2023Node Congress 2023
22 min
AWS Lambda under the hood
Top Content
In this Talk, key characteristics of AWS Lambda functions are covered, including service architecture, composition, and optimization of Node.js code. The two operational models of Lambda, asynchronous and synchronous invocation, are explained, highlighting the scalability and availability of the service. The features of Lambda functions, such as retries and event source mapping, are discussed, along with the micro VM lifecycle and the three stages of a Lambda function. Code optimization techniques, including reducing bundle size and using caching options, are explained, and tools like webpack and Lambda Power Tuning are recommended for optimization. Overall, Lambda is a powerful service for handling scalability and traffic spikes while enabling developers to focus on business logic.
Building a modular monolith with Fastify
Node Congress 2023Node Congress 2023
30 min
Building a modular monolith with Fastify
Top Content
Fastify is a powerful tool for building web applications and APIs in Node.js, with millions of downloads per month. It promotes encapsulation and structuring through plugins and decorators, allowing for code and data segmentation. The talk emphasizes the importance of modularizing applications by domains and features, and showcases a demo of a typical Fastify application. The speaker also discusses the benefits of using Platformattic for refactoring and launching Fastify applications in the cloud. The Q&A section covers topics such as dependency injection and debugging, while also highlighting the importance of separating business logic from API contracts.
Creating an innovation engine with observability
Node Congress 2023Node Congress 2023
27 min
Creating an innovation engine with observability
Baseline provides observability for serverless architectures and has created an innovation engine within their team. They measure team performance using Dora metrics and the Accelerate book. Baseline emphasizes the importance of foundations, streamlined testing, and fast deployment. They practice observability-driven development and incorporate observability as part of their development lifecycle. Baseline believes in building a culture that fosters ownership and democratizes production.
Node.js startup snapshots
Node Congress 2023Node Congress 2023
28 min
Node.js startup snapshots
Top Content
The Talk discusses the Startup Snapshot initiative in Node, which aims to improve startup performance by adding new features and optimizing initialization costs. Startup snapshots, serialized binary blobs, are used to speed up startup and can be generated for both the core and user applications. Custom snapshots allow deserializing a heap from a specified snapshot, skipping parsing and compilation. The Talk also addresses misconceptions and limitations of startup snapshots, and highlights the different use cases for heap snapshots and startup snapshots.
Things I learned while writing high-performance JavaScript applications
Node Congress 2023Node Congress 2023
31 min
Things I learned while writing high-performance JavaScript applications
Top Content
This talk explores the creation of a full-text search engine in JavaScript, highlighting the challenges with existing search engines like Algolia and the advantages of using JavaScript. The speaker emphasizes the importance of code optimization and performance enhancement techniques in JavaScript. The talk also discusses the evolution of the Lyra search engine into the open-source project Orama, which offers a feature-rich and highly performant full-text search engine for JavaScript. The speaker addresses questions about language choice, scalability, and deployment, and showcases the benefits of deploying an immutable database to a CDN.
Game Changer! Building Search Into Your Applications
Node Congress 2023Node Congress 2023
8 min
Game Changer! Building Search Into Your Applications
Implementing the right strategies and tools, such as Apache Lucene, can improve search performance and user experience. The choice of analyzer affects search results, and query operators provide various search options. Relevant scoring is crucial for ranking documents based on relevance. Custom scoring can prioritize specific criteria. Consider analyzers, query operators, and scoring methods to optimize the search experience.
Tools for better Observability in NodeJS Serverless IoT Applications
Node Congress 2023Node Congress 2023
8 min
Tools for better Observability in NodeJS Serverless IoT Applications
The Talk discusses the challenges of IoT development, including issues with fleet offline, data missing, alerts not working, inconsistent data, and slow loading dashboards. It explores how to build observability in IoT applications using metrics, logging, and tracing. The integration between the rules engine and Lambda is explained, highlighting the use of tools like Lambda Power Tools and X-Ray for logging, monitoring, and tracing. The Lambda invocation process and the tracing capabilities of X-Ray are also mentioned.
Eval all the strings! - Hardened JavaScript
Node Congress 2023Node Congress 2023
8 min
Eval all the strings! - Hardened JavaScript
NPM packages can be potentially dangerous, so it's important to be proactive in managing them. Lava Mode allows you to detect and investigate suspicious packages before deploying your app. Lavamote prevents unauthorized access to sensitive resources by isolating dependencies and using hardened JavaScript. Lava Mode makes it easier to analyze obfuscated files and understand their actions.
The Database Magic Behind 40MIO Ops/S
Node Congress 2023Node Congress 2023
7 min
The Database Magic Behind 40MIO Ops/S
This lightning talk discusses the database magic behind handling 40 million operations a second. The Amadeus database, powered by Couchbase, caters to travel agencies and airlines and handles a massive amount of traffic. Couchbase is a flexible and scalable database that supports JSON and SQL++ and provides low response times. It offers deployment options for on-premises, Kubernetes, and Capella cloud, and also has a mobile database for offline-first functionality and peer-to-peer communication.
Next Generation Code Architecture for Building Maintainable Node Applications
Node Congress 2023Node Congress 2023
30 min
Next Generation Code Architecture for Building Maintainable Node Applications
Today's Talk focused on code architecture, modularization, and scaling in software development. The speaker discussed the benefits of separating code by domain and using tools like NX to improve productivity and enforce modular architecture. They also highlighted the importance of automating library creation and configuration. Additionally, the Talk covered code scaling and deployment strategies, including caching and automated code migrations. The speaker emphasized the flexibility and scalability of Fastify and the advantages of using a monorepo for front-end and back-end development.
Bun, Deno, Node.js? Recreating a JavaScript runtime from Scratch - Understand magic behind Node.js
Node Congress 2023Node Congress 2023
29 min
Bun, Deno, Node.js? Recreating a JavaScript runtime from Scratch - Understand magic behind Node.js
The Talk explores the magic behind Node.js and delves into its components, including V8, libuv, and the C++ bridge. It discusses the workflow and execution process, the use of NodeMod, and the understanding of console functions. The Talk also covers Node.js functions and scheduling, the introduction of runtimes, and the collaboration between JavaScript runtimes. It concludes with insights on content production, the choice of Node.js, and the inspiration behind it.
GraphQL with Mercurius and Prisma, love at first sight
Node Congress 2023Node Congress 2023
34 min
GraphQL with Mercurius and Prisma, love at first sight
The Talk discusses the use of Prisma and Mercurius in moving from REST API to GraphQL. Prisma improves the developer experience and allows for easy data modeling and type-safe queries. Mercurius is easy to learn if you already know Fastify and offers a performant GraphQL server. Fastify is preferred over Express for its active community and good performance. The ideal stack for Node.js includes Fastify for REST API and GraphQL, Prisma for the database, and the default provider like MongoDB.
Monitoring, Alerting, And Visualizing your Node.JS server infrastructure with Open Source tools
Node Congress 2023Node Congress 2023
31 min
Monitoring, Alerting, And Visualizing your Node.JS server infrastructure with Open Source tools
This Talk introduces monitoring, alerting, and visualizing Node.js server infrastructure with open source tools. It covers the use of time series databases for server monitoring and discusses the JavaScript client library. The InfluxDB platform offers features for data acquisition, visualization, and task scheduling. The Talk includes a live demo of a fake Express server and showcases the use of community templates and the Node.js dashboard. It also provides resources for further learning and discusses options for visualization with Grafana.
JS Character Encodings
Node Congress 2023Node Congress 2023
33 min
JS Character Encodings
Character encodings are important for converting characters into bytes. UTF-8 is the most commonly used encoding in JavaScript. JavaScript engines handle character encodings automatically. There are bugs in Node.js related to character encoding and string manipulation. It is important to be cautious when working with character encodings and to choose the appropriate method for string manipulation.
Building Multiplayer Applications with Cloudflare Workers & Durable Objects
Node Congress 2023Node Congress 2023
28 min
Building Multiplayer Applications with Cloudflare Workers & Durable Objects
Top Content
Durable Objects are a part of CloudFlare's long-term goal to expand application possibilities on workers, allowing for the building of scalable collaborative applications. Durable Objects provide a way to store global state and coordinate multi-client applications. They can be created as close to the user as possible and have unique IDs for routing requests. Durable Objects have a persistent storage API with strongly consistent semantics and IO gates to prevent correctness errors. They are well-suited for collaborative applications and can be used with WebSockets. Performance impact and read replicas are considerations for accessing Durable Objects globally.
tRPC - Move Fast and Break Nothing
Node Congress 2023Node Congress 2023
26 min
tRPC - Move Fast and Break Nothing
TRPC is a tool that simplifies API development by allowing you to call functions in the backend and have the type data inferred into the frontend without code generation. It provides type safety and auto completion when querying databases using Prisma. TRPC can be used with various frontend frameworks and has features like automatic batching and middlewares. It can be shared between repositories using a monorepo or by publishing the types as an npm package. TRPC is easy to set up compared to gRPC and provides built-in input and output validation.
Prototype Pollution in JavaScript
Node Congress 2023Node Congress 2023
27 min
Prototype Pollution in JavaScript
This Talk discusses prototype production in JavaScript and focuses on the concept of prototype pollution. It explains the impact of prototype pollution and ways to avoid it. The Talk also highlights real-world examples of prototype pollution vulnerabilities in Kibana and MongoDB. It provides recommendations for preventing and mitigating prototype pollution, such as filtering out merge functions and using defensive objects. The Talk concludes with a discussion on tools like Semgrep for static analysis and the importance of sanitization and validation in preventing outside attacks.
How to use ChatGPT with Node.js
Node Congress 2023Node Congress 2023
32 min
How to use ChatGPT with Node.js
Today's Talk introduces Chat GPT and its integration with Node.js, highlighting its exceptional performance and natural language capabilities. The speaker demonstrates how to interact with ChatGPT using Node.js and showcases examples such as selecting avatars and getting jokes. The Talk also discusses the use of ChargePT for extracting important information and interacting with databases. Important considerations when using ChatGPT, the potential of GPT-4, and the impact of AI on jobs are also covered. Security concerns and the use of extensions like Runme in Visual Code are mentioned as well.
The tale of avoiding a time-based DDOS attack in Node.js
Node Congress 2023Node Congress 2023
29 min
The tale of avoiding a time-based DDOS attack in Node.js
Web applications face constant threats from DDoS attacks, including the new Zoloris attack that can bring down a server with minimal bandwidth. Node.js has had vulnerabilities in its timeout handling, but recent versions like Node 18 provide better protection. NGINX is recommended for protection against slow loris attacks due to its superior timeout handling. Mitigating slow loris attacks for WebSockets involves enforcing higher timeouts and shutting down idle clients. It is important to prioritize security over performance and use common sense in software development.
The Road to Async Context
Node Congress 2023Node Congress 2023
26 min
The Road to Async Context
This Talk discusses the implementation and performance improvements of the async local storage API in Node and Cloudflare Workers. It explores the concept of continuations and execution contexts and how async local storage allows for passing contextual data through async flows. The talk also highlights the challenges in implementing async local storage in Node and the need for a standardized API. The introduction of async context as a replacement for async local storage is discussed, along with its benefits and the ongoing development of the async context API.
The Edge & Databases: Everything Everywhere All at Once
Node Congress 2023Node Congress 2023
26 min
The Edge & Databases: Everything Everywhere All at Once
This talk discusses working with databases on the Edge, the challenges of serverless and databases, and the challenges of working with databases on the Edge. It explores solutions such as using proxy connections and globally replicated data stores. The talk also highlights the use of Prisma for caching data and the considerations for edge migration. Additionally, it mentions the caching strategy with SWR and the availability of edge solutions for caching.
Deno 2.0
Node Congress 2023Node Congress 2023
36 min
Deno 2.0
Top Content
The Talk discusses forced optimization with Node and Deno, with Deno aiming to pursue the same goals in a more expansive and modern way. Deno has built-in support for NPM and enforces security constraints. It also has a key-value database called Deno KV, which will be a core part of the Deno 2 API. Deno Deploy is a serverless Edge Functions platform powered by FoundationDB, optimized for fast reading and ideal for building eCommerce sites or application servers at the edge. Deno 2.0 is coming soon with more features under development.
On Becoming a Tech Lead
TechLead Conference 2023TechLead Conference 2023
25 min
On Becoming a Tech Lead
Top Content
The role of a Tech Lead involves shaping the roadmap, helping the team be more effective, and working on important projects. Lessons learned include encouraging idea sharing, avoiding taking on all the work, and focusing on delegation. Tech Leads focus on the outcome, involve the team in decision-making, and make plans based on how different pieces will interact. The role of a Tech Lead is to focus on engineering and guide the team in figuring out how the whole system should fit together. Architecting can become problematic when it loses touch with the coding part, resulting in implementation issues.
Why Leetcode is Dead and Pair Programming for Interviews is the Way Forward
TechLead Conference 2023TechLead Conference 2023
32 min
Why Leetcode is Dead and Pair Programming for Interviews is the Way Forward
The Talk discusses the problems with online coding tests and the benefits of pair programming interviews. It emphasizes the importance of hiring and growth, including creating a positive interview experience and considering the cost of hiring. The job of a software developer extends beyond coding and requires multiple skill sets. Pair programming provides a more accurate assessment of skills required for software development. The Talk also covers implementing a tennis scoring system and customizing pair programming interviews for different roles and levels.
A Quick and Complete Guide to Measuring Your Tech Debt and Using the Results
TechLead Conference 2023TechLead Conference 2023
27 min
A Quick and Complete Guide to Measuring Your Tech Debt and Using the Results
This Talk discusses the measurement and interpretation of tech lead, focusing on tech debt. Tech debt is a tool to temporarily speed up development but can have negative consequences if not managed properly. Various tech debt metrics, including heuristic metrics and second-tier metrics, can help identify and manage tech debt. Tech debt interest is crucial for measuring the impact of tech debt and allows for prioritization. It is important to collect and analyze tech debt metrics to ensure software and team health.
Do You Really Have to Become a Manager to Advance in Your Career?
TechLead Conference 2023TechLead Conference 2023
20 min
Do You Really Have to Become a Manager to Advance in Your Career?
The Talk discusses the misconception that software career is a linear progression and shares a story of a software engineer turned engineering manager who wasn't happy. It explores the complexity of describing personality types in software engineering and the importance of considering talents, job meaning, and skill development when making career decisions. The Talk also emphasizes the significance of finding meaning in one's job, job crafting, and exploring different career paths. It concludes with the idea of challenging assumptions, assessing talents, and introspection for effective job crafting.
Negotiate Like Your Life Depends on It
TechLead Conference 2023TechLead Conference 2023
22 min
Negotiate Like Your Life Depends on It
The Talk discusses the importance of negotiation, particularly in relation to the gender pay gap and gender parity. It emphasizes the need to address global reasons for negotiation and the impact of inflation and the cost of living. The Talk also highlights the values to consider when negotiating and provides tips on preparing for negotiation, making offers, and discussing perks. Recommended reading and references on negotiation are also provided.
Why Scaling Bottom-up? How Teams’ Interactions Should Impact the Organizational Structure
TechLead Conference 2023TechLead Conference 2023
17 min
Why Scaling Bottom-up? How Teams’ Interactions Should Impact the Organizational Structure
The Talk discusses the importance of organizational layout and Teams interactions in software development. It explores the challenges of organizational shards and the need for problem thinking to optimize team communication. The concepts of loose coupling, high cohesion, and clear domains of responsibility are explained. The Talk also emphasizes the three essential team interaction modes: working closely together, X as a service, and facilitation. Furthermore, it highlights the significance of understanding domains, boundaries, and domain-driven design for efficient work and fast delivery.
The Rewrite Trap
TechLead Conference 2023TechLead Conference 2023
22 min
The Rewrite Trap
The Talk discusses the 'rewrite trap' in software development, where the urge to start from scratch often leads to poor outcomes. It emphasizes the importance of understanding the existing project before making big technical decisions and the benefits of gradual improvement. The Talk also highlights the challenges and pitfalls of a complete rewrite, such as false sense of productivity, problems with edge cases, and the accumulation of tech debt. It stresses the need to understand the system and its influences, cater to the needs of stakeholders outside of engineering, and focus on creating value.
Processes for the Process-Averse
TechLead Conference 2023TechLead Conference 2023
21 min
Processes for the Process-Averse
This Talk discusses the foundation, formation, and iteration of process, emphasizing the benefits and building trust. It highlights the importance of optimizing processes, using life cycles and meetings to streamline workflow and avoid mistakes. Exposing work through demos and documentation fosters collaboration and provides more exposure opportunities. The Talk also emphasizes concise communication, tailoring processes to individual team members, and addressing challenges through effective communication. Automation is recommended to save time and streamline workflow, while maintaining a balance with personal interactions.
Purpose: What I Learned from Stepping Down as Team Lead Twice
TechLead Conference 2023TechLead Conference 2023
8 min
Purpose: What I Learned from Stepping Down as Team Lead Twice
The Talk discusses the importance of finding purpose and learning from past experiences in software development. It emphasizes the need to test different areas and reflect on experiences to find direction. Understanding one's purpose and the value it brings is crucial. Mistakes are seen as valuable insights for improvement.
How to Overcome Impostor Syndrome
TechLead Conference 2023TechLead Conference 2023
17 min
How to Overcome Impostor Syndrome
If you're a human being, chances are you felt like an imposter at some point in your life. One of the biggest risks we have to deal with in our day-to-day life is failure. Acknowledge your feelings of self-doubt and be specific about why you're feeling this way. Embrace self-compassion and vulnerability to overcome imposter syndrome. Take action by reminding yourself of your qualifications, seeking help from colleagues, and setting realistic goals. Embrace vulnerability, build confidence, and create a safe environment for your team.
How to Get a Mentor Without Telling Them
TechLead Conference 2023TechLead Conference 2023
21 min
How to Get a Mentor Without Telling Them
This Talk explores the topic of mentorship, focusing on how to get a mentor without explicitly asking. It discusses the qualities of a good mentor and the importance of being a good mentee. The benefits of mentorship include personal growth, career advancement, and fostering a collaborative work culture. Strategies for finding mentors and mentees are provided, along with tips for navigating mentorship conversations. Overall, mentorship is seen as a powerful tool for learning, growth, and mutual support in the field of software engineering.
Imposter Syndrome-Driven Development
TechLead Conference 2023TechLead Conference 2023
31 min
Imposter Syndrome-Driven Development
Imposter syndrome is a common experience that can lead to self-doubt and feeling like a fraud. The speaker shares their personal journey with imposter syndrome in school and throughout their career in software development. They discuss the challenges and doubts they faced, as well as the strategies they used to overcome imposter syndrome. The importance of support from managers, celebrating achievements, and sharing experiences to help others are highlighted. The talk emphasizes the need to embrace imposter syndrome and use it as a motivator for personal growth.
The Power of Pairs
TechLead Conference 2023TechLead Conference 2023
21 min
The Power of Pairs
Pair programming is a collaborative software development technique where two developers work together at one workstation. It offers benefits such as easier code maintenance, faster code reviews, and reduced likelihood of bugs. Implementing pair programming involves finding compatible partners, setting goals, and establishing clear communication protocols. To address challenges, provide training and support, involve team members in decision-making, and carefully select partners. Pair programming can help achieve goals like collaboration, knowledge growth, code stability, and maintenance.
A Framework for Managing Technical Debt
TechLead Conference 2023TechLead Conference 2023
35 min
A Framework for Managing Technical Debt
Top Content
Today's Talk discusses the importance of managing technical debt through refactoring practices, prioritization, and planning. Successful refactoring requires establishing guidelines, maintaining an inventory, and implementing a process. Celebrating success and ensuring resilience are key to building a strong refactoring culture. Visibility, support, and transparent communication are crucial for addressing technical debt effectively. The team's responsibilities, operating style, and availability should be transparent to product managers.
The Game Theory of Software Decision Making
TechLead Conference 2023TechLead Conference 2023
18 min
The Game Theory of Software Decision Making
Today's talk is about the Game Theory of Software Decisions, exploring how game theory can be applied to software development. The speaker shares tips on creating a productive team environment and effective decision-making. They emphasize the importance of letting go of unimportant things and focusing on what's best for the project. The talk also discusses handling coding dilemmas and decision-making, suggesting strategies such as defining KPIs and consulting a neutral jury. The speaker concludes by emphasizing the importance of staying rational, bringing data, and maintaining professionalism in software development.
What Engineering Leaders Should Know About DevRel (But Were Too Busy to Ask)
TechLead Conference 2023TechLead Conference 2023
21 min
What Engineering Leaders Should Know About DevRel (But Were Too Busy to Ask)
DevRel is about understanding the audience and collaborating with different departments. Dev Advocates bridge gaps between engineering and marketing, provide feedback, and stay updated on industry trends. DevRel helps raise team profiles, assists with editing and getting on podcasts, and aims to make engineers successful. Collaboration is key in DevRel.
Effective Communication for Engineers
TechLead Conference 2023TechLead Conference 2023
36 min
Effective Communication for Engineers
Top Content
Today's Talk covers the four building blocks of communication: people, message, context, and effective listening. It emphasizes the importance of considering the perspective of others and tailoring messages to the recipient. The Talk discusses different types and channels of communication, and the need to align them with the intended message. It also highlights the significance of soft skills in communication and provides techniques for effective communication and assessing soft skills in tech interviews. Cross-cultural communication and the impact of bluntness are explored as well.
Schemas Everywhere: Understanding GraphQL, Databases & Prisma
GraphQL Galaxy 2022GraphQL Galaxy 2022
9 min
Schemas Everywhere: Understanding GraphQL, Databases & Prisma
Welcome to the talk! As developers, we manage and understand the data that the world runs on. Each individual schema in your infrastructure defines your data in the context of its own domain. The Prisma schema is used to generate migrations and create a mapping between the database and API, enabling type-safe interactions. The GraphQL schema allows clients to safely query the database via the API. By using Prisma and GraphQL Code Generator, you can achieve an end-to-end type-safe environment.
Instant Serverless GraphQL Backends
GraphQL Galaxy 2022GraphQL Galaxy 2022
8 min
Instant Serverless GraphQL Backends
In the Schema 1st approach, you can build and deploy a backend only by writing your GraphQL SDL. Connect this to GitHub, and GraphBase takes care of the rest. Once the code is deployed, sign in to GraphBase using your GitHub account and explore the dashboard, schema, and playground. GraphBase offers authentication, authorization, permissions, and custom directives. Connect GraphBase to user-management software and create sign-in and sign-up pages.
Modern GraphQL API Security Testing
GraphQL Galaxy 2022GraphQL Galaxy 2022
8 min
Modern GraphQL API Security Testing
DAST helps prioritize fixing application security issues by identifying discoverable and exploitable vulnerabilities. StackHawk runs active security tests against APIs to ensure safe handling of user input and output. It also implements OWASP top 10 API best practices. The tool can be used locally and in CI/CD pipelines.
GraphQL Subscriptions with Debezium and Kafka
GraphQL Galaxy 2022GraphQL Galaxy 2022
7 min
GraphQL Subscriptions with Debezium and Kafka
This lightning talk explores the use of GraphQL subscriptions with Kafka and Debezium. By adding a message broker like Apache Kafka and a change data capture tool like Debezium to the deployment, issues with multiple service instances and database writes can be resolved. Debezium picks up changes directly from the database and sends CDC event messages to the connected message broker, ensuring that any change in the database will be published to Kafka and received by the service instance. This technology stack can also be used for queries by building a dedicated read model database for the GraphQL API.
Authorization Patterns in GraphQL
GraphQL Galaxy 2022GraphQL Galaxy 2022
20 min
Authorization Patterns in GraphQL
This talk introduces the theory and practice of authorization in GraphQL, highlighting the importance of proper authorization in ensuring application functionality and security. Delegating authorization to the business logic layer is a golden rule in GraphQL, ensuring consistency and avoiding duplication of logic. Authorization can be done in the resolver layer, but it is recommended to combine it with filtering at the database level. Abstracting authorization behind an API centralizes logic and makes it easier to manage. Custom directives and permissions fields can reduce the tedium of ensuring correct authorization in every resolver.
Exploring the Data Mesh Powered by GraphQL
GraphQL Galaxy 2022GraphQL Galaxy 2022
34 min
Exploring the Data Mesh Powered by GraphQL
This Talk discusses the challenges of working with data APIs and GraphQL, including standardization, performance, and security. It emphasizes the need to optimize data fetches and push down authorization logic. The concept of externalizing authorization and using a GraphQL engine is explored. The Talk also covers the generation of GraphQL schemas and APIs, as well as the implementation of node-level security. Overall, the focus is on designing and standardizing GraphQL for data APIs while addressing authorization challenges.
GraphQL. State management
GraphQL Galaxy 2022GraphQL Galaxy 2022
22 min
GraphQL. State management
Today's talk is about GraphQL State Management and the benefits it offers. Redux and Apollo GraphQL are compared for their state management capabilities, with Apollo Client 3 highlighted as a powerful tool that simplifies front-end development. Data transformations and manipulation in Apollo Client, including type policies and reactive variables, are discussed as key features. The talk concludes by emphasizing the advantages of using Apollo Client for state management and providing access to the presentation materials and newsletter for further updates.
Your GraphQL Groove
GraphQL Galaxy 2022GraphQL Galaxy 2022
31 min
Your GraphQL Groove
The Talk discusses the value proposition of GraphQL and its ability to solve common pain points in API development. It highlights the importance of making informed decisions when choosing GraphQL clients, servers, and schema builders. The Talk also emphasizes the need to focus on the best developer experience in the present rather than seeking a perfect long-term solution. Additionally, it mentions the future of the Urkel GraphQL client and the reasons for dropping ReScript support. Overall, the Talk provides insights into the current state and future trends of GraphQL development.
No Code? No Problem! How GraphQL Servers Break and How to Harden Your Resolvers
GraphQL Galaxy 2022GraphQL Galaxy 2022
20 min
No Code? No Problem! How GraphQL Servers Break and How to Harden Your Resolvers
Kevin Dorosh
Sai Ekbote
2 authors
We discuss GraphQL servers, their current state, and how to harden resolvers. The talk explores the working of resolvers, handling server outages, and implementing passive health checking. It also delves into the role of API Gateways, proxies, and declarative resolvers in improving network traffic handling. The use of JQ for data transformation and outlier detection is demonstrated. The talk concludes with the importance of resilient resolvers and engagement with the GraphQL community.
AMA Session with Lee Byron
GraphQL Galaxy 2022GraphQL Galaxy 2022
19 min
AMA Session with Lee Byron
GraphQL at Facebook started as a solution for the migration to structured product infrastructure and the move to mobile. The birth of FQL highlighted the need for a better tool than SQL. The impact of GraphQL has been impressive, with unexpected growth and usage in various domains. Exciting developments include new features like defer and stream, making GraphQL a live, continuous data delivery and UI rendering tool. Personal experiences with GraphQL involve using it to move data between backend and frontend, with challenges in integrating it into IDE environments.
Real-Time Data Updates for Neo4j Using GraphQL Subscriptions
GraphQL Galaxy 2022GraphQL Galaxy 2022
22 min
Real-Time Data Updates for Neo4j Using GraphQL Subscriptions
This Talk is about real-time data updates for Neo4j using GraphQL subscriptions. The Neo4j GraphQL library provides automatic schema generation, read queries, mutations, and resolvers. It handles subscriptions using WebSockets and is completely agnostic. The library also has built-in support for events and relationships, allowing for real-time updates and easy scaling. The Talk concludes with details about subscriptions using AMQP and a showcase of Neo4j GraphQL subscriptions in a project called neo place.
GraphQL Code Generator v3: generate GraphQL types has never been easier!
GraphQL Galaxy 2022GraphQL Galaxy 2022
22 min
GraphQL Code Generator v3: generate GraphQL types has never been easier!
Hi, everyone! Today, I'll be discussing the future of GraphQL Code Generator and the new features that enhance the developer experience. Code Gen has evolved significantly since its creation in 2016, from generating simple types to hooks and now to a new feature. It has expanded to support multiple languages and framework-specific plugins. Code Gen is widely used in the GraphQL stack, with 7 million monthly downloads on NPM. The new features include Type Document Node, which allows typing GraphQL operations without hooks, and the Client Preset, an improved version of Type Document Node. The Client Preset provides a seamless developer experience by generating the GraphQL function that returns the proper type document node type to your variable. Another interesting feature is fragment masking, which simplifies the usage of fragments in GraphQL and allows for better understanding of data dependencies within the component tree.
GraphQL won’t solve your performance problems, but @defer might help
GraphQL Galaxy 2022GraphQL Galaxy 2022
26 min
GraphQL won’t solve your performance problems, but @defer might help
The talk discusses the defer directive in GraphQL, which allows clients to specify parts of a query that can be delivered incrementally. It addresses the problem of higher latency fields while still having a single response. The talk explores different approaches to solving this problem, such as query splitting and prefetching. It also covers examples of using the defer directive for partial rendering and lazy loading, as well as its use in mutations. The talk emphasizes the importance of performance for user experience and provides resources for further exploration.
GraphQL Everywhere
GraphQL Galaxy 2022GraphQL Galaxy 2022
20 min
GraphQL Everywhere
GraphQL is a preferred tool for solving the complex data access challenge in the current ecosystem. It allows merging diverse sets of data into a single API, reducing overhead and providing reusable patterns. GraphQL's purpose is to define data dependencies and it aligns with accessing complex data models and federated data dependencies. Hasura introduces the GraphQL data specification, a powerful tool for defining data needs and creating APIs. They are actively hiring and encourage users to try out their alpha release and provide feedback.
The new GraphiQL: Next-level Customizability
GraphQL Galaxy 2022GraphQL Galaxy 2022
21 min
The new GraphiQL: Next-level Customizability
GraphQL is successful due to its tooling and customizability, but developers face challenges such as learning, syntax, schema exploration, API building, visualization, documentation, and collaboration. GraphQL version 2 has made significant improvements, including a plugin API and building blocks in GraphQL React. Customization in GraphQL involves overriding CSS variables and building custom functionality using plugins. The ability to embed a GraphQL IDE into a blog allows users to interact with GraphQL concepts directly. Overall, GraphQL continues to evolve and adapt to the changing needs of its ecosystem.
Future-Proof GraphQL Schema Design
GraphQL Galaxy 2022GraphQL Galaxy 2022
38 min
Future-Proof GraphQL Schema Design
Today's Talk is about GraphQL Yoga version 3, its evolution, improvements, and features. Yoga version 3 is easy to get started with, production-ready by default, and fits into any existing stack. It offers upgrades to GraphQL 2, simpler subscriptions, and a powerful deference stream feature. Yoga aims to make production deployment easier with error masking, validation and parser caching, health checks, and integration with JavaScript runtimes. The Talk also highlights the extendability of Yoga through plugins and its battle-tested nature in production.
Handling Breaking Changes in GraphQL
GraphQL Galaxy 2022GraphQL Galaxy 2022
22 min
Handling Breaking Changes in GraphQL
Top Content
This Talk discusses handling breaking changes in a GraphQL schema, including the use of the deprecated directive to tag fields that should no longer be used. It also covers the process of deploying GraphQL APIs and mobile apps, highlighting the challenges of mobile app release adoption. The Talk emphasizes the importance of making safe upgrades in mobile apps and provides strategies for detecting and handling breaking changes, such as using TypeScript and GraphQL Inspector. Overall, the Talk emphasizes the need to minimize user impact when introducing breaking changes in GraphQL schemas.
Step aside resolvers: a new approach to GraphQL execution
GraphQL Galaxy 2022GraphQL Galaxy 2022
16 min
Step aside resolvers: a new approach to GraphQL execution
GraphQL has made a huge impact in the way we build client applications, websites, and mobile apps. Despite the dominance of resolvers, the GraphQL specification does not mandate their use. Introducing Graphast, a new project that compiles GraphQL operations into execution and output plans, providing advanced optimizations. In GraphFast, instead of resolvers, we have plan resolvers that deal with future data. Graphfast plan resolvers are short and efficient, supporting all features of modern GraphQL.
Rock Solid React and GraphQL Apps for People in a Hurry
GraphQL Galaxy 2022GraphQL Galaxy 2022
29 min
Rock Solid React and GraphQL Apps for People in a Hurry
The Talk discusses the challenges and advancements in using GraphQL and React together. It introduces RedwoodJS, a framework that simplifies frontend-backend integration and provides features like code generation, scaffolding, and authentication. The Talk demonstrates how to set up a Redwood project, generate layouts and models, and perform CRUD operations. Redwood automates many GraphQL parts and provides an easy way for developers to get started with GraphQL. It also highlights the benefits of Redwood and suggests checking out RedwoodJS.com for more information.
How to Start Your Journey Into Mobile Accessibility?
React Day Berlin 2022React Day Berlin 2022
24 min
How to Start Your Journey Into Mobile Accessibility?
This talk explores mobile accessibility, including the different types of disabilities and how they affect app usage. It emphasizes the importance of making apps usable for as many people as possible and highlights the challenges faced by individuals with visual impairments. The talk also covers the principles of mobile accessibility, such as scaling the font size, supporting dark mode, and ensuring readable text. External tools and resources, like the Accessibility Inspector and Accessibility Scanner, are recommended for analyzing app accessibility. Various platforms and communities, such as Mobile Ally, Twitter, and React Native AMA, provide valuable resources for learning about mobile accessibility.
Power Up your GraphQL Apps with CDNs
React Day Berlin 2022React Day Berlin 2022
13 min
Power Up your GraphQL Apps with CDNs
This Talk discusses how to grow GraphQL apps with CDNs by exploring concepts like caching, freshness, and validation. It explains how CDNs cache content closer to end users, improving delivery speed. The use of persistent queries and cache control headers in GraphQL is explored as a solution to caching challenges. The talk also highlights the interplay between automatic persistent queries, Apollo cache control, and Apollo Engine for efficient CDN caching.
Using MediaPipe to Create Cross Platform Machine Learning Applications with React
React Day Berlin 2022React Day Berlin 2022
20 min
Using MediaPipe to Create Cross Platform Machine Learning Applications with React
Welcome to a talk on using MediaPipe for cross-platform machine learning applications with ReactJS. MediaPipe provides ready-to-use solutions for object detection, tracking, face mesh, and more. It allows for video transformation and tensor conversion, enabling the interpretation of video footage in a human-readable form. MediaPipe utilizes graphs and calculators to handle the perception pipeline. Learn how to use MediaPipe packages in React and explore a demo showcasing the hands model for detecting landmarks. Custom logic can be written to detect open and closed landmarks, making it useful for applications like American Sign Language.
Generic Components with TS and React
React Day Berlin 2022React Day Berlin 2022
10 min
Generic Components with TS and React
Ilya, a Staff Engineer in ArtSecurity, gives a talk on using generic components with React and TypeScript. He demonstrates how to pass generics to React components and addresses syntax limitations. Generics allow components to operate on data without a defined shape and are commonly used in form field components and component libraries.
Writing Chrome Extensions in React
React Day Berlin 2022React Day Berlin 2022
7 min
Writing Chrome Extensions in React
Today's Talk is about making Chrome extensions in React. The speaker demonstrates a boilerplate project and shows how easy it is to get started. The Talk also explores the components of a Chrome extension and how changes trigger a hot reload.
Digital Ecology: How Can You Mitigate the Carbon Footprint of Websites?
React Day Berlin 2022React Day Berlin 2022
7 min
Digital Ecology: How Can You Mitigate the Carbon Footprint of Websites?
Today's Talk discusses digital ecology and reducing the carbon footprint of websites. Techniques such as using JavaScript or TypeScript, lighter libraries, and optimizing resources can reduce the carbon footprint by 70%. User data collection is important for sustainability, and the Ecolint tool helps make websites more sustainable. It's an open-source tool that can be downloaded and customized.
The Sorcery of Building a Cross Platform Design System Architecture
React Day Berlin 2022React Day Berlin 2022
23 min
The Sorcery of Building a Cross Platform Design System Architecture
This Talk discusses the development of a cross-platform design system architecture. It explores different approaches and proposes a unified API that works across web and native platforms. The Talk covers techniques for resolving files and declarations, configuring bundlers, and testing for both web and native platforms. It also highlights the bundling of TypeScript types and handling accessibility for different platforms.
Supercharging Your Dev Experience With Turborepo
React Day Berlin 2022React Day Berlin 2022
26 min
Supercharging Your Dev Experience With Turborepo
Top Content
This Talk explores the benefits of using TuberApple, a tool for supercharging the development experience. It highlights the advantages of monorepos, such as code reuse, shared standards, improved team collaboration, and atomic changes. TuberApple, specifically Tuburepo, offers efficient task execution through caching and optimized scheduling. It simplifies monorepo development by allowing parallel execution of tasks and seamless coordination of changes. Tubo, another tool within TuberApple, enables smart task execution, declaring task dependencies, and efficient caching in monorepos.
Introduction to Library Market Place
React Day Berlin 2022React Day Berlin 2022
10 min
Introduction to Library Market Place
This Talk provides an introduction to the library marketplace, focusing on selling NPM packages and building UI libraries. It explains the steps to publish a UI library and how clients can install the package. The marketplace dashboard enables setting subscriptions, pricing, and tracking downloads and purchases. Developers receive payments through PayPal on the 20th of each month.
Let’s Remix to Localize Content!
React Day Berlin 2022React Day Berlin 2022
28 min
Let’s Remix to Localize Content!
This Talk explores Remix and internationalization, discussing the impact and logic of internationalization and the challenges developers face. It highlights the global usage of the internet and the importance of localizing content. The fundamental logic of internationalization is explained, including location-based, header-based, and URL-based approaches. The implementation of internationalization in Remix is demonstrated using Remix IAT Next package and a Content Management System. The Talk also covers client-side and server-side configuration, importing and wrapping translation files, and implementing dynamic routes with Remix.
Jotai Atoms Are Just Functions
React Day Berlin 2022React Day Berlin 2022
22 min
Jotai Atoms Are Just Functions
Top Content
State management in React is a highly discussed topic with many libraries and solutions. Jotai is a new library based on atoms, which represent pieces of state. Atoms in Jotai are used to define state without holding values and can be used for global, semi-global, or local states. Jotai atoms are reusable definitions that are independent from React and can be used without React in an experimental library called Jotajsx.
Wait, React Is Multi-Threaded?
React Day Berlin 2022React Day Berlin 2022
22 min
Wait, React Is Multi-Threaded?
Top Content
This Talk explores the use of web workers in React to improve user experience and performance. It discusses the limitations of JavaScript rendering and how web workers can offload tasks to separate threads. The Talk also highlights the benefits of using concurrent mode in React and introduces the UseWebWorkerHook library for simplifying the creation of web workers. It emphasizes the considerations when using web workers and concludes with a mention of Postman's hiring and new feature release.
Statically Detecting React App Bugs with TypeScript and ESLint
React Day Berlin 2022React Day Berlin 2022
21 min
Statically Detecting React App Bugs with TypeScript and ESLint
This Talk explores static analysis tooling for JavaScript and TypeScript, focusing on detecting bugs with TypeScript and ESLint. The importance of type checking and extending recommended rules is emphasized. The Talk also delves into specific ESLint rules and provides code samples to demonstrate their usage. The insights provided by ESLint powered by TypeScript are highlighted. Floating promises and misused promises are discussed, along with recommendations for handling exceptions and resources. The Talk concludes by offering resources and support for further exploration and development.
How Bun Makes Building React Apps Simpler & Faster
React Day Berlin 2022React Day Berlin 2022
9 min
How Bun Makes Building React Apps Simpler & Faster
BUN is a modern all-in-one JavaScript runtime environment that achieves new levels of performance. It includes BUN dev, a fast front-end dev server, BUN install, a speedy package manager, and BUN run, a fast package runner. BUN supports JSX, has optimized React server-side rendering, and offers hot module reloading on the server. The priorities for BUN include stability, node compatibility, documentation improvement, missing features in BUN install, AST plugin API, native Windows support, Bundler and Minifier optimization, and easier deployment to production. BUN's AST plugin API allows for bundle-time JavaScript execution and embedding code, potentially inspiring new frameworks.
Staying Safe In a Concurrent World
React Day Berlin 2022React Day Berlin 2022
30 min
Staying Safe In a Concurrent World
The talk discusses the ramifications of the new concurrent features in React and the misconceptions around the rendering model. It explores the changes in the rendering process and the need to handle state carefully. The talk also highlights the challenges in managing communication with the outside world and the recommended libraries for synchronization. It mentions the benefits of using concurrent mode in existing frameworks and the difficulties in building demos and enforcing immutability. Finally, it emphasizes the benefits of concurrent mode for heavy components.
Take a Rest From REST (And GraphQL)
React Day Berlin 2022React Day Berlin 2022
32 min
Take a Rest From REST (And GraphQL)
This Talk explores the evolution of RPC and its relevance in modern full stack development. It discusses the limitations of SOAP and REST and introduces GraphQL as a solution. The focus is on RPC frameworks like tRPC and BlitzRPC, which provide end-to-end type safety and improved developer experience. The Talk also highlights the advantages of RPC in the context of full stack development with frameworks like Next.js. Future improvements for RPC libraries are discussed, including enabling server APIs for multiple clients and creating a developer experience tool combining the best features of BlitzRPC and tRPC.
The State of React Tooling
React Day Berlin 2022React Day Berlin 2022
29 min
The State of React Tooling
The Talk discusses over 20 JavaScript tools commonly used by developers, including transpilers and bundlers. It highlights the pros and cons of various tools such as Sucrase, Babel, SWC, and ESBuild. The importance of TypeScript, linters like eslint, and the emergence of new tools like Rome are also mentioned. The Talk delves into the future of JavaScript, the challenges of bundling UI libraries, and the corporate era of JavaScript libraries with the backing of companies.
Get rid of your API schemas with tRPC
React Day Berlin 2022React Day Berlin 2022
29 min
Get rid of your API schemas with tRPC
Today's Talk introduces TRPC, a library that eliminates the need for code generation and provides type safety and better collaboration between front-end and back-end. TRPC is demonstrated in a Next JS application integrated with Prisma, allowing for easy implementation and interaction with the database. The library allows for seamless usage in the client, with automatic procedure renaming and the ability to call methods without generating types. TRPC's client-server interaction is based on HTTP requests and allows for easy debugging and tracing. The library also provides runtime type check and validation using Zod.
Consistent UX at Scale: Lessons Learned When I Wore the DesignOps Hat
React Day Berlin 2022React Day Berlin 2022
31 min
Consistent UX at Scale: Lessons Learned When I Wore the DesignOps Hat
Today's Talk covers the challenges of implementing accessibility in design systems and the importance of using existing libraries. It also emphasizes the use of design tokens and code generation to ensure consistency across different code bases. The Talk explores automation, webhooks, and type safety in design systems, as well as the importance of measuring adoption and building accessibility. Finally, it suggests establishing a DesignOps team to encourage collaboration between designers and developers.
Fighting Technical Debt With Continuous Refactoring
React Day Berlin 2022React Day Berlin 2022
29 min
Fighting Technical Debt With Continuous Refactoring
Top Content
This Talk discusses the importance of refactoring in software development and engineering. It introduces a framework called the three pillars of refactoring: practices, inventory, and process. The Talk emphasizes the need for clear practices, understanding of technical debt, and a well-defined process for successful refactoring. It also highlights the importance of visibility, reward, and resilience in the refactoring process. The Talk concludes by discussing the role of ownership, management, and prioritization in managing technical debt and refactoring efforts.
The Weird Things About React
React Day Berlin 2022React Day Berlin 2022
34 min
The Weird Things About React
Top Content
React has some weird and undocumented features like using the key attribute to remount components. The new beta docs and RFCs provide valuable insights into React's thinking and allow for proposing changes. React's composition story has evolved from mixins to higher order components to hooks. The upgrade to React 18 fixed TypeScript types but introduced issues with optional children. React warnings can be helpful but also annoying, and a library called React Reduce Stress can suppress them. React strict mode helps identify issues and supports new features, but it can cause double rendering in React 18. Overall, React is an interesting journey with its flaws and learning opportunities.
Emotional & Functional UI Animations in React
React Day Berlin 2022React Day Berlin 2022
28 min
Emotional & Functional UI Animations in React
Today's Talk discussed the importance of UI animations in React, both functional and emotional. Examples were given using CSS and Framer Motion, with a focus on user feedback and accessibility. Design guidelines and animation usage were highlighted, as well as the consideration of negative emotions in animations. The Talk also touched on designing 404 error pages and concluded with gratitude to the audience and organizers.
Building High-Performing Cross-Cultural Teams
React Day Berlin 2022React Day Berlin 2022
25 min
Building High-Performing Cross-Cultural Teams
The Talk discusses the importance of effective communication and collaboration in cross-cultural teams. It emphasizes the impact of culture on communication and performance evaluation. The speaker highlights the differences between low-context and high-context communication styles and the need to understand cultural nuances. It also explores the challenges of giving feedback in multicultural teams and suggests ways to improve communication and create a feedback culture. The influence of language on communication and the importance of transparency and honesty in feedback are also discussed.
It's Time to De-Fragment the Web
React Day Berlin 2022React Day Berlin 2022
34 min
It's Time to De-Fragment the Web
Top Content
Today's Talk introduces Mitosis, an open source project that solves the problem of building framework agnostic components. It supports JSX and Svelte syntax and outputs human-readable code for various web frameworks. Mitosis is already being used by enterprise customers and can be easily integrated with React, Svelte, and other frameworks. It saves time, allows for easy handling of framework version migrations, and enables efficient unit and integration testing.
React Native Kotlin Multiplatform Toolkit
React Day Berlin 2022React Day Berlin 2022
26 min
React Native Kotlin Multiplatform Toolkit
Top Content
The Talk discusses the combination of React Native and Kotlin Multiplatform for cross-platform app development. Challenges with native modules in React Native are addressed, and the potential improvements of using Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile are explored. The integration of Kotlin Multiplatform with React Native streamlines native implementation and eliminates boilerplate code. Questions about architecture and compatibility, as well as the possibility of supporting React Native Web, are discussed. The React Native toolkit works with native animations and has potential for open-source development.
Lessons Learned From Troubleshooting a Shopping Cart Issue
React Day Berlin 2022React Day Berlin 2022
9 min
Lessons Learned From Troubleshooting a Shopping Cart Issue
This Talk discusses lessons learned from troubleshooting a shopping cart issue in a restaurant marketplace app. The bug was difficult to reproduce but occurred more frequently as the app grew. The investigation involved checking frontend logs and using tools like Sentry and Fullstory. The solution involved using the customer's view at checkout as the source of truth and emphasizing the importance of testing and financial responsibility.
Accelerate Innovation
React Day Berlin 2022React Day Berlin 2022
10 min
Accelerate Innovation
Today's Talk focuses on accelerating innovation and the importance of solving the right problem. Design Thinking and the product life cycle are discussed as tools for product innovation. The R approach, which involves constant experimentation and learning, is introduced. The idea of syncing production components from storybook to Figma is explored. Finally, the Talk emphasizes the role of developers as the new creators, unlocking their powers to innovate.
Making an Open Source Library Financially Sustainable
React Day Berlin 2022React Day Berlin 2022
8 min
Making an Open Source Library Financially Sustainable
The Talk discusses how an open source library, ReactFlow, was made financially sustainable. Various methods were tried, including Github sponsoring and cross financing, but a price tag was eventually added to the library. Building trust and clear expectations through ongoing support and communication with subscribers was key to gaining financial support. The issue of people not knowing how much to contribute was addressed by providing a clear pricing structure. Additional features like one-on-one support and Pro examples were added to combat the paradox of choice and encourage financial support.
Less Struggle With Lifetimes
React Day Berlin 2022React Day Berlin 2022
6 min
Less Struggle With Lifetimes
The Talk introduces the concept of Lifetime in software development, which is used to handle clean-ups. By using a simple object called Lifetime, engineers can bind clean-up functions and reuse them throughout their applications. Lifetimes can be nested, allowing for the creation of chains and trees to manage dependencies. The Talk also mentions the ability to create different types of lifetimes, such as sequential lifetimes, which can be useful for canceling requests or cleaning up effects from previous iterations.
How I Automated Code Changes for 100 Repositories: Getting Started With Codemods
React Day Berlin 2022React Day Berlin 2022
28 min
How I Automated Code Changes for 100 Repositories: Getting Started With Codemods
This Talk discusses automating code changes for Android repositories, utilizing tools like JSCodeShift and Abstract Syntax Tree. The speaker shares a real use case example of maintaining a design system library and making changes to a component. The talk emphasizes the importance of automating repetitive tasks and using the power of abstract syntax tree for code changes. The Q&A session covers topics like source code formatting, TypeScript support, and cultural embedding of code mods. The talk concludes with insights on when automation is worth it and the limitations of code mods for monorepo changes.
A Nutshell Guide to React Native DevOps
React Day Berlin 2022React Day Berlin 2022
12 min
A Nutshell Guide to React Native DevOps
Today we are discussing the challenges faced by React native developers in mobile deployment. Automation is the key to spending less time on tasks and focusing on delivering features. There is a stage for monitoring mobile apps after release. Differentiating between iOS and Android, there are specific requirements for each. The FASTA file allows for configuring tasks and actions.
Bringing the New React Native Architecture to the OSS Community - Fall Edition
React Day Berlin 2022React Day Berlin 2022
29 min
Bringing the New React Native Architecture to the OSS Community - Fall Edition
The Talk discusses the new React Native architecture and its introduction to the open source community. The new architecture aims to bring React 18 to mobile and native platforms, while eliminating the Bridge component bottleneck. It includes core concepts like the new renderer (fabric), native module system (turbo modules), codegen for type safety, and bridge-less mode. The architecture simplifies the development process for web developers, requires changes in build tools, and recommends the use of the Hermes JavaScript engine. It also emphasizes the importance of exploring new APIs, migrating libraries, and providing feedback to improve the ecosystem.
Run Games Within Your React Native Apps
React Day Berlin 2022React Day Berlin 2022
28 min
Run Games Within Your React Native Apps
Top Content
Today's Talk discusses integrating Unity into React Native apps for game development. Unity provides a wide range of capabilities and can be seamlessly integrated with React Native. The integration involves using the Unity View component and the Unity Message callback to enable communication between the two platforms. Native plugins are created to facilitate communication between Unity and React Native. The performance of Unity in React Native apps is comparable to regular React Native apps, and the decision to use Unity or React Native depends on the app's use case and need for advanced UI and gaming capabilities.
Nextra 2.0: Create a Full-Featured Documentation Site in 5 Minutes
React Day Berlin 2022React Day Berlin 2022
28 min
Nextra 2.0: Create a Full-Featured Documentation Site in 5 Minutes
Top Content
Next.js and Nextra are powerful tools for generating full-featured documentation websites with ease. Nextra offers features like dark mode, full-text search, and React code integration. Next.js provides image optimization, SSG, SSR, and other powerful features. Nextra is highly customizable and supports localization, collaboration, and API integration. The future vision includes combining documentation and live views, adding social card generation and advanced search functionality.
3+ Uses of React at a Game Studio
React Day Berlin 2022React Day Berlin 2022
29 min
3+ Uses of React at a Game Studio
Game development challenges and solutions include saving games in the cloud, customer support tools, and remote changes to player progress. Custom editors in game development can be generated based on a database schema. The use of web technologies in game development can lead to faster and better games. The speaker discusses the tech stack used in game development, including TypeScript, React, and React Native. The talk concludes with advice for web developers transitioning to game development.
Turbopack. Why? How? When? and the Vision...
React Day Berlin 2022React Day Berlin 2022
32 min
Turbopack. Why? How? When? and the Vision...
The Talk discusses TurboPack, a successor to Webpack, aiming to create a framework-independent, flexible, and extensible tool for the open-source community. It addresses performance challenges by integrating SWC into Next.js. The challenges with Next.js and Webpack include orchestration issues, backward compatibility constraints, and cache invalidation problems. TurboEngine and TurboPack provide constant performance in incremental builds, leveraging Rust's predictable performance and parallelism. The Talk also covers topics like dependency tracking, task graphs, cache invalidation, lazy asset graphs, and the integration of TurboPack with Next.js. The future plans involve reconfiguring Webpack and TurboEngine, moving computations to the cloud, providing insights into builds, and facilitating migration and integration with JavaScript projects.
Scaling Up with Remix and Micro Frontends
Remix Conf Europe 2022Remix Conf Europe 2022
23 min
Scaling Up with Remix and Micro Frontends
Top Content
This talk discusses the usage of Microfrontends in Remix and introduces the Tiny Frontend library. Kazoo, a used car buying platform, follows a domain-driven design approach and encountered issues with granular slicing. Tiny Frontend aims to solve the slicing problem and promotes type safety and compatibility of shared dependencies. The speaker demonstrates how Tiny Frontend works with server-side rendering and how Remix can consume and update components without redeploying the app. The talk also explores the usage of micro frontends and the future support for Webpack Module Federation in Remix.
Remix Persistence With DynamoDB
Remix Conf Europe 2022Remix Conf Europe 2022
41 min
Remix Persistence With DynamoDB
DynamoDB is a next-generation key-value database that is low-latency, scalable, and easy to use. It offers advantages such as local development options, a generous free tier, and fast performance. Common misconceptions about DynamoDB being expensive or hard to learn are debunked. The Talk covers topics like basic modeling, separating concerns, working with DynamoDB in Remix, and building a DynamoDB client. Overall, DynamoDB is a powerful database that integrates well with Remix and provides efficient data access patterns.
React Remixed
Remix Conf Europe 2022Remix Conf Europe 2022
19 min
React Remixed
Remix is a full stack web framework that focuses on the user interface and works back to web standards. It eliminates render and fetch waterfalls in web applications, resulting in improved performance. Remix leverages the foundations of the web and combines them with features like HTTP caching and dynamic server rendering. It allows for progressive enhancement and speeds up the user experience. Remix is a powerful tool for web development with great potential for the future.
Remixing How We Give
Remix Conf Europe 2022Remix Conf Europe 2022
32 min
Remixing How We Give
Daphne uses Remix for their web application, benefiting from its resilience, error boundaries, cache boundaries, and progressive enhancement. Remix simplifies form submission, authorization, and validation, and allows for easier refactoring and code duplication avoidance. Next and Remix are used together, with Remix serving as the backend for the frontend and handling data aggregation. Remix provides query functions for fetching data, mutations for form data validation and API calls, and custom conventions using the handle export. Migrating to Remix resulted in smaller JavaScript files, faster navigation, and the ability to preload data and assets. The migration process took around nine months and involved mixing Next.js and Remix using Express. Hiring someone to work on Remix is easier than hiring for other frameworks.
Remixing Your Stack in a Monorepo Workspace
Remix Conf Europe 2022Remix Conf Europe 2022
22 min
Remixing Your Stack in a Monorepo Workspace
Let's talk about remixing our stack in a Monorepo workspace, which allows for incremental migration and is suitable for transitioning from a Next.js app to a remix stack. Refactoring may be required for feature-specific and Next.js-coupled components, but the process is simplified because the features have already been moved out. Configuring the Monorepo to reference packages locally and linking them to the Next.js application is necessary. Nx provides benefits like fast refreshing, pre-configured setups, and features like local and remote caching.
Your Personal Remix!
Remix Conf Europe 2022Remix Conf Europe 2022
24 min
Your Personal Remix!
Today's Talk discusses Remix and Personalization, highlighting the benefits of personalized experiences in websites and web applications. Different types of personalization are explained, along with the steps to implement a personalization strategy. The use of Remix and Storyblock to implement personalized experiences on a website is demonstrated. The structure of a page with personalized content for different user types is shown, along with the use of cookies to identify user interests. The implementation of a personalization strategy using React components and the Storyblock API is explained.
The New Frontier: E-Commerce at the Edge
Remix Conf Europe 2022Remix Conf Europe 2022
19 min
The New Frontier: E-Commerce at the Edge
Today's Talk discusses the new frontier of e-commerce at the edge, focusing on headless commerce and the benefits it offers. The edge, an intermediate server, can improve website loading by rendering HTML on the server and reducing latency. Venger, an open-source headless e-commerce framework, is introduced as a solution to cache API responses at the edge and improve performance. The Venger online shop demonstrates excellent performance, highlighting the benefits of headless and edge computing in e-commerce.
Demystifying Web Accessibility
Remix Conf Europe 2022Remix Conf Europe 2022
11 min
Demystifying Web Accessibility
Web accessibility ensures that people with disabilities can use and participate equally on the web. Over 15% of the global population has some form of disability. Improving web accessibility can be done using tools like ex-DEV tools and the web disability simulator. Color contrast plays a crucial role in readability, and semantic HTML and tab order help with functionality and user flow. There are additional tools and extensions available for further exploration.
Remixing a Symfony
Remix Conf Europe 2022Remix Conf Europe 2022
19 min
Remixing a Symfony
This Talk discusses Harvey's performance journey and how it led to the adoption of Remix. The engineering team addressed scaling and performance issues through backend fixes and frontend improvements. The redesign focused on loading products by category and prioritizing performance. The implementation of Remix resulted in improved performance and a reduction in API requests. The focus on long-term scalability is essential for handling a growing product list and customer base.
Remix Flat Routes – An Evolution in Routing
Remix Conf Europe 2022Remix Conf Europe 2022
16 min
Remix Flat Routes – An Evolution in Routing
Top Content
Remix Flat Routes is a new convention that aims to make it easier to see and organize the routes in your app. It allows for the co-location of support files with routes, decreases refactor and redesign friction, and helps apps migrate to Remix. Flat Folders convention supports co-location and allows importing assets as relative imports. To migrate existing apps to Flat Routes, use the Remix Flat Routes package's migration tool.
Fire-side chat on Remix
Remix Conf Europe 2022Remix Conf Europe 2022
28 min
Fire-side chat on Remix
Remix is an open-source project with a modular design and excellent mutation story. It benefits from being part of Shopify and has an open RFC process for feature requests. Remix is influenced by the Hydrogen team and plans to work closely with them. Exciting features include the ability to send promises in responses and support for styling solutions. Remix version 2 will have a roadmap and be framework agnostic. Collaboration with React on server components is important. Livestreams and community discussions are encouraged. The design philosophy focuses on web standards and simplifying code. Remix prioritizes server-side first but also considers static generation. Overall, Remix simplifies code and removes complexity.
How Remix and Prisma Make Frontend Devs Fullstack
Remix Conf Europe 2022Remix Conf Europe 2022
22 min
How Remix and Prisma Make Frontend Devs Fullstack
Remix and Prisma enable front-end developers to become full-stack developers by working across different parts of the stack without diving into complexities. They provide a great framework for writing code and interacting with databases, making it easier to be a full-stack developer. Prisma's ORM allows mapping database models to JavaScript or JSON models. Developing a full stack app with Remix requires structuring components and loaders differently, but simplifies development by focusing on one place.
Remix Architecture Patterns
Remix Conf Europe 2022Remix Conf Europe 2022
23 min
Remix Architecture Patterns
Top Content
This Talk introduces the Remix architecture patterns for web applications, with over 50% of participants using Remix professionally. The migration from single page applications to Remix involves step-by-step refactoring and offers flexibility in deployment options. Scalability can be achieved by distributing the database layer and implementing application caching. The backend for frontend pattern simplifies data fetching, and Remix provides real-time capabilities for collaborative features through WebSocket servers and Server-SendEvents.
Full Stack Components
Remix Conf Europe 2022Remix Conf Europe 2022
37 min
Full Stack Components
Top Content
RemixConf EU discussed full stack components and their benefits, such as marrying the backend and UI in the same file. The talk demonstrated the implementation of a combo box with search functionality using Remix and the Downshift library. It also highlighted the ease of creating resource routes in Remix and the importance of code organization and maintainability in full stack components. The speaker expressed gratitude towards the audience and discussed the future of Remix, including its acquisition by Shopify and the potential for collaboration with Hydrogen.
CCTDD: Cypress Component Test Driven Design
TestJS Summit 2022TestJS Summit 2022
25 min
CCTDD: Cypress Component Test Driven Design
Cypress component test-driven design can take front-end engineers to the next level by covering TDD examples, component testing, endpoint testing, and recommended best practices. The TDD flow involves starting with failing tests, making them work, and then improving them. Component tests can be written incrementally, using custom wrappers and props. The differences between React Testing Library and Cypress Component Test lie in the API style. Code coverage can be achieved with Cypress component tests, and the Pack.js Cypress Adapter can be used to avoid test duplication between the backend and frontend.
E2E Tests for Web3 Applications
TestJS Summit 2022TestJS Summit 2022
21 min
E2E Tests for Web3 Applications
Top Content
In this Talk, Rafaela discusses Web3, its decentralized and token-based model, and the architecture based on smart contracts. Testing Web3 poses challenges due to the need for third-party providers like MetaMask. Approaches such as mocking the Web3 flow and using end-to-end testing tools like Taskafar are suggested. The trade-offs in Web3 testing include test speed and dependency on third-party apps. Balancing unit, integration, and end-to-end tasks is crucial for a robust testing strategy.
Playwright Can Do This?
TestJS Summit 2022TestJS Summit 2022
23 min
Playwright Can Do This?
Playwright is a powerful tool for end-to-end testing, offering support for all major browsers and platforms. It provides features like parallelization, built-in waiting, and assertions. Playwright allows for running tests on multiple browsers with a single command and has functionality for generating tests and performing visual regression testing. It also enables the manipulation of the network layer and loading internals of web pages. Best practices include using short and idempotent scripts, splitting user account flows into separate tests, and cleaning up after each test case.
Overtesting: why it happens and how to avoid it
TestJS Summit 2022TestJS Summit 2022
7 min
Overtesting: why it happens and how to avoid it
This talk is about overtesting, a technique to improve test suites and testing proficiency. It addresses the common problem of spending excessive time on maintaining test suites. The goal is to maintain 100% coverage while spending equal or less time on test suites. The talk suggests splitting tests into functional units, using expect object containing for manageable expectations, and prioritizing ease of testing and time spent.
Using Tests for What?!
TestJS Summit 2022TestJS Summit 2022
11 min
Using Tests for What?!
Today's Talk introduces VEST, a form validation framework that combines the syntax and style of Unitest with form validation. The lack of structure in form validation is a major problem, leading to messy and difficult-to-maintain code. Testing forms and form validation can be challenging, especially with complex logic. VEST offers a solution by allowing the creation of a form validation suite using unit tests. It provides features like multiple validations per field, async validations, and memoization, with support for any JavaScript environment and full TypeScript support.
Zero Dependency Testing With Node.js
TestJS Summit 2022TestJS Summit 2022
10 min
Zero Dependency Testing With Node.js
Today's Talk is about zero dependency testing with Node.js. The new test runner in Node.js supports CLI and standalone file execution, and different test runner styles are supported. Writing tests with Node.js is simple using its assert and test modules. The test runner passed one test and failed another, and future work includes implementing a tap parser and adding code coverage and mocking features.
Automated Security Testing for JS Apps
TestJS Summit 2022TestJS Summit 2022
9 min
Automated Security Testing for JS Apps
At StackHawk, we do application security testing, specifically dynamic application security testing. Legacy DAST tools are not effective for testing JavaScript front ends and APIs. To achieve better testing, it is essential to drive the API directly using industry standards like postman collections, OpenAPI spec, GraphQL, and introspection queries. StackHawk simplifies finding and fixing security issues in applications, integrating with CI/CD processes and providing simple descriptions and examples. Start a free trial at stackhawk.com to improve software quality.
Challenges of Testing and Monitoring WebRTC Applications
TestJS Summit 2022TestJS Summit 2022
21 min
Challenges of Testing and Monitoring WebRTC Applications
WebRTC is an HTML5 specification for real-time media communications between browsers and devices, with challenges in testing and monitoring. Browsers frequently update, potentially breaking WebRTC applications. Testing requires browser automation, consideration of network conditions, and device characteristics. Virtual machines and raw data injection are important for testing. Manual testing is necessary for specific workflows and scalability. Orchestrating multiple machines in the cloud and validating video, packet loss, and bit rate are challenges. Visibility and analysis of WebRTC API calls and metrics are crucial. TestRTC by Spearline offers testing and monitoring solutions.
Delightful Integration Tests With Testcontainers
TestJS Summit 2022TestJS Summit 2022
21 min
Delightful Integration Tests With Testcontainers
Top Content
Testing is crucial for development and production, with integration tests becoming more popular. Test containers is a library that integrates with Docker to create reliable test environments. It is flexible and can be used with various frameworks and test libraries. The IDE setup involves configuring the container and connecting it to the application. Test containers can be used for complex operations and allows running tests with real dependencies.
Testing Web Applications with Playwright
TestJS Summit 2022TestJS Summit 2022
20 min
Testing Web Applications with Playwright
Top Content
Testing web applications with Playwright, a reliable end-to-end testing tool. Playwright offers fast execution, powerful tooling, and support for multiple languages. It provides precise selectors, web-first assertions, and code generation for easy testing. Playwright also offers features like live debugging, tracing, and running tests on CI. The future of Playwright aims to make testing easy and fun, with a focus on creating frustration-free web experiences.
Unit Testing Angular Applications
TestJS Summit 2022TestJS Summit 2022
24 min
Unit Testing Angular Applications
This talk explores unit testing in Angular applications, covering topics such as testing front-end applications, specifics of testing Angular, best practices, and educational resources. It discusses the anatomy of a unit test in both Jasmine and Jest, the setup and initial tests in Angular, testing user interaction and event handlers, testing rendered output and change detection, and unit testing parent components with child components. It also highlights best practices like using test doubles, testing components with dependency injection, and considerations for unit testing. Code coverage is emphasized as a metric that doesn't guarantee bug-free code.
Beyond Rest - Contract Testing in the Age of gRPC, Kafka and GraphQL
TestJS Summit 2022TestJS Summit 2022
22 min
Beyond Rest - Contract Testing in the Age of gRPC, Kafka and GraphQL
This talk explores the challenges of API communication in a multi-protocol environment and the limitations of REST. It discusses how contract testing can address these challenges by focusing on API communications and reducing reliance on end-to-end tests. The talk also examines the limitations of specifications like OpenAPI and JSON schema and the challenges of endpoint evolution and versioning. It highlights the benefits of consumer-driven contract testing in ensuring API compatibility and provides an overview of the PACT framework as a standardized solution.
Tiny Tests, Large Results
TestJS Summit 2022TestJS Summit 2022
21 min
Tiny Tests, Large Results
Automated atomic tests are a great way to improve UI tests by making them less brittle and faster. The tests focus on testing a single feature or component and have minimal UI interactions. The Talk explores examples of automated atomic tests and their implementation on web applications. It also discusses the analysis of atomic tests, login tests, and working with JSON Web Tokens for authentication and authorization. The Talk concludes by highlighting the use of UI and web requests in automated atomic testing.
Testing Mail Service With Playwright
TestJS Summit 2022TestJS Summit 2022
17 min
Testing Mail Service With Playwright
Top Content
This Talk discusses how to test mail service with Playwright, covering e-mail verification, reset password user journey, and more. It explores the use of third-party providers for reliable e-mail delivery and demonstrates how Playwright can help perform checks on e-mail content. The Talk also introduces the concept of a fake SMTP server and showcases how fixtures can be used to access the SMTP server and perform assertions on the HTML body of emails. Playwright's HTML rendering feature allows for interaction with email content as if it were a regular web page. It highlights the ability to render HTML from API calls, perform assertions on the rendered page, and exclude dynamically generated data from visual regression tests.
Testing CLI Utilities
TestJS Summit 2022TestJS Summit 2022
34 min
Testing CLI Utilities
CLI utilities are important to test because they act as an intersection point between different parts of an application. The main challenge in testing CLI utilities is performance, which can be improved by using temporary directories. Managing ports and resources is crucial to avoid conflicts when running multiple test suites. The test context ensures that processes run in the correct context, including the use of the right directories. Running tests on different configurations helps identify compatibility issues and provides comprehensive test coverage.
Machine Learning based Unit Tesing in JavaScript
TestJS Summit 2022TestJS Summit 2022
22 min
Machine Learning based Unit Tesing in JavaScript
This talk explores machine learning-based unit testing in JavaScript and TypeScript, focusing on tools like the Pony Code VS Code extension and GitHub Copilot. The Pony Code tool provides a graphical user interface for generating and managing unit test cases. GitHub Copilot acts as an intelligent code auto-completion tool, understanding the context of the code and suggesting unit test cases. These tools aim to improve code coverage and achieve 100% coverage.
Dissecting Complexity in Tests
TestJS Summit 2022TestJS Summit 2022
15 min
Dissecting Complexity in Tests
Today's Talk discusses complexity in tests and how to effectively deal with it. The speaker emphasizes the importance of testing critical user-facing paths and modeling tests from the user's perspective. They also highlight the significance of creating a testing setup that allows any test to run smoothly and the implicit testability of a well-designed system. The Talk explores the impact of choosing the right testing environment, the role of testing setup in mitigating complexity, and the importance of test structure and expectations. The speaker provides practical tips for tackling complexity in tests, such as keeping tests flat, using helper utilities, and splitting tests into separate files.
5 Habits to Treat Your Test Code Like Production
TestJS Summit 2022TestJS Summit 2022
22 min
5 Habits to Treat Your Test Code Like Production
Today's Talk focuses on the five habits to treat test code like production code. It emphasizes the importance of modular testing and breaking down UI tests into smaller components. Treating SDETs as software engineers is crucial for code and test quality. The challenges of snapshot testing and the benefits of component testing are also discussed, including improved efficiency and addressing asynchronicity and nested promises.
How to Choose an Automation Tool
TestJS Summit 2022TestJS Summit 2022
21 min
How to Choose an Automation Tool
I am Lia, a software engineer at Nocare, and I'm going to show you a process to choose an automation tool. I'll compare three frameworks and discuss other integration options. Selenium is a well-established framework with a large community, but it requires third-party integrations for certain types of tests. Cypress is an all-in-one tool that supports unit testing, but it only works with JavaScript and lacks parallel testing capabilities. Playwright is a newer framework that is more complete and supports parallel testing, but it has a smaller community and less mature documentation. If you want a framework that does it all, choose Playwright. Documentation is essential to remember your initial thoughts, show others what is being tested, and establish good practice. Once you have your test list, chosen framework, and prioritizations, schedule a meeting with management. Present your work confidently, as it is the best approach for the team and product.
A Medley of Frontend and Backend Performance Testing
TestJS Summit 2022TestJS Summit 2022
34 min
A Medley of Frontend and Backend Performance Testing
Performance testing is the practice of measuring and evaluating system response. Front-end and back-end performance testing are crucial for identifying bottlenecks. XK6 Browser is a new tool that allows for browser automation and end-to-end web testing. K6 is a versatile testing tool that covers various use cases. The combination of browser and protocol level testing provides a comprehensive view of performance.
Full-Circle Testing With Cypress
TestJS Summit 2022TestJS Summit 2022
27 min
Full-Circle Testing With Cypress
Top Content
Cypress is a powerful tool for end-to-end testing and API testing. It provides instant feedback on test errors and allows tests to be run inside the browser. Cypress enables testing at both the application and network layers, making it easier to reach different edge cases. With features like AppActions and component testing, Cypress allows for comprehensive testing of individual components and the entire application. Join the workshops to learn more about full circle testing with Cypress.
How to Build Your Own Open Source Project
React Advanced Conference 2022React Advanced Conference 2022
16 min
How to Build Your Own Open Source Project
Hello my friend, in this talk, I wanna share with you how to build your own open source project. Building an open source software project can be challenging. I receive a lot of things randomly in a day, like thank you messages for making my life easier, which motivates me. To choose an open source project to work on, pick one you use every day. Your software is being used when people report issues and send pull requests.
Astro & Fresh - Understanding the Islands Architecture
React Advanced Conference 2022React Advanced Conference 2022
21 min
Astro & Fresh - Understanding the Islands Architecture
The islands architecture is a new way to build websites with low or no JavaScript, using libraries like Astro and Fresh. Server-side rendering improves SEO and loading times, but can still result in large JavaScript payloads. Hydration allows for islands of interactivity, loading only necessary JavaScript. Astro is a framework for implementing the islands architecture, supporting multiple libraries like React and SolidJS. It enables progressive migration between frameworks and integration of different libraries in the same project.
Building Figma’s Widget Code Generator
React Advanced Conference 2022React Advanced Conference 2022
19 min
Building Figma’s Widget Code Generator
This Talk introduces Figma's Widget Code Generator and demonstrates how to build a FigJam widget using it. The speaker discusses the implementation of voting functionality, avatar functionality, and remove vote functionality. They also explain how the Widget Code Generator plugin works and how to access properties and modify names using the Figma plugin API.
Platform Freedom with Micro-frontends
React Advanced Conference 2022React Advanced Conference 2022
31 min
Platform Freedom with Micro-frontends
This talk explores Microfrontend strategies and the benefits of using the multiplying architecture to deploy applications on multiple platforms. It discusses the concepts of platform freedom, microfrontend implementation, and Backend for Frontend (BFF). The talk also highlights the challenges of debugging and styling in larger microfrontend applications and introduces the multiplying architecture as a solution. It explains the core elements of the multiplying architecture and how it enables communication between different tech stacks. The talk concludes by showcasing the use of embedded lists, federated modules, and Webpack configuration to achieve efficient code sharing and deployment across multiple distributions.
Making a Splash: The Story of a Toilet Map Migration
React Advanced Conference 2022React Advanced Conference 2022
24 min
Making a Splash: The Story of a Toilet Map Migration
The Talk discusses the migration of the Toilet Map Project from Create React app to Next.js, with plans to take it international. The project aims to address the inadequate public toilet provision in the UK. It includes publicly accessible toilets, community access schemes, and user contributions. The migration to Next.js offers benefits like server-side rendering and root prefetching. The Talk also covers the migration to TypeScript, improvements in loading speed and caching, dynamic pages, API migration, geohashing, marker clustering, chunk loading, accessibility overlay, and future plans for expansion and user contributions.
Lessons Learnt While Creating a New Framework on Top of React
React Advanced Conference 2022React Advanced Conference 2022
20 min
Lessons Learnt While Creating a New Framework on Top of React
React is a versatile tool that goes beyond front-end development and can be used for synthesizing music. Creating a specialized framework with React requires understanding the tooling ecosystem and React's design philosophy. Examining good codebases like createreactapp can accelerate development. Handling side effects and module replacement can be achieved through techniques like dead code elimination and hot module replacement. Maintaining component state and implementing hot module replacement are important considerations for a React application.
Zero Bundle Size Server Components
React Advanced Conference 2022React Advanced Conference 2022
17 min
Zero Bundle Size Server Components
React Server Components is a recent feature introduced with the React team and launched with Next.js 12. They allow for rendering components on the server, improving performance and data fetching. Server components can be used alongside client-side rendering and provide direct access to server resources. However, they are still in the experimental stage and have some limitations, such as not being able to use hooks or event handlers. Challenges include importing server components in client components and making third-party API calls.
Killing Bugs With Kindness
React Advanced Conference 2022React Advanced Conference 2022
9 min
Killing Bugs With Kindness
This Talk focuses on reducing bugs in a React codebase by understanding antipaths. It discusses the types of bugs identified and the guardrails implemented to prevent them. The importance of being cautious with hooks like useState and useRef is emphasized, along with the use of context for state storage. The refactoring example demonstrates how reducing useState and callbacks can improve code quality and efficiency in the framework.
Separating Separation of Concerns
React Advanced Conference 2022React Advanced Conference 2022
7 min
Separating Separation of Concerns
My concern is to accomplish my understanding of my concern. A to do app can have more than just managing tasks. Crosscutting concerns should be co-located. Separation of concerns is an effective technique for ordering thoughts. React is not slower than JS. React may be closer to a library with a concern of scheduling. Rerendering components too often is a problem in React. React is a state management library that helps in separating concerns and states, resulting in a more efficient and readable app. Proper separation of concerns, states, and components leads to smaller, faster, lighter, and more readable components.
Building a Lightning-Fast Site with Next.js, GraphQL and Tailwind ⚡️
React Advanced Conference 2022React Advanced Conference 2022
9 min
Building a Lightning-Fast Site with Next.js, GraphQL and Tailwind ⚡️
Ankita explains how to build a lightning-fast site using Next.js, GraphQL, and Tailwind. Next.js offers rendering techniques for improved performance and SEO, as well as support for dynamic imports and deferring non-essential scripts. Next.js also provides performance benefits like layout stability and improved lighthouse score, along with server-side rendering and caching. GraphQL allows for efficient data retrieval, Apollo Client handles caching, and Tailwind simplifies CSS. The future goal is to make UI development easier and faster with React server components and Tailwind CSS.
Server-Side Rendering Using WebAssembly
React Advanced Conference 2022React Advanced Conference 2022
12 min
Server-Side Rendering Using WebAssembly
Shivai Lamba presents server-side rendering using WebAssembly. Learn how to enable server-side rendering with WebAssembly using a Create React app. See the changes in the app before and after enabling server-side rendering. Support for React 18 and the ability to create streaming applications using WebAssembly. Connect with me on Twitter at TheCloudWeb for more information on WebAssembly.
Keep Calm and Deploy On: Creating Safer Releases with Feature Flags
React Advanced Conference 2022React Advanced Conference 2022
7 min
Keep Calm and Deploy On: Creating Safer Releases with Feature Flags
Feature flags can be used to mitigate risk in software development by altering the visibility of features to end users. By using flags, you can protect against single points of failure and pivot to a fallback service in worst-case scenarios. Monitoring and managing complexity is crucial, and using feature flags allows for dynamic changes and adjusting values based on proven correctness. Operating in the unknown is inevitable in software development, so it's important to manage complexity and embrace learning. Collaboration is key in making feature failures less painful.
Headless - The Future of CMS Is Here
React Advanced Conference 2022React Advanced Conference 2022
8 min
Headless - The Future of CMS Is Here
This lightning session introduces the concept of headless CMS and the benefits of building a custom backend without extensive coding. Storyblock offers a visual editor with real-time visual editing in React, along with features like workflows, translations, and versioning. It also allows for customization through defining components, rules, and building custom plugins using React or Vue. The API provides access to content in JSON format, and JavaScript bridges can be used to incorporate components into the final product.
My Accessibility Journey: the Quest for an Accessible Component Library
React Advanced Conference 2022React Advanced Conference 2022
23 min
My Accessibility Journey: the Quest for an Accessible Component Library
The Talk discusses the speaker's journey in making applications accessible and the importance of preventing inaccessible code from being shipped. It explores the process of building and creating accessible components, emphasizing the use of appropriate HTML tags and conducting functional and accessibility testing. The Talk also highlights the benefits of automation in testing and fixing accessibility issues. Overall, it emphasizes the importance of accessibility and provides practical tips for incorporating it into software development.
Staying Safe in a Concurrent World
React Advanced Conference 2022React Advanced Conference 2022
22 min
Staying Safe in a Concurrent World
This talk explores the implications of the new concurrent features in React 18 and how they impact developers. It discusses the core premise of React and the importance of pure function components. The talk also addresses misconceptions about React's rendering process and the prevention of tearing in applications. Additionally, it highlights the reconciliation and commit phases in React and the challenges of dependency management in state management libraries.
How Time-Consuming Is It to Build an Accessible Mobile App?
React Advanced Conference 2022React Advanced Conference 2022
21 min
How Time-Consuming Is It to Build an Accessible Mobile App?
Building an accessible app can be time-consuming but can be divided into two parts: making an existing app accessible and starting an accessible app from scratch. React Native Armour can help with accessibility fixes, but manual checks are still necessary. Accessibility best practices include focusing elements in the correct order, announcing UI changes to screen reader users, and ensuring consistency in behavior and appearance. Building accessible components can streamline the process of making an app accessible.
TypeScript and React: Secrets of a Happy Marriage
React Advanced Conference 2022React Advanced Conference 2022
21 min
TypeScript and React: Secrets of a Happy Marriage
Top Content
React and TypeScript have a strong relationship, with TypeScript offering benefits like better type checking and contract enforcement. Failing early and failing hard is important in software development to catch errors and debug effectively. TypeScript provides early detection of errors and ensures data accuracy in components and hooks. It offers superior type safety but can become complex as the codebase grows. Using union types in props can resolve errors and address dependencies. Dynamic communication and type contracts can be achieved through generics. Understanding React's built-in types and hooks like useState and useRef is crucial for leveraging their functionality.
Getting Started with Open Source Observability
React Advanced Conference 2022React Advanced Conference 2022
21 min
Getting Started with Open Source Observability
Observability is a crucial tool for engineers to ship reliable websites and have a good developer experience. Metrics, logs, and traces are fundamental data types for achieving observability. OpenTelemetry is an open source standard for observability data, and instrumentation can be done manually or automatically. Data collection and transportation can be handled by packages built by the OpenTelemetry community, and the collector running can add security benefits. Grafana is used for data visualization, and it allows for analyzing web performance, exceptions, and traces. Traces capture user interactions and provide insights into user behavior and error occurrences. Leveraging these tools allows for gaining insights into various parts of the system and improving engineering goals.
Understand Your Codebase to Innovate Faster
React Advanced Conference 2022React Advanced Conference 2022
19 min
Understand Your Codebase to Innovate Faster
We can improve developer efficiency by helping people understand code more effectively through open source software, iterative development, cloud infrastructure, continuous integration, and service-based architecture. The software development lifecycle consists of an outer loop focused on team efforts and an inner loop for individual developers. A universal search platform helps developers understand and search code, reducing the time spent on code comprehension. Code navigation and automation tools like Sourcegraph enable developers to navigate code, adhere to best practices, and automate changes across multiple repositories.
React Slots: a New Way of Composition
React Advanced Conference 2022React Advanced Conference 2022
21 min
React Slots: a New Way of Composition
Top Content
Today's Talk introduces React Snots, a new way of composition for design systems. The configuration way provides flexibility but can lead to uncontrolled use cases and wrong patterns. React Slots RFC was created to address the limitations of React's support for web components and slots. It introduces createHost and createSlot APIs to enable component composition and solve previous problems. React Slots RFC allows for flexible component styling and the creation of complex structures without rendering them to the browser.
Ladle: The Story About Modules and Performance
React Advanced Conference 2022React Advanced Conference 2022
16 min
Ladle: The Story About Modules and Performance
Hello everyone, my name is Wojta Mikšu. I work at Uber as a web infrastructure engineer. Today, I will tell you about a new open tool that supercharges developing and testing your React components. This talk covers the history of JavaScript modules, the introduction of Vite and Ladle, and future predictions. Ladle is an open-source tool built on top of Vite for developing and testing React components through stories. It offers features like different viewports, component variations, event handler logging, theme switching, and more. Ladle has received positive feedback and shows improvements in dev server startup and hot module replacement.
Developing and Driving Adoption of Component Libraries
React Advanced Conference 2022React Advanced Conference 2022
22 min
Developing and Driving Adoption of Component Libraries
Logan Ralston
Lachlan Bradford
2 authors
Today's Talk discusses the importance of a good component API and the balance between rigidity and flexibility. The demo showcases the gradual evolution of a component's configurability while maintaining ease of use. Measuring the effectiveness of a component library involves factors like adoption rate and component coverage. Collecting data and embracing breaking changes are crucial for continuous improvement. Ensuring consumers are updated and on the cutting edge is a responsibility of the library provider.
Treat your users right with Segmented Rendering
React Advanced Conference 2022React Advanced Conference 2022
21 min
Treat your users right with Segmented Rendering
The Talk discusses the concept of segmented rendering for personalization in web development. It explores different rendering techniques, including server-side rendering, static seed generation, and dynamic rendering. The issue of rich guests and poor customers is addressed through segmented rendering. The implementation of segmented rendering with Next.js involves a lightweight proxy server and URL rewriting. The Talk also highlights the benefits of invisible server-side rendering and suggests a future unified API for server rendering.
Building Age of Empires 2 in React
React Advanced Conference 2022React Advanced Conference 2022
22 min
Building Age of Empires 2 in React
Top Content
This Talk discusses the process of recreating Age of Empires II in React. The speaker shares their inspiration for the project and explores different approaches to game development using React. They demonstrate how to create an isometric grid, enable scrolling, and render units. The Talk also covers handling unit clicks and implementing right-click movement, as well as techniques for making React render more consistently. The speaker concludes by highlighting the value of exploring different tools and approaches in software development.
Automated Performance Regression Testing with Reassure
React Advanced Conference 2022React Advanced Conference 2022
16 min
Automated Performance Regression Testing with Reassure
Today's Talk introduces Reacher, a performance monitoring tool for React and React Native codebases. It highlights the need for catching performance regressions early in the development process and identifies JavaScript misusage as a common source of performance issues. ReaSure, developed by Covstack, is presented as a promising library that integrates with existing ecosystems and provides reliable render time measurements and helpful insights for code review. Considerations for operating in a JavaScript VM are discussed, including JIT, garbage collection, and module resolution caching. Statistical analysis using the z-score is mentioned as a method for determining the significance of measurement results.
Dealing with ADHD as a developer
React Advanced Conference 2022React Advanced Conference 2022
27 min
Dealing with ADHD as a developer
This talk focuses on raising awareness and empathy towards individuals with ADHD, emphasizing the importance of understanding different thinking styles. The speaker shares their personal experience of being diagnosed with ADHD and challenges faced in school and work. They discuss the diverse range of hobbies and skills they developed, as well as the impact of the pandemic on their executive function. The speaker highlights the positive effects of ADHD medication and encourages seeking professional help for diagnosis and treatment. The talk concludes by emphasizing the value of embracing neurodiversity and supporting each other in software development.
A Guide to React Rendering Behavior
React Advanced Conference 2022React Advanced Conference 2022
25 min
A Guide to React Rendering Behavior
Top Content
This transcription provides a brief guide to React rendering behavior. It explains the process of rendering, comparing new and old elements, and the importance of pure rendering without side effects. It also covers topics such as batching and double rendering, optimizing rendering and using context and Redux in React. Overall, it offers valuable insights for developers looking to understand and optimize React rendering.
Arrows (At Length)
React Advanced Conference 2022React Advanced Conference 2022
23 min
Arrows (At Length)
This talk focuses on arrows and their unique features in diagramming tools. It explores the challenges of arrow positioning and connector selection, particularly with irregular shapes. The talk also discusses alternative arrow intersections and curved lines, as well as the challenges of creating curved arrows. The speaker presents a method for creating arrows and moving handles that always look good. The talk concludes with an invitation to try out the new version of Teal Draw and follow the speaker on Twitter for more arrow content.
What Happens When You Build Your App
React Advanced Conference 2022React Advanced Conference 2022
20 min
What Happens When You Build Your App
Today's Talk dives deep into React Native development, exploring the development process, JavaScript-native communication, and app deployment. It highlights the app building process, the React Native Run iOS command, and development gestures for efficient execution. The Talk also emphasizes the recommended process for starting and testing your app, as well as handling the 'red screen of death' error by installing missing libraries and understanding the role of the UI manager in creating native views.
Instant websites using Fresh and Deno on the Edge
React Advanced Conference 2022React Advanced Conference 2022
33 min
Instant websites using Fresh and Deno on the Edge
The Talk discusses the concept of instant websites, aiming to minimize the time between user interaction and unblocking the user. It emphasizes prioritizing the loading of primary content and delaying the loading of secondary content to improve page loading times. Server-side rendering is highlighted as a faster alternative to client-side rendering, reducing network round trips and improving rendering times. The concept of island architecture is introduced, where only the JavaScript needed for interactive components is shipped to the client. The Fresh web framework is presented as a speed-focused framework for Deno, offering automatic CSS inlining and using Preact for client-side interactivity.
React Native Animations Should Be Fun
React Advanced Conference 2022React Advanced Conference 2022
28 min
React Native Animations Should Be Fun
This talk is about animations in React Native, specifically focusing on React Native Reanimated. It covers the use of interpolations and extrapolations in animations, animating items in a carousel or list, sticky elements and interpolation, and fluidity and layout animations. The talk provides valuable tips and tricks for creating performant animations and explores the use of math formulas for natural movements.
Panel Discussion: UX and the Design/Dev Overlap
React Advanced Conference 2022React Advanced Conference 2022
28 min
Panel Discussion: UX and the Design/Dev Overlap
Anjana Vakil
Maggie Appleton
Steve Ruiz
3 authors
The panel discusses the overlap between UX and developers, emphasizing the importance of collaboration and learning about design. The lack of decent developer and designer tooling is a big issue, and there is a need for a tool that bridges the gap between design and development. Understanding the promise and challenges of design systems and improving developer experiences requires a focus on UX and design as a discipline. Developers skilled in design can improve DX tooling, and getting involved in the design process and user testing is crucial. The language of React can help bridge the gap between developers and designers through conceptual modeling and object-oriented UX.
How I Test a Million UI States with Every Merge — Visual Testing with Storybook
React Advanced Conference 2022React Advanced Conference 2022
29 min
How I Test a Million UI States with Every Merge — Visual Testing with Storybook
The Talk discusses the need for more robust tools for visual testing in UI development. It explores the challenges in building UIs, including multiple views, variants, and breakpoints. The importance of component extraction and interactions is emphasized. The Talk also covers story derivation from components and interactions, UI testing with the test runner, and visual regression testing with Chromatic. Automating tests using GitHub Actions and common mistakes in using Storybook are discussed. The Talk concludes with a Q&A session.
React Native Everywhere
React Advanced Conference 2022React Advanced Conference 2022
29 min
React Native Everywhere
Taz Singh, founder of Guild, discusses the early days of TorontoJS and the discovery of React Native. He explains the challenges of creating a cross-platform experience and the implementation of a React UI for React Native. Singh explores different React Native design systems and the challenges of navigation. He mentions Solido for managing separate web and native navigation and expresses excitement about Expo Router. Singh also discusses the future of React Native and the goal of creating an embeddable experience on every platform.
The New Architecture Is Here… What Now?
React Advanced Conference 2022React Advanced Conference 2022
22 min
The New Architecture Is Here… What Now?
The Talk discusses the new architecture in React Native, highlighting its benefits such as native interoperability, concurrency, faster startup, better memory management, and improved code quality. The migration process to the new architecture involves refactoring, codegen, and extending native interfaces. Challenges include typing, configuration, and migrating third-party libraries. React 18 introduces automatic batching and compatibility with the new architecture. Microsoft is expanding React Native to target desktop platforms and has a dedicated open-source tooling repository. The Talk emphasizes the importance of open-source contribution and setting healthy boundaries.
Using ES Modules Based Micro-Frontends to Enable Distributed Development
React Advanced Conference 2022React Advanced Conference 2022
28 min
Using ES Modules Based Micro-Frontends to Enable Distributed Development
JP Morgan is using modern web technologies like the UITK and Modular to address challenges in their large-scale development environment. They employ micro front-ends with ES modules for dynamic loading and sharing theming using CSS variables. The applications are built using modular, which allows for scaffolding and creating new applications from templates. They rely on an opinionated approach to app creation and use a CDN for efficient deployment and caching. The host application handles user authentication and communication between micro front-ends, while platform services like authorization and authentication are provided by the digital platform.
Using useEffect Effectively
React Advanced Conference 2022React Advanced Conference 2022
30 min
Using useEffect Effectively
Top Content
Today's Talk explores the use of the useEffect hook in React development, covering topics such as fetching data, handling race conditions and cleanup, and optimizing performance. It also discusses the correct use of useEffect in React 18, the distinction between Activity Effects and Action Effects, and the potential misuse of useEffect. The Talk highlights the benefits of using useQuery or SWR for data fetching, the problems with using useEffect for initializing global singletons, and the use of state machines for handling effects. The speaker also recommends exploring the beta React docs and using tools like the stately.ai editor for visualizing state machines.
Bringing the New React Native Architecture to the OSS Community
React Advanced Conference 2022React Advanced Conference 2022
26 min
Bringing the New React Native Architecture to the OSS Community
The React Native community has been focusing on the new architecture, which aims to improve performance by rewriting internals using C++. The new architecture brings features like view flattening, CodeGen, and bridgeless mode. It also includes updates to build tools and JavaScript engine, such as Hermes. React Native 0.71 will include TypeScript types bundled in the NPM package, and Kotlin is fully supported on Android. The new architecture offers a transition from the legacy renderer and concurrent features, and there are resources available for migration and community support.
React Native: 2022 & Beyond
React Advanced Conference 2022React Advanced Conference 2022
27 min
React Native: 2022 & Beyond
This Talk covers the speaker's experience with React Native and their involvement in React Native initiatives. It discusses the challenges faced in the early days of React Native, the creation of Ignite to address app delivery problems, and the introduction of asynchronous React and synchronous React Native with React 18. It also highlights the features and bug in Gatsby, the integration of libraries through the Ignite Cookbook, and the new architecture utilizing Hermes JavaScript engine and turbo modules. The Talk concludes with the importance of community collaboration and the stability and benefits of Ignite.
A Career As Software Engineer
React Advanced Conference 2022React Advanced Conference 2022
24 min
A Career As Software Engineer
Code will be imperfect and perishable, so testing and debugging are crucial. Building relationships and being generous with code reviews are important for teams. Code ownership should belong to the team, not individuals. Prioritizing functionality over consistency can lead to more efficient development. Growing into a tech lead role requires building relationships and coaching skills.
Deep Diving on Concurrent React
React Advanced Conference 2022React Advanced Conference 2022
29 min
Deep Diving on Concurrent React
The Talk discussed Concurrent React and its impact on app performance, particularly in relation to long tasks on the main thread. It explored parallelism with workers and the challenges of WebAssembly for UI tasks. The concepts of concurrency, scheduling, and rendering were covered, along with techniques for optimizing performance and tackling wasted renders. The Talk also highlighted the benefits of hydration improvements and the new profiler in Concurrent React, and mentioned future enhancements such as React fetch and native scheduling primitives. The importance of understanding React internals and correlating performance metrics with business metrics was emphasized.
Blurring the Lines Between the Web Developer Roles
React Advanced Conference 2022React Advanced Conference 2022
7 min
Blurring the Lines Between the Web Developer Roles
This Talk provides an introduction to the framework and tools used in full-stack development, with a focus on AWS Amplify. It showcases the ability to quickly design, code, and test full-stack applications with authentication and authorization using Amplify. The deployment process is simplified with Amplify, allowing developers to easily deploy their applications to AWS. Overall, this Talk highlights the convenience and efficiency of using Amplify for full-stack development with AWS services.
AG Grid's New React Rendering Engine
React Advanced Conference 2022React Advanced Conference 2022
6 min
AG Grid's New React Rendering Engine
AGgrid is an enterprise component with cool chart features that superpowers any application. AG Grid's React UI provides a native React experience with all the benefits of React and AG Grid's intelligence and power.
Building full-stack applications on the Edge
React Advanced Conference 2022React Advanced Conference 2022
9 min
Building full-stack applications on the Edge
This Talk explores building full stack applications on the edge and the blurring line between front end and back end development. It discusses the benefits of using the JAMstack and APIs for scalable web development. The Talk also highlights the improvements in edge technology, such as serverless functions and efficient data storage, and the deployment of functions and durable objects on the edge network. Overall, the Talk emphasizes the importance of delivering high-quality experiences with low latency through edge computing.
Hydrogen: An Early Look at Server Components in the Wild
React Advanced Conference 2022React Advanced Conference 2022
7 min
Hydrogen: An Early Look at Server Components in the Wild
Hydrogen and server components are being used by big merchants in production sites to build headless storefronts quickly. React 18 introduces server components that allow for interactive rendering without adding anything to the bundle. However, not all libraries are compatible and data fetching can slow down the site, but React provides suspense to handle heavy components. Server components offer great encapsulation and fast rendering via HTML, and the future of headless is promising with technologies like Edgeworkers and hosting platforms like Oxygen. Shopify is hiring and offers a demo shop with server components at addogen.new.
Code Crimes For Good Component API
React Advanced Conference 2022React Advanced Conference 2022
28 min
Code Crimes For Good Component API
Siddharth discusses the design of good component APIs, focusing on intuitive, accessible, and consistent user interfaces. He demonstrates the creation of various components, such as the action menu, menu button, navigation list, and navigation group. Siddharth also addresses challenges like rendering on the server, setting default values, and optimizing component rendering. He emphasizes the acceptable use of code hacks within reasonable constraints and the importance of considering code readability. Additionally, he highlights the role of feedback from developers in shaping design systems.
Adopting Micro-Frontends Without Micro-Frontends
React Advanced Conference 2022React Advanced Conference 2022
30 min
Adopting Micro-Frontends Without Micro-Frontends
Today's Talk explores the adoption of micro frontends without actually implementing them. The main benefits of micro frontends are business scalability and the ability to independently deploy and compose frontend applications. The process of breaking up a monolith into smaller parts can be done using LEAN principles and composable apps. State management and data sharing in micro frontends are complex topics that require careful consideration to avoid coupling and maintain loose coupling.
Creating an Accessible Web Together in 5 Simple Steps
React Advanced Conference 2022React Advanced Conference 2022
31 min
Creating an Accessible Web Together in 5 Simple Steps
The Talk covers the importance of accessibility in web development and provides practical tips for building accessible web applications. It discusses the basic principles of accessibility, WCAG guidelines, and the use of assistive technologies. The Talk emphasizes the use of semantic HTML, tab index, ARIA attributes, and keyboard navigation for app accessibility. It also highlights the importance of testing and debugging for accessibility issues and recommends the use of accessibility tools. Overall, the Talk aims to raise awareness about accessibility and provide developers with the knowledge and tools to create inclusive web applications.
Back to the Future
React Advanced Conference 2022React Advanced Conference 2022
30 min
Back to the Future
The speaker shares their personal journey in the software development field, from starting in technology after college to experiencing burnout and taking steps towards self-care. They emphasize the power of technology and accessibility, as well as the emergence of edge computing. The speaker introduces their project, the Multiplayer Development Kit, and discusses the challenges of building real-time multiplayer apps. They also highlight the importance of work-life balance and personal growth in the industry.
Monolith to Micro-Frontends
React Advanced Conference 2022React Advanced Conference 2022
22 min
Monolith to Micro-Frontends
Top Content
Microfrontends are considered as a solution to the problems of exponential growth, code duplication, and unclear ownership in older applications. Transitioning from a monolith to microfrontends involves decoupling the system and exploring options like a modular monolith. Microfrontends enable independent deployments and runtime composition, but there is a discussion about the alternative of keeping an integrated application composed at runtime. Choosing a composition model and a router are crucial decisions in the technical plan. The Strangler pattern and the reverse Strangler pattern are used to gradually replace parts of the monolith with the new application.
Understanding React’s Fiber Architecture
React Advanced Conference 2022React Advanced Conference 2022
29 min
Understanding React’s Fiber Architecture
Top Content
This Talk explores React's internal jargon, specifically fiber, which is an internal unit of work for rendering and committing. Fibers facilitate efficient updates to elements and play a crucial role in the reconciliation process. The work loop, complete work, and commit phase are essential steps in the rendering process. Understanding React's internals can help with optimizing code and pull request reviews. React 18 introduces the work loop sync and async functions for concurrent features and prioritization. Fiber brings benefits like async rendering and the ability to discard work-in-progress trees, improving user experience.
The Journey of CodeSandbox Projects
React Advanced Conference 2022React Advanced Conference 2022
25 min
The Journey of CodeSandbox Projects
Code Sandbox is an online code editor that started as a component editor. It has evolved and now has 30 million sandboxes. The creators emphasize the importance of seeking external feedback and doing fast releases. They also highlight the power of having true fans and the value of user feedback. Code Sandbox is expanding to support big projects and integrating with GitHub. It offers collaboration features, the ability to use your own code editor, and native apps for iPad and iPhone. The challenges lie in running everything in a virtual machine and enabling fast dev servers. Code Sandbox is also exploring the possibility of running other technologies like Deno, Bun, and Ruby on Rails. The talk concludes with a demo of running a Minecraft server on Code Sandbox.
Content Modeling for React Developers
React Summit 2022React Summit 2022
7 min
Content Modeling for React Developers
Haushal, a Developer Advocate at Contentful, discusses content modeling and its importance in providing a great user experience. He uses his Cookbook web app as an example to explain how he structures and organizes content. The overall content model emphasizes reusability and considerations for content governance and platform selection. Content modeling is an iterative process, and Haushal provides resources for further learning and development.
What are Docker Extensions
JSNation 2022JSNation 2022
6 min
What are Docker Extensions
Docker Extensions allow users to extend Docker Desktop and integrate with partners, enhancing team workflows. The Extensions SDK simplifies extension development using React and TypeScript. Users can easily install extensions from the marketplace, such as Disk Usage and Logs Explorer, to manage disk space and search logs across containers. Docker Desktop users can upgrade to access these extensions and provide feedback to improve the marketplace experience.
Improving Developer Happiness with Preview.js
React Summit 2022React Summit 2022
21 min
Improving Developer Happiness with Preview.js
Francois, a developer happiness engineer, discusses the challenges of slow builds and their impact on productivity. He explores the implementation of showing unavailable menu items in a food delivery app and demonstrates the use of Storybook for component design. Francois introduces Preview.js, a tool for previewing React, Vue, and Solid components, and explains how it simplifies the development process. He also highlights the benefits of using PrivyJS with Storybook and VIT for faster and more efficient development.
Build a Design System with React and Tailwind CSS
React Summit 2022React Summit 2022
27 min
Build a Design System with React and Tailwind CSS
Top Content
This Talk discusses design systems and how to build one using React and Tailwind CSS. Tailwind CSS provides utility classes for building complex layouts without writing CSS rules. Custom colors can be added to the Tailwind CSS config file, and font styles and text sizes can be customized. The entire Tailwind CSS configuration can be customized to meet specific requirements. Base styles can be added to the config file itself using a plugin. Reusable components can be created with Tailwind CSS, allowing for easy customization of size and color.
Composition vs Configuration: How to Build Flexible, Resilient and Future-proof Components
React Summit 2022React Summit 2022
17 min
Composition vs Configuration: How to Build Flexible, Resilient and Future-proof Components
Top Content
Today's Talk discusses building flexible, resilient, and future-proof React components using composition and configuration approaches. The composition approach allows for flexibility without excessive conditional logic by using multiple components and passing props. The context API can be used for variant styling, allowing for appropriate styling and class specification. Adding variants and icons is made easy by consuming the variant context. The composition and configuration approaches can be combined for the best of both worlds.
Stop Abusing Client State Management
React Summit 2022React Summit 2022
21 min
Stop Abusing Client State Management
This Talk discusses state management abuse and the use of React Query for API handling in React applications. The speaker demonstrates implementing loading indicators, custom hooks, caching mechanisms, and introduces React Query as a powerful tool for fetching, caching, and loading data. The conclusion emphasizes that React Query simplifies API handling without the need for complex state management tools like Redux or MobX.
Find Out If Your Design System Is Better Than Nothing
React Summit 2022React Summit 2022
20 min
Find Out If Your Design System Is Better Than Nothing
Building a design system without adoption is a waste of time. Grafana UI's adoption is growing consistently over time. The factors affecting design system adoption include the source mix changing, displacement of Homebrew components by Grafana UI, and the limitations of Grafana UI's current state. Measuring adoption is important to determine the success of a design system. The analysis of code through static code analysis tools is valuable in detecting and tracking component usage.
Becoming a Form Wizard: Intuitive Multi-Step Workflows
React Summit 2022React Summit 2022
26 min
Becoming a Form Wizard: Intuitive Multi-Step Workflows
This Talk explores the concept of form wizards and their role in creating intuitive, multi-step workflows. It discusses the use of state machines and various implementation options, including Formic and the Dream API. The process of building a form wizard using React context, reducers, and custom hooks is explained. Integrating state machines and the introduction of the Robo Wizard library are also covered, highlighting its flexibility and compatibility with different UI frameworks.
New Way of Envisioning Security in the Dependencies
React Summit 2022React Summit 2022
21 min
New Way of Envisioning Security in the Dependencies
Today's Talk explores the importance of understanding security issues and dependencies in software development. It emphasizes the role of developers in cybersecurity incidents and the need to detect and respond to vulnerabilities early. The Talk also discusses the risks associated with third-party dependencies and the impact of security breaches on organizations. Additionally, it highlights the significance of addressing security concerns and the potential consequences of exploiting vulnerabilities and exfiltrating data.
A Frontend Developer’s Guide to Web3
React Summit 2022React Summit 2022
22 min
A Frontend Developer’s Guide to Web3
This talk covers an introduction to Web 3 and smart contracts, including deployment and bytecode compilation. It also discusses interacting with blockchain wallets, using RPC endpoints and block explorers, and accessing smart contract data. The talk emphasizes the use of ABIs and JavaScript libraries like ethers for interacting with smart contracts. It mentions the shift in mindset from HTTP requests to using ABI code and libraries for front-end development in Web 3. The talk concludes by mentioning Web3UI and tools like PolygonScan and Etherscan for building on the blockchain.
Lifting Privacy and Accessibility Up
React Summit 2022React Summit 2022
25 min
Lifting Privacy and Accessibility Up
In this talk, the speaker discusses the creation of a component library that prioritizes accessibility and privacy. They highlight the importance of building applications that cater to users' devices and network limitations. The speaker shares their experience of solving performance issues with a YouTube iframe and introduces Light YouTube, a performance-focused web component. They emphasize the need to prioritize accessibility and privacy in applications and provide insights on how to address common problems. The talk concludes with a call to prioritize accessibility and create sensible defaults in libraries to improve user experiences.
Remixing WordPress: Building a Headless Site with Remix, WPGraphQL, and Web Fundamentals
React Summit 2022React Summit 2022
21 min
Remixing WordPress: Building a Headless Site with Remix, WPGraphQL, and Web Fundamentals
In this Talk, the concept of headless WordPress and its benefits for developers are discussed. The use of front-end frameworks like Remix, Nuxt, Next, or SvelteKit to interact with WordPress through REST or GraphQL APIs is highlighted. The process of creating content models, adding data, and querying the GraphQL schema is explained. The setup of a basic Remix app with Apollo Client and the loading of data into route components using Remix are covered. The handling of dynamic routing with Remix and WordPress is also explored.
Don't take it Personally, it is Personalization
React Summit 2022React Summit 2022
22 min
Don't take it Personally, it is Personalization
Personalization is the ability to offer exclusive experiences based on existing data. It is important to meet customer expectations and stay competitive. There are four types of personalization: explicit, implicit, interrupted, and seamless. Implementing personalized experiences involves using tools like Next.js and NetJS. Best practices include avoiding annoying users, testing strategies, and monitoring analytics.
Using React Hooks + Capacitor to Access Native Mobile APIs
React Summit 2020React Summit 2020
7 min
Using React Hooks + Capacitor to Access Native Mobile APIs
Capacitor is a powerful tool built by Ionic that allows web applications to be compiled into native iOS and Android projects. It comes with a set of plugins, including the camera plugin, and has a React hooks package for seamless integration with React applications. The Talk includes a demo showcasing the camera hook button and the rendering of selected photos. The presenter emphasizes the use of useEffect and useState for additional functionality. The Talk concludes with a mention of the Capacitor community and gratitude for attending.
Automated Application Security Testing
React Summit 2022React Summit 2022
9 min
Automated Application Security Testing
StackHawk is a dynamic application security testing tool that helps developers find and fix security issues. The scan identified a SQL injection issue and a cross site scripting issue. The StackHawk YAML is used to configure the scanner with important information such as the application's location, environment, and ID. The scanner can also be pointed at open API spec or GraphQL definitions. Try StackHawk for free at stackhawk.com and integrate it into your development process to improve software quality.
The Subtle Art of "Subtle Loading"!
React Summit 2022React Summit 2022
10 min
The Subtle Art of "Subtle Loading"!
This Talk explores the concept of subtle loading in software development, focusing on techniques to provide a fast and seamless user experience. Tips include avoiding waterfall loading, optimizing loading sequences, and handling loading scenarios for users on faster connections. The use of React 18 APIs, such as start transition, is recommended to achieve an optimistic loading experience. Overall, the Talk emphasizes the importance of improving user experience through subtle loading techniques.
How to achieve layout composition in React
React Summit 2022React Summit 2022
8 min
How to achieve layout composition in React
This talk discusses achieving layout composition in React using Bedrock Layout Primitives. By componentizing CSS layout, complex layouts can be achieved and reused across different components. The talk also covers the challenges of achieving complex layouts, such as card lineups, and provides solutions for maintaining alignment and responsiveness. The BedrockLayout primitive library simplifies web layouts and offers flexibility in composing layouts.
Marrying WASM/WebGL Games with React UI
React Summit 2022React Summit 2022
22 min
Marrying WASM/WebGL Games with React UI
Jonny discusses marrying WebAssembly and WebGL games with React, emphasizing the importance of choosing the right tool for game development. He introduces the Godot game engine as a powerful choice for game development and highlights the limitations of Godot. Jonny demonstrates how to combine React with Godot and showcases the ability to dynamically switch between different games on the same website. He explains the process of exporting a Godot game to the web using WebAssembly. Jonny also discusses the communication between React and Godot games and highlights the benefits and future improvements of using this approach.
Dear Client, I'm Leaving You
React Summit 2022React Summit 2022
21 min
Dear Client, I'm Leaving You
Liad Yosef discusses the importance and evolution of server-side rendering, highlighting its benefits such as improved performance and SEO. He explores different rendering strategies and the challenges of hydration in React. He introduces SuspenseSSL in React 18 as a solution for fetching data in advance and selectively hydrating components. He also mentions React Server Component as a game changer for reducing bundle size in rendering with React.
You don't want to Server-side Render your Next.js App
React Summit 2022React Summit 2022
28 min
You don't want to Server-side Render your Next.js App
Top Content
Next.js is a framework that allows for client-side rendering and easy page transitions. Server-side rendering offers a more secure application and better search engine optimization but requires a server. Static site generation provides outstanding performance and scalability but has limitations. Incremental static regeneration solves the problem of rebuilding the entire website. Choosing the right rendering strategy depends on the specific scenario, and for e-commerce websites, static site generation with incremental static regeneration is recommended.
Large scale projects challenges (NextJS - Contentful)
React Summit 2022React Summit 2022
20 min
Large scale projects challenges (NextJS - Contentful)
This Talk discusses the challenges faced when implementing or migrating a legacy stack to Next.js and Contentful in large-scale projects. It emphasizes the need for careful analysis and estimation of time and resources. The Talk also highlights the benefits of Next.js in facilitating collaboration with isolated teams and integrating with other frameworks. It addresses the challenges of using a headless CMS in large-scale projects and suggests strategies for handling unavailability and crashes. The importance of using global state wisely and promoting code reusability is also emphasized, along with techniques for overcoming challenges in large-scale projects.
Bringing the New React Native Architecture to the OSS community
React Summit 2022React Summit 2022
25 min
Bringing the New React Native Architecture to the OSS community
Today's Talk introduces the new React Native architecture and its rollout to the open-source community. The new architecture eliminates the bridge component, improves performance, and enhances the developer experience. It includes features such as Fabric, Turbo Module, and Cogent component. The architecture also supports modern languages like TypeScript and Kotlin. Upgrading to the new architecture enables the use of React 18's concurrent features and new APIs. Proper documentation and a new architecture section on the website provide valuable resources for contributors and advanced developers.
Introducing Design System to Multinational Web Apps
React Summit 2022React Summit 2022
18 min
Introducing Design System to Multinational Web Apps
Octopus Energy introduced design systems to address challenges in maintaining brand identity, accessibility, and developer experience. They built a component library using design guidelines and accessibility best practices, following Bradfrost's atomic design methodology. They used TypeScript, Jest, Versal, and Storybook for building and testing the library. The design system is an ongoing project that evolves with the product and business over time.
Scale Your React App without Micro-frontends
React Summit 2022React Summit 2022
21 min
Scale Your React App without Micro-frontends
This Talk discusses scaling a React app without micro-frontend and the challenges of a growing codebase. Annex is introduced as a tool for smart rebuilds and computation caching. The importance of libraries in organizing code and promoting clean architecture is emphasized. The use of caching, NxCloud, and incremental build for optimization is explored. Updating dependencies and utilizing profiling tools are suggested for further performance improvements. Splitting the app into libraries and the benefits of a build system like NX are highlighted.
Fast React Monorepos with High Quality DX
React Summit 2022React Summit 2022
22 min
Fast React Monorepos with High Quality DX
Welcome to a talk about fast React monorepos with high quality DX. Monorepos allow for collaboration and code sharing between packages, providing a more organized development environment. Leveraging caching and distribution in CI can improve speed and efficiency. NX provides a feature-rich monorepo setup for React, improving developer experience. Monorepo tools like NX console extension and project graph visualization enhance capabilities and enforce code quality.
Multiple apps, one code to rule them all
React Summit 2022React Summit 2022
20 min
Multiple apps, one code to rule them all
This Talk discusses the benefits of using a single app to host multiple experiences or mini-apps, as opposed to a micro front-end architecture. By using a single app, it becomes easier to share state, simplify code sharing, handle analytics and errors, and deploy and monitor the app. The Talk also covers the handling of the shell app, routing, authentication, and subdomains for authentication.
Measuring and Improving React Native Performance
React Summit 2022React Summit 2022
19 min
Measuring and Improving React Native Performance
This Talk discusses mobile app performance and provides tips for performance analysis. It includes a performance test on the TF1 news app and demonstrates how to analyze JS performance with React DevTools. The Talk also explores optimizing rendering in React components, such as FlatList and nested lists with carousels. It concludes with strategies for optimizing the virtualized list and carousel to achieve better performance.
Sharing is Caring: (How) Should Micro Frontends Share State?
React Summit 2022React Summit 2022
23 min
Sharing is Caring: (How) Should Micro Frontends Share State?
Top Content
Micro-frontends allow development teams to work autonomously and with less friction and limitations. Organizing teams around business concerns, in alignment with subdomains, rather than technical concerns, can lead to software that is split nicely and user stories falling under the responsibility of a single team. Having a logical backup or reference point is important for implementing microfrontends without breaking their isolation. Microfrontends can communicate with each other using the window object and custom events. Microfrontends should be kept isolated while maintaining communication through various approaches.
React Native, as seen on TV
React Summit 2022React Summit 2022
20 min
React Native, as seen on TV
This Talk discusses TV app development using React Native, focusing on limitations and specific considerations. The speaker demonstrates how to fetch and display random dog images using React Native hooks. They also explain how to handle focus and spatial navigation in TV apps, including using focus keys and a spatial navigation library. The Talk emphasizes the importance of optimization and performance in TV app development and suggests using useMemo and useCallback to avoid unnecessary re-renders. The speaker concludes by mentioning job opportunities at JustWatch.
Tame the Component Multiverse
React Summit 2022React Summit 2022
27 min
Tame the Component Multiverse
This Talk explores the impact of UI testing on applications and the web, highlighting the need for comprehensive testing strategies. It discusses the complexities of the UI multiverse and the challenges in managing UI states. The suitability of different testing strategies across the testing continuum is examined, along with the importance of addressing the weight of UI testing challenges. The role of tools like Storybook and Chromatic in automated testing and collaboration is emphasized. Ultimately, the Talk emphasizes the love for the web and the need for strategies to manage the UI multiverse.
Sharing is Caring: Reusing Web Data Viz in React Native
React Summit 2022React Summit 2022
26 min
Sharing is Caring: Reusing Web Data Viz in React Native
PolarisViz is a collection of React components that provide consistent visual styles, motion design, and accessibility features. It aims to solve the problem of inconsistencies in visualization decisions made by different teams. The library is flexible for different visual styles and has centralized theme management. PolarisViz was integrated with React Native using a separate library called Polaris Viz core. Challenges included limitations in native apps and the need to share UI components between web and mobile platforms.
How to Share Code between React Web App and React Native Mobile App in Monorepo
React Summit 2022React Summit 2022
7 min
How to Share Code between React Web App and React Native Mobile App in Monorepo
This presentation focuses on sharing code between React web and React native mobile apps. The speaker demonstrates how to achieve feature parity using a Monorepo with NX. They highlight the importance of sharing non-UI code, such as business logic and state management, through shared libraries. This approach allows the apps to focus on UI code while keeping non-UI code separate. For more details, refer to the speaker's blog post.
An Introduction to Deno for Node.js Developers
JSNation 2022JSNation 2022
22 min
An Introduction to Deno for Node.js Developers
This Talk provides an introduction to Deno for Node.js developers, highlighting the differences in architecture and dependencies between the two runtimes. It discusses the Deno CLI and integrated toolchain, the Deno standard library and dependency management, as well as the Deno runtime and its core features. The Talk also covers Deno's permission system, its focus on web platform compatibility, and its support for TypeScript. Overall, it provides a comprehensive overview of Deno and its advantages over Node.js.
Building JS Apps with Internationalization (i18n) in Mind
JSNation 2022JSNation 2022
21 min
Building JS Apps with Internationalization (i18n) in Mind
This Talk discusses building JavaScript apps with internationalization in mind, addressing issues such as handling different name formats, using Unicode for compatibility, character encoding bugs, localization and translation solutions, testing in different languages, accommodating translated text in layouts, cultural considerations, and the importance of enabling different languages for users. The speaker also mentions various open source tools for internationalization. The Talk concludes with a reminder to avoid assumptions and embrace diversity in the World Wide Web.
JavaScript Beats Cancer
JSNation 2022JSNation 2022
25 min
JavaScript Beats Cancer
This Talk discusses using JavaScript to combat skin cancer, with a focus on machine learning integration. The speaker has experience in medical imaging and has partnered with dermatoscopy companies to develop hardware. JavaScript libraries like TensorFlow.js and Pandas.js are used for model deployment and data analysis. The Talk also covers building neural networks, analyzing skin cancer using scoring methods and image processing techniques, and extracting asymmetry in skin images using Python and JavaScript.
How to Use Gamification to Improve Quality on Your Project
JSNation 2022JSNation 2022
13 min
How to Use Gamification to Improve Quality on Your Project
Welcome to my talk on using gamification to improve quality. Code quality is crucial and involves maintaining technical debt, ensuring maintainability, and prioritizing delivery and quality. To improve code quality, create a new standard, automate enforcement, and motivate teams. Resolving merge conflicts by removing warnings and automating warning decrease and error reduction can prevent future issues. Strive for zero errors by finding a balance, enhancing tools, blocking pull requests with errors, and incentivizing developers.
Ensuring your Users are on the Right Path: the Future of Modals and Focus Management
JSNation 2022JSNation 2022
17 min
Ensuring your Users are on the Right Path: the Future of Modals and Focus Management
This Talk discusses the new features of Modals and focus management in web development. The dialogue element allows for the creation of modal dialogs that appear on top of other elements and prevent interaction with elements below. The note element can mark a subtree of the DOM as inert, making it unusable. The field set component can group input elements together and disable them. Using these new primitives can improve focus control and user experience in web applications.
WebHID API: Control Everything via USB
JSNation 2022JSNation 2022
23 min
WebHID API: Control Everything via USB
Today's Talk introduces the webHID API, which allows developers to control real devices from the browser via USB. The HID interface, including keyboards, mice, and gamepads, is explored. The Talk covers device enumeration, input reports, feature reports, and output reports. The use of HID in the browser, especially in Chrome, is highlighted. Various demos showcase working with different devices, including a DualShock controller, microphone, gamepad, and Stream Deck drum pad. The Talk concludes with recommendations and resources for further exploration.
Building UIs - By the People, for the People!
JSNation 2022JSNation 2022
22 min
Building UIs - By the People, for the People!
This talk focuses on the importance of accessibility in building user interfaces, discussing WCAG and WAI. It emphasizes the use of correct HTML tags for accessibility and provides practical tips for improving accessibility in apps. The talk also highlights the significance of keyword accessibility and the use of semantic HTML. It covers navigation techniques, such as ARIA tags and breadcrumbs, and emphasizes the importance of internationalization. The demo showcases the improvements made to a login app after applying accessibility practices.
🚀 Supercharge your NodeJS with Rust
JSNation 2022JSNation 2022
21 min
🚀 Supercharge your NodeJS with Rust
In this Talk, Dmitry Kudravtsev discusses how to supercharge JavaScript and Node.js using Rust. He introduces NEON, an open-source library for integrating Rust and JavaScript, and explains how to use it to export Rust functions to JavaScript. Dmitry also explores the performance benefits of using native modules written in Rust and WebAssembly. He compares the two approaches and highlights the faster performance of Rust native modules. He concludes by recommending WebAssembly for its ergonomics and portability, while suggesting native modules for extending Node.js with performance code.
The Next Wave of Web Frameworks is BYOJS
JSNation 2022JSNation 2022
23 min
The Next Wave of Web Frameworks is BYOJS
The next wave of web frameworks is BYOJS, covering the history and evolution of building web applications. The evolution of web frameworks and build systems includes popular choices like React, Angular, and Vue, as well as advanced build systems like Webpack and Rollup. The rise of performance measurement tools and the adoption of the Jamstack have led to improved web performance. The Jamstack architecture focuses on pre-rendering pages, decoupling APIs and services, and enhancing pages with JavaScript. Astro, a static site generator with SSR support, promotes the islands architecture and partial hydration.
Accessibility Credit and How to Pay it
JSNation 2022JSNation 2022
21 min
Accessibility Credit and How to Pay it
The Talk discusses technical debt and its relationship with bad code and lack of caring. It emphasizes the importance of repaying technical debt, particularly in terms of accessibility. The low number of websites passing basic accessibility tests is highlighted. The Talk provides strategies for repaying accessibility technical debt, promoting accessibility, and incorporating design systems. It emphasizes that accessibility is everyone's responsibility and should not be overlooked.
How Blitz.js Makes Fullstack Web Development a Breeze
JSNation 2022JSNation 2022
8 min
How Blitz.js Makes Fullstack Web Development a Breeze
Bleach.js is a toolkit designed to make full-stack web development enjoyable. It is built on top of Next.js and includes features like authentication, authorization, Prisma setup, React Query, utilities, recipes, and code scaffolding. The upcoming version, Blitz 2.0, is being worked on. Blitz.js toolkit expands on the core framework with additional features like web sockets, scheduled jobs, mailers integration, and better mobile app support. Visit canary.blitz.js.com for documentation on the new toolkit and blitz.js.com for framework documentation.
Performance is User Experience: Optimizing the Frontend for the Users
JSNation 2022JSNation 2022
8 min
Performance is User Experience: Optimizing the Frontend for the Users
Today's Talk discusses software performance and optimizing the frontend for the user. It emphasizes the importance of passive performance, which is a subjective measure of how well users perceive the application's performance. Techniques to improve performance include using a shared cache, HTTP2, preloading requests, and CDN. Optimizing frontend performance involves avoiding blocking the main thread, loading necessary resources first, using progress bars, and implementing optimistic patterns. It also highlights the importance of considering users' changing expectations throughout their interaction with the application.
Finding Stealthy Bots in Javascript Hide and Seek
JSNation 2022JSNation 2022
11 min
Finding Stealthy Bots in Javascript Hide and Seek
The Talk discusses the challenges of detecting and combating bots on the web. It explores various techniques such as user agent detection, tokens, JavaScript behavior, and cache analysis. The evolution of bots and the advancements in automated browsers have made them more flexible and harder to detect. The Talk also highlights the use of canvas fingerprinting and the need for smart people to combat the evolving bot problem.
Levelling up Monorepos with npm Workspaces
JSNation 2022JSNation 2022
25 min
Levelling up Monorepos with npm Workspaces
This Talk provides an introduction to NPM Workspaces and covers various aspects of using them, including starting a workspace with npm init, adding dependencies, forcing correct library versions, running scripts and orchestrating in a monorepo, and using npm pkg and npm exec. The examples provided demonstrate real-life use cases and highlight the flexibility and control that NPM Workspaces offer. The speaker also mentions improvements and future developments in the NPM CLI, emphasizing the importance of correct declarations in the package.json file and the ability to manage data across all workspaces.
Building a Sustainable Codebase with FP
JSNation 2022JSNation 2022
20 min
Building a Sustainable Codebase with FP
Today's Talk focuses on building sustainable architecture through functional programming, tests, and hexagonal architecture. It emphasizes the importance of maximizing functional programming and immutability to improve code quality and maintainability. The Talk also highlights the significance of tests for accuracy and speed, and discusses the benefits of hexagonal architecture in separating business logic from technical concerns. The concept of isolation and encapsulation in functional programming is explored, along with the advantages of using pure functions. Overall, the Talk provides insights into designing and implementing a sustainable and efficient codebase.
GPU Accelerating Node.js Web Services and Visualization with RAPIDS
JSNation 2022JSNation 2022
26 min
GPU Accelerating Node.js Web Services and Visualization with RAPIDS
Welcome to GPU Accelerating Node.js Web Services and Visualization with Rapids. Rapids aims to bring high-performance data science capabilities to Node.js, providing a streamlined API to the Rapids platform without the need to learn a new language or environment. GPU acceleration in Node.js enables performance optimization and memory access without changing existing code. The demos showcase the power and speed of GPUs and rapids in ETL data processing, graph visualization, and point cloud interaction. Future plans include expanding the library, improving developer UX, and exploring native Windows support.
SolidJS: Reactivity Unchained
JSNation 2022JSNation 2022
20 min
SolidJS: Reactivity Unchained
Solid.js is a declarative JavaScript library for building user interfaces that addresses performance optimization. It introduces fine-grained reactivity and avoids using a virtual DOM. The Talk explores rethinking performance and reactivity in web applications, understanding reactivity and primitives, and creating DOM elements and using JSX in Solid.js. It also covers rendering components, sharing state, and the advantages of fine-grained rendering and the reactive approach in Solid.js.
Immutable Web Apps
JSNation 2022JSNation 2022
20 min
Immutable Web Apps
Today's Talk discusses immutable web apps and their benefits, such as faster loading times and easy version tracking. The use of Universal Module Definition (UMD) style bundling allows for flexible dependency management and gradual upgrades. Tools like Webpack and Rollup provide ways to reference UMDs in bundles and automate dependency configuration. Arborist and YAML files help resolve dependency trees and handle conflicts, while the Orchard CLI tool automates dependency ordering. Internal and external dependencies can be initialized and managed effectively for optimal performance.
Build Blockchain dApps using JavaScript
JSNation 2022JSNation 2022
21 min
Build Blockchain dApps using JavaScript
Hello, my name is Russ Fustino, and welcome to Build Blockchain DApps Using JavaScript. We'll cover Algorand blockchain, layer one, setup your development environment, creating a simple DApp, verification, and UI controls from pipeline. Blockchain tools are now accessible to anyone for creating liquidity pooling, staking, and more. The Italian Society of Authors and Publishers is using NFTs on the Algorand blockchain to identify copyrights. Algorand accounts, ASAs, Atomic Transactions, Algorand Smart Contracts, and reporting with Indexer are part of the solution. Creating NFTs can be done using visual tools like Algodesk.io and wallets like Algosigner and MyAlgoWallet. Algorand atomic transfers guarantee the exchange of goods and facilitate decentralized applications. Smart signatures approve spending transactions and smart contracts facilitate global and local storage. DApp architecture includes a UI front end, payment transactions between accounts, asset transactions for NFTs and Fungible Tokens, and application calls for smart contracts. Various SDKs and tools are available, such as AlgoDesk.io, Algorand Studio, and Algodia. Reach is a high-level language and compiler for deploying DApps to the blockchain. Verification and audits play a crucial role in preventing locked away tokens. The Pipeline UI offers controls and components for easy integration into solutions.
Quantum Computing in JavaScript with Q.js
JSNation 2022JSNation 2022
26 min
Quantum Computing in JavaScript with Q.js
Stuart Smith discusses his journey in virtual reality and quantum computing, highlighting his work in web VR and the creation of Quantum JavaScript. He introduces QGS, a platform for quantum tutorials and experimentation, and explains the concept of qubits and superposition. Smith also mentions Amazon Bracket, a quantum service that allows the building and running of quantum circuits on simulators or actual quantum hardware.
Web3.js - Past, Present & Future
JSNation 2022JSNation 2022
21 min
Web3.js - Past, Present & Future
Today we will discuss the Web3JS library, its history, maintenance, and community involvement. The upcoming version 4 aims to address challenges faced in version 1 by introducing native TypeScript support, reduced size, improved code readability, and increased test coverage. Version 4 also introduces a new validator for easier Ethereum data validation and allows developers to customize how they handle numbers and bytes. It brings a dynamic data format for custom formatting and introduces TypeScript for contracts without transpiling. The API in version 4 is easy to extend and has future improvements and refactoring.
Future Features of JS?!
JSNation 2022JSNation 2022
28 min
Future Features of JS?!
Top Content
Welcome to the future features of JavaScript, including proposals for array operations, throw expressions, records and TPUs, pipeline operators, and more. The talk covers the introduction of type assertions for imported files, non-mutating array operations, and the simplification of error handling. It also explores the concept of immutability with records and TPUs, and the use of the pipeline operator to simplify code. Other proposals include Map.implace, IteratorHelper, slice notation, type annotations, Array UNIQBY, number ranges, and the Function 1 proposal.
High-Speed Web Applications: Beyond the Basics
JSNation 2022JSNation 2022
30 min
High-Speed Web Applications: Beyond the Basics
This talk covers the latest features in Chrome DevTools, including network tab analysis, performance tab optimization, and user flows. It discusses optimizing HTTP requests with fetch priority to improve loading time. The performance tab provides insights on frame drops, long tasks, and the importance of minimizing total blocking time. The talk also highlights the optimization of page rendering and introduces user flows in Chrome DevTools.
Announcing Starbeam: Universal Reactivity
JSNation 2022JSNation 2022
27 min
Announcing Starbeam: Universal Reactivity
Starbeam is a library for building reactive user interfaces with JavaScript, similar to Svelte, Vue, and Ember. It provides a data structure and query feature for filtering and sorting. The useStarBeam function ensures JSX reconciliation only occurs when reactive dependencies change. Starbeam tracks every read and write operation to update the component accordingly. It can be used with React and other frameworks, and offers debugging tools and locale integration.
The Wind and the Waves: The formation of Framework Waves from the Epicenter
JSNation 2022JSNation 2022
19 min
The Wind and the Waves: The formation of Framework Waves from the Epicenter
Top Content
Our understanding of innovation is wrong. Innovations are not introduced by a single point of light. The story of who invented the computer is not linear. Many steps forward led to the development of the computer. Angular has shaped and influenced multiple JavaScript waves, and Angular v14 simplifies development with standalone components.
Inside Fiber: the in-depth overview you wanted a TLDR for
React Summit 2022React Summit 2022
27 min
Inside Fiber: the in-depth overview you wanted a TLDR for
This Talk explores the internals of React Fiber and its implications. It covers topics such as fibres and units of work, inspecting elements and parent matching, pattern matching and coroutines, and the influence of coroutines on concurrent React. The Talk also discusses effect handlers in React, handling side effects in components, and the history of effect handlers in React. It concludes by emphasizing the importance of understanding React internals and provides learning resources for further exploration.
Full-stack JS today: Fastify, GraphQL and React
React Summit 2022React Summit 2022
25 min
Full-stack JS today: Fastify, GraphQL and React
The Talk discusses building a modern full stack application with JavaScript and GraphQL, emphasizing the importance of prioritizing the critical 20% of challenges. It highlights the benefits of building a productive and transparent tech stack with modularity and developer-friendly tools. The use of PostGrey as a relational database and Fastify as a server framework is recommended. The Talk also explores the advantages of using Mercurius and Urql for GraphQL implementation. Additionally, it mentions the use of React, SSR, and Fastify Vite for full-stack SSR and modular components. The Talk concludes by mentioning the advantages of this stack for complex functionality and the possibility of using Fastify in a serverless infrastructure.
Design-Driven Full-stack: an End-to-End Dev Workflow that Scales
React Summit 2022React Summit 2022
32 min
Design-Driven Full-stack: an End-to-End Dev Workflow that Scales
This Talk discusses the challenges of building full stack applications and introduces Redwood.js as a solution. It emphasizes the importance of design-driven workflows and the use of Redwood Cells to handle state and simplify complex tasks. The Talk also highlights the seamless integration between the front end and back end using mock data and the optimization of workflow for performant teams. It concludes with a mention of Redwood's authentication features and the importance of community and collaboration.
Walking the Line Between Flexibility and Consistency in Component Libraries
React Summit 2022React Summit 2022
27 min
Walking the Line Between Flexibility and Consistency in Component Libraries
This Talk discusses the comparison between Polaris and Material UI component libraries in terms of consistency and flexibility. It highlights the use of the action list pattern and the customization options available for the action list component. The Talk also emphasizes the introduction of a composite component to improve API flexibility. Additionally, it mentions the importance of finding the right balance between flexibility and consistency and the use of types to enforce specific child components.
The Apollo Cache is Your Friend, if You Get To Know It
React Summit 2022React Summit 2022
23 min
The Apollo Cache is Your Friend, if You Get To Know It
This Talk discusses various aspects of Apollo Cache in GraphQL and Apollo Client 3. It covers topics such as cache fetch policies, normalization, updates, and garbage collection. The importance of proper data storage and management in the cache is emphasized. The Talk also explores the challenges of managing lists and the need for custom update functions. Overall, it provides insights into optimizing the performance and efficiency of Apollo Cache in software development.
Infiltrate Your Own React Native App
React Summit 2022React Summit 2022
24 min
Infiltrate Your Own React Native App
Every bug and feature can be a potential flaw or entry point for bad actors. React Native projects have many dependencies that can be exploited. It's important to understand your app's native code and follow security guidelines. Analyzing and modifying code can alter an application's behavior. Repackaging and modifying compiled code is relatively easy. App update vulnerabilities can be demonstrated by redirecting URLs. Code reviews and automated tooling are important for accountability. There are resources available to learn about basic security precautions for React Native.
Routing in React 18 and Beyond
React Summit 2022React Summit 2022
20 min
Routing in React 18 and Beyond
Top Content
Routing in React 18 brings a native app-like user experience and allows applications to transition between different environments. React Router and Next.js have different approaches to routing, with React Router using component-based routing and Next.js using file system-based routing. React server components provide the primitives to address the disadvantages of multipage applications while maintaining the same user experience. Improving navigation and routing in React involves including loading UI, pre-rendering parts of the screen, and using server components for more performant experiences. Next.js and Remix are moving towards a converging solution by combining component-based routing with file system routing.
You Do Have Time to Build it Twice
React Summit 2022React Summit 2022
21 min
You Do Have Time to Build it Twice
Top Content
Today's Talk focuses on software rewrites, specifically the transition from jQuery to React. The speaker shares their experience of rewriting a jQuery app to React, highlighting the benefits of the rewrite in terms of improved user experience and increased conversions. Approaches to software rewrites are discussed, including the page-by-page approach which allows for product innovation. The speaker emphasizes the importance of prioritizing rewrites or refactors for startups. The Talk concludes with insights on testing, server-side functionality, and the overall value of the rewrite.
Exploring AR Try-On with React Native
React Summit 2022React Summit 2022
20 min
Exploring AR Try-On with React Native
This Talk discusses exploring AR Tryon with React Native, implementing AR try-on experiences in e-commerce apps, and considerations for AR development. It also covers the integration of AR platforms like ARKit and ARCore with React Native using the Duvero bridge. The Talk highlights the use of off-the-shelf solutions like Wanna's SDK for virtual try-on and Snap's AR technology and shopping extension. The importance of creating 3D models for AR Try-On and the challenges of writing native code for AR development are also mentioned.
From Blender to the Web - the Journey of a 3D Model
React Summit 2022React Summit 2022
26 min
From Blender to the Web - the Journey of a 3D Model
Today's Talk is about Blender and 3D in the web, covering topics such as rendering engines, material properties, exporting models, using React Fiber, lighting and shadows, state management, and adding wobbling effects. The speaker demonstrates how to create a 3D cupcake model and customize its appearance and behavior using React and Blender. The Talk also touches on topics like frosting selection, color changes, and adding orbit controls for interactive movement.
React Microfrontend Applications for TVs and Game Consoles
React Summit 2022React Summit 2022
25 min
React Microfrontend Applications for TVs and Game Consoles
This Talk discusses the architecture journey of a sports engagement platform, transitioning from a monolith to a microfrontend architecture. The ALEP microfrontend architecture is introduced to manage the complexity of a complex catalog and enable efficient deployment and version management. The deployment and release process involves using AliB and updating metadata in the deployment dashboard. The integration to React and TV development process involves using the AliB package and having independent lifecycles for packages. Shared code is used across different targets, and testing is done in a remote virtual lab. Focus management and key moments detection in sports are also addressed.
The Art of Functional Programming
React Summit 2022React Summit 2022
26 min
The Art of Functional Programming
Functional programming is a beautiful paradigm that allows us to understand programs and how entities behave and interact. It has nice characteristics like predictability, which makes testing and debugging easier. We explore how functional programming handles side effects and generative art. We learn about drawing patterns and grids with recursive functions, handling state in functional programming, and creating fashion using functional programming techniques. We also discuss handling randomness in functional programming and how to introduce organic variation and randomness to art while maintaining predictability.
Let’s Talk about Re-renders
React Summit 2022React Summit 2022
23 min
Let’s Talk about Re-renders
Top Content
This Talk discusses React performance and how re-renders can affect it. It highlights common mistakes and misconceptions, such as the overuse of useMemo and useCallback hooks. The importance of React.memo in preventing unnecessary child component re-renders is emphasized. Creating components in render functions is identified as a major performance killer, and the benefits of moving state down and wrapping state around children are explained. The Talk also covers optimizing component rendering through memoization and provides a recap of the key points.
Don't Forget React Memo
React Summit 2022React Summit 2022
7 min
Don't Forget React Memo
The Talk covers topics such as React memo compiler, use memo and use callback, building custom hooks, and the benefits of using use ref. It also explores the similarities between use memo and use ref, and the use of React Memo for preventing re-renders and optimizing expensive calculations. The speaker also shares personal information and contact details.
Keeping Sane with React Micro-Frontends in Production by Applying Observability
React Summit 2022React Summit 2022
7 min
Keeping Sane with React Micro-Frontends in Production by Applying Observability
Observability for microfrontends involves defining clear separation of concerns between teams and tracking errors in production with structured events. By using React boundaries, failures can be isolated and high observability can be achieved. Logging errors with metadata allows for querying specific error types and receiving notifications. Automating the process with Terraform simplifies observability for microfrontends.
Reacting to Web3
React Summit 2022React Summit 2022
6 min
Reacting to Web3
Decentology provides developer tools for building React component-based blockchain applications without writing blockchain code. Web3 development is beneficial for applications with game engines, microtransactions, mobile payments, mediator contracts, business logic applications, simple authentication, and payments. They advocate for open source and allow developers to add a small royalty fee to paid transactions.
How React Applications Get Hacked in the Real-World
React Summit 2022React Summit 2022
7 min
How React Applications Get Hacked in the Real-World
How to hack a RealWorld live React application in seven minutes. Tips, best practices, and pitfalls when writing React code. XSS and cross-site scripting in React. React's secure by default, but not always. The first thing to discover: adding a link to a React application. React code vulnerability: cross-site scripting with Twitter link. React doesn't sanitize or output H ref attributes. Fix attempts: detect JavaScript, use dummy hashtag, transition to lowercase. Control corrector exploit. Best practices: avoid denialist approach, sanitize user inputs. React's lack of sanitization and output encoding for user inputs. Exploring XSS vulnerabilities and the need to pretty print JSON. The React JSON pretty package and its potential XSS risks. The importance of context encoding and secure coding practices.
The Only Way to Eat an Elephant - Code Splitting With Server Side Rendering
React Summit 2022React Summit 2022
9 min
The Only Way to Eat an Elephant - Code Splitting With Server Side Rendering
The Talk discusses the challenges of handling DOM manipulation with JavaScript and the performance issues that arise from using SPAs. It explores the solution of server-side rendering (SSR) to address SEO concerns but notes that bundle size remains an issue. Code splitting is introduced as a way to load content dynamically, but it presents challenges for SSR. The speaker suggests a solution using vanilla.js that solves the problem without scalability issues.
Localization for Real-World Use-Cases: Key Learnings from Onboarding Global Brands
React Summit 2022React Summit 2022
8 min
Localization for Real-World Use-Cases: Key Learnings from Onboarding Global Brands
I'm going to talk about localisation in the real world and how Sanity, a platform for structured content, focuses on content as data and flexible internationalization. Sanity allows for multiple languages in different markets, providing customization options for content visibility based on location. The platform offers a flexible approach to content creation and customization, allowing organizations to internationalize their content based on their specific needs. With Sanity's query language and the brand new version of Sanity Studio, developers have more flexibility than ever before.
5 Years of Building React Table
React Summit 2022React Summit 2022
24 min
5 Years of Building React Table
Top Content
React Table is a popular table library that started with HTML5 tables and transitioned to React. It faced challenges with integration and user requests, leading to the development of React Table. The introduction of the Headless UI pattern and TypeScript support improved the library's capabilities and quality. Generics and TypeScript played a significant role in reducing the code size and improving development. React Table is now going framework agnostic and partnering with AG Grid.
Handling Data at Scale for React Developers
React Summit 2022React Summit 2022
23 min
Handling Data at Scale for React Developers
This Talk discusses handling data at scale for React developers, including scaling databases and the need for search. It explores different ways to fetch data in React, such as using useEffect, fetch, and setState. The Talk also introduces Suspense for data fetching and how it improves user experience. It covers controlling React Suspense, handling search, and using render-as-you-fetch. The Talk concludes with a discussion on the RFC status and fetching in event handlers.
Impact: Growing as an Engineer
React Summit 2022React Summit 2022
27 min
Impact: Growing as an Engineer
Top Content
This Talk explores the concepts of impact and growth in software engineering. It emphasizes the importance of finding ways to make the impossible possible and the role of mastery in expanding one's sphere of impact. The Talk also highlights the significance of understanding business problems and fostering a culture of collaboration and innovation. Effective communication, accountability, and decision-making are essential skills for engineers, and setting goals and finding sponsors can help drive career growth. Feedback, goal setting, and stepping outside of comfort zones are crucial for personal development and growth. Taking responsibility for one's own growth and finding opportunities for impact are key themes discussed in the Talk.
How I've been Using JavaScript to Automate my House
JSNation 2022JSNation 2022
22 min
How I've been Using JavaScript to Automate my House
The Talk covers various experiments with JavaScript and C++, including controlling lights and creating a car control system. The speaker shares his experiences with home automation and the challenges of hiding wires. He explores using JavaScript with Esperino for face recognition and discusses the benefits and limitations of the platform. The Talk concludes with suggestions for using JavaScript in hardware projects and learning opportunities.
Crafting the Impossible: X86 Virtualization in the Browser with WebAssembly
JSNation 2022JSNation 2022
21 min
Crafting the Impossible: X86 Virtualization in the Browser with WebAssembly
ChirpX is a technology to securely run binary code in the browser, written in C++ and compiled to JavaScript WebAssembly. It can run a full virtualized system in the browser, including Bash and other languages like Python and JavaScript. ChirpX aims for scalability and the ability to work with large code bases, supporting multiprocessing and multithreading. It uses a two-tiered execution engine with an interpreter and a JIT engine. Future plans include running the full X.Org server in the browser and implementing the Windows system call. WebVM, the underlying technology, has a virtual file system backed by Cloudflare.
Security Controls in the JavaScript Supply Chain
JSNation 2022JSNation 2022
28 min
Security Controls in the JavaScript Supply Chain
This talk discusses the security challenges in the JavaScript ecosystem, including supply chain security, lock file tampering, and arbitrary command execution. It highlights the risks of blind upgrades and hidden comments in code. The talk also covers dependency confusion attacks and the importance of establishing a threat model for node applications.
Animations with JS
JSNation 2022JSNation 2022
19 min
Animations with JS
Today's talk is about animations in Javascript, covering frame rates and different methods like CSS transitions and animations. JavaScript provides more control over animations, allowing interpolation and simulation of real-world scenarios. Different approaches to animating a box from zero to 100 pixels are discussed, including for loops, timers, and the web animations API. Request Animation Frame is highlighted as a solution for consistent and smooth animations. The Web Animations API is introduced as a powerful tool alongside CSS animations and transitions, although it has limited browser support.
Tauri Foundations and Futures
JSNation 2022JSNation 2022
22 min
Tauri Foundations and Futures
Tauri is a tool built to improve the JS ecosystem, providing a lightweight alternative to Electron. It integrates the stack, focuses on security, and offers cross-platform compatibility. Security measures include a new iFrame interaction and a thorough audit. The importance of taking care of the planet and reducing app consumption is emphasized. Tauri's community, licensing, and future plans are discussed, as well as the challenges of web view support and the aim to create a consistent engine using Servo.
Bringing the Power of AI into your Editor with GitHub Copilot
JSNation 2022JSNation 2022
29 min
Bringing the Power of AI into your Editor with GitHub Copilot
GitHub Copilot is a software development productivity tool that suggests whole blocks of code based on the collective knowledge of software developers. It has been in technical preview for a year and is used by thousands of developers. Copilot's success has grown over time, and it now supports multiple editors and programming languages. The AI model used in Copilot, called Codex, operates on natural language and doesn't require special encoding. Copilot will become a paid product in the summer but will remain free for students and verified open source contributors.
How JS Modules work: a Browser Perspective
JSNation 2022JSNation 2022
26 min
How JS Modules work: a Browser Perspective
This Talk discusses JavaScript modules from the perspective of a browser, exploring how they work and their differences from common JS. It covers topics such as loading modules, module records, and the module map. The module loading and evaluation process is explained, along with the challenges of module adoption and performance. The Talk also touches on lazy loading, dynamic import, and import reflection. The speaker shares a humorous anecdote during the Q&A session about stealing a shirt from the DOM team.
Record & Tuple: Immutable Data Structures in JS
JSNation 2022JSNation 2022
24 min
Record & Tuple: Immutable Data Structures in JS
Top Content
Today's Talk introduces the concept of record and tuple in JavaScript, which provide a new way to handle data. The Talk explores the references and mutability of objects, strings, and numbers in JavaScript. It discusses the limitations of freezing objects and proposes record and tuple as a solution. The Talk also covers methods and syntax for tuples, the status of the proposal, and acknowledges the contributions of various individuals. Overall, the Talk aims to redefine how data is handled in JavaScript and encourages waiting for broader browser support before implementing these features.
Webpack in 5 Years?
JSNation 2022JSNation 2022
26 min
Webpack in 5 Years?
Top Content
In the last 10 years, Webpack has shaped the way we develop web applications by introducing code splitting, co-locating style sheets and assets with JavaScript modules, and enabling bundling for server-side processing. Webpack's flexibility and large plugin system have also contributed to innovation in the ecosystem. The initial configuration for Webpack can be overwhelming, but it is necessary due to the complexity of modern web applications. In larger scale applications, there are performance problems in Webpack due to issues with garbage collection, leveraging multiple CPUs, and architectural limitations. Fixing problems in Webpack has trade-offs, but a rewrite could optimize architecture and fix performance issues.
Yarn 4 - Modern Package Management
JSNation 2022JSNation 2022
28 min
Yarn 4 - Modern Package Management
Top Content
Yarn is a package manager that focuses on stability, performance, and security. It offers unique features like plug and play installation, support for nonmodules, and the exec protocol. Yarn is committed to being a good citizen in the open-source community and contributes to fixing dependencies. It is part of the Node.js Loader's working group and advocates for Corepack. Yarn is still experimental but is improving its user experience and security features. Contributions are welcome, and switching to Yarn can improve performance in large projects.
The Future of Performance Tooling
JSNation 2022JSNation 2022
21 min
The Future of Performance Tooling
Top Content
Today's Talk discusses the future of performance tooling, focusing on user-centric, actionable, and contextual approaches. The introduction highlights Adi Osmani's expertise in performance tools and his passion for DevTools features. The Talk explores the integration of user flows into DevTools and Lighthouse, enabling performance measurement and optimization. It also showcases the import/export feature for user flows and the collaboration potential with Lighthouse. The Talk further delves into the use of flows with other tools like web page test and Cypress, offering cross-browser testing capabilities. The actionable aspect emphasizes the importance of metrics like Interaction to Next Paint and Total Blocking Time, as well as the improvements in Lighthouse and performance debugging tools. Lastly, the Talk emphasizes the iterative nature of performance improvement and the user-centric, actionable, and contextual future of performance tooling.
MIDI in the Browser... Let's Rock the Web!
JSNation 2022JSNation 2022
28 min
MIDI in the Browser... Let's Rock the Web!
MIDI is a versatile communication protocol that extends beyond music and opens up exciting possibilities. The Web MIDI API allows remote access to synths and sound modules from web browsers, enabling various projects like music education systems and web audio-based instruments. Developers can connect and use MIDI devices easily, and the Web MIDI API provides raw MIDI messages without semantics. The WebMidi.js library simplifies working with the Web MIDI API and offers a user-friendly interface for musicians and web developers. MIDI on the web has generated significant interest, with potential for commercial growth and endless possibilities for web developers.
a11y and TDD: A Perfect Match
JSNation 2022JSNation 2022
24 min
a11y and TDD: A Perfect Match
This Talk explores the intersection of accessibility and test-driven development (TDD) in software development. TDD is a process that involves writing tests before writing production code, providing a safety net for code changes. The Talk demonstrates how to apply TDD principles to real-life examples, such as filling out a form, and emphasizes the importance of user-centric testing. By using atomic design principles, code can be organized in a clean and easy way. The Talk also discusses the use of labels and test IDs in tests for improved accessibility.
WebBluetooth – the Missing Link
JSNation 2022JSNation 2022
24 min
WebBluetooth – the Missing Link
This Talk introduces the Web Bluetooth API and its role in bridging the gap between browsers and peripheral devices. It covers how to interact with devices using the API, explores creating BLE devices like a buzzer and a small car, and discusses the limitations and availability of the Web Bluetooth API. The Talk also highlights the potential of the Web Audio API for hardware development and mentions the current lack of support for the Web Bluetooth API on iOS devices.
The Age of Monorepos
JSNation 2022JSNation 2022
25 min
The Age of Monorepos
Today's Talk is about the world of monorepos, their history, benefits, and features. Monorepos address challenges in web development, such as slow build processes and unstable connections on mobile devices. Collocation in monorepos enables easy sharing of functions and components among projects. Speed and efficiency in monorepos are achieved through collocation, dependency graphs, and task orchestration. Monorepo tools like Learnr offer features such as caching and distributed task execution. Monorepos provide code sharing, consistent tooling, and automated migration, resulting in a 10x developer experience.
Web Components are awesome!
JSNation 2022JSNation 2022
10 min
Web Components are awesome!
Web components allow you to create your own HTML elements that can do anything you want, and they are supported by all modern browsers. Many companies, including YouTube and GitHub, use web components to enhance their websites. There are extensive tooling and libraries available for web component development. The Model Viewer Web Component enables the display of 3D models in Virtual and Augmented Reality without needing to know underlying technologies. Web components can be used with various frameworks and libraries, and there are resources available to help with compatibility.
Automatically maintaining thousands of code demos across multiple framework variations
JSNation 2022JSNation 2022
7 min
Automatically maintaining thousands of code demos across multiple framework variations
The talk focuses on creating the best JavaScript data grid by categorizing code using abstract syntax trees. Code files are represented as tree structures, allowing for the extraction of different sections. Framework-specific converters generate code examples for Angular, React, and Vue. TypeScript validation and testing ensure code quality and easy updates for framework examples.
Engaging Ecommerce with the Visual Web
JSNation 2022JSNation 2022
12 min
Engaging Ecommerce with the Visual Web
Images, video, and media are crucial in e-commerce to deliver the best user experience. Nike's acquisition of Artifact Studios and the launch of Nike land on Roblox demonstrate the future of e-commerce in the metaverse. Clear and zoomable images, point-based details, and video are essential for enhancing the user experience. Optimizing media delivery through modern image formats, compression, resizing, and technology can significantly improve conversion rates in e-commerce.
Automated Application Security Testing
JSNation 2022JSNation 2022
9 min
Automated Application Security Testing
StackHawk is a dynamic application security testing tool that runs active security tests on various types of applications, providing simple descriptions and examples of security issues. It integrates with CI processes and provides feedback on scan findings. The StackHawk YAML is used to configure the scanner, including important information about the application and additional configuration options. OpenAPI and GraphQL integration is possible with minimal configuration.
Content Modeling 101
JSNation 2022JSNation 2022
7 min
Content Modeling 101
This Talk provides an introduction to content modeling and its importance in organizing content for teams. It explores the top-down approach to simplify and make content models more reusable, using a recipe app as an example. The Talk also highlights the best practices for content modeling, including considering reusability, rendering for end users, content governance, platform considerations, and continuous iteration.
Getting Real with NodeJS and Kafka: An Event Stream Tale
JSNation 2022JSNation 2022
8 min
Getting Real with NodeJS and Kafka: An Event Stream Tale
This lightning talk introduces distributed computing and discusses the challenges, patterns, and solutions related to using Kafka for event sharing. It emphasizes the importance of separating services and using strong typing to avoid broken messages. The talk also covers Kafka's transaction configuration and guarantees, highlighting the need for proper configuration and the use of transaction IDs. Overall, it provides valuable insights into scaling companies, big data, and streaming platforms.
Makepad - Leveraging Rust + Wasm + WebGL to Build Amazing Cross-platform Applications
JSNation 2022JSNation 2022
22 min
Makepad - Leveraging Rust + Wasm + WebGL to Build Amazing Cross-platform Applications
Top Content
Welcome to MakePad, a new way to build UI for web and native using WebAssembly and Rust. JavaScript is not suitable for complex applications like IDEs and design tools. Rust, a new programming language, was used to reimagine MakePad, resulting in a fast and efficient platform. MakePad offers live editing, high CPU performance, and the ability to load native instrument components. The future of MakePad includes an open-source release, a design tool, and support for importing 3D models.
Full Stack Documentation
JSNation 2022JSNation 2022
28 min
Full Stack Documentation
Top Content
The Talk discusses the shift to full-stack frameworks and the challenges of full-stack documentation. It highlights the power of interactive tutorials and the importance of user testing in software development. The Talk also introduces learn.svelte.dev, a platform for learning full-stack tools, and discusses the roadmap for SvelteKit and its documentation.
Confessions from an Impostor
JSNation 2022JSNation 2022
46 min
Confessions from an Impostor
Top Content
The Talk discusses imposter syndrome and reframes it as being a professional imposter. It emphasizes the importance of sharing and starting, embracing imposterism, and building inclusively for the web. The speaker shares personal experiences of being an imposter in various technical disciplines and highlights the significance of accessibility. The Talk concludes with the idea of building a collective RPG game to remove excuses for not making things accessible.
Build a 3D Solar System with Hand Recognition and Three.js
JSNation 2022JSNation 2022
36 min
Build a 3D Solar System with Hand Recognition and Three.js
Top Content
This Talk explores the use of TypeScript, 3JS, hand recognition, and TensorFlow.js to create 3D experiences on the web. It covers topics such as rendering 3D objects, adding lights and objects, hand tracking, and creating interactive gestures. The speaker demonstrates how to build a cube and a bouncy box, move objects with flick gestures, and create a solar system with stars and planets. The Talk also discusses the possibilities of using hand gestures for web navigation and controlling websites, as well as the performance limits of these technologies.
Avoiding CSRF with Remix
React Summit 2022React Summit 2022
7 min
Avoiding CSRF with Remix
Welcome to my session on avoiding CSRF with Remix. Remix helps protect against CSRF by thinking about actions in terms of HTML form elements. To avoid CSRF with Remix, set the same site attribute on cookies and consider using a token in addition to the attribute. The token-based approach involves generating a unique token per session and form, transmitting it with the form, sending it back when the user submits the form, and securely validating it on the server side.
Type Safety at Runtime in Typescript
TypeScript Congress 2022TypeScript Congress 2022
8 min
Type Safety at Runtime in Typescript
TypeScript does not have runtime type checking, but there are libraries available for runtime type validation. ZAD is a popular runtime type validation library in the React ecosystem, offering schema primitives for specific validations on primitive types and support for complex data like objects and arrays. ZAD also provides methods for parsing values and handling successful or failed parsing with error objects.
Alternatives to TypeScript
TypeScript Congress 2022TypeScript Congress 2022
8 min
Alternatives to TypeScript
This Talk explores alternatives to TypeScript such as Clojure, Flow, and Hagel, highlighting their unique features and syntax. Flow and Hagel make finer distinctions between types and prioritize safety. TypeScript offers quick fixes for inferring types. Hagel aims for fewer type annotations and increased safety. These alternatives can provide insights and understanding of TypeScript.
How to build distributed systems in TypeScript
TypeScript Congress 2022TypeScript Congress 2022
10 min
How to build distributed systems in TypeScript
This Talk discusses building distributed systems in TypeScript, focusing on an e-commerce store and implementing a create order endpoint. It covers handling retry and error cases, saving order state, handling crashes and duplicate orders, and the process order function and architecture. The Talk also introduces Temporal, a durable code execution framework that simplifies fault-tolerant software development.
How to properly handle URL slug changes in Next.js
TypeScript Congress 2022TypeScript Congress 2022
10 min
How to properly handle URL slug changes in Next.js
Top Content
This Talk explains how to handle URL slug changes in Next.js by using the getStaticPaths and getStaticProps methods. It covers implementing redirects and provides a solution to eliminate the need for editors to perform additional steps. The approach involves tracking URL slug changes and issuing proper redirects. The speaker encourages the audience to reach out with any questions or experiences with handling URL slugs.
TypeScript and the Database: Who Owns the Types?
TypeScript Congress 2022TypeScript Congress 2022
27 min
TypeScript and the Database: Who Owns the Types?
Top Content
The Talk discusses the use of TypeScript and SQL together in software development. It explores different approaches, such as using an ORM like TypeORM or a schema generator like pg2ts. Query builders like connects JS and tools like PGTyped are also discussed. The benefits and trade-offs of using TypeScript and SQL are highlighted, emphasizing the importance of finding a middle ground approach.
Onboarding React Developers to Typescript
TypeScript Congress 2022TypeScript Congress 2022
19 min
Onboarding React Developers to Typescript
Today's Talk discusses best practices for onboarding React developers to TypeScript, including pain points faced by engineers, principles for effective onboarding, and a workshop format. The workshop covers function type expressions, annotating React functional components, and the return type of React functional components. The session emphasizes creating a safe space for hands-on practice and gradually exposing engineers to TypeScript concepts. Overall, the Talk aims to improve onboarding experiences for React developers learning TypeScript.
Writing universal modules for Deno, Node, and the browser
TypeScript Congress 2022TypeScript Congress 2022
25 min
Writing universal modules for Deno, Node, and the browser
Deno is a modern runtime for TypeScript and JavaScript that runs out of the box and is secure by default. The Talk covers building a greeting message library with Deno, compiling Deno libraries for Node consumers, setting up the editor and writing code, writing tests and running them with dnotest, code formatting, linting, and publishing, publishing to NPM and running tests, and building and publishing the NPM package. The speaker emphasizes the ease of use and integration of Deno's tooling system.
Understanding types as sets
TypeScript Congress 2022TypeScript Congress 2022
21 min
Understanding types as sets
This Talk explores the concept of types and their relationship to variables in TypeScript, including primitive types, special types, and literal types. It also delves into unions and intersections of types, their canonical form, and their effect on sets of values. The Talk discusses object types, their defined members, and the behavior of access property checks. It highlights how unions and intersections can be used with objects and how they are reduced to a canonical form. The importance of base types in TypeScript and how they allow variables to hold instances of any subtype is also emphasized.
TypeScript for Library Authors: Harnessing the Power of TypeScript for DX
TypeScript Congress 2022TypeScript Congress 2022
25 min
TypeScript for Library Authors: Harnessing the Power of TypeScript for DX
TypeScript for library authors offers benefits for both internal and external use, improving code quality and providing accurate understanding of libraries. Documentation and examples should be in code to provide up-to-date information. Testing types alongside unit tests ensures accurate typing. Managing changes and exposing types requires careful versioning. Deep integration of types improves usability. Using a map in TypeScript allows for simpler implementation and customization. Leveraging types in libraries can generate code based on user access. TypeScript integration with Nuxt provides support and type declarations.
Plug-in architecture: how TypeScript let us paint-by-numbers
TypeScript Congress 2022TypeScript Congress 2022
15 min
Plug-in architecture: how TypeScript let us paint-by-numbers
When faced with challenges in supporting multiple package managers and keeping up with growth, implementing a plugin architecture can help. Extending a CLI for source control management systems like GitHub and GitLab can be done using TypeScript and Oclef CLI. TypeScript errors can be resolved by adding missing properties and implementing required functions for plugins. Supporting multiple repositories by following TypeScript errors and having the right setup can reduce time to production and onboarding. Plugin architecture with TypeScript can be a valuable tool for faster development and onboarding onto repositories.
Lessons from Maintaining TypeScript Libraries
TypeScript Congress 2022TypeScript Congress 2022
30 min
Lessons from Maintaining TypeScript Libraries
Top Content
Mark Erickson, a Senior Frontend Engineer at Replay, discusses JavaScript libraries and their support for TypeScript, including migration, versioning, and debugging. He also explores the challenges of supporting multiple TypeScript versions and designing APIs for use with TypeScript. Additionally, he shares advanced Redux type tricks and insights into maintaining a TypeScript library. The poll results reveal the widespread usage of TypeScript among developers, with many gradually migrating their codebases. Lastly, he provides tips for upgrading TypeScript and verifying functionality.
Fire-side chat with Ahad Shams
JS GameDev Summit 2022JS GameDev Summit 2022
27 min
Fire-side chat with Ahad Shams
The Talk discusses the concept of a more spatial web and the importance of open standards, privacy, and transparency in the development of WebAverse. It emphasizes the engagement with the developer community and the breakthroughs in creating high-fidelity 3D experiences on the web. The Talk also highlights the challenges of building a browser game engine and the support for VRM Fuzz and targeting creators and communities. It mentions the advantages of building 3D experiences on the web and the development of 2D based experiences.
Choosing a Game Engine or Framework for HTML Game Development
JS GameDev Summit 2022JS GameDev Summit 2022
25 min
Choosing a Game Engine or Framework for HTML Game Development
Top Content
Welcome to the Web Game Dev Summit where game engine options for web-based games are explored. Native and compiled development approaches are discussed, with off-the-shelf engines like Unity and HTML5-specific engines as options. Godot Engine is highlighted as an open source engine with strong web support. Traditional game engines like Default, GameMaker Studio, and Babylon.js are mentioned, along with frameworks like PhaserJS and Cocos2DJS. JavaScript libraries for game development, audio support options, and considerations for choosing the right engine are also covered.
Unreal Engine in WebAssembly/WebGPU
JS GameDev Summit 2022JS GameDev Summit 2022
33 min
Unreal Engine in WebAssembly/WebGPU
Top Content
Alex Saint-Louis, co-founder of Wunder Interactive, shares the mission of bringing Unreal Engine to the browser, enabling cross-platform 3D applications and games. They are working on a WebGPU back end for Unreal Engine to push the limits of 3D on the web. Wunder Interactive has improved compression, built their own asset file system, and offers powerful tools for game developers. They are utilizing modern web technologies like WebAssembly, WebGL, and WebGPU, and plan to support other engines like Unity and Godot. The team aims to transform the industry by bringing console-quality games to the browser and providing an alternative distribution path. They are excited to bring Unreal Engine 5 to the web with WebGPU support and are working on WebXR support for cross-platform 3D experiences, including VR.
Extending Unity WebGL With Javascript
JS GameDev Summit 2022JS GameDev Summit 2022
32 min
Extending Unity WebGL With Javascript
Top Content
Unity targets over 25 platforms and technologies, including desktop, mobile, and virtual reality. They use Emscripten to compile the engine and game logic into WebAssembly for web development. Unity can be extended with plugins to access browser features like WebXR's augmented reality mode. The speaker demonstrates intercepting Unity's calls to the browser to modify its behavior. Unity is actively working on mobile support for web export and improving documentation for extending Unity with web plugins.
Conversion to Play: The Art of Loading
JS GameDev Summit 2022JS GameDev Summit 2022
31 min
Conversion to Play: The Art of Loading
The Talk discusses the art of loading in web games and its impact on success. It provides tips for improving conversion to play, optimizing loading, and creating a clear path to play. Examples of games that improved loading are showcased. The importance of file size and designing games with it in mind is highlighted. The speaker shares challenges in math and coding, as well as their experience with WebXR games and blockchain. Managing time for indie game development is also discussed.
Multiplayer Web Games Using JavaScript
JS GameDev Summit 2022JS GameDev Summit 2022
34 min
Multiplayer Web Games Using JavaScript
Today's Talk is about creating a multiplayer web game using Phaser and Socket.io. The speaker demonstrates how to create a tic-tac-toe game, including creating the table, assigning players, making moves, and determining the next turn. The importance of choosing the right protocol for multiplayer games, such as WebSocket or UDP, is discussed. The Talk also highlights the advantages of using JavaScript for web and mobile games, as well as considerations for network code and code availability.
Optimizing HTML5 Games: 10 Years of Learnings
JS GameDev Summit 2022JS GameDev Summit 2022
33 min
Optimizing HTML5 Games: 10 Years of Learnings
Top Content
PlayCanvas is an open-source game engine used by game developers worldwide. Optimization is crucial for HTML5 games, focusing on load times and frame rate. Texture and mesh optimization can significantly reduce download sizes. GLTF and GLB formats offer smaller file sizes and faster parsing times. Compressing game resources and using efficient file formats can improve load times. Framerate optimization and resolution scaling are important for better performance. Managing draw calls and using batching techniques can optimize performance. Browser DevTools, such as Chrome and Firefox, are useful for debugging and profiling. Detecting device performance and optimizing based on specific devices can improve game performance. Apple is making progress with WebGPU implementation. HTML5 games can be shipped to the App Store using Cordova.
Web 3 Gaming: What it is and Why it Matters
JS GameDev Summit 2022JS GameDev Summit 2022
36 min
Web 3 Gaming: What it is and Why it Matters
Web3 gaming enables decentralized identity and finance, allowing game developers to bypass centralized platforms. It is driven by wallets, ERC20 tokens, and NFTs. Web3 games focus on collaborative world-building, ownership, and open-source collaboration. The challenge is achieving decentralization while addressing economic and technological limitations. Web3 aims to redefine the gaming industry by using economic tools and exploring new genres like RPG and RTS games.
So You Want to be an Indie Game Developer?
JS GameDev Summit 2022JS GameDev Summit 2022
30 min
So You Want to be an Indie Game Developer?
This talk provides insights and advice for aspiring indie game developers. It emphasizes the importance of game design and marketing, as well as the need to stand out in a crowded market. The speaker shares their experience with YouTube and experimenting with startups. Starting as an indie game developer requires self-motivation and a focus on strengths. The talk also highlights the challenges and opportunities in the indie game development industry, and encourages support for Ukrainian game developers.
Making “Bite-Sized” Web Games with GameSnacks
JS GameDev Summit 2022JS GameDev Summit 2022
33 min
Making “Bite-Sized” Web Games with GameSnacks
Top Content
Welcome to making bite-sized games with GameSnacks, a platform that focuses on optimizing game sizes for easy accessibility on the web. Techniques such as lazy loading, script placement, and code and art optimization can greatly improve game performance. Choosing the right file formats, reducing game size, and using game engines or custom tools are important considerations. Prioritizing file size, testing internet connections, and using testing tools for accurate simulation can help attract more users and improve game retention and reach.
Making Multiplayer Games with Colyseus, Node.js and TypeScript
JS GameDev Summit 2022JS GameDev Summit 2022
31 min
Making Multiplayer Games with Colyseus, Node.js and TypeScript
Top Content
Today's Talk covers making multiplayer games with Coliseus, Node.js, and Typescript. It explores the state of networking on the web, alternative servers, and how Coliseus works. The Talk also discusses client-side prediction, lag compensation, server limitations, scaling, and showcases cool games made with Coliseus. Additionally, it mentions Nakama and Unity integration for client-side prediction in multiplayer games. Coliseus is available on mobile and can be found on colossus.io or the GitHub repository.
What Can you Do with WebGPU?
JS GameDev Summit 2022JS GameDev Summit 2022
9 min
What Can you Do with WebGPU?
WebGPU is an upcoming web API that provides low-level access to the GPU, offering better performance and enabling new rendering techniques. It allows for the use of compute shaders, which provide more control over memory synchronization and threading, and can be used for general computation on a GPU. WebGPU opens up possibilities for unique effects in games and promises future support for ray tracing in browsers.
Independence: The Gaming Advantage
JS GameDev Summit 2022JS GameDev Summit 2022
4 min
Independence: The Gaming Advantage
Learn how to start a website on Vulture using the Vulture Marketplace or object storage for more customization. Vulture offers a wide range of products and services, including Bare Metal, Optimized Cloud Compute, Block Storage, and Load Balancers. With over 20 locations and popular operating systems, you can easily customize your website. Use code GetNation150 for $150 of free credit and contact Vulture for any inquiries.
The Art of Slots
JS GameDev Summit 2022JS GameDev Summit 2022
10 min
The Art of Slots
Slot games have life-changing potential and should provide a secure and fun experience. Total immersion in the theme, visual effects, large wins, and celebrations enhance the player's experience. Creating engaging slot games involves using colors and subject matter to indicate value, guiding players through the game with splash screens, keypads, and buttons, and incorporating characters, animations, and themes to add fun and engagement. It is important to celebrate big wins and provide value to the player while considering their perspective and aiming to provide entertainment and value.
Detect and Avoid Common Performance and Memory Issues in Unity WebGL Builds
JS GameDev Summit 2022JS GameDev Summit 2022
10 min
Detect and Avoid Common Performance and Memory Issues in Unity WebGL Builds
Top Content
Today's Talk focuses on avoiding performance and memory issues in Unity WebGL builds. The importance of managing memory and keeping the heap size small is highlighted. Techniques such as using asset bundles or an addressable system can help reduce memory usage. The limitations of garbage collection in WebGL builds are discussed, along with tips for optimizing Unity code. Tools like Backtrace can assist in debugging memory and performance issues.
Making Awesome Games with LittleJS
JS GameDev Summit 2022JS GameDev Summit 2022
34 min
Making Awesome Games with LittleJS
Little.js is a super lightweight and fast JavaScript game engine that has everything included to start making games right away. It has a tiny footprint and no dependencies, making it perfect for size-coding competitions like JS13K. Little.js is built with an object-oriented structure and comes with several classes. It provides a fast rendering system, a comprehensive audio system, and various starter projects for different game types. Little.js is designed to be simple and easy to understand, allowing you to look at and modify the code.
Building Fun Experiments with WebXR & Babylon.js
JS GameDev Summit 2022JS GameDev Summit 2022
33 min
Building Fun Experiments with WebXR & Babylon.js
Top Content
This Talk explores the use of Babylon.js and WebXR to create immersive VR and AR experiences on the web. It showcases various demos, including transforming a 2D game into a 3D and VR experience, VR music composition, AR demos, and exploring a virtual museum. The speaker emphasizes the potential of web development in the metaverse and mentions the use of WebXR in Microsoft products. The limitations of WebXR on Safari iOS are discussed, along with the simplicity and features of Babylon.js. Contact information is provided for further inquiries.
The Lazy Developer Guide: How to Automate Code Updates?
DevOps.js Conf 2022DevOps.js Conf 2022
22 min
The Lazy Developer Guide: How to Automate Code Updates?
Code automations can save time and effort in development tasks. There are tools and examples available for automating tasks like updating dependencies and code formatting. Automation allows teams to focus on valuable work and improves overall performance. Deciding when to automate depends on the impact and type of code. The last automated task discussed was applying translation updates to multiple projects.
Observability for Microfrontends
DevOps.js Conf 2022DevOps.js Conf 2022
24 min
Observability for Microfrontends
Microfrontends follow the microservices paradigm and observability is crucial for debugging runtime production issues. Error boundaries and tracking errors help identify and resolve issues. Automation of alerts improves incident response. Observability can help minimize the time it takes to understand and resolve production issues. Catching errors from the client and implementing boundaries can be done with tools like OpenTelemetry.
Experimenting with Deno for Easier Kubernetes Deployments
DevOps.js Conf 2022DevOps.js Conf 2022
31 min
Experimenting with Deno for Easier Kubernetes Deployments
The Talk discusses using Dino and TypeScript to simplify writing and managing Kubernetes YAML configurations. It explores the challenges of working with large YAML files and introduces a unique solution. The Talk also highlights the features and benefits of Deno, such as its secure runtime and powerful typing capabilities. It demonstrates how Deno can be used to create and modify Kubernetes objects, and emphasizes the advantages of using a general-purpose language for configuration. The Talk concludes by discussing the potential applications of this approach beyond Kubernetes deployments.
Serverless for Frontends
DevOps.js Conf 2022DevOps.js Conf 2022
8 min
Serverless for Frontends
Welcome to my session on Serverless for Front-ends. Serverless functions eliminate the need for a runtime and handle orchestration for you. Microfrontends require a runtime and orchestration, but side-less UIs provide a runtime-free solution. In the demo, a new team adds functionality to an application and publishes it easily. Building and deploying applications is quick and easy with micro apps and PowerCLI, offering true loose coupling and instant availability without a runtime.
Gaming the System: How Video Games Can Help us Create More Effective Virtual Teams
DevOps.js Conf 2022DevOps.js Conf 2022
7 min
Gaming the System: How Video Games Can Help us Create More Effective Virtual Teams
Today's Talk explores the lessons that video games can teach us about building virtual teams. The impact of communication on software development is discussed, highlighting the importance of understanding software for successful deployment. The concept of collective intelligence is introduced, emphasizing the role of social perceptiveness, cognitive diversity, and equal distribution of communication. The Talk also emphasizes the need to optimize team performance with key metrics and suggests keeping teams small and cross-functional to enable easy communication and lower cognitive loads.
Optimize Node.js Development Workflows in Kubernetes with Skaffold and Rancher Desktop
DevOps.js Conf 2022DevOps.js Conf 2022
9 min
Optimize Node.js Development Workflows in Kubernetes with Skaffold and Rancher Desktop
Lucan de Muela discusses how to optimize Node.js development workflows in Kubernetes using Scaffold and Rancher Desktop. He highlights the developer experience, cluster management simplification with Rancher Desktop, and build/release workflow optimization with Scaffold. He also mentions the ability to update Kubernetes versions and choose a container runtime, as well as the option to reset the cluster for a safe development environment.
Releasing JavaScript Applications Faster with Feature Flags
DevOps.js Conf 2022DevOps.js Conf 2022
10 min
Releasing JavaScript Applications Faster with Feature Flags
Welcome to the Releasing React Apps Faster with Feature Flags talk. Feature flags alleviate problems in the development process by allowing for the creation of feature flags instead of branches. By using feature flags, incomplete versions can be deployed, reviewed, approved, merged, and deployed without errors for customers. Feature flags also enable low-risk deployments, testing in production, gradual release processes, and the ability to quickly turn off features if issues arise.
1001 Packages – Strategies for Managing Monorepos
DevOps.js Conf 2022DevOps.js Conf 2022
24 min
1001 Packages – Strategies for Managing Monorepos
This Talk discusses strategies for managing monorepos, including release strategies, building strategies, development processes, and linking packages. The speaker highlights the challenges and complexities of monorepos, such as large codebases and potential coupling of software parts. They also mention the importance of suitable tooling for successful monorepo management and the potential for standardization in the future. Additionally, the speaker shares their personal journey in programming, starting at a young age and expressing their love for the field.
The Inner Workings of Vite Build
DevOps.js Conf 2022DevOps.js Conf 2022
31 min
The Inner Workings of Vite Build
Welcome to vidBuild, a tool that optimizes your application for production by offering fast hodgemodule replacement and support for various technologies. The build process in vidBuild involves optimizing and minifying assets, bundling JS and CSS, and generating chunks for dynamic imports. The pipeline in vidBuild includes plugins for alias, resolution, CSS modules, and asset handling. Vid is a complete build tool with a flexible plugin system and support from a vibrant community. Vite's plugin API is compatible with Rollup, and Vite aims for simplicity while pushing complexity to the plugin system.
Fine-tuning DevOps for People over Perfection
DevOps.js Conf 2022DevOps.js Conf 2022
33 min
Fine-tuning DevOps for People over Perfection
Top Content
DevOps is a journey that varies for each company, and remote work makes transformation challenging. Pull requests can be frustrating and slow, but success stories like Mateo Colia's company show the benefits of deploying every day. Challenges with tools and vulnerabilities require careful consideration and prioritization. Investing in documentation and people is important for efficient workflows and team growth. Trust is more important than excessive control when deploying to production.
pnpm – a Fast, Disk Space Efficient Package Manager for JavaScript
DevOps.js Conf 2022DevOps.js Conf 2022
31 min
pnpm – a Fast, Disk Space Efficient Package Manager for JavaScript
pnpm is a fast and efficient package manager that gained popularity in 2021 and is used by big tech companies like Microsoft and TikTok. It has a unique isolated node module structure that prevents package conflicts and ensures each project only has access to its own dependencies. pnpm also offers superior monorepo support with its node module structure. It solves the disk space usage issue by using a content addressable storage, reducing disk space consumption. pnpm is incredibly fast due to its installation process and deterministic node module structure. It also allows file linking using hardlinks instead of symlinks.
It's a Jungle Out There: What's Really Going on Inside Your Node_Modules Folder
DevOps.js Conf 2022DevOps.js Conf 2022
32 min
It's a Jungle Out There: What's Really Going on Inside Your Node_Modules Folder
The Talk discusses the recent compromise of the UA parser.js package and the need for supply chain security in the open source community. It explores the reasons for security risks in open source and the need for a new approach to detect and block malicious dependencies. The different attack vectors and maintainer vulnerabilities are also discussed. The speaker emphasizes the importance of evaluating packages and protecting your app, as well as the need for a mindset shift in how we view open source. The Talk concludes with an introduction to Socket.dev, a tool focused on supply chain attack detection.
Enter CDK: What this Means for the World of IaC
DevOps.js Conf 2022DevOps.js Conf 2022
13 min
Enter CDK: What this Means for the World of IaC
AWS CDK is a concept that allows you to use coding languages to create infrastructure as code, making it more flexible and powerful than traditional config languages. CDK offers benefits such as improved developer experience, multi-regional deployments, and a programmatic approach to infrastructure as code. It is a suitable choice for AWS users, particularly those familiar with CloudFormation. CDK can be used to migrate from CloudFormation to a more efficient and user-friendly infrastructure management tool. CDK also provides drift detection and supports multi-region deployment, making it a popular choice for managing infrastructure on AWS.
Monitoring Errors and Slowdowns Across JS Applications
DevOps.js Conf 2022DevOps.js Conf 2022
8 min
Monitoring Errors and Slowdowns Across JS Applications
Sentry is an error monitoring platform that helps developers optimize the customer experience by alerting them of errors and slowdowns. It supports all major languages and frameworks, with a focus on error monitoring, performance monitoring, and release health. The Talk explores how Sentry organizes and represents error data, analyzes error details and tags, and investigates backend issues, performance problems, and release health. Collaboration with backend teams is emphasized to resolve issues and optimize transaction time. The Talk also highlights the importance of analyzing graphs, issues, and regressions to identify areas for improvement in release health.
A Simple, Yet Powerful Approach to Clean Code!
DevOps.js Conf 2022DevOps.js Conf 2022
8 min
A Simple, Yet Powerful Approach to Clean Code!
This Talk introduces the concept of CleanCode in DevOps workflows, highlighting the benefits of efficient and maintainable code. The use of SonarCloud and the Sonar Solution is showcased as an easy way to add clean code to the workflow, providing valuable insights and metrics. Analyzing pull requests and triaging issues is emphasized as a proactive approach to catching and correcting code issues before they reach the main branch.
All About Dependencies
DevOps.js Conf 2022DevOps.js Conf 2022
8 min
All About Dependencies
Today's presentation discusses the role of dependencies in software development, including different types of dependencies and their impact on development and maintenance. The talk also highlights incidents related to software dependencies, such as naming disputes and compromised credentials, which have led to system failures and security breaches. Efforts are being made to address these issues with tools like X-Ray and scorecards that provide analysis and insights for improvement.
Independence: What Does It Mean For DevOps?
DevOps.js Conf 2022DevOps.js Conf 2022
6 min
Independence: What Does It Mean For DevOps?
Vulture is a powerful and flexible cloud platform that offers an easy-to-use control panel, custom ISOs, and automatic backups. The Vultr Marketplace provides a wide range of applications for easy deployment and provisioning. Vultr also offers enterprise-grade networking options and has 23 locations available. Users can start with Vultr using a coupon code to get $150 of free credit.
How to Secure Your Node.js Containers on Kubernetes With Best Practices
DevOps.js Conf 2022DevOps.js Conf 2022
34 min
How to Secure Your Node.js Containers on Kubernetes With Best Practices
Today's talk is about securing Kubernetes containers, especially for Node.js. The best practices for securing Kubernetes include using RBAC, OIDC, and secrets, as well as isolating workloads and securing container images. OADC is recommended for authentication in Kubernetes, and securing the Kubernetes cluster is crucial. Cloud-based Kubernetes clusters can utilize OADC or the default authentication mechanism provided by the cloud provider. Managing team size and dealing with different security philosophies are important considerations. Overall, securing Kubernetes is essential for protecting the infrastructure and data.
Why is CI so Damn Slow?
DevOps.js Conf 2022DevOps.js Conf 2022
27 min
Why is CI so Damn Slow?
Slow CI has a negative impact on productivity and finances. Debugging CI workflows and tool slowness is even worse. Dependencies impact CI and waiting for NPM or YARN is frustrating. The ideal CI job involves native programs for static jobs and lightweight environments for dynamic jobs. Improving formatter performance and linting is a priority. Performance optimization and fast tools are essential for CI and developers using slower hardware.
The Zen of Yarn
DevOps.js Conf 2022DevOps.js Conf 2022
31 min
The Zen of Yarn
Let's talk about React and TypeScript, Yarn's philosophy and long-term relevance, stability and error handling in Yarn, Yarn's behavior and open source sustainability, investing in maintenance and future contributors, contributing to the JavaScript ecosystem, open-source contribution experience, maintaining naming consistency in large projects, version consistency and strictness in Yarn, and Yarn 4 experiments for performance improvement.
Evolving the Node HTTP Client with undici
Node Congress 2022Node Congress 2022
35 min
Evolving the Node HTTP Client with undici
Top Content
The Talk discusses the current state of the Node HTTP client and the problems it faces, including the lack of support for HTTP pipelining and the intrinsic link between request and response objects. The speaker introduces the library Indichy, which aims to provide a more user-friendly API for HTTP in Node. The Talk highlights the performance advantages of using WebAssembly in the Umidigi HTTP client and the plans to include it in Node Core. The speaker also mentions the support for signals and the ability to post requests in Umidigi. Additionally, the Talk covers the customization options in Undici, the different types of dispatchers available, and the potential inclusion of Indichy in Node Core. Future plans include support for HTTP 2 and 3, DNS lookup enhancements, and improvements to fetch and pool scheduling. The Talk concludes by discussing the differences in TCP implementations across operating systems and the considerations for adding Web APIs and standards to Node Core.
A Glimpse Into the Future of Fullstack Development with Blitz.js
Node Congress 2022Node Congress 2022
32 min
A Glimpse Into the Future of Fullstack Development with Blitz.js
Today's Talk introduced Bleeds.js, a full-stack React framework built on top of Next.js. It eliminates the need for an API layer, allowing server code to run directly from the frontend. The Blitz framework is pivoting towards a framework-agnostic toolkit to bring more people to Bleeds and decouple it from any specific runtime. The new Bleed toolkit will include core features like zero API data layer and authentication, with additional features like JWT authentication and advanced data-aware authorization. The audience showed interest in the Blitz Pivot concept and the ETA for the stable 1.0 release is the end of March.
Serverless in Production, Lessons from the Trenches
Node Congress 2022Node Congress 2022
34 min
Serverless in Production, Lessons from the Trenches
This Talk provides valuable insights for those considering serverless in 2022, with a focus on troubleshooting and observability using Lumigo. It emphasizes the use of multiple AWS accounts and Org Formation for better control and scalability. Security considerations include securely loading secrets at runtime and implementing zero-trust networking. Optimizing Lambda performance is discussed, along with updates on serverless frameworks and the role of Terraform. The Talk also compares Honeycomb and Lumigo for observability in serverless applications.
A Comparison of Web Workers
Node Congress 2022Node Congress 2022
25 min
A Comparison of Web Workers
This Talk compares web workers, including dedicated workers, shared workers, and service workers. Web workers provide multithreading capabilities and use shared memory for higher performance. Dedicated workers have one parent and can execute on a separate thread. Shared workers can have multiple parents and are useful for communication across different windows. Service workers can intercept and proxy requests made from a web page and are useful for caching network assets and building progressive web apps.
Write Node like it's 2022
Node Congress 2022Node Congress 2022
7 min
Write Node like it's 2022
Let's write Node like it's 2022. We can now iterate over objects more easily with the for-in loop. Template literals make string concatenation and multi-line strings much simpler. The structured clone feature allows us to clone complex objects without the need for hacks like stringifying and parsing. Default parameters in JavaScript are now much more convenient. Async await eliminates the need for callbacks. Arrow functions inherit the scope, eliminating the need for 'this equals that'. Const prevents variable reassignment. Let helps catch errors earlier. Write code like it's 2022!
Understanding JavaScript Compilation
Node Congress 2022Node Congress 2022
8 min
Understanding JavaScript Compilation
Today's Talk explores the concepts of compilation and transpilation in JavaScript, highlighting the three steps involved: parsing, code transformation, and code generation. The process of traversing an abstract syntax tree is discussed, with examples of tools like Babel and ESLint that can be used for code transformations. Code transformation tools and techniques, such as CodeShift and T-TypeScript plugin, are introduced, emphasizing the power of abstract syntax trees and the visitor pattern. The summary concludes by encouraging further exploration of code refactoring and transformations using tools like Babel, TSLint, and astexplorer.net.
High Performance Node.js Powered by Rust and WebAssembly
Node Congress 2022Node Congress 2022
8 min
High Performance Node.js Powered by Rust and WebAssembly
This talk explores using Rust and WebAssembly to enhance the performance of Node.js applications. By leveraging Rust's efficiency and safety features, and compiling it into WebAssembly bytecode, developers can achieve high-performance computations while ensuring security. WebAssembly enables direct communication with native hardware and is optimized for server-side applications, making it suitable for tasks like AI inference and storage databases. Overall, this talk highlights the potential of combining JavaScript, Rust, and WebAssembly to build performant and portable applications.
The Secret Life of Package Managers
Node Congress 2022Node Congress 2022
9 min
The Secret Life of Package Managers
npm install can be a mysterious process, but understanding how package managers work is essential. NPM solved problems like large node_modules, circular dependencies, and multiple instances of the same package. Managing package versions and conflicts is crucial for consistency across projects. Alternative approaches to package management, like PNPM and Yarn2, provide insights into the hidden complexities of package managers.
Orders & Magnitude
Node Congress 2022Node Congress 2022
7 min
Orders & Magnitude
The Talk discusses the relationship between complexity and collaboration in software development. It highlights that collaboration is not always the answer to solving problems and that communication is crucial in software development. The concept of collective intelligence is introduced, which describes a group's capability to perform well together across tasks. The study mentioned in the Talk shows that collective intelligence is transferable among tasks, and skilled players rely on nonverbal cues and understanding the software. Lack of understanding can lead to difficulties in team performance and deployment.
Five Ways of Taking Advantage of Verdaccio, Your Private and Proxy Node.js Registry
Node Congress 2022Node Congress 2022
32 min
Five Ways of Taking Advantage of Verdaccio, Your Private and Proxy Node.js Registry
Verdash is a lightweight and proxy private Node.js registry that allows you to host and publish private packages. It offers five ways to use it, including publishing packages with npm workspaces and handling conflicts. Verdash improves project productivity and continuous integration by caching dependencies and versions. Security considerations are important, and Verdash provides security features like rate limiting. It can be used as a registry for open source projects and offers flexibility and customization options.
The Road to JSON Import Support in Node.js
Node Congress 2022Node Congress 2022
16 min
The Road to JSON Import Support in Node.js
This Talk discusses the road to JSON import support in NodeJS, covering the history and implementation of JSON modules. It explores security concerns and the proposal for import assertions. The Talk also explains how to use JSON modules in NetJS and the availability of support in different browsers. It mentions working with dynamic imports and future plans for adding more modules in Node Core. Additionally, it addresses the syntax differences between ESM and CommonJS and the challenges of overcoming them.
Server-side Auth with Remix, Prisma, and the Web Platform
Node Congress 2022Node Congress 2022
34 min
Server-side Auth with Remix, Prisma, and the Web Platform
Top Content
This Talk is about server-side authentication with Remix, Prisma, and the web platform. It covers adding authentication to a Remix app, troubleshooting and login setup, handling user login and session creation, creating user sessions and redirects, handling user ID retrieval and validation, and working with cookies in Remix. The speaker emphasizes that Remix is ready for production and suitable for enterprise apps. Remix simplifies the mental model and improves performance by bridging the network gap between the front end and back end.
Node.js Compatibility in Deno
Node Congress 2022Node Congress 2022
34 min
Node.js Compatibility in Deno
Deno aims to provide Node.js compatibility to make migration smoother and easier. While Deno can run apps and libraries offered for Node.js, not all are supported yet. There are trade-offs to consider, such as incompatible APIs and a less ideal developer experience. Deno is working on improving compatibility and the transition process. Efforts include porting Node.js modules, exploring a superset approach, and transparent package installation from npm.
The Future of JavaScript Runtimes
Node Congress 2022Node Congress 2022
34 min
The Future of JavaScript Runtimes
Today's Talk explores the future of JavaScript runtimes, their evolution, and impact on software development. It discusses the historical trends of JavaScript, the adoption of new tools and libraries, and the convergence of Node and Deno. The emergence of isolate clouds and their potential to replace traditional VMs and containers is also highlighted. Additionally, the talk touches on the possibilities of JavaScript in exotic use cases, its impact on machine learning, and the potential for TypeScript to become the de facto language for JavaScript development.
The Evolution of Deploying Node on Servers and Platforms
Node Congress 2022Node Congress 2022
8 min
The Evolution of Deploying Node on Servers and Platforms
Today's talk covers the evolution of deploying Node on servers and platforms, including physical servers, monolith servers, PaaS, containers, and serverless. Node deployment has become easier over the years thanks to the evolution of Node.js. Each deployment method has its pros and cons, with serverless offering lower costs and simpler backend code. However, it also has drawbacks like vendor locking and unsuitability for long-term tasks. Overall, Node.js deployment has evolved from on-premise to containers to serverless.
Automated Application Security Testing with StackHawk
Node Congress 2022Node Congress 2022
9 min
Automated Application Security Testing with StackHawk
StackHawk is a dynamic application security testing tool that integrates with CI-CD workflows and simplifies finding and fixing security issues. The scan results include detailed descriptions of identified issues, along with links and request/response details for replaying the attack. The StackHawk YAML configuration allows for specifying application location, environment, and additional options for authentication and scanning exclusions.
Monitoring Errors and Slowdowns with a JS Frontend and Node Backend
Node Congress 2022Node Congress 2022
8 min
Monitoring Errors and Slowdowns with a JS Frontend and Node Backend
Sentry is code monitoring for developers, specifically designed for the application layer. It helps identify error details, frequency, release, user information, and stack trace. Source maps can be uploaded to see the original source code and suspect commits can be identified. Performance monitoring helps identify slowdowns and determine the cause. Automating alerts and investigating errors helps gain instant context and trace errors across different projects.
How to Register a Domain Using Node and the DNSimple API in 5 min
Node Congress 2022Node Congress 2022
6 min
How to Register a Domain Using Node and the DNSimple API in 5 min
Today's Talk is a demo of the DnSimple node client, including the installation process, authentication, domain availability check, and registration. The speaker emphasizes testing in the sandbox environment before moving to production. Setting up DNS records and registering domains are also covered, with the importance of verifying the code's functionality. Additional information about other clients and the DNSimple API is available at dnsimple.com/API.
Out of the Box Node.js Diagnostics
Node Congress 2022Node Congress 2022
34 min
Out of the Box Node.js Diagnostics
This talk covers various techniques for getting diagnostics information out of Node.js, including debugging with environment variables, handling warnings and deprecations, tracing uncaught exceptions and process exit, using the v8 inspector and dev tools, and generating diagnostic reports. The speaker also mentions areas for improvement in Node.js diagnostics and provides resources for learning and contributing. Additionally, the responsibilities of the Technical Steering Committee in the TS community are discussed.
Mastering Error Handling Node.js
Node Congress 2022Node Congress 2022
21 min
Mastering Error Handling Node.js
Top Content
This Talk explores error handling in Node.js, including types of errors, handling techniques, and debugging. It discusses the use of exceptions, callbacks, and promises for error handling. The importance of proper error handling and the benefits of using error classes, expressive error messages, and automated testing are emphasized. The speaker also addresses the use of TypeScript and test-driven development for error prevention. Overall, the Talk provides valuable insights and techniques for mastering error handling in Node.js.
Database Access on the Edge with Cloudflare Workers & Prisma
Node Congress 2022Node Congress 2022
31 min
Database Access on the Edge with Cloudflare Workers & Prisma
This Talk discusses database access on the edge with CloudFlare workers and the challenges of serverless platforms. It explores solutions for database access, including CloudFlare-specific solutions and using Prisma data proxy. The Prisma toolkit and demo are showcased, demonstrating how to convert an application to use a database. The process of setting up Prisma Data Platform and deploying the application to CloudFlare workers is explained. The Talk concludes with insights on database usage and the differences between serverless, CDN, and the Edge.
Static first websites with Cloudflare Workers
Node Congress 2022Node Congress 2022
30 min
Static first websites with Cloudflare Workers
The Talk covers the historical landscape of web development, the rise of static site generators, the serverless revolution, edge computing, and using Cloudflare services to enhance static websites. It explores the challenges of early web development, the shift to static sites and client-side rendering, and the advantages of server-side and client-side rendering. It also discusses Cloudflare services like Cloudflare workers, KV, durable objects, and HTML rewriter for building fast and minimal hosting solutions. The Talk highlights the use of DurableObjects for analytics and integration, dynamic content on static sites, JAMstack, and the advantages of using Cloudflare Workers for automatic deployment, multiple language support, and combining static pages with JavaScript functions. It introduces the concept of edge computing and the difference between Cloudflare Pages and Workers. It also touches on error handling and the use of HTML rewriter, Cloudflare KVstore, and DurableObjects for managing state and storing dynamic data.
Towards a Standard Library for JavaScript Runtimes
Node Congress 2022Node Congress 2022
34 min
Towards a Standard Library for JavaScript Runtimes
Top Content
There is a need for a standard library of APIs for JavaScript runtimes, as there are currently multiple ways to perform fundamental tasks like base64 encoding. JavaScript runtimes have historically lacked a standard library, causing friction and difficulty for developers. The idea of a small core has both benefits and drawbacks, with some runtimes abusing it to limit innovation. There is a misalignment between Node and web browsers in terms of functionality and API standards. The proposal is to involve browser developers in conversations about API standardization and to create a common standard library for JavaScript runtimes.
All You (n)ever Wanted to Know about Introspection
GraphQL Galaxy 2021GraphQL Galaxy 2021
20 min
All You (n)ever Wanted to Know about Introspection
Introspection in GraphQL allows APIs to be self-aware and self-discoverable. It eliminates the need for external standards or documentation and provides detailed information about types and fields. The introspection query provides insights into the schema, and GraphQL Tools allows schema transformation. The introspection result can be used for generating powerful tooling and detecting breaking changes in CI/CD pipelines.
Semantic Search through the Complete Wikipedia with Weaviate’s GraphQL API
GraphQL Galaxy 2021GraphQL Galaxy 2021
17 min
Semantic Search through the Complete Wikipedia with Weaviate’s GraphQL API
Weaviate is a database and search engine that uses a GraphQL API. It supports various machine learning models for data vectorization and search. The core functions of Weaviate are get, explore, and aggregate, which allow users to query and search through the data set. Weaviate provides fast and accurate results, allowing users to find anything in the dataset. The GraphQL API in Weaviate can be used for querying specific data and establishing graph relations.
GraphQL + Apollo + Next.js: A Lovely Trio
GraphQL Galaxy 2021GraphQL Galaxy 2021
21 min
GraphQL + Apollo + Next.js: A Lovely Trio
This talk provides an overview of using GraphQL, Apollo, and Next.js together. It covers Next.js' data loading and routing capabilities, code generation with GraphQL, and generating TypeScript types. The talk also explores Apollo Client and its integration with GraphQL code generation. The speaker recommends checking out companion repositories and resources for more information.
The Secret to Graph Onboarding
GraphQL Galaxy 2021GraphQL Galaxy 2021
24 min
The Secret to Graph Onboarding
Today's Talk focused on making GraphQL graphs more usable and approachable. It covered topics such as onboarding developers, enforcing graph usage, handling errors and authentication, creating a custom developer portal, enhancing the log-in button and query IDE experience, enforcing rules, and building and customizing public graphs.
GraphQL Caching Demystified
GraphQL Galaxy 2021GraphQL Galaxy 2021
21 min
GraphQL Caching Demystified
Today's Talk focuses on GraphQL caching and improving performance using Fastify and Mercurius. The experiment involves federated services, resolver caching, and load testing with AutoCANON. Enabling caching with a 0 second TTL can increase throughput by 4 times. The AsyncCacheDedupe module allows for efficient caching and avoiding unnecessary computations. Redis pipelining has improved requests per second by 100 times. Cache invalidation is an ongoing topic of development.
GraphQL Authentication and Authorization at Scale
GraphQL Galaxy 2021GraphQL Galaxy 2021
22 min
GraphQL Authentication and Authorization at Scale
This talk discusses the implementation of GraphQL Authentication and Authorization at scale at Unity. The speaker explains how they use GraphQL Federation to expose business functionality through a centralized schema and the challenges they faced in handling auth at scale. They describe how they simplified configuration and scaling using Mercurius and implemented hooks and an Orth plugin. The implementation at Unity involves a Unity Orth endpoint and a central Unity Orth directive definition. The talk also covers the implementation of AuthPolicyHandler and AuthDirective for downstream services and showcases different access levels. The Mercurius Auth plugin provides a scalable approach to authentication and ongoing improvements include adding support for a filter schema.
Directive-driven GraphQL Development
GraphQL Galaxy 2021GraphQL Galaxy 2021
21 min
Directive-driven GraphQL Development
Lenny Burdett discusses Directive-Driven GraphQL, a prototype for building GraphQL APIs. The approach involves adding and removing parts of the schema, and offers advantages over imperative systems. The prototype integrates GraphQL with gRPC, allowing for easy editing and reshaping of the schema. The gRPC DSL and directives determine the behavior of the API. The directive-driven approach also supports Apollo Federation and future work includes support for GraphQL unions and real-time data subscriptions.
Serving GraphQL Subscriptions Using PHP and Drupal
GraphQL Galaxy 2021GraphQL Galaxy 2021
7 min
Serving GraphQL Subscriptions Using PHP and Drupal
This Lightning Talk discusses the setup of GraphQL subscriptions in a Drupal-based product, using Rescript and React on the client-side and the Urql GraphQL client. The choice of ReactPHP over AMP for the subscription service is explained, highlighting the use of Fibers in PHP 8.1 for asynchronous task handling.
How to Make GraphQL Security Easier with StackHawk
GraphQL Galaxy 2021GraphQL Galaxy 2021
9 min
How to Make GraphQL Security Easier with StackHawk
StackHawk is a dynamic application security testing tool that integrates with CI/CD workflows and helps developers quickly understand and fix security issues. It can be used to test running HTTP applications and API endpoints for security bugs, and provides simple descriptions and examples of security issues. The talk demonstrates testing a blog service with StackHawk, which identified critical security vulnerabilities like SQL injection and remote OS command injection. StackHawk allows developers to easily investigate and fix these issues by providing well-formatted requests and allowing for easy replay in the application.
Performance Monitoring of a Heterogeneous GraphQL Mesh App
GraphQL Galaxy 2021GraphQL Galaxy 2021
8 min
Performance Monitoring of a Heterogeneous GraphQL Mesh App
Performance monitoring is crucial for businesses as users don't like to wait. The ApolloEngine tool helps track and analyze metrics, revealing response time variances and other information. Instana combines traces for service communication with infrastructure metrics and end user monitoring, implementing open telemetry. Apollo Studio is great for managing the GraphQL schema and provides full observability, enabling efficient root cause analysis.
Scalable GraphQL Applications Powered by Cloud-ready Distributed SQL Database
GraphQL Galaxy 2021GraphQL Galaxy 2021
8 min
Scalable GraphQL Applications Powered by Cloud-ready Distributed SQL Database
YugabyteDB is an open-source distributed SQL database that offers horizontal scalability and geo-distribution while maintaining Postgres compatibility. It enables building scalable and always-on GraphQL services by allowing the workload to be scaled through the addition of new nodes and deployment across different regions or clouds. YugabyteDB also supports geo-partitioning and data compliance. It can easily handle increasing GraphQL workloads and can be tried out by downloading the database or using the Yugabyte Cloud platform.
Building a Serverless GraphQL API in 7 Minutes
GraphQL Galaxy 2021GraphQL Galaxy 2021
8 min
Building a Serverless GraphQL API in 7 Minutes
Maxime Beunier, a developer advocate at MongoDB, demonstrates how to build a serverless GraphQL API using MongoDB Atlas and Realm. He creates a new app called Galaxy, links it to the production cluster, and deploys it in Ireland. He then shows how to authenticate users and obtain a token to access the GraphQL API. The demo showcases the ease and speed of building a serverless GraphQL API and provides all the necessary links for further exploration.
Building GraphQL APIs on Ethereum
GraphQL Galaxy 2021GraphQL Galaxy 2021
8 min
Building GraphQL APIs on Ethereum
This Talk is about building GraphQL APIs on top of Ethereum and the Ethereum virtual machine. The graph is an indexing protocol for querying blockchain networks like Ethereum and IPFS. Developers can build APIs called subgraphs to efficiently index data and make it available for querying from frontend applications. The graph serves over 1 billion queries per day and is used in various Web3 applications including DeFi, gaming, and NFT marketplaces. The process involves defining the data model using the GraphQL schema and contract addresses, deploying and testing the subgraph, and using a GraphQL client to query the subgraph.
From GraphQL Zero to GraphQL Hero with RedwoodJS
GraphQL Galaxy 2021GraphQL Galaxy 2021
32 min
From GraphQL Zero to GraphQL Hero with RedwoodJS
Top Content
Tom Pressenwurter introduces Redwood.js, a full stack app framework for building GraphQL APIs easily and maintainably. He demonstrates a Redwood.js application with a React-based front end and a Node.js API. Redwood.js offers a simplified folder structure and schema for organizing the application. It provides easy data manipulation and CRUD operations through GraphQL functions. Redwood.js allows for easy implementation of new queries and directives, including authentication and limiting access to data. It is a stable and production-ready framework that integrates well with other front-end technologies.
GraphQL Security Testing Automation for Developers
GraphQL Galaxy 2021GraphQL Galaxy 2021
9 min
GraphQL Security Testing Automation for Developers
Neuraligions is a dynamic application security testing scanner designed for developers to test apps, APIs, and ensure trusted security. It seamlessly integrates into pipelines, providing accurate results without false positives. The biggest issue with security scanners is accuracy, and Neuralegion addresses this by automatically validating findings and eliminating false positives. It also provides full visibility of recurring and new issues, along with developer-friendly remediation guidelines. Integrations with common tools and APIs make collaboration seamless and accurate.
When (Not) To Create A GraphQL Server
GraphQL Galaxy 2021GraphQL Galaxy 2021
8 min
When (Not) To Create A GraphQL Server
Building a scalable GraphQL server can be challenging. There are multiple reasons to build a GraphQL server, such as optimizing client requests and wrapping microservices. The SDL first GraphQL server allows you to write your schema separately from your resolvers, giving you full control. You can create a GraphQL API automatically from a schema, simplifying the process and eliminating the need for manual deployments. The schema can link data sources and third-party APIs, allowing for easy integration and customization.
GraphQL Beyond HTTP APIs
GraphQL Galaxy 2021GraphQL Galaxy 2021
8 min
GraphQL Beyond HTTP APIs
GraphQL can be used beyond HTTP, including scenarios like WebSockets for real-time messaging. It is versatile and can handle background jobs, generate reports, export large amounts of data, and handle webhook payloads. GraphQL's support for WebAssembly allows for executing user-provided code while maintaining security and authorization.
All Things Graph...
GraphQL Galaxy 2021GraphQL Galaxy 2021
8 min
All Things Graph...
GraphQL is an up and coming trend in API development, allowing for the combination of REST endpoints into a single API call. Tyk, an open source API gateway vendor, is now offering full lifecycle API management. With GraphQL, developers can import REST APIs into Tyk and convert them into GraphQL APIs, simplifying the process and reducing the number of API calls required. This lightning talk provides a demonstration of importing IDs, defining data sources, and combining endpoints using GraphQL.
Enlist the Help of Your Schema for Caching!
GraphQL Galaxy 2021GraphQL Galaxy 2021
6 min
Enlist the Help of Your Schema for Caching!
In this lightning talk, the speaker discusses best practices for caching GraphQL APIs. They emphasize the importance of consistent naming and configuration for caching fields. Keeping types consistent and making the cache aware of the schema can improve efficiency. The speaker also suggests splitting queries to optimize caching and reduce server round trips.
Exploring the WordPress Graph with Next.js & WPGraphQL
GraphQL Galaxy 2021GraphQL Galaxy 2021
23 min
Exploring the WordPress Graph with Next.js & WPGraphQL
WordPress is widely used, and it now supports a REST API for headless usage. Serving static HTML files allows for infinite scaling and surviving viral traffic. GraphQL can be used to interface with WordPress data, reducing complexity. WordPress can be coupled with plugins like Yoast and ACF, and WPGraphQL works seamlessly with these plugins. GraphQL allows for selecting only necessary data and has performance advantages over REST APIs.
GraphQL Performance and Monitoring
GraphQL Galaxy 2021GraphQL Galaxy 2021
32 min
GraphQL Performance and Monitoring
This Talk explores the performance implications of using GraphQL in a hotel property management system. It discusses optimizing GraphQL API calls, schema design, and caching using Data Loader. The use of automatic persisted queries and caching can improve performance. The impact of response size and pagination in GraphQL queries is also addressed. Additionally, the Talk emphasizes the importance of monitoring and testing queries, as well as improving perceived performance through visual feedback.
Putting the Graph In GraphQL With The Neo4j GraphQL Library
GraphQL Galaxy 2021GraphQL Galaxy 2021
23 min
Putting the Graph In GraphQL With The Neo4j GraphQL Library
The Talk discusses putting the graph in GraphQL with the Neo4j GraphQL Library. It explores building GraphQL APIs backed by a graph database and the comparison between Cypher and GraphQL. The Neo4j GraphQL library provides powerful features such as CRUD functionality, authorization, and pagination. It also covers topics like database integration, hiring for the GraphQL team, and deploying a GraphQL API with the Neo4j GraphQL library.
Evaluating GraphQL for Setting Up an Enterprise-Grade Data Mesh
GraphQL Galaxy 2021GraphQL Galaxy 2021
24 min
Evaluating GraphQL for Setting Up an Enterprise-Grade Data Mesh
This Talk explores the benefits of using GraphQL APIs for data, including representing domain models, addressing API tooling and infrastructure, and supporting interconnected data. It discusses model mapping, read APIs, filtering, sorting, and aggregating data, as well as mutations for invoking logic. The Talk also highlights the importance of standardizing infrastructure and leveraging GraphQL's automatic model mapping and authorization. Additionally, it touches on the use of specialized databases, the comparison between GraphQL and gRPC for data APIs, and the speaker's experience working on various parts of the stack.
Tooling and Processes for Managing GraphQL at Scale
GraphQL Galaxy 2021GraphQL Galaxy 2021
18 min
Tooling and Processes for Managing GraphQL at Scale
This talk discusses the life of a GraphQL developer at Yelp, covering tooling, processes, and the scale of GraphQL usage. It emphasizes the importance of making good schema choices and using GraphQL Faker for quick iteration. The talk also highlights the challenges of using data loaders at Yelp and the solutions implemented, such as code generation and precommits. It mentions the significance of schema review, documentation, and GraphQL adoption. Lastly, it mentions the value of obsessive documentation and the use of vPress for generating markdown and an in-house UI for query reference.
How to Edge Cache GraphQL APIs
GraphQL Galaxy 2021GraphQL Galaxy 2021
23 min
How to Edge Cache GraphQL APIs
Max Stoiber, co-founder of GraphCDN, discusses the challenges faced with RethinkDB and the need for caching in a read-heavy API. He explores how GraphQL clients handle caching and the potential of running a GraphQL client at the edge for faster response times. Authorization and cache key management at the edge are also discussed, along with the benefits of edge-caching and the importance of caching in GraphQL APIs. The audience response reveals that a significant percentage are already caching their APIs, while different use cases for caching and the concept of edge computing are explained.
Batteries Included Reimagined - The Revival of GraphQL Yoga
GraphQL Galaxy 2021GraphQL Galaxy 2021
33 min
Batteries Included Reimagined - The Revival of GraphQL Yoga
Envelope is a powerful GraphQL plugin system that simplifies server development and allows for powerful plugin integration. It provides conformity for large corporations with multiple GraphQL servers and can be used with various frameworks. Envelope acts as the Babel of GraphQL, allowing the use of non-spec features. The Guild offers GraphQL Hive, a service similar to Apollo Studio, and encourages collaboration with other frameworks and languages.
GraphQL for Web and Mobile Apps Made Simple
GraphQL Galaxy 2021GraphQL Galaxy 2021
6 min
GraphQL for Web and Mobile Apps Made Simple
Enhost provides a simple and accessible GraphQL backend for web and mobile apps. They offer a serverless infrastructure, taking care of setup and configuration, allowing developers to focus on app development. Enhost's stack includes a Postgres database, a Hasura-powered GraphQL API, Hasura Auth for authentication, Hasura Storage for file uploads, and support for functions in Node.js and Go. The backend is 100% open-source and includes features like event triggers, a CLI for local development, and GitHub integration. With Enhost, there are no excuses not to use GraphQL and build apps that users will love.
Adopting GraphQL in an Enterprise
GraphQL Galaxy 2021GraphQL Galaxy 2021
32 min
Adopting GraphQL in an Enterprise
Today's Talk is about adopting GraphQL in an enterprise. It discusses the challenges of using REST APIs and the benefits of GraphQL. The Talk explores different approaches to adopting GraphQL, including coexistence with REST APIs. It emphasizes the power of GraphQL and provides tips for successful adoption. Overall, the Talk highlights the advantages of GraphQL in terms of efficiency, collaboration, and control over APIs.
Effective Performance Testing to your Server with Autocannon
TestJS Summit 2021TestJS Summit 2021
36 min
Effective Performance Testing to your Server with Autocannon
Top Content
Tamar is an experienced code writer and architect with expertise in Node.js. Performance testing can be confusing, but understanding terms like throughput and the 99th percentile is crucial. The 99th percentile is important for making commitments and ensuring customer satisfaction. AutoCanon is a powerful tool for simulating requests and analyzing server performance. It can be installed globally or used as a library in Node.js. Autocannon is preferred over Gatling for performance testing and can be integrated with end-to-end tests in Cypress.
Test your UI in the REAL Browser
TestJS Summit 2021TestJS Summit 2021
33 min
Test your UI in the REAL Browser
Storybook is a powerful tool for building UI components and testing them. It allows for easy reuse and compatibility with other tools. Storybook 6.4 introduces interactive stories and live coding, making it easier to create and debug complex components. It also integrates with popular testing libraries like Jest and Testing Library. Storybook aims to bridge the gap between end-to-end testing and unit testing, providing automated testing options for UI components.
Configuring Axe Accessibility Tests
TestJS Summit 2021TestJS Summit 2021
30 min
Configuring Axe Accessibility Tests
Top Content
AXe is an accessibility engine for automated web UI testing that runs a set of rules to test for accessibility problems. It can be configured to disable or enable specific rules and run based on tags. Axe provides various options, but axe linter does not support all options. The importance of investing time and resources in accessibility is emphasized, as it benefits not only those with disabilities but improves the web for everyone. Manual testing is also highlighted as a necessary complement to automated tests for addressing accessibility issues.
Who is Testing the Tests?
TestJS Summit 2021TestJS Summit 2021
8 min
Who is Testing the Tests?
Mutation testing is a method to improve test quality by inserting bugs into code to test if tests can detect them. Mutation-testing frameworks like Striker.js allow for various mutations to be performed. Mutation testing provides a mutation score that is a better tool than code coverage for measuring test quality. It can help identify missing tests or bugs in existing tests. Stryker is recommended for JavaScript and TypeScript mutation testing.
How to Catch a11y Defects During Unit and E2E Testing
TestJS Summit 2021TestJS Summit 2021
7 min
How to Catch a11y Defects During Unit and E2E Testing
This Talk provides ways to catch accessibility defects during testing, including adding accessibility testing to a website for Studio Ghibli using React, NX, Jazz, JazzX, Cypress, and CypressX. The importance of unitizing components and conducting end-to-end testing with Cypress and CypressX is emphasized to ensure accessibility. The process of setting up CypressX testing is explained, highlighting the use of typings and the CypressX support file. These tools make it easier for developers to avoid accessibility bugs during development.
Visual Regression with Puppeteer, Playwright and Cypress
TestJS Summit 2021TestJS Summit 2021
9 min
Visual Regression with Puppeteer, Playwright and Cypress
Top Content
Hello, I'm Rainer Haneckamp, a trainer and consultant at Angular Architects. In this talk, we'll explore visual regression testing using tools like Puppeteer, Playwright, and Cypress. We'll learn how to use Storybook and Puppeteer with Jest for visual regression testing. We'll also see how Jest and Playwright can be used together for visual regression testing. Finally, we'll discover how to use Cypress for visual regression testing. Thank you for watching!
E2E Tests for API – Saving Nerves and Hours
TestJS Summit 2021TestJS Summit 2021
8 min
E2E Tests for API – Saving Nerves and Hours
This Talk discusses the use of end-to-end tests for API development, specifically using the Nest.js framework. The process of initializing the Nest API for testing is explained, along with customization options such as overriding authentication guards. The benefits of end-to-end tests are highlighted, including ease of modification and serving as additional documentation for the API. The challenges of writing the initial version of the test and a trick for mocking the date in tests are also mentioned.
Tests That Help you Find Defects Faster
TestJS Summit 2021TestJS Summit 2021
21 min
Tests That Help you Find Defects Faster
This talk covers tests that help find defects faster, focusing on test case assertions, improving test failure context, test code structure, and the dangers of extracting code in tests. It emphasizes the importance of small tests, test isolation, and using TDD. The benefits of TDD and testable automation are discussed, along with setting up an engineering workflow and the use of mocking. Overall, the talk provides valuable insights into writing effective tests and ensuring code quality.
It's a (Testing) Trap! - Common Testing Pitfalls and How to Solve Them
TestJS Summit 2021TestJS Summit 2021
20 min
It's a (Testing) Trap! - Common Testing Pitfalls and How to Solve Them
This Talk explores the pain points and best practices in software testing, emphasizing the importance of simplicity and comprehensibility in test design. It discusses techniques such as the three-part rule for test titles, the triple-A pattern for test structure, and the use of clear and descriptive names in tests. The Talk also highlights the traps of testing implementation details and using fixed waiting times. The speaker encourages teamwork and learning from experience to improve testing practices.
Predictive Testing in JavaScript with Machine Learning
TestJS Summit 2021TestJS Summit 2021
18 min
Predictive Testing in JavaScript with Machine Learning
This Talk explores the benefits of introducing machine learning to software testing, including automating test case generation and achieving close to 100% code coverage. AI is being used to automate test generation, improve regression testing, and make predictions in automation testing. Machine learning enables predictive testing by selecting tests that are more likely to uncover issues in code changes. AI-based tools are being used to generate automated tests, improve code coverage, and intelligently select tests. Companies are relying on dedicated testers and using historical code changes and test cases to generate specific test cases for relevant code changes.
Selenium 4 – What's New and How you Can Use it!
TestJS Summit 2021TestJS Summit 2021
32 min
Selenium 4 – What's New and How you Can Use it!
Selenium 4.0 introduces exciting features such as relative locators, new window APIs, event-driven code, and network interception. It aims to make automation easier with improvements in scalability, observability, and handling of windows and tabs. The focus is on improving the quality of the web and incorporating user feedback. Selenium 4.0 also offers better support for mobile testing and cloud services, with ongoing documentation improvements.
Test Effective Development
TestJS Summit 2021TestJS Summit 2021
31 min
Test Effective Development
Top Content
This Talk introduces Test Effective Development, a new approach to testing that aims to make companies more cost-effective. The speaker shares their personal journey of improving code quality and reducing bugs through smarter testing strategies. They discuss the importance of finding a balance between testing confidence and efficiency and introduce the concepts of isolated and integrated testing. The speaker also suggests different testing strategies based on the size of the application and emphasizes the need to choose cost-effective testing approaches based on the specific project requirements.
JS Do It.....Accurate Security Testing Automation for Developers
TestJS Summit 2021TestJS Summit 2021
10 min
JS Do It.....Accurate Security Testing Automation for Developers
Neuralegions is a dynamic application security testing scanner designed for developers. It allows you to build the scan surface from the first unit tests, seamlessly integrating into your pipelines. With no false positives, you can trust the output to quickly detect and fix security vulnerabilities. Eurolegion provides comprehensive coverage, supporting web apps, internal apps, and APIs. It can handle client-side dynamic content and integrates with existing functional scripts. Scans are fast and can test for business logic vulnerabilities. Authenticated scans are fully supported. The biggest issue with security scanners is accuracy. Developers want to know real issues, not hyperbole. Neuralegion focuses on removing false positives automatically. It validates every finding with a full proof of concept, eliminating the need for manual validation. Full visibility of recurring and new issues is provided, along with developer-friendly remediation guidelines. Neuralegion seamlessly integrates into your pipeline, allowing developers to shift left and scan every commit or pull request.
Why Tracing is a Lifesaver for E2E Tests of Distributed Systems?
TestJS Summit 2021TestJS Summit 2021
8 min
Why Tracing is a Lifesaver for E2E Tests of Distributed Systems?
Tandra is a company that builds modern tools for developers and QA engineers. Their flagship product, Foresight, helps monitor and debug CI-CD workflows and tests. The Talk discusses the reasons for end-to-end test failures, how to debug them, and the benefits of tracing. End-to-end tests can fail due to time-waiting issues, dependencies between tests, and inter-service communications. Debugging through logs and artifacts is possible, but tracing is more effective in uncovering root causes, especially in microservices.
Test Time Execution! Why it Can't be Ignored?
TestJS Summit 2021TestJS Summit 2021
10 min
Test Time Execution! Why it Can't be Ignored?
Lambda Test is a cloud-based continuous quality platform that addresses common challenges faced by modern QA and development teams. These challenges include the need to shorten release cycles, the increase in test execution time due to test infrastructure, and the impact of flaky tests on developer feedback and productivity. Lambda Test offers a wide range of features, including live testing for virtual machines and native app testing, automation cloud for running test suites, and integration with various tools. The platform is known for its reliability, scalability, and performance, and can be quickly onboarded and integrated with existing test suites and CI-CD tools.
Who Guards the Guards? – Finding Bugs in Your Tests
TestJS Summit 2021TestJS Summit 2021
8 min
Who Guards the Guards? – Finding Bugs in Your Tests
The Talk discusses common pitfalls of JavaScript unit testing, including issues with expectations, assertions, and missing assertions. It also highlights the importance of handling exceptions properly and introduces SonarLint as a tool for code analysis and issue fixing. Additionally, it mentions SonarCube and SonarCloud as options for integrating static analysis testing in a continuous integration pipeline.
Playwright Test Runner
TestJS Summit 2021TestJS Summit 2021
25 min
Playwright Test Runner
Top Content
The Playwright Test Runner is a cross-browser web testing framework that allows you to write tests using just a few lines of code. It supports features like parallel test execution, device emulation, and different reporters for customized output. Code-Gen is a new feature that generates code to interact with web pages. Playwright Tracing provides a powerful tool for debugging and analyzing test actions, with the ability to explore trace files using TraceViewer. Overall, Playwright Test offers installation, test authoring, debugging, and post-mortem debugging capabilities.
How Low-Code Enables Continuous Testing in DevOps
TestJS Summit 2021TestJS Summit 2021
31 min
How Low-Code Enables Continuous Testing in DevOps
Today's Talk discusses how Low Code enables continuous testing and DevOps, emphasizing the importance of test automation and the drawbacks of siloed approaches. The next era of quality engineering aims to overcome automation challenges by incorporating machine learning and intelligent automation. The development process involves local testing, pull requests, and comprehensive testing to ensure quality before merging. Low-code tools like Mable help democratize testing and achieve higher test coverage. Mable's coverage report includes performance metrics and test results, making testing easy and accessible for any team member.
Network Requests with Cypress
TestJS Summit 2021TestJS Summit 2021
33 min
Network Requests with Cypress
Top Content
Cecilia Martinez, a technical account manager at Cypress, discusses network requests in Cypress and demonstrates commands like cydot request and SCI.INTERCEPT. She also explains dynamic matching and aliasing, network stubbing, and the pros and cons of using real server responses versus stubbing. The talk covers logging request responses, testing front-end and backend API, handling list length and DOM traversal, lazy loading, and provides resources for beginners to learn Cypress.
Are we Forever Doomed to Software Supply Chain Security?
TestJS Summit 2021TestJS Summit 2021
17 min
Are we Forever Doomed to Software Supply Chain Security?
The Talk discusses the importance of software security and the risks associated with open-source software supply chains. It highlights real-world stories of developers' involvement in security incidents and emphasizes the need to trust the software we use. The Talk also addresses the vulnerabilities and targeted attacks that come with the growing dependency on open-source software. It explores the security risks in open-source dependencies, open-source ecosystems, and the future of open source software. Additionally, it provides insights into choosing the best vulnerability scanning software and promoting supply chain security practices.
Go Find What We May Have Missed!
TestJS Summit 2021TestJS Summit 2021
27 min
Go Find What We May Have Missed!
Maaret Pyhäjärvi, a principal test engineer at Vaisala, emphasizes the importance of balancing different types of testing to build better teams. Testing the application with different locations reveals potential issues with its behavior. The speaker highlights the significance of testing integrations and dependencies, including libraries and operating systems. They prefer code-oriented tools like Requests and Python for API testing. Exploratory testing is the only type of testing they perform, and they encourage others to participate in it as well.
Let Me Show You How React Applications Get Hacked in the Real-World
React Advanced Conference 2021React Advanced Conference 2021
22 min
Let Me Show You How React Applications Get Hacked in the Real-World
Top Content
React's default security against XSS vulnerabilities, exploring and fixing XSS vulnerabilities in React, exploring control characters and security issues, exploring an alternative solution for JSON parsing, and exploring JSON input and third-party dependencies.
Building Cross-Platform Component Libraries for Web and Native with React
React Advanced Conference 2021React Advanced Conference 2021
21 min
Building Cross-Platform Component Libraries for Web and Native with React
Top Content
This Talk discusses building cross-platform component libraries for React and React Native, based on a successful project with a large government-owned news organization. It covers the requirements for React Native knowledge, building cross-platform components, platform-specific components, styling, and the tools used. The Talk also highlights the challenges of implementing responsive design in React Native.
How to do Good Without Doing Anything
React Advanced Conference 2021React Advanced Conference 2021
32 min
How to do Good Without Doing Anything
Accessibility is about making sure everyone can participate on the web, regardless of disability. Automated tools like Lighthouse and React Axe help identify accessibility errors and provide guidance on fixing them. Unit tests validate ARIA attributes and keyboard navigation, while integration and end-to-end tests focus on outcomes and simulate user experiences. Cypress.io is an open-source testing framework with excellent accessibility support. Implementing small changes leads to a deep understanding of web accessibility and bug resilience.
Killing BFFs with GraphQL and Next.js
React Advanced Conference 2021React Advanced Conference 2021
21 min
Killing BFFs with GraphQL and Next.js
Top Content
This talk discusses the challenges and benefits of using Backend for Frontends (BFFs) and microservices in software development. It highlights how Next.js can simplify the creation of BFFs and unify the gateway for microservices. The talk also emphasizes the advantages of Next.js API routes in simplifying the development, deployment, and maintenance of APIs. It showcases the implementation of a BFF using Next.js and API routes, and the extension of API routes in an executable way. The speaker also mentions launching a course on using Next.js API routes for building a serverless GraphQL API.
Accessibility at Discord
React Advanced Conference 2021React Advanced Conference 2021
22 min
Accessibility at Discord
This Talk discusses the accessibility efforts at Discord, focusing on keyboard navigation and the challenges faced with implementing focus rings and outlines. The speaker showcases a unified focus ring system and a saturation slider to address accessibility concerns. They also highlight the implementation of role colors and the use of CSS filters for accessibility improvements. The Talk concludes with insights on runtime accessibility checking and the development of a performant core runtime system for checking accessibility issues.
Using React to Build Performant Game UIs in Minecraft
React Advanced Conference 2021React Advanced Conference 2021
25 min
Using React to Build Performant Game UIs in Minecraft
Top Content
This Talk introduces the use of React and web technologies for building UIs in Minecraft. It discusses the challenges of onboarding new developers to the current tech and the benefits of using open standards. The speaker explains the use of Gameface, a solution for building game UIs with React and Webpack. The Talk also covers state management in a game environment and the use of facets for performance optimization. It concludes with an overview of the Oryui brand and the availability of resources on GitHub.
Asynchronous UX
React Advanced Conference 2021React Advanced Conference 2021
21 min
Asynchronous UX
Top Content
Today's Talk covers the importance of building Asynchronous UX with React and single-page applications, providing code and UX examples. It explores data fetching, adding progress indicators, handling errors, and user-initiated actions. The Talk also discusses handling component unmounts, multiple actions, idempotency, and context loss. Finally, it touches on considerations for optimistic updates and the use of CRDT or other technologies for collaborative applications.
Magic with Babel Macro
React Advanced Conference 2021React Advanced Conference 2021
20 min
Magic with Babel Macro
Babel macros allow for code transformation without multiple plugins, providing a solution to the downsides of regular Babel plugins. Understanding AST is crucial for developers working with transpilers, and exploring its structure and representations can help derive code. Babel started as a transpiler but has evolved into a tool for live code transformation. Babel macros are supported in various React-based frameworks and can be used for track translation and CSS to React Native macros. However, macros have limitations, such as being synchronous and evaluated at compile time.
Incremental Static Regeneration: Static Sites on Steroids
React Advanced Conference 2021React Advanced Conference 2021
22 min
Incremental Static Regeneration: Static Sites on Steroids
Incremental static regeneration is a feature in Next.js that allows for static generation on a per-page basis without rebuilding the entire site. It helps with headless content management systems and persists between deployments. The example demonstrates how server-side rendering, static site generation, and incremental static regeneration work together. The real-time visual editor allows for immediate changes to be seen. Visit the NetJS website for an e-commerce demo and learning platform.
Advanced Patterns for API Management in Large-Scale React Applications
React Advanced Conference 2021React Advanced Conference 2021
20 min
Advanced Patterns for API Management in Large-Scale React Applications
Top Content
This Talk covers advanced patterns for API management in large-scale React applications. It introduces the concept of an API layer to manage API requests in a more organized and maintainable way. The benefits of using an API layer include improved maintainability, scalability, flexibility, and code reusability. The Talk also explores how to handle API states and statuses in React, and provides examples of canceling requests with Axios and React Query. Additionally, it explains how to use the API layer with React Query for simplified API management.
Using Next.JS and Redux for Epic Noscript Web Apps
React Advanced Conference 2021React Advanced Conference 2021
21 min
Using Next.JS and Redux for Epic Noscript Web Apps
This Talk explores developing web applications that work without JavaScript enabled in the browser, while still enjoying the benefits of modern web technologies. The speaker demonstrates converting an existing application to work without JavaScript by wrapping buttons in a form and preventing the default submit event. React helpers are introduced to handle async actions and the speaker shows how to make a counter app work without JavaScript by removing unnecessary callbacks and changing buttons to a button component. The talk also covers adding a form and a surprise feature, and emphasizes that by leveraging forms and an event-based store, applications can seamlessly work with or without JavaScript.
Cracking the Concurrent Mode
React Advanced Conference 2021React Advanced Conference 2021
30 min
Cracking the Concurrent Mode
Sudhanshu Yadav discusses the incremental concurrent feature in React 18 and the need for concurrent mode to provide a better user experience. Time slicing is the key pattern enabling concurrent features. Background rendering and unit of work are used to achieve asynchronous rendering and eventual consistency. Concurrent mode introduces a new pattern called differing for immediate rendering and adjusting based on available resources. React provides APIs for deferred updates and transitions. Implementing concurrent mode APIs can be complex, but it offers benefits like avoiding update starvation and reusing work. Scheduling and slots are used to control execution and dynamic FPS control. Handling multiple transitions can be challenging, but the React 18 working group discussions provide insights into the team's efforts to improve the user experience.
Gaining Confidence with Cypress Tests
React Advanced Conference 2021React Advanced Conference 2021
23 min
Gaining Confidence with Cypress Tests
Welcome to React Advanced London where we'll learn about gaining confidence with Cypress tests. We'll explore browser testing, including tests for specific units of work, business services, APIs, and components using different tools. Cypress provides selectors for easy object selection in tests. We learned how to select objects in our tests and rerun them to check for successes and failures. We also discussed best practices for Cypress tests, including using data-cy elements, commands, mocks, and fixtures.
Taking Component Driven One Step Further
React Advanced Conference 2021React Advanced Conference 2021
20 min
Taking Component Driven One Step Further
React was built for component-driven development. Challenges of component sharing include the inability to easily share components across applications. Monorepos have benefits but can also present challenges such as slow IDE performance and merge conflicts. Onboarding developers and the deployment process can be time-consuming. Bit solves these challenges by allowing isolated and versioned components in a monorepo, providing easy component search, filtering, and versioning, and enabling component-driven development.
To Mock or Not to Mock - That's the Question
React Advanced Conference 2021React Advanced Conference 2021
25 min
To Mock or Not to Mock - That's the Question
This Talk discusses the SDC's approach to software development using agile methodologies and extreme programming. It highlights the benefits of pair programming and the use of atomic design in React components. The importance of test-driven development and the React testing library is emphasized, along with the implementation of code, navigation, and form validation using Formik and Yup. The talk also touches on the abstraction layers in software development and the testing of user journeys and accessibility in the BookKeeper app.
React Query and Auth: Who is Responsible for What?
React Advanced Conference 2021React Advanced Conference 2021
19 min
React Query and Auth: Who is Responsible for What?
Top Content
This talk introduces React Query and Auth, discussing how React Query maintains server state on the client and handles mutations and data updates. The day spa app example demonstrates the use of React Query to fetch data and handle user authentication. React Query is also useful for managing user data and ensuring accurate data from the server. The talk highlights the importance of addressing the three main players in user data: React Query, Auth Functions, and persistence across sessions.
Efficient State Management With Hookstate
React Advanced Conference 2021React Advanced Conference 2021
10 min
Efficient State Management With Hookstate
This Talk introduces hook state as a flexible and simple state management solution for React. It demonstrates how hook state can be used for global state management, as well as for managing state within individual components. The speaker highlights the ease of using hook state for tasks such as adding, updating, and removing tasks. The conclusion encourages further exploration of hook state for efficient state management in React applications.
How do Localise and Personalize Content with Sanity.io and Next.js
React Advanced Conference 2021React Advanced Conference 2021
8 min
How do Localise and Personalize Content with Sanity.io and Next.js
Sanity.io provides a content platform for structured content that replaces traditional CMS. Their solution allows businesses to structure and query content anywhere using the Sanity studio and open source React application. The talk focuses on solving the challenge of sending personalized data to users in a static website environment using Next.js Vercel for hosting and Sanity for content querying and delivery. The Sanity studio allows for modeling pages, articles, and banners, with banners being shown to visitors based on their country. The solution involves using Grok queries to fetch the right banner based on country information, demonstrating personalization based on localization and dynamic content querying.
So Now You Know: Learnings on People, Product and Culture from Hypergrowth at Snyk
React Advanced Conference 2021React Advanced Conference 2021
8 min
So Now You Know: Learnings on People, Product and Culture from Hypergrowth at Snyk
Sneak, a software company, has experienced significant growth since its founding in 2015. They face challenges in culture, hiring, and scaling but focus on communication and transparency to manage change. Sneak emphasizes building a strong culture and supporting communities of practice. They hire based on key values and provide support for new hires to thrive. The concept of 'giving away our Legos' is embraced to scale effectively.
The Forest for the (Abstract Syntax) Trees
React Advanced Conference 2021React Advanced Conference 2021
8 min
The Forest for the (Abstract Syntax) Trees
Hydrogen is an opinionated React framework and SDK for building fast and dynamic Shopify-powered custom storefronts. With Hydrogen, developers can leverage compilers to easily compose common operations and improve developer experience. The framework focuses on image performance, request caching, server-side rendering, and React server components. It also provides auditing for accessibility, security, web vitals, and framework violations. The Hydrogen CLI offers a powerful and fun developer experience for bootstrapping, enforcing best practices, ongoing maintenance, and testing.
Coming in React18: startTransition
React Advanced Conference 2021React Advanced Conference 2021
8 min
Coming in React18: startTransition
Start Transition is a new API in React 18 that allows us to keep our applications interactive and responsive even while big updates are happening behind the scenes. In React 18, we have concurrency rendering, which allows us to differentiate between urgent and less urgent updates. By using the Start Transition API, we can mark less urgent actions as transitions and prioritize more urgent actions, improving the user experience. Implementing the Start Transition API in React 18 is easy and doesn't break existing code. It's worthwhile to start transitioning in your projects for improved user experience.
Track Slowdowns and Crashes in your React apps
React Advanced Conference 2021React Advanced Conference 2021
8 min
Track Slowdowns and Crashes in your React apps
Sentry is a tool for code observability that supports multiple languages and frameworks. It allows monitoring of errors and performance in applications, such as React apps in an ecommerce site. With Sentry, developers can easily investigate errors using developer tools and get a summary of the error. It also provides human-readable stack traces that highlight the exact line of the error.
Vite - The Next Generation Frontend Tooling
React Advanced Conference 2021React Advanced Conference 2021
20 min
Vite - The Next Generation Frontend Tooling
VIT is a build tool that solves the problem of slow feedback loop speed by leveraging native support for ES modules in modern browsers. It allows you to write code as native ES modules and handles the parsing and serving of modules for you. VIT supports JavaScript, CSS, SAS, React, TypeScript, and TSX out of the box. It also allows for quick migration from CRA to VIT and can be used as a middleware in an existing Node.js server to enable server-side rendering.
React Server Components - Under the Hood
React Advanced Conference 2021React Advanced Conference 2021
19 min
React Server Components - Under the Hood
This talk provides an overview of React Server Components. It explores rendering the root element, using react-read-in-a-tree to read the webpack manifest, and performing work and JSON serialization. The talk also discusses the drain handler and client-side components, as well as challenges and future improvements in React Server Components.
Reusing App State in React Native with Recoil
React Advanced Conference 2021React Advanced Conference 2021
24 min
Reusing App State in React Native with Recoil
Recoil is a minimal and easy-to-learn state management library for React and React Native. It supports distributed and incremental state definition, React suspense, and provides hooks like useRecoilValue and useRecoilState. Recoil can be used in both React and React Native applications, allowing for easy reuse of state configurations. Testing Recoil is straightforward, with the ability to observe state changes and compare snapshots. Overall, Recoil is an experimental but promising alternative to Redux.
End-to-end i18n
React Advanced Conference 2021React Advanced Conference 2021
26 min
End-to-end i18n
Thanks for joining my talk on end-to-end internationalization. I'll walk you through internationalizing a React app, covering translated strings, currency and date formatting, translator management, and injecting translated strings back into the app. The constants used throughout the app define localization settings and translations. The React Intel library is used for managing translations, and custom functions are created for consistent date and number formatting. The translation process involves extracting strings, using tools like PO Edit, and compiling the translated strings into JSON files for the React app.
MDX in React-Native!?
React Advanced Conference 2021React Advanced Conference 2021
21 min
MDX in React-Native!?
Top Content
This Talk is about the development of MDX, a combination of Markdown and JSX, by a freelance full stack JavaScript developer. MDX is a powerful technology that allows for the creation of interactive content within blog posts and supports React components. The speaker developed RnMDX, a proper and polished MDX library for React Native, which can be dropped into any React Native app. RnMDX provides solutions for common issues with Markdown content in React Native and allows for the rendering of MDX content into native views. Bringing MDX into native apps is now easier, and it can be used for various purposes, such as serving the app layout from a CMS or creating interactive online magazines or blogs.
Automating All the Code & Testing Things with GitHub Actions
React Advanced Conference 2021React Advanced Conference 2021
19 min
Automating All the Code & Testing Things with GitHub Actions
Top Content
We will learn how to automate code and testing with GitHub Actions, including linting, formatting, testing, and deployments. Automating deployments with scripts and Git hooks can help avoid mistakes. Popular CI-CD frameworks like Jenkins offer powerful orchestration but can be challenging to work with. GitHub Actions are flexible and approachable, allowing for environment setup, testing, deployment, and custom actions. A custom AppleTools Eyes GitHub action simplifies visual testing. Other examples include automating content reminders for sharing old content and tutorials.
Debugging a Non Reproducible Crash
React Advanced Conference 2021React Advanced Conference 2021
20 min
Debugging a Non Reproducible Crash
The Talk discusses a vicious bug that caused 20,000 crashes in a JS application. The bug was an array index out of bounds exception in the SimplePool class. The team used a debugger to analyze the bug and discovered a race condition caused by an upgrade to React Native SVG. They collaborated with React Native contributors to fix the issue and deployed a patched version. The Talk emphasizes the importance of using a crash reporting tool, monitoring release health, and learning from bugs and source code analysis.
setState, We Need to Talk!
React Advanced Conference 2021React Advanced Conference 2021
20 min
setState, We Need to Talk!
In this Talk, the speaker discusses the importance of planning and maintaining UIs in React using state machines. They highlight the need to consider user experience and plan for performance and maintainability. The challenges of handling multiple UI states are addressed, and the benefits of using finite state machines are explained. The speaker demonstrates how to implement transitions and update the UI using a React state machine. They emphasize the benefits of state machines in handling errors, avoiding state explosions, and improving collaboration between designers and developers.
The Legendary Fountain of Truth: Componentize Your Documentation!
React Advanced Conference 2021React Advanced Conference 2021
24 min
The Legendary Fountain of Truth: Componentize Your Documentation!
Welcome to this session about documentation in a command-driven era. The Data Axis framework provides a comprehensive approach to documentation, covering different areas of the development process. Component-driven development and MDX syntax enable faster development, simpler maintenance, and better reusability. Embedding components in Markdown using MDX allows for more advanced and useful documentation creation. Tools like Storybook and Duxy with MDX support are recommended for documentation solutions. Embedding documentation directly within components and migrating to MDX offer a comprehensive documentation experience and open up new possibilities for embedding and improving documentation.
The Worlds Most Expensive React Component and How to Stop Writing It
React Advanced Conference 2021React Advanced Conference 2021
23 min
The Worlds Most Expensive React Component and How to Stop Writing It
Top Content
Today's Talk discusses expensive React components and API design, with a focus on the cost of coordination and overcoming imposter syndrome. The speaker shares a story about a cat trying to fix salted coffee, highlighting the importance of finding simple solutions. The billion dollar component on ReactJS.org is examined as an example of an expensive component. Techniques for customizing messages, improving accessibility, and using polymorphic props are discussed. The Talk concludes by emphasizing the cost of communication and the need to evaluate if props and components are the right tools for the job.
We Don’t Know How React State Hooks Work
React Advanced Conference 2021React Advanced Conference 2021
28 min
We Don’t Know How React State Hooks Work
This talk explores how useState works under the hood and why it's important to understand. It addresses the common confusion around the callback to setState and provides insights gained from exploring React hooks source code. Knowing how useState works is important for learning patterns, debugging, and gaining confidence in our code. React manages the current value of hooks in a linked list and performs updates sequentially. React optimizes rendering by caching computations and performing shallow renders when the state doesn't change.
Remote Team Collaboration Techniques
React Advanced Conference 2021React Advanced Conference 2021
24 min
Remote Team Collaboration Techniques
Welcome to Remote Team Collaboration Techniques. Telecommuting has led to professional isolation and a lack of networking and mentoring. Companies are encouraged to adapt their work policies to the new reality of telework. Remote work has impacted stress levels and employee autonomy, but not productivity. GitHub and Jamstack are effective collaboration tools. Mob pairing promotes learning and progress in projects. Engaging in fun activities and taking breaks from work can boost team morale.
On the Origin of React
React Advanced Conference 2021React Advanced Conference 2021
22 min
On the Origin of React
This Talk explores the evolution of React components, starting from version .12. It discusses the introduction of class components and the deprecation of mixins. It highlights the emergence of higher-order components as a better option for code reuse. It also covers the introduction of hooks in React 16.8 and mentions potential future branches of evolution, such as server components and function components in hooks.
How Hopin is Moving 10x Faster: Microfrontends at Scale
React Advanced Conference 2021React Advanced Conference 2021
25 min
How Hopin is Moving 10x Faster: Microfrontends at Scale
This Talk discusses how Hoping uses micro frontends to improve development speed and create boundaries between applications. They break up apps into smaller, independently deployable apps owned by small teams. They use webpack and module federation to integrate dependencies at runtime and have a lightweight store for sharing state. The Talk also addresses performance concerns and the importance of explicit contracts and namespace styles to avoid conflicts between micro frontends.
Gatsby v4's New Rendering Modes
React Advanced Conference 2021React Advanced Conference 2021
24 min
Gatsby v4's New Rendering Modes
Gatsby V4 introduces deferred static generation (DSG), combining the benefits of static site generation (SSG) and server-side rendering (SSR). This approach allows for faster builds and a more deterministic cache. Gatsby V4 also includes features such as parallel query running and LMDB for enhanced performance. The focus is on integrations and improving the developer experience (DX) in the future.
Building Dapps with React
React Advanced Conference 2021React Advanced Conference 2021
30 min
Building Dapps with React
The Talk discusses building decentralized applications (DApps) with React and explores the benefits of smart contract technology. It highlights the characteristics and infrastructure of Web 3 applications, including decentralized indexing, off-chain data storage, and decentralized file storage. The Talk also covers identity in Web 3, with a focus on self-sovereign identity and the use of blockchain for identity verification. The process of building a DApp with React and Hard Hat is explained, along with deploying contracts and interacting with them. Overall, the Talk provides insights into the world of DApps and the technologies involved.
Micro-Frontends Performance and Centralised Data Caching
React Advanced Conference 2021React Advanced Conference 2021
27 min
Micro-Frontends Performance and Centralised Data Caching
Micro front-end architecture, like microphone tents, can help scale applications by applying microservices principles to the front-end. Microphone tents can be beneficial for performance, depending on the implementation. They can reduce bundle sizes, avoid duplicated dependencies, and ensure independent deployments. The shared API and module federation are powerful features that allow for dependency management. Micro front-ends can improve developer experience and user experience while addressing organizational and scaling issues.
Components, Patterns and sh*t it’s Hard to Deal with
React Advanced Conference 2021React Advanced Conference 2021
29 min
Components, Patterns and sh*t it’s Hard to Deal with
This Talk discusses modular architectures, patterns, and components in software development. It explores the concept of creating components and pattern libraries, as well as the challenges and benefits they present. The Talk also delves into managing code for flexible pattern usage and the responsibility of modules. It addresses issues such as class name injection, specialized patterns, and modifying components. Additionally, it emphasizes the importance of communication and collaboration with designers, testing UI complexity, and organizational responsibility for UI.
Beyond Virtual Lists: How to Render 100K Items with 100s of Updates/sec in React
React Advanced Conference 2021React Advanced Conference 2021
27 min
Beyond Virtual Lists: How to Render 100K Items with 100s of Updates/sec in React
Top Content
The Talk discusses optimizing rendering of big tables using Flipper, a new version that is ten times faster with improved user interaction and richer data. It explores optimizing rendering with React, virtualization, filtering, sorting, and windowing techniques. The introduction of the Flipper Datasource packet simplifies handling updates, inserts, and removals. The performance of the Flipper data source package is excellent, even in a debug build of React, with minimal CPU usage. The Q&A session covers incremental sorting, dynamic row height, and the potential for two-dimensional virtualization in the future.
Living on the Edge
React Advanced Conference 2021React Advanced Conference 2021
36 min
Living on the Edge
The Talk discusses the future of React and introduces new APIs, including streaming rendering and server components. React Suspense allows for asynchronous loading of components and data fetching. The use of serverless computing, specifically Cloudflare Workers, is explored as a way to improve performance. The Talk emphasizes the potential for simplifying the React ecosystem and the excitement about the new API.
Let's talk about Web Components
React Advanced Conference 2021React Advanced Conference 2021
32 min
Let's talk about Web Components
Web Components are a suite of technologies that allow you to create reusable HTML elements, combining the fun of React with regular HTML. Custom elements and the shadow DOM are key features of Web Components, allowing you to define new elements, encapsulate functionality and styles, and interact with a separate DOM. HTML templates serve as placeholders for content to be rendered later in custom components. Custom elements and HTML templates are cross-framework compatible and can be used in React, Angular, Vue, or any other framework.
Visualising React: Metaphors, Models, and Spatial Mediums
React Advanced Conference 2021React Advanced Conference 2021
31 min
Visualising React: Metaphors, Models, and Spatial Mediums
Top Content
This talk explores the use of visuals in programming to make concepts more accessible and understandable. It discusses the limitations of text in programming and the benefits of visualizing programming concepts. The talk also delves into the use of visual metaphors in React and the advantages of using spatial principles and visual representations to understand program behavior over time. It concludes with suggestions for advancing visual programming efforts and leveraging existing metaphors in programming languages and frameworks.
Limitless App Development with Expo and React Native
React Advanced Conference 2021React Advanced Conference 2021
27 min
Limitless App Development with Expo and React Native
Today's Talk discussed building cross-platform apps with React Native and Expo, addressing challenges such as setting up the native runtime and managing dependencies. Expo provides a pre-built runtime, native APIs, fast iteration speed, and integrated cloud services. EAS build simplifies app deployment by handling native code signing and validation. Over-the-air updates allow instant updates to JS and assets. Custom native code can be added using auto-linking and config plugins, and Expo supports both Managed and Bare workflows.
Forms Don't Need to Suck
React Advanced Conference 2021React Advanced Conference 2021
20 min
Forms Don't Need to Suck
Andy Richardson, a software engineer at GraphCDN, introduces Fielder, a project aimed at simplifying form creation in React. Fielder allows for decentralized form schema and onSubmit logic, making it easier to handle async validation. It eliminates the need for hoisting conditional logic and simplifies rendering and validation. The Fielder library is recommended for exploration but not yet stable for production. The speaker emphasizes the importance of being truthful and addresses the performance and re-rendering capabilities of Fielder.
Supercharging Developer Productivity With Advanced Code Search
React Advanced Conference 2021React Advanced Conference 2021
10 min
Supercharging Developer Productivity With Advanced Code Search
Developers can use Sourcegraph to easily search for code using literal, regular expression, and structural patterns. Sourcegraph allows searching through open source and private code indexed across GitHub and GitLab, and supports searching for unstable batch API in React.js. It also enables searching with regular expressions, finding dependencies and usage patterns. With structural search, developers can search for specific blocks of code and narrow down their search using keywords. Sourcegraph is essential for developer velocity, helping teams quickly search through repositories, find references to shared systems, and providing powerful search parameters.
Visualize your music with React, a sound design experiment
React Advanced Conference 2021React Advanced Conference 2021
9 min
Visualize your music with React, a sound design experiment
Claudia Bressi, a senior front-end and mobile developer, combines music and computer science in her sound design project using React and the Web Audio API. The project supports different audio file formats and utilizes powerful methods for analyzing and visualizing sounds. Custom hooks are used for modularity and code reuse. The project is divided into four areas: shape, color, animation, and playback. Future improvements include making it a progressive web app, adding ML algorithms, server-side rendering, and optimizing performance with workers.
Full-stack & typesafe React (+Native) apps with tRPC.io
React Advanced Conference 2021React Advanced Conference 2021
6 min
Full-stack & typesafe React (+Native) apps with tRPC.io
Top Content
Alex introduces tRPC, a toolkit for making end-to-end type-safe APIs easily, with auto-completion of API endpoints and inferred data from backend to frontend. tRPC works the same way in React Native and can be adopted incrementally. The example showcases backend communication with a database using queries and validators, with types inferred to the frontend and data retrieval done using Prisma ORM.
A New Kind of Abstraction
React Advanced Conference 2021React Advanced Conference 2021
7 min
A New Kind of Abstraction
Abstractions in software development build on top of other things and provide utility or make development easier. They can be low-level or high-level, and the smaller the abstraction, the closer it is to the lower level. Abstractions can operate in different environments and their level determines how the code operates and is approached. It's important to evaluate the abstractions used, their portability, and their distance from the low level.
How Typed is Your Framework?
React Advanced Conference 2021React Advanced Conference 2021
25 min
How Typed is Your Framework?
Today's Talk focused on the importance of TypeScript in preventing runtime errors and its integration with popular frameworks like Vue.js, Angular, and React. TypeScript provides error assistance and typing boundaries between components, ensuring correct usage. It also allows for the creation of generic components, leveraging TypeScript generics to define contracts between unknown properties. The Talk highlighted the use of TypeScript in various scenarios, such as working with React Node, and provided resources for further learning and exploration.
(Easier) Interactive Data Visualization in React
React Advanced Conference 2021React Advanced Conference 2021
27 min
(Easier) Interactive Data Visualization in React
Top Content
This Talk is about interactive data visualization in React using the Plot library. Plot is a high-level library that simplifies the process of visualizing data by providing key concepts and defaults for layout decisions. It can be integrated with React using hooks like useRef and useEffect. Plot allows for customization and supports features like sorting and adding additional marks. The Talk also discusses accessibility concerns, SSR support, and compares Plot to other libraries like D3 and Vega-Lite.
How Coinbase Rewrote the App in React Native
React Advanced Conference 2021React Advanced Conference 2021
30 min
How Coinbase Rewrote the App in React Native
Last year, the Coinbase app was rewritten from native to React Native due to the complexity of the app's architecture. The Android app was chosen for the rewrite and a Brownfield approach was taken to integrate existing Android engineers. The project started in March 2020 and had successful launches for both Android and iOS. The transition to React Native was successful, with increased engineering resources and feature development. Recommendations for React Native include considering the app's requirements, and the best question was about the split between native and React community modules.
Design Systems: Walking the Line Between Flexibility and Consistency
React Advanced Conference 2021React Advanced Conference 2021
47 min
Design Systems: Walking the Line Between Flexibility and Consistency
Top Content
The Talk discusses the balance between flexibility and consistency in design systems. It explores the API design of the ActionList component and the customization options it offers. The use of component-based APIs and composability is emphasized for flexibility and customization. The Talk also touches on the ActionMenu component and the concept of building for people. The Q&A session covers topics such as component inclusion in design systems, API complexity, and the decision between creating a custom design system or using a component library.
Infrastructure as Code for React Application on AWS Written in TypeScript
React Advanced Conference 2021React Advanced Conference 2021
30 min
Infrastructure as Code for React Application on AWS Written in TypeScript
This Talk covers infrastructure as code using Terraform and CDK. The speaker demonstrates how to build infrastructure for a React application, including an S3 bucket and connecting to a real domain. They also discuss configuring cache behavior, CloudFront, and remote backends. TypeScript is highlighted as a powerful language for infrastructure as code, and the importance of automation and well-documented code for global-scale infrastructures is emphasized.
Don't Solve Problems, Eliminate Them
React Advanced Conference 2021React Advanced Conference 2021
39 min
Don't Solve Problems, Eliminate Them
Top Content
Kent C. Dodds discusses the concept of problem elimination rather than just problem-solving. He introduces the idea of a problem tree and the importance of avoiding creating solutions prematurely. Kent uses examples like Tesla's electric engine and Remix framework to illustrate the benefits of problem elimination. He emphasizes the value of trade-offs and taking the easier path, as well as the need to constantly re-evaluate and change approaches to eliminate problems.
Your Second Source of Truth
React Advanced Conference 2021React Advanced Conference 2021
8 min
Your Second Source of Truth
Rachel Neighbors discusses the importance of documentation as a second source of truth for developers. She shares insights from improving the React Native documentation, including the need for refresher material, visual content, and interactive examples. Neighbors emphasizes the power of documentation in empowering communities to build reliable content and highlights the React documentation as a successful example. She invites feedback on the latest iteration of the React documentation.
Let SEO be with You in Your Nuxt App
Vue.js London Live 2021Vue.js London Live 2021
27 min
Let SEO be with You in Your Nuxt App
This Talk provides an introduction to SEO and its importance, covering on-page and off-page SEO. It explains how to optimize a website for search engines by creating a sitemap, using meta tags, and implementing structured data. The Talk also discusses the benefits of using RSS feeds for automated newsletters and social media posts. Additionally, it emphasizes the importance of continuous optimization for SEO, including adding useful content, organizing headings, optimizing UX, and staying updated with Core Web Vitals.
Code at the Speed of Design in Chakra UI Vue
Vue.js London Live 2021Vue.js London Live 2021
23 min
Code at the Speed of Design in Chakra UI Vue
Jonathan Bakebwa introduces Chakra UI View, a component library focused on accessibility, with features like extending themes and defining custom variants. The upcoming versions of Chakra UI V1 will introduce a zero-runtime build and a theming API with component overrides, custom variants, and custom sizes. The Talk demonstrates how to implement a button design using Chakra UI, customize button styles, create custom button sizes, and use icons from external libraries. Chakra UI allows for quick implementation of UI designs and is recommended for developers looking to enhance their designs.
Vuetify 3: Titan
Vue.js London Live 2021Vue.js London Live 2021
20 min
Vuetify 3: Titan
Top Content
Hi, I'm John Leader, the creator of Viewtify. Viewtify 3 is the upcoming version with new design concepts, improved usability, and compatibility with modern browsers. The framework has added new features like a validation system, style diversity, semantic customization options, and a density concept. Enhanced customization options, improved performance, and advanced browser support with CSS variables are also highlights of Viewtify 3.
How Vite Changes the Game for Vue and Web Developers
Vue.js London Live 2021Vue.js London Live 2021
22 min
How Vite Changes the Game for Vue and Web Developers
Vue School offers free training material, workshops, and consulting services. Vite is a game-changer for Vue and web development, significantly improving the development experience. It leverages the browser's native ES modules feature and uses ESBuild. Vite's dev server is much faster than other bundlers. Vite provides a blazing fast development environment for various frameworks and supports server-side rendering and static site generation. Vite is ready for production and likely to be used by Vue CLI in the future.
Advanced Site Rendering Patterns on the Jamstack
Vue.js London Live 2021Vue.js London Live 2021
23 min
Advanced Site Rendering Patterns on the Jamstack
Today's Talk discusses advanced site rendering patterns in the JAMstack, including the benefits and challenges of using this approach. It explores solutions like incremental builds, microsites, and incremental static regeneration to improve build times and performance. The Talk also introduces distributed persistent rendering and Gatsby v4 as new solutions to enhance static site generation and server-side rendering.
Migrating to Vue 3
Vue.js London Live 2021Vue.js London Live 2021
5 min
Migrating to Vue 3
This talk focuses on the migration process of upgrading Vue CLI-generated apps to Vue 3. It provides step-by-step instructions on removing Vue 2, fixing errors and warnings, and uninstalling the migration build. The talk also mentions a Vue 2 to Vue 3 cheat sheet available for a comprehensive guide. Additionally, the talk introduces a special view three migration build for running existing apps in view two mode, providing warnings and a safe environment for code updates.
Progressive Form Validation in Vue.js
Vue.js London Live 2021Vue.js London Live 2021
9 min
Progressive Form Validation in Vue.js
vValidate is a popular Vue.js form validation library that solves major pain points in form building. It offers a progressive API and follows a composition first design approach. vValidate allows you to validate inputs by declaring rules on each field and supports Laravel's validation rules, JavaScript functions, and third-party libraries. It also supports validation schemas for the entire form. The diff tools plugin in vValidate provides an inspector for form validity, current values, and errors.
Technical SEO & JavaScript
Vue.js London Live 2021Vue.js London Live 2021
8 min
Technical SEO & JavaScript
Technical SEO is important for making content visible to search engines. Developers have a significant impact on the crawling and indexing process. Hash-based routing can lead to duplicate content issues, and it is recommended to use the History API instead. In 2019, 12% of websites still used fragmented URLs.
Understand the hard parts of Nuxt
Vue.js London Live 2021Vue.js London Live 2021
9 min
Understand the hard parts of Nuxt
This lightning talk covers common Vue issues such as mutating Vuex Store state outside of mutation handlers and incorrect cloning of arrays and objects. Troubleshooting tips include checking code locally, fixing issues with undefined window or navigator, and checking for backend issues and proper data in the network tab. Additional tips include using the network tab and console log to spot bugs, checking state in real-time with Vue dev tools, and reaching out for support on Discord, GitHub, or Stack Overflow.
Options API vs Composition API: Choosing the Right Approach for Your Team
Vue.js London Live 2021Vue.js London Live 2021
23 min
Options API vs Composition API: Choosing the Right Approach for Your Team
Top Content
Today's Talk discusses the Options API and Composition API in Vue 3, highlighting the differences and considerations when choosing an approach. The Composition API offers more flexibility and integrates well with TypeScript, but may require more familiarity with JavaScript. Combining both APIs allows for structure and flexibility, with the ability to progressively enhance code. Team preferences and the level of TypeScript usage should be considered when choosing the right approach for a project.
Modern State Management with Vue 3
Vue.js London Live 2021Vue.js London Live 2021
22 min
Modern State Management with Vue 3
Top Content
Vanessa introduces Vue Free and discusses the benefits of using the Composition API. The order of execution and grouping logical units using the Composition API is explained. The Composition API is used for state management and refactoring components. The speaker shares their initial experience with state management using Vuex. Composables are explored as an alternative for state management in Vue 3.
How to Seamlessly Migrate a Large Codebase to Vue 3
Vue.js London Live 2021Vue.js London Live 2021
20 min
How to Seamlessly Migrate a Large Codebase to Vue 3
Hello, I am Baptiste from CRISP, and in this conference I'm going to show you how to migrate a large project from View 2 to View 3. Vue 3 migration is a simple process with many improvements, such as better performance and modularity. The migration strategy involves maintaining the existing Vue 2 app while gradually moving to Vue 3. Updating core libraries and replacing Vue 2 APIs with Vue 3 APIs are necessary steps. The impact of Vue 3's new reactivity system has optimized the codebase at CRISP, and the company is hiring full-stack developers and supporting the Vue.js Foundation.
CI/CD Success for Vue Developers
Vue.js London Live 2021Vue.js London Live 2021
23 min
CI/CD Success for Vue Developers
Today's Talk discusses CI and CD success with Vue.js, emphasizing the importance of automation in software delivery. The speaker shares tips applicable to all CI-CD systems and programming languages, explaining the concept of continuous integration (CI) and its role in automatically building and testing changes. Attention to speed, recovery time, and organizational considerations are crucial for CI-CD success. Techniques such as caching and job splitting can improve speed, while automation and security scanning help maintain a secure environment. Ultimately, CI-CD is a team responsibility that enables frequent releases and adaptability to change.
Taking Vue.js to the Backend
Vue.js London Live 2021Vue.js London Live 2021
23 min
Taking Vue.js to the Backend
This talk explores using Vue.js in the backend, specifically focusing on Vue 3 Reactivity. It discusses how Vue 3 Reactivity leverages ES6 proxies to update changes and intercept hooks. The talk also covers implementing Vue.js backend with live demos, showcasing the modification of proxies and the use of reactive functions. It demonstrates the creation of a reactive array and the implementation of join, leave, and message functionalities. The talk concludes by mentioning the possibility of using computed properties and inviting further questions.
New Ways to Vue
Vue.js London Live 2021Vue.js London Live 2021
16 min
New Ways to Vue
The Talk discussed new ways of using Vue, including the introduction of the composition API and the script setup syntax. The Vite tooling was highlighted for its performance improvements and developer experience enhancements. Components auto-importing through Vite plugin components was introduced as a way to improve code splitting and eliminate manual registration. The use of Vite plugins, Unplugin, and Vue 2 support were also discussed. The Talk mentioned that Nuxt 3 will include many of these features.
Animation and Vue.js
Vue.js London Live 2021Vue.js London Live 2021
32 min
Animation and Vue.js
Today's Talk covers animation in Vue JS apps, including CSS animations, JavaScript animations using the GSAP library, and handling multiple elements with transition groups. The Talk also discusses different kinds of movements, state transitions, and animating numbers and SVGs. Overall, it provides a comprehensive overview of animation techniques and tools for enhancing Vue JS apps.
Structuring A Massive Vuex Store
Vue.js London Live 2021Vue.js London Live 2021
21 min
Structuring A Massive Vuex Store
The Talk discusses the process of structuring a massive UX store using modules in Vue.js. It covers topics such as namespaces, triggering mutations, and improving store usage with map mutations. The importance of refactoring the folder structure and using separate files for actions, getters, and mutations is highlighted. The Talk concludes by mentioning the possibility of adding additional layers for splitting mutations and providing contact information for further inquiries.
Vue Form Validations with Vest
Vue.js London Live 2021Vue.js London Live 2021
21 min
Vue Form Validations with Vest
VEST is a form validation framework inspired by unit testing libraries. It provides a structured approach to form validation, making maintenance and reuse easier. VEST supports multiple validations per field, warning validations, interdependent field validation, async validations, and memoization. It is lightweight and can be integrated with various frameworks and libraries. The speaker is open to collaboration and contributions for adding a reactive interface using VUE's reactivity model.
Local State and Server Cache: Finding a Balance
Vue.js London Live 2021Vue.js London Live 2021
24 min
Local State and Server Cache: Finding a Balance
Top Content
This Talk discusses handling local state in software development, particularly when dealing with asynchronous behavior and API requests. It explores the challenges of managing global state and the need for actions when handling server data. The Talk also highlights the issue of fetching data not in Vuex and the challenges of keeping data up-to-date in Vuex. It mentions alternative tools like Apollo Client and React Query for handling local state. The Talk concludes with a discussion on GitLab going public and the celebration that followed.
Vuex? No, it’s X(state)Vue for UI
Vue.js London Live 2021Vue.js London Live 2021
33 min
Vuex? No, it’s X(state)Vue for UI
This Talk introduces state management in Vue, focusing on the Xstate library for managing state machines in UI components. The bottom-up approach in component development can lead to complexity and challenges over time. Xstate is a JavaScript and TypeScript library designed specifically for managing state machines and state charts for UI components. The Talk provides examples of creating a toggle component using Xstate and emphasizes the advantages of using Xstate, such as code reuse, precise testing, and easy maintenance. The speaker encourages developers to plan ahead and consider state, component, and feature design to write better code.
Utilising Rust from Vue with WebAssembly
Vue.js London Live 2021Vue.js London Live 2021
8 min
Utilising Rust from Vue with WebAssembly
Top Content
In this Talk, the speaker demonstrates how to use Rust with WebAssembly in a Vue.js project. They explain that WebAssembly is a binary format that allows for high-performance code and less memory usage in the browser. The speaker shows how to build a Rust example using the WasmPack tool and integrate it into a Vue template. They also demonstrate how to call Rust code from a Vue component and deploy the resulting package to npm for easy sharing and consumption.
Identify Issues and Prevent Slowdowns in your Vue.JS Apps
Vue.js London Live 2021Vue.js London Live 2021
8 min
Identify Issues and Prevent Slowdowns in your Vue.JS Apps
Hi, I'm Simon, a solutions engineer at Sentry. We focus on code observability, supporting all major languages and frameworks. With the Sentry SDK, you can monitor errors and performance. Get started with an easy installation process. Sentry provides detailed error information, including the stack trace and contextual information. It also supports source control management systems and integrates with issue tracking tools. The distributed trace feature allows you to see relationships between errors on the front end and back end. We can optimize queries to improve user experience and reduce user misery.
How Developers Can Use Automated App Security Testing To Protect Vue Apps
Vue.js London Live 2021Vue.js London Live 2021
7 min
How Developers Can Use Automated App Security Testing To Protect Vue Apps
Today, I'm going to tell you how developers can use automated application security testing to protect their Vue apps. I'll explain what it means to shift left, show an example of a cross-site scripting vulnerability, and provide the tools you need to find these vulnerabilities before production. Let's jump into an example of our Vue app with cross-site scripting. We have FontTalk, a message board where users can discuss fonts and style their posts. Bob logs in and sees a conversation about fonts. Unaware of cross-site scripting, his account is compromised. The malicious image tag sends his confidential information to the attacker. To prevent this, we need to make changes in the code.
Optimising Developer Experience with Nuxt 3
Vue.js London Live 2021Vue.js London Live 2021
26 min
Optimising Developer Experience with Nuxt 3
This Talk discusses optimizing developer experience with Nuxt 3. It highlights improvements in documentation, auto importing libraries, server developer experience, and deployment. Nuxt 3 introduces a unified solution for schema, documentation, and defaults, as well as auto imports for easy component access. It also introduces a faster server framework called H3 and allows for efficient network requests with isomorphic fetch. Deployment is simplified with a single entry point and support for various platforms. The goal is to make Nuxt 3 amazing and backport features to Nuxt 2 apps.
Everything Beyond State Management in Stores with Pinia
Vue.js London Live 2021Vue.js London Live 2021
34 min
Everything Beyond State Management in Stores with Pinia
Top Content
State management is not limited to complex applications and transitioning to a store offers significant benefits. Pinia is a centralized state management solution compatible with Vue 2 and Vue 3, providing advanced devtools support and extensibility with plugins. The core API of Pinia is similar to Vuex, but with a less verbose version of stores and powerful plugins. Pinia allows for easy state inspection, error handling, and testing. It is recommended to create one file per store for better organization and Pinia offers a more efficient performance compared to V-rex.
Fast & Furious - Going headless with Nuxt.js!
Vue.js London Live 2021Vue.js London Live 2021
32 min
Fast & Furious - Going headless with Nuxt.js!
This talk introduces using Next.js with a headless CMS called Storyblock. It covers setting up Storyblock with Next.js, understanding components and index pages, rendering components and requesting data, enhancing preview with the visual editor, creating article components and schemas, reusing components, and exploring the Storyblock and Next.js connection.
Welcome to Nuxt 3
Vue.js London Live 2021Vue.js London Live 2021
29 min
Welcome to Nuxt 3
Top Content
Nux3 has made significant improvements in performance, output optimization, and serverless support. Nuxt Bridge brings the Nitro engine for enhanced performance and easier transition between Nuxt 2 and Nuxt Read. Nuxt 3 supports Webpack 5, Bytes, and Vue 3. NextLab has developed brand new websites using Docus technology. Nuxt.js is recommended for building apps faster and simpler, and Nuxt 2 should be used before migrating to Nuxt 3 for stability. DOCUS is a new project that combines Nuxt with additional features like content modules and an admin panel.
How to Measure Performance Effectively?
Vue.js London Live 2021Vue.js London Live 2021
28 min
How to Measure Performance Effectively?
This Talk discusses the evolution of performance measurement tooling and the importance of performance in web development. It introduces Google Lighthouse as a tool that provides detailed information on webpage performance. The Talk emphasizes the significance of Core Web Vitals, including Largest Contentful Paint, First Input Delay, and Cumulative Layout Shift. It suggests hosting the Lighthouse environment locally and using Lighthouse CI for continuous performance measurement. The Talk also highlights the impact of Core Web Vitals on SEO and the importance of prioritizing field data over lab data.
One Year Into Vue 3
Vue.js London Live 2021Vue.js London Live 2021
20 min
One Year Into Vue 3
Top Content
Vue 3 has seen significant adoption and improvements in performance, bundle size, architecture, and TypeScript integration. The ecosystem around Vue 3 is catching up, with new tools and frameworks being developed. The Vue.js.org documentation is undergoing a complete overhaul. PNIA is emerging as the go-to state management solution for Vue 3. The options API and composition API are both viable options in Vue 3, with the choice depending on factors such as complexity and familiarity with TypeScript. Vue 3 continues to support CDN installation and is recommended for new projects.
Vue Storefront + Vendure = Fullstack Open Source Ecommerce
Vue.js London Live 2021Vue.js London Live 2021
19 min
Vue Storefront + Vendure = Fullstack Open Source Ecommerce
This Talk discusses the full stack open-source e-commerce using ViewStorefront and Venge. ViewStorefront is a lightning-fast frontend platform for headless commerce, while Venge is a framework for the back-end. Both tools are highly customizable and built using modern frameworks. Creating an online store with Venge is quick and easy. Overall, this Talk presents a dream stack for open-source e-commerce and encourages contributions to the projects.
Design Systems of a Down: Steal this Guide!
React Finland 2021React Finland 2021
25 min
Design Systems of a Down: Steal this Guide!
Remember Atomic Design? It's been a while since we started talking about Design Systems. They're supposed to solve our interfaces inconsistencies issues, as a single source of truth. But do you know well how to build and use them, from a developer perspective?
Here's your ultimate guide to Design Systems, for Devs! From the fundamentals of Design Tokens definition, to how to build advanced versatile layouts. You'll learn all best practices, tips & tricks, components splicing strategies, from this comprehensive step--step handbook talk.
Never be lost again in front of a creating Design System from scratch!
Continuous Localization in Enterprise Web Projects
React Finland 2021React Finland 2021
26 min
Continuous Localization in Enterprise Web Projects
Did you know that 50% of users will NOT use the English version of your application, if it supports multiple languages? For ambitious high-growth businesses, going global is not "if" but "when" so it's important to recognize the importance of localization, especially in large multi-team projects. This discussion will explore the depths of localization in Agile companies and what can be achieved with a Continuous Localization system. I'll share some common issues we faced with multi-language products and how localization automation helped us to scale the process across many product teams within the company.
You thought your React application is secure? Think again
React Finland 2021React Finland 2021
42 min
You thought your React application is secure? Think again
Modern frontend frameworks like React are well thought-of in their application security design and that’s great. However, there is still plenty of room for developers to make mistakes and use insecure APIs, vulnerable components, or generally do the wrong thing that turns user input into a Cross-site Scripting vulnerability (XSS). Let me show you how React applications get hacked in the real-world.
Integration Testing for React Native Apps
React Finland 2021React Finland 2021
25 min
Integration Testing for React Native Apps
My unpopular opinion is that testing is ... important. How do you test your React Native apps? In this presentation I will show how to run full integrations tests using Cypress while the RN app is running in the browser. This method can cover most of the application's code and be effective at finding logical errors and mistakes when calling the server APIs.
The Digital Accessibility Legal Landscape – why it matters for developers
React Finland 2021React Finland 2021
32 min
The Digital Accessibility Legal Landscape – why it matters for developers
Digital accessibility is a human right of people with disabilities around the globe. That means developers have an important role to play in advancing human rights! Join U.S. disability rights lawyer Lainey Feingold for a practical interactive discussion about laws and policies around the globe that impact digital accessibility. Come learn best practices for digital accessibility and how we all can “put the law in our pocket” to help make the digital world inclusive for everyone.
The future of work is enjoyable
React Finland 2021React Finland 2021
28 min
The future of work is enjoyable
We’re generally afraid of the future. Not only is it unknown, but there’s quite a lot of reasons to believe we’re practically doomed. And it doesn’t help that we’re negatively wired nature, programmed to look out for risks more than search for rewards. Developers especially so.
So with this speech, I want to paint another picture for you. I genuinely believe, the future of work is enjoyable and definitely worth pursuing. And you can have that. Right after this speech.
Video streaming on the web: Live and recorded video streaming
React Finland 2021React Finland 2021
24 min
Video streaming on the web: Live and recorded video streaming
In this presentation, we'll present how video streaming works. We'll look at the anatomy of video streaming, and how video streaming is beneficial for delivering your content over just adding mp4 files.
We'll demonstrate live streaming from the browser, and then how to integrate that live stream into your webpage.
Becoming a React developer - A hiring manager’s perspective
React Finland 2021React Finland 2021
40 min
Becoming a React developer - A hiring manager’s perspective
The landscape of popular JS frameworks and libraries has become increasingly polarised. With React standing out an increasing number of companies are struggling to find skilled developers. People experienced in React are in a great position. Nevertheless, what if my CV lacks the right keyword? What if my Angular experience looks more like a burden? Can I apply for a front-end developer position in a React project?
On The Road To The World's Best Branding
React Finland 2021React Finland 2021
18 min
On The Road To The World's Best Branding
In this talk we'll take a closer how we do event branding and theming at Brella, and how we want to progress it in the future. Topics such as generating accessible colors will be discussed.
How to structure, style and document your components for maximum effectiveness
React Finland 2021React Finland 2021
19 min
How to structure, style and document your components for maximum effectiveness
I'll present a practical approach to styling react components, a folder structure and documentation structure that's very easy to follow (for onboarding members) + other insights I got while using this approach.
React on Steroids with Nx!
React Finland 2021React Finland 2021
27 min
React on Steroids with Nx!
We often talk and hear about scaling in production, but we rarely talk about scaling development. Aspects like structuring and organizing your codebase, code sharing across teams, speeding up build and test runs can play a huge role in terms of productivity for a developer team. That impacts small teams but gets even more evident as your team grows and especially for large enterprises.
In this short talk I'm going to demo Nx and what it can do for you to help you modularize your React code, generate code for you, help you build faster and much more. Tune in to learn about the build framework you've been missing in your tool belt!
Screenshot testing with ViteShot
React Finland 2021React Finland 2021
22 min
Screenshot testing with ViteShot
François will introduce ViteShot, a new open-source tool that can generate screenshots of HTML/CSS components within seconds, so you can be confident that your UI looks exactly the way it's supposed to.
Haptics, Sounds and Micro Animations
React Finland 2021React Finland 2021
24 min
Haptics, Sounds and Micro Animations
Quick tips on how to utilise the native mobile platform to help provide your users an upgraded experience with sounds, vibrations and animations. Small changes can have a huge difference UX-wise.
The Eternal Sunshine of the Zero Build Pipeline
React Finland 2021React Finland 2021
36 min
The Eternal Sunshine of the Zero Build Pipeline
For many years, we have migrated all our devtools to Node.js for the sake of simplicity: a common language (JS/TS), a large ecosystem (NPM), and a powerful engine. In the meantime, we moved a lot of computation tasks to the client-side thanks to PWA and JavaScript Hegemony.
So we made Webapps for years, developing with awesome reactive frameworks and bundling a lot of dependencies. We progressively moved from our simplicity to complex apps toolchains. We've become the new Java-like ecosystem. It sucks.
It's 2021, we've got a lot of new technologies to sustain our Users eXperience. It's time to have a break and rethink our tools rather than going faster and faster in the same direction. It's time to redesign the Developer eXperience. It's time for a bundle-free dev environment. It's time to embrace a new frontend building philosophy, still with our lovely JavaScript.
Introducing Snowpack, Vite, Astro, and other Bare Modules tools concepts!
How to Delegate your React Dialogs
React Finland 2021React Finland 2021
10 min
How to Delegate your React Dialogs
How to properly hide modals / dialogs / drawers functionalities behind buttons that spawn them without cluttering container components.
SSR & SSG in NextJS
React Finland 2021React Finland 2021
27 min
SSR & SSG in NextJS
In this talk we are going to have a look on how to use Server-Side-Rendering and Static-Site-Generation in NextJS to serve pages.
Testing the integrity of your React components by publishing in a private registry
React Finland 2021React Finland 2021
28 min
Testing the integrity of your React components by publishing in a private registry
The final stage of a react component is when it is being published and distributed. How can I ensure my packages won’t crash in production? This talk will help you to test your React components publishing them to a private registry and running End-to-End tests against them.
Documenting components with stories
React Finland 2021React Finland 2021
18 min
Documenting components with stories
Most documentation systems focus on text content of one form or another: WYSIWYG editors, markdown, code comments, and so forth. Storybook, the industry-standard component workshop, takes a very different approach, focusing instead on component examples, or stories.
In this demo, I will introduce an open format called Component Story Format (CSF).
I will show how CSF can be used used to create interactive docs in Storybook, including auto-generated DocsPage and freeform MDX documentation. Storybook Docs is a convenient way to build a living production design system.
I will then show how CSF stories can be used create novel forms of documentation, such as multiplayer collaborative docs, interactive design prototypes, and even behavioral documentation via tests.
Finally, I will present the current status and outline a roadmap of improvements that are on their way in the coming months.
The Story of ReScript's Documentation Platform
React Finland 2021React Finland 2021
39 min
The Story of ReScript's Documentation Platform
In this talk, Patrick goes through the effort that went into ReScript's documentation platform. You can check the slides for this talk here.
Opensource Documentation—Tales from React and React Native
React Finland 2021React Finland 2021
27 min
Opensource Documentation—Tales from React and React Native
Documentation is often your community's first point of contact with your project and their daily companion at work. So why is documentation the last thing that gets done, and how can we do it better? This talk shares how important documentation is for React and React Native and how you can invest in or contribute to making your favourite project's docs to build a thriving community
Brief introduction to Nuxt
React Finland 2021React Finland 2021
24 min
Brief introduction to Nuxt
In this brief introduction of Nuxt, we will learn Nuxt basics and how to build Git-files based content management system using Nuxt.js and its module system.
Aleph.js - Build your React app in Deno
React Finland 2021React Finland 2021
26 min
Aleph.js - Build your React app in Deno
A demo on Aleph.js about good development experience and deno runtime.
How to View and React without a Head
React Finland 2021React Finland 2021
27 min
How to View and React without a Head
You might have heard about Headless CMS. This new type of content platform gives us some benefits compared to a Monolithic CMS.We will talk about the key features of any Headless CMS and how we can integrate a headless platform into our React applications. We will focus on Storyblok, a headless CMS that offers a real-time Visual , a great feature for developers and content creators.
Zero-runtime CSS-in-TypeScript with vanilla-extract
React Finland 2021React Finland 2021
29 min
Zero-runtime CSS-in-TypeScript with vanilla-extract
Can we have themeable CSS-in-TypeScript without the runtime cost? In this talk we'll have a quick look at how this can be achieved with vanilla-extract.
Make legacy code delightful with statecharts
React Finland 2021React Finland 2021
22 min
Make legacy code delightful with statecharts
If you must have legacy code, you want it written in statecharts. We'll break down the mental models required for understanding unfamiliar UI code, and compare the maintenance costs with and without statecharts.
A thorough analysis of CSS-in-JS
React Finland 2021React Finland 2021
24 min
A thorough analysis of CSS-in-JS
There are two mutually exclusive methods that CSS-in-JS libraries use to generate and ship styles to the browser. Both methods have benefits and downsides, so let’s analyze them in detail from the loading performance perspective.
How to avoid bias or exclusion when recruiting
React Finland 2021React Finland 2021
19 min
How to avoid bias or exclusion when recruiting
I focus on why inclusion is important in hiring and what are the inclusive hiring practices for any organization that could be taken into use. Inclusive hiring and evaluation process are the great window of opportunity that can truly support inclusion with practical actions. I offer practical tips and a way to implement small changes while working the way towards more inclusive hiring culture and strategy.
Introducing state machines and statecharts
React Finland 2021React Finland 2021
18 min
Introducing state machines and statecharts
State machines and statecharts can seem intimidating. Especially if you (like me!) didn’t study computer science, aren’t big into maths, or just haven’t come across state machines and statecharts before.
In this session, you’ll get a whirlwind introduction to state machines and statecharts, no prior knowledge and no coding experience required. Are you already familiar with state machines and statecharts but want to get a better understanding of the benefits and how to convince your team to get onboard? That’ll be covered too.
You could be a developer, designer, project manager, multi-disciplinarian or fancy specialist, I believe everyone can get something out of this talk, so join me!
Automate your stack with GraphQL
React Finland 2021React Finland 2021
22 min
Automate your stack with GraphQL
Lukas will demonstrate how you can have your backend GraphQL in sync with your frontend code on a framework agnostic way.
- Having the advantage of autocompletion while writing the GraphQL queries IDE support- Built in type safety through static schemas- Automatic generated frontend code for your framework of choice (React, Vue.js, Angular)- Having everything rebuild through a built in watch mode
How to cache GraphQL queries at the edge
React Finland 2021React Finland 2021
23 min
How to cache GraphQL queries at the edge
A demo and deep dive into GraphCDN, the edge caching GraphQL CDN.
Reasons why we need inclusion
React Finland 2021React Finland 2021
17 min
Reasons why we need inclusion
You can check the slides for Nasim's talk here.
Rethinking CSS - Introducing Stylex
React Finland 2021React Finland 2021
25 min
Rethinking CSS - Introducing Stylex
Top Content
CSS + superpowers - bloat. How Stylex creates a zero-cost abstraction that gives CSS superpowers.
Contentful and headless
React Finland 2021React Finland 2021
19 min
Contentful and headless
How Contentful helps you to manage all the data in a headless e-commerce website.
React Bricks: a CMS with visual editing based on React components
React Finland 2021React Finland 2021
24 min
React Bricks: a CMS with visual editing based on React components
Headless CMSs are great for developers, but not for content creators.
React Bricks is the first CMS that is super-great for Developers (it's just React, backed solid APIs), for Content Creators (it keeps the visual editing experience of no-code tools like Wix) and for Designers (you can express your exact design system and be sure nobody will break it). I'll show you how it works!
Using Apollo Federation in a microservice architecture in Kubernetes
React Finland 2021React Finland 2021
31 min
Using Apollo Federation in a microservice architecture in Kubernetes
Being flexible with Apollo Federation and autoscaling with Kubernetes opens many opportunities to scale your app. Jan will show how these two services work hand in hand and why autoscaling matters.
The Actor Model: a new mental model for React
React Finland 2021React Finland 2021
37 min
The Actor Model: a new mental model for React
Top Content
System-level state management in modern React applications is challenging. Usually, as the applications grow, the complexity of interaction between different parts of the application compounds. The more you need those isolated parts to talk, the higher the level of complexity. Usually, the common pitfalls of these communications are underestimated especially with the recent trend of State management that tends to keep the application state outside of React and distributed. In this talk, We'll see how the Actor Model architecture can come to the rescue and what makes it stand out compared to the other approaches.
Micro Frontends in React — a State of the Art Approach
React Finland 2021React Finland 2021
30 min
Micro Frontends in React — a State of the Art Approach
David will explain the different possibilities to implement MicroFrontends in the past, the present, and the future. More importantly, he will leave you to know which of the available approaches is best suited for your specific task at hand.
Web Components in React
React Finland 2021React Finland 2021
20 min
Web Components in React
Likely you've heard of Web Components but do you know how to use them with React? If not, then this is the demonstration for you!
Hooks are a great abstraction model
React Finland 2021React Finland 2021
13 min
Hooks are a great abstraction model
The discussion explores the separation of concerns between logic (Model) and UI (View) and how React hooks are a great abstraction model that help achieve that.
We'll start with designing a component's API (in a top down approach), then dive deeper to explore how to implement this API, while maintaining a good separation of concerns.
We'll create custom React hooks to implement the Model and React components for the UI. Both expose self-documenting APIs and are completely decoupled from each other.
To demo this approach, we'll create a simple Toggler component (a UI component that allows going back and forth in an array of values).Towards the end, we'll explore the benefits, focusing on testing these decoupled units in isolation.
SolidJS - Reactive JSX
React Finland 2021React Finland 2021
28 min
SolidJS - Reactive JSX
An introduction to SolidJS UI Library. Explore an example to show the similarity and differences between Hook + Virtual DOM versus Reactivity + DOM.
JSX for Designers
React Finland 2021React Finland 2021
21 min
JSX for Designers
Even today, with advanced tooling and frameworks, the gap between design and development still exists. This talk will examine how we can eliminate handoff between design and development teams using JSX as a shared source of truth across any platform.
The State of XState
React Finland 2021React Finland 2021
18 min
The State of XState
Over the past few years, state machines, statecharts, and the actor model have proven to be viable concepts for building complex application logic in a clear, visual way with XState. In this talk, we'll take a peek into the future of XState, including new features in the next version, and new tools and services that will make it even easier to create and collaborate on state machines.
Breaking out of the confines: making games in React
React Finland 2021React Finland 2021
20 min
Breaking out of the confines: making games in React
To show how we can make rich, interactive experiences, for instance games, with React semantics and shareable components, and what that means for traditional constructs, like the render-loop.
Bringing Ionic (and Web Components) to React
React Summit Remote Edition 2020React Summit Remote Edition 2020
12 min
Bringing Ionic (and Web Components) to React
Ionic React is a framework for building cross-platform apps using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It has hit its stable release and brings Ionic to even more developers. The Q&A session covers topics like the target market for Mux and the use of div as a button in React Native web. Ionic supports native apps and allows for a mix of web UI and custom native views.
GraphQL Mesh – Query Anything, Run Anywhere
React Summit Remote Edition 2020React Summit Remote Edition 2020
15 min
GraphQL Mesh – Query Anything, Run Anywhere
The speaker introduces GraphQL Mesh, a library that extracts schemas from existing services and merges them into a single GraphQL endpoint. This allows for type safety and the ability to add federated metadata to existing services. GraphQL Mesh can run as a central gateway or a distributed source. The speaker also mentions the use of platforms for streaming and the accessibility benefits of using semantic HTML content. Additionally, there is a mention of Ionic's support for native apps. Overall, the Talk covers the benefits and capabilities of GraphQL Mesh and its applications in different scenarios.
Button vs Div: What's the Big Deal Anyway?
React Summit Remote Edition 2020React Summit Remote Edition 2020
12 min
Button vs Div: What's the Big Deal Anyway?
Today's Talk discussed the preference of accessibility advocates for using the platform over divs, highlighting the ease of converting divs into buttons. The CSS for making divs look like buttons was also discussed, but it was concluded that using the platform is easier and more accessible. The Q&A session covered topics such as target market and using divs as buttons for specific cases. The Talk also briefly mentioned the tapping feature of Match and the support for native apps in Ionic. The closing remarks concluded the Talk.
Going Live from your Browser without WebRTC
React Summit Remote Edition 2020React Summit Remote Edition 2020
13 min
Going Live from your Browser without WebRTC
Mux provides an API for live streaming and aims to keep users in their own applications. Live broadcast and live chat are different, with live chat using WebRTC and live broadcast using RTMP and HLS. WebRTC can be implemented using headless Chrome or the getUserMedia process. Mux targets developers building platforms and suggests using semantic HTML. Ionic supports native apps and custom native views.
React Query: It’s Time to Break up with your "Global State”!
React Summit Remote Edition 2020React Summit Remote Edition 2020
30 min
React Query: It’s Time to Break up with your "Global State”!
Top Content
Global state management and the challenges of placing server state in global state are discussed. React Query is introduced as a solution for handling asynchronous server state. The Talk demonstrates the process of extracting logic into custom hooks and fixing issues with state and fetching logic. Optimistic updates with mutation are showcased, along with the benefits of using React Query for data fetching and mutations. The future of global state management is discussed, along with user feedback on React Query. The Talk concludes with an invitation to explore React Query for server state management.
Designing with Code in Mind
React Summit Remote Edition 2020React Summit Remote Edition 2020
30 min
Designing with Code in Mind
Welcome to Designing with Coding Minds. Having a designer who codes in your team can help work faster and bridge the gap between developers and designers. Designers who can code can improve design systems and create components for design tools. GitHub is used at Elastic for collaboration between designers and developers. At Elastic, the code is prioritized over the final design, allowing the code to go live first.
Scalable React Development for Large Projects
React Summit Remote Edition 2020React Summit Remote Edition 2020
35 min
Scalable React Development for Large Projects
Scalable React development made easy by NX, a monorepo-based approach used by large tech companies. Challenges of sharing code in multiple repos include duplicate tooling, separate workflows, and version conflicts. Benefits of a monorepo include unified tooling, single version of dependencies, and simplified development. NX enables monorepo workflows with intelligent build systems and easy code sharing. It also supports custom code generation, enforces standards and dependencies, improves build times, and provides modern tools and plugins.
AHA Programming
React Summit Remote Edition 2020React Summit Remote Edition 2020
32 min
AHA Programming
Top Content
The Talk discusses the concept of AHA programming, which emphasizes thoughtful abstractions. It presents a live-coded example of the life-cycle of an abstraction and demonstrates how to fix bugs and enhance abstractions. The importance of avoiding complex abstractions and the value of duplication over the wrong abstraction are highlighted. The Talk also provides insights on building the right abstractions and offers resources for further learning.
Controlling Apps with Your Mind and AI
React Summit Remote Edition 2020React Summit Remote Edition 2020
25 min
Controlling Apps with Your Mind and AI
This Talk explores controlling apps with the mind and the future of UI and UX. It discusses the integration of VR and AR into UI and UX, the understanding of neurons and EEG headsets, connecting to Muse via Bluetooth, measuring brain waves and blink detection, feeding data to machine learning, and mind control with AR. The speaker emphasizes the importance of learning React Native, AR, React, Bluetooth, and drones for those interested in exploring these topics.
Designing Boardgames and How Tech (and React) Can Help
React Summit Remote Edition 2020React Summit Remote Edition 2020
8 min
Designing Boardgames and How Tech (and React) Can Help
In these weird times, we all have one question: what to do with that much time at home? The answer is to invent more board games and potentially use React. Modifying existing games and adding AI can bring new possibilities and challenges. The BoardGame.IO library provides a simple interface for creating playable versions of board games on a computer and adding AI. Computer simulations cannot capture the social interaction and dynamics of board games played on a table.
Exploring React My Own Way
React Summit Remote Edition 2020React Summit Remote Edition 2020
11 min
Exploring React My Own Way
The Talk provides an introduction to React and discusses the speaker's journey of learning React effectively. It emphasizes the importance of understanding the purpose of learning React and following a step-by-step process. The Talk also highlights the need to learn React independently before diving into other tech stacks. Practical learning, tracking coding activity, and learning in public are recommended approaches. The speaker mentions working with technologies like Node.js, ExpressJS, React, EmberJS, VueJS, Nuxt, and Next. The Talk concludes with the speaker's contact information and availability for discussions on operating systems and full stack development.
Virtual Reality with React
React Summit Remote Edition 2020React Summit Remote Edition 2020
8 min
Virtual Reality with React
The Talk provides an introduction to React 360, a JavaScript framework created by Facebook for building 3D and VR user interfaces on top of React. It simplifies the creation of complex UI and leverages the familiar concepts and tools of React and React Native. The folder structure includes a static assets folder for media files, a client.js file for creating locations and surfaces, and an index file as the main file. The code structure is similar to React Native and React, using Flexbox for styling. The application can be run on a web browser or any VR device, and includes features like slides, video layer, and customizable background image.
How I Went from Being Skeptical about Relay to Falling in Love with It
React Summit Remote Edition 2020React Summit Remote Edition 2020
27 min
How I Went from Being Skeptical about Relay to Falling in Love with It
This Talk discusses the use of Relay and fragments in data fetching for React applications. It explores the challenges of fetching data from components and the optimization of data fetching. The Talk also covers the use of fragments for component data fetching and the challenges and potential errors that can arise. It highlights the design decisions of Relay that make data access easier and the use of variables in fragments. The Talk concludes with a discussion on refetching fragment data and the combination of fragments and queries in Relay.
End Your Development Nightmares with envinfo and Solidarity
React Summit Remote Edition 2020React Summit Remote Edition 2020
7 min
End Your Development Nightmares with envinfo and Solidarity
Envinfo and Solidarity are tools that help developers manage their development environment more efficiently. Envinfo conglomerates information about the development environment, saving developers from having to type multiple commands. Solidarity provides more control on a per-project basis, allowing developers to check files, variables, and handle custom plug-ins. It also offers neat tricks like paint it red mode for giving warnings without disrupting the workflow. Solidarity is useful for pre-commit hooks and git config checks.
Styles and Theming with Restyle in React Native
React Summit Remote Edition 2020React Summit Remote Edition 2020
8 min
Styles and Theming with Restyle in React Native
Top Content
Today's Talk focuses on styles and theming in React Native, specifically from the perspective of the arrive app. The challenges faced with managing colors and font styles are addressed by Restyle, which provides a type-enforced system for building UI components with themability. The implementation of color palettes, spacing, and dark mode is discussed, along with the benefits of using Restyle's predefined components. TypeScript's autocompletion and other advantages are highlighted, and listeners are encouraged to explore the project on GitHub for more features.
ML on the Edge
React Summit Remote Edition 2020React Summit Remote Edition 2020
7 min
ML on the Edge
This Talk discusses machine learning on the edge and its benefits for mobile applications. ML on the edge utilizes the computing power of mobile devices for secure, real-time processing and offline capabilities. ML Kit, Google's SDK, provides easy integration of ML solutions in mobile apps without extensive ML expertise. The Talk covers the setup of Firebase and ML Kit integration in React Native projects, showcasing the possibilities of applying filters and generating avatars with ML on the edge.
The 1.0 is a Lie
React Summit Remote Edition 2020React Summit Remote Edition 2020
22 min
The 1.0 is a Lie
Welcome to a talk on React Native releases, where the speaker shares their experience and perspective. The complexities of React Native releases are discussed, including the challenges of manual testing and conflicts with dependencies. The involvement of the community and improved communication with Facebook are highlighted. The speaker also mentions the incremental automation of the release process. React Native 1.0 is seen as a promise of a finalized product with long-term support. The long-term plan for React Native's new architecture is mentioned, with a focus on minimizing breaking changes.
Dabl: Automatic Machine Learning with a Human in the Loop
ML conf EU 2020ML conf EU 2020
35 min
Dabl: Automatic Machine Learning with a Human in the Loop
This talk introduces Dabble, a library that allows data scientists to iterate quickly and incorporate human input into the machine learning process. Dabble provides tools for each step of the machine learning workflow, including problem statement, data cleaning, visualization, model building, and model interpretation. It uses mosaic plots and pair plots to analyze categorical and continuous features. Dabble also implements a portfolio-based automatic machine learning approach using successive halving to find the best model. The future goals of Dabble include supporting more feature types, improving the portfolio, and building explainable models.
Never Have an Unmaintainable Jupyter Notebook Again!
ML conf EU 2020ML conf EU 2020
26 min
Never Have an Unmaintainable Jupyter Notebook Again!
Jupyter Notebooks are important for data science, but maintaining them can be challenging. Visualizing data sets and using code quality tools like NBQA can help address these challenges. Tools like nbdime and Precommit can assist with version control and future code quality. Configuring NBQA and other code quality tools can be done in the PyProject.toml file. NBQA has been integrated into various projects' continuous integration workflows. Moving code from notebooks to Python packages should be considered based on the need for reproducibility and self-contained solutions.
Power of Transfer Learning in NLP: Build a Text Classification Model Using BERT
ML conf EU 2020ML conf EU 2020
35 min
Power of Transfer Learning in NLP: Build a Text Classification Model Using BERT
Transfer learning is a technique used when there is a scarcity of labeled data, where a pre-trained model is repurposed for a new task. BERT is a bidirectional model trained on plain text that considers the context of tokens during training. Understanding the baseline NLP modeling and addressing challenges like context-based words and spelling errors are crucial. BERT has applications in multiple problem-solving scenarios, but may not perform well in strict classification labels or conversational AI. Training BERT involves next sentence prediction and mass language modeling to handle contextual understanding and coherent mapping.
Can You Sing with All the Voices of the Features?
ML conf EU 2020ML conf EU 2020
8 min
Can You Sing with All the Voices of the Features?
This Talk discusses the role of repetition in songwriting and how it has become more prevalent over the years. The use of string metrics, such as the Levenstein distance, allows for the analysis of similarity between segments of songs. A similarity threshold of 70% is used to determine if segments are considered similar. Overall, the Talk explores the importance of repetition in creating successful songs and the use of analytical tools to measure similarity.
Browser Session Analytics: The Key to Fraud Detection
ML conf EU 2020ML conf EU 2020
7 min
Browser Session Analytics: The Key to Fraud Detection
Blue Tab Solutions specializes in advanced analytics and big data, and recently improved financial fraud detection using Spark and the CRISPM methodology. They discovered insights like the correlation between fraudulent sessions and the mobile cast page accessed from the web application. The models created using decision trees, random forest classifiers, and gradient boosting classifiers were validated using the area under the ROC curve. The GVT classifier yielded the best result with a score of 0.94. Regular training is necessary for accurate models, and the next steps involve real-time action when fraud is detected.
Machine Learning on the Edge Using TensorFlow Lite
ML conf EU 2020ML conf EU 2020
8 min
Machine Learning on the Edge Using TensorFlow Lite
Håkan Silvernagel introduces TensorFlow Lite, an open-source deep learning framework for deploying machine learning models on mobile and IoT devices. He highlights the benefits of using TensorFlow Lite, such as reduced latency, increased privacy, and improved connectivity. The Talk includes a demonstration of object recognition capabilities and a real-world example of using TensorFlow Lite to detect a disease affecting farmers in Tanzania. References to official TensorFlow documentation, Google IO conference, and TensorFlow courses on Coursera are provided.
DeepPavlov Agent: Open-source Framework for Multiskill Conversational AI
ML conf EU 2020ML conf EU 2020
27 min
DeepPavlov Agent: Open-source Framework for Multiskill Conversational AI
The Pavlov Agent is an open source framework for multi-skill conversational AI, addressing the need for specific skills in different domains. The microservice architecture allows for scalability and skill reuse. The Deep Pavlov Library enables the creation of NLP pipelines for different skills. The Deep Pavlov Dream serves as a repository for skills and templates, while the Deployment Agent orchestrates all components for a seamless conversational experience. DeepLove.AI offers more flexibility and customization compared to Microsoft's LUIS service.
Boost Productivity with Keras Ecosystem
ML conf EU 2020ML conf EU 2020
30 min
Boost Productivity with Keras Ecosystem
This Talk introduces the TensorFlow in Keras ecosystem and highlights its features, including tensor manipulations, automatic differentiation, and deployment. It also discusses the workflow and automation of hyperparameter tuning with Keras Tuner and AutoKeras. The Talk emphasizes the simplicity and productivity of using AutoKeras, which supports various tasks and advanced scenarios. It also mentions the challenges beginners face and provides resources for learning. Lastly, it touches on the use of TensorFlow and Keras in the research domain and the customization options in AutoKeras, including time series forecasting.
TensorFlow.js 101: ML in the Browser and Beyond
ML conf EU 2020ML conf EU 2020
41 min
TensorFlow.js 101: ML in the Browser and Beyond
TensorFlow.js enables machine learning in the browser and beyond, with features like face mesh, body segmentation, and pose estimation. It offers JavaScript prototyping and transfer learning capabilities, as well as the ability to recognize custom objects using the Image Project feature. TensorFlow.js can be used with Cloud AutoML for training custom vision models and provides performance benefits in both JavaScript and Python development. It offers interactivity, reach, scale, and performance, and encourages community engagement and collaboration between the JavaScript and machine learning communities.
Broadening AI Adoption with AutoML
ML conf EU 2020ML conf EU 2020
9 min
Broadening AI Adoption with AutoML
AutomL simplifies the complexity of building machine learning models, allowing engineers to focus on the hard problems and applications. It enables the solving of problems that wouldn't be feasible otherwise. The three-step AutomL approach by MathWorks includes wavelet scattering for feature extraction. AutoML also enables feature selection and model optimization for memory and power-limited embedded systems. MATLAB can translate to low-level code for deployment.
Processing Robot Data at Scale with R and Kubernetes
ML conf EU 2020ML conf EU 2020
8 min
Processing Robot Data at Scale with R and Kubernetes
The Talk discusses the challenges of managing and analyzing the increasing volume of data gathered from robots. It highlights the importance of data extraction and feature engineering in analyzing what happens before a failure. The use of Kubernetes and Packyderm for data management and automatic updates in the pipeline is mentioned. The parallelization of R scripts and the scalability of large clusters for data collection and processing are emphasized. The Talk also mentions the use of AI at the robot fleet level for unlocking new opportunities.
Deep Transfer Learning for Computer Vision
ML conf EU 2020ML conf EU 2020
8 min
Deep Transfer Learning for Computer Vision
Dipanjan Sarkar
Sachin Dangayach
2 authors
Today's Talk focuses on deep transfer learning for Computer Vision in the semiconductor manufacturing industry, specifically defect classification. The speakers discuss using a hybrid classification system with pre-trained models and image augmentation for accurate defect detection. They also explore the use of unsupervised learning, leveraging clustering algorithms and pre-trained models like ResNet-50, for defect analysis without prior knowledge. The process is reproducible, user-friendly, and provides accurate cluster results, with potential for future supervised learning applications.
Teaching ML and AI to Coders
ML conf EU 2020ML conf EU 2020
34 min
Teaching ML and AI to Coders
The Talk discusses the current state of AI and the challenges faced in educating developers. Google's mission is to train 10 percent of the world's developers in machine learning and AI. They have developed specializations and training initiatives to make AI easy and accessible. The impact of AI education includes rigorous certification exams and partnerships with universities. The Talk also highlights the growth trends in the tech industry and the importance of AI skills. TensorFlow is recommended for its deployment capabilities, and practice is emphasized for building a career in machine learning.
How to Machine Learn-ify any Product
ML conf EU 2020ML conf EU 2020
33 min
How to Machine Learn-ify any Product
In this Talk, an ML engineer from Facebook shares insights on when to use ML and a successful use case from Facebook. The speaker discusses the process of using ML for Facebook Portal calls, including data collection and model selection. The importance of precision and recall in ML models is emphasized, as well as the need for online evaluation and active learning. The Talk also touches on the challenges of data protection and label delay in ML model development.
The Evolution Revolution
ML conf EU 2020ML conf EU 2020
31 min
The Evolution Revolution
The Talk discusses the challenges of implementing software solutions and the need for abstractions. It emphasizes the importance of innovation and implementing once to avoid complexity. The use of Brain.js in machine learning research and its practical applications are highlighted. The talk also mentions the benefits of using JavaScript and GPU.js for graphics processing. Overall, the Talk encourages simplicity, efficiency, and collaboration in software development.
Computer Vision Using OpenCV
ML conf EU 2020ML conf EU 2020
32 min
Computer Vision Using OpenCV
Today's Talk explores image processing, computer vision, and their combination with machine learning. Image processing involves manipulating images, while computer vision extracts valuable information from images. Histograms are crucial in image processing as they represent the distribution of brightness values. Various image processing techniques can be used, such as thresholding and convolution. Computer vision techniques focus on extracting important features for object recognition and can be hand-tailored. Audio processing is not the focus of OpenCV, but TensorFlow libraries may be more suitable. Understanding the algorithms behind the code is important for robustness and effective debugging. Computer vision has applications in healthcare for cancer recognition and in agriculture for plant health monitoring.
An Introduction to Transfer Learning in NLP and HuggingFace
ML conf EU 2020ML conf EU 2020
32 min
An Introduction to Transfer Learning in NLP and HuggingFace
Transfer learning in NLP allows for better performance with minimal data. BERT is commonly used for sequential transfer learning. Models like BERT can be adapted for downstream tasks such as text classification. Handling different types of inputs in NLP involves concatenating or duplicating the model. Hugging Face aims to tackle challenges in NLP through knowledge sharing and open sourcing code and libraries.
Using Feature Flags to Enable Testing in Production
Node Congress 2021Node Congress 2021
29 min
Using Feature Flags to Enable Testing in Production
Today's Talk discusses enabling tests in production, including challenges with staging environments, the use of feature flags for testing, and automating feature flag testing. It also covers running tests in production while ensuring no impact on real users, determining what to test in production, recommended tools and dependencies, and mitigating risks. The importance of testing in production and shifting the testing culture is emphasized, along with the need for a solid automation framework and managing feature flag dependencies.
Build Your GraphQL APIs Faster with Nexus Schema
GraphQL Galaxy 2020GraphQL Galaxy 2020
25 min
Build Your GraphQL APIs Faster with Nexus Schema
This Talk discusses the benefits of a code-first approach to building GraphQL APIs using Nexus Schema. It explores how the code-first approach simplifies the development process by allowing the GraphQL schema to be defined in code, providing flexibility and easy modularization. The integration of a real database with Prisma is demonstrated, showcasing the type-safe way to access the database and generate schema definition language and types as artifacts. The Talk also highlights the maturity and growth of GraphQL as a technology and the excitement it brings to the developer community.
GraphQL for Everyone - Danielle Man
GraphQL Galaxy 2020GraphQL Galaxy 2020
33 min
GraphQL for Everyone - Danielle Man
GraphQL can be the standard way to model and query business data, and it has the potential to go beyond just helping developers. Optimizing GraphQL queries involves mapping them to performant database queries. Translating Druid queries to GraphQL provides flexibility but has challenges with data formatting and query execution. Directives and tools like GraphQL LowDash can transform arrays of objects and provide support for applying functions to queries. Making GraphQL more accessible and integrating it into tools like Tableau can unlock its full potential.
GraphQL Anywhere - Our Journey With GraphQL Mesh and Schema Stitching
GraphQL Galaxy 2020GraphQL Galaxy 2020
34 min
GraphQL Anywhere - Our Journey With GraphQL Mesh and Schema Stitching
The Guild has developed various tools for GraphQL, including the GraphQL Code Generator, GraphQL Inspector, GraphQL Modules, GraphQL Tools, and GraphQL Mesh. They have joined the GraphQL Foundation and migrated GraphQLJS to TypeScript. Exciting developments in the GraphQL community include new libraries and directives, such as the GraphQL Web Socket library and the stream and defer directives. GraphQL Mesh allows for converting and merging various sources into GraphQL, providing a distributed solution. The GraphQL Hive registry allows for centralized management of schemas. The talk emphasizes a distributed and gradual approach to adopting GraphQL and the option to choose between schema stitching and Apollo Federation.
GraphQL 2021 Wishlist- The top GraphQL Opportunities & Challenges for 2021
GraphQL Galaxy 2020GraphQL Galaxy 2020
35 min
GraphQL 2021 Wishlist- The top GraphQL Opportunities & Challenges for 2021
GraphQL has not yet reached mainstream adoption and there are still inflection points to cross. Fragments in GraphQL clients need improvement, and non-GraphQL approaches like SWR and Vulkane offer alternatives for automating data fetching. GraphQL clients beyond UI frameworks present challenges, but tools like the GraphQL code generator and Juke offer solutions. Using GraphQL as an intermediate representation and bridging the gap between GraphQL and REST are appealing concepts. Joining graphs and data in different use cases is a challenge, but solutions like a common GraphQL model or programmable API gateway are emerging. Unifying the entire API ecosystem may not be necessary in large enterprises, focusing on specific API endpoints can be more beneficial.
Going from Zero to Building Multi-Region GraphQL Applications
GraphQL Galaxy 2020GraphQL Galaxy 2020
8 min
Going from Zero to Building Multi-Region GraphQL Applications
GraphQL is gaining rapid adoption, providing autonomy for UX developers to retrieve only the data they need. The use of GraphQL subscriptions allows for real-time updates without constant data polling. These features were evaluated in real-world use cases like e-commerce and order management systems.
But Can Your GraphQL Client Do This? — A Deep-Dive Into urql
GraphQL Galaxy 2020GraphQL Galaxy 2020
37 min
But Can Your GraphQL Client Do This? — A Deep-Dive Into urql
Urql is a GraphQL client for React, React Native, and other frameworks, with first-party support for Next.js, Preact, Svelte, and Vue. It offers flexibility and extensibility through exchanges, including dedupe, cache, and fetch exchanges. Caching, retrying, and authentication are also supported. Urql uses document caching by default but offers a graph cache for normalized caching. It has a small bundle size and a responsive community for support and collaboration.
Using GraphQL on WordPress
GraphQL Galaxy 2020GraphQL Galaxy 2020
26 min
Using GraphQL on WordPress
WordPress, powering 30% of all websites, faces issues with overfetching and underfetching when using its REST API. WPGraphQL, a plugin for WordPress, solves this problem by using GraphQL, reducing API calls and improving scalability. By installing WPGraphQL and writing queries, developers can easily fetch data and transform it for rendering. WPGraphQL has been used by popular websites like qz.com and apollographql.com, and it recently hit 1.0. Gatsby Source WordPress is a faster version of Gatsby that works well with WPGraphQL, and Gatsby can handle building large sites. WPGraphQL does not currently support data subscriptions, but community contributions are welcome. The new Gatsby-sourced WordPress plugin offers benefits like real-time preview and incremental builds.
The Next Generation of GraphQL and TypeScript
GraphQL Galaxy 2020GraphQL Galaxy 2020
22 min
The Next Generation of GraphQL and TypeScript
The CTO of the Guild discusses the importance of keeping the GraphQL schema and TypeScript code in sync. They introduce GraphQL Cogen, a tool that generates TypeScript types and code to improve developer experience and type safety. The tool also generates ready-to-use React hooks based on Apollo Client and supports multiple languages and integration with various tools. They also discuss the introduction of Type Document Node, which generates a document node from GraphQL operations. They mention the new string manipulation features in TypeScript 4.1 and the ability to parse GraphQL type definitions with a lexer. They express the need for community help to overcome limitations in TypeScript with parsing complex and multiline strings.
The Diminishing API Layer
GraphQL Galaxy 2020GraphQL Galaxy 2020
30 min
The Diminishing API Layer
The Talk discusses the evolution of code and data coupling, the challenges of managing code and API complexity, and the rise of GraphQL as a solution. It explores the power of directives in GraphQL and their ability to preprocess and post-process requests and responses. The at lambda directive is highlighted as a way to implement fields in JavaScript. The Talk also touches on the benefits of working from home and the flexibility of placing directives in various parts of a GraphQL schema.
Security Testing for GraphQL Backed Applications
GraphQL Galaxy 2020GraphQL Galaxy 2020
7 min
Security Testing for GraphQL Backed Applications
I'm Ryan Severns, COO of StackHawk, an application security testing tool that focuses on GraphQL. StackHawk offers active automated testing of GraphQL endpoints to find potential security vulnerabilities. The tool integrates with developer tools like Slack and Jira for easy vulnerability management and bug fixing. It provides detailed information, including request, response, and curl command, for debugging. StackHawk offers free single user accounts and team trials, and visitors can find more information at their booth in GraphQL Galaxy.
Secure Your GraphQL Endpoints With Tyk in 5 Minutes
GraphQL Galaxy 2020GraphQL Galaxy 2020
8 min
Secure Your GraphQL Endpoints With Tyk in 5 Minutes
This lightning talk explores how to secure GraphQL endpoints using Tyke, addressing problems such as authorization, schema security, and protection against denial of service attacks. Tyke provides comprehensive security features without the need for additional plugins. It supports various authentication modes, rate limiting, throttling, and query depth limiting. The demonstration shows how Tyke and GraphQL can easily secure APIs by adding authorization headers, restricting access to specific fields, and enforcing query depth limits.
Native GraphQL, GraphQL as a Database Query Language
GraphQL Galaxy 2020GraphQL Galaxy 2020
8 min
Native GraphQL, GraphQL as a Database Query Language
The Talk introduces NativeGraphQL, which translates a GraphQL query into one FQL query, offering advantages over traditional GraphQL resolvers. The VANA approach to NativeGraphQL avoids the n plus one problem and provides several benefits. FQL is a good fit for NativeGraphQL as it solves the tree traversal problem and offers the same advantages as the rest of the native FQL language. Native GraphQL also provides multi-region scalability, ACID, and transactionality out-of-the-box.
Let's Talk GraphQL With Your Services
GraphQL Galaxy 2020GraphQL Galaxy 2020
28 min
Let's Talk GraphQL With Your Services
This talk explores the use cases for GraphQL with existing services and legacy code, focusing on an e-commerce platform. It discusses the challenges of using REST and the benefits of using GraphQL. The talk covers different approaches to implementing GraphQL with existing services, such as using libraries like GraphQL Mesh or creating a custom data layer. It also discusses the importance of mapping data specifications to a GraphQL schema and creating resolvers. The talk concludes by highlighting the benefits of using GraphQL for client-facing applications.
It Depends — Examining GraphQL Myths and Assumptions
GraphQL Galaxy 2020GraphQL Galaxy 2020
25 min
It Depends — Examining GraphQL Myths and Assumptions
Today's talk explores the nuances of GraphQL and how its effectiveness depends on the context. Caching is a polarizing subject in GraphQL, but there are tools available for caching. The trade-off for client-side flexibility in GraphQL affects performance predictability. GraphQL as a backend for frontend offers flexibility but limits true decoupling. It's important to consider the context and trade-offs when deciding whether to use GraphQL or REST. The speaker emphasizes the need for better conversations and understanding the nuances of GraphQL.
GraphQL Observability
GraphQL Galaxy 2020GraphQL Galaxy 2020
8 min
GraphQL Observability
This Talk discusses how to tool Apollo server with open tracing for observability. OpenTracing is a vendor-agnostic format that works well with distributed systems in microservices. It allows for converting GraphQL tracing data to a vendor-agnostic format and enriching information from GraphQL servers. If providers support OpenTracing, it can be easily integrated.
Building a Highly Scalable Cloud API Gateway
GraphQL Galaxy 2020GraphQL Galaxy 2020
31 min
Building a Highly Scalable Cloud API Gateway
This Talk discusses building a highly scalable cloud API gateway with GraphQL using AWS AppSync. It covers the challenges of scalability, developer velocity, and cost in building APIs. The Talk provides a step-by-step guide on building a cloud API gateway using CDK and AppSync, including defining the schema, configuring data sources and permissions, creating resolvers, and deploying the API. It also highlights the flexibility and trade-offs of using AWS AppSync, testing GraphQL Lambdas, and the portability of the solution. The learning curve of AppSync has improved over time, and future updates are planned to further simplify the process.
What's New in npm?
DevOps.js Conf 2021DevOps.js Conf 2021
26 min
What's New in npm?
Welcome to my talk on what's new in the NPM CLI. NPMv7 introduced many new capabilities, including installing peer dependencies by default. npm v7 also introduced support for workspaces, allowing the definition of projects within your root project. The NPM team is continuously improving the CLI with weekly releases and is working on exciting features in collaboration with GitHub. NPM is not an acronym for Node Package Manager, and the CLI will continue to improve with the support of the growing team.
DevOps for Frontend: beyond Desktop Browsers
DevOps.js Conf 2021DevOps.js Conf 2021
31 min
DevOps for Frontend: beyond Desktop Browsers
Today's Talk discusses DevOps for frontend beyond desktop browsers, focusing on the challenges and journey to DevOps, the importance of abstractions, maximizing flow and enabling team autonomy, applying DevOps principles beyond web applications, running automated tests on consoles and TVs, investing in tooling for TV testing, and the challenges of TV testing in the lab.
ING’s Journey in Building and Deploying Frond-end Code
DevOps.js Conf 2021DevOps.js Conf 2021
8 min
ING’s Journey in Building and Deploying Frond-end Code
The Fruit Loops team at ING aims to simplify the lives of front-end engineers by introducing pipelines. They started with an Angular pipeline and then introduced a Polymer pipeline based on apps and web components. The ING web CLI and Azure DevOps were used to create pipelines that provided agility, freedom of choice, scaling, and autonomy to teams. The key takeaway is to choose the right drivers to fit your organization's needs when implementing pipelines.
Parcel 2: the Automagical Bundler
DevOps.js Conf 2021DevOps.js Conf 2021
8 min
Parcel 2: the Automagical Bundler
Parcel 2 is a ground-up rewrite of Parcel 1, a fast and scalable zero-configuration web application bundler used by large companies like Atlassian and Adobe. It offers a zero-config approach with good defaults, making it production-ready out of the box. The new features include a revamped plugin system, a configuration file, transformers for file conversion, optimizers for code compression, target support for different browsers, diagnostics for error debugging, and named pipelines for data and JavaScript in different formats. Parcel 2 also supports different import scenarios, such as importing JSON files with named pipelines and using query parameters for image optimization. It includes various performance improvements, stable caches, optimized data structures, enhanced code splitting and bundling, improved scope hosting, and better support for monorepos and libraries. A React example is provided to showcase the simplicity of Parcel and how to use it with React.
JAM Stack Deployment Platforms and Performance Comparison
DevOps.js Conf 2021DevOps.js Conf 2021
8 min
JAM Stack Deployment Platforms and Performance Comparison
This is an introduction to the Jamstack Deploy project, which measures and tests popular cloud providers for the Jamstack architecture. The project focuses on performance and uses Checkly as a monitoring tool. The speaker plans to add more stats and tools for comparison and invites users to contribute to the project.
The Art of Feature Flagging
DevOps.js Conf 2021DevOps.js Conf 2021
8 min
The Art of Feature Flagging
Feature flagging is an effective practice in software development to prevent unexpected impacts of code changes. Virtuflex offers a solution for continuous integration and deployment, allowing developers to serve random comics with different randomizer options. Feature flags are used to control the behavior of AI systems during development, enabling gradual deployment and automated testing. Once a feature is complete and tested, the code and flag can be safely removed.
The Rise of the Dynamic Edge
DevOps.js Conf 2021DevOps.js Conf 2021
32 min
The Rise of the Dynamic Edge
The Talk discusses the rise of the dynamic edge and the past, present, and future of frontend hosting. It emphasizes the impact of latency on CDN usage and the relevance of CDNs in JavaScript application development. The use of CDNs for rapidly changing content and the benefits of the Jamstack approach are explored. The future of the dynamic edge lies in platforms like Cloudflare Workers. The Talk also highlights the performance benefits of running Frontend Application Bundles (FABs) on the edge and the challenges faced in achieving optimal performance.
GitHub Actions for Node.js Apps
DevOps.js Conf 2021DevOps.js Conf 2021
32 min
GitHub Actions for Node.js Apps
GitHub Actions allow for continuous integration tasks, defined in YAML files, that can be versioned and reviewed through pull requests. Workflows can be triggered by events such as pull requests or merges, and steps can refer to external GitHub repositories. Docker containers can be built and deployed using GitHub Actions, with configuration setup and deployment defined in YAML files. Values can be used and shared between GitHub Actions, and Node.js internals can be instrumented for performance monitoring.
How to Build CI/CD Pipelines for a Microservices Application
DevOps.js Conf 2021DevOps.js Conf 2021
33 min
How to Build CI/CD Pipelines for a Microservices Application
Top Content
This Talk discusses the benefits of microservices and containers for building CI-CD pipelines. It explains how container technology enables portability and scalability. The challenges of microservices include network communication and testing in isolation. The Talk introduces Tacton, a cloud-native CICD pipeline for Kubernetes, and highlights the use of GitOps and Argo CD. It also discusses the importance of maintaining referential integrity between microservices and the evolving role of operators in the DevOps world.
Owning your Build-step – Owning your Code
DevOps.js Conf 2021DevOps.js Conf 2021
28 min
Owning your Build-step – Owning your Code
This Talk explores JavaScript code optimization using Rollup, showcasing examples of improved load times and reduced server size. It delves into Rollup customization and plugin development, demonstrating how to write plugins and remove code using hooks. The Talk also covers module code loading, advanced code control, and importing/emitting files with Rollup. Additionally, it highlights the adoption of Rollup's plugin system by other tools and introduces a self-made terminal used in the presentation.
Automate React Site Deployments from GitHub to S3 & CloudFront
DevOps.js Conf 2021DevOps.js Conf 2021
33 min
Automate React Site Deployments from GitHub to S3 & CloudFront
This Talk focuses on automating React deployments to S3 and CloudFront using a CICD pipeline in AWS. It covers setting up the pipeline, sourcing code from GitHub, and configuring infrastructure with Terraform and Terragrunt. The Talk also demonstrates the process of building and deploying a React application using AWS CodeBuild and CodePipeline. Overall, it provides a comprehensive overview of the tools and techniques involved in automating React deployments in AWS.
Increase App Confidence Using CI/CD and Infrastructure as Code
DevOps.js Conf 2021DevOps.js Conf 2021
31 min
Increase App Confidence Using CI/CD and Infrastructure as Code
The Talk discusses how to increase app confidence using CICD and infrastructure as code. It explores different types of testing, including smoke tests, and the benefits of continuous deployment. Common post-deployment failure reasons are identified, and the importance of quick smoke tests is emphasized. The Talk also highlights the use of infrastructure as code to deploy and test applications, and the value of smoke testing Kubernetes deployments. The Q&A session covers the depth of smoke tests and the role of quick smoke tests in ensuring application functionality.
Introduction to the AWS CDK: Infrastructure as Node
Node Congress 2021Node Congress 2021
34 min
Introduction to the AWS CDK: Infrastructure as Node
The AWS CDK is an infrastructure as code tool that supports multiple programming languages and helps mitigate concerns about vendor lock-in. It uses JSII to support different languages and allows you to write code once and get the same API across different languages. The CDK simplifies resource creation and management in AWS, addressing the verbosity and error-proneness of CloudFormation. CDK applications consist of apps and stacks, with stacks mapping to CloudFormation stacks. The CDK provides a more compact and familiar syntax compared to CloudFormation, making it easier for JavaScript developers to handle the entire stack.
How is my JavaScript Doing?
DevOps.js Conf 2021DevOps.js Conf 2021
8 min
How is my JavaScript Doing?
Neil Manvar from Sentry discusses monitoring JS applications in deployed environments, focusing on error tracking and performance analysis. He explains how Sentry works, including its SDK integration and automatic error notification. The talk also covers analyzing errors and performance issues, and the benefits of integrating Sentry into applications. The summary concludes with a mention of a promotional offer for three free months of Sentry.
You're 5 Minutes Away from Code Quality & Code Security
DevOps.js Conf 2021DevOps.js Conf 2021
7 min
You're 5 Minutes Away from Code Quality & Code Security
Sonar Cloud makes it easy to set up projects for code quality and security analysis. It automatically analyzes code and provides insights into bugs, vulnerabilities, and other issues. The UI helps understand vulnerability flow across functions and files. Sonar Cloud supports multiple languages and offers rule descriptions and code samples for best practices. Overall, it simplifies code analysis and helps developers improve code quality.
How to Get CI/CD Right in 2021: A Guide to CI and CD
DevOps.js Conf 2021DevOps.js Conf 2021
9 min
How to Get CI/CD Right in 2021: A Guide to CI and CD
This talk provides an introduction to CI/CD, discussing its key components and how to succeed with it. It emphasizes the importance of speed, safety, and scaling in CI/CD, highlighting the need for unit tests, value stream management, metrics, and addressing deployment challenges. The talk also emphasizes the continuous nature of DevOps and the importance of gathering feedback and releasing changes to a subset of users.
Software Architectures Gone Wild
DevOps.js Conf 2021DevOps.js Conf 2021
31 min
Software Architectures Gone Wild
The Talk discusses different software architectures and their challenges. It highlights the trend of decoupling the front-end from the back-end and embracing headless architecture and Progressive Web Apps (PWA). The benefits of a service-oriented architecture (SOA) are emphasized, including flexibility, reliability, and scalability. The Talk also explores breaking down monolithic architectures into microservices and the importance of addressing pain points first. Additionally, it mentions the challenges of testing in a QA environment and the choice between microservices and monoliths depending on project goals.
Troubleshooting your Serverless Node.js doesn't have to be a Pain
DevOps.js Conf 2021DevOps.js Conf 2021
27 min
Troubleshooting your Serverless Node.js doesn't have to be a Pain
Welcome to the DevOpsJS conference where Jeff Hopper introduces his Slack bot called LGTM ReplyGIF for posting GIFs on his behalf. He troubleshoots issues with the serverless Node code, uses CloudWatch logs and stack traces for debugging, and ships logs to Elasticsearch for analysis. Jeff explores troubleshooting options with Rollbar and discusses serverless deployment recommendations. The audience is invited to contribute to the Slack bot project, and the session concludes with thanks from Jeff.
Build your JS Pipeline in Incremental Fashion with GitLab
DevOps.js Conf 2021DevOps.js Conf 2021
32 min
Build your JS Pipeline in Incremental Fashion with GitLab
GitLab supports the entire DevOps cycle and uses tools like YesLint, Jest, Docker, and Kubernetes. Cache and validation are major challenges in DevOps. GitLab's auto DevOps feature simplifies Docker, Kubernetes, and Helm. Customization and advanced options are available in GitLab. GitLab's pipeline allows for optimizing job dependencies and continuous improvement. The average duration of front-end build pipelines is under 10 minutes for most people. Running a build and pipeline process in GitLab involves job calculations, runner setup, and hidden logic. GitLab can help with running front-end in Kubernetes and has a DAG visualizer. Dealing with flaky tests in the frontend is a challenge in GitLab pipelines.
Infra vs Apps – Where are my Pipelines?
DevOps.js Conf 2021DevOps.js Conf 2021
32 min
Infra vs Apps – Where are my Pipelines?
This Talk on CICD covers various use cases, challenges, and best practices. It emphasizes the importance of people and learning in CICD, as well as the complexity of coordinating teams and managing infrastructure. The speaker shares insights on frontend development, microservices, and security considerations. The Talk concludes with discussions on Jenkins files, bash scripts, and the challenges of DevOps in organizations.
Yarn in Depth: Why & How
DevOps.js Conf 2021DevOps.js Conf 2021
33 min
Yarn in Depth: Why & How
Yarn is not just a package manager, it intends to be a project manager with a focus on simplicity and a good developer experience. Yarn's impact on workflows and project management has been positive, improving scalability and release management. It offers features like local fixes, compressed packages, and sharing packages between projects. Yarn's infrastructure and extensive testing ensure compatibility and catch regressions. Yarn is modular, with plans for version 3 and a more powerful plugin ecosystem. The choice between npm and Yarn depends on the project's configuration.
Don’t Try This at Home: Synchronous I/O in Node.js
Node Congress 2021Node Congress 2021
32 min
Don’t Try This at Home: Synchronous I/O in Node.js
This Talk explores synchronous IO in Node.js and the advantages of asynchronous IO. It discusses exceptions to synchronous IO and approaches to achieving synchronous IO in Node.js, including using WASI and native add-ons. The Talk also covers mixing workers with atomics for synchronous IO and embedding Node.js to create a synchronous worker. Additionally, it touches on TypeScript migration, optimizations in Node.js, and experiences and advice on contributing to Node.js.
Nodejs Runtime Performance Tips
Node Congress 2021Node Congress 2021
9 min
Nodejs Runtime Performance Tips
This Talk focuses on the importance of runtime optimization in software development. It discusses the impact of unoptimized functions and the role of garbage collection. The Talk also highlights the use of profiling tools to identify and improve performance issues. Additionally, it emphasizes the importance of memory profiling to prevent memory leaks and optimize application performance.
Push Notifications: Can’t Live With Em, Can’t Live Without Em
Node Congress 2021Node Congress 2021
9 min
Push Notifications: Can’t Live With Em, Can’t Live Without Em
The Talk explores the journey of a notification in a communications platform, highlighting the challenges of infrastructure engineering. Trace IDs and local storage play a crucial role in ensuring the arrival of notifications, allowing for easy debugging if they don't reach the device. The logs demonstrate the journey of a notification, reaching the app store in just 4 milliseconds.
Node.js: the New and the Experimental
Node Congress 2021Node Congress 2021
31 min
Node.js: the New and the Experimental
Beth Brix, a senior software engineer at Red Hat, discusses new and experimental features in Node.js, the release process, API stability, and the importance of user feedback. Some stable features in Node.js 15 include the abort controller, MPM7, and V886. Node 14 is the most popular version among users. The future releases of Node.js will likely include a major v8 update with new JavaScript language features. The Node community is supportive and willing to help users with migration and finding solutions.
Safely Handling Dynamic Data with TypeScript
Node Congress 2021Node Congress 2021
29 min
Safely Handling Dynamic Data with TypeScript
Top Content
This Talk discusses the safe handling of dynamic data with TypeScript using JSON Schema and TypeBox. Fastify, a web framework, allows developers to validate incoming data using JSON schema, providing type safety and error handling. TypeBox is a powerful library that allows developers to define JSON schemas and derive static types in TypeScript. The combination of JSON schema, TypeBox, and Fastify provides powerful tools for type safety and validation of dynamic data.
Demystifying Memory Leaks in JavaScript
Node Congress 2021Node Congress 2021
33 min
Demystifying Memory Leaks in JavaScript
The Talk discusses demystifying memory leaks in JavaScript, covering topics such as memory allocation, typical memory leaks and issues, handling file descriptors and event listeners, tools and techniques for identifying memory leaks, fixing memory leaks and restarting applications, and Ruben's personal experience with memory leaks.
From 1 to 101 Lambda Functions in Production: Evolving a Serverless Architecture
Node Congress 2021Node Congress 2021
32 min
From 1 to 101 Lambda Functions in Production: Evolving a Serverless Architecture
Vacation Tracker is a serverless startup using Node.js that started with a simple lambda function and now has many lambda functions. They built a system connected to Slack and calendars, which is now used by many startups, companies, and organizations. They evolved to an event-driven architecture using CQRS and AWS AppSync with Managed GraphQL. Onboarding new developers is a challenge, but serverless allows them to assign a new environment and AWS account to each developer. Testing and monitoring are crucial, and they have successfully migrated from MongoDB to DynamoDB.
The Micro-Frontend Revolution at Amex
Node Congress 2021Node Congress 2021
28 min
The Micro-Frontend Revolution at Amex
This Talk discusses the micro front-end revolution at American Express, highlighting the challenges of independent delivery and the solution of micro frontends. The architecture involves a Node.js server for server-side rendering and module composition, with Holocron modules deployed to a CDN. The development workflow includes local development environments and CI pipelines. Microfrontends are a pattern, not a set of tools, and should be implemented based on the specific use case. The adoption challenges include reworking the architecture and implementing features like Webpack and Module Federation. Communication between modules should be kept independent, and migration to micro frontends is simplified with existing microservices and Kubernetes. Server-side rendering is optional, and bundle size is limited to 250K.
Can We Double HTTP Client Throughput?
Node Congress 2021Node Congress 2021
20 min
Can We Double HTTP Client Throughput?
Today's Talk discusses HTTP clients, servers, microservices, and maximizing performance in Node.js. It covers topics such as TCP, latency, HTTP Keep-Alive, pipelining, the Node.js event loop, timeouts, and introduces the Undici library. The speaker emphasizes the importance of reusing connections, minimizing blocking, and using benchmarks to measure performance impact. Undici is highlighted as a new client for Node.js that eliminates the need for multiple agents and offers easy configuration options.
The Security Toolbox For Node
Node Congress 2021Node Congress 2021
29 min
The Security Toolbox For Node
The Talk focuses on Node application security, covering topics such as OWASP top 10 vulnerabilities, handling packages, managing data, and protecting servers. Best practices include password security, input validation, and data encryption. The importance of securing access to packages and managing data is emphasized. Encrypting data for secure communication is discussed, along with protecting servers using HTTPS and rate limiting. The challenges of security implementation and resources for learning are mentioned, as well as the use of attacker tools. Docker security and preventing IP attacks are also touched upon.
Comprehensive Observability via Distributed Tracing on Node.js8
Node Congress 2021Node Congress 2021
8 min
Comprehensive Observability via Distributed Tracing on Node.js8
Welcome to the session on comprehensive observability via distributed tracing on Node.js. We'll explore the challenges of microservices and troubleshoot distributed applications using an example. Correlation is the missing piece in troubleshooting distributed applications. Distributed tracing helps pinpoint issues that logging or metrics may miss, reducing mean time to resolution. It provides visualization of microservices architecture, actionable data, and enables code optimization.
How We Created the Giraffe Libraries for Time Series Data
Node Congress 2021Node Congress 2021
7 min
How We Created the Giraffe Libraries for Time Series Data
I will be presenting Influx Data's open source time series graphing library GIRAFFE, which powers the visualizations of the InfluxDB dashboard and the Data Explorer. GIRAFFE is a JavaScript library based on React for charting and mapping, supporting various graph types and data sources. It offers a sandbox with examples of different graphs and provides links to GitHub, quick start guides, demos, and code samples.
Testing in Production
Node Congress 2021Node Congress 2021
29 min
Testing in Production
Today's Talk discusses the concept of testing in production, including challenges with staging environments and data mismatch. The use of feature flags is highlighted as a solution to enable testing in production. Automation is emphasized as a key component for efficient feature flag testing. The benefits of testing in production are increased developer velocity and confidence. Organizational requirements and resistance to testing in production are also addressed. The Talk concludes by discussing feature flag management and user segmentation in feature flag services.
Examining Observability in Node.js
Node Congress 2021Node Congress 2021
22 min
Examining Observability in Node.js
Today's Talk explores the concept of observability in Node.js, emphasizing the importance of understanding what's happening inside a system without needing to ship new code. The Talk covers various observability tools and techniques, including performance measurement and tracing, HeapSnapshot and Chrome DevTools, the BA Inspector, and external tools like nSolid. nSolid is highlighted as an enhanced observability tool specifically built for Node.js, offering low-input performance insights and greater security for mission-critical applications.
Infrastructure as Code with a Node Focus
Node Congress 2021Node Congress 2021
36 min
Infrastructure as Code with a Node Focus
Today's Talk discussed infrastructure as code using serverless Node.js with a focus on AWS Lambda and Terraform. The speaker emphasized the benefits of infrastructure as code, such as collaboration, versioning, and reproducibility. The Talk provided a step-by-step demonstration of deploying a Node.js app to AWS Lambda using Terraform. Key takeaways include the advantages of mechanized and automated processes, ephemeral state, repeatable processes, and transparency. The speaker also mentioned the importance of having DevOps experts on the team and highlighted the cost-effectiveness of serverless functions.
Can You Change the Behavior of a Running Node.js Process From the Outside?
Node Congress 2021Node Congress 2021
30 min
Can You Change the Behavior of a Running Node.js Process From the Outside?
This talk explores how to remotely change the behavior of a Node.js process at runtime and inject a logger using the Chrome DevTool protocol. It demonstrates the power of dev tools and encourages their usage. Remote debugging is useful for debugging memory leaks in production. The method requires local machine access and has security implications, but it requires significant access and indicates a major breach. The talk emphasizes the importance of having awareness and monitoring in place for application protection.
Instrumenting Node.js Internals
Node Congress 2021Node Congress 2021
7 min
Instrumenting Node.js Internals
The Talk is about troubleshooting Node.js applications and using a tool for improved visibility and information. The tool can collect information about URLs and module imports in a server. However, it is not recommended for use in non-local environments due to performance overhead and potential bugs.
Logging, Metrics, and Tracing with Nodejs
Node Congress 2021Node Congress 2021
31 min
Logging, Metrics, and Tracing with Nodejs
This talk covers logging, metrics, and tracing with Node.js. It explores logging configuration with Winston and logging conventions and solutions. The talk also discusses logging dashboards and metrics, as well as metrics and distributed tracing. It touches on tracing tools and visualizations, async-await and logging in Node.js, and request-specific logging and distributed tracing. Additionally, it covers logging middleware and serverless functions, and the difference between automatic and manual instrumentation.
Machine Learning in Node.js using Tensorflow.js
Node Congress 2021Node Congress 2021
8 min
Machine Learning in Node.js using Tensorflow.js
The Talk introduces TensorFlow.js in Node.js for machine learning, highlighting its open-source nature and easy integration with JavaScript. It emphasizes the benefits of using Node.js, such as the ability to write machine learning models directly in JavaScript, access to the NPM ecosystem, and improved performance. The different packages available for utilizing TensorFlow.js in Node.js, including CPU, GPU, and vanilla packages, are discussed. The importance of setting up Node.js bindings to avoid blocking the main thread is mentioned, along with the availability of APIs like dfNode and TensorBoard.
Adaptation of the E2E Tests for a Big Project
JSNation Live 2020JSNation Live 2020
8 min
Adaptation of the E2E Tests for a Big Project
Vadym Kukhtin
Devesh Jadon
2 authors
This Talk introduces the adaptation of end-to-end testing for a project, highlighting its benefits in improving resilience and calmness during deployment. The speaker mentions the team's size, daily pull requests, and the size of their codebase. They also discuss the use of cookies to test different versions of a feature on a page and their plan to improve by adding E2E tests to a CICD pipeline and consolidating tests in their monorepo.
What Does The Angular Say? 🦊
JSNation Live 2020JSNation Live 2020
8 min
What Does The Angular Say? 🦊
Today's Talk is about using Angular, Web Audio API, and ToneJS to create custom sounds and instruments in a web application. The speaker demonstrates how to create an audio context, connect sources, and add filters to modify the sounds. They explore different elements in the ToneJS library, such as synthesizers, parts, noise, and audio tracks, to enhance the user experience. The Talk also showcases instruments that play cat and dog samples according to the pitch. Overall, it highlights the possibilities of using these technologies to create unique and interactive audio experiences in web applications.
ESNext: Proposals To Look Forward To
JSNation Live 2020JSNation Live 2020
9 min
ESNext: Proposals To Look Forward To
ES Next proposal stages include straw person, proposal, draft, candidate, and finished. Optional chaining and null coalescing operators are solutions for handling undefined and null values. Logical assignment and null coalescing operators are seeking advancement to stage four. Decimal type is introduced to address floating point math issues. Cancellation API and abort control are solutions for canceling promise execution. Pattern matching allows matching the shape of a vector and performing actions based on it.
When Worlds Collide: Frontend vs Database
JSNation Live 2020JSNation Live 2020
8 min
When Worlds Collide: Frontend vs Database
Tyler Hannon discusses the importance of choosing the right database and explains the ACID acronym, which stands for Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability. He also highlights the challenges and benefits of distributed transactions in Fullstack applications. Various approaches to solving database challenges are mentioned, with a focus on FAUNA and its CALVIN protocol. The goal is to have a fast, reliable, and serverless database that meets specific requirements.
Going Live from a Browser...with Another Browser
JSNation Live 2020JSNation Live 2020
8 min
Going Live from a Browser...with Another Browser
This Talk discusses live chat and live broadcast using WebRTC and RTMP. It explores running WebRTC on a server via Chrome and alternative approaches like using GetUserMedia and the Chrome.tabCapture API. The use of a whole Chrome instance for WebRTC and RTMP broadcast is also discussed, highlighting the pros and cons of this approach. The Talk recommends checking out Nick's talk from All Things RTC for more information.
Making Games in React
JSNation Live 2020JSNation Live 2020
30 min
Making Games in React
This Talk provides an introduction to game development in React using React 3.0 Fiber and three.js. It covers topics such as creating 3D objects, understanding meshes and lighting, adding interactivity and physics, controlling objects with mouse input, and creating enemies. The speaker emphasizes the ease and power of React 3.0 Fiber for game development and encourages experimentation and learning through examples and resources.
Emoji Encoding, � Unicode, & Internationalization
JSNation Live 2020JSNation Live 2020
34 min
Emoji Encoding, � Unicode, & Internationalization
This Talk explores the UTF-8 encoding and its relationship with emojis. It discusses the history of encoding, the birth of Unicode, and the importance of considering global usage when building software products. The Talk also covers JavaScript's encoding issues with Unicode and the use of the string.prototype.normalize method. It highlights the addition of emoji support in Unicode, the variation and proposal process for emojis, and the importance of transparency in emoji encoding. The Talk concludes with the significance of diverse emojis, the recommendation of UTF-8 for web development, and the need to understand encoding and decoding in app architecture.
The State of Angular
JSNation Live 2020JSNation Live 2020
36 min
The State of Angular
This Talk provides an overview of Angular and its development stack, including the Component Development Kit (CDK) and UI components. It discusses the balance between static and dynamic systems and the benefits of using TypeScript. The Talk also highlights the evolution of Angular, version 10 updates, and the deployment of Angular Universal applications. It mentions the ease of updating Angular and the incorporation of web components. The future of frameworks, external contributions, and monorepo setups are also discussed.
Say No To Complexity With AlpineJS
JSNation Live 2020JSNation Live 2020
33 min
Say No To Complexity With AlpineJS
Alpine.js is a lightweight framework for creating JavaScript behavior directly in markup. It has 13 directives and 6 magic properties, making it like Tailwind for JavaScript. The upcoming version of Alpine will focus on performance and optimization. It sits between jQuery and Vue, offering reactivity without compilation. Alpine.js is robust and resilient for DOM manipulation, and works well with Laravel for localization and internationalization.
How Does the TypeScript Team Try to Avoid Negative Effects on the JS Ecosystem
JSNation Live 2020JSNation Live 2020
33 min
How Does the TypeScript Team Try to Avoid Negative Effects on the JS Ecosystem
TypeScript's influence in the JavaScript ecosystem and its alignment with JavaScript's goals and principles. TypeScript's impact on the industry and its popularity among JavaScript programmers. The goal of TypeScript to innovate in types without introducing new concepts to JavaScript. The challenges of running TypeScript on other people's code and making it a native browser language. TypeScript's compatibility with JavaScript and its aim to be a thin layer on top of JavaScript. The efforts to improve support for JS and JS docs and the pain points of transitioning to TypeScript. The accessibility work in TypeScript and the absence of real competitors in the market.
Composition API: a Quick overVue
JSNation Live 2020JSNation Live 2020
28 min
Composition API: a Quick overVue
The Talk introduces the composition API in Vue 3 as a better option for composing reusable features compared to mixins and scope slots. It explains how to abstract search functionality using the composition API and demonstrates the creation of searchQuery and searchResultsQuery objects. The Talk also covers running breed search in the mounted hook, sorting results using computed properties, and the benefits of the composition API in terms of code organization and reusability. It concludes by mentioning the upcoming release of Vue 3 and the advantages of the composition API.
From Code to Scale! Build a Static Web App in Minutes
JSNation Live 2020JSNation Live 2020
31 min
From Code to Scale! Build a Static Web App in Minutes
The Talk discusses the development of web applications and the challenges involved, such as code management, CI/CD, routing, security, and scalability. It explores the use of Azure Static Web Apps for building and deploying static web apps with features like authorization, authentication, and serverless technology. The process of creating a static web app on Azure Portal is demonstrated, along with resource creation, deployment, and custom domain setup. The Talk also covers API deployment, authentication, authorization, and role-based access control. Azure Static Web Apps is highlighted as a globally distributed solution for building web apps.
PoseDance: Build a TikTok Trainer
JSNation Live 2020JSNation Live 2020
31 min
PoseDance: Build a TikTok Trainer
In this Talk, Jen Looper introduces PoseDance, a TikTok trainer app that uses PoseNet for pose detection. She discusses the challenges of scoring and the potential for medical applications. Jen also mentions the use of Azure Functions and PlayFab for the app's backend and deployment. The Talk concludes with a code tour and an invitation for contributions to improve the scoring system.
Javascript Tooling - The Evolution and Future of JS & Front-end Build Tools
JSNation Live 2020JSNation Live 2020
11 min
Javascript Tooling - The Evolution and Future of JS & Front-end Build Tools
Today's Talk covers the evolution and future of Javascript tooling, including dependency management, transpiling, bundling, minifying, and module management. Webpack has grown in popularity and offers features like hot module replacement and code splitting. Other build tools like Rollup, Parcel, Snowpack, and ESBuild are also discussed. The Talk explores browser import and bundling-free approaches, and emphasizes the dynamic nature of the JavaScript ecosystem with evolving tools and project-specific trade-offs.
Building React frontends for WordPress
JSNation Live 2020JSNation Live 2020
8 min
Building React frontends for WordPress
Frontity is a framework that combines WordPress and React to create modern user experiences. It is easy to use, SEO-friendly, and extensible. The framework has achieved great results for publishers, increasing page views, organic traffic, and user acquisition. Frontity Pro has served millions of page views worldwide and provides a seamless content management experience. Visit frontity.org to learn more and join the community.
Using Remote Joins to Create a Unified GraphQL API for Your Company
JSNation Live 2020JSNation Live 2020
9 min
Using Remote Joins to Create a Unified GraphQL API for Your Company
Hasura's remote joins feature allows you to combine multiple data sources into a unified GraphQL API, including Postgres databases, GraphQL APIs, and REST APIs. It enables joining data across different databases and integrating with external APIs like Stripe and Auth0. Hasura pushes down SQL to join data across databases and can even integrate with REST APIs using actions. With remote joins, you can query and fetch data from multiple sources, enriching your GraphQL schema and creating powerful data relationships.
When You Think There Is No Time for Learning or Coding
JSNation Live 2020JSNation Live 2020
8 min
When You Think There Is No Time for Learning or Coding
This Talk discusses the speaker's coding journey, forming habits, and finding time for coding. The speaker recommends participating in the 100 days of code challenge and learning HTML, CSS, JavaScript, AngularJS, and D3.js. Building small projects and games is helpful for learning and growth. The importance of forming habits and overcoming resistance is emphasized, along with prioritizing consistency and focusing on details. Finding time is about reclaiming the 24 hours we all have and making small changes to accommodate coding. Keeping a log or notebook is important for tracking progress.
Module Federation in Webpack 5
JSNation Live 2020JSNation Live 2020
32 min
Module Federation in Webpack 5
This Talk discusses module federation in Webpack 5 as a scalable solution for shared dependencies in large applications. Module federation allows separate builds for different parts of an application, reducing build time and deploy delay. It features exposed and shared modules, asynchronous loading, and container creation. Module federation supports container orchestration techniques and aims to integrate with ECMAScript modules. However, optimization and sharing in module federation may impact code size, and careful evaluation is necessary. Updating containers can be managed through active testing for stability.
1, 2, 3... Fastify!
JSNation Live 2020JSNation Live 2020
36 min
1, 2, 3... Fastify!
Fastify is a web framework that started in 2016 and is easy to use. It supports logging, splitting the app into separate files, and auto-loading routes. Fastify also provides authentication and user login functionality. It differs from other frameworks by fully supporting Async Await and the latest JavaScript features. Matteo Collina, the speaker, prefers Vim and T-Max as his IDE and enjoys Italian pizza as his comfort food.
Transforming GraphQL – Infrastructure as Code for Front End Developers
JSNation Live 2020JSNation Live 2020
27 min
Transforming GraphQL – Infrastructure as Code for Front End Developers
This talk is about building full-stack cloud applications as a front-end developer using GraphQL and the GraphQL Transform library. It covers the three main parts of AWS Amplify: hosting, CLI, and client libraries. The GraphQL Transform library simplifies building a GraphQL API by handling schema creation, database interaction, and resolver mapping. It demonstrates how to use GraphQL transforms to build a GraphQL API with features like authorization rules, relationships, and local mocking. It also discusses the considerations for using managed services and the future of infrastructure as code with Amplify and other tools.
I See What is Going on: Visual Testing for Your Components
JSNation Live 2020JSNation Live 2020
35 min
I See What is Going on: Visual Testing for Your Components
Gleb Akhmetov explains how to visually test React components, emphasizing the importance of addressing climate change and collaboration. He discusses component testing, styling, and the challenges of CSS changes. Gleb highlights the use of image snapshots for visual testing and the importance of controlling data for accurate results. He also discusses using Docker for consistent visual testing and the support for multiple browsers. Cypress is focused on flake-free testing and has plans for test retries and new features in the roadmap.
Games Are Smarter Than Us
React Summit 2020React Summit 2020
26 min
Games Are Smarter Than Us
Today's Talk explores game development using JavaScript, including building games in the browser, using game engines, and utilizing the BitMellow framework. It also delves into the concept of using AI to make computers play games, discussing reinforcement learning and implementing it in games like Flappy Bird. The Talk highlights the process of teaching the agent to learn, modifying rewards to improve performance, and the journey of game development from initial stages to advanced AI integration.
We Are All Hemingway
React Summit 2020React Summit 2020
22 min
We Are All Hemingway
This Talk covers important tips for software development, focusing on React. Starting with what you know and building on it is emphasized. Asking the right questions and simplifying components demonstrates seniority. Reading code and asking questions are crucial for finding better solutions. The connect function in React Red Hook's library and the function-as-child component pattern are highlighted. Writing code that is easy for others to understand and maintain is emphasized. The importance of retrying on the server and refactoring for the ecosystem is mentioned.
Smoothly Inclusive Component Library Documentation
React Summit 2020React Summit 2020
18 min
Smoothly Inclusive Component Library Documentation
This Talk discusses how Gatsby and MDX can improve component library documentation. The speaker shares their experience with a previous design system and the challenges they faced with documentation. They explain how Gatsby was chosen as a solution and the benefits it provided. The use of MDX is highlighted as a way to enhance component documentation. The addition of editable code blocks is also mentioned as a means to make the documentation more interactive and intuitive.
Accessibility as a First Class Citizen
React Summit 2020React Summit 2020
24 min
Accessibility as a First Class Citizen
TypeScript and React are popular languages for software development. Accessibility is important for inclusivity and preventing lawsuits. Building accessibility from the start is crucial, considering design and engineering aspects. Tooling for React Native accessibility is limited. Setting the accessible prop and role in components is essential for screen reader users. The React Native documentation is helpful, but some accessibility needs may require additional attention.
Create Collaborative VR Environment in the Browser with React and GraphQL
React Summit 2020React Summit 2020
26 min
Create Collaborative VR Environment in the Browser with React and GraphQL
This Talk explores creating VR experiences with A-Frame and React 360, using coordinate systems and rendering different surfaces. It also discusses bringing data into VR with GraphQL and architecting collaborative systems with Hasura. The Talk demonstrates how to add VR and A-Frame to React 360, and concludes with a focus on rendering and wrapping components. Overall, the Talk encourages exploration and experimentation in VR and AR development.
Fantastic Bugs and Where to Find Them
React Summit 2020React Summit 2020
34 min
Fantastic Bugs and Where to Find Them
TypeScript is a JavaScript-based language used for mobile apps. Testing rules include ensuring tests fail when something goes wrong and only fail when necessary. Integration testing can be done using tools like Cypress and Netflix PolyJS. Visual regression testing compares screenshots of changes and helps prevent visual bugs. Starting with end-to-end tests and writing tests for bugs encountered are recommended for beginners.
Introducing React View
React Summit 2020React Summit 2020
30 min
Introducing React View
ReactJS is a JavaScript-based framework that emphasizes the importance of building amazing documentation to reduce questions. The speaker discusses the custom website built using Next.js and MDX, and the challenges of dealing with JSX and the compilation process. The talk also covers interacting with NAPs, extracting information from code using AST, and the benefits of using Babel and AST Explorer. The process of building and generating code with AST is explained, along with the importance of documentation and ReactVue. The speaker also provides insights on getting started with documentation, building custom documentation, and keeping it in sync with the code.
Why Paid UI Components Aren’t Evil
React Summit 2020React Summit 2020
8 min
Why Paid UI Components Aren’t Evil
Paid UI components are not evil and offer benefits such as guaranteed support and long-term peace of mind. They solve harder problems and provide features and guarantees that free controls may not have. Paid components also establish a direct financial relationship with the authors, eliminating the need for sponsorship or donation models.
The X in MDX
React Summit 2020React Summit 2020
9 min
The X in MDX
Markdown is extended by MDX to support more content and layouts. MDX allows for customization of rendering and extraction of data. It is often used for embedding interactive components. MDX can be used to create custom layouts and synchronize steps with media. Codehike is a project focused on code wall tools and explaining code.
React Components and How To Style Them
React Summit 2020React Summit 2020
8 min
React Components and How To Style Them
This lightning talk explores different methods of styling React components, including inline styling, CSS stylesheets, and CSS in JS. The speaker highlights the benefits of using Style Components and Emotion, such as access to pseudo selectors, global styling, and themed elements. They also discuss the concept of polymorphism in Style Components. The speaker recommends using style components for their power and accessibility. The choice of styling method depends on project scale and personal preference.
Theming Gatsby Apps with Theme UI
React Summit 2020React Summit 2020
6 min
Theming Gatsby Apps with Theme UI
Welcome to Theming Gatsby apps with Theme UI. Gatsby is a React-based framework for building static websites and applications. Theme UI is a styling library that allows developers to configure designs for components using predefined values. In Theme UI, you can easily refer to your theme object throughout your project. Variants allow you to define styles for common components like buttons.
React Accessibility: Beyond the Basics
React Summit 2020React Summit 2020
32 min
React Accessibility: Beyond the Basics
Today's Talk on React Accessibility covers the importance of manual testing, the challenges faced in addressing accessibility, the impact of accessibility on user experience, and the use of subtitles and user settings for accessibility. It emphasizes the need for manual testing in addition to automated testing, the role of empathy training in understanding accessibility challenges, and the significance of addressing accessibility issues for all users. The Talk also highlights the benefits of implementing accessibility features, such as increasing website accessibility for disabled markets and improving user experience for all.
Flipper: The Extensible DevTool Platform for React Native
React Summit 2020React Summit 2020
32 min
Flipper: The Extensible DevTool Platform for React Native
Flipper is an extensible dev tool platform for React Native, developed at Facebook, that allows inspection of the React development tree and native elements. It offers plugins for image cache inspection, preference modification, and network requests. Flipper can be used to build application-specific plugins and integrates with Redux and ReactorTron. The tool is undergoing a major redesign with new features like dark mode and a standardized component library. Maintainers can debug plugins within plugins and there are plans to integrate with GraphQL.
Visualising Front-End Performance Bottlenecks
React Summit 2020React Summit 2020
34 min
Visualising Front-End Performance Bottlenecks
React's web-based tools allow for independent learning. Dazzone, a sports streaming service, faces challenges with low memory and CPU targets. Measuring, analyzing, and fixing performance issues is crucial. Virtualization improves rendering efficiency and performance. The application is now much faster with significantly less jank.
Blitz.js - The Fullstack React Framework
React Summit 2020React Summit 2020
32 min
Blitz.js - The Fullstack React Framework
Blitz is a framework for building full stack React apps with a monolithic architecture and no API layer. It uses Next.js and Prisma 2 and follows convention over configuration. Authentication and authorization are set up by default, and adding social login is easy. The Blitz community emphasizes inclusivity and welcomes contributions. The future of Blitz includes a stable release cycle and the vision of bringing the Zero API experience to mobile.
Getting Weird with Video Manipulation and HTML5 Canvas
React Summit 2020React Summit 2020
16 min
Getting Weird with Video Manipulation and HTML5 Canvas
Today's Talk at React Summit focused on the Canvas and HTML5 video APIs, showcasing the capabilities and possibilities they offer for video manipulation and interactivity. The speaker demonstrated how to use the HTML5 video element and canvas to manipulate and draw images, apply filters, and add real-time text overlays. They also showcased real-time object detection on video frames using machine learning. The Talk concluded with an example of enhancing a marketing website with interactive video using the canvas element. Overall, the Talk highlighted the power and potential of these APIs for video development.
Making Your React Apps Perform At Scale
React Summit 2020React Summit 2020
21 min
Making Your React Apps Perform At Scale
This Talk discusses making React apps more performant by analyzing their complexity, running performance tests, using tools like Lighthouse and the Profiler, and optimizing components and API calls. It also covers techniques for cleaning up existing apps, such as code splitting and tree-shaking. The main focus is on improving app performance by virtualizing lists, lazy loading, caching data, minimizing code and assets, and handling rendering errors.
Building Real-time Serverless GraphQL APIs on AWS with TypeScript and CDK
React Summit 2020React Summit 2020
25 min
Building Real-time Serverless GraphQL APIs on AWS with TypeScript and CDK
This Talk provides an introduction to JavaScript and React, as well as insights into building real-time serverless GraphQL APIs with TypeScript, AppSync, and CDK. It covers the concepts of GraphQL schema, data sources, and resolvers, as well as the use of GraphQL subscriptions for real-time communication. The Talk also highlights the features of AppSync and CDK for building APIs and infrastructure. It concludes with a demonstration of creating an API with CDK and AppSync, including the creation of Lambda functions and DynamoDB tables.
The Psycological Effects of useEffect
React Summit 2020React Summit 2020
26 min
The Psycological Effects of useEffect
The Talk at React Summit explores the use of useEffect in React and its psychological effects. It delves into the concept of component life cycles and the flexibility of useEffect. The Talk also discusses the use of refs for mounting and unmounting components, as well as the cleanup effects of the return function. It highlights the importance of understanding when and how useEffect runs, and provides examples of using useEffect in different scenarios.
TypeScript + React = ❤️
React Summit 2020React Summit 2020
30 min
TypeScript + React = ❤️
Welcome to TypeScript plus React equals love. TypeScript features can prevent bugs in React apps. TypeScript gives confidence to remove unused props. TypeScript ensures accurate prop definitions and prevents laziness. TypeScript provides type safety and advanced patterns for better developer experience. TypeScript is a good candidate for projects, especially larger ones.
GraphQL and React - Two Great Tastes that Taste Great Together
React Summit 2020React Summit 2020
9 min
GraphQL and React - Two Great Tastes that Taste Great Together
React's JavaScript extension allows you to write JavaScript in the JavaScript editor, providing flexibility for any type of application. The use of React and GraphQL in enterprise applications resulted in improved code maintenance, design acumen, and code reuse. Building teams of passionate individuals interested in React and GraphQL solidified the argument for using these libraries. The integration of React and GraphQL with modern development paradigms like Reactive and event-based programming was seamless. Existing reference materials and community-based resources facilitated the quick onboarding of new team members.
Nx + Next.js = ❤
React Summit 2020React Summit 2020
9 min
Nx + Next.js = ❤
Hey everybody, my name is Adam Ellibert, aka Big AB, and I am a core contributor on a project called NX. Today, I'm going to go through a whirlwind tour of a really cool way to do web development using NX. NX is a suite of dev tools to improve developer experience, and it's extensible, plugin-based, and open-source. I'll show you some of the commands that NX provides, such as creating an NX workspace, generating schematics, serving as a dev server, building applications, and running tests. NX also has a variety of plugins, including the Next.js plugin. And if you're not comfortable with command-line interfaces, there's a GUI available for you. I'm going to create an NX workspace and choose Next.js as my first application. Then I'll create another app called Uber for Star and add a dashboard page. I'll also create a shared components library and configure storybook for it. Finally, I'll use NxServe to serve my Uber 4 app. This setup includes a splash page, a dashboard page, and a design system using storybook. We've got shared components for our marketing website and Uber 4 app. We also have end-to-end directories for Cypress tests and jest for unit tests. Our Uber 4 app is similar to any other Next.js app with pages and a nested dashboard page. We import shared components by prefixing them with the org name and library name. NX handles dependencies, ensuring everyone is on the same version and allows scoping imports to the org. Computation caching optimizes test and build runs by caching results that are unaffected by code changes. NX brings easy application creation with consistent commands and shared library extraction. Generators save time and enforce best practices. NX provides modern tools like Cypress, Storybook, Prettier, ESLint, and Next.js. The Next.js plugin creates and configures Next.js applications, serving them in dev mode and building production-ready and static apps. Visit nx.dev for more information.
Improve Your SEO
React Summit 2020React Summit 2020
8 min
Improve Your SEO
We're introducing our new release and livestream, explaining mobile-first indexing and its impact on SEO. Teachers Pay Teachers faced challenges with Google's move to mobile-first indexing, prompting them to optimize their mobile pages. They combined teams, tested performance, increased page speed, fixed structured data issues, and showed hidden content to improve search ranking. To optimize mobile pages for Googlebot, it is important to update mobile content, increase page speed, and test performance and SEO.
Let the Main Thread Breathe!
React Summit 2020React Summit 2020
35 min
Let the Main Thread Breathe!
Let's explore how to improve web application performance by offloading tasks from the main thread to other threads. We need to ensure compatibility with all devices and users to avoid frustrating experiences. Web Workers and Web Assembly can help improve performance by offloading tasks, but there are trade-offs to consider. Converting existing codebases to WebAssembly can be done gradually, and it's important to measure performance before making the conversion.
The Language of Shapes: Understanding the SVG Path
React Summit 2020React Summit 2020
32 min
The Language of Shapes: Understanding the SVG Path
This Talk introduces the SVG Path element, exploring its commands and potential. The speaker simplifies the language of shapes by grouping commands together and finding alternative ways to define arcs. They also present a path editing tool that allows for easy manipulation and visualization of path data. The Talk concludes with discussions on performance, limitations, recommended resources, SVG morphing, and the FlubberJS library for path interpolation.
Consume ➡️ Build ➡️ Teach
React Summit 2020React Summit 2020
29 min
Consume ➡️ Build ➡️ Teach
Kent C. Dodds discusses the consume, build, and teach approach to learning and upgrading oneself in a software development career. He emphasizes the importance of consuming curated content, learning from others, and applying different learning methods. Kent shares his experiences in creating personal projects, building projects to understand technologies, and learning through projects. He highlights the power of teaching, the benefits of learning clubs, and the importance of balancing personal life and learning. Kent also introduces Epic React, his workshop-focused approach to teaching React.
Visual Regression Under the Hood
TestJS Summit - January, 2021TestJS Summit - January, 2021
9 min
Visual Regression Under the Hood
Today's Talk discusses the value and challenges of visual regression in UI testing. It highlights the importance of predictability in loading pages and choosing the right screenshot resolution. It also mentions the use of Visual Regression Services, Docker, and the Odiff library as solutions to improve stability and efficiency in visual regression testing.
The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up your Test Warnings
TestJS Summit - January, 2021TestJS Summit - January, 2021
8 min
The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up your Test Warnings
Today's Talk focuses on preventing test warnings in software development. Test warnings are often ignored and can lead to bugs, performance issues, and security concerns. The speaker introduces a library called jsreporter log validator that automates the process of adding rules to prevent new warnings and fixing existing ones. The library provides a summary of expected behavior, failures, and actions to take. Overall, the Talk emphasizes the importance of paying attention to test warnings and using automation to improve developer experience and prevent issues in large and legacy applications.
Testing React: A Convert’s Journey from Enzyme to Testing Library
TestJS Summit - January, 2021TestJS Summit - January, 2021
8 min
Testing React: A Convert’s Journey from Enzyme to Testing Library
The speaker switched from Enzyme to the REACT Testing Library due to its encouragement of best practices, easier refactoring, and promotion of accessible code. The shift from class-based components to functional components in React is also highlighted. The benefits of the Testing Library include improved readability and user interaction simulation through DOM assertions, as well as its opinionated nature and focus on accessible code.
Writing Testable Serverless Apps Using Hexagonal Architecture
TestJS Summit - January, 2021TestJS Summit - January, 2021
28 min
Writing Testable Serverless Apps Using Hexagonal Architecture
The scariest thing about serverless is the fear of vendor lock-in and losing control. Planning, good architecture, and deployment procedures help keep switching costs reasonable. Hexagonal architecture is a useful approach for writing testable serverless apps. Integration testing is crucial for serverless apps, and hexagonal architecture helps fight vendor lock-in and reduce switching costs. Docker is used for testing serverless functions, and the practicality of hexagonal architecture remains a question.
Beyond API Mocking
TestJS Summit - January, 2021TestJS Summit - January, 2021
25 min
Beyond API Mocking
Today's Talk discusses API mocking and its role in testing. The speaker explores the advantages and disadvantages of server and client-side mocking, and introduces the use of service workers for mocking. The MockServiceWorker library (MSW) is presented as a solution that leverages service workers to intercept requests and provide mock responses. MSW is client-agnostic, widely used, and offers many features. The speaker also mentions upcoming improvements and encourages users to try MSW and provide feedback.
Core Web Vitals - What, Why and How?
TestJS Summit - January, 2021TestJS Summit - January, 2021
27 min
Core Web Vitals - What, Why and How?
Top Content
This Talk provides an introduction to the core of Vitals and its contribution to Google search. It discusses the evolution of website performance metrics and the need to consider factors beyond the time to first byte. The concept of Core Web Vitals is introduced, consisting of three metrics: Largest Contentful Paint, First Input Delay, and Cumulative Layout Shift. The upcoming Page Experience signal, launching in May 2021, will combine Core Web Vitals with existing ranking signals. The Talk also addresses challenges in measuring performance and provides insights on layout stability and visual completeness.
Achieving A11y Automation Testing
TestJS Summit - January, 2021TestJS Summit - January, 2021
27 min
Achieving A11y Automation Testing
This Talk discusses automation testing tools and strategies for accessibility. It highlights EmberJS's approach to accessibility and the efforts of the developer community. The importance of prioritizing accessibility and using tools like Ember A11y testing and Axe-Core is emphasized. Integration with React, Vue, and other frameworks is made easy with NPM packages. The Talk also emphasizes the value of manual testing and user evaluation alongside automation testing.
Detox: The Unobtainable Test Stability (or is it?)
TestJS Summit - January, 2021TestJS Summit - January, 2021
36 min
Detox: The Unobtainable Test Stability (or is it?)
Detox is a grey box testing solution for mobile applications that manages sync between test code and the app, eliminating the need for manual synchronization. It follows the grey box testing approach used by Espresso and Earl Grey. Wix's mobile app architecture consists of four types of parts, each with its own independent CI process. Test isolation and input consistency are important for stable end-to-end testing. Android emulators perform better on Mac VMs with nested virtualization, but our next-gen setup includes Bare Metal Mac minis for improved performance. Detox is primarily used for React Native applications and has limitations, but there are learning resources available. Detox supports camera functionality and provides solutions for debugging test fails and running tests on device farms. Currently, Detox supports simulators for iOS and devices connected to the computer for Android, with work underway to support real devices. The test APK for Detox connects to the production app and Node service, and Expo is responsible for providing a test APK for Android.
Testing for the Modern Web with Playwright
TestJS Summit - January, 2021TestJS Summit - January, 2021
30 min
Testing for the Modern Web with Playwright
Arjun introduces Playwright, a library for cross-browser end-to-end testing of web applications. The challenges in modern web testing include the evolving web platform and reactive frameworks. Playwright provides capable, reliable, and fast automation, with the ability to capture events and enhance test reliability. It uses browser contexts for faster execution and supports multiple languages and frameworks. Playwright is used by companies like VS Code, Bing, Adobe, and material UI, and offers cross-browser support and an improving roadmap.
Don’t Make These Testing Mistakes
TestJS Summit - January, 2021TestJS Summit - January, 2021
27 min
Don’t Make These Testing Mistakes
The Talk discusses common mistakes in Cypress tests, such as accessing the file system directly instead of using the Cypress command, and the importance of writing effective Cypress tests for different scenarios. It also emphasizes the need for adding assertions during navigation and alternating commands and assertions. The Talk highlights the significance of documentation and examples in providing support and addresses the advantages of using the Cypress Node test runner. It concludes with tips on debugging, data tests, and testing user journeys and edge cases.
Deploy with Speed and Confidence Using Contract Testing and Pact
TestJS Summit - January, 2021TestJS Summit - January, 2021
32 min
Deploy with Speed and Confidence Using Contract Testing and Pact
The Talk discusses the cost and issues with end-to-end integration tests and the benefits of using contract testing with PACT. It explores the challenges of scaling teams and components and highlights the advantages of using PACT for testing microservices. The PACT framework is demonstrated, showcasing its ability to provide fast and reliable feedback, independent testing, and versioned contracts. The Talk also covers topics such as testing compatibility, safe removal of fields, and integrating PACT with Cypress.
Practical Web App Performance Problem Solving
TestJS Summit - January, 2021TestJS Summit - January, 2021
8 min
Practical Web App Performance Problem Solving
This Talk discusses runtime performance in software development. It explores the concept of garbage collection and the importance of optimizing functions for faster execution. The event loop and profiling are also highlighted as essential tools for analyzing and improving runtime performance. Real-life examples demonstrate the benefits of profiling in optimizing functions and improving app performance. Overall, the Talk emphasizes the significance of understanding and optimizing runtime performance in software development.
Testing React Hooks with Confidence
TestJS Summit - January, 2021TestJS Summit - January, 2021
7 min
Testing React Hooks with Confidence
The Talk discusses testing hooks in a React application. The speaker starts by showing an untested React application and begins testing with a simple placeholder test. The importance of refactoring and testing custom hooks is emphasized, with the recommendation to use the React hooks library and achieve full test coverage. Unit testing React components may not be valuable, as the complexity lies in the hook code. Instead, end-to-end testing with tools like Cypress is recommended.
Get Testing out of your Tech Debt
TestJS Summit - January, 2021TestJS Summit - January, 2021
8 min
Get Testing out of your Tech Debt
Tech debt is a common issue that teams struggle with, but addressing it effectively requires a structured approach and prioritizing issues that primarily impact developers. Feature preservation, such as automated testing and monitoring, should be considered part of building features, not tech debt. Fixing user-related issues takes priority over developer concerns, and scaling to serve more users benefits both users and developers. Climbing out of tech debt effectively is possible with a focus on developer productivity and user benefit.
Security Testing for JS Apps
TestJS Summit - January, 2021TestJS Summit - January, 2021
5 min
Security Testing for JS Apps
Stackhawk is an application security tool that focuses on dynamic application and API security testing. It is built on top of the open source ZAP project and designed for automation in CICD. Stackhawk provides a comprehensive set of tools for application security testing and bug fixing, including viewing findings, recreating requests, and easily fixing vulnerabilities. It allows for triaging findings and integrating with other engineering stacks. Visit stackhawk.com to sign up for a free account and learn more at docs.stackhawk.com.
Panel Discussion: Application Security Testing
TestJS Summit - January, 2021TestJS Summit - January, 2021
30 min
Panel Discussion: Application Security Testing
Scott Gerlach
Vandana Verma
Liran Tal
Sam Stepanyan
4 authors
The panel discussion on application security testing covered various perspectives on DevSecOps, emphasizing the importance of shifting security left and the role of automation. Collaboration between developers and security teams was highlighted, as well as the need for developer-friendly security tooling. Pain points in integrating security testing early in the pipeline were discussed, including technical and cultural challenges. Open source project recommendations for building a secure pipeline were also provided.
Shipping High Quality JS Apps with Confidence
TestJS Summit - January, 2021TestJS Summit - January, 2021
29 min
Shipping High Quality JS Apps with Confidence
Today's Talk highlights the importance of software quality and its impact on businesses. It emphasizes the use of different tools and practices to improve software quality. The Talk covers topics such as testing with TypeScript and React Testing Library, accessibility, Cypress for end-to-end testing, writing better queries, monitoring performance, using feature flags with LaunchDarkly, and the value of Prettier. The key takeaway is that developing high-quality software with fast feedback loops and simplicity is crucial for success.
Play it Right with CodeceptJS: An Introduction to Supercharged End-to-End Testing
TestJS Summit - January, 2021TestJS Summit - January, 2021
28 min
Play it Right with CodeceptJS: An Introduction to Supercharged End-to-End Testing
Concept.js is a BDD style testing framework focused on browser testing, offering easy switching between engines and Cucumber BDD support. The Pulse feature in Concept.js allows for interactive test execution and editing. Concept.js provides a user-friendly interface, reporting options, and supports parallel execution. CodeSap.js offers strategies for dealing with slow-loading elements and provides flexibility in browser control. Contributing to Concept.js is encouraged, and CodeSap.js is a good choice for advanced features and full browser control.
Your Tests Lack Vision: Adding Eyes to your Automation Framework
TestJS Summit - January, 2021TestJS Summit - January, 2021
28 min
Your Tests Lack Vision: Adding Eyes to your Automation Framework
Today's talk is about the importance of visual testing in software development. Visual bugs can easily be missed when relying solely on automated tests. These bugs can have a significant impact on user experience and can even cost businesses customers. Applitools offers a machine learning approach to highlight relevant differences in visual testing. Their eyes API and Cypress integration make it easy to add visual testing to existing tests. With Applitools' ultra-fast grid, visual testing can be done across multiple platforms and devices simultaneously.
It’s not about your Assertion Library
TestJS Summit - January, 2021TestJS Summit - January, 2021
25 min
It’s not about your Assertion Library
This Talk discusses the importance of software testing and engineering through the example of the Muslim storm surge barrier in the Netherlands. It emphasizes the need for iteration, reflection, and making trade-offs in building great products. Testing assumptions and writing good tests are crucial for delivering value and building confidence in code. The Talk also explores the balance between test coverage and confidence, and how to foster a developer culture that values testing and collaboration.
The Evolution of Browser Automation
TestJS Summit - January, 2021TestJS Summit - January, 2021
34 min
The Evolution of Browser Automation
Browser automation has evolved over the years, starting with Selenium and WebDriver. Tools like Cypress, Taskerfee, Puppeteer, and Playwise use different approaches for automation. The new WebDriver protocol will enable sending and receiving thousands of commands and messages simultaneously. New testing types, such as performance and accessibility testing, will continue to emerge. The new WebDriver protocol combines the best of all three approaches and provides opportunities for testing and automating web applications.
CSS Can Do That Too
JSNation Live 2021JSNation Live 2021
22 min
CSS Can Do That Too
This Talk is about CSS techniques that can simplify web development and eliminate the need for JavaScript. It covers topics such as responsive typography, flexible font sizing, CSS math functions, scroll snapping, sticky elements, and CSS masonry layout. The speaker emphasizes the importance of understanding how sticky elements work and highlights the potential bugs that can occur. CSS Masonry layout is discussed as a native solution for creating masonry grids in the browser. Overall, CSS provides flexible solutions for web styling and is an exciting tool for developers.
Securing Node.js APIs with Decentralised Identity Tokens
JSNation Live 2021JSNation Live 2021
9 min
Securing Node.js APIs with Decentralised Identity Tokens
This talk introduces the concept of securing a Node.js API using a decentralized identity token. The token is encoded as a Base64 string and consists of a proof and claim. The API is built using Express and protected using Magic. The application has multiple routes, with the secret route being protected by middleware. The authorization header is checked and the DID token is validated for access to protected routes.
Let's Expand the Reality!
JSNation Live 2021JSNation Live 2021
12 min
Let's Expand the Reality!
I work as a front-end developer with experience in 3D tasks using WebGL and 3DS framework. Let's explore virtual reality and WebXR, which allows full immersion in a digital environment. In VR, we can explore virtual worlds, move and rotate within them, interact with objects, and even use VR for education. AR, augmented reality, is different from VR as it allows you to see the real world while also overlaying virtual objects. XR reality encompasses both VR and AR, and it's already a standard with good browser support.
How to Outsmart Time: Building Futuristic JavaScript Apps Using Temporal
JSNation Live 2021JSNation Live 2021
25 min
How to Outsmart Time: Building Futuristic JavaScript Apps Using Temporal
Temporal is a proposal in JavaScript that brings an ergonomic API for building futuristic JavaScript applications. It is now at stage 3 and implementers will start implementing it in different polyfills and browsers. Temporal includes classes for working with dates, times, time zones, calendars, and durations. The talk covers building an invoice calculator using Temporal, calculating durations between date times, creating and manipulating durations, understanding time relativity and rounding, and rewriting methods using Temporal. The speaker expresses gratitude to various contributors and provides a sandbox for exploration.
Put Down the Javascript – Level Up with the Fundamentals of Web Development
JSNation Live 2021JSNation Live 2021
11 min
Put Down the Javascript – Level Up with the Fundamentals of Web Development
This Talk provides insights into web development fundamentals and the challenges faced in React setup. It emphasizes the importance of building a strong foundation with HTML and CSS, and highlights the significance of SEO and accessibility in website development. The Talk also discusses the value of HTML, lists, and simplicity in coding. Overall, it offers practical advice for developers to level up their skills in web development.
Debugging with Chrome DevTools
JSNation Live 2021JSNation Live 2021
11 min
Debugging with Chrome DevTools
Here are some tips for better utilizing DevTools, including using the run command, customizing keyboard shortcuts, and emulating the focus effect. Learn how to inspect memory, use the network panel for more control over network requests, and take advantage of console utilities. Save frequently used code as snippets and use local overrides for easy editing. Optimize images by using a more optimized format like AVIF and track changes in the network panel to see the reduced data size.
TensorFlow.JS 101: ML in the Browser and Beyond
JSNation Live 2021JSNation Live 2021
39 min
TensorFlow.JS 101: ML in the Browser and Beyond
JavaScript with TensorFlow.js allows for machine learning in various environments, enabling the creation of applications like augmented reality and sentiment analysis. TensorFlow.js offers pre-trained models for object detection, body segmentation, and face landmark detection. It also allows for 3D rendering and the combination of machine learning with WebGL. The integration of WebRTC and WebXR enables teleportation and enhanced communication. TensorFlow.js supports transfer learning through Teachable Machine and Cloud AutoML, and provides flexibility and performance benefits in the browser and Node.js environments.
Web Components, Lit and Santa 🎅
JSNation Live 2021JSNation Live 2021
28 min
Web Components, Lit and Santa 🎅
Web Components and the Lit library are introduced, highlighting their ability to create custom elements and replicate built-in components with different functionality. The use of semantic HTML and the benefits of web components in development are emphasized. The features of Lit, such as data binding and rendering, are discussed. The Santa Tracker is showcased as an example of web components being used in educational games. The compatibility of web components with other frameworks and their versatility in creating small widgets or large applications are highlighted.
Multithreaded Logging with Pino
JSNation Live 2021JSNation Live 2021
19 min
Multithreaded Logging with Pino
Top Content
Today's Talk is about logging with Pino, one of the fastest loggers for Node.js. Pino's speed and performance are achieved by avoiding expensive logging and optimizing event loop processing. It offers advanced features like async mode and distributed logging. The use of Worker Threads and Threadstream allows for efficient data processing. Pino.Transport enables log processing in a worker thread with various options for log destinations. The Talk concludes with a demonstration of logging output and an invitation to reach out for job opportunities.
VS Code Can Do That!
JSNation Live 2021JSNation Live 2021
28 min
VS Code Can Do That!
The Talk covers various tips and features of using VS Code, including the command palette, Zen mode, external terminals, and debugging. It also highlights advanced editing and refactoring features, Git integration, and the use of dev containers. The speaker demonstrates how to set up a dev container for a Python app, run code in a container, and create and configure dev containers. The benefits of using dev containers are also discussed, such as eliminating manual configuration, handling dependencies, and facilitating team-based development.
Micro-scopes – How to Build a Modular Modern App in a Bundled World
JSNation Live 2021JSNation Live 2021
21 min
Micro-scopes – How to Build a Modular Modern App in a Bundled World
This Talk discusses the importance of bundling code in the modern JavaScript world and introduces Webpack as the de facto standard for bundling modules. It explores techniques such as code splitting, multiple entry points, and controlling the build process to optimize code organization and improve performance. The Talk also delves into concepts like Universal Model Definition (UMD) and using externals in Webpack to avoid code duplication. It highlights the benefits of separating and maintaining code in an application, as well as the use of micro-frontends and monorepos for scalability and collaboration. Overall, the Talk emphasizes the significance of code separation, dependency management, and efficient bundling strategies for developing robust and modular applications.
Headless vs Traditional eCommerce Platforms: Introducing Commerce Layer
JSNation Live 2021JSNation Live 2021
8 min
Headless vs Traditional eCommerce Platforms: Introducing Commerce Layer
Commerce Layer is an Atlas Commerce platform that provides global shopping capabilities. It offers a range of endpoints for managing various aspects of e-commerce. Modular architecture, like the one used by Commerce Layer, offers benefits such as flexibility, scalability, security, omnichannel capabilities, and future-proofing.
Automated Security Testing for JS Apps & Underlying APIs
JSNation Live 2021JSNation Live 2021
8 min
Automated Security Testing for JS Apps & Underlying APIs
StackHawk is a dynamic application security testing tool that helps find and fix security vulnerabilities. It integrates with your engineering stack and works with popular players in CICD. The DAST scanner crawls your application, tests it, and provides a summary of the findings, including cross-site scripting and SQL injection issues. The output in CICD includes a link to triage the issues.
How Core Web Vitals Will Affect Google Rankings in 2021
JSNation Live 2021JSNation Live 2021
31 min
How Core Web Vitals Will Affect Google Rankings in 2021
Lee, a solutions architect at Vercel, introduces Core Web Vitals and their impact on SEO, highlighting the importance of web performance and sharing examples from Amazon and Walmart. He explains the metrics for Core Web Vitals, including Largest Contentful Paint, First Input Delay, and Cumulative Layout Shift. Lee discusses strategies to reduce Cumulative Layout Shift, the benefits and challenges of using npm packages in the React ecosystem, and the upcoming Next.js conference. He concludes by inviting listeners to visit his Twitter profile and expressing gratitude for their participation.
Create an Application Backend in Clicks with the Amplify Admin UI
JSNation Live 2021JSNation Live 2021
29 min
Create an Application Backend in Clicks with the Amplify Admin UI
Today's talk introduces the AWS Amplify Admin UI and low code development, which aims to simplify backend web development. The AWS Amplify Admin UI is a powerful tool backed by AWS services, allowing users to create a database schema visually and test locally. The Amplify CLI and Datastore enable developers to link the backend to their code easily. Low code development in Amplify makes coding more accessible and fun. Amplify offers benefits such as direct use of AWS services, extensibility, and excellent GraphQL service. Other interesting topics include server-side rendering support, environmental management, and support for Node.js and Python in AWS Amplify.
Keep Scrolling
JSNation Live 2021JSNation Live 2021
33 min
Keep Scrolling
Scroll animations can enhance user experience when done properly, but should not distract from important information. CSS, JavaScript, and plugins like Scroll Trigger can be used to achieve scroll animations. GreenSock's ScrollTrigger provides a powerful JavaScript animation library for more complex animations. It is important to consider accessibility and provide reduced motion fallbacks. CodePen and GreenSock's documentation are valuable resources for learning and inspiration in creative coding.
Remember CSS Sprites? Let's do that with video!
JSNation Live 2021JSNation Live 2021
8 min
Remember CSS Sprites? Let's do that with video!
Today's Talk discusses the use of video sprites, which are similar to CSS sprites and are commonly used for optimization. Video sprites can be used to synchronize and select multiple video feeds, allowing viewers to choose the desired feed. Smooth streaming and broadcasting limitations are also mentioned, highlighting the need to consider resolution constraints. Overall, the Talk provides insights into the benefits and techniques of using video sprites for feed synchronization and optimization.
Making JavaScript on WebAssembly Fast
JSNation Live 2021JSNation Live 2021
29 min
Making JavaScript on WebAssembly Fast
Top Content
WebAssembly enables optimizing JavaScript performance for different environments by deploying the JavaScript engine as a portable WebAssembly module. By making JavaScript on WebAssembly fast, instances can be created for each request, reducing latency and security risks. Initialization and runtime phases can be improved with tools like Wiser and snapshotting, resulting in faster startup times. Optimizing JavaScript performance in WebAssembly can be achieved through techniques like ahead-of-time compilation and inline caching. WebAssembly usage is growing outside the web, offering benefits like isolation and portability. Build sizes and snapshotting in WebAssembly depend on the application, and more information can be found on the Mozilla Hacks website and Bike Reliance site.
JSNation Live 2021JSNation Live 2021
31 min
The Talk discusses various proposals for the next version of ECMAScript (ES Next) and the TC39 process. It covers features such as binding syntax, shorthand property assignments, pattern matching, async match, operator overloading, and more. These proposals aim to simplify code, make it more readable, and introduce new functionalities. The Talk also addresses questions about the committee's decision-making process and the experience of being part of the TC39 committee.
Transforming a Country Through Code!
JSNation Live 2021JSNation Live 2021
8 min
Transforming a Country Through Code!
Medellin, once the most dangerous city in the world, has transformed into the Silicon Valley of Latin America through technology and community inclusion. Colombia's tech community revolution began with the establishment of the first technology meetup in 2011 and has now become one of the largest Spanish-speaking tech communities in the world. Colombia has prioritized inclusion, diversity, and accessibility to build successful communities, resulting in recognition as the most innovative city by the BBC and significant startup investments. Starting small but with a focus on inclusion can have a significant impact in changing perceptions and creating a better future for all.
An Introduction To IoT; Or How I Built an IoT Kitty Litter Box Using JavaScript
JSNation Live 2021JSNation Live 2021
23 min
An Introduction To IoT; Or How I Built an IoT Kitty Litter Box Using JavaScript
This Talk is an introduction to IoT and JavaScript, discussing the use of JavaScript and Node for IoT projects, the importance of data considerations and choosing the right databases, and the practical implementation of an Internet-connected kitty litter box. It also explores controlling LEDs with Johnny-5, solving the load cell problem, and the future of IoT. The speaker encourages experimentation and shares cool IoT projects like the magic mirror and internet-connected nano leaves. Practical IoT projects and joining the speaker's discussion rooms are also suggested for beginners.
Build Fullstack Apps in Record Time with Blitz.js
JSNation Live 2021JSNation Live 2021
32 min
Build Fullstack Apps in Record Time with Blitz.js
The speaker wanted to create the best developer experience for full stack React apps by simplifying the development process and getting rid of the API layer. They were inspired by server-side rendering in Ruby on Rails and wanted to achieve something similar with React. They announced Blitz with a server-side rendered prototype but wanted to improve it. They envisioned a simple solution where a server function talks directly to the database and is imported into the front-end code, with the framework handling the API layer.
Service Workers: How to Run a Man-in-the-middle Attack on Your Own Site for Fun and Profit
JSNation Live 2021JSNation Live 2021
34 min
Service Workers: How to Run a Man-in-the-middle Attack on Your Own Site for Fun and Profit
Service workers provide resilience and make sites faster by intercepting requests and responses, caching assets, and providing fallbacks. They can be used to show critical information when a site goes offline, cache pages for offline access, and improve performance. Service workers can also be used to build multi-page apps with more resilience and less complexity. Caching API responses and gradually adding more complex features are recommended when adopting service workers. Single-page apps are not always the best choice, and different approaches fit different use cases.
How Your Architecture and Infrastructure Can Make (or Break) Your Team’s Productivity
JSNation Live 2021JSNation Live 2021
8 min
How Your Architecture and Infrastructure Can Make (or Break) Your Team’s Productivity
Today's Talk discusses how architecture and infrastructure choices impact team productivity. Complex systems can lead to frustration, fragility, and slowness, hindering efficiency and creating knowledge silos. Decoupled front-ends, pre-compiled front-ends, and serverless functions can improve productivity and enable faster deployment. Supportive architectures are crucial for building a shipping culture and avoiding frustrating, fragile, and slow systems.
Accelerating Code Quality with DORA Metrics
JSNation Live 2021JSNation Live 2021
27 min
Accelerating Code Quality with DORA Metrics
This Talk discusses the Dora Metrics and their relation to continuous code improvement. High and elite performers deploy more frequently and have a lower change failure rate. Continuous code improvement involves identifying and fixing bugs in real time. Rollbar is a continuous code improvement platform that provides visibility into actionable errors. It helps organizations reduce the risk of losing customers and optimize developer productivity. Rollbar's unique error fingerprints and advanced features enable a deeper understanding of issues and faster resolution.
Building a Custom Component Library – Fast
JSNation Live 2021JSNation Live 2021
8 min
Building a Custom Component Library – Fast
Today, I want to talk to you about building custom component libraries fast. Every company should have its own standard set of UI controls for consistency in design, technology, and accessibility. Companies shouldn't build the harder parts of those libraries themselves, such as date pickers and data grids. But as a software developer, your time is valuable. Building custom component libraries is a better use of your time than reinventing the wheel.
Using the Proxy API for State Management
JSNation Live 2021JSNation Live 2021
27 min
Using the Proxy API for State Management
This Talk introduces the concept of using proxies in JavaScript for state management. It explores the implementation of proxies, observing properties and creating caches, building the proxy, and observing changes with proxies. The Talk also discusses using the Taits library for state management and the performance implications of proxies. TypeScript and JavaScript are compared, and the results of a poll on their usage are shared.
How to Code Boring Internal Apps 10x Faster
JSNation Live 2021JSNation Live 2021
7 min
How to Code Boring Internal Apps 10x Faster
ReTool is a platform that focuses on building internal tools quickly. It offers easy integrations with databases and APIs, supports custom React components and JavaScript libraries, and provides extensive support and deployment options. Developers can try it out at retool.com.
Pixi Powerups!
JSNation Live 2021JSNation Live 2021
30 min
Pixi Powerups!
Pixie is a powerful tool for creating scenes and effects in software development. It supports features like texture mapping, Spine animation, and filters for creating cool effects. The talk also covers the use of render textures to capture and download images, as well as the importance of communication and a positive attitude in software development. The speaker shares their journey into coding and discusses the potential for porting Unity games to JavaScript using technologies like web GL and web GPU.
Simplifying the Complexity of Node.js with InfluxDB
JSNation Live 2021JSNation Live 2021
8 min
Simplifying the Complexity of Node.js with InfluxDB
NodeSource's NSolid simplifies Node.js for Windows DB and provides analytics, diagnostics, and security. InfluxDB is used for data aggregation and real-time monitoring, with a three-second latency sampling mechanism. Challenges with Utility Influx are faced, but InfluxDB handles large amounts of data and is easy to test and debug. Ensolve is recommended for production to benefit from insights, security, and diagnostics.
The Visual Future of State Management
JSNation Live 2021JSNation Live 2021
32 min
The Visual Future of State Management
This talk discusses the visual future of state management and the use of state machines and state charts. XState is introduced as a state machine and state chart library for JavaScript, providing a clean and visualizable way to represent state machines. The talk highlights the features of XState, such as its state-first approach and utilities for interpreting the machine as a service. It also mentions the future goals of XState, including visualization, testing, analytics, and the development of a visual software modeling suite called Stately.
Vite: Rethinking Frontend Tooling
JSNation Live 2021JSNation Live 2021
31 min
Vite: Rethinking Frontend Tooling
Top Content
Vite is a next-generation build tool that leverages native ES modules for improved performance. It eliminates the need for bundling and improves hot module replacement. Vite provides an opinionated default configuration while still allowing advanced customization through plugins. It is framework agnostic and can be used for React and other applications. Vite is being adopted by Next.js and Create React App, and integration with Nuxt 3 offers significant speed improvements.
Building Brain-controlled Interfaces in JavaScript
JSNation Live 2021JSNation Live 2021
27 min
Building Brain-controlled Interfaces in JavaScript
Top Content
Learn how to build brain-controlled interfaces using JavaScript and brain sensors. Understand the functions of different parts of the brain and how they relate to sensor placement. Explore examples of calm and focus detection, as well as the Kinesis API for mental commands. Discover the applications of brain-controlled interfaces, such as scrolling web pages and password-less authentication. Understand the limits and opportunities of brain control and the potential for using brain sensors in medical applications.
The Third Age of JavaScript
JSNation Live 2021JSNation Live 2021
30 min
The Third Age of JavaScript
Top Content
This talk presents the Third Age of JavaScript, covering the evolution and future of the language. It explores the adoption of ES modules and the decline of IE11, as well as the changing landscape of JavaScript tooling and the concept of polyglot tooling. The talk also touches on the potential future of JavaScript with WebAssembly and emphasizes the importance of code composability and receiving feedback in software development.
Fire-Side Chat with Kent C. Dodds
React Summit Remote Edition 2021React Summit Remote Edition 2021
31 min
Fire-Side Chat with Kent C. Dodds
Kent C. Dodds discusses various topics including migrating projects to TypeScript, Next.js and Remix, testing libraries, RTL testing with React Testing Library, integration testing for component libraries, testing design systems, writing tests, communication resources, and the popularity of Hooks in React development.
Doing the Least Amount of Work Possible: An Intro to Runtime Performance
React Summit Remote Edition 2021React Summit Remote Edition 2021
35 min
Doing the Least Amount of Work Possible: An Intro to Runtime Performance
This Talk on runtime performance covers various aspects such as understanding and fixing performance issues, optimizing performance and perceived performance, profiling runtime performance, analyzing performance and debugging memory leaks, and dealing with memory leaks. It also discusses the use of dev tools, CSS transforms, and layout in improving performance. The Q&A session addresses questions about libraries like Immutable.js, common trends in memory leaks, and the impact of animations on performance.
The Dawning of a New Age for Fullstack React
React Summit Remote Edition 2021React Summit Remote Edition 2021
34 min
The Dawning of a New Age for Fullstack React
React has evolved over the years, introducing breakthroughs like the declarative component model and React hooks. Create React App and Next.js abstracted away webpack config and routing, improving developer productivity. GraphQL backend as a service platforms made it easy to set up a backend without extensive knowledge. Blitz.js and Redwood.js are game-changing batteries included frameworks for full stack React development. They aim to make backend development easier for front end developers and optimize full stack productivity.
Stories and Strategies from Converting to TypeScript
React Summit Remote Edition 2021React Summit Remote Edition 2021
20 min
Stories and Strategies from Converting to TypeScript
This Talk discusses the process of converting to TypeScript at CodeCademy. It emphasizes the importance of encouraging adoption and knowledge sharing within the team. The Talk also highlights the seamless integration of TypeScript into the existing infrastructure and build system. The strategy for converting to TypeScript involved using dedicated pull requests and automated tools. The speaker shares tips on automating changes, setting up a styling guide, and celebrating victories. Resources for learning TypeScript are also mentioned.
Building a Mobile App with Expo, EAS, and React Native
React Summit Remote Edition 2021React Summit Remote Edition 2021
35 min
Building a Mobile App with Expo, EAS, and React Native
This talk provides an overview of building React Native apps with Expo and Xcode. It covers Expo managed projects, XO, Turtle, customizing runtime, Expo Development Client, and EAS. The talk also mentions the advantages of Expo Updates, the focus on a customizable runtime, and adding native libraries. Favorite React Native apps and libraries are recommended, and the future goals include enhancing performance and improving the development experience through EAS.
Write Tests. Generate UI. Profit!
React Summit Remote Edition 2021React Summit Remote Edition 2021
20 min
Write Tests. Generate UI. Profit!
This Talk introduces Spectate, a library that generates apps based on tests. The speaker demonstrates building an email signup form using Spectate, writing tests to handle empty email and password errors. They explain how Spectate works by simulating tests to build a model and updating the app's state based on user input. Spectate selects the most similar state from the model and runs corresponding actions. The Talk concludes by encouraging listeners to explore Spectate's features and examples.
Let's Build React Query in 150 Lines of Code!
React Summit Remote Edition 2021React Summit Remote Edition 2021
30 min
Let's Build React Query in 150 Lines of Code!
Top Content
React Query is a popular data synchronization library used by indie developers, startups, and Fortune 500s, with over 1,200 commits and 250 contributors. The Talk covers the creation of a simplified version of React Query called React Query Lite. It explores concepts like caching, background fetching, and garbage collection. The speaker also discusses the use of query observers and the integration of React Query with React. The Talk concludes with a discussion on React Native tools, testing, and the stability of React Query's API.
Battle-Tested Techniques for Animation and Data Viz with React
React Summit Remote Edition 2021React Summit Remote Edition 2021
25 min
Battle-Tested Techniques for Animation and Data Viz with React
Motion is a powerful tool in data visualization, but it must be used carefully to avoid confusion. Implementing charts with React and D3 can improve the user experience. The use of D3 scales and react-spring can enhance animations. Canvas is a better choice for rendering many elements. Accessibility considerations should be made to accommodate users who prefer reduced motion.
Building Better Websites with Remix
React Summit Remote Edition 2021React Summit Remote Edition 2021
33 min
Building Better Websites with Remix
Top Content
Remix is a web framework built on React Router that focuses on web fundamentals, accessibility, performance, and flexibility. It delivers real HTML and SEO benefits, and allows for automatic updating of meta tags and styles. It provides features like login functionality, session management, and error handling. Remix is a server-rendered framework that can enhance sites with JavaScript but doesn't require it for basic functionality. It aims to create quality HTML-driven documents and is flexible for use with different web technologies and stacks.
React Without JavaScript?
React Summit Remote Edition 2021React Summit Remote Edition 2021
26 min
React Without JavaScript?
This is a talk about the language of web development and how it influences what we can build. It introduces Astro, a method for building faster websites with less client-side JavaScript. Astro brings together the power of JavaScript and the speed of HTML. It explains how to mix scripting and markup using a frontmatter script. Astro allows you to use React components in an Astro application, generating server-side markup. It offers opt-in interactivity with JavaScript and an HTML-first output.
Building the Right Product and Building It Right: Extreme Programming and Atomic Design
React Summit Remote Edition 2021React Summit Remote Edition 2021
23 min
Building the Right Product and Building It Right: Extreme Programming and Atomic Design
This talk explores extreme programming (XP) and balanced teams, emphasizing the importance of simplicity and team collaboration. The application of XP practices, such as paired programming and test-driven development, is discussed, along with the organization of frontend code. Atomic design is introduced as a methodology to solve dealer problems, and the process of creating the user journey and identifying atoms is explained. The talk also delves into testing components and the completion of the user journey using XP and Atomic Design.
SVGs to Make Your Blog Stand Out
React Summit Remote Edition 2021React Summit Remote Edition 2021
36 min
SVGs to Make Your Blog Stand Out
Today's Talk is about using SVGs to enhance blog design, including transforming SVGs into JSX, animating elements, and using React Spring for interactivity. The speaker also demonstrates the use of SVGs in SharkUI and showcases an interactive love button. The benefits of using SVGs in React components are discussed, as well as implementing SVGs as responsive components. Performance considerations and the pros and cons of CSS vs SVG are also touched upon.
Inside Fiber: An Overview of React's Reconciliation Algorithm
React Summit Remote Edition 2021React Summit Remote Edition 2021
20 min
Inside Fiber: An Overview of React's Reconciliation Algorithm
React Fiber is a reconciliation algorithm introduced in React 16 to address laggy input fields and heavy rendering. The old stack reconciler caused a laggy experience by re-rendering the entire subtree immediately. React Fiber solves this by breaking work into incremental units and assigning priorities. It introduces concurrent mode to make apps responsive and adaptable. The useDeferredValue hook is commonly used to keep the interface responsive by rendering components immediately and others at a later time.
Fire-side chat on Recoil
React Summit Remote Edition 2021React Summit Remote Edition 2021
34 min
Fire-side chat on Recoil
Recoil.js is a state management library developed by Facebook that allows for separate atoms to be updated independently. It provides performance analysis tools based on multiple measurements taken from production and aggregated into statistical distributions. Recoil 0.2 introduced improvements in selectors and performance, as well as a data structure that improves copying efficiency. Recoil supports server-side rendering and can be used in React Native. It is recommended to start with React alone and consider adding Recoil if needed for handling updates in distant parts of the tree.
Design Systems - Revamping Products for Consistent UIs
React Summit Remote Edition 2021React Summit Remote Edition 2021
13 min
Design Systems - Revamping Products for Consistent UIs
This Talk explores the core components of design systems, their benefits and challenges, as well as the importance of having a design system for products. It also discusses the concept of a design language and its role in creating a design system. The section on building a design language and component library emphasizes the significance of selecting options for a design language and creating reusable components. The section on building and scaling design systems highlights the benefits of design systems and the challenges involved in building and scaling them. It also mentions the changing mindset towards recognizing the value of design systems in the competitive space.
Engineers Learn to Negotiate
React Summit Remote Edition 2021React Summit Remote Edition 2021
8 min
Engineers Learn to Negotiate
During this Talk, the speaker emphasizes the importance of negotiation skills in the tech industry and how it can help grow one's career. Mirroring and labeling are discussed as effective techniques in building trust and reducing negative emotions. The concept of being a sponge is introduced, highlighting the significance of listening attentively in negotiations. The Talk concludes by emphasizing the importance of communication and negotiation skills for engineers and encourages self-reflection and improvement.
RedwoodJS: The Full-Stack React App Framework of Your Dreams
React Summit Remote Edition 2021React Summit Remote Edition 2021
43 min
RedwoodJS: The Full-Stack React App Framework of Your Dreams
Top Content
Redwood JS is a full stack React app framework that simplifies development and testing. It uses a directory structure to organize code and provides easy data fetching with cells. Redwood eliminates boilerplate and integrates Jest and Storybook. It supports pre-rendering and provides solutions for authentication and deployment. Redwood is a cross-client framework that allows for building web and mobile applications without duplicating work.
We Don’t Know How React State Hooks Work
React Summit Remote Edition 2021React Summit Remote Edition 2021
7 min
We Don’t Know How React State Hooks Work
This Talk provides an introduction to React Staytools, explaining how to use the state and setState function to update a counter. It also delves into the inner workings of React rendering, discussing the update queue and re-rendering conditions. The Talk concludes by mentioning the different modes of updating and triggering re-renders in React, and encourages further exploration of the source code and discussion in Discord.
Debugging RN Android Performance
React Summit Remote Edition 2021React Summit Remote Edition 2021
7 min
Debugging RN Android Performance
Today's Talk focuses on React Native app performance. The speaker discusses the importance of frame rate as a metric and introduces the performance monitor provided by React Native. They explain how Systrace, a system trace tool, can be used to identify performance issues. The first performance issue analyzed involves the UI thread performing excessive calculations, leading to a significant amount of time being spent on the draw function. The Lottie animation view is identified as needing optimization. The Talk also mentions a second performance issue that will be explored.
Scaling WordPress with Next.js
React Summit Remote Edition 2021React Summit Remote Edition 2021
9 min
Scaling WordPress with Next.js
WordPress is still widely used, with over 800 million installs. The Jamstack is a modern approach to building static HTML websites that utilize JavaScript and APIs for dynamic content. Serving static HTML files is faster than server-based solutions like WordPress. Serving static files from storage or a CDN allows for infinite scalability. WordPress is a compelling option for nontechnical users due to its familiarity and thriving ecosystem.
Build a UI that Learns - Intelligent Prefetching with React and TensorFlow.js
React Summit Remote Edition 2021React Summit Remote Edition 2021
17 min
Build a UI that Learns - Intelligent Prefetching with React and TensorFlow.js
Today's talk explores intelligent prefetching in React, including code splitting, lazy loading, and prefetching to improve performance. The use of neural networks for sequence prediction and training with actual user behavior is discussed. React context is used to link UI handlers with predictions and prefetching, enabling dynamic content import and improved user experience. The combination of AI and UI development is showcased in this personal project.
Scaling React Development with Nx
React Summit Remote Edition 2021React Summit Remote Edition 2021
32 min
Scaling React Development with Nx
This Talk discusses Schedule React development with NX and introduces Annex, an open-source dev tool for Monorepos. It covers topics like generating workspaces and libraries, creating public-facing Next.js applications, imposing restrictions and defining boundaries, testing with linting, speed improvements with the 'affected' command and caching, retrofitting NX into an existing Monorepo, migrating, testing, deployment, and publishing, publishable libraries in NX, Webpack 5 module federation, React context API, and managing tags, scope, and dependencies.
React Native Architecture at Product Hunt
React Summit Remote Edition 2021React Summit Remote Edition 2021
18 min
React Native Architecture at Product Hunt
The speaker discusses their React Native architecture and how they structured their app, choosing React Native over native development due to limited resources and the need for UI experimentation. The architecture consists of support, components, and screens, with a focus on code organization and extensibility. The speaker explains the screen creation process, including the use of React Native Navigation and a state machine pattern. They also highlight the use of GraphQL for data retrieval and navigation between screens. The talk covers the structure of common components, utilities for styling, and support for dark mode. Overall, the speaker emphasizes the importance of isolating dependencies and utilizing a directory structure approach.
React User Authentication for Self-Sovereign Identity with Magic
React Summit Remote Edition 2021React Summit Remote Edition 2021
18 min
React User Authentication for Self-Sovereign Identity with Magic
Welcome to this talk about React user authentication for self-sovereign identity with Magic Labs. Learn how the user trust model of the internet is broken and a novel solution to fix it. Understand the concept of zero-knowledge proof and the key-based model for user identity. Magic improves trust by leveraging Infrastructure-as-a-Service, secure user keys, and providing passwordless authentication. Explore decentralized identity and how it solves the authentication problem, including the use of decentralized identity tokens (DIDT) for managing permissions and authentication.
Keeping It Simple
React Summit Remote Edition 2021React Summit Remote Edition 2021
9 min
Keeping It Simple
React brought simplicity to building browser-based applications, but as new concepts like context, hooks, server components, and streaming are introduced, it's important to know the current state of the application. The JAMstack simplifies reasoning about the state of web properties through immutable assets and atomic deploys. However, as the JAMstack evolves, challenges arise in areas such as build times and API caching for large projects, especially e-commerce.
BDD & TDD in React
React Summit Remote Edition 2021React Summit Remote Edition 2021
23 min
BDD & TDD in React
Top Content
Today's Talk covers TDD and BDD in React testing, including the importance of testing practice in React. The Talk discusses the evolution of testing, the daily flow of developing a feature with TDD and BDD, and best practices for testing. It also emphasizes the significance of using the right tools and writing tests that resemble user actions. Applying tests in practice leads to better architecture decisions.
Graphics, as a Function of State / Graphic = fn(state)
React Summit Remote Edition 2021React Summit Remote Edition 2021
15 min
Graphics, as a Function of State / Graphic = fn(state)
Anil Durman, engineer at the New York Times, discusses the role of graphics in the context of state. He highlights the work done by his team in helping people understand the news through new formats and pages. The team is hiring for various tech roles. By night, Anil is a creative coder exploring the intersection of creativity and code, and his latest project, Good Graphics, focuses on UI as a function of state, React components, and SVGs. He demonstrates how components can be updated based on state, allowing for declarative graphics. Anil also showcases how nested circles and grids can be used to create complex systems in React, enabling dynamic and reactive graphic designs.
Lessons To Outlive React
React Summit Remote Edition 2021React Summit Remote Edition 2021
34 min
Lessons To Outlive React
Top Content
The Talk focuses on the lessons we can learn from React's success, including API design, optimizing for change, testing, and community engagement. The idea of a DX UX mullet, with immediate mode in the front and retained mode in the back, is observed in various areas of software development. The importance of naming and optimizing for change is emphasized, as well as the significance of DevTools and building a community. The principles behind the Temporal framework and the importance of good naming in API design are also discussed.
Sharing a Codebase with React & React Native: The Holy Grail?
React Summit Remote Edition 2021React Summit Remote Edition 2021
7 min
Sharing a Codebase with React & React Native: The Holy Grail?
The speaker discusses their experience with React Native app development and their goal to deliver high levels of product value. They wanted to build new features for both the Facebook Messenger and Native app, so they explored the possibility of sharing code between the two platforms. They attempted to share a file of branded colors using symbolic links and Yarn workspaces, but encountered issues. Ultimately, they decided to duplicate the shared code and rewrite it with strict type safety.
XState: the Visual Future of State Management
React Summit Remote Edition 2021React Summit Remote Edition 2021
35 min
XState: the Visual Future of State Management
Top Content
This Talk introduces the visual future of state management and how XState is bringing it to reality. It explains the role of reducers in containing application logic and how state machines and state charts provide a visual and mathematically rigorous way to represent behaviors. XState is easily integrable with React and other frameworks, allowing for the management of local, global, and semi-local state. The Talk also highlights new features in XState, such as the use of TypeScript for stronger typing and the introduction of the useSelector hook for improved performance. The future vision includes the combination of diagrams and code, with tools like Stately.ai, and the importance of explicit modeling of application logic using state machines.
By the Power of Headless!
React Summit Remote Edition 2021React Summit Remote Edition 2021
8 min
By the Power of Headless!
Headless CMSs offer freedom of choice in front-end frameworks and backend APIs, focusing on user experience and integration with third-party solutions. They provide a good developer experience and are an important part of the web ecosystem. A headless CMS allows project structuring, technology/API selection, and UI extension. Consider features like translation, workflow setup, content scheduling, editing experience, and integration capabilities when choosing a CMS.
Next.js — The Hybrid Architecture (SSG/SSR) for Web Developer Modernization and Scaling React
React Summit Remote Edition 2021React Summit Remote Edition 2021
31 min
Next.js — The Hybrid Architecture (SSG/SSR) for Web Developer Modernization and Scaling React
Top Content
Today's Talk discussed the impact of Core Web Vitals on SEO and website performance. Strategies for improving Core Web Vitals include using Next.js, optimizing images and fonts, and measuring performance with tools like Google Lighthouse. The hybrid approach of Next.js allows for flexibility in rendering applications. Recent releases of Next.js have focused on performance improvements. Next.js Commerce offers an all-in-one starter kit for e-commerce. Vercel provides a tool for measuring real user experiences and identifying potential causes of performance issues.
Streamlining the Component Creation Process
React Summit Remote Edition 2021React Summit Remote Edition 2021
9 min
Streamlining the Component Creation Process
Slice Machine is a development workflow that allows for the creation of reusable sections of a website. The Talk covers the process of adding a map slice to an existing Next.js website and building the component. It also discusses styling the map slice, publishing changes, and triggering a rebuild. The summary highlights the key points of the Talk in a concise manner.
Platform-powered: Building a Frontend Platform to Scale as Fast as You Do 🚀
React Summit Remote Edition 2021React Summit Remote Edition 2021
34 min
Platform-powered: Building a Frontend Platform to Scale as Fast as You Do 🚀
Lyft has developed a next-generation microservice platform called Lyft Service, built on Next.js. They use a plugin system to reuse code and keep their stack modern. The plugin system allows for easy packaging and delivery of application functionality. Lyft has a structured approach to migrations and versioning, ensuring seamless upgrades. The success of the platform is attributed to organizational and cultural processes, as well as buy-in from senior leadership.
React on the Blockchain - the Missing Getting Started Guide
React Summit Remote Edition 2021React Summit Remote Edition 2021
32 min
React on the Blockchain - the Missing Getting Started Guide
Today's talk is a guide to developing on the blockchain using Solidity and React. It covers the basics of blockchain, Ethereum, and smart contracts. Interacting with the blockchain involves submitting transactions and solving cryptographic puzzles. Smart contracts can be written in Solidity and tested using the Remix Web IDE. To connect to the Ethereum blockchain, you can run a local node or use an Ethereum node provider. Setting up the development environment involves installing Node.js, Python, Truffle, and MetaMask. Working with Web3 allows for interacting with contracts. The blockchain provides transparency and decentralized networks for use cases like decentralized finance.
Building Accessible React Components
React Summit Remote Edition 2021React Summit Remote Edition 2021
34 min
Building Accessible React Components
Today's Talk focused on accessibility in web apps, covering topics such as WCAG guidelines, handling required fields and field formats, error handling and disabled buttons, and the importance of DOM and visual order. The Talk also discussed the accessibility of hidden elements and links, the impact of animations on accessibility, and the use of development tools for accessibility testing. The Q&A session addressed questions about asterisks in required fields, date inputs, and automated testing tools. Overall, the Talk emphasized the importance of building web apps that are accessible to all users.
Remote Rendering with Web Workers
React Summit Remote Edition 2021React Summit Remote Edition 2021
32 min
Remote Rendering with Web Workers
Today's Talk discussed the development of Argo, a framework for remote rendering of content within Shopify's apps. The core concepts include creating a JavaScript sandbox, implementing a remote procedure call layer, and using proxies. The Talk explored the end-to-end flow of rendering content, the construction of the worker script, the rendering of UI components, and the advantages of remote rendering for security and flexibility. The Talk also touched on the challenges faced and the open-source nature of the project.
Lessons Learnt from Building Interactive React Applications
React Summit Remote Edition 2021React Summit Remote Edition 2021
35 min
Lessons Learnt from Building Interactive React Applications
Animations can enhance the user experience and provide context in interface design. Using frame and motion in React can create smooth fade-in effects and improve navigation. Optimistic updates and instant comment appearance can eliminate waiting time and improve user experience. Motion can be used in multiple ways to give context and enhance user experience. Accessibility and performance should be considered when implementing animations. Choosing the right library, such as frame of motion or React Spring, can simplify animation implementation. Animations can enhance perceived performance and influence users' perception of speed.
Internationalizing React
React Summit Remote Edition 2021React Summit Remote Edition 2021
29 min
Internationalizing React
The Talk discusses the challenges of adding and maintaining new languages in a React application and suggests ways to make the process easier. It defines internationalization as the process of architecting an application for localization and explains that localization involves adapting the content and experience for a specific locale. The speaker recommends using libraries for internationalization and provides resources for learning more about the topic. The Talk also addresses edge cases and difficulties with multiple dialects or languages, translation processes, and right-to-left CSS libraries.
Scaling Components Across Multiple Frameworks
React Summit Remote Edition 2021React Summit Remote Edition 2021
25 min
Scaling Components Across Multiple Frameworks
The Talk discusses how Stencil, a low-level compiler, helps generate and maintain reusable components that work across different frameworks. Stencil enables the creation of self-contained applications by relying on existing web APIs within the browser. It allows components to work in different frameworks without maintaining multiple code bases. The speaker highlights the usefulness of web components and how they can benefit different use cases. Stencil solves the problem of maintaining one code base while working everywhere, making it worth exploring for those in similar situations.
Creating Videos Programmatically in React
React Summit Remote Edition 2021React Summit Remote Edition 2021
34 min
Creating Videos Programmatically in React
The Talk discusses the use of ReMotion, a library that allows for declarative video creation in React. It covers the process of creating videos, animating elements, and rendering multiple compositions. The Talk also mentions the features of ReMotion, such as audio support and server-side rendering. ReMotion 2.0 introduces audio support and the possibility of live streaming. The Talk concludes by highlighting the frustration with existing video editing tools and the integration of existing videos into ReMotion projects.
Using Rollbar in React
React Summit Remote Edition 2021React Summit Remote Edition 2021
8 min
Using Rollbar in React
Rollbar is a leader in continuous code improvement, offering industry-leading grouping technology and real-time performance to turn error messages into actionable items. The new Rollbar for React SDK introduces a new way to initialize Rollbar using the Provider component and an error boundary for automatically capturing and logging React errors. The Rollbar React SDK provides multiple ways to set the rollbar context and customize its behavior. Attendees are encouraged to provide feedback on the Rollbar React SDK source code and sign up for an extended trial period using the provided URL and promo code.
Understand and Visualize your Data with InfluxDB Cloud
React Summit Remote Edition 2021React Summit Remote Edition 2021
7 min
Understand and Visualize your Data with InfluxDB Cloud
Christina Robinson introduces InfluxDB and Giraffe, a JavaScript library for visualizing timestamp data. Giraffe supports various visualizations and can be used in external applications. Data can be imported into Giraffe using Flux queries via the REST API. The plot is the base entity for visualization in Giraffe, requiring CSV data and a layers object to specify the plot type and properties.
Setting Up Feature Flags with React
React Summit Remote Edition 2021React Summit Remote Edition 2021
7 min
Setting Up Feature Flags with React
This Talk discusses setting up feature flags with React, which allows for controlled rollouts of new features. Feature flags provide more control without touching the source code and can target specific users or types of users. In React, feature flags can be created and configured using Split.io. Different treatments can be applied to determine if a feature should be shown. Feature flagging provides control and flexibility in development.
Road to a Better UX with Suspense and Concurrent UI
React Summit Remote Edition 2021React Summit Remote Edition 2021
9 min
Road to a Better UX with Suspense and Concurrent UI
This talk explores how React Suspense and Concurrent mode can enhance the user experience by controlling loading areas, prefetching data, and reducing loading time. It demonstrates how UseTransition can remove unnecessary loaders by skipping the loading state if data arrives within a specified time. The speaker advises using these experimental features in personal projects rather than enterprise applications. The talk concludes with an invitation to join the journey at Postman and thanks to the organizers, sponsors, speakers, and audience for making the conference a success.
Draft.js, Editor.js, Slate.js: Choosing the Best Text Editor for Your React Project
React Summit Remote Edition 2021React Summit Remote Edition 2021
8 min
Draft.js, Editor.js, Slate.js: Choosing the Best Text Editor for Your React Project
Top Content
Welcome to my session on DraftJS, EditJS, and SlideJS. We will discuss their strengths and data model, focusing on React's component and prop model. We will evaluate the editors based on their sustainability, funding, support, maturity, license, editor features, release cycle, data structure, ecosystem, browser support, usage, and GitHub stars. The first editor we'll discuss is Draft.js, which is used by Facebook Messenger, comments, status posts, and the Facebook Notes app. It's funded and supported by Facebook, has a version of 0.11.7, and requires custom code for additional features. The license is MIT. It's a bare metal, in terms of features. The release cycle is semantic version. The data structure is JSON. It's used by 83,000 packages and has 20,000 stars. The data model is made up of blocks with text and entities. It supports various editor features including block styles, inline styles, undo/redo, paste, lists, nested lists, media, and links. Editor.js is a block-based editor written in vanilla JavaScript. It has a 2.19 release, Apache 2.0 license, and a semver release cycle. The data structure is JSON, and there are numerous plugins available. It has 1,500 packages using it and 15,000 stars. The editor features include block styles, inline styles, undo/redo, paste, lists, nested blocks, media, and links.
Complex React Migration: New Solutions to Old Codebase Problems
React Summit Remote Edition 2021React Summit Remote Edition 2021
32 min
Complex React Migration: New Solutions to Old Codebase Problems
This Talk discusses the challenges of dealing with legacy code and the benefits of partnerships in software development. It highlights the case study of ServingMonkey and Rango, showcasing the solutions implemented to modernize their code bases. The talk emphasizes the importance of three-tiered architecture and collective ownership in achieving sustainable changes. It also addresses the challenges of migrating to new technologies and the need to consider business value when making technology decisions. The talk concludes with insights on preventing code from becoming legacy and the benefits of code migration and collaboration.
Test Kitchen: A Recipe for Good Tests
React Summit Remote Edition 2021React Summit Remote Edition 2021
29 min
Test Kitchen: A Recipe for Good Tests
Iris, a software engineer, shares her cooking journey and invites others to share recipes on Twitter. She discusses testing guidelines, emphasizing the importance of automated tests that inspire confidence and run all the time. Iris provides tips for faster and more effective testing, including running tests in parallel and focusing on behavior. She also highlights the importance of making tests robust, readable, and maintainable. Finally, Iris emphasizes the value of testing, predictive tests, and audience preferences in software development.
Turning the Cloud Inside Out
React Summit Remote Edition 2021React Summit Remote Edition 2021
36 min
Turning the Cloud Inside Out
Today's Talk discusses turning the cloud inside out using GraphQL, highlighting its benefits such as type validation, real-time capabilities, and query efficiency. It explores the use of GraphQL as an API gateway, particularly in the context of microservices, third-party APIs, and blockchain. The talk also covers the efficient indexing and cloud integration offered by GraphQL, as well as building cloud APIs with AWS using API Gateway and AWS AppSync. It concludes with insights on deploying GraphQL APIs with tools like Amplify and CDK, and creating GraphQL APIs backed by Lambda and DynamoDB.
API-first Development with Headless WordPress
React Summit Remote Edition 2021React Summit Remote Edition 2021
33 min
API-first Development with Headless WordPress
This Talk discusses API-first development with headless WordPress, highlighting its benefits and the availability of resources. It explores the use of plugins and frameworks like WPGraphQL and the headless framework from WP Engine to create custom post types and make GraphQL calls. The Talk also covers building websites, querying and caching data, deploying apps with the Atlas platform, and improving user experience. It touches on authentication, efficiency, backend resources, and WooCommerce integration in headless WordPress, as well as WordPress accessibility and SEO optimization.
Remember CSS Sprites? Let's Do That with Video!
React Summit Remote Edition 2021React Summit Remote Edition 2021
7 min
Remember CSS Sprites? Let's Do That with Video!
Today's Talk discusses the use of video sprites to optimize video playback. Video sprites, similar to CSS sprites, allow for the selection of specific parts of an image. By combining multiple videos into one and selecting the desired one, video synchronization can be enhanced, and viewers can choose different camera angles in live events. The implementation involves dividing the video into quadrants, allowing viewers to select which quadrant they want to watch for synchronized feeds and a shared audio stream.